def TelenVanBarel(initial_poly_list, accuracy = 1.e-10):
    """Uses Telen and VanBarels matrix reduction method to find a vector basis for the system of polynomials.

    initial_poly_list: list
        The polynomials in the system we are solving.
    run_checks : bool
        If True, checks will be run to make sure TVB works and if it doesn't an S-polynomial will be searched
        for to fix it.
    accuracy: float
        How small we want a number to be before assuming it is zero.

    basisDict : dict
        A dictionary of terms not in the vector basis a matrixes of things in the vector basis that the term
        can be reduced to.
    VB : numpy array
        The terms in the vector basis, each row being a term.
    degree : int
        The degree of the Macaualy matrix that was constructed.
    power = is_power(initial_poly_list)
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    #This sorting is required for fast matrix construction. Ascending should be False.
    initial_poly_list = sort_polys_by_degree(initial_poly_list, ascending = False)

    """This is the first construction option, simple monomial multiplication."""
    for poly in initial_poly_list:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)
    """This is the second construction option, it uses the fancy triangle method that is faster but less stable."""
    #for deg in reversed(range(min([ for poly in initial_poly_list]), degree+1)):
    #    poly_coeff_list += deg_d_polys(initial_poly_list, deg, dim)

    #Creates the matrix for either of the above two methods. Comment out if using the third method.
    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim)
    """This is the thrid matrix construction option, it uses the permutation arrays."""
    #if power:
    #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = createMatrixFast(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)
    #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = construction(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)

    matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceTelenVanBarel2(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, accuracy = accuracy)
    #matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceTelenVanBarelFullRank(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, accuracy = accuracy)

    height = matrix.shape[0]
    matrix[:,height:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:,:height],matrix[:,height:])
    matrix[:,:height] = np.eye(height)

    VB = matrix_terms[height:]
    basisDict = makeBasisDict(matrix, matrix_terms, VB, power)

    return basisDict, VB, degree
Example #2
def solve(polys, verbose=False, sim_diag="Telen"):
    Finds the roots of a list of multivariate polynomials by simultaneously
    diagonalizing a multiplication matrices created with the TVB method.

    polys : list of polynomial objects
        Polynomials to find the common roots of.
    verbose : bool
        Print information about how the roots are computed.
    roots : numpy array
        The common roots of the polynomials. Each row is a root.
    polys = match_poly_dimensions(polys)
    poly_type = is_power(polys, return_string = True)
    dim = polys[0].dim

    #Reduce the Macaulay Matrix TVB-style to generate a basis for C[]/I and
    # a dictionary that expresses other monomials in terms of that basis
    basisDict, VB = TVB_MacaulayReduction(polys, accuracy = 1.e-10, verbose=verbose)
    if verbose:
        print('Basis for C[]/I\n', VB)
        print('Dictionary which represents non-basis monomials in terms of the basis\n', basisDict)

    #See what happened to dimension of C[]/I. Did we loose roots?
    len_VB = len(VB)
    degrees = [ for poly in polys]
    max_number_of_roots =
    if len_VB < max_number_of_roots:
        raise MacaulayError('Roots were lost during the Macaulay Reduction')
    if len_VB > max_number_of_roots:
        raise MacaulayError('Dimension of C[]/I is too large')

    #make Mx1, ..., Mxn
    mult_matrices = np.zeros((dim, len_VB, len_VB))
    for i in range(1, dim+1):
        mult_matrices[i-1] = Mxi_Matrix(i, basisDict, VB, dim, poly_type)

    if verbose:
        print('The Multiplication Matrices:\n', mult_matrices)

    #simultaneously diagonalize and return roots
    if sim_diag == "Telen":
        #Determine if the system contains only homogenous polynomials
        homogenous = all([is_homogenous(poly) for poly in polys])
        #Find the roots
        roots = Telen_sim_diag(mult_matrices, verbose=verbose, homogenous=homogenous).T
        roots = sim_diag(mult_matrices, verbose=verbose).T
    if verbose:
        print("Roots:\n", roots)
    return roots
Example #3
def newton_polish(polys, root, niter=100, tol=1e-5):
    Perform Newton's method on a system of N polynomials in M variables.

    polys : list
        A list of polynomial objects of the same type (MultiPower or MultiCheb).
    root : ndarray
        An initial guess for Newton's method, intended to be a candidate root from root_finder.
    niter : int
        A maximum number of iterations of Newton's method.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for convergence of Newton's method.

