def generic_gradient_magnitude( input, derivative, output=None, mode="reflect", cval=0.0, extra_arguments=(), extra_keywords={} ): """Calculate a gradient magnitude using the provdide function for the gradient. The derivative parameter must be a callable with the following signature: derivative(input, axis, output, mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) The extra_arguments and extra_keywords arguments can be used to pass extra arguments and keywords that are passed to derivative2 at each call. """ input = numarray.asarray(input) output, return_value = _ni_support._get_output(output, input) axes = range(input.rank) if len(axes) > 0: derivative(input, axes[0], output, mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) numarray.multiply(output, output, output) for ii in range(1, len(axes)): tmp = derivative(input, axes[ii], output.type(), mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) numarray.multiply(tmp, tmp, tmp) output += tmp numarray.sqrt(output, output) else: output[...] = input[...] return return_value
def generic_gradient_magnitude(input, derivative, output=None, mode="reflect", cval=0.0, extra_arguments=(), extra_keywords={}): """Calculate a gradient magnitude using the provdide function for the gradient. The derivative parameter must be a callable with the following signature: derivative(input, axis, output, mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) The extra_arguments and extra_keywords arguments can be used to pass extra arguments and keywords that are passed to derivative2 at each call. """ input = numarray.asarray(input) output, return_value = _ni_support._get_output(output, input) axes = range(input.rank) if len(axes) > 0: derivative(input, axes[0], output, mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) numarray.multiply(output, output, output) for ii in range(1, len(axes)): tmp = derivative(input, axes[ii], output.type(), mode, cval, *extra_arguments, **extra_keywords) numarray.multiply(tmp, tmp, tmp) output += tmp numarray.sqrt(output, output) else: output[...] = input[...] return return_value
def RMS(b): a = b.astype(Int32) multiply(a, a, a) ms = add.reduce(a)/len(a) rms = sqrt(ms) return rms
def mad_combine(infileglob, outfilebase): # get list of files to operate on files = glob.glob(infileglob) # check more than one image exists if files < 2: print 'Less than two input files found!' return print 'Operating on images',infileglob # get images images = _get_images(files) lenimages = len(images) print 'Found', lenimages, 'images' # get header of first image hdr = images[0][0].header # get ascard of first image hdrascard = hdr.ascard # get data from images into num (untidy tuple concatenation) data = num.zeros((lenimages,) + images[0][0].data.shape, num.Float32) for i in range(lenimages): data[i,:,:] = images[i][0].data # delete array del images # sort data print 'Sorting... (this may take a while, i.e an hour or so!)' #data_sorted = num.sort(data, axis=0) data_sorted = data # for debugging # find standard deviation of lowest n - n_discard pixels print 'Calculating mad_low...' mad_low = _mad3(data_sorted[:-n_discard,:,:]) # correct for bias to stddev num.multiply(mad_low, corr[`lenimages - n_discard` + ',' + `lenimages`], mad_low) # make median image print 'Calculating median...' if lenimages%2 != 0: # then odd number of images m = (lenimages - 1) / 2 median = data_sorted[m,:,:] else: # even number of images m = lenimages / 2 median = (data_sorted[m,:,:] + data_sorted[m-1,:,:]) / 2 # delete array del data_sorted # get ccd properties from header # these keywords are for FORS2 # - they may need altering for other instruments gain = hdr['OUT1GAIN'] # N_{ADU} = gain * N_{e-} invgain = 1.0 / gain # N_{e-} = invgain * N_{ADU} ron = hdr['OUT1RON'] # read out noise in e- # take only +ve values in median median_pos = num.choose(median < 0.0, (median, 0.0)) # calculate sigma due to ccd noise for each pixel print 'Calculating noise_med...' noise_med = num.sqrt(median_pos * invgain + ron*ron) * gain # delete array del median_pos # find maximum of noise and mad_low # -> sigma to test pixels against to identify cosmics print 'Calculating sigma_test...' sigma_test = num.choose(noise_med < mad_low, (noise_med, mad_low)) # delete arrays del mad_low, noise_med # calculate 'relative residual' for each