Example #1
class LocalsDictHandleBase(object):
    # TODO: Might remove some of these later, pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    __slots__ = (
        # TODO: Specialize what the kinds really use.

    def __init__(self, locals_name, owner):
        self.locals_name = locals_name
        self.owner = owner

        # For locals dict variables in this scope.
        self.variables = {}

        # For local variables in this scope.
        self.local_variables = {}
        self.providing = OrderedDict()

        # Can this be eliminated through replacement of temporary variables
        self.mark_for_propagation = False

        self.propagation = None

        self.complete = False

    if isCountingInstances():
        __del__ = counted_del()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s of %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.locals_name)

    def getName(self):
        return self.locals_name

    def makeClone(self, new_owner):
        count = 1

        # Make it unique.
        while 1:
            locals_name = self.locals_name + "_inline_%d" % count

            if locals_name not in locals_dict_handles:

            count += 1

        result = self.__class__(locals_name=locals_name, owner=new_owner)

        variable_translation = {}

        # Clone variables as well.
        for variable_name, variable in self.variables.items():
            new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)

            variable_translation[variable] = new_variable
            result.variables[variable_name] = new_variable

        for variable_name, variable in self.local_variables.items():
            new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)

            variable_translation[variable] = new_variable
            result.local_variables[variable_name] = new_variable

        result.providing = OrderedDict()

        for variable_name, variable in self.providing.items():
            if variable in variable_translation:
                new_variable = variable_translation[variable]
                new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)
                variable_translation[variable] = new_variable

            result.providing[variable_name] = new_variable

        return result, variable_translation

    def getTypeShape():
        return tshape_dict

    def getCodeName(self):
        return self.locals_name

    def isModuleScope():
        return False

    def isClassScope():
        return False

    def isFunctionScope():
        return False

    def getProvidedVariables(self):
        return self.providing.values()

    def registerProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        variable_name = variable.getName()

        self.providing[variable_name] = variable

    def unregisterProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        """Remove provided variable, e.g. because it became unused."""

        variable_name = variable.getName()

        if variable_name in self.providing:
            del self.providing[variable_name]

    registerClosureVariable = registerProvidedVariable
    unregisterClosureVariable = unregisterProvidedVariable

    def hasProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        """Test if a variable is provided."""

        return variable_name in self.providing

    def getProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        """Test if a variable is provided."""

        return self.providing[variable_name]

    def getLocalsRelevantVariables(self):
        """The variables relevant to locals."""

        return self.providing.values()

    def getLocalsDictVariable(self, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.variables:
            result = Variables.LocalsDictVariable(owner=self,

            self.variables[variable_name] = result

        return self.variables[variable_name]

    # TODO: Have variable ownership moved to the locals scope, so owner becomes not needed here.
    def getLocalVariable(self, owner, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.local_variables:
            result = Variables.LocalVariable(owner=owner,

            self.local_variables[variable_name] = result

        return self.local_variables[variable_name]

    def markForLocalsDictPropagation(self):
        self.mark_for_propagation = True

    def isMarkedForPropagation(self):
        return self.mark_for_propagation

    def allocateTempReplacementVariable(self, trace_collection, variable_name):
        if self.propagation is None:
            self.propagation = OrderedDict()

        if variable_name not in self.propagation:
            provider = trace_collection.getOwner()

            self.propagation[variable_name] = provider.allocateTempVariable(
                name=self.getCodeName() + "_key_" + variable_name)

        return self.propagation[variable_name]

    def getPropagationVariables(self):
        if self.propagation is None:
            return ()

        return self.propagation

    def finalize(self):
        # Make it unusable when it's become empty, not used.
        self.owner.locals_scope = None
        del self.owner

        del self.propagation
        del self.mark_for_propagation

        for variable in self.variables.values():

        for variable in self.local_variables.values():

        del self.variables
        del self.providing

    def markAsComplete(self, trace_collection):
        self.complete = True


    # TODO: Limited to Python2 classes for now, more overloads need to be added, this
    # ought to be abstract and have variants with TODOs for each of them.
    def _considerPropagation(trace_collection):
        """For overload by scope type. Check if this can be replaced."""

    def _considerUnusedUserLocalVariables(self, trace_collection):
        """Check scope for unused variables."""

