def testSocket(self): """! Test socket @param self @return none """ node = internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(node) self._received_packet = None def rx_callback(socket): """! Receive Callback @param socket the socket to receive @return none """ assert self._received_packet is None self._received_packet = socket.Recv(maxSize=UINT32_MAX, flags=0) sink =, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) sink.Bind(, 80)) sink.SetRecvCallback(rx_callback) source =, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) source.SendTo(, 0,""), 80)) Simulator.Run() self.assertTrue(self._received_packet is not None) self.assertEqual(self._received_packet.GetSize(), 19)
def testSocket(self): node = internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(node) self._received_packet = None def rx_callback(socket): assert self._received_packet is None self._received_packet = socket.Recv() sink = node, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) sink.Bind(, 80)) sink.SetRecvCallback(rx_callback) source = node, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) source.SendTo(, 0,""), 80)) Simulator.Run() self.assert_(self._received_packet is not None) self.assertEqual(self._received_packet.GetSize(), 19)
def main(argv): cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.Parse(argv) ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind("SimulatorImplementationType", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl")) print "Create nodes." n = n.Create(4) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(n) print ("Create channels.") csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute("DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))); csma.SetDeviceAttribute("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue(1400)) d = csma.Install(n) print ("Assign IP Addresses.") ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i = ipv4.Assign(d) print ("Create Applications.") port = 9 server = ns.applications.UdpEchoServerHelper(port) apps = server.Install(n.Get(1)) apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) packetSize = 1024 maxPacketCount = 500 interPacketInterval = ns.core.Seconds(0.01) client = ns.applications.UdpEchoClientHelper(i.GetAddress (1), port) client.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue(maxPacketCount)) client.SetAttribute("Interval", ns.core.TimeValue(interPacketInterval)) client.SetAttribute("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(packetSize)) apps = client.Install(n.Get(0)) apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(2.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) ascii = csma.EnableAsciiAll(ascii.CreateFileStream("")) csma.EnablePcapAll("realtime-udp-echo", False) print ("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() print ("Done.")
def main(argv): sfqLinkDataRate = "1.5Mbps" sfqLinkDelay = "20ms" pathOut = "." writeForPlot = "" writePcap = "" flowMonitor = "" printSfqStats = True global_start_time = 0.0 sink_start_time = global_start_time client_start_time = global_start_time + 1.5 global_stop_time = 7.0 sink_stop_time = global_stop_time + 3.0 client_stop_time = global_stop_time - 2.0 pathOut = "." # Current directory cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.AddValue( "pathOut", "Path to save results from --writeForPlot/--writePcap/--writeFlowMonitor", pathOut) cmd.AddValue("writeForPlot", "<0/1> to write results for plot (gnuplot)", writeForPlot) cmd.AddValue("writePcap", "<0/1> to write results in pcapfile", writePcap) cmd.AddValue("writeFlowMonitor", "<0/1> to enable Flow Monitor and write their results", flowMonitor) cmd.Parse(sys.argv) print("Create nodes") c = c.Create(6) ns.core.Names.Add("N0", c.Get(0)) ns.core.Names.Add("N1", c.Get(1)) ns.core.Names.Add("N2", c.Get(2)) ns.core.Names.Add("N3", c.Get(3)) ns.core.Names.Add("N4", c.Get(4)) ns.core.Names.Add("N5", c.Get(5)) n0n2 =, n1n2 =, n2n3 =, n3n4 =, n3n5 =, ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::TcpNewReno")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpSocket::SegmentSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(1000 - 42)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpSocket::DelAckCount", ns.core.UintegerValue(1)) ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind("ChecksumEnabled", ns.core.BooleanValue(False)) print("Set SFQ params") ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::SfqQueueDisc::Interval", ns.core.StringValue("100ms")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::SfqQueueDisc::Target", ns.core.StringValue("5ms")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::SfqQueueDisc::PacketLimit", ns.core.UintegerValue(10 * 1024)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::SfqQueueDisc::Flows", ns.core.UintegerValue(1024)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::SfqQueueDisc::DropBatchSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(64)) print("Install internet stack on all nodes.") internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(c) tchPfifo = ns.traffic_control.TrafficControlHelper() handle = tchPfifo.SetRootQueueDisc("ns3::PfifoFastQueueDisc") tchPfifo.AddInternalQueues(handle, 3, "ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxPackets", UintegerValue(10 * 1024)) tchSfq = ns.traffic_control.TrafficControlHelper() tchSfq.SetRootQueueDisc("ns3::SfqQueueDisc") tchSfq.AddPacketFilter(handle, "ns3::SfqIpv4PacketFilter") tchSfq.AddPacketFilter(handle, "ns3::SfqIpv6PacketFilter") print("Create channels") p2p = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() devn0n2 = devn1n2 = devn2n3 = queueDiscs = ns.traffic_control.QueueDiscContainer() p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("2ms")) devn0n2 = p2p.Install(n0n2) tchPfifo.Install(devn0n2) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("3ms")) devn1n2 = p2p.Install(n1n2) tchPfifo.Install(devn1n2) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue(sfqLinkDataRate)) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue(sfqLinkDelay)) devn2n3 = p2p.Install(n2n3) queueDiscs = tchSfq.Install(devn2n3) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("4ms")) devn3n4 = p2p.Install(n3n4) tchPfifo.Install(devn3n4) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("5ms")) devn3n5 = p2p.Install(n3n5) tchPfifo.Install(devn3n5) print("Assign IP Addresses") ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i0i2 = ipv4.Assign(devn0n2) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i1i2 = ipv4.Assign(devn1n2) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i2i3 = ipv4.Assign(devn2n3) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i3i4 = ipv4.Assign(devn3n4) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i3i5 = ipv4.Assign(devn3n5) ns.internet.Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper.PopulateRoutingTables() BuildAppsTest() if (writePcap): ptp = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() print pathOut + "/sfq" ptp.EnablePcapAll(c_str()) if (flowMonitor): flowmonHelper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper flowmon = flowmonHelper.InstallAll() if (writeForPlot): print pathOut + "/sfq-queue-disc.plotme" print pathOut + "/sfq-queue-disc_avg.plotme" queue = queueDiscs.Get(0) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(sink_stop_time)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() st = ns.traffic_control.QueueDisc.Stats() st = queueDiscs.Get(0).GetStats() if (flowMonitor): stmp = pathOut + "/pie.flowmon" flowmon.SerializeToXmlFile(stmp.c_str(), False, False) ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(argv): cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.NumNodesSide = None cmd.AddValue( "NumNodesSide", "Grid side number of nodes (total number of nodes will be this number squared)" ) cmd.Results = None cmd.AddValue("Results", "Write XML results to file") cmd.Plot = None cmd.AddValue("Plot", "Plot the results using the matplotlib python module") cmd.Parse(argv) wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper.Default() wifiMac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid("wifi-default") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ArfWifiManager") wifiMac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid)) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() list_routing = ns.internet.Ipv4ListRoutingHelper() olsr_routing = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() static_routing = ns.internet.Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper() list_routing.Add(static_routing, 0) list_routing.Add(olsr_routing, 100) internet.SetRoutingHelper(list_routing) ipv4Addresses = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4Addresses.SetBase(""),"")) port = 9 # Discard port(RFC 863) onOffHelper = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",""), port))) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "DataRate","100kbps"))) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) addresses = [] nodes = [] if cmd.NumNodesSide is None: num_nodes_side = NUM_NODES_SIDE else: num_nodes_side = int(cmd.NumNodesSide) for xi in range(num_nodes_side): for yi in range(num_nodes_side): node = nodes.append(node) internet.Install( mobility = ns.mobility.ConstantPositionMobilityModel() mobility.SetPosition( ns.core.Vector(xi * DISTANCE, yi * DISTANCE, 0)) node.AggregateObject(mobility) devices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, wifiMac, node) ipv4_interfaces = ipv4Addresses.Assign(devices) addresses.append(ipv4_interfaces.GetAddress(0)) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): destaddr = addresses[(len(addresses) - 1 - i) % len(addresses)] #print i, destaddr onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "Remote",, port))) app = onOffHelper.Install( urv = ns.core.UniformRandomVariable() app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(urv.GetValue(20, 30))) #internet.EnablePcapAll("wifi-olsr") flowmon_helper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper() #flowmon_helper.SetMonitorAttribute("StartTime", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(31))) monitor = flowmon_helper.InstallAll() monitor = flowmon_helper.GetMonitor() monitor.SetAttribute("DelayBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("JitterBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("PacketSizeBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(20)) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(44.0)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() def print_stats(os, st): print >> os, " Tx Bytes: ", st.txBytes print >> os, " Rx Bytes: ", st.rxBytes print >> os, " Tx Packets: ", st.txPackets print >> os, " Rx Packets: ", st.rxPackets print >> os, " Lost Packets: ", st.lostPackets if st.rxPackets > 0: print >> os, " Mean{Delay}: ", (st.delaySum.GetSeconds() / st.rxPackets) print >> os, " Mean{Jitter}: ", (st.jitterSum.GetSeconds() / (st.rxPackets - 1)) print >> os, " Mean{Hop Count}: ", float( st.timesForwarded) / st.rxPackets + 1 if 0: print >> os, "Delay Histogram" for i in range(st.delayHistogram.GetNBins()): print >> os, " ",i,"(", st.delayHistogram.GetBinStart (i), "-", \ st.delayHistogram.GetBinEnd (i), "): ", st.delayHistogram.GetBinCount (i) print >> os, "Jitter Histogram" for i in range(st.jitterHistogram.GetNBins()): print >> os, " ",i,"(", st.jitterHistogram.GetBinStart (i), "-", \ st.jitterHistogram.GetBinEnd (i), "): ", st.jitterHistogram.GetBinCount (i) print >> os, "PacketSize Histogram" for i in range(st.packetSizeHistogram.GetNBins()): print >> os, " ",i,"(", st.packetSizeHistogram.GetBinStart (i), "-", \ st.packetSizeHistogram.GetBinEnd (i), "): ", st.packetSizeHistogram.GetBinCount (i) for reason, drops in enumerate(st.packetsDropped): print " Packets dropped by reason %i: %i" % (reason, drops) #for reason, drops in enumerate(st.bytesDropped): # print "Bytes dropped by reason %i: %i" % (reason, drops) monitor.CheckForLostPackets() classifier = flowmon_helper.GetClassifier() if cmd.Results is None: for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats(): t = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) proto = {6: 'TCP', 17: 'UDP'}[t.protocol] print "FlowID: %i (%s %s/%s --> %s/%i)" % \ (flow_id, proto, t.sourceAddress, t.sourcePort, t.destinationAddress, t.destinationPort) print_stats(sys.stdout, flow_stats) else: print monitor.SerializeToXmlFile(cmd.Results, True, True) if cmd.Plot is not None: import pylab delays = [] for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats(): tupl = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) if tupl.protocol == 17 and tupl.sourcePort == 698: continue delays.append(flow_stats.delaySum.GetSeconds() / flow_stats.rxPackets) pylab.hist(delays, 20) pylab.xlabel("Delay (s)") pylab.ylabel("Number of Flows") return 0
