Example #1
    def __init__(self,
                 id="Generic Simulation class"):
        self.class_id = id  # String identifying the kind of Simulation
        # class
        self.units = None  # Simulation units used by this class
        self.do_demag = do_demag  # Whether we should include the demag field

        # List of all the materials used by the Simulation object
        self.materials = None

        # Dictionary used by the hysteresis method to find abbreviations for
        # frequently used things to save or do.
        # Example: for ``sim.hysteresis(..., save=[('averages', at(...))])``
        # the string 'averages' needs to be a key in this dictionary.
        # The corresponding value is the function to call.
        self.action_abbreviations = {}

        # Every quantity the user may want to save needs to be listed here
        self.known_quantities = known_quantities
        self.known_quantities_by_name = known_quantities_by_name
        self.known_field_quantities = known_field_quantities

        ### Set the simulation name
        if name == None:
            self.name = features.get('etc', 'runid')
            self.name = name
        log.info("Simulation(name=%s) object created" % self.name)

        ### Check whether the files we are going to write do already exist.
        # if this is the case we should stop, unless the --clean option was
        # given: we do not want to overwrite data as a default!
        self._restarting = False
        data_filenames = [
        if features.get('nmag', 'clean', raw=True):
            # Existing data files should be deleted

        elif features.get('nmag', 'restart', raw=True):
            log.info("Starting simulation in restart mode...")
            self._restarting = True

            # Check that no data files exist
            for filename in data_filenames:
                if os.path.exists(filename):
                    msg = ("Error: Found old file %s -- cannot proceed. "
                           "To start a simulation script with old data "
                           "files present you either need to use '--clean' "
                           "(and then the old files will be deleted), "
                           "or use '--restart' in which case the run "
                           "will be continued." % filename)
                    raise NmagUserError(msg)

        # See documentation for SimulationClock object
        self.clock = SimulationClock()

        # The advance_time method does not allow to carry on the simulation
        # up to t = infinite. Sometimes we want to simulate for n steps,
        # without any time limits. However we must give a time limit.
        # This is then how we approximate t = infinite.
        # For now, we do not provide any function to set or change it.
        # The user should just use:
        #   sim = Simulation()
        #   sim.max_time_reached = SI(1000, "s")
        self.max_time_reached = SI(1, "s")

        # Add abbreviations so that things can be saved just by giving
        # corresponding ID strings.
        # Example: hysteresis(..., save=[('averages', ...)])
                             lambda sim: sim.save_data(avoid_same_step=True))
            lambda sim: sim.save_data(fields='all', avoid_same_step=True))
            lambda sim: sim.save_data(fields=['m'], avoid_same_step=True))
                             lambda sim: sim.save_restart_file())
        self.add_do_abbrev('do_exit', SimulationCore.hysteresis_exit)

        # Used to write the ndt file
        self._ndt_writer = ColWriter(out=self._ndtfilename())
        self._ndt_writer.set_formats([('float', '% 25.13g'), ('int', '% 25d'),
                                      ('date', '% 25s'),
                                      ('pfield', '% 25.13g'),
                                      ('field', '% 25.13g')])

        # The following list contains a description of the physics components
        # which are included in the physical model For example,
        # ["exch", "demag"] indicates that exchange and demag are included.
        # In this case, spin transfer torque is not. This information
        # is used to understand which fields are relevant and which are not
        # (so that we do not save empty fields). Following the previous
        # example, dm_dcurrent, current_density won't be saved.
        self._components = None