Example #1
 def __get_history__(code_date):
     code = code_date[0].upper()
     history_df = pd.DataFrame()
     if self.is_valid_code(code):
         # Parse the dates in the correct format
         if not isinstance(code_date[1], datetime):
             start = parse(code_date[1], dayfirst=True)
         if not isinstance(code_date[2], datetime):
             end = parse(code_date[2], dayfirst=True)
         # Find the difference between the dates and generate batches of 100 days till the end date
         difference = (end - start).days
         if difference > 100:
             curr_end = start + timedelta(days=100)
             while curr_end < end:
                 url = self.build_url_for_history(code_date[0], datetime.strftime(start, '%d-%m-%Y'), datetime.strftime(curr_end, '%d-%m-%Y'))
                 res = read_url(url, self.headers)
                 res = res.read()
                 history_df = history_df.append(pd.read_html(res, header=0, index_col='Date')[0])
                 start = curr_end + timedelta(days=1)
                 curr_end += timedelta(days=100)
             url = self.build_url_for_history(code_date[0], datetime.strftime(start, '%d-%m-%Y'), datetime.strftime(end, '%d-%m-%Y'))
             res = read_url(url, self.headers)
             res = res.read()
             history_df = history_df.append(pd.read_html(res, header=0, index_col='Date')[0])
         if as_json:
             return history_df.to_json()
         return history_df
Example #2
    def get_stock_codes(self):
        Retreives the equity list from NSE, and stores it in a dataframe.
        cached: bool
            Whether to cache the data or not. Prefer keeping this true unless you are running into OOM issues.
        :return: pandas DataFrame
        res_dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
        url = self.stocks_csv_url
        res = read_url(url, self.headers)
        column_dict = {
            0: 'Symbol',
            1: 'Name',
            2: 'Series',
            3: 'Date of Listing',
            4: 'Paid up Value',
            5: 'Market Lot',
            6: 'ISIN Number',
            7: 'Face Value'
        for i, line in enumerate(res.read().split('\n')):
            if i == 0:
                # This contains the column names
            elif line != '' and re.search(',', line):
                split_line = line.split(',')
                for index, items in enumerate(split_line):
                    res_dataframe.set_value(i, column_dict[index], items)

            # else just skip the evaluation, line may not be a valid csv
        return res_dataframe
Example #3
    def __parse_holiday_list__(self):
        :Returns: a list of all the holidays with the serial number, date and holiday name
        # Parse the holiday url and extract useful details
        holiday_url = 'https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/equities/equities/mrkt_timing_holidays.htm'
        headers = {
            'Accept': '*/*',
            'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
            'Host': 'nseindia.com',
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0',
            'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
        res = read_url(holiday_url, headers)
        res = res.read()

        soup = BeautifulSoup(res, 'html.parser')
        holiday_list = []
        # The data is stored in tables. Extract only the tabular data
        for row in soup.find_all('tr', recursive=False):
            record = [td.text.replace(',', '') for td in row.find_all('td')]

        return holiday_list
Example #4
 def get_index_list(self, as_json=False):
     get list of indices and codes
     params: as_json: True | False
     returns: a list | json of index codes
     url = self.index_url
     resp = read_url(url, self.headers)
     resp_list = json.load(resp)['data']
     index_list = [str(item['name']) for item in resp_list]
     return self.render_response(index_list, as_json)
Example #5
 def get_advances_declines(self, as_json=False):
     :return: pandas DataFrame | JSON with advance decline data
     :raises: URLError, HTTPError
     url = self.advances_declines_url
     resp = read_url(url, self.headers)
     resp_dict = json.load(resp)
     resp_list = [self.clean_server_response(item)
                  for item in resp_dict['data']]
     response = self.render_response(resp_list, as_json)
     if as_json:
         return response
         return pd.DataFrame(response).set_index('indice')
Example #6
 def get_most_active(self, as_json=False):
     :return: pandas DataFrame | JSON containing most active equites of the day
     url = self.most_active_url
     res = read_url(url, self.headers)
     res_dict = json.load(res)
     # clean the output and make appropriate type conversions
     res_list = [self.clean_server_response(
         item) for item in res_dict['data']]
     response = self.render_response(res_list, as_json)
     if as_json:
         return response
         return pd.DataFrame(response).set_index('symbol')
Example #7
 def get_index_quote(self, code, as_json=False):
         code : string index code
         as_json: True|False
         a dict | json quote for the given index
     url = self.index_url
     if self.is_valid_index(code):
         resp = read_url(url, self.headers)
         resp_list = json.load(resp)['data']
         # this is list of dictionaries
         resp_list = [self.clean_server_response(item)
                      for item in resp_list]
         # search the right list element to return
         search_flag = False
         for item in resp_list:
             if item['name'] == code.upper():
                 search_flag = True
         return self.render_response(item, as_json) if search_flag else None
Example #8
    def get_peer_companies(self, code, as_json=False):
        code: str
            The code of the company to find peers of
        as_json: bool
            Whether to render the response as json
        :returns: a list of peer companies
        code = code.upper()
        if self.is_valid_code(code):
            url = self.peer_companies_url + code
            res = read_url(url, self.headers)

            # We need to filter the data from this. The data is at an offset of 39 from the beginning and 8 at the end
            res = res.read()
            string_index = re.search('data:', res).span()[1]
            # Everything under 'data'
            res = res[string_index+1:]
            # Now comes the tricky batshit crazy part.
            # We will iteratively filter each company and append them to a list
            # HACK: the solution is very messy. Would be nice if a better cleaner solution can be found.
            start = 0
            data = pd.DataFrame()
            for item in re.finditer(r'({*})', res):
                # The second item. We want the curly brace for json parsing
                end = item.span()[1]
                # This is the actual data we are interested in
                string = res[start:end]
                    company_info = json.loads(string)
                    data = data.append(company_info, ignore_index=True)
                except Exception:
                # We dont care about this. Throw it out
                start = end + 1

            return data.to_json() if as_json else data
Example #9
        def __get_quote__(code):
            code = code.upper()
            if self.is_valid_code(code):
                url = self.build_url_for_quote(code)
                res = read_url(url, self.headers)

                # Now parse the response to get the relevant data
                match = re.search(
                    res.read(), re.S)
                # ast can raise SyntaxError, let's catch only this error
                    buffer = match.group(1)
                    buffer = js_adaptor(buffer)
                    response = self.clean_server_response(
                except Exception as err:
                    raise Exception('Symbol Not Traded today')
                    rendered_response = self.render_response(response, as_json)
                    # Check if the market is open (to avoid repeated network computation)
                return rendered_response