Example #1
def include_new_blocks(blocks,
    inner_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(new_blocks, ir_utils._max_label + 1)
    ir_utils._max_label = max(blocks.keys())
    scope = blocks[label].scope
    loc = blocks[label].loc
    inner_topo_order = find_topo_order(inner_blocks)
    inner_first_label = inner_topo_order[0]
    inner_last_label = inner_topo_order[-1]
    if remove_non_return:
    new_body.append(ir.Jump(inner_first_label, loc))
    blocks[label].body = new_body
    label = ir_utils.next_label()
    blocks[label] = ir.Block(scope, loc)
    if remove_non_return:
        inner_blocks[inner_last_label].body.append(ir.Jump(label, loc))
    # new_body.clear()
    if work_list is not None:
        topo_order = find_topo_order(inner_blocks)
        for _label in topo_order:
            block = inner_blocks[_label]
            block.scope = scope
            numba.inline_closurecall._add_definitions(func_ir, block)
            work_list.append((_label, block))
    return label
Example #2
def inline_calls_inner(func_ir, block, stmt, i, py_func):
    call_expr = stmt.value
    scope = block.scope
    callee_ir = numba.compiler.run_frontend(py_func)

    # relabel callee_ir by adding an offset
    max_label = max(func_ir.blocks.keys())
    callee_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(callee_ir.blocks, max_label + 1)
    callee_ir.blocks = callee_blocks
    min_label = min(callee_blocks.keys())
    max_label = max(callee_blocks.keys())

    #  init _max_label global in ir_utils before using next_label()
    ir_utils._max_label = max_label

    # rename all variables in callee blocks
    var_table = get_name_var_table(callee_ir.blocks)
    new_var_dict = {}
    for name, var in var_table.items():
        new_var = scope.define(mk_unique_var(var.name), loc=var.loc)
        new_var_dict[name] = new_var
    replace_vars(callee_ir.blocks, new_var_dict)

    # replace callee arguments
    args = list(call_expr.args)
    # TODO: replace defaults (add to args)
    _replace_args(callee_ir.blocks, args)

    # split caller blocks into two
    new_block = ir.Block(scope, block.loc)
    new_block.body = block.body[i + 1:]
    new_label = ir_utils.next_label()
    func_ir.blocks[new_label] = new_block
    block.body = block.body[:i]
    block.body.append(ir.Jump(min_label, stmt.loc))

    # replace Return with assignment to LHS
    _replace_returns(callee_ir.blocks, stmt.target, new_label)

    # insert all new blocks
    for label, bl in callee_ir.blocks.items():
        func_ir.blocks[label] = bl

    # run inline_calls recursively to transform other calls
Example #3
def include_new_blocks(blocks, new_blocks, label, new_body):
    inner_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(new_blocks, ir_utils._max_label + 1)
    ir_utils._max_label = max(blocks.keys())
    scope = blocks[label].scope
    loc = blocks[label].loc
    inner_topo_order = find_topo_order(inner_blocks)
    inner_first_label = inner_topo_order[0]
    inner_last_label = inner_topo_order[-1]
    new_body.append(ir.Jump(inner_first_label, loc))
    blocks[label].body = new_body
    label = ir_utils.next_label()
    blocks[label] = ir.Block(scope, loc)
    inner_blocks[inner_last_label].body.append(ir.Jump(label, loc))
    return label
Example #4
def inline_new_blocks(func_ir, block, i, callee_blocks, work_list=None):
    # adopted from inline_closure_call
    scope = block.scope
    instr = block.body[i]

    # 1. relabel callee_ir by adding an offset
    callee_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(callee_blocks,
                                         ir_utils._max_label + 1)
    callee_blocks = ir_utils.simplify_CFG(callee_blocks)
    max_label = max(callee_blocks.keys())
    #    reset globals in ir_utils before we use it
    ir_utils._max_label = max_label
    topo_order = find_topo_order(callee_blocks)

    # 5. split caller blocks into two
    new_blocks = []
    new_block = ir.Block(scope, block.loc)
    new_block.body = block.body[i + 1:]
    new_label = ir_utils.next_label()
    func_ir.blocks[new_label] = new_block
    new_blocks.append((new_label, new_block))
    block.body = block.body[:i]
    min_label = topo_order[0]
    block.body.append(ir.Jump(min_label, instr.loc))

    # 6. replace Return with assignment to LHS
    numba.inline_closurecall._replace_returns(callee_blocks, instr.target,
    #    remove the old definition of instr.target too
    if (instr.target.name in func_ir._definitions):
        func_ir._definitions[instr.target.name] = []