    x1 : ndarray
        The terminal point of Newton's method, an estimation for a root of the system
    poly_type = is_power(polys, return_string=True)

    m = len(polys)
    dim = max(poly.dim for poly in polys)
    f_x = np.empty(m, dtype="complex_")
    jac = np.empty((m, dim), dtype="complex_")

    def f(x):
        #f_x = np.empty(m,dtype="complex_")
        for i, poly in enumerate(polys):
            f_x[i] = poly(x)
        return f_x

    def Df(x):
        #jac = np.empty((m,dim),dtype="complex_")
        for i, poly in enumerate(polys):
            jac[i] = poly.grad(x)
        return jac

    i = 0
    x0, x1 = root, root
    while True:
        if i == niter:
        delta = np.linalg.solve(Df(x0), -f(x0))
        norm = np.linalg.norm(delta)
        x1 = delta + x0
        if norm < tol or norm > .1:
        x0 = x1
        i += 1
    return x1
Example #4
def new_macaulay(initial_poly_list, global_accuracy=1.e-10):
    Accepts a list of polynomials and use them to construct a Macaulay matrix.
    The matrix is constucted one degree at a time.

    initial_poly_list: list
        Polynomials for Macaulay construction.
    global_accuracy : float
        Round-off parameter: values within global_accuracy of zero are rounded to zero. Defaults to 1e-10.

    final_polys : list
        Reduced Macaulay matrix that can be passed into the root finder.
    Power = is_power(initial_poly_list)

    poly_coeff_list = list()
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    degree = max([ for i in initial_poly_list])
    total_degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    for i in initial_poly_list:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, i, poly_coeff_list)
    initial_poly_list = list()
    polys_old = create_reduce(poly_coeff_list, Power, False, 'matrix')
    poly_coeff_list = list()
    for i in polys_old:
    polys_new = list()
    mons = mon_combos(np.zeros(dim, dtype=int), 1)
    mons = mons[1:]

    while degree < total_degree:
        poly_coeff_list, polys_old = add_polys_to_deg_x(
            degree, poly_coeff_list, polys_old, mons, Power)
        print("Reducing large matrix")
        poly_coeff_list = create_reduce(poly_coeff_list, Power, False,
        degree += 1
    print("Final reduction")
    final_polys = create_reduce(poly_coeff_list, Power, True)

    return final_polys
Example #5
def Macaulay(initial_poly_list, global_accuracy=1.e-10):
    Accepts a list of polynomials and use them to construct a Macaulay matrix.

    initial_poly_list: list
        Polynomials for Macaulay construction.
    global_accuracy : float
        Round-off parameter: values within global_accuracy of zero are rounded to zero. Defaults to 1e-10.

    final_polys : list
        Reduced Macaulay matrix that can be passed into the root finder.
    Power = is_power(initial_poly_list)

    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    for i in initial_poly_list:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, i, poly_coeff_list)

    matrix, matrix_terms = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list)


    #rrqr_reduce2 and rrqr_reduce same pretty matched on stability, though I feel like 2 should be better.
    matrix = utils.rrqr_reduce2(matrix,
                                global_accuracy=global_accuracy)  # here
    matrix = clean_zeros_from_matrix(matrix)
    non_zero_rows = np.sum(np.abs(matrix), axis=1) != 0
    matrix = matrix[non_zero_rows, :]  #Only keeps the non_zero_polymonials

    matrix = triangular_solve(matrix)
    matrix = clean_zeros_from_matrix(matrix)

    #The other reduction option. I thought it would be really stable but seems to be the worst of the three.
    #matrix = matrixReduce(matrix, triangular_solve = True, global_accuracy = global_accuracy)

    rows = get_good_rows(matrix, matrix_terms)
    final_polys = get_polys_from_matrix(matrix, matrix_terms, rows, Power)

    return final_polys
Example #6
def F4(polys, reducedGroebner=True, accuracy=1.e-10, phi=True):
    '''Uses the F4 algorithm to find a Groebner Basis.

    polys : list
        The polynomails for which a Groebner basis is computed.
    reducedGroebner : bool
        Defaults to True. If True then a reduced Groebner Basis is found. If False, just a Groebner Basis is found.
    accuracy : float
        Defaults to 1.e-10. What is determined to be zero in the code.

