Example #1
  seq = SequenceGen(args.task, vec_size, args.hi, args.lo)

# An object that keeps the optimizer state during training
optimizer = RMSProp(model.W)

n = 0 # counts the number of sequences trained on
bpc = None # keeps track of trailing bpc (cost)

# train forever
while True:

  i, t, seq_len = seq.make()
  inputs = np.matrix(i)
  targets = np.matrix(t)

  loss, deltas, outputs, r, w, a, e = model.lossFun(inputs, targets)

  newbpc = np.sum(loss) / ((seq_len*2 + 2) * vec_size)
  if bpc is not None:
    bpc = 0.99 * bpc + 0.01 * newbpc
    bpc = newbpc

  # sometimes print out diagnostic info
  if ((n % args.log_freq) == 0) or args.test_mode:
    print 'iter %d' % (n)
    visualize(inputs, outputs, r, w, a, e)

    # log ratio of delta l2 norm to weight l2 norm
    print "update/weight ratios:"
    for k in model.W.keys():
Example #2
  vec_size = model.vec_size # vec size comes from model
  seq = SequenceGen(args.task, vec_size, args.hi, args.lo)

# An object that keeps the optimizer state during training
optimizer = RMSProp(model.W)

n = 0 # counts the number of sequences trained on
bpc = None # keeps track of trailing bpc (cost)

while n < 100:

  i, t, seq_len = seq.make()
  inputs = np.matrix(i)
  targets = np.matrix(t)

  loss, deltas, outputs, r, w, a, e = model.lossFun(inputs, targets, args.manual_grad)

  newbpc = np.sum(loss) / ((seq_len*2 + 2) * vec_size)
  if bpc is not None:
    bpc = 0.99 * bpc + 0.01 * newbpc
    bpc = newbpc

  # sometimes print out diagnostic info
  if ((n % args.log_freq) == 0) or args.test_mode:
    print 'iter %d' % (n)
    visualize(inputs, outputs, r, w, a, e)

    # log ratio of delta l2 norm to weight l2 norm
    print "update/weight ratios:"
    for k in model.W.keys():
Example #3
    vec_size = model.vec_size  # vec size comes from model
    seq = SequenceGen(args.task, vec_size, args.hi, args.lo)

# An object that keeps the optimizer state during training
optimizer = RMSProp(model.W)

n = 0  # counts the number of sequences trained on
bpc = None  # keeps track of trailing bpc (cost)

while n < 100:

    i, t, seq_len = seq.make()
    inputs = np.matrix(i)
    targets = np.matrix(t)

    loss, deltas, outputs, r, w, a, e = model.lossFun(inputs, targets,

    newbpc = np.sum(loss) / ((seq_len * 2 + 2) * vec_size)
    if bpc is not None:
        bpc = 0.99 * bpc + 0.01 * newbpc
        bpc = newbpc

    # sometimes print out diagnostic info
    if ((n % args.log_freq) == 0) or args.test_mode:
        print 'iter %d' % (n)
        visualize(inputs, outputs, r, w, a, e)

        # log ratio of delta l2 norm to weight l2 norm
        print "update/weight ratios:"
        for k in model.W.keys():