Example #1
def normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, left, right, leftty, rightty):
    Scale either *left* or *right* to the other's unit, in order to have
    homogenous units.
    factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(leftty.unit, rightty.unit)
    if factor is not None:
        return scale_by_constant(builder, left, factor), right
    factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(rightty.unit, leftty.unit)
    if factor is not None:
        return left, scale_by_constant(builder, right, factor)
    # Typing should not let this happen, except on == and != operators
    raise RuntimeError("cannot normalize %r and %r" % (leftty, rightty))
Example #2
def normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, left, right, leftty, rightty):
    Scale either *left* or *right* to the other's unit, in order to have
    homogenous units.
    factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
        leftty.unit, rightty.unit)
    if factor is not None:
        return scale_by_constant(builder, left, factor), right
    factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
        rightty.unit, leftty.unit)
    if factor is not None:
        return left, scale_by_constant(builder, right, factor)
    # Typing should not let this happen, except on == and != operators
    raise RuntimeError("cannot normalize %r and %r" % (leftty, rightty))
Example #3
 def impl(context, builder, dt_arg, dt_unit,
          td_arg, td_unit, ret_unit):
     ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
     with cgutils.if_likely(builder, are_not_nat(builder, [dt_arg, td_arg])):
         dt_arg = convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, dt_arg,
                                             dt_unit, ret_unit)
         td_factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(td_unit, ret_unit)
         td_arg = scale_by_constant(builder, td_arg, td_factor)
         ret_val = getattr(builder, ll_op_name)(dt_arg, td_arg)
         builder.store(ret_val, ret)
     return builder.load(ret)
Example #4
def scale_timedelta(context, builder, val, srcty, destty):
    Scale the timedelta64 *val* from *srcty* to *destty*
    (both numba.types.NPTimedelta instances)
    factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(srcty.unit, destty.unit)
    if factor is None:
        # This can happen when using explicit output in a ufunc.
        raise NotImplementedError("cannot convert timedelta64 from %r to %r"
                                  % (srcty.unit, destty.unit))
    return scale_by_constant(builder, val, factor)
Example #5
def convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, dt_val, src_unit, dest_unit):
    Convert datetime *dt_val* from *src_unit* to *dest_unit*.
    # First partial conversion to days or weeks, if necessary.
    dt_val, dt_unit = reduce_datetime_for_unit(builder, dt_val, src_unit, dest_unit)
    # Then multiply by the remaining constant factor.
    dt_factor = npdatetime.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(dt_unit, dest_unit)
    if dt_factor is None:
        # This can happen when using explicit output in a ufunc.
        raise NotImplementedError("cannot convert datetime64 from %r to %r"
                                  % (src_unit, dest_unit))
    return scale_by_constant(builder, dt_val, dt_factor)