    # 7. insert all new blocks, and add back definitions
    for label in topo_order:
        # block scope must point to parent's
        block = callee_blocks[label]
        block.scope = scope
        numba.inline_closurecall._add_definitions(func_ir, block)
        func_ir.blocks[label] = block
        new_blocks.append((label, block))

    if work_list is not None:
        for block in new_blocks:
    return callee_blocks
Example #5
def _get_dtype_str(t):
    dtype = t.dtype
    if isinstance(dtype, PDCategoricalDtype):
        cat_arr = CategoricalArray(dtype)
        # HACK: add cat type to numba.types
        # FIXME: fix after Numba #3372 is resolved
        cat_arr_name = 'CategoricalArray' + str(ir_utils.next_label())
        setattr(types, cat_arr_name, cat_arr)
        return cat_arr_name

    if dtype == types.NPDatetime('ns'):
        dtype = 'NPDatetime("ns")'
    if t == string_array_type:
        # HACK: add string_array_type to numba.types
        # FIXME: fix after Numba #3372 is resolved
        types.string_array_type = string_array_type
        return 'string_array_type'
    return '{}[::1]'.format(dtype)
Example #6
    def run(self):
        dprint_func_ir(self.func_ir, "starting hiframes")
        topo_order = find_topo_order(self.func_ir.blocks)
        for label in topo_order:
            new_body = []
            for inst in self.func_ir.blocks[label].body:
                # df['col'] = arr
                if isinstance(inst, ir.StaticSetItem) and inst.target.name in self.df_vars:
                    df_name = inst.target.name
                    self.df_vars[df_name][inst.index] = inst.value
                elif isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
                    out_nodes = self._run_assign(inst)
                    if isinstance(out_nodes, list):
                    if isinstance(out_nodes, dict):
                        inner_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(out_nodes, ir_utils._max_label+1)
                        ir_utils._max_label = max(self.func_ir.blocks.keys())
                        scope = self.func_ir.blocks[label].scope
                        loc = self.func_ir.blocks[label].loc
                        inner_topo_order = find_topo_order(inner_blocks)
                        inner_first_label = inner_topo_order[0]
                        inner_last_label = inner_topo_order[-1]
                        new_body.append(ir.Jump(inner_first_label, loc))
                        self.func_ir.blocks[label].body = new_body
                        label = ir_utils.next_label()
                        self.func_ir.blocks[label] = ir.Block(scope, loc)
                        inner_blocks[inner_last_label].body.append(ir.Jump(label, loc))
                        new_body = []
            self.func_ir.blocks[label].body = new_body

        remove_dead(self.func_ir.blocks, self.func_ir.arg_names)
        dprint_func_ir(self.func_ir, "after hiframes")
        if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT==1:
            print("df_vars: ", self.df_vars)
Example #7
 def inline_closure_call(self, block, i, callee):
     """Inline the body of `callee` at its callsite (`i`-th instruction of `block`)
     scope = block.scope
     instr = block.body[i]
     call_expr = instr.value
     _debug_print("Found closure call: ", instr, " with callee = ", callee)
     func_ir = self.func_ir
     # first, get the IR of the callee
     from_ir = self.get_ir_of_code(callee.code)
     from_blocks = from_ir.blocks
     # 1. relabel from_ir by adding an offset
     max_label = max(func_ir.blocks.keys())
     from_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(from_blocks, max_label + 1)
     from_ir.blocks = from_blocks
     min_label = min(from_blocks.keys())
     max_label = max(from_blocks.keys())
     #    reset globals in ir_utils before we use it
     ir_utils._max_label = max_label 
     ir_utils.visit_vars_extensions = {}
     # 2. rename all local variables in from_ir with new locals created in func_ir
     from_scopes = _get_all_scopes(from_blocks)
     _debug_print("obj_IR has scopes: ", from_scopes)
     #    one function should only have one local scope
     assert(len(from_scopes) == 1)
     from_scope = from_scopes[0]
     var_dict = {}
     for var in from_scope.localvars._con.values():
         if not (var.name in callee.code.co_freevars):
             var_dict[var.name] = scope.make_temp(var.loc)
     _debug_print("Before local var rename: var_dict = ", var_dict)
     replace_vars(from_blocks, var_dict)
     _debug_print("After local var rename: ")
     # 3. replace formal parameters with actual arguments
     args = list(call_expr.args)
     if callee.defaults:
         _debug_print("defaults", callee.defaults)
         if isinstance(callee.defaults, tuple): # Python 3.5
             args = args + list(callee.defaults)
         elif isinstance(callee.defaults, ir.Var) or isinstance(callee.defaults, str):
             defaults = func_ir.get_definition(callee.defaults)
             assert(isinstance(defaults, ir.Const))
             loc = defaults.loc
             args = args + [ ir.Const(value=v, loc=loc) for v in defaults.value ]
             raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported defaults to make_function: {}".format(defaults))
     _replace_args_with(from_blocks, args)
     _debug_print("After arguments rename: ")
     # 4. replace freevar with actual closure var
     if callee.closure:
         closure = func_ir.get_definition(callee.closure)
         assert(isinstance(closure, ir.Expr) and closure.op == 'build_tuple')
         assert(len(callee.code.co_freevars) == len(closure.items))
         _debug_print("callee's closure = ", closure)
         _replace_freevars(from_blocks, closure.items)
         _debug_print("After closure rename: ")
     # 5. split caller blocks into two
     new_blocks = []
     new_block = ir.Block(scope, block.loc)
     new_block.body = block.body[i+1:]
     new_label = next_label()
     func_ir.blocks[new_label] = new_block
     new_blocks.append((new_label, new_block))
     block.body = block.body[:i]
     block.body.append(ir.Jump(min_label, instr.loc))
     # 6. replace Return with assignment to LHS
     _replace_returns(from_blocks, instr.target, new_label)
     # 7. insert all new blocks, and add back definitions
     for label, block in from_blocks.items():
         # block scope must point to parent's
         block.scope = scope
         _add_definition(func_ir, block)
         func_ir.blocks[label] = block
         new_blocks.append((label, block))
     _debug_print("After merge: ")
     return new_blocks
Example #8
def get_stencil_ir(sf, typingctx, args, scope, loc, input_dict, typemap,
    """get typed IR from stencil bytecode
    from numba.targets.cpu import CPUContext
    from numba.targets.registry import cpu_target
    from numba.annotations import type_annotations
    from numba.compiler import type_inference_stage