    groebner_basis : list
        The polynomials in the Groebner Basis.

    power = is_power(polys)
    old_polys = list()
    new_polys = polys
    polys_were_added = True
    while len(new_polys) > 0:
        old_polys, new_polys, matrix_polys = sort_reducible_polys(
            old_polys, new_polys)
        matrix_polys = add_phi_to_matrix(old_polys,
        matrix_polys, matrix_terms = add_r_to_matrix(matrix_polys,
                                                     old_polys + new_polys)
        matrix, matrix_terms = create_matrix(matrix_polys, matrix_terms)
        old_polys += new_polys
        new_polys = get_new_polys(matrix,
    groebner_basis = old_polys
    if reducedGroebner:
        groebner_basis = reduce_groebner_basis(groebner_basis, power)
    return groebner_basis
Example #7
def roots(polys, method='Groebner'):
    Finds the roots of the given list of polynomials.

    polys : list of polynomial objects
        Polynomials to find the common roots of.
    method : string
        The root finding method to be used. Can be either 'Groebner',
        'Macaulay', or 'TVB'.
    list of numpy arrays
        the common roots of the polynomials
    polys = match_poly_dimensions(polys)

    # Determine polynomial type
    poly_type = is_power(polys, return_string=True)

    if method == 'TVB' or method == 'new_TVB':
            m_f, var_dict = TVBMultMatrix(polys, poly_type, method)
        except TVBError as e:
            if str(
            ) == "Doesn't have all x^n's on diagonal. Do linear transformation":
                raise e
                ''' #Optionally have it do F4 instead in thise case.
                warnings.warn("TVB method failed. Trying F4 instead. \
                    Error message from TVB is - {}".format(e), InstabilityWarning)
                method = 'Groebner'
                GB, m_f, var_dict = groebnerMultMatrix(polys, poly_type, method)
            elif str(e) == 'Polys are non-zero dimensional':
                return -1
                raise e
        GB, m_f, var_dict = groebnerMultMatrix(polys, poly_type, method)

    # both TVBMultMatrix and groebnerMultMatrix will return m_f as
    # -1 if the ideal is not zero dimensional or if there are no roots
    if type(m_f) == int:
        return -1

    # Get list of indexes of single variables and store vars that were not
    # in the vector space basis.
    dim = max(f.dim for f in polys)
    var_list = get_var_list(dim)
    var_indexes = [-1] * dim
    vars_not_in_basis = {}
    for i in range(len(var_list)):
        var = var_list[i]  # x_i
        if var in var_dict:
            var_indexes[i] = var_dict[var]
            # maps the position in the root to its variable
            vars_not_in_basis[i] = var

    vnib = False
    if len(vars_not_in_basis) != 0:
        if method == 'TVB':
            print("This isn't working yet...")
            return -1
        vnib = True

    # Get left eigenvectors

    e = np.linalg.eig(m_f.T)
    eig = e[1]
    num_vectors = eig.shape[1]

    eig_vectors = [eig[:, i] for i in range(num_vectors)]  # columns of eig
    roots = []
    for v in eig_vectors:
        if v[var_dict[tuple(0 for i in range(dim))]] == 0:
        root = np.zeros(dim, dtype=complex)
        # This will always work because var_indexes and root have the
        # same length - dim - and var_indexes has the variables in the
        # order they should be in the root
        for i in range(dim):
            x_i_pos = var_indexes[i]
            if x_i_pos != -1:
                root[i] = v[x_i_pos] / v[var_dict[tuple(0
                                                        for i in range(dim))]]
        if vnib:
            # Go through the indexes of variables not in the basis in
            # decreasing order. It must be done in decreasing order for the
            # roots to be calculated correctly, since the vars with lower
            # indexes depend on the ones with higher indexes
            for pos in list(vars_not_in_basis.keys())[::-1]:
                GB_poly = _get_poly_with_LT(vars_not_in_basis[pos], GB)
                var_value = GB_poly(root) * -1
                root[pos] = var_value
    return roots
Example #8
def solve(polys, MSmatrix=0, eigvals=True, verbose=False):
    Finds the roots of the given list of polynomials.

