=================================================================================================== """ from nsx import NSX from nsx import credentials from nsx import createbody from nsx import seldc import yaml from termcolor import cprint import sys from deepdiff import DeepDiff # Select the instance of NSX manager to be configured - as argument inputs = 'inputs/nsx_' + seldc(sys.argv[1:]) + '.yml' # Specify parameters of the Edge to be created - as argument p_or_s = 'None' while p_or_s != 'p' and p_or_s != 's': p_or_s = raw_input( "Which edge do you want to configure? \n primary - p, secondary - s p/s[p]: " ) or 'p' if p_or_s == 'p': path = 'inputs/pe_primary_' + seldc(sys.argv[1:]) + '.yml' else: path = 'inputs/pe_secondary_' + seldc(sys.argv[1:]) + '.yml' # Create an instance of Class vSphere
#! /usr/bin/env python """ =================================================================================================== Author: Petr Nemec Description: Resolves edge name to edge-id Date: 2017-10-04 =================================================================================================== """ from nsx import NSX from nsx import credentials from nsx import seldc import sys # Select the instance of NSX manager to be configured - as argument inputs = 'inputs/nsx_' + seldc(sys.argv[1:]) + '.yml' # NSX Manager credentials cred = credentials(inputs) nsx = NSX(*cred) # Input the name of edge edgename = raw_input("Edge name: ") print(nsx.findedge(edgename))