    # get untyped IR
    stencil_func_ir = sf.kernel_ir.copy()
    # copy the IR nodes to avoid changing IR in the StencilFunc object
    stencil_blocks = copy.deepcopy(stencil_func_ir.blocks)
    stencil_func_ir.blocks = stencil_blocks

    name_var_table = ir_utils.get_name_var_table(stencil_func_ir.blocks)
    if "out" in name_var_table:
        raise ValueError("Cannot use the reserved word 'out' in stencil kernels.")

    # get typed IR with a dummy pipeline (similar to test_parfors.py)
    targetctx = CPUContext(typingctx)
    with cpu_target.nested_context(typingctx, targetctx):
        tp = DummyPipeline(typingctx, targetctx, args, stencil_func_ir)

            'before-inference', tp, tp.func_ir)

        tp.typemap, tp.return_type, tp.calltypes = type_inference_stage(
            tp.typingctx, tp.func_ir, tp.args, None)


    # make block labels unique
    stencil_blocks = ir_utils.add_offset_to_labels(stencil_blocks,
    min_label = min(stencil_blocks.keys())
    max_label = max(stencil_blocks.keys())
    ir_utils._max_label = max_label

    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT == 1:
        print("Initial stencil_blocks")

    # rename variables,
    var_dict = {}
    for v, typ in tp.typemap.items():
        new_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var(v), loc)
        var_dict[v] = new_var
        typemap[new_var.name] = typ  # add new var type for overall function
    ir_utils.replace_vars(stencil_blocks, var_dict)

    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT == 1:
        print("After replace_vars")

    # add call types to overall function
    for call, call_typ in tp.calltypes.items():
        calltypes[call] = call_typ

    arg_to_arr_dict = {}
    # replace arg with arr
    for block in stencil_blocks.values():
        for stmt in block.body:
            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Arg):
                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT == 1:
                    print("input_dict", input_dict, stmt.value.index,
                               stmt.value.name, stmt.value.index in input_dict)
                arg_to_arr_dict[stmt.value.name] = input_dict[stmt.value.index].name
                stmt.value = input_dict[stmt.value.index]

    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT == 1:
        print("arg_to_arr_dict", arg_to_arr_dict)
        print("After replace arg with arr")

    stencil_func_ir.blocks = stencil_blocks
    return stencil_func_ir, sf.get_return_type(args)[0], arg_to_arr_dict
Example #9
def inline_closure_call(func_ir, glbls, block, i, callee, typingctx=None,
                        arg_typs=None, typemap=None, calltypes=None,
    """Inline the body of `callee` at its callsite (`i`-th instruction of `block`)

