Example #1
    def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
        [tyinp, tyout] = sig.args
        [inp, out] = args
        ndim = tyinp.ndim

        iary = context.make_array(tyinp)(context, builder, inp)
        oary = context.make_array(tyout)(context, builder, out)

        if asfloat:
            sig = typing.signature(types.float64, types.float64)
            sig = typing.signature(tyout.dtype, tyinp.dtype)

        fnwork = context.get_function(funckey, sig)
        intpty = context.get_value_type(types.intp)

        # TODO handle differing shape by mimicking broadcasting
        shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, iary.shape, ndim)
        with cgutils.loop_nest(builder, shape, intp=intpty) as indices:
            pi = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, tyinp, iary, indices)
            po = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, tyout, oary, indices)

            ival = builder.load(pi)
            if asfloat:
                dval = context.cast(builder, ival, tyinp.dtype, types.float64)
                dres = fnwork(builder, [dval])
                res = context.cast(builder, dres, types.float64, tyout.dtype)
            elif tyinp.dtype != tyout.dtype:
                tempres = fnwork(builder, [ival])
                res = context.cast(builder, tempres, tyinp.dtype, tyout.dtype)
                res = fnwork(builder, [ival])
            builder.store(res, po)

        return out
Example #2
def getitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty = sig.args
    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    ndim = aryty.ndim
    if isinstance(sig.return_type, types.Array):
        # Slicing
        raw_indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim)
        start = []
        shapes = []
        strides = []

        oshapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, ndim)
        for ax, (indexval, idxty) in enumerate(zip(raw_indices, idxty)):
            if idxty == types.slice3_type:
                slice = Slice(context, builder, value=indexval)
                cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slice, oshapes[ax])
                shapes.append(cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slice))
                    cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, ary.strides,
                                                   slice, ax))
                ind = context.cast(builder, indexval, idxty, types.intp)

        dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(
        # Build array
        retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
        retary = retstty(context, builder)
        retary.data = dataptr
        retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes)
        retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides)
        return retary._getvalue()
        # Indexing
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
        indices = [
            context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
            for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(

        return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr)
Example #3
def getitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty = sig.args
    ary, idx = args

    ndim = aryty.ndim
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    if idxty.dtype == types.slice3_type:
        # Slicing
        raw_slices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim)
        slices = [Slice(context, builder, value=sl) for sl in raw_slices]
        for sl, sh in zip(slices, cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape,
            cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, sl, sh)
        indices = [sl.start for sl in slices]
        dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(
        # Build array
        retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
        retary = retstty(context, builder)
        retary.data = dataptr
        shapes = [cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, sl) for sl in slices]
        retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes)
        strides = [
            cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, ary.strides, sl, i)
            for i, sl in enumerate(slices)

        retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides)

        return retary._getvalue()
        # Indexing
        assert idxty.dtype == types.intp
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
        indices = [
            context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
            for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(

        return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr)
Example #4
def getitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty = sig.args
    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    ndim = aryty.ndim
    if isinstance(sig.return_type, types.Array):
        # Slicing
        raw_indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim)
        start = []
        shapes = []
        strides = []

        oshapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, ndim)
        for ax, (indexval, idxty) in enumerate(zip(raw_indices, idxty)):
            if idxty == types.slice3_type:
                slice = Slice(context, builder, value=indexval)
                cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slice, oshapes[ax])
                shapes.append(cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slice))
                strides.append(cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim,
                                                              slice, ax))
                ind = context.cast(builder, indexval, idxty, types.intp)

        dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, start,
        # Build array
        retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
        retary = retstty(context, builder)
                       shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes),
                       strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides),
        return retary._getvalue()
        # Indexing
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
        indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
                   for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)]
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,

        return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr)
Example #5
def ptx_atomic_max_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [
        context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
        for t, i in zip(indty, indices)