pixel print 'Calculating rel_res...' rel_res = num.zeros(data.shape, num.Float32) res = num.zeros(data[0].shape, num.Float32) for i in range(lenimages): num.subtract(data[i,:,:], median, res) num.divide(res, sigma_test, rel_res[i,:,:]) # delete arrays del sigma_test, res # now average over all pixels for which rel_res < sigma_limit # first count number included for each pixel # by testing to produce a boolean array, then summing over. print 'Calculating included...' included = num.zeros(rel_res[0].shape, num.Int16) included[:,:] = num.sum(rel_res <= sigma_limit) # put all discarded pixels to zero print 'Calculating combined...' pre_combine = num.choose(rel_res <= sigma_limit, (0.0,data)) # delete array del rel_res # sum all pixels and divide by included to give mean combined = num.sum(pre_combine) # delete array del pre_combine num.divide(combined, included, combined) # Work out errors on this combined image # take only +ve values in combined mean_pos = num.choose(combined < 0.0, (combined, 0.0)) # calculate sigma due to ccd noise for each pixel print 'Calculating noise_mean...' noise_mean = num.sqrt(mean_pos * invgain + ron*ron) * gain # delete array del mean_pos # create standard error image print 'Calculating error...' error = noise_mean / num.sqrt(included) # delete array del noise_mean # write all images to disk print 'Writing images to disk...' _write_images(combined, error, included, hdrascard, outfilebase)
def distance_transform_edt(input, sampling = None, return_distances = True, return_indices = False, distances = None, indices = None): """Exact euclidean distance transform. In addition to the distance transform, the feature transform can be calculated. In this case the index of the closest background element is returned along the first axis of the result. The return_distances, and return_indices flags can be used to indicate if the distance transform, the feature transform, or both must be returned. Optionally the sampling along each axis can be given by the sampling parameter which should be a sequence of length equal to the input rank, or a single number in which the sampling is assumed to be equal along all axes. the distances and indices arguments can be used to give optional output arrays that must be of the correct size and type (Float64 and Int32). """ if (not return_distances) and (not return_indices): msg = 'at least one of distances/indices must be specified' raise RuntimeError, msg ft_inplace = isinstance(indices, numarray.NumArray) dt_inplace = isinstance(distances, numarray.NumArray) # calculate the feature transform input = numarray.where(input, 1, 0).astype(numarray.Int8) if sampling is not None: sampling = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(sampling, input.rank) sampling = numarray.asarray(sampling, type = numarray.Float64) if not sampling.iscontiguous(): sampling = sampling.copy() if ft_inplace: ft = indices if ft.shape != (input.rank,) + input.shape: raise RuntimeError, 'indices has wrong shape' if ft.type() != numarray.Int32: raise RuntimeError, 'indices must be of Int32 type' else: ft = numarray.zeros((input.rank,) + input.shape, type = numarray.Int32) _nd_image.euclidean_feature_transform(input, sampling, ft) # if requested, calculate the distance transform if return_distances: dt = ft - numarray.indices(input.shape, type = ft.type()) dt = dt.astype(numarray.Float64) if sampling is not None: for ii in range(len(sampling)): dt[ii, ...] *= sampling[ii] numarray.multiply(dt, dt, dt) if dt_inplace: dt = numarray.add.reduce(dt, axis = 0) if distances.shape != dt.shape: raise RuntimeError, 'indices has wrong shape' if distances.type() != numarray.Float64: raise RuntimeError, 'indices must be of Float64 type' numarray.sqrt(dt, distances) del dt else: dt = numarray.add.reduce(dt, axis = 0) dt = numarray.sqrt(dt) # construct and return the result result = [] if return_distances and not dt_inplace: result.append(dt) if return_indices and not ft_inplace: result.append(ft) if len(result) == 2: return tuple(result) elif len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return None