    polys : list of polynomial objects
        Polynomials to find the common roots of.
    MSmatrix : int
        Controls which Moller-Stetter matrix is constructed
        For a univariate polynomial, the options are:
            0 (default) -- The companion or colleague matrix, rotated 180 degrees
            1 -- The unrotated companion or colleague matrix
            -1 -- The inverse of the companion or colleague matrix
        For a multivariate polynomial, the options are:
            0 (default) -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of a random polynomial
            Some positive integer i <= dimension -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of x_i, where variables are index from x1, ..., xn
            Some negative integer i >= -dimension -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of x_i-inverse
    eigvals : bool
        Whether to compute roots of univariate polynomials from eigenvalues (True) or eigenvectors (False).
        Roots of multivariate polynomials are always comptued from eigenvectors
    verbose : bool
        Prints information about how the roots are computed.

    roots : numpy array
        The common roots of the polynomials. Each row is a root.
    polys = match_poly_dimensions(polys)
    # Determine polynomial type and dimension of the system
    poly_type = is_power(polys, return_string=True)
    dim = polys[0].dim

    if dim == 1:
        if len(polys) == 1:
            return oneD.solve(polys[0],
            zeros = np.unique(
            #Finds the roots of each succesive polynomial and checks which roots are common.
            for poly in polys[1:]:
                if len(zeros) == 0:
                zeros2 = np.unique(
                common = list()
                tol = 1.e-10
                for zero in zeros2:
                    spot = np.where(np.abs(zeros - zero) < tol)
                    if len(spot[0]) > 0:
                zeros = common
            return zeros
        if MSmatrix < 0:
            return division(polys, verbose=verbose, divisor_var=-MSmatrix - 1)
            return multiplication(polys, verbose=verbose, MSmatrix=MSmatrix)
Example #9
def TVB_MacaulayReduction(initial_poly_list, accuracy = 1.e-10, verbose=False):
    Reduces the Macaulay matrix to find a vector basis for the system of polynomials.

    polys: list
        The polynomials in the system we are solving.
    accuracy: float
        How small we want a number to be before assuming it is zero.

    basisDict : dict
        A dictionary of terms not in the vector basis a matrixes of things in the vector basis that the term
        can be reduced to.
    VB : nparray
        The terms in the vector basis, each list being a term.
    power = is_power(initial_poly_list)
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)
    initial_poly_list = sort_polys_by_degree(initial_poly_list, ascending = False)

    for poly in initial_poly_list:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)

    #Creates the matrix for either of the above two methods. Comment out if using the third method.
    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim)
    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=False, linewidth=200)
        print('\nStarting Macaulay Matrix\n', matrix)
        print('\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\nFirst element in tuple is degree of x monomial, Second element is degree of y monomial\n', matrix_terms)
        print('\nLocation of Cuts in the Macaulay Matrix into [ Mb | M1* | M2* ]\n', cuts)

    #First QR reduction
    #If bottom left is zero only does the first QR reduction on top part of matrix (for speed). Otherwise does it on the whole thing
    if np.allclose(matrix[cuts[0]:,:cuts[0]], 0):
        #RRQR reduces A and D without pivoting, sticking the result in it's place and multiplying the rest of the matrix by Q.T
        C1,matrix[:cuts[0],:cuts[0]] = qr_multiply(matrix[:,:cuts[0]], matrix[:,cuts[0]:].T, mode = 'right')
        matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:] = C1.T
        C1 = 0

        #check if there are zeros along the diagonal of R1
        if any(np.isclose(np.diag(matrix[:,:cuts[0]]),0, rtol=accuracy)):
            raise MacaulayError("R1 IS NOT FULL RANK")

        #set small values to zero before backsolving
        matrix[np.isclose(matrix, 0, rtol=accuracy)] = 0

        matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:cuts[0],:cuts[0]],matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:])
        matrix[:cuts[0],:cuts[0]] = np.eye(cuts[0])
        matrix[cuts[0]:,cuts[0]:] -= (matrix[cuts[0]:,:cuts[0]])@matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:] #?
        #RRQR reduces A and D without pivoting, sticking the result in it's place.
        Q1,matrix[:,:cuts[0]] = qr(matrix[:,:cuts[0]])

        #check if there are zeros along the diagonal of R1
        if any(np.isclose(np.diag(matrix[:,:cuts[0]]),0, rtol=accuracy)):
            raise MacaulayError("R1 IS NOT FULL RANK")

        #Multiplying the rest of the matrix by Q.T
        matrix[:,cuts[0]:] = Q1.T@matrix[:,cuts[0]:]
        Q1 = 0 #Get rid of Q1 for memory purposes.

