Example #1
 def wrapper(context, builder, sig, args):
     [typ] = sig.args
     [value] = args
     z = context.make_complex(builder, typ, value=value)
     x = z.real
     y = z.imag
     # Same as above: math.isfinite() is unavailable on 2.x so we precompute
     # its value and pass it to the pure Python implementation.
     x_is_finite = mathimpl.is_finite(builder, x)
     y_is_finite = mathimpl.is_finite(builder, y)
     inner_sig = signature(sig.return_type,
                           *(typ.underlying_float,) * 2 + (types.boolean,) * 2)
     res = context.compile_internal(builder, inner_func, inner_sig,
                                     (x, y, x_is_finite, y_is_finite))
     return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig, res)
Example #2
def rect_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [r, phi] = args
    # We can't call math.isfinite() inside rect() below because it
    # only exists on 3.2+.
    phi_is_finite = mathimpl.is_finite(builder, phi)

    def rect(r, phi, phi_is_finite):
        if not phi_is_finite:
            if not r:
                # cmath.rect(0, phi={inf, nan}) = 0
                return abs(r)
            if math.isinf(r):
                # cmath.rect(inf, phi={inf, nan}) = inf + j phi
                return complex(r, phi)
        real = math.cos(phi)
        imag = math.sin(phi)
        if real == 0. and math.isinf(r):
            # 0 * inf would return NaN, we want to keep 0 but xor the sign
            real /= r
            real *= r
        if imag == 0. and math.isinf(r):
            # ditto
            imag /= r
            imag *= r
        return complex(real, imag)

    inner_sig = signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args + (types.boolean, ))
    res = context.compile_internal(builder, rect, inner_sig,
                                   args + [phi_is_finite])
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig, res)
Example #3
def is_finite(builder, z):
    return builder.and_(mathimpl.is_finite(builder, z.real),
                        mathimpl.is_finite(builder, z.imag))