def main(argv): ns.core.LogComponentEnable("PieQueueDisc", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) pieLinkDataRate = "1.5Mbps" pieLinkDelay = "20ms" n0n2 = n1n2 = n2n3 = n3n4 = n3n5 = i0i2 = ns.internet.Ipv4InterfaceContainer() i1i2 = ns.internet.Ipv4InterfaceContainer() i2i3 = ns.internet.Ipv4InterfaceContainer() i3i4 = ns.internet.Ipv4InterfaceContainer() i3i5 = ns.internet.Ipv4InterfaceContainer() writeForPlot = 0 writePcap = 0 flowMonitor = 0 printPieStats = 1 global_start_time = 0.0 sink_start_time = global_start_time client_start_time = global_start_time + 1.5 global_stop_time = 7.0 sink_stop_time = global_stop_time + 3.0 client_stop_time = global_stop_time - 2.0 checkTimes = 0 # Configuration and command line parameter parsing # Will only save in the directory if enable opts below pathOut = "." # Current directory cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.isMinstrelPie = 0 cmd.AddValue( "pathOut", "Path to save results from --writeForPlot/--writePcap/--writeFlowMonitor" ) cmd.AddValue("writeForPlot", "<0/1> to write results for plot (gnuplot)") cmd.AddValue("writePcap", "<0/1> to write results in pcapfile") cmd.AddValue("writeFlowMonitor", "<0/1> to enable Flow Monitor and write their results") cmd.AddValue( "isMinstrelPie", "<0/1> to enable/disable Minstrel PIE", ) cmd.Parse(sys.argv) isMinstrelPie = int(cmd.isMinstrelPie) print "Create nodes" c = c.Create(6) ns.core.Names.Add("N0", c.Get(0)) ns.core.Names.Add("N1", c.Get(1)) ns.core.Names.Add("N2", c.Get(2)) ns.core.Names.Add("N3", c.Get(3)) ns.core.Names.Add("N4", c.Get(4)) ns.core.Names.Add("N5", c.Get(5)) n0n2 =, n1n2 =, n2n3 =, n3n4 =, n3n5 =, ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpL4Protocol::SocketType", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::TcpNewReno")) # 42 = headers size ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpSocket::SegmentSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(1000 - 42)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::TcpSocket::DelAckCount", ns.core.UintegerValue(1)) ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind("ChecksumEnabled", ns.core.BooleanValue(0)) meanPktSize = 1000 # PIE params print "Set PIE params" ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::Mode", ns.core.StringValue("QUEUE_DISC_MODE_PACKETS")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::MeanPktSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(meanPktSize)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::DequeueThreshold", ns.core.UintegerValue(10000)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::QueueDelayReference", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(0.02))) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::MaxBurstAllowance", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(0.1))) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::QueueLimit", ns.core.UintegerValue(100)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::PieQueueDisc::MinstrelPIE", ns.core.BooleanValue(isMinstrelPie)) print "Install internet stack on all nodes." internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(c) tchPfifo = ns.traffic_control.TrafficControlHelper() handle = tchPfifo.SetRootQueueDisc("ns3::PfifoFastQueueDisc") tchPfifo.AddInternalQueues(handle, 3, "ns3::DropTailQueue", "MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue(1000)) tchPie = ns.traffic_control.TrafficControlHelper() tchPie.SetRootQueueDisc("ns3::PieQueueDisc") print "Create channels" p2p = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() devn0n2 = devn1n2 = devn2n3 = devn3n4 = devn3n5 = queueDiscs = ns.traffic_control.QueueDiscContainer() p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("2ms")) devn0n2 = p2p.Install(n0n2) tchPfifo.Install(devn0n2) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("3ms")) devn1n2 = p2p.Install(n1n2) tchPfifo.Install(devn1n2) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue(pieLinkDataRate)) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue(pieLinkDelay)) devn2n3 = p2p.Install(n2n3) ## only backbone link has PIE queue disc queueDiscs = tchPie.Install(devn2n3) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("4ms")) devn3n4 = p2p.Install(n3n4) tchPfifo.Install(devn3n4) p2p.SetQueue("ns3::DropTailQueue") p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("10Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("5ms")) devn3n5 = p2p.Install(n3n5) tchPfifo.Install(devn3n5) print "Assign IP Addressess" ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i0i2 = ipv4.Assign(devn0n2) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i1i2 = ipv4.Assign(devn1n2) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i2i3 = ipv4.Assign(devn2n3) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i3i4 = ipv4.Assign(devn3n4) ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i3i5 = ipv4.Assign(devn3n5) #set up the routing ns.internet.Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper.PopulateRoutingTables() def BuildAppsTest(): #SINK is in the right side port = 50000 address =, port) sinkHelper = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", address) sinkApp = sinkApp = sinkHelper.Install(n3n4.Get(1)) sinkApp.Start(ns.core.Seconds(sink_start_time)) sinkApp.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(sink_stop_time)) #Connection 1 # Clients are in left side # Create the OnOff applications to send TCP to the server # onoffhelper is a client that send data to TCP destination clientHelper1 = ns.applications.OnOffHelper("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", clientHelper1.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) clientHelper1.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) clientHelper1.SetAttribute("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(1000)) clientHelper1.SetAttribute( "DataRate","10Mb/s"))) #Connection 2 clientHelper2 = ns.applications.OnOffHelper("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", clientHelper2.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) clientHelper2.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) clientHelper2.SetAttribute("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(1000)) clientHelper2.SetAttribute( "DataRate","10Mb/s"))) clientApps1 = remoteAddress = remoteAddress =, port)) clientHelper1.SetAttribute("Remote", remoteAddress) clientApps1.Add(clientHelper1.Install(n0n2.Get(0))) clientApps1.Start(ns.core.Seconds(client_start_time)) clientApps1.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(client_stop_time)) clientApps2 = remoteAddress =, port)) clientHelper2.SetAttribute("Remote", remoteAddress) clientApps2.Add(clientHelper2.Install(n1n2.Get(0))) clientApps2.Start(ns.core.Seconds(client_start_time)) clientApps2.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(client_stop_time)) BuildAppsTest() if writePcap: ptp = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() print pathOut + "/pie" ptp.EnablePcapAll(c_str()) if flowMonitor: flowmonHelper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper flowmon = flowmonHelper.InstallAll() if writeForPlot: print pathOut + "/pie-queue-disc.plotme" print pathOut + "/pie-queue-disc_avg.plotme" queue = queueDiscs.Get(0) ns.core.Simulator.ScheduleNow(CheckQueueDiscSize, queue) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(sink_stop_time)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() def CheckQueueDiscSize(queue): qSize = queue.GetQueueSize() avgQueueDiscSize = avgQueueDiscSize + qSize checkTimes = checkTimes + 1 #check queue disc size every 1/100 of a second ns.core.Simulator.Schedule(ns.core.Seconds(0.01), ChecckQueueDiscSize, queue) print ns.core.Simulator.Now().GetSeconds() + " " + str(qsize) + "\n" print ns.core.Simulator.Now().GetSeconds() + " " + str( avgQueueDiscSize / checkTimes) + "\n" st = queueDiscs.Get(0).GetStats() if st.GetNDroppedPackets(ns.traffic_control.PieQueueDisc.FORCED_DROP) != 0: print "There should be no drops due to queue full\n" exit(1) if flowMonitor: stmp = pathOut + "/pie.flowmon" flowmon.SerializeToXmlFile(stmp.c_str(), 0, 0) if printPieStats: print "*** PIE stats from Node 2 queue ***" print "\t" + str( st.GetNDroppedPackets(ns.traffic_control.PieQueueDisc.UNFORCED_DROP )) + " drops due to prob mark" + "\n" print "\t" + str( st.GetNDroppedPackets(ns.traffic_control.PieQueueDisc.FORCED_DROP) ) + " drops due to queue limits" + "\n" ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
mac = ns3.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifiHelper.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns3.StringValue("DsssRate1Mbps"), "ControlMode", ns3.StringValue("DsssRate1Mbps")) devices = wifiHelper.Install(wifiPhy,mac,nodes) olsr = ns3.OlsrHelper() #Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container internet=ns3.InternetStackHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper (olsr) internet.Install (nodes) ipAddrss= ns3.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrss.SetBase( ns3.Ipv4Address(""), ns3.Ipv4Mask("")); ipContainer = ipAddrss.Assign(devices); mobility = ns3.MobilityHelper() positionAlloc = ns3.ListPositionAllocator() positionAlloc.Add(ns3.Vector (100,100,0.0)) positionAlloc.Add(ns3.Vector (100,200,0.0)) mobility.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel"); mobility.Install(nodes)
csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.MicroSeconds (200))) nodes = nodes.Create(cmd.MaxNodes) ethInterfaces = internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper () internet.SetTcp ("ns3::NscTcpL4Protocol","Library",ns.core.StringValue("")) ''' this switches nodes 0 and 1 to NSCs Linux 2.6.26 stack. ''' internet.Install (nodes.Get (0)); internet.Install (nodes.Get (1)); ''' this disables TCP SACK, wscale and timestamps on node 1 (the attributes represent sysctl-values) ''' ns.core.Config.Set("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_sack",ns.core.StringValue("0")) ns.core.Config.Set("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps",ns.core.StringValue("0")) ns.core.Config.Set("/NodeList/1/$ns3::Ns3NscStack<linux2.6.26>/net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling",ns.core.StringValue("0")) if MaxNodes > 2 : internet.Install(nodes.Get(2)) if MaxNodes > 3 : '''
def main(argv): # # Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above Bind() at # run-time, via command-line arguments # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.Parse(argv) # # But since this is a realtime script, don't allow the user to mess with # that. # ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind("SimulatorImplementationType", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl")) # # Explicitly create the nodes required by the topology (shown above). # print "Create nodes." n = n.Create(4) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(n) # # Explicitly create the channels required by the topology (shown above). # print("Create channels.") csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) csma.SetDeviceAttribute("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue(1400)) d = csma.Install(n) # # We've got the "hardware" in place. Now we need to add IP addresses. # print("Assign IP Addresses.") ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i = ipv4.Assign(d) print("Create Applications.") # # Create a UdpEchoServer application on node one. # port = 9 # well-known echo port number server = ns.applications.UdpEchoServerHelper(port) apps = server.Install(n.Get(1)) apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) # # Create a UdpEchoClient application to send UDP datagrams from node zero to # node one. # packetSize = 1024 maxPacketCount = 500 interPacketInterval = ns.core.Seconds(0.01) client = ns.applications.UdpEchoClientHelper(i.GetAddress(1), port) client.SetAttribute("MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue(maxPacketCount)) client.SetAttribute("Interval", ns.core.TimeValue(interPacketInterval)) client.SetAttribute("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue(packetSize)) apps = client.Install(n.Get(0)) apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(2.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) ascii = csma.EnableAsciiAll(ascii.CreateFileStream("")) csma.EnablePcapAll("realtime-udp-echo", False) # # Now, do the actual simulation. # print("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() print("Done.")
wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate54Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, wifiNodes) # # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container # internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(wifiNodes) # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(wifiDevices) #mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() #mobility.SetPositionAllocator("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", # "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), # "MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), # "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), # "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0),
def main(argv): ns.core.LogComponentEnable("UdpClient", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) ns.core.LogComponentEnable("UdpServer", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) cmd = ns.core.CommandLine () cmd.useIpv6 = "False" cmd.AddValue ("useIpv6", "Use Ipv6") cmd.Parse (argv) print "Create nodes." n = () n.Create (2) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper () internet.Install (n) print "Create channels." csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper () csma.SetChannelAttribute ("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("5000000")) csma.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.MilliSeconds (2))) csma.SetDeviceAttribute ("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue (1400)) d = csma.Install (n) print "Assign IP Addresses." if (cmd.useIpv6 == "False"): ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper () ipv4.SetBase ( (""), ("")) i = ipv4.Assign (d) serverAddress = (i.GetAddress (1)) else: ipv6 = ns.internet.Ipv6AddressHelper () ipv6.SetBase ( ("2001:0000:f00d:cafe::"), (64)) i6 = ipv6.Assign (d) serverAddress = (i6.GetAddress (1, 1)) print "Create Applications." port = 4000 server = ns.applications.UdpEchoServerHelper (port) serverapps = server.Install (n.Get (1)) serverapps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (1.0)) serverapps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) MaxPacketSize = 1024; interPacketInterval = ns.core.Seconds (0.05) maxPacketCount = 320; client = ns.applications.UdpEchoClientHelper ( serverAddress, port) client.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue (maxPacketCount)) client.SetAttribute ("Interval", ns.core.TimeValue (interPacketInterval)) client.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue (MaxPacketSize)) clientapps = client.Install (n.Get (0)) serverapps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (2.0)) serverapps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) ascii = () csma.EnableAsciiAll (ascii.CreateFileStream ("")) csma.EnablePcapAll ("udp-client-serv", False) print "Run Simulation." ns.core.Simulator.Run () ns.core.Simulator.Destroy () print "Done."
def main(argv): backboneNodes = 10 infraNodes = 5 lanNodes = 5 stopTime = 10 ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("210")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("448kb/s")) cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.Parse(argv) backbone = backbone.Create(backboneNodes) wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate54Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) backboneDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, backbone) print "Enabling OLSR routing on all backbone nodes" internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper(olsr); internet.Install(backbone); internet.Reset() ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(backboneDevices) mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() positionAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() x = 0.0 for i in range(backboneNodes): positionAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(x, 0.0, 0.0)) x += 5.0 mobility.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(0, 1000, 0, 1000)), "Speed", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(2000)), "Pause", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0.2))) mobility.Install(backbone) ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print "Configuring local area network for backbone node ", i newLanNodes = newLanNodes.Create(lanNodes - 1) lan =, newLanNodes) csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute("DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) lanDevices = csma.Install(lan) internet.Install(newLanNodes) ipAddrs.Assign(lanDevices) ipAddrs.NewNetwork() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print "Configuring wireless network for backbone node ", i stas = stas.Create(infraNodes - 1) infra =, stas) ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid('wifi-infra' + str(i)) wifiInfra = ns.wifi.WifiHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiInfra.SetRemoteStationManager('ns3::ArfWifiManager') macInfra = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default(); macInfra.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "ActiveProbing", ns.core.BooleanValue(False)) staDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, stas) macInfra.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "BeaconGeneration", ns.core.BooleanValue(True), "BeaconInterval", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(2.5))) apDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, backbone.Get(i)) infraDevices =, staDevices) internet.Install(stas) ipAddrs.Assign(infraDevices) ipAddrs.NewNetwork() subnetAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(infra.GetN()): subnetAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, j, 0.0)) mobility.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobility.SetPositionAllocator(subnetAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-25, 25, -25, 25)), "Speed", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(30)), "Pause", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0.4))) mobility.Install(infra) print "Create Applications." port = 9 assert(lanNodes >= 5) appSource = appSink = remoteAddr ="") onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper("ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) onoff.SetAttribute("OnTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(1))) onoff.SetAttribute("OffTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0))) apps = onoff.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(20.0)) sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper("ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port)) apps = sink.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3.0)) print "Configure Tracing." print "(tracing not done for Python)" wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", backboneDevices) csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.EnablePcapAll("mixed-wireless", False) print "Run Simulation." ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(argv): numUes = 1 numEnbs = 2 numBearersPerUe = 0 distance = 500.0 # m yForUe = 500.0 # m speed = 20.0 # m/s simTime = float(numEnbs + 1) * distance / speed # 1500 m / 20 m/s = 75 secs enbTxPowerDbm = 46.0 # Enable logging ns.core.LogComponentEnable("A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_LOGIC) # change some default attributes so that they are reasonable for # this scenario, but do this before processing command line # arguments, so that the user is allowed to override these settings #ns.core.Config.SetDefault ("ns3::UdpClient::Interval", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.MilliSeconds (10))) #ns.core.Config.SetDefault ("ns3::UdpClient::MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue (1000000)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::LteHelper::UseIdealRrc", ns.core.BooleanValue(1)) # Command line arguments #cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() #cmd.AddValue ("simTime", "Total duration of the simulation (in seconds)", simTime) #cmd.AddValue ("speed", "Speed of the UE (default = 20 m/s)", speed); #cmd.AddValue ("enbTxPowerDbm", "TX power [dBm] used by HeNBs (default = 46.0)", enbTxPowerDbm) #cmd.Parse(argv) lteHelper = ns.lte.LteHelper() epcHelper = ns.lte.PointToPointEpcHelper() lteHelper.SetEpcHelper(epcHelper) lteHelper.SetSchedulerType("ns3::RrFfMacScheduler") lteHelper.SetHandoverAlgorithmType("ns3::A2A4RsrqHandoverAlgorithm") lteHelper.SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute("ServingCellThreshold", ns.core.UintegerValue(30)) lteHelper.SetHandoverAlgorithmAttribute("NeighbourCellOffset", ns.core.UintegerValue(1)) pgw = epcHelper.GetPgwNode() # Create a single RemoteHost remoteHostContainer = remoteHostContainer.Create(1) remoteHost = remoteHostContainer.Get(0) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(remoteHostContainer) # Create the Internet p2ph = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute( "DataRate","100Gb/s"))) p2ph.SetDeviceAttribute("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue(1500)) p2ph.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(0.010))) internetDevices = p2ph.Install(pgw, remoteHost) ipv4h = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4h.SetBase(""),"")) internetIpIfaces = ipv4h.Assign(internetDevices) remoteHostAddr = internetIpIfaces.GetAddress(1) # Routing of the Internet Host (towards the LTE network) ipv4RoutingHelper = ns.internet.Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper() remoteHostStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting( remoteHost.GetObject(ns.internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId())) # interface 0 is localhost, 1 is the p2p device remoteHostStaticRouting.AddNetworkRouteTo(""),""), 1) # * Network topology: # * # * | + ---------------------------------------------------------> # * | UE # * | # * | d d d # * y | |-------------------x-------------------x------------------- # * | | eNodeB eNodeB # * | d | # * | | # * | | d = distance # * o (0, 0, 0) y = yForUe enbNodes = ueNodes = enbNodes.Create(numEnbs) ueNodes.Create(numUes) # Install Mobility Model in eNB enbPositionAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for i in range(0, numEnbs): enbPosition = ns.core.Vector(distance * (i + 1), distance, 0) enbPositionAlloc.Add(enbPosition) enbMobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() enbMobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") enbMobility.SetPositionAllocator(enbPositionAlloc) enbMobility.Install(enbNodes) # Install Mobility Model in UE ueMobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() ueMobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantVelocityMobilityModel") ueMobility.Install(ueNodes) ueNodes.Get(0).GetObject( ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId()).SetPosition( ns.core.Vector(0, yForUe, 0)) ueNodes.Get(0).GetObject( ns.mobility.ConstantVelocityMobilityModel.GetTypeId()).SetVelocity( ns.core.Vector(speed, 0, 0)) # Install LTE Devices in eNB and UEs ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::LteEnbPhy::TxPower", ns.core.DoubleValue(enbTxPowerDbm)) enbLteDevs = lteHelper.InstallEnbDevice(enbNodes) ueLteDevs = lteHelper.InstallUeDevice(ueNodes) # Install the IP stack on the UEs internet.Install(ueNodes) ueIpIfaces = epcHelper.AssignUeIpv4Address(ueLteDevs) # Attach all UEs to the first eNodeB for i in range(0, numUes): lteHelper.Attach(ueLteDevs.Get(i), enbLteDevs.Get(0)) # NS_LOG_LOGIC ("setting up applications"); # Install and start applications on UEs and remote host dlPort = 10000 ulPort = 20000 # randomize a bit start times to avoid simulation artifacts # (e.g., buffer overflows due to packet transmissions happening # exactly at the same time) startTimeSeconds = ns.core.UniformRandomVariable() startTimeSeconds.SetAttribute("Min", ns.core.DoubleValue(0)) startTimeSeconds.SetAttribute("Max", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.010)) for u in range(0, numUes): ue = ueNodes.Get(u) ueTmpContainer = ueTmpContainer.Add(ue) # Set the default gateway for the UE ueStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting( ue.GetObject(ns.internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId())) ueStaticRouting.SetDefaultRoute(epcHelper.GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress(), 1) for b in range(0, numBearersPerUe): dlPort += 1 ulPort += 1 clientApps = serverApps = # NS_LOG_LOGIC ("installing UDP DL app for UE " << u); dlClientHelper = ns.applications.UdpClientHelper( ueIpIfaces.GetAddress(u), dlPort) clientApps.Add(dlClientHelper.Install(remoteHostContainer)) dlPacketSinkHelper = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", \ ( (), dlPort)) serverApps.Add(dlPacketSinkHelper.Install(ueTmpContainer)) # NS_LOG_LOGIC ("installing UDP UL app for UE " << u); # ulClientHelper = ns.applications.UdpClientHelper(remoteHostAddr, ulPort) # clientApps.Add (ulClientHelper.Install (ueTmpContainer)) # ulPacketSinkHelper = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", \ # ( (), ulPort)) # serverApps.Add (ulPacketSinkHelper.Install (remoteHostContainer)) tft = ns.lte.EpcTft() dlpf = ns.lte.EpcTft.PacketFilter() dlpf.localPortStart = dlPort dlpf.localPortEnd = dlPort tft.Add(dlpf) ulpf = ns.lte.EpcTft.PacketFilter() ulpf.remotePortStart = ulPort ulpf.remotePortEnd = ulPort tft.Add(ulpf) bearer = ns.lte.EpsBearer(ns.lte.EpsBearer.NGBR_VIDEO_TCP_DEFAULT) lteHelper.ActivateDedicatedEpsBearer(ueLteDevs.Get(u), bearer, tft) startTime = ns.core.Seconds(startTimeSeconds.GetValue()) serverApps.Start(startTime) clientApps.Start(startTime) # Add X2 interface lteHelper.AddX2Interface(enbNodes) lteHelper.EnablePhyTraces() lteHelper.EnableMacTraces() lteHelper.EnableRlcTraces() lteHelper.EnablePdcpTraces() rlcStats = lteHelper.GetRlcStats() rlcStats.SetAttribute("EpochDuration", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(1.0))) pdcpStats = lteHelper.GetPdcpStats() pdcpStats.SetAttribute("EpochDuration", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(1.0))) # Set RRC callbacks # ns.core.Config.Connect ("/NodeList/*/DeviceList/*/LteUeRrc/ConnectionEstablished", \ # NotifyConnectionEstablishedUe) enbLteDevs.Get(0).GetRrc().SetConnectionEstablishedCallback( NotifyConnectionEstablishedEnb) enbLteDevs.Get(0).GetRrc().SetHandoverJoiningTimeoutCallback( NotifyHandoverJoiningTimeout) enbLteDevs.Get(0).GetRrc().SetHandoverLeavingTimeoutCallback( NotifyHandoverLeavingTimeout) print("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(simTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