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_max_float64(lmod),
                            (ptr, val))
        raise TypeError('Unimplemented atomic max with %s array' % dtype)
def hsail_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if indty == types.intp:
        indices = [inds]  # just a single integer
        indty = [indty]
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
        indices = [
            context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
            for t, i in zip(indty, indices)

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expecting %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    return builder.atomic_rmw("add", ptr, val, ordering='monotonic')
Example #7
def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [
        context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
        for t, i in zip(indty, indices)

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod),
                            (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Example #8
def getitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, _ = sig.args
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError("1D indexing into %dD array" % aryty.ndim)

    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, value=ary)

    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)

    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)
    cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slicestruct, shapes[0])

    dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary,

    retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
    retary = retstty(context, builder)

    shape = cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slicestruct)
    retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [shape])

    stride = cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, aryty.ndim, ary.strides,
                                            slicestruct, 0)
    retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [stride])
    retary.data = dataptr

    return retary._getvalue()
Example #9
def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(indty, indices)]

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" % (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw("add", ptr, val, "monotonic")
Example #10
def getitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, _ = sig.args
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError("1D indexing into %dD array" % aryty.ndim)

    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, value=ary)

    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)

    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)
    cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, slicestruct, shapes[0])

    dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                       ary, [slicestruct.start],

    retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
    retary = retstty(context, builder)

    shape = cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, slicestruct)
    retary.shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [shape])

    stride = cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, aryty.ndim, ary.strides,
                                            slicestruct, 0)
    retary.strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [stride])
    retary.data = dataptr

    return retary._getvalue()
Example #11
def getitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty = sig.args
    ary, idx = args

    ndim = aryty.ndim
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    if idxty.dtype == types.slice3_type:
        # Slicing
        raw_slices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, aryty.ndim)
        slices = [Slice(context, builder, value=sl) for sl in raw_slices]
        for sl, sh in zip(slices,
                          cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, ndim)):
            cgutils.normalize_slice(builder, sl, sh)
        indices = [sl.start for sl in slices]
        dataptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,
        # Build array
        retstty = make_array(sig.return_type)
        retary = retstty(context, builder)
        shapes = [cgutils.get_range_from_slice(builder, sl)
                  for sl in slices]
        strides = [cgutils.get_strides_from_slice(builder, ndim, ary.strides,
                                                  sl, i)
                   for i, sl in enumerate(slices)]
                       shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, shapes),
                       strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, strides),
        return retary._getvalue()
        # Indexing
        assert isinstance(idxty.dtype, types.Integer)
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
        indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
                   for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)]
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,

        return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr)
Example #12
def iternext_numpy_flatiter(context, builder, sig, args, result):
    [flatiterty] = sig.args
    [flatiter] = args

    flatitercls = make_array_flat_cls(flatiterty)
    flatiter = flatitercls(context, builder, value=flatiter)

    arrty = flatiterty.array_type
    arrcls = context.make_array(arrty)
    arr = arrcls(context, builder, value=builder.load(flatiter.array))

    ndim = arrty.ndim
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
    indptr = flatiter.iters

    # Load indices and check if they are valid
    indices = []
    is_valid = cgutils.true_bit
    zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
    one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
    for ax in range(ndim):
        axsize = shapes[ax]
        idxptr = builder.gep(indptr, [context.get_constant(types.intp, ax)])
        idx = builder.load(idxptr)
        ax_valid = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, axsize)

        is_valid = builder.and_(is_valid, ax_valid)


    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, is_valid):
        # Get yielded value
        valptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, arrty, arr, indices)
        yield_value = builder.load(valptr)