        provided = self.getProvidedVariables()
        removals = []

        for variable in provided:
            if (variable.isLocalVariable()
                    and not variable.isParameterVariable()
                    and variable.getOwner() is self.owner):
                empty = trace_collection.hasEmptyTraces(variable)

                if empty:

        for variable in removals:

                message="Remove unused local variable '%s'." %
Example #2
class ClosureGiverNodeMixin(CodeNodeMixin):
    """ Blass class for nodes that provide variables for closure takers. """
    def __init__(self, name, code_prefix):
        CodeNodeMixin.__init__(self, name=name, code_prefix=code_prefix)

        self.providing = OrderedDict()

        self.temp_variables = OrderedDict()

        self.temp_scopes = OrderedDict()

        self.preserver_id = 0

    def hasProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        return variable_name in self.providing

    def getProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.providing:
            self.providing[variable_name] = self.createProvidedVariable(

        return self.providing[variable_name]

    def createProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        # Virtual method, pylint: disable=no-self-use
        assert type(variable_name) is str

        return None

    def registerProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        assert variable is not None

        self.providing[variable.getName()] = variable

    def getProvidedVariables(self):
        return self.providing.values()

    def allocateTempScope(self, name, allow_closure=False):
        self.temp_scopes[name] = self.temp_scopes.get(name, 0) + 1

        # TODO: Instead of using overly long code name, could just visit parents
        # and make sure to allocate the scope at the top.
        if allow_closure:
            return "%s_%s_%d" % (self.getCodeName(), name,
            return "%s_%d" % (name, self.temp_scopes[name])

    def allocateTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (temp_scope, name)
            assert name != "result"

            full_name = name

        # No duplicates please.
        assert full_name not in self.temp_variables, full_name

        result = self.createTempVariable(temp_name=full_name)

        return result

    def createTempVariable(self, temp_name):
        if temp_name in self.temp_variables:
            return self.temp_variables[temp_name]

        result = Variables.TempVariable(owner=self, variable_name=temp_name)

        self.temp_variables[temp_name] = result

        return result

    def getTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (temp_scope, name)
            full_name = name

        return self.temp_variables[full_name]

    def getTempVariables(self):
        return tuple(self.temp_variables.values())

    def removeTempVariable(self, variable):
        del self.temp_variables[variable.getName()]

    def allocatePreserverId(self):
        if python_version >= 300:
            self.preserver_id += 1

        return self.preserver_id
Example #3
class ClosureGiverNodeBase(CodeNodeBase):
    """ Mixin for nodes that provide variables for closure takers. """
    def __init__(self, name, code_prefix, source_ref):
            name        = name,
            code_prefix = code_prefix,
            source_ref  = source_ref

        self.providing = OrderedDict()

        self.keeper_variables = OrderedSet()

        self.temp_variables = OrderedDict()

        self.temp_scopes = OrderedDict()

    def hasProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        return variable_name in self.providing

    def getProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.providing:
            self.providing[variable_name] = self.createProvidedVariable(
                variable_name = variable_name

        return self.providing[variable_name]

    def createProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        # Virtual method, pylint: disable=R0201
        assert type(variable_name) is str

        return None

    def registerProvidedVariables(self, *variables):
        for variable in variables:

    def registerProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        assert variable is not None

        self.providing[variable.getName()] = variable

    def getProvidedVariables(self):
        return self.providing.values()

    def allocateTempScope(self, name, allow_closure = False):
        self.temp_scopes[name] = self.temp_scopes.get(name, 0) + 1

        # TODO: Instead of using overly long code name, could just visit parents
        # and make sure to allocate the scope at the top.
        if allow_closure:
            return "%s_%s_%d" % (
            return "%s_%d" % (

    def allocateTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (
            assert name != "result"

            full_name = name

        del name

        assert full_name not in self.temp_variables, full_name

        result = Variables.TempVariable(
            owner         = self,
            variable_name = full_name

        self.temp_variables[full_name] = result

        addVariableUsage(result, self)

        return result

    def getTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (temp_scope, name)
            full_name = name

        return self.temp_variables[full_name]

    def getTempVariables(self):
        return tuple(self.temp_variables.values())

    def removeTempVariable(self, variable):
        del self.temp_variables[variable.getName()]
Example #4
class LocalsDictHandleBase(object):
    __slots__ = (
        # TODO: Specialize what the kinds really use.

    def __init__(self, locals_name, owner):
        self.locals_name = locals_name
        self.owner = owner

        # For locals dict variables in this scope.
        self.variables = {}

        # For local variables in this scope.
        self.local_variables = {}
        self.providing = OrderedDict()

        # Can this be eliminated through replacement of temporary variables
        self.mark_for_propagation = False

        self.propagation = None

    __del__ = counted_del()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s of %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.locals_name)

    def getName(self):
        return self.locals_name

    def makeClone(self, new_owner):
        count = 1

        # Make it unique.
        while 1:
            locals_name = self.locals_name + "_inline_%d" % count

            if locals_name not in locals_dict_handles:

            count += 1

        result = self.__class__(locals_name=locals_name, owner=new_owner)

        variable_translation = {}

        # Clone variables as well.
        for variable_name, variable in self.variables.items():
            new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)

            variable_translation[variable] = new_variable
            result.variables[variable_name] = new_variable

        for variable_name, variable in self.local_variables.items():
            new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)