ripRouting.ExcludeInterface(d, 3) ripRouting.SetInterfaceMetric(c, 3, 10) ripRouting.SetInterfaceMetric(d, 1, 10) listRH = ns.internet.Ipv4ListRoutingHelper() listRH.Add(ripRouting, 0) ''' // Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper staticRh; // listRH.Add (staticRh, 5); ''' internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.SetIpv6StackInstall(False) internet.SetRoutingHelper(listRH) internet.Install(routers) internetNodes = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internetNodes.SetIpv6StackInstall(False) internetNodes.Install(nodes) #Assign addresses. #The source and destination networks have global addresses #The "core" network just needs link-local addresses for routing. #We assign global addresses to the routers as well to receive #ICMPv6 errors. print "Assign IPv4 Addresses." ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),
def Run(self, *positional_parameters, **keyword_parameters): if "SINKS" in os.environ: self.m_nSinks = int(os.environ["SINKS"]) if "TXP" in os.environ: self.m_txp = float(os.environ["TXP"]) if "TOTAL_TIME" in os.environ: self.m_total_time = int(os.environ["TOTAL_TIME"]) if "NODES" in os.environ: self.m_nodes = int(os.environ["NODES"]) if "PROTOCOL" in os.environ: self.m_protocol = int(os.environ["PROTOCOL"]) if "NODE_SPEED" in os.environ: self.m_node_speed = int(os.environ["NODE_SPEED"]) if "NODE_PAUSE" in os.environ: self.m_node_pause = int(os.environ["NODE_PAUSE"]) if "FILE_NAME" in os.environ: self.m_CSVfileName = os.environ["FILE_NAME"] if 'nSinks' in keyword_parameters: self.m_nSinks = keyword_parameters['nSinks'] if 'txp' in keyword_parameters: self.m_txp = keyword_parameters['txp'] if 'TotalTime' in keyword_parameters: self.m_total_time = keyword_parameters['TotalTime'] if 'Nodes' in keyword_parameters: self.m_nodes = keyword_parameters['Nodes'] if 'Protocol' in keyword_parameters: self.m_protocol = keyword_parameters['Protocol'] if 'NodeSpeed' in keyword_parameters: self.m_node_speed = keyword_parameters['NodeSpeed'] if 'NodePause' in keyword_parameters: self.m_node_pause = keyword_parameters['NodePause'] if 'CSVfileName' in keyword_parameters: self.m_CSVfileName = keyword_parameters['CSVfileName'] self.m_CSVfileName += "." + str(time.time()) rate = "2048bps" phyMode = "DsssRate11Mbps" tr_name = self.m_CSVfileName + "-compare" self.m_protocolName = "protocol" ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("64")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue(rate)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault( "ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NonUnicastMode", ns.core.StringValue(phyMode)) adhocNodes = adhocNodes.Create(self.m_nodes) wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() wifi.SetStandard(ns.wifi.WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper() wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay( "ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel") wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss("ns3::FriisPropagationLossModel") wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiMac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue(phyMode), "ControlMode", ns.core.StringValue(phyMode)) wifiPhy.Set("TxPowerStart", ns.core.DoubleValue(self.m_txp)) wifiPhy.Set("TxPowerEnd", ns.core.DoubleValue(self.m_txp)) wifiMac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") adhocDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, wifiMac, adhocNodes) # type: NetDeviceContainer mobilityAdhoc = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() streamIndex = 0 # used to get consistent mobility across scenarios pos = ns.core.ObjectFactory() pos.SetTypeId("ns3::RandomRectanglePositionAllocator") pos.Set( "X", ns.core.StringValue( "ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=300.0]")) pos.Set( "Y", ns.core.StringValue( "ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=1500.0]")) # Same as: Ptr<PositionAllocator> taPositionAlloc = pos.Create ()->GetObject<PositionAllocator> (); taPositionAlloc = pos.Create().GetObject( ns.mobility.PositionAllocator.GetTypeId( )) # type: Ptr<PositionAllocator> streamIndex += taPositionAlloc.AssignStreams(streamIndex) ssSpeed = "ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0.0|Max=%s]" % self.m_node_speed ssPause = "ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=%s]" % self.m_node_pause mobilityAdhoc.SetMobilityModel("ns3::RandomWaypointMobilityModel", "Speed", ns.core.StringValue(ssSpeed), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue(ssPause), "PositionAllocator", ns.core.PointerValue(taPositionAlloc)) mobilityAdhoc.SetPositionAllocator(taPositionAlloc) mobilityAdhoc.Install(adhocNodes) streamIndex += mobilityAdhoc.AssignStreams(adhocNodes, streamIndex) # NS_UNUSED(streamIndex) # From this point, streamIndex is unused aodv = ns.aodv.AodvHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() dsdv = ns.dsdv.DsdvHelper() dsr = ns.dsr.DsrHelper() dsrMain = ns.dsr.DsrMainHelper() list = ns.internet.Ipv4ListRoutingHelper() internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() if self.m_protocol == 1: list.Add(olsr, 100) self.m_protocolName = "OLSR" elif self.m_protocol == 2: list.Add(aodv, 100) self.m_protocolName = "AODV" elif self.m_protocol == 3: list.Add(dsdv, 100) self.m_protocolName = "DSDV" elif self.m_protocol == 4: self.m_protocolName = "DSR" else: print("No such protocol:%s" % str(self.m_protocol) ) # NS_FATAL_ERROR ("No such protocol:" << m_protocol); if self.m_protocol < 4: internet.SetRoutingHelper(list) internet.Install(adhocNodes) elif self.m_protocol == 4: internet.Install(adhocNodes) dsrMain.Install(dsr, adhocNodes) print("assigning ip address") addressAdhoc = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() addressAdhoc.SetBase(""),"")) adhocInterfaces = addressAdhoc.Assign(adhocDevices) onoff1 = ns.applications.OnOffHelper("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", onoff1.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1.0]")) onoff1.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.0]")) for i in range(0, self.m_nSinks): # Ptr<Socket> sink = SetupPacketReceive (adhocInterfaces.GetAddress (i), adhocNodes.Get (i)); sink = self.SetupPacketReceive(adhocInterfaces.GetAddress(i), adhocNodes.Get(i)) remoteAddress =, self.port)) onoff1.SetAttribute("Remote", remoteAddress) # Ptr<UniformRandomVariable> var = CreateObject<UniformRandomVariable> (); posURV = ns.core.ObjectFactory() posURV.SetTypeId("ns3::UniformRandomVariable") var = posURV.Create().GetObject( ns.core.UniformRandomVariable.GetTypeId()) temp = onoff1.Install( adhocNodes.Get(i + self.m_nSinks)) # type: ApplicationContainer temp.Start(ns.core.Seconds(var.GetValue(100.0, 101.0))) temp.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(self.m_total_time)) ss = self.m_nSinks nodes = str(ss) ss2 = self.m_node_speed sNodeSpeed = str(ss2) ss3 = self.m_node_pause sNodePause = str(ss3) ss4 = rate sRate = str(ss4) tr_name = tr_name + "_" + \ self.m_protocolName + "_" + \ nodes + "sinks_" + \ sNodeSpeed + "speed_" + \ sNodePause + "pause_" + \ sRate + "rate" self.m_CSVfileName = tr_name ascii = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper.EnableAsciiAll( ascii.CreateFileStream( os.path.join(__workdir__, "%s.mob" % tr_name))) flowmon_helper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper() monitor = flowmon_helper.InstallAll() monitor = flowmon_helper.GetMonitor() monitor.SetAttribute("DelayBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("JitterBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("PacketSizeBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(20)) print("Run Simulation.") self.WriteHeaderCsv() self.CheckThroughput() ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(self.m_total_time)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() monitor.CheckForLostPackets() classifier = flowmon_helper.GetClassifier() if self.m_debugger: for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats(): with open( os.path.join(__workdir__, (self.m_CSVfileName + ".txt")), 'a') as file: t = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) proto = {6: 'TCP', 17: 'UDP'}[t.protocol] file.write("FlowID: %i (%s %s/%s --> %s/%i)\n" % \ (flow_id, proto, t.sourceAddress, t.sourcePort, t.destinationAddress, t.destinationPort)) self.print_stats(file, flow_stats) file.close() monitor.SerializeToXmlFile( os.path.join(__workdir__, "%s.flowmon" % tr_name), True, True) delays = [] for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats(): tupl = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) if tupl.protocol == 17 and tupl.sourcePort == 698: continue if flow_stats.rxPackets == 0: delays.append(0) else: delays.append(flow_stats.delaySum.GetSeconds() / flow_stats.rxPackets) plt.hist(delays, 20) plt.xlabel("Delay (s)") plt.ylabel("Number of Flows") plt.savefig(os.path.join(__workdir__, '%s.png' % tr_name), dpi=75) ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(argv): # # Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above Bind() at # run-time, via command-line arguments # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.packetSize = 1024 cmd.packetCount = 10 cmd.packetInterval = 1.0 # Socket options for IPv4, currently TOS, TTL, RECVTOS, and RECVTTL cmd.ipTos = 0 cmd.ipRecvTos = True cmd.ipTtl = 0 cmd.ipRecvTtl = True cmd.AddValue("PacketSize", "Packet size in bytes") cmd.AddValue("PacketCount", "Number of packets to send") cmd.AddValue("Interval", "Interval between packets") cmd.AddValue("IP_TOS", "IP_TOS") cmd.AddValue("IP_RECVTOS", "IP_RECVTOS") cmd.AddValue("IP_TTL", "IP_TTL") cmd.AddValue("IP_RECVTTL", "IP_RECVTTL") cmd.Parse(argv) packetSize = int(cmd.packetSize) packetCount = int(cmd.packetCount) packetInterval = float(cmd.packetInterval) ipTos = int(cmd.ipTos) ipRecvTos = bool(cmd.ipRecvTos) ipTtl = int(cmd.ipTtl) ipRecvTtl = bool(cmd.ipRecvTtl) print("Create nodes.") n = n.Create(2) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(n) print("Create channels.") csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) csma.SetDeviceAttribute("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue(1400)) d = csma.Install(n) print("Assign IP addresses.") ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) i = ipv4.Assign(d) serverAddress = print("Create sockets.") # Receiver socket on n1 tid = ns3.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory") recvSink = ns3.Socket.CreateSocket(n.Get(1), tid) local = ns3.InetSocketAddress(ns3.Ipv4Address.GetAny(), 4477) recvSink.SetIpRecvTos(ipRecvTos) recvSink.SetIpRecvTtl(ipRecvTtl) recvSink.Bind(local) recvSink.SetRecvCallback(ReceivePacket) # Sender socket on n0 source = ns3.Socket.CreateSocket(n.Get(0), tid) remote =, 4477) # Set socket options, it is also possible to set the options after the socket has been created/connected. if ipTos > 0: source.SetIpTos(ipTos) if ipTtl > 0: source.SetIpTtl(ipTtl) source.Connect(remote) ascii = csma.EnableAsciiAll(ascii.CreateFileStream("")) csma.EnablePcapAll("socket-options-ipv4", False) # Schedule SendPacket interPacketInterval = ns.core.Seconds(packetInterval) ns.core.Simulator.ScheduleWithContext(source.GetNode().GetId(), ns.core.Seconds(1.0), SendPacket, source, packetSize, packetCount, interPacketInterval) print("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() print("Done.")