    `func_ir` is the func_ir object of the caller function and `glbls` is its
    global variable environment (func_ir.func_id.func.__globals__).
    `block` is the IR block of the callsite and `i` is the index of the
    callsite's node. `callee` is either the called function or a
    make_function node. `typingctx`, `typemap` and `calltypes` are typing
    data structures of the caller, available if we are in a typed pass.
    `arg_typs` includes the types of the arguments at the callsite.
    scope = block.scope
    instr = block.body[i]
    call_expr = instr.value
    debug_print = _make_debug_print("inline_closure_call")
    debug_print("Found closure call: ", instr, " with callee = ", callee)
    # support both function object and make_function Expr
    callee_code = callee.code if hasattr(callee, 'code') else callee.__code__
    callee_defaults = callee.defaults if hasattr(callee, 'defaults') else callee.__defaults__
    callee_closure = callee.closure if hasattr(callee, 'closure') else callee.__closure__
    # first, get the IR of the callee
    callee_ir = get_ir_of_code(glbls, callee_code)
    callee_blocks = callee_ir.blocks

    # 1. relabel callee_ir by adding an offset
    max_label = max(func_ir.blocks.keys())
    callee_blocks = add_offset_to_labels(callee_blocks, max_label + 1)
    callee_blocks = simplify_CFG(callee_blocks)
    callee_ir.blocks = callee_blocks
    min_label = min(callee_blocks.keys())
    max_label = max(callee_blocks.keys())
    #    reset globals in ir_utils before we use it
    ir_utils._max_label = max_label
    debug_print("After relabel")

    # 2. rename all local variables in callee_ir with new locals created in func_ir
    callee_scopes = _get_all_scopes(callee_blocks)
    debug_print("callee_scopes = ", callee_scopes)
    #    one function should only have one local scope
    assert(len(callee_scopes) == 1)
    callee_scope = callee_scopes[0]
    var_dict = {}
    for var in callee_scope.localvars._con.values():
        if not (var.name in callee_code.co_freevars):
            new_var = scope.define(mk_unique_var(var.name), loc=var.loc)
            var_dict[var.name] = new_var
    debug_print("var_dict = ", var_dict)
    replace_vars(callee_blocks, var_dict)
    debug_print("After local var rename")

    # 3. replace formal parameters with actual arguments
    args = list(call_expr.args)
    if callee_defaults:
        debug_print("defaults = ", callee_defaults)
        if isinstance(callee_defaults, tuple): # Python 3.5
            args = args + list(callee_defaults)
        elif isinstance(callee_defaults, ir.Var) or isinstance(callee_defaults, str):
            defaults = func_ir.get_definition(callee_defaults)
            assert(isinstance(defaults, ir.Const))
            loc = defaults.loc
            args = args + [ir.Const(value=v, loc=loc)
                           for v in defaults.value]
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Unsupported defaults to make_function: {}".format(defaults))
    debug_print("After arguments rename: ")

    # 4. replace freevar with actual closure var
    if callee_closure:
        closure = func_ir.get_definition(callee_closure)
        debug_print("callee's closure = ", closure)
        if isinstance(closure, tuple):
            cellget = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCell_Get
            cellget.restype = ctypes.py_object
            cellget.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object,)
            items = tuple(cellget(x) for x in closure)
            assert(isinstance(closure, ir.Expr)
                   and closure.op == 'build_tuple')
            items = closure.items
        assert(len(callee_code.co_freevars) == len(items))
        _replace_freevars(callee_blocks, items)
        debug_print("After closure rename")

    if typingctx:
        from numba import compiler
        f_typemap, f_return_type, f_calltypes = compiler.type_inference_stage(
                typingctx, callee_ir, arg_typs, None)
        canonicalize_array_math(callee_ir, f_typemap,
                                f_calltypes, typingctx)
        # remove argument entries like arg.a from typemap
        arg_names = [vname for vname in f_typemap if vname.startswith("arg.")]
        for a in arg_names:

    _replace_args_with(callee_blocks, args)
    # 5. split caller blocks into two
    new_blocks = []
    new_block = ir.Block(scope, block.loc)
    new_block.body = block.body[i + 1:]
    new_label = next_label()
    func_ir.blocks[new_label] = new_block
    new_blocks.append((new_label, new_block))
    block.body = block.body[:i]
    block.body.append(ir.Jump(min_label, instr.loc))

    # 6. replace Return with assignment to LHS
    topo_order = find_topo_order(callee_blocks)
    _replace_returns(callee_blocks, instr.target, new_label)
    #    remove the old definition of instr.target too
    if (instr.target.name in func_ir._definitions):
        func_ir._definitions[instr.target.name] = []

    # 7. insert all new blocks, and add back definitions
    for label in topo_order:
        # block scope must point to parent's
        block = callee_blocks[label]
        block.scope = scope
        _add_definitions(func_ir, block)
        func_ir.blocks[label] = block
        new_blocks.append((label, block))
    debug_print("After merge in")

    if work_list != None:
        for block in new_blocks:
    return callee_blocks