Example #1
    def run_line_search_bs(self, g, x0, step_sizes, k_factors):
    runs the line search algorithm with
    brackets and sectioning

        print("--Line search with brackets and sectioning--")

        # check input - integer
        if isinstance(step_sizes, (int, float)):
            print("sorry list is requirde")

        # check input - equal len
        if len(step_sizes) != len(k_factors):
            print("parameter length are not equal")

        # print header
            "params:\t | s \t| k \t| f(a) \t\t| f(b) \t\t| f(b)-f(a) \t| a \t\t| b \t\t| b-a \t\t| f-calls \t| x_min \t|"

        # list for printing
        table_list = np.empty((0, 10))

        # run over param list
        for s, k in zip(step_sizes, k_factors):

            # get the brackets
            a, b, f_calls_b, a_list, b_list = get_brackets(
                self.fx, g, x0, s, k)

            # sectioning
            xs, sec_list, f_calls_s = sectioning(a, b)

            # update list
            table_list = np.vstack(
                (table_list, (s, k, self.fx(a), self.fx(b),
                              self.fx(b) - self.fx(a), str(a), str(b),
                              str(b - a), f_calls_b, str(xs))))

            # for printing of numpy arrays -> precision

            # print stuff
            print("results: | {:.2f}\t| {:d}\t".format(s, k) +
                  "| {:.4f}\t| {:.4f}\t".format(float(self.fx(a)),
                                                float(self.fx(b))) +
                  "| {:.4f}\t| {}\t| {} \t".format(
                      float(self.fx(a) - self.fx(b)), a, b) +
                  "| {}\t| {:d}\t\t| {}\t|".format(b - a, f_calls_b, xs))

        header = [
            'step size s', 'mult. factor k', 'f(a)', 'f(b)', 'f(b)-f(a)', 'a',
            'b', 'b-a', 'function calls', 'x min'

        # make table
        np_table(self.name, table_list, header=header)
Example #2
def vary_param_dsr(input_filename, epsilon, filter_size):

    downsample_ratios = np.array([4, 8])

    psnr = np.empty((0, 2), float)

    for downsample_ratio in downsample_ratios:

      # Prepare Images
      input_img, guidance_img, initial_img = prepare_imgs(input_filename, downsample_ratio)

      # approach (1):
      filtered_img_1 = guided_upsampling(resize(input_img, guidance_img.shape), guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # approach (2):
      filtered_img_2 = guided_upsampling(input_img, guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # Calculate PSNR
      psnr_filtered_1 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_1, initial_img)
      psnr_filtered_2 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_2, initial_img)

      psnr = np.vstack((psnr, np.array([psnr_filtered_1, psnr_filtered_2])))

    psnr = np.transpose(psnr)

    # print table
    np_table('vary-dsr_eps-' + str(epsilon) + '_filter_size-' + str(filter_size), psnr, ('dsr', 'dsr'), downsample_ratios)
Example #3
def vary_param_epsilon(input_img, guidance_img, filter_size):

    epsilons = np.array([0.1, 0.01, 0.001])

    psnr = np.empty((0, 2), float)

    for epsilon in epsilons:

      # approach (1):
      filtered_img_1 = guided_upsampling(resize(input_img, guidance_img.shape), guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # approach (2):
      filtered_img_2 = guided_upsampling(input_img, guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # Calculate PSNR
      psnr_filtered_1 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_1, initial_img)
      psnr_filtered_2 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_2, initial_img)

      psnr = np.vstack((psnr, np.array([psnr_filtered_1, psnr_filtered_2])))

    psnr = np.transpose(psnr)

    # print table
    np_table('psnr1', psnr, ('eps', 'eps', 'eps'), epsilons)
Example #4
def vary_param_filter_size(input_img, guidance_img, epsilon, downsample_ratio):

    filter_sizes = np.array([9, 33, 129])

    psnr = np.empty((0, 2), float)

    for filter_size in filter_sizes:

      # approach (1):
      filtered_img_1 = guided_upsampling(resize(input_img, guidance_img.shape), guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # approach (2):
      filtered_img_2 = guided_upsampling(input_img, guidance_img, filter_size, epsilon)

      # Calculate PSNR
      psnr_filtered_1 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_1, initial_img)
      psnr_filtered_2 = compute_psnr(filtered_img_2, initial_img)

      psnr = np.vstack((psnr, np.array([psnr_filtered_1, psnr_filtered_2])))

    psnr = np.transpose(psnr)

    # print table
    np_table('vary-filter_size_eps-' + str(epsilon) + 'dsr-' + str(downsample_ratio), psnr, ('fsize', 'fsize', 'fsize'), filter_sizes)
Example #5
        print("---Performance Measure\n")
        print("Precision: [{:.2f}] | Recall: [{:.2f}] | F-measure: [{:.2f}]".
              format(score[0], score[1], score[2]))

        # list
        score_list = np.array(score)

        for p in range(len(part_times) - 1):
            # score measure
            score = score_onset_detection(onset_times,
                                                         part_times[p + 1]))
            score_list = np.vstack((score_list, np.array(score)))

            # print performance
                "Precision: [{:.2f}] | Recall: [{:.2f}] | F-measure: [{:.2f}]".
                format(score[0], score[1], score[2]))

        # table header
        header = ['Precision', 'Recall', 'F-measure']

        # write results in table
        np_table('results', score_list, header=header)

        # --
        # awesome plot
        #awesome_plot(x, fs, N, hop, c, thresh, anno, tolerance, onset_times, file_name)