def main(argv): cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.NumNodesSide = None cmd.AddValue( "NumNodesSide", "Grid side number of nodes (total number of nodes will be this number squared)" ) cmd.Results = None cmd.AddValue("Results", "Write XML results to file") cmd.Plot = None cmd.AddValue("Plot", "Plot the results using the matplotlib python module") cmd.Parse(argv) wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper.Default() wifiMac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid("wifi-default") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ArfWifiManager") wifiMac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid)) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() list_routing = ns.internet.Ipv4ListRoutingHelper() olsr_routing = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() static_routing = ns.internet.Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper() list_routing.Add(static_routing, 0) list_routing.Add(olsr_routing, 100) internet.SetRoutingHelper(list_routing) ipv4Addresses = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4Addresses.SetBase(""),"")) port = 9 onOffHelper = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",""), port))) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "DataRate","100kbps"))) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) addresses = [] nodes = [] num_nodes_side = NUM_NODES_SIDE for xi in range(num_nodes_side): for yi in range(num_nodes_side): node = nodes.append(node) internet.Install( mobility = ns.mobility.ConstantPositionMobilityModel() mobility.SetPosition( ns.core.Vector(xi * DISTANCE, yi * DISTANCE, 0)) node.AggregateObject(mobility) devices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, wifiMac, node) ipv4_interfaces = ipv4Addresses.Assign(devices) addresses.append(ipv4_interfaces.GetAddress(0)) for e in range(500): for i, node in enumerate(nodes): destaddr = addresses[(len(addresses) - 1 - i) % len(addresses)] onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "Remote",, port))) app = onOffHelper.Install( urv = ns.core.UniformRandomVariable() app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(urv.GetValue(20, 30))) flowmon_helper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper() monitor = flowmon_helper.InstallAll() monitor = flowmon_helper.GetMonitor() monitor.SetAttribute("DelayBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("JitterBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("PacketSizeBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(20)) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(44.0)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() monitor.CheckForLostPackets() classifier = flowmon_helper.GetClassifier() monitor.SerializeToXmlFile("wififlow.xml", True, True) flow_stats_inputs = monitor.GetFlowStats() flow_array = [ ] # this is original array which store the original inputs to the model # this are the inputs to the model which will stored in flow_array flow_array.append(flow_stat_inputs.txBytes) flow_array.append(flow_stat_inputs.rxBytes) flow_array.append(flow_stat_inputs.txPackets) flow_array.append(flow_stat_inputs.rxPackets) flow_array.append(flow_stat_inputs.lostPackets) if st.rxPackets > 0: mean_delay = (flow_stat_inputs.delaySum.GetSeconds() / flow_stat_inputs.rxPackets) flow_array.append(mean_delay) mean_jitter = (flow_stat_inputs.jitterSum.GetSeconds() / (flow_stat_inputs.rxPackets - 1)) flow_array.append(mean_jitter) np.array( flow_array ) # then convert the flow array to numpy array reason to convert is numpy array will be a matrix and our model will only accept matrix inputs # data preprocessing part here we normalized the dataset into range between 1 and 0 and then convert to time sequence dataset since our model is recurrent network it only accept time sequence data df = DataFrame(data=d, index=index) min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() np_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(df) df_normalized = pd.DataFrame(np_scaled) X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(df_normalized, 10) actor = DQNAgent(X_train.shape[1], num_nodes_side) for t in range(500): action = actor.act(X_train) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): destaddr = addresses[action] onOffHelper.SetAttribute( "Remote",, port))) app = onOffHelper.Install( urv = ns.core.UniformRandomVariable() app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(urv.GetValue(20, 30))) flowmon_helper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper() monitor = flowmon_helper.InstallAll() monitor = flowmon_helper.GetMonitor() monitor.SetAttribute("DelayBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("JitterBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.001)) monitor.SetAttribute("PacketSizeBinWidth", ns.core.DoubleValue(20)) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(44.0)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() monitor.CheckForLostPackets() classifier = flowmon_helper.GetClassifier() monitor.SerializeToXmlFile("wififlow.xml", True, True) # similar process describe in ahead happens here inside the loop flow_stats_inputs_next = monitor.GetFlowStats() flow_array_next = [] flow_array_next.append(flow_stat_inputs_next.txBytes) flow_array_next.append(flow_stat_inputs_next.rxBytes) flow_array_next.append(flow_stat_inputs_next.txPackets) flow_array_next.append(flow_stat_inputs_next.rxPackets) flow_array_next.append(flow_stat_inputs_next.lostPackets) if st.rxPackets > 0: mean_delay = (flow_stat_inputs_next.delaySum.GetSeconds() / flow_stat_inputs.rxPackets) flow_array.append(mean_delay) mean_jitter = (flow_stat_inputs_next.jitterSum.GetSeconds() / (flow_stat_inputs.rxPackets - 1)) flow_array_next.append(mean_jitter) np.array(flow_array_next) df_next = DataFrame(data=d, index=index) min_max_scaler_next = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() np_scaled_next = min_max_scaler_next.fit_transform(df_next) df_normalized_next = pd.DataFrame(np_scaled_next) X_next = sequence.pad_sequences(df_normalized_next, 10) # here we calculate the reward this has to be improve here i calculate the reward based only on loss packets which is not good way another few factors to be added it has to be discussed if (flow_stat_inputs_next.lostPackets > 10): reward = -10 else: reward = 20 actor.remember( X_train, action, X_next ) # finally saved the current step in model memory for experience replay module print("episode: {}/{}, score: {}".format(e, 500, t)) actor.replay( 32 ) # after 500 times of training then apply the experiece replay task to use what it learn so far import pylab delays = [] for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats(): tupl = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) if tupl.protocol == 17 and tupl.sourcePort == 698: continue delays.append(flow_stats.delaySum.GetSeconds() / flow_stats.rxPackets) pylab.hist(delays, 20) pylab.xlabel("Delay (s)") pylab.ylabel("Number of Flows") return 0
def main(): framework.start() # First, we initialize a few local variables that control some # simulation parameters. cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.backboneNodes = {{backbone_nodes}} cmd.infraNodes = {{infra_nodes}} cmd.lanNodes = {{lan_nodes}} cmd.stopTime = {{exec_time}} # Simulation defaults are typically set next, before command line # arguments are parsed. ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("1472")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("100kb/s")) backboneNodes = int(cmd.backboneNodes) infraNodes = int(cmd.infraNodes) lanNodes = int(cmd.lanNodes) stopTime = int(cmd.stopTime) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the backbone # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Create a container to manage the nodes of the adhoc(backbone) network. # Later we'll create the rest of the nodes we'll need. backbone = backbone.Create(backboneNodes) # Create the backbone wifi net devices and install them into the nodes in # our container wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate{}Mbps".format({{ofdm_rate}}))) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) backboneDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, backbone) # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container print("Enabling OLSR routing on all backbone nodes") internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper(olsr) # has effect on the next Install () internet.Install(backbone) # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(backboneDevices) # The ad-hoc network nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one to # each of the nodes we just finished building. mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() mobility.SetPositionAllocator("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "GridWidth", ns.core.UintegerValue(5), "LayoutType", ns.core.StringValue("RowFirst")) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-500, 500, -500, 500)), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=2]"), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.2]")) mobility.Install(backbone) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the LANs # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the CSMA networks will be in # the "172.16 address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes newLanNodes = newLanNodes.Create(lanNodes - 1) lan =, newLanNodes) # Create the CSMA net devices and install them into the nodes in our # collection. csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate",{{datarate}}))) csma.SetChannelAttribute( "Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds({{delay}}))) lanDevices = csma.Install(lan) # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the new LAN nodes internet.Install(newLanNodes) # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the # associated IPv4 interfaces) we just created. ipAddrs.Assign(lanDevices) # Assign a new network prefix for the next LAN, according to the # network mask initialized above ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # The new LAN nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one # to each of the nodes we just finished building. mobilityLan = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() positionAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(newLanNodes.GetN()): positionAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, (j * 10 + 10), 0.0)) mobilityLan.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc) mobilityLan.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobilityLan.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") mobilityLan.Install(newLanNodes) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the mobile networks # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the 802.11 networks will be in # the "10.0" address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes stas = stas.Create(infraNodes - 1) infra =, stas) # Create another ad hoc network and devices ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid('wifi-infra' + str(i)) wifiInfra = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiInfra.SetRemoteStationManager('ns3::ArfWifiManager') macInfra = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() macInfra.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid)) # setup stas staDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, stas) # setup ap. macInfra.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "BeaconInterval", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(2.5))) apDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, backbone.Get(i)) # Collect all of these new devices infraDevices =, staDevices) # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container internet.Install(stas) # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. ipAddrs.Assign(infraDevices) # Assign a new network prefix for each mobile network, according to # the network mask initialized above ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # The new wireless nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one # to each of the nodes we just finished building. subnetAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(infra.GetN()): subnetAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, j, 0.0)) mobility.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobility.SetPositionAllocator(subnetAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-10, 10, -10, 10)), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=3]"), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.4]")) mobility.Install(stas) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Application configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Create the OnOff application to send UDP datagrams of size # 210 bytes at a rate of 448 Kb/s, between two nodes port = 9 # Discard port(RFC 863) appSource = lastNodeIndex = backboneNodes + backboneNodes * ( lanNodes - 1) + backboneNodes * (infraNodes - 1) - 1 appSink = # Let's fetch the IP address of the last node, which is on Ipv4Interface 1 remoteAddr = appSink.GetObject(ns.internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId()).GetAddress( 1, 0).GetLocal() onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) apps = onoff.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime - 1)) # Create a packet sink to receive these packets sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port)) apps = sink.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3)) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Tracing configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() # Let's set up some ns-2-like ascii traces, using another helper class # ascii = stream = ascii.CreateFileStream("") wifiPhy.EnableAsciiAll(stream) csma.EnableAsciiAll(stream) internet.EnableAsciiIpv4All(stream) mob = ascii.CreateFileStream("mixed-wireless.mob") mobility.EnableAsciiAll(mob) # Csma captures in non-promiscuous mode csma.EnablePcapAll("mixed-wireless", False) # Let's do a pcap trace on the backbone devices wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", backboneDevices) wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", appSink.GetId(), 0) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Run simulation # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() framework.addBinaryFile("") framework.addBinaryFile("mixed-wireless.mob") path = "*.pcap" for filename in glob.glob(path): framework.addBinaryFile(filename) framework.stop()