        # Increment iterator indices
        carry_flags = [cgutils.true_bit]
        for ax, (idx, axsize) in reversed(list(enumerate(zip(indices,
            idxptr = builder.gep(indptr, [context.get_constant(types.intp, ax)])
            lastcarry = carry_flags[-1]
            idxp1 = builder.add(idx, one)
            carry = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, idxp1, axsize)
            idxfinal = builder.select(lastcarry,
                                      builder.select(carry, zero, idxp1),
            builder.store(idxfinal, idxptr)
            carry_flags.append(builder.and_(carry, lastcarry))

        with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, carry_flags[-1]):
            # If we have iterated all elements,
            # Set first index to out-of-bound
            idxptr = builder.gep(indptr, [context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)])
            builder.store(shapes[0], idxptr)
Example #13
def iternext_numpy_flatiter(context, builder, sig, args, result):
    [flatiterty] = sig.args
    [flatiter] = args

    flatitercls = make_array_flat_cls(flatiterty)
    flatiter = flatitercls(context, builder, value=flatiter)

    arrty = flatiterty.array_type
    arrcls = context.make_array(arrty)
    arr = arrcls(context, builder, value=builder.load(flatiter.array))

    ndim = arrty.ndim
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, arr.shape, ndim)
    indptr = flatiter.iters

    # Load indices and check if they are valid
    indices = []
    is_valid = cgutils.true_bit
    zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
    one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
    for ax in range(ndim):
        axsize = shapes[ax]
        idxptr = builder.gep(indptr, [context.get_constant(types.intp, ax)])
        idx = builder.load(idxptr)
        ax_valid = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, idx, axsize)

        is_valid = builder.and_(is_valid, ax_valid)


    with cgutils.if_likely(builder, is_valid):
        # Get yielded value
        valptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, arrty, arr, indices)
        yield_value = builder.load(valptr)

        # Increment iterator indices
        carry_flags = [cgutils.true_bit]
        for ax, (idx, axsize) in reversed(list(enumerate(zip(indices,
            idxptr = builder.gep(indptr,
                                 [context.get_constant(types.intp, ax)])
            lastcarry = carry_flags[-1]
            idxp1 = builder.add(idx, one)
            carry = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, idxp1, axsize)
            idxfinal = builder.select(lastcarry,
                                      builder.select(carry, zero, idxp1), idx)
            builder.store(idxfinal, idxptr)
            carry_flags.append(builder.and_(carry, lastcarry))

        with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, carry_flags[-1]):
            # If we have iterated all elements,
            # Set first index to out-of-bound
            idxptr = builder.gep(indptr, [context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)])
            builder.store(shapes[0], idxptr)
Example #14
def setitem_array1d(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, _, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [idx], wraparound=True)

    val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, aryty.dtype)

    context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Example #15
def getitem_array1d_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, _ = sig.args
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError("1D indexing into %dD array" % aryty.ndim)

    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [idx], wraparound=True)
    return context.unpack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, ptr)
Example #16
def setitem_array1d(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, _, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, [idx],

    val = context.cast(builder, val, valty, aryty.dtype)

    context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Example #17
def ptx_atomic_cas_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, oldty, valty = sig.args
    ary, old, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, (zero,))
    if aryty.dtype == types.int32:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_cas_int32(lmod), (ptr, old, val))
        raise TypeError('Unimplemented atomic compare_and_swap with %s array' % dtype)
Example #18
def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])
    return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Example #19
def setitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    # TODO: other than layout
    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
    indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
               for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)]
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,
    context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Example #20
def setitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    # TODO: other than layout
    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,
    if context.is_struct_type(aryty.dtype):
        stval = builder.load(val)
        stval = val
    builder.store(stval, ptr)
Example #21
def getitem_array_unituple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty = sig.args
    ary, idx = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    # TODO: other layout
    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
    # TODO warparound flag
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary, indices,

    if context.is_struct_type(aryty.dtype):
        return ptr
        return builder.load(ptr)
Example #22
def ptx_atomic_max_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_max_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        raise TypeError('Unimplemented atomic max with %s array' % dtype)
Example #23
def ptx_atomic_max_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = builder.module
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_max_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        raise TypeError("Unimplemented atomic max with %s array" % dtype)
Example #24
    def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
        # The common argument handling code
        aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
        ary, inds, val = args
        dtype = aryty.dtype

        indty, indices = _normalize_indices(context, builder, indty, inds)

        if dtype != valty:
            raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

        if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
            raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                            (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

        lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)
        # dispatcher to implementation base on dtype
        return dispatch_fn(context, builder, dtype, ptr, val)
Example #25
def ptx_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
    indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
               for t, i in zip(indty, indices)]