            variable_translation[variable] = new_variable
            result.local_variables[variable_name] = new_variable

        result.providing = OrderedDict()

        for variable_name, variable in self.providing.items():
            if variable in variable_translation:
                new_variable = variable_translation[variable]
                new_variable = variable.makeClone(new_owner=new_owner)
                variable_translation[variable] = new_variable

            result.providing[variable_name] = new_variable

        return result, variable_translation

    def getTypeShape():
        return tshape_dict

    def getCodeName(self):
        return self.locals_name

    def isModuleScope():
        return False

    def isClassScope():
        return False

    def isFunctionScope():
        return False

    def getProvidedVariables(self):
        return self.providing.values()

    def registerProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        variable_name = variable.getName()

        self.providing[variable_name] = variable

    def unregisterProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        """ Remove provided variable, e.g. because it became unused. """

        variable_name = variable.getName()

        if variable_name in self.providing:
            del self.providing[variable_name]

    registerClosureVariable = registerProvidedVariable
    unregisterClosureVariable = unregisterProvidedVariable

    def hasProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        """ Test if a variable is provided. """

        return variable_name in self.providing

    def getProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        """ Test if a variable is provided. """

        return self.providing[variable_name]

    def getLocalsRelevantVariables(self):
        """ The variables relevant to locals. """

        return self.providing.values()

    def getLocalsDictVariable(self, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.variables:
            result = Variables.LocalsDictVariable(
                owner=self, variable_name=variable_name

            self.variables[variable_name] = result

        return self.variables[variable_name]

    # TODO: Have variable ownership moved to the locals scope, so owner becomes not needed here.
    def getLocalVariable(self, owner, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.local_variables:
            result = Variables.LocalVariable(owner=owner, variable_name=variable_name)

            self.local_variables[variable_name] = result

        return self.local_variables[variable_name]

    def markForLocalsDictPropagation(self):
        self.mark_for_propagation = True

    def isMarkedForPropagation(self):
        return self.mark_for_propagation

    def allocateTempReplacementVariable(self, trace_collection, variable_name):
        if self.propagation is None:
            self.propagation = OrderedDict()

        if variable_name not in self.propagation:
            provider = trace_collection.getOwner()

            self.propagation[variable_name] = provider.allocateTempVariable(
                temp_scope=None, name=self.getCodeName() + "_key_" + variable_name

        return self.propagation[variable_name]

    def getPropagationVariables(self):
        if self.propagation is None:
            return ()

        return self.propagation

    def finalize(self):
        # Make it unusable when it's become empty, not used.
        self.owner.locals_scope = None
        del self.owner

        del self.propagation
        del self.mark_for_propagation

        for variable in self.variables.values():

        for variable in self.local_variables.values():

        del self.variables
        del self.providing
Example #5
class ClosureGiverNodeBase(CodeNodeBase):
    """ Mixin for nodes that provide variables for closure takers. """
    def __init__(self, name, code_prefix, source_ref):
            name        = name,
            code_prefix = code_prefix,
            source_ref  = source_ref

        self.providing = OrderedDict()

        self.keeper_variables = OrderedSet()

        self.temp_variables = OrderedDict()

        self.temp_scopes = OrderedDict()

    def hasProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        return variable_name in self.providing

    def getProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        if variable_name not in self.providing:
            self.providing[variable_name] = self.createProvidedVariable(
                variable_name = variable_name

        return self.providing[variable_name]

    def createProvidedVariable(self, variable_name):
        # Virtual method, pylint: disable=R0201
        assert type(variable_name) is str

        return None

    def registerProvidedVariables(self, *variables):
        for variable in variables:

    def registerProvidedVariable(self, variable):
        assert variable is not None

        self.providing[variable.getName()] = variable

    def getProvidedVariables(self):
        return self.providing.values()

    def allocateTempScope(self, name, allow_closure = False):
        self.temp_scopes[name] = self.temp_scopes.get(name, 0) + 1

        # TODO: Instead of using overly long code name, could just visit parents
        # and make sure to allocate the scope at the top.
        if allow_closure:
            return "%s_%s_%d" % (
            return "%s_%d" % (

    def allocateTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (
            assert name != "result"

            full_name = name

        del name

        assert full_name not in self.temp_variables, full_name

        result = Variables.TempVariable(
            owner         = self,
            variable_name = full_name

        self.temp_variables[full_name] = result

        addVariableUsage(result, self)

        return result

    def getTempVariable(self, temp_scope, name):
        if temp_scope is not None:
            full_name = "%s__%s" % (temp_scope, name)
            full_name = name

        return self.temp_variables[full_name]

    def getTempVariables(self):
        return tuple(self.temp_variables.values())

    def removeTempVariable(self, variable):
        del self.temp_variables[variable.getName()]