n1n2.Add(c.Get(1)) n1n2.Add(c.Get(2)) n5n6 = n5n6.Add(c.Get(5)) n5n6.Add(c.Get(6)) n1n6 = n1n6.Add(c.Get(1)) n1n6.Add(c.Get(6)) n2345 = n2345.Add(c.Get(2)) n2345.Add(c.Get(3)) n2345.Add(c.Get(4)) n2345.Add(c.Get(5)) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(c) #We create the channels first without any IP addressing information print("Create channels.") p2p = ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper() p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("5Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("2ms")) d0d2 = p2p.Install(n0n2) d1d6 = p2p.Install(n1n6) d1d2 = p2p.Install(n1n2) p2p.SetDeviceAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("1500kbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.StringValue("10ms")) d5d6 = p2p.Install(n5n6)
def main(argv): # # Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above Bind() at # run-time, via command-line arguments # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.packetSize = 1024 cmd.packetCount = 10 cmd.packetInterval = 1.0 #Socket options for IPv6, currently TCLASS, HOPLIMIT, RECVTCLASS, and RECVHOPLIMIT cmd.ipv6Tclass = 0 cmd.ipv6RecvTclass = True cmd.ipv6Hoplimit = 0 cmd.ipv6RecvHoplimit = True cmd.AddValue("PacketSize", "Packet size in bytes") cmd.AddValue("PacketCount", "Number of packets to send") cmd.AddValue("Interval", "Interval between packets") cmd.AddValue("IPV6_TCLASS", "IPV6_TCLASS") cmd.AddValue("IPV6_RECVTCLASS", "IPV6_RECVTCLASS") cmd.AddValue("IPV6_HOPLIMIT", "IPV6_HOPLIMIT") cmd.AddValue("IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT", "IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT") cmd.Parse(argv) packetSize = int(cmd.packetSize) packetCount = int(cmd.packetCount) packetInterval = float(cmd.packetInterval) ipv6Tclass = int(cmd.ipv6Tclass) ipv6RecvTclass = bool(cmd.ipv6RecvTclass) ipv6Hoplimit = int(cmd.ipv6Hoplimit) ipv6RecvHoplimit = bool(cmd.ipv6RecvHoplimit) print("Create nodes.") n = n.Create(2) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(n) print("Create channels.") csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("5000000")) csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) csma.SetDeviceAttribute("Mtu", ns.core.UintegerValue(1400)) d = csma.Install(n) print("Assign IP Addresses.") ipv6 = ns.internet.Ipv6AddressHelper() ipv6.SetBase("2001:0000:f00d:cafe::"), i6 = ipv6.Assign(d) serverAddress =, 1)) print("Create sockets.") #Receiver socket on n1 tid = ns3.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory") recvSink = ns3.Socket.CreateSocket(n.Get(1), tid) local = ns3.Inet6SocketAddress(ns3.Ipv6Address.GetAny(), 4477) recvSink.SetIpv6RecvTclass(ipv6RecvTclass) recvSink.SetIpv6RecvHopLimit(ipv6RecvHoplimit) recvSink.Bind(local) recvSink.SetRecvCallback(ReceivePacket) #Sender socket on n0 source = ns3.Socket.CreateSocket(n.Get(0), tid) remote = ns3.Inet6SocketAddress(i6.GetAddress(1, 1), 4477) #Set socket options, it is also possible to set the options after the socket has been created/connected. if ipv6Tclass != 0: source.SetIpv6Tclass(ipv6Tclass) if ipv6Hoplimit > 0: source.SetIpv6HopLimit(ipv6Hoplimit) source.Connect(remote) ascii = csma.EnableAsciiAll(ascii.CreateFileStream("")) csma.EnablePcapAll("socket-options-ipv6", False) #Schedule SendPacket interPacketInterval = ns.core.Seconds(packetInterval) ns.core.Simulator.ScheduleWithContext(source.GetNode().GetId(), ns.core.Seconds(1.0), SendPacket, source, packetSize, packetCount, interPacketInterval) print("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() print("Done.")
def main(argv): # # First, we declare and initialize a few local variables that control some # simulation parameters. # backboneNodes = 10 infraNodes = 5 lanNodes = 5 stopTime = 10 # # Simulation defaults are typically set next, before command line # arguments are parsed. # ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("210")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("448kb/s")) # # For convenience, we add the local variables to the command line argument # system so that they can be overridden with flags such as # "--backboneNodes=20" # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() #cmd.AddValue("backboneNodes", "number of backbone nodes", backboneNodes) #cmd.AddValue("infraNodes", "number of leaf nodes", infraNodes) #cmd.AddValue("lanNodes", "number of LAN nodes", lanNodes) #cmd.AddValue("stopTime", "simulation stop time(seconds)", stopTime) # # The system global variables and the local values added to the argument # system can be overridden by command line arguments by using this call. # cmd.Parse(argv) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the backbone # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the adhoc(backbone) network. # Later we'll create the rest of the nodes we'll need. # backbone = backbone.Create(backboneNodes) # # Create the backbone wifi net devices and install them into the nodes in # our container # wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate54Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) backboneDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, backbone) # # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container # print "Enabling OLSR routing on all backbone nodes" internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper(olsr) # has effect on the next Install () internet.Install(backbone) # re-initialize for non-olsr routing. internet.Reset() # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(backboneDevices) # # The ad-hoc network nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one to # each of the nodes we just finished building. # mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() positionAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() x = 0.0 for i in range(backboneNodes): positionAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(x, 0.0, 0.0)) x += 5.0 mobility.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(0, 1000, 0, 1000)), "Speed", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(2000)), "Pause", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0.2))) mobility.Install(backbone) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the LANs # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the CSMA networks will be in # the "172.16 address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print "Configuring local area network for backbone node ", i # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes # newLanNodes = newLanNodes.Create(lanNodes - 1) # Now, create the container with all nodes on this link lan =, newLanNodes) # # Create the CSMA net devices and install them into the nodes in our # collection. # csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) lanDevices = csma.Install(lan) # # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the new LAN nodes # internet.Install(newLanNodes) # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the # associated IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs.Assign(lanDevices) # # Assign a new network prefix for the next LAN, according to the # network mask initialized above # ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the mobile networks # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the 802.11 networks will be in # the "10.0" address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print "Configuring wireless network for backbone node ", i # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes # stas = stas.Create(infraNodes - 1) # Now, create the container with all nodes on this link infra =, stas) # # Create another ad hoc network and devices # ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid('wifi-infra' + str(i)) wifiInfra = ns.wifi.WifiHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiInfra.SetRemoteStationManager('ns3::ArfWifiManager') macInfra = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() macInfra.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "ActiveProbing", ns.core.BooleanValue(False)) # setup stas staDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, stas) # setup ap. macInfra.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid), "BeaconGeneration", ns.core.BooleanValue(True), "BeaconInterval", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.Seconds(2.5))) apDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, backbone.Get(i)) # Collect all of these new devices infraDevices =, staDevices) # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container # internet.Install(stas) # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs.Assign(infraDevices) # # Assign a new network prefix for each mobile network, according to # the network mask initialized above # ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # # The new wireless nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one # to each of the nodes we just finished building. # subnetAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(infra.GetN()): subnetAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, j, 0.0)) mobility.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobility.SetPositionAllocator(subnetAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-25, 25, -25, 25)), "Speed", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(30)), "Pause", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0.4))) mobility.Install(infra) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Application configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Create the OnOff application to send UDP datagrams of size # 210 bytes at a rate of 448 Kb/s, between two nodes print "Create Applications." port = 9 # Discard port(RFC 863) # Let's make sure that the user does not define too few LAN nodes # to make this example work. We need lanNodes >= 5 assert (lanNodes >= 5) appSource = appSink = remoteAddr ="") onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) onoff.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(1))) onoff.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0))) apps = onoff.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3.0)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(20.0)) # Create a packet sink to receive these packets sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port)) apps = sink.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3.0)) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Tracing configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / print "Configure Tracing." # # Let's set up some ns-2-like ascii traces, using another helper class # #std.ofstream ascii #ascii = ns.core.AsciiTraceHelper(); #stream = ascii.CreateFileStream(""); #wifiPhy.EnableAsciiAll(stream); #csma.EnableAsciiAll(stream); print "(tracing not done for Python)" # Look at nodes 11, 13 only # WifiHelper.EnableAscii(ascii, 11, 0); # WifiHelper.EnableAscii(ascii, 13, 0); # Let's do a pcap trace on the backbone devices wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", backboneDevices) # Let's additionally trace the application Sink, ifIndex 0 csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.EnablePcapAll("mixed-wireless", False) # #ifdef ENABLE_FOR_TRACING_EXAMPLE # Config.Connect("/NodeList/*/$MobilityModel/CourseChange", # MakeCallback(&CourseChangeCallback)) # #endif # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Run simulation # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print "Run Simulation." ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main (argv): # # Users may find it convenient to turn on explicit debugging # for selected modules; the below lines suggest how to do this # Set up some default values for the simulation. Use the ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue (210)) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("448kb/s")) # # DefaultValue::Bind ("DropTailQueue::m_maxPackets", 30); # Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above # DefaultValue::Bind ()s at run-time, via command-line arguments # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine () cmd.enableFlowMonitor = False cmd.AddValue ("EnableMonitor", "Enable Flow Monitor") cmd.Parse (argv) enableFlowMonitor = bool(cmd.enableFlowMonitor) #Here, we will explicitly create four nodes. In more sophisticated # topologies, we could configure a node factory. print ("Create nodes.") c = () c.Create (4) n0n2 = () n0n2.Add(c.Get(0)) n0n2.Add(c.Get(2)) n1n2 = () n1n2.Add(c.Get(1)) n1n2.Add(c.Get(2)) n3n2 = () n3n2.Add(c.Get(3)) n3n2.Add(c.Get(2)) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper () internet.Install (c) # # We create the channels first without any IP addressing information # print ("Create channels.") p2p =ns.point_to_point.PointToPointHelper () p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("5Mbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", ns.core.StringValue ("2ms")) d0d2 = p2p.Install (n0n2) d1d2 = p2p.Install (n1n2) p2p.SetDeviceAttribute ("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("1500kbps")) p2p.SetChannelAttribute ("Delay", ns.core.StringValue ("10ms")) d3d2 = p2p.Install (n3n2) # # Later, we add IP addresses. # print ("Assign IP Addresses.") ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper () ipv4.SetBase ( (""), ("")) i0i2 = ipv4.Assign (d0d2) ipv4.SetBase ( (""), ("")) i1i2 = ipv4.Assign (d1d2) ipv4.SetBase ( (""), ("")) i3i2 = ipv4.Assign (d3d2) # # Create router nodes, initialize routing database and set up the routing # tables in the nodes. # ns.internet.Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper.PopulateRoutingTables() # # Create the OnOff application to send UDP datagrams of size # 210 bytes at a rate of 448 Kb/s # print ("Create Applications.") port = 9 # Discard port (RFC 863) onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", (i3i2.GetAddress (0), port)) onoff.SetConstantRate ("448kb/s")) apps = onoff.Install (c.Get (0)) apps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (1.0)) apps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) # # Create a packet sink to receive these packets # sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", ( (), port)) apps = sink.Install (c.Get (3)) apps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (1.0)) apps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) # # Create a similar flow from n3 to n1, starting at time 1.1 seconds # onoff.SetAttribute ("Remote", (i1i2.GetAddress (0), port))) apps = onoff.Install (c.Get (3)) apps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (1.1)) apps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) # # Create a packet sink to receive these packets # apps = sink.Install (c.Get (1)) apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds (1.1)) apps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10.0)) ascii = () p2p.EnableAsciiAll (ascii.CreateFileStream ("")) p2p.EnablePcapAll ("simple-global-routing") # #Flow Monitor # flowmonHelper = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper () if enableFlowMonitor: flowmonHelper.InstallAll() print ("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (11)) ns.core.Simulator.Run () print ("Done.") if enableFlowMonitor : flowmonHelper.SerializeToXmlFile ("simple-global-routing.flowmon", False, False) ns.core.Simulator.Destroy ()