    #Second QR reduction on all the rest of the matrix
    matrix[cuts[0]:,cuts[0]:],P = qr(matrix[cuts[0]:,cuts[0]:], mode = 'r', pivoting = True)

    #Shift around the top right columns
    matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:] = matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[0]:][:,P]
    #Shift around the columns labels
    matrix_terms[cuts[0]:] = matrix_terms[cuts[0]:][P]
    P = 0

    #set small values to zero
    matrix[np.isclose(matrix, 0, rtol=accuracy)] = 0

    #eliminate zero rows from the bottom of the matrix. Zero rows above
    #nonzero elements are not eliminated. This saves time since Macaulay matrices
    #we deal with are only zero at the very bottom
    #matrix = row_swap_matrix(matrix) #not for TVB's method needed bc QRP is on the whole matrix
    for row in matrix[::-1]:
        if np.allclose(row, 0):
            matrix = matrix[:-1]

    height = matrix.shape[0]
    matrix[:,height:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:,:height],matrix[:,height:])
    matrix[:,:height] = np.eye(height)
    #return np.vstack((matrix[:,height:].T,np.eye(height))), matrix_terms

    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200)
        print("\nFinal Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix)
        print("\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix_terms)
    VB = matrix_terms[height:]

    basisDict = makeBasisDict(matrix, matrix_terms, VB, power)

    return basisDict, VB
Example #10
def MacaulayReduction(initial_poly_list,
    """Reduces the Macaulay matrix to find a vector basis for the system of polynomials.

    initial_poly_list: list
        The polynomials in the system we are solving.
    accuracy: float
        How small we want a number to be before assuming it is zero.

    basisDict : dict
        A dictionary of terms not in the vector basis a matrixes of things in the vector basis that the term
        can be reduced to.
    VB : numpy array
        The terms in the vector basis, each row being a term.
    power = is_power(initial_poly_list)
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    #This sorting is required for fast matrix construction. Ascending should be False.
    initial_poly_list = sort_polys_by_degree(initial_poly_list,
    """This is the first construction option, simple monomial multiplication."""
    for poly in initial_poly_list:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)
    """This is the second construction option, it uses the fancy triangle method that is faster but less stable."""
    #for deg in reversed(range(min([ for poly in initial_poly_list]), degree+1)):
    #    poly_coeff_list += deg_d_polys(initial_poly_list, deg, dim)

    #Creates the matrix for either of the above two methods. Comment out if using the third method.
    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim)
    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=False, linewidth=200)
        print('\nStarting Macaulay Matrix\n', matrix)
            '\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\nFirst element in tuple is degree of x, Second element is degree of y\n',
            '\nLocation of Cuts in the Macaulay Matrix into [ Mb | M1* | M2* ]\n',
    """This is the thrid matrix construction option, it uses the permutation arrays."""
    #if power:
    #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = createMatrixFast(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)
    #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = construction(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)

    #If bottom left is zero only does the first QR reduction on top part of matrix (for speed). Otherwise does it on the whole thing
    if np.allclose(matrix[cuts[0]:, :cuts[0]], 0):
        matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay2(matrix,
        matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay(matrix,

    #Make there are enough rows in the reduced Macaulay matrix, i.e. didn't loose a row
    assert matrix.shape[0] >= matrix.shape[1] - max_number_of_roots

    #matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulayFullRank(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, number_of_roots, accuracy = accuracy)
    height = matrix.shape[0]
    matrix[:, height:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:, :height], matrix[:,
    # except Exception as e:
    #     if str(e)[:46] == 'singular matrix: resolution failed at diagonal':
    #         matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree+1, dim)
    #         if verbose:
    #             np.set_printoptions(suppress=False, linewidth=200)
    #             print('\nNew, Bigger Macaulay Matrix\n', matrix)
    #             print('\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\nFirst element in tuple is degree of x, Second element is degree of y\n', matrix_terms)
    #             print('\nLocation of Cuts in the Macaulay Matrix into [ Mb | M1* | M2* ]\n', cuts)
    #         """This is the thrid matrix construction option, it uses the permutation arrays."""
    #         #if power:
    #         #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = createMatrixFast(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)
    #         #else:
    #         #    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = construction(initial_poly_list, degree, dim)
    #         #If bottom left is zero only does the first QR reduction on top part of matrix (for speed). Otherwise does it on the whole thing
    #         if np.allclose(matrix[cuts[0]:,:cuts[0]], 0):
    #             matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay2(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, max_number_of_roots, accuracy = accuracy)
    #         else:
    #             matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, max_number_of_roots, accuracy = accuracy)
    #         #Make there are enough rows in the reduced Macaulay matrix, i.e. didn't loose a row
    #         assert matrix.shape[0] >= matrix.shape[1] - max_number_of_roots
    #         #matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulayFullRank(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, number_of_roots, accuracy = accuracy)
    #         height = matrix.shape[0]
    #         matrix[:,height:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:,:height],matrix[:,height:])
    #     else:
    #         raise e