def _open_fix(file): """Takes in a fits file name, open the file in binary mode and creates an HDU. Will attempt to fix some of the header keywords to match the standard FITS format. """ import pyfits, re, string temp = pyfits.HDUList() hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() hdu._file=open(file,'rb') _number_RE = re.compile( r'(?P<sign>[+-])?0*(?P<digt>(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d*)?)([deDE][+-]?\d+)?)') ### here's the real difference between pyFits and cfh12kFits. ### I'm more flexible on the format of the header file so that allows me ### read more files. card_RE=re.compile(r""" (?P<KEY>[-A-Z0-9_a-za ]{8}) ### keyword is the first 8 bytes... i'll allow small letters ( ( (?P<VALUE>=\s) ### =\s indicats a value coming. (\s* ( (?P<STRING>\'[^\']*[\'/]) ### a string | (?P<FLOAT>([+-]?(\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)([dDEe][+-]?\d+)?)) ### a floating point number | (?P<INT>[+-]?\d+) ### an integer | (?P<BOOL>[TFtf]) ### perhaps value is boolian ) \s* (( / )?(?P<COMMENT>.*))? ### value related comment. ) ) | (?P<C2>.*) ### strickly a comment field ) """,re.VERBOSE) done=0 while ( not done): ### read a line of 80 characters up to a new line from the file. block=hdu._file.readline(80) string_end=79 if len(block)== 0: done=1 continue if block[-1]=='\n': string_end=len(block)-2 line = re.match(r'[ -~]{0,'+str(string_end)+'}',block) line = string.ljust(,80)[0:79] if line[0:8] == 'END ': done=1 break card=card_RE.match(line) if not card or not'KEY'): print card.groups() raise SyntaxError("Failed to get keyword from FITS Card %s" % line)'KEY') value=None if'INT'): try: value=int('INT')) except:'INT') elif'FLOAT'): try: value=float('FLOAT')) except: value=float('FLOAT')) elif'BOOL'): value=pyfits.Boolean('BOOL')) elif'STRING'):'STRING')[1:-1] if'COMMENT'):'COMMENT') elif'C2'):'C2') else: _comment=None try: if key =='COMMENT ': hdu.header.add_comment(_comment) elif key =='HISTORY ': hdu.header.add_history(_comment) elif key ==' ': hdu.header.add_blank(_comment) elif key: if key =='DATE-OBS' and value: value=string.replace(value,'/','-') hdu.header.update(key,value,comment=_comment) except: raise SyntaxError("Failed to convert line to FITS Card %s" % line) ### set some internal variables to decided on data flow. hdu._bzero=hdu.header.get('BZERO',0) hdu._bscale=hdu.header.get('BSCALE',1) hdu._bitpix=hdu.header.get('BITPIX',-16) if hdu.header.get('NAXIS',0)>0: naxis1=hdu.header.get('NAXIS1',1) naxis2=hdu.header.get('NAXIS2',1) ### now read the data... this is a HACK from import numarray as num code = pyfits._ImageBaseHDU.NumCode[hdu._bitpix] dims = tuple([naxis2,naxis1]) raw_data = num.fromfile(hdu._file,type=code,shape=dims) raw_data._byteorder='big' if ( hdu._bzero != 0 or hdu._bscale!=1 ): if hdu._bitpix > 0 :,type=num.Float32) else: if hdu._bscale != 1: num.multiply(,hdu._bscale, if hdu._bzero!=0: + hdu._bzero del hdu.header['BSCALE'] del hdu.header['BZERO'] hdu.header['BITPIX']=pyfits._ImageBaseHDU.ImgCode[] temp.append(hdu) return temp
def _open_fix(file): """Takes in a fits file name, open the file in binary mode and creates an HDU. Will attempt to fix some of the header keywords to match the standard FITS format. """ import pyfits, re, string temp = pyfits.HDUList() hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() hdu._file = open(file, 'rb') _number_RE = re.compile( r'(?P<sign>[+-])?0*(?P<digt>(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d*)?)([deDE][+-]?\d+)?)') ### here's the real difference between pyFits and cfh12kFits. ### I'm more flexible on the format of the header file so that allows me ### read more files. card_RE = re.compile( r""" (?P<KEY>[-A-Z0-9_a-za ]{8}) ### keyword is the first 8 bytes... i'll allow small letters ( ( (?P<VALUE>=\s) ### =\s indicats a value coming. (\s* ( (?P<STRING>\'[^\']*[\'/]) ### a string | (?P<FLOAT>([+-]?(\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)([dDEe][+-]?\d+)?)) ### a floating point number | (?P<INT>[+-]?\d+) ### an integer | (?P<BOOL>[TFtf]) ### perhaps value is boolian ) \s* (( / )?(?P<COMMENT>.*))? ### value related comment. ) ) | (?P<C2>.