def main(argv): # # First, we initialize a few local variables that control some # simulation parameters. # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.backboneNodes = 10 cmd.infraNodes = 2 cmd.lanNodes = 2 cmd.stopTime = 20 # # Simulation defaults are typically set next, before command line # arguments are parsed. # ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("1472")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("100kb/s")) # # For convenience, we add the local variables to the command line argument # system so that they can be overridden with flags such as # "--backboneNodes=20" # cmd.AddValue("backboneNodes", "number of backbone nodes") cmd.AddValue("infraNodes", "number of leaf nodes") cmd.AddValue("lanNodes", "number of LAN nodes") cmd.AddValue("stopTime", "simulation stop time(seconds)") # # The system global variables and the local values added to the argument # system can be overridden by command line arguments by using this call. # cmd.Parse(argv) backboneNodes = int(cmd.backboneNodes) infraNodes = int(cmd.infraNodes) lanNodes = int(cmd.lanNodes) stopTime = int(cmd.stopTime) if (stopTime < 10): print("Use a simulation stop time >= 10 seconds") exit(1) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the backbone # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the adhoc(backbone) network. # Later we'll create the rest of the nodes we'll need. # backbone = backbone.Create(backboneNodes) # # Create the backbone wifi net devices and install them into the nodes in # our container # wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate54Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) backboneDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, backbone) # # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container # print("Enabling OLSR routing on all backbone nodes") internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper(olsr) # has effect on the next Install () internet.Install(backbone) # re-initialize for non-olsr routing. # internet.Reset() # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(backboneDevices) # # The ad-hoc network nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one to # each of the nodes we just finished building. # mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() mobility.SetPositionAllocator("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "GridWidth", ns.core.UintegerValue(5), "LayoutType", ns.core.StringValue("RowFirst")) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-500, 500, -500, 500)), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=2]"), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.2]")) mobility.Install(backbone) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the LANs # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the CSMA networks will be in # the "172.16 address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print("Configuring local area network for backbone node ", i) # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes # newLanNodes = newLanNodes.Create(lanNodes - 1) # Now, create the container with all nodes on this link lan =, newLanNodes) # # Create the CSMA net devices and install them into the nodes in our # collection. # csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) lanDevices = csma.Install(lan) # # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the new LAN nodes # internet.Install(newLanNodes) # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the # associated IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs.Assign(lanDevices) # # Assign a new network prefix for the next LAN, according to the # network mask initialized above # ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # # The new LAN nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one # to each of the nodes we just finished building. # mobilityLan = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() positionAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(newLanNodes.GetN()): positionAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, (j * 10 + 10), 0.0)) mobilityLan.SetPositionAllocator(positionAlloc) mobilityLan.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobilityLan.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") mobilityLan.Install(newLanNodes) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Construct the mobile networks # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Reset the address base-- all of the 802.11 networks will be in # the "10.0" address space ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) for i in range(backboneNodes): print("Configuring wireless network for backbone node ", i) # # Create a container to manage the nodes of the LAN. We need # two containers here; one with all of the new nodes, and one # with all of the nodes including new and existing nodes # stas = stas.Create(infraNodes - 1) # Now, create the container with all nodes on this link infra =, stas) # # Create another ad hoc network and devices # ssid = ns.wifi.Ssid('wifi-infra' + str(i)) wifiInfra = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) wifiInfra.SetRemoteStationManager('ns3::ArfWifiManager') macInfra = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() macInfra.SetType("ns3::StaWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid)) # setup stas staDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, stas) # setup ap. macInfra.SetType("ns3::ApWifiMac", "Ssid", ns.wifi.SsidValue(ssid)) apDevices = wifiInfra.Install(wifiPhy, macInfra, backbone.Get(i)) # Collect all of these new devices infraDevices =, staDevices) # Add the IPv4 protocol stack to the nodes in our container # internet.Install(stas) # # Assign IPv4 addresses to the device drivers(actually to the associated # IPv4 interfaces) we just created. # ipAddrs.Assign(infraDevices) # # Assign a new network prefix for each mobile network, according to # the network mask initialized above # ipAddrs.NewNetwork() # # The new wireless nodes need a mobility model so we aggregate one # to each of the nodes we just finished building. # subnetAlloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for j in range(infra.GetN()): subnetAlloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(0.0, j, 0.0)) mobility.PushReferenceMobilityModel(backbone.Get(i)) mobility.SetPositionAllocator(subnetAlloc) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-10, 10, -10, 10)), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=3]"), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.4]")) mobility.Install(stas) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Application configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # Create the OnOff application to send UDP datagrams of size # 210 bytes at a rate of 448 Kb/s, between two nodes print("Create Applications.") port = 9 # Discard port(RFC 863) appSource = lastNodeIndex = backboneNodes + backboneNodes * ( lanNodes - 1) + backboneNodes * (infraNodes - 1) - 1 appSink = # Let's fetch the IP address of the last node, which is on Ipv4Interface 1 remoteAddr = appSink.GetObject(ns.internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId()).GetAddress( 1, 0).GetLocal() onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) apps = onoff.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3)) apps.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime - 1)) # Create a packet sink to receive these packets sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port)) apps = sink.Install( apps.Start(ns.core.Seconds(3)) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # Tracing configuration # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / print("Configure Tracing.") csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() # # Let's set up some ns-2-like ascii traces, using another helper class # ascii = stream = ascii.CreateFileStream("") wifiPhy.EnableAsciiAll(stream) csma.EnableAsciiAll(stream) internet.EnableAsciiIpv4All(stream) # Csma captures in non-promiscuous mode csma.EnablePcapAll("mixed-wireless", False) # Let's do a pcap trace on the backbone devices wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", backboneDevices) wifiPhy.EnablePcap("mixed-wireless", appSink.GetId(), 0) # #ifdef ENABLE_FOR_TRACING_EXAMPLE # Config.Connect("/NodeList/*/$MobilityModel/CourseChange", # MakeCallback(&CourseChangeCallback)) # #endif # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Run simulation # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print("Run Simulation.") ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(argv): cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.Parse(argv) terminals = terminals.Create(4) csmaSwitch = csmaSwitch.Create(1) csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) terminalDevices = switchDevices = for i in range(4): link = csma.Install(, csmaSwitch)) terminalDevices.Add(link.Get(0)) switchDevices.Add(link.Get(1)) switchNode = csmaSwitch.Get(0) bridgeDevice = ns.bridge.BridgeNetDevice() switchNode.AddDevice(bridgeDevice) for portIter in range(switchDevices.GetN()): bridgeDevice.AddBridgePort(switchDevices.Get(portIter)) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(terminals) ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) ipv4.Assign(terminalDevices) port = 9 onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",""), port))) onoff.SetAttribute( "OnTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(1))) onoff.SetAttribute( "OffTime", ns.core.RandomVariableValue(ns.core.ConstantVariable(0))) app = onoff.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.0)) app.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) app = sink.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(0.0)) onoff.SetAttribute( "Remote",""), port))) app = onoff.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.1)) app.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) app = sink.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(0.0)) csma.EnablePcapAll("csma-bridge", False) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(argv): # # Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above Bind() at # run-time, via command-line arguments # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.Parse(argv) # # Explicitly create the nodes required by the topology(shown above). # #print "Create nodes." terminals = terminals.Create(4) csmaSwitch = csmaSwitch.Create(1) #print "Build Topology" csma = ns.csma.CsmaHelper() csma.SetChannelAttribute( "DataRate", csma.SetChannelAttribute("Delay", ns.core.TimeValue(ns.core.MilliSeconds(2))) # Create the csma links, from each terminal to the switch terminalDevices = switchDevices = for i in range(4): link = csma.Install(, csmaSwitch)) terminalDevices.Add(link.Get(0)) switchDevices.Add(link.Get(1)) # Create the bridge netdevice, which will do the packet switching switchNode = csmaSwitch.Get(0) bridgeDevice = ns.bridge.BridgeNetDevice() switchNode.AddDevice(bridgeDevice) for portIter in range(switchDevices.GetN()): bridgeDevice.AddBridgePort(switchDevices.Get(portIter)) # Add internet stack to the terminals internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(terminals) # We've got the "hardware" in place. Now we need to add IP addresses. # #print "Assign IP Addresses." ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) ipv4.Assign(terminalDevices) # # Create an OnOff application to send UDP datagrams from node zero to node 1. # #print "Create Applications." port = 9 # Discard port(RFC 863) onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",""), port))) onoff.SetConstantRate("500kb/s")) app = onoff.Install( # Start the application app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.0)) app.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) # Create an optional packet sink to receive these packets sink = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper( "ns3::UdpSocketFactory",, port))) app = sink.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(0.0)) # # Create a similar flow from n3 to n0, starting at time 1.1 seconds # onoff.SetAttribute( "Remote",""), port))) app = onoff.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(1.1)) app.