    #Make there are enough rows in the reduced Macaulay matrix, i.e. didn't loose a row
    assert matrix.shape[0] >= matrix.shape[1] - max_number_of_roots

    matrix[:, :height] = np.eye(height)
    #return np.vstack((matrix[:,height:].T,np.eye(height))), matrix_terms

    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200)
        print("\nFinal Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix)
        print("\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix_terms)
    VB = matrix_terms[height:]


    basisDict = makeBasisDict(matrix, matrix_terms, VB, power)

    return basisDict, VB
Example #11
def multiplication(polys, verbose=False, MSmatrix=0, rotate=False):
    Finds the roots of the given list of multidimensional polynomials using a multiplication matrix.

    polys : list of polynomial objects
        Polynomials to find the common roots of.
    MSmatrix : int
        Controls which Moller-Stetter matrix is constructed. The options are:
            0 (default) -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of a random polynomial
            Some positive integer i < dimension -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of x_i
    verbose : bool
        Prints information about how the roots are computed.
    roots : numpy array
        The common roots of the polynomials. Each row is a root.
    poly_type = is_power(polys, return_string=True)
    dim = polys[0].dim

    if MSmatrix not in list(range(dim + 1)):
        raise ValueError(
            'MSmatrix must be 0 (random polynomial), or the index of a variable'

    #By Bezout's Theorem. Useful for making sure that the reduced Macaulay Matrix is as we expect
    degrees = [ for poly in polys]
    max_number_of_roots =

    m_f, var_dict = MSMultMatrix(polys,

    if rotate:  #rotate multiplication matrix 180 degrees
        m_f = np.rot90(m_f, 2)

    if verbose:
        print("\nM_f:\n", m_f[::-1, ::-1])

    # both MSMultMatrix and will return m_f as
    # -1 if the ideal is not zero dimensional or if there are no roots
    if type(m_f) == int:
        return -1

    # Get list of indexes of single variables and store vars that were not
    # in the vector space basis.
    var_spots = list()
    spot = np.zeros(dim)
    for i in range(dim):
        spot[i] = 1
        if not rotate:
        else:  #if m_f is rotated 180, the eigenvectors are backwards
            var_spots.append(m_f.shape[0] - 1 - var_dict[tuple(spot)])
        spot[i] = 0

    # Get left eigenvectors

    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(m_f.T)
    if verbose:
        print('\nLeft Eigenvectors (as rows)\n', vecs.T)
        print('\nEigenvals\n', vals)

    zeros_spot = var_dict[tuple(0 for i in range(dim))]
    if rotate:  #if m_f is rotate 180, the eigenvectors are backwards
        zeros_spot = m_f.shape[0] - 1 - zeros_spot

    #vecs = vecs[:,np.abs(vecs[zeros_spot]) > 1.e-10]
    if verbose:
        print('\nVariable Spots in the Vector\n', var_spots)
        print('\nEigeinvecs at the Variable Spots:\n', vecs[var_spots])
        print('\nConstant Term Spot in the Vector\n', zeros_spot)
        print('\nEigeinvecs at the Constant Term\n', vecs[zeros_spot])

    roots = vecs[var_spots] / vecs[zeros_spot]

    #Checks that the algorithm finds the correct number of roots with Bezout's Theorem
    assert roots.shape[
        1] <= max_number_of_roots, "Found too many roots"  #Check if too many roots
    #if roots.shape[1] < max_number_of_roots:
    #    warnings.warn('Expected ' + str(max_number_of_roots)
    #    + " roots, Found " + str(roots.shape[1]) , Warning)
    #    print("Number of Roots Lost:", max_number_of_roots - roots.shape[1])
    return roots.T
Example #12
def division(polys,
    '''Calculates the common zeros of polynomials using a division matrix.