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)
    return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Example #26
def setitem_array_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args

    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)

    # TODO: other than layout
    indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, idx, count=len(idxty))
    indices = [
        context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
        for t, i in zip(idxty, indices)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
    context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Example #27
    def imp(context, builder, sig, args):
        # The common argument handling code
        aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
        ary, inds, val = args
        dtype = aryty.dtype

        indty, indices = _normalize_indices(context, builder, indty, inds)

        if dtype != valty:
            raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

        if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
            raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                            (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

        lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
        ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)
        # dispatcher to implementation base on dtype
        return dispatch_fn(context, builder, dtype, ptr, val)
Example #28
def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Example #29
def ptx_atomic_add_intp(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, ind, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expect %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))
    if aryty.ndim != 1:
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with 1-D index" % (aryty.ndim,))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, [ind])

    if aryty.dtype == types.float32:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float32(lmod), (ptr, val))
    elif aryty.dtype == types.float64:
        lmod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
        return builder.call(nvvmutils.declare_atomic_add_float64(lmod), (ptr, val))
        return builder.atomic_rmw('add', ptr, val, 'monotonic')
Example #30
def hsail_atomic_add_tuple(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if indty == types.intp:
        indices = [inds]  # just a single integer
        indty = [indty]
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
        indices = [context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp) for t, i in zip(indty, indices)]

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expecting %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" % (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    return builder.atomic_rmw("add", ptr, val, ordering="monotonic")
Example #31
def setitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)
    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)

    # the logic here follows that of Python's Objects/sliceobject.c
    # in particular PySlice_GetIndicesEx function
    ZERO = Constant.int(slicestruct.step.type, 0)
    NEG_ONE = Constant.int(slicestruct.start.type, -1)

    b_step_eq_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    # bail if step is 0
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_step_eq_zero):
        context.return_errcode(builder, errcode.ASSERTION_ERROR)

    # adjust for negative indices for start
    start = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.start)
    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(start), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, start)

    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_start_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(start), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE), shapes[0])
        builder.store(cond, start)

    # adjust stop for negative value
    stop = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.stop)
    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, stop)

    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_stop_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE), shapes[0])
        builder.store(cond, stop)

    b_step_gt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_step_gt_zero) as (then0, otherwise0):
        with then0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start), builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step, slicestruct.start.type) as loop_idx1:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary,
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
        with otherwise0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start), builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step, slicestruct.start.type, inc=False) as loop_idx2:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary,
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Example #32
def _getitem_array1d(context, builder, arrayty, array, idx, wraparound):
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                   array, [idx],
    return context.unpack_value(builder, arrayty.dtype, ptr)
Example #33
def _getitem_array1d(context, builder, arrayty, array, idx):
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, arrayty, array, [idx],
    return context.unpack_value(builder, arrayty.dtype, ptr)
Example #34
def setitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)
    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)

    # the logic here follows that of Python's Objects/sliceobject.c
    # in particular PySlice_GetIndicesEx function
    ZERO = Constant.int(slicestruct.step.type, 0)
    NEG_ONE = Constant.int(slicestruct.start.type, -1)

    b_step_eq_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    # bail if step is 0
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_step_eq_zero):
        context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, ValueError,
                                          ("slice step cannot be zero", ))

    # adjust for negative indices for start
    start = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.start)
    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(start), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, start)

    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_start_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(start), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE),
        builder.store(cond, start)

    # adjust stop for negative value
    stop = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.stop)
    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, stop)

    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_stop_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE),
        builder.store(cond, stop)

    b_step_gt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_step_gt_zero) as (then0, otherwise0):
        with then0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start),
                                         builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step,
                                         slicestruct.start.type) as loop_idx1:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                               ary, [loop_idx1],
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
        with otherwise0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder,
                                         inc=False) as loop_idx2:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                               ary, [loop_idx2],
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)