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(10.0)) app = sink.Install( app.Start(ns.core.Seconds(0.0)) # # Configure tracing of all enqueue, dequeue, and NetDevice receive events. # Trace output will be sent to the file "" # #print "Configure Tracing." #ascii =; #csma.EnableAsciiAll(ascii.CreateFileStream ("")); # # Also configure some tcpdump traces; each interface will be traced. # The output files will be named: # csma-bridge.pcap-<nodeId>-<interfaceId> # and can be read by the "tcpdump -r" command(use "-tt" option to # display timestamps correctly) # csma.EnablePcapAll("csma-bridge", False) # # Now, do the actual simulation. # #print "Run Simulation." ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def main(): if not len(sys.argv[1:]): print "Usage: {0} traceFile".format(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) traceFile = sys.argv[1] phyMode = "OfdmRate6MbpsBW10MHz" nodes = nodes.Create(25) # ns.core.LogComponentEnable("Ns2MobilityHelper", ns.core.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) try: ns2 = ns.mobility.Ns2MobilityHelper(str(traceFile)) except Exception as err: print "Error: %s" % str(err) sys.exit(0) mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() # mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(0.0), # "MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue (0.0), "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(5.0), "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(10.0), # "GridWidth", ns.core.UintegerValue(3), "LayoutType", ns.core.StringValue("RowFirst")) # # mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") mobility.Install(nodes) ns2.Install() channel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() channel.SetPropagationDelay("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel") channel.AddPropagationLoss("ns3::NakagamiPropagationLossModel") phy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() phy.SetChannel(channel.Create()) phy.SetPcapDataLinkType(ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.DLT_IEEE802_11) phy.Set("TxGain", ns.core.DoubleValue(4.5)) phy.Set("RxGain", ns.core.DoubleValue(4.5)) phy.Set("EnergyDetectionThreshold", ns.core.DoubleValue(-96.0)) # phy.EnablePcap("vanets_python",nodes) wifi80211pMac = ns.wave.NqosWaveMacHelper.Default() wifi80211p = ns.wave.Wifi80211pHelper.Default() wifi80211p.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue(phyMode), "ControlMode", ns.core.StringValue(phyMode)) devices = wifi80211p.Install(phy, wifi80211pMac, nodes) internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() internet.Install(nodes) ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipv4.SetBase(""),"")) interfaces = ipv4.Assign(devices) packetsize = 64 #bytes pktcount = 2 pktinterval = 0.25 #seconds port = 80 server = random.randint(0, 24) print "Server==> %s" % interfaces.GetAddress(server) appSink = for x in range(4): client = random.randint(0, 24) print "Client==> %s" % interfaces.GetAddress(client) appSource = remoteAddr = appSink.GetObject( ns.internet.Ipv4.GetTypeId()).GetAddress(1, 0).GetLocal() # sink =, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) sink = appSink, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::TcpSocketFactory")) sink.Bind(, 80)) sink.Listen() # print dir(sink) sink.SetRecvCallback(RecPkt) # source =, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::UdpSocketFactory")) source = appSource, ns.core.TypeId.LookupByName("ns3::TcpSocketFactory")) source.Connect(, port)) source.SetRecvCallback(RecPkt) # sinkApp = # port = 50000 # # apLocalAddress = ( ( (), port)) # for x in range(0,6): # apLocalAddress = ( ( (), port)) # packetSinkHelper = ns.applications.PacketSinkHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", apLocalAddress) # sinkApp.Add(packetSinkHelper.Install (nodes.Get (x))) # # sinkApp.Start (ns.core.Seconds (0.0)) # sinkApp.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (141.0)) # # onoff = ns.applications.OnOffHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory", ()) # onoff.SetAttribute ("OnTime", ns.core.StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) # onoff.SetAttribute ("OffTime", ns.core.StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) # onoff.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue (2048)) # # onoff.SetAttribute ("DataRate", ( (100000))) # bit/s # # apps = () # # remoteAddress = ( (interfaces.GetAddress (0), port)) # # for x in range(7,14): # rn = random.randint(0,3) # print "Server >>: {0}".format(rn) # remoteAddress = ( (interfaces.GetAddress (rn), port)) # onoff.SetAttribute ("Remote", remoteAddress) # apps.Add (onoff.Install (nodes.Get (x))) # # apps.Start (ns.core.Seconds (1.0)) # apps.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (141.0)) ns.internet.Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper.PopulateRoutingTables() asciitracer = # phy.EnableAsciiAll (asciitracer.CreateFileStream ("")) phy.EnablePcap("vanets", nodes) ns.core.Simulator.Schedule(ns.core.Seconds(10.0), SndPkt, source, packetsize, pktcount, pktinterval) ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(161.0)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()
def experiment(enableCtsRts): # 0. Enable or disable CTS/RTS ctsThr = 100 if enableCtsRts else 2200 ns.core.Config.SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RtsCtsThreshold", ns.core.UintegerValue (ctsThr)) # 1. Create 3 nodes nodes = () nodes.Create (3) # 2. Place nodes somehow, this is required by every wireless simulation i = 0 while i < 3: nodes.Get (i).AggregateObject (ns.mobility.ConstantPositionMobilityModel ()) i += 1 # 3. Create propagation loss matrix lossModel = ns.propagation.MatrixPropagationLossModel () lossModel.SetDefaultLoss (200) #set default loss to 200 dB (no link) lossModel.SetLoss (nodes.Get (0).GetObject (ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId ()), nodes.Get (1).GetObject (ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId ()), 50) lossModel.SetLoss (nodes.Get (2).GetObject (ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId ()), nodes.Get (1).GetObject (ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId ()), 50) # 4. Create & setup wifi channel wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannel () wifiChannel.SetPropagationLossModel (lossModel) wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelayModel (ns.propagation.ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel ()) # 5. Install wireless devices wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper () wifi.SetStandard (ns.wifi.WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b) wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue ("DsssRate2Mbps"), "ControlMode", ns.core.StringValue ("DsssRate1Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default () wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel) wifiMac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default () wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") # use ad-hoc MAC devices = wifi.Install (wifiPhy,wifiMac,nodes) # uncomment the following to have athstats output # athstats=ns3.AthstatsHelper () # athstats.EnableAthstats ("rtscts-athstats-node-py" if enableCtsRts else "basic-athstats-node-py", nodes) # uncomment the following to have pcap output # wifiPhy.EnablePcap ("rtscts-pcap-node-py" if enableCtsRts else "basic-pcap-node-py",nodes) # 6. Install TCP/IP stack & assign IP addresses internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper () internet.Install (nodes) ipv4 = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper () ipv4.SetBase ( (""), ("")) ipv4.Assign (devices) # 7. Install applications: two CBR streams each saturating the channel cbrApps = () cbrPort = 12345 onOffHelper = ns.applications.OnOffHelper ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", ( (""), cbrPort)) onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue (1400)) onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("OnTime", ns.core.StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=1]")) onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("OffTime", ns.core.StringValue ("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0]")) # flow 1: node 0 -> node 1 onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("3000000bps")) onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("StartTime", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.Seconds (1.000000))) cbrApps.Add (onOffHelper.Install (nodes.Get (0))) # flow 2: node 2 -> node 1 # \internal # The slightly different start times and data rates are a workaround # for \bugid{388} and \bugid{912} # onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("DataRate", ns.core.StringValue ("3001100bps")) onOffHelper.SetAttribute ("StartTime", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.Seconds (1.001))) cbrApps.Add (onOffHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2))) # \internal # We also use separate UDP applications that will send a single # packet before the CBR flows start. # This is a workaround for the lack of perfect ARP, see \bugid{187} # echoPort = 9 echoClientHelper = ns.applications.UdpEchoClientHelper ( (""), echoPort) echoClientHelper.SetAttribute ("MaxPackets", ns.core.UintegerValue (1)) echoClientHelper.SetAttribute ("Interval", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.Seconds (0.1))) echoClientHelper.SetAttribute ("PacketSize", ns.core.UintegerValue (10)) pingApps = () # again using different start times to workaround Bug 388 and Bug 912 echoClientHelper.SetAttribute ("StartTime", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.Seconds (0.001))) pingApps.Add (echoClientHelper.Install(nodes.Get (0))) echoClientHelper.SetAttribute ("StartTime", ns.core.TimeValue (ns.core.Seconds (0.006))) pingApps.Add (echoClientHelper.Install (nodes.Get (2))) # 8. Install FlowMonitor on all nodes flowmon = ns.flow_monitor.FlowMonitorHelper () monitor = flowmon.InstallAll () # 9. Run simulation for 10 seconds ns.core.Simulator.Stop (ns.core.Seconds (10)) ns.core.Simulator.Run () # 10. Print per flow statistics monitor.CheckForLostPackets () classifier = ns.flow_monitor.Ipv4FlowClassifier () classifier = flowmon.GetClassifier () stats = monitor.GetFlowStats () for flow_id, flow_stats in monitor.GetFlowStats (): # first 2 FlowIds are for ECHO apps, we don't want to display them # Duration for throughput measurement is 9.0 seconds, since # StartTime of the OnOffApplication is at about "second 1" # and # Simulator::Stops at "second 10". t = classifier.FindFlow(flow_id) if flow_id > 2: print "FlowID %i (%s -> %s)" % \ (flow_id-2, t.sourceAddress, t.destinationAddress) print >> sys.stdout, " Tx Packets: ", flow_stats.txPackets print >> sys.stdout, " Tx Bytes: ", flow_stats.txBytes print >> sys.stdout, " TxOffered: ", flow_stats.txBytes * 8.0 / 9.0 / 1000 / 1000 , " Mbps" print >> sys.stdout, " Rx Packets: ", flow_stats.rxPackets print >> sys.stdout, " Rx Bytes: ", flow_stats.rxBytes print >> sys.stdout, " Throughput: ", flow_stats.rxBytes * 8.0 / 9.0 / 1000 / 1000 , " Mbps" # 11. Cleanup ns.core.Simulator.Destroy ()
def main(argv): # # Primero, inicializamos algunas variables locales que controlan algunos # parametros de la simulacion. # cmd = ns.core.CommandLine() cmd.backboneNodes = 25 cmd.stopTime = 20 ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::PacketSize", ns.core.StringValue("1472")) ns.core.Config.SetDefault("ns3::OnOffApplication::DataRate", ns.core.StringValue("100kb/s")) cmd.AddValue("backboneNodes", "number of backbone nodes") cmd.AddValue("stopTime", "simulation stop time(seconds)") cmd.Parse(argv) backboneNodes = int(cmd.backboneNodes) stopTime = int(cmd.stopTime) if (stopTime < 10): print("Use a simulation stop time >= 10 seconds") exit(1) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # # EL backbone # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # / # # Creamos un contenedor para administrar los nodos de la red adhoc (backbone). # backbone = backbone.Create(backboneNodes) # # Creamos los dispositivos de red wifi y los instalamos # en nuestro contenedor # wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper() mac = ns.wifi.WifiMacHelper() mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") wifi.SetRemoteStationManager("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue("OfdmRate54Mbps")) wifiPhy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() wifiChannel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() wifiPhy.SetChannel(wifiChannel.Create()) backboneDevices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, mac, backbone) # # Agregamos la pila de protocolos IPv4 a los nodos en nuestro contenedor # internet = ns.internet.InternetStackHelper() olsr = ns.olsr.OlsrHelper() internet.SetRoutingHelper(olsr) internet.Install(backbone) # internet.Reset() # # Asignamos direcciones IPv4 a los controladores de dispositivo (en realidad a las interfaces # IPv4 asociadas) que acabamos de crear. # ipAddrs = ns.internet.Ipv4AddressHelper() ipAddrs.SetBase(""),"")) ipAddrs.Assign(backboneDevices) # # Los nodos de red ad-hoc necesitan un modelo de movilidad, por lo que agregamos uno para # cada uno de los nodos que acabamos de terminar de construir. # mobility = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() mobility.SetPositionAllocator("ns3::GridPositionAllocator", "MinX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "MinY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaX", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "DeltaY", ns.core.DoubleValue(20.0), "GridWidth", ns.core.UintegerValue(5), "LayoutType", ns.core.StringValue("RowFirst")) mobility.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomDirection2dMobilityModel", "Bounds", ns.mobility.RectangleValue(ns.mobility.Rectangle(-500, 500, -500, 500)), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=2]"), "Pause", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::ConstantRandomVariable[Constant=0.2]")) mobility.Install(backbone) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Corremos la simulacion # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # print("Corremos la simulacion.") ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(stopTime)) ns.core.Simulator.Run() ns.core.Simulator.Destroy()