    polys: MultiCheb Polynomials
        The polynomials for which the common roots are found.
    divisor_var : int
        What variable is being divided by. 0 is x, 1 is y, etc. Defaults to x.
    get_divvar_coord_from_eigval: bool
        Whether the divisor_var-coordinate of the roots is calculated from the eigenvalue or eigenvector.
        More stable to use the eigenvector. Defaults to false

    zeros : numpy array
        The common roots of the polynomials. Each row is a root.
    #This first section creates the Macaulay Matrix with the monomials that don't have
    #the divisor variable in the first columns.
    power = is_power(polys)
    dim = polys[0].dim

    #By Bezout's Theorem. Useful for making sure that the reduced Macaulay Matrix is as we expect
    degrees = [ for poly in polys]
    max_number_of_roots =

    matrix_degree = np.sum( for poly in polys) - len(polys) + 1

    poly_coeff_list = []
    for poly in polys:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(matrix_degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)

    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, matrix_degree,
                                               dim, divisor_var,
    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=False, linewidth=200)
        print('\nStarting Macaulay Matrix\n', matrix)
            '\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\nFirst element in tuple is degree of x monomial, Second element is degree of y monomial \n',
            '\nLocation of Cuts in the Macaulay Matrix into [ Mb | M1* | M2* ]\n',

    #If bottom left is zero only does the first QR reduction on top part of matrix (for speed). Otherwise does it on the whole thing
    if np.allclose(matrix[cuts[0]:, :cuts[0]], 0):
        matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay2(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts,
                                                    max_number_of_roots, tol)
        matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts,
                                                   max_number_of_roots, tol)

    rows, columns = matrix.shape

    #Make there are enough rows in the reduced Macaulay matrix, i.e. didn't loose a row
    #This should be a valid assert statement but the max_number_of_roots won't be the product of dimensions for non homogenous polynomials
    #assert rows >= columns - max_number_of_roots

    VB = matrix_terms[matrix.shape[0]:]
    matrix = np.hstack(
        (np.eye(rows), solve_triangular(matrix[:, :rows], matrix[:, rows:])))

    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200)
        print("\nFinal Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix)
        print("\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix_terms)

    #------------> chebyshev
    if not power:
        #Builds the inverse matrix. The terms are the vector basis as well as y^k/x terms for all k. Reducing
        #this matrix allows the y^k/x terms to be reduced back into the vector basis.
        inverses = matrix_terms[np.where(matrix_terms[:, divisor_var] == 0)[0]]
        inverses[:, divisor_var] = -np.ones(inverses.shape[0], dtype='int')
        inv_matrix_terms = np.vstack((inverses, VB))
        inv_matrix = np.zeros([len(inverses), len(inv_matrix_terms)])

        #A bunch of different dictionaries are used below for speed purposes and to prevent repeat calculations.

        #A dictionary of term in inv_matrix_terms to their spot in inv_matrix_terms.
        inv_spot_dict = dict()
        spot = 0
        for term in inv_matrix_terms:
            inv_spot_dict[tuple(term)] = spot
            spot += 1

        #A dictionary of terms on the diagonal to their reduction in the vector basis.
        diag_reduction_dict = dict()
        for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
            term = matrix_terms[i]
            diag_reduction_dict[tuple(term)] = matrix[i][-len(VB):]

        #A dictionary of terms to the terms in their quotient when divided by x.
        divisor_terms_dict = dict()
        for term in matrix_terms:
            divisor_terms_dict[tuple(term)] = get_divisor_terms(
                term, divisor_var)

        #A dictionary of terms to their quotient when divided by x.
        term_divide_dict = dict()
        for term in matrix_terms[-len(VB):]:
            term_divide_dict[tuple(term)] = divide_term(
                term, inv_matrix_terms, inv_spot_dict, diag_reduction_dict,
                len(VB), divisor_terms_dict)

        #Builds the inv_matrix by dividing the rows of matrix by x.
        for i in range(cuts[0]):
            inv_matrix[i] = divide_row(matrix[i][-len(VB):],
                                       term_divide_dict, len(inv_matrix_terms))
            spot = matrix_terms[i]
            spot[divisor_var] -= 1
            inv_matrix[i][inv_spot_dict[tuple(spot)]] += 1