*) ### strickly a comment field ) """, re.VERBOSE) done = 0 while (not done): ### read a line of 80 characters up to a new line from the file. block = hdu._file.readline(80) string_end = 79 if len(block) == 0: done = 1 continue if block[-1] == '\n': string_end = len(block) - 2 line = re.match(r'[ -~]{0,' + str(string_end) + '}', block) line = string.ljust(, 80)[0:79] if line[0:8] == 'END ': done = 1 break card = card_RE.match(line) if not card or not'KEY'): print card.groups() raise SyntaxError("Failed to get keyword from FITS Card %s" % line) key ='KEY') value = None if'INT'): try: value = int('INT')) except: value ='INT') elif'FLOAT'): try: value = float('FLOAT')) except: value = float('FLOAT')) elif'BOOL'): value = pyfits.Boolean('BOOL')) elif'STRING'): value ='STRING')[1:-1] if'COMMENT'): _comment ='COMMENT') elif'C2'): _comment ='C2') else: _comment = None try: if key == 'COMMENT ': hdu.header.add_comment(_comment) elif key == 'HISTORY ': hdu.header.add_history(_comment) elif key == ' ': hdu.header.add_blank(_comment) elif key: if key == 'DATE-OBS' and value: value = string.replace(value, '/', '-') hdu.header.update(key, value, comment=_comment) except: raise SyntaxError("Failed to convert line to FITS Card %s" % line) ### set some internal variables to decided on data flow. hdu._bzero = hdu.header.get('BZERO', 0) hdu._bscale = hdu.header.get('BSCALE', 1) hdu._bitpix = hdu.header.get('BITPIX', -16) if hdu.header.get('NAXIS', 0) > 0: naxis1 = hdu.header.get('NAXIS1', 1) naxis2 = hdu.header.get('NAXIS2', 1) ### now read the data... this is a HACK from import numarray as num code = pyfits._ImageBaseHDU.NumCode[hdu._bitpix] dims = tuple([naxis2, naxis1]) raw_data = num.fromfile(hdu._file, type=code, shape=dims) raw_data._byteorder = 'big' if (hdu._bzero != 0 or hdu._bscale != 1): if hdu._bitpix > 0: = num.array(raw_data, type=num.Float32) else: = raw_data if hdu._bscale != 1: num.multiply(, hdu._bscale, if hdu._bzero != 0: = + hdu._bzero del hdu.header['BSCALE'] del hdu.header['BZERO'] hdu.header['BITPIX'] = pyfits._ImageBaseHDU.ImgCode[] temp.append(hdu) return temp
def distance_transform_edt(input, sampling=None, return_distances=True, return_indices=False, distances=None, indices=None): """Exact euclidean distance transform. In addition to the distance transform, the feature transform can be calculated. In this case the index of the closest background element is returned along the first axis of the result. The return_distances, and return_indices flags can be used to indicate if the distance transform, the feature transform, or both must be returned. Optionally the sampling along each axis can be given by the sampling parameter which should be a sequence of length equal to the input rank, or a single number in which the sampling is assumed to be equal along all axes. the distances and indices arguments can be used to give optional output arrays that must be of the correct size and type (Float64 and Int32). """ if (not return_distances) and (not return_indices): msg = 'at least one of distances/indices must be specified' raise RuntimeError, msg ft_inplace = isinstance(indices, numarray.NumArray) dt_inplace = isinstance(distances, numarray.NumArray) # calculate the feature transform input = numarray.where(input, 1, 0).astype(numarray.Int8) if sampling is not None: sampling = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(sampling, input.rank) sampling = numarray.asarray(sampling, type=numarray.Float64) if not sampling.iscontiguous(): sampling = sampling.copy() if ft_inplace: ft = indices if ft.shape != (input.rank, ) + input.shape: raise RuntimeError, 'indices has wrong shape' if ft.type() != numarray.Int32: raise RuntimeError, 'indices must be of Int32 type' else: ft = numarray.zeros((input.rank, ) + input.shape, type=numarray.Int32) _nd_image.euclidean_feature_transform(input, sampling, ft) # if requested, calculate the distance transform if return_distances: dt = ft - numarray.indices(input.shape, type=ft.type()) dt = dt.astype(numarray.Float64) if sampling is not None: for ii in range(len(sampling)): dt[ii, ...] *= sampling[ii] numarray.multiply(dt, dt, dt) if dt_inplace: dt = numarray.add.reduce(dt, axis=0) if distances.shape != dt.shape: raise RuntimeError, 'indices has wrong shape' if distances.type() != numarray.Float64: raise RuntimeError, 'indices must be of Float64 type' numarray.sqrt(dt, distances) del dt else: dt = numarray.add.reduce(dt, axis=0) dt = numarray.sqrt(dt) # construct and return the result result = [] if return_distances and not dt_inplace: result.append(dt) if return_indices and not ft_inplace: result.append(ft) if len(result) == 2: return tuple(result) elif len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return None