        #Reduces the inv_matrix to solve for the y^k/x terms in the vector basis.
        Q, R = qr(inv_matrix)

        inv_solutions = np.hstack((np.eye(R.shape[0]),
                                   solve_triangular(R[:, :R.shape[0]],
                                                    R[:, R.shape[0]:])))

        #A dictionary of term in the vector basis to their spot in the vector basis.
        VB_spot_dict = dict()
        spot = 0
        for row in VB:
            VB_spot_dict[tuple(row)] = spot
            spot += 1

        #A dictionary of terms of type y^k/x to their reduction in the vector basis.
        inv_reduction_dict = dict()
        for i in range(len(inv_solutions)):
                inv_matrix_terms[i])] = inv_solutions[i][len(inv_solutions):]

        #Builds the division matrix and finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
        division_matrix = build_division_matrix(VB, VB_spot_dict,
        #<---------end Chebyshev
        basisDict = makeBasisDict(matrix, matrix_terms, VB)

        #Dictionary of terms in the vector basis their spots in the matrix.
        VBdict = {}
        spot = 0
        for row in VB:
            VBdict[tuple(row)] = spot
            spot += 1

        # Build division matrix
        division_matrix = np.zeros((len(VB), len(VB)))
        for i in range(VB.shape[0]):
            var = np.zeros(dim)
            var[divisor_var] = 1
            term = tuple(VB[i] - var)
            if term in VBdict:
                division_matrix[VBdict[term]][i] += 1
                division_matrix[:, i] -= basisDict[term]
        #<----------end Power

    vals, vecs = eig(division_matrix.T)
    if verbose:
        print("\nDivision Matrix\n", np.round(division_matrix[::-1, ::-1], 2))
        print("\nLeft Eigenvectors (as rows)\n", vecs.T)
    #Calculates the zeros, the x values from the eigenvalues and the y values from the eigenvectors.
    zeros = list()
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        if abs(vecs[-1][i]) < 1.e-3:
            #This root has magnitude greater than 1, will possibly generate a false root due to instability
        root = np.zeros(dim, dtype=complex)
        if get_divvar_coord_from_eigval:
            for spot in range(0, divisor_var):
                root[spot] = vecs[-(2 + spot)][i] / vecs[-1][i]
            for spot in range(divisor_var + 1, dim):
                root[spot] = vecs[-(1 + spot)][i] / vecs[-1][i]
            for spot in range(0, divisor_var):
                root[spot] = vecs[-(3 + spot)][i] / vecs[-1][i]
            for spot in range(divisor_var + 1, dim):
                root[spot] = vecs[-(2 + spot)][i] / vecs[-1][i]

        if get_divvar_coord_from_eigval:  #If get_divvar_coord_from_eigval, use the eigenval to calulate that coordinate
            root[divisor_var] = 1 / vals[i]
        elif power:  #If using the eigenvector and it's in power form, normal calculation of coordinate
            root[divisor_var] = vecs[-(2)][i] / vecs[-1][i]
        else:  #If using the eigenvector and it's in cheb form, have to use quadratic formula to calculate coordinate.
            vecval = vecs[-(2)][i] / vecs[-1][
                i]  #vecval = cT2(x)/cT1(x) = c(2x^2-1)/cx = (2x^2-1)/x
            root1 = root.copy()
            root1[divisor_var] = (vecval + np.sqrt(vecval**2 + 8)) / 4
            root2 = root.copy()
            root2[divisor_var] = (vecval - np.sqrt(vecval**2 + 8)) / 4

            if sum(np.abs(poly(root1)) for poly in polys) < sum(
                    np.abs(poly(root2)) for poly in polys):
                root = root1
                root = root2
        if polish:
            root = newton_polish(polys, root, tol=tol)

    zeros = np.array(zeros)

    #Checks that the algorithm finds the correct number of roots with Bezout's Theorem
    assert zeros.shape[
        0] <= max_number_of_roots, "Found too many roots"  #Check if too many roots
    #if zeros.shape[0] < max_number_of_roots:
    #    warnings.warn('Expected ' + str(max_number_of_roots)
    #    + " roots, Found " + str(zeros.shape[0]) , Warning)
    #    print("Number of Roots Lost:", max_number_of_roots - zeros.shape[0])
    return zeros