def codegen(cgctx, builder, signature, args): # This is the implementation defined using LLVM builder. lltupty = cgctx.get_value_type(typed_tuple) tup = cgutils.get_null_value(lltupty) [_, idxaryval] = args def array_checker(a): if a.size != tuple_size: raise IndexError("index array size mismatch") # Compile and call array_checker. cgctx.compile_internal(builder, array_checker, types.none(indexer_array), [idxaryval]) def array_indexer(a, i): return a[i] # loop to fill the tuple for i in range(tuple_size): dataidx = cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, i) # compile and call array_indexer data = cgctx.compile_internal( builder, array_indexer, indexer_array.dtype(indexer_array, types.intp), [idxaryval, dataidx], ) tup = builder.insert_value(tup, data, i) return tup
def set_null_bits(typingctx, str_arr_typ=None): assert is_str_arr_typ(str_arr_typ) def codegen(context, builder, sig, args): in_str_arr, = args string_array = context.make_helper(builder, string_array_type, in_str_arr) # n_bytes = (num_strings+sizeof(uint8_t)-1)/sizeof(uint8_t); n_bytes = builder.udiv( builder.add(string_array.num_items, lir.Constant(lir.IntType(64), 7)), lir.Constant(lir.IntType(64), 8)) cgutils.memset(builder, string_array.null_bitmap, n_bytes, -1) return context.get_dummy_value() return types.none(string_array_type), codegen
def _multi_index_from_tuples_helper(typingctx, val, levels, codes, idx): nlevels = len(val) if not (nlevels == len(levels) and nlevels == len(codes)): assert True, f"Cannot append MultiIndex value to existing codes/levels.\n" \ f"Given: val={val}, levels={levels}, codes={codes}" def _get_code_for_label(seen_labels, label): _code = seen_labels.get(label, -1) if _code != -1: return _code res = len(seen_labels) seen_labels[label] = res return types.int64(res) def _set_code_by_position(codes, new_code, i): codes[i] = new_code def codegen(context, builder, sig, args): index_val, levels_val, codes_val, idx_val = args for i in range(nlevels): label = builder.extract_value(index_val, i) level_i = builder.extract_value(levels_val, i) codes_i = builder.extract_value(codes_val, i) new_code = context.compile_internal( builder, _get_code_for_label, signature(types.int64, levels[i], val[i]), [level_i, label]) context.compile_internal( builder, _set_code_by_position, signature(types.none, codes[i], types.int64, idx), [codes_i, new_code, idx_val]) return types.none(val, levels, codes, idx), codegen
np.zeros(num_rotors)] rotor_axes = np.repeat(np.c_[0, 0, 1], num_rotors, axis=0) rotor_directions = (-1)**np.r_[0:num_rotors] # Thrust coefficients from thrust_rpm_max = (mass + 5) * 9.82 thrust_coeffs = np.r_[+1.0942e-07, -2.1059e-04, 0.0] thrust_coeffs *= thrust_rpm_max / np.polyval(thrust_coeffs, rpm_max) z_torque_per_rpm = 5e-4 / rpm_max (ipx, ipy, ipz, iqi, iqj, iqk, iqr, ivx, ivy, ivz, iwx, iwy, iwz, iw0, iw1, iw2, iw3, imax) = range(13 + num_rotors + 1) num_substeps = env_param('num_substeps', default=2, cast=int) @nb.njit(none(TimeDeltaT, StateT, ActionT, StateT), cache=True, nogil=True) def x_dot_out(t, x, u, out): x[3:7] /= np.linalg.norm(x[3:7]) + eps attq, linvel, angvel, rpms = x[3:7], x[7:10], x[10:13], x[13:] rpms = u * rpm_max force_bf = np.zeros(3) torque = np.zeros(3) for i in range(num_rotors): rotor_force = polyval(thrust_coeffs, rpms[i]) * rotor_axes[i, :] force_bf += rotor_force torque += cross(rotor_positions[i, :], rotor_force) torque += z_torque_per_rpm * rotor_directions[i] * ( rpms[i]**2) * rotor_axes[i, :] torque -= angvel * friction_torque # Disabled because cross(av, v) = 0 for scalar a and vector v. In cases # where moment of inertia isn't scalar, this is needed.
ll.add_symbol('hpat_h5_write', _hdf5.hpat_h5_write) ll.add_symbol('hpat_h5_close', _hdf5.hpat_h5_close) ll.add_symbol('h5g_get_num_objs', _hdf5.h5g_get_num_objs) ll.add_symbol('h5g_get_objname_by_idx', _hdf5.h5g_get_objname_by_idx) ll.add_symbol('h5g_close', _hdf5.hpat_h5g_close) h5file_lir_type = lir.IntType(64) if hpat.config._has_h5py: # hid_t is 32bit in 1.8 but 64bit in 1.10 if h5py.version.hdf5_version_tuple[1] == 8: h5file_lir_type = lir.IntType(32) else: assert h5py.version.hdf5_version_tuple[1] == 10 h5g_close = types.ExternalFunction("h5g_close", types.none(h5group_type)) @lower_builtin(operator.getitem, h5file_type, string_type) @lower_builtin(operator.getitem, h5dataset_or_group_type, string_type) def h5_open_dset_lower(context, builder, sig, args): fg_id, dset_name = args dset_name = gen_get_unicode_chars(context, builder, dset_name) fnty = lir.FunctionType(h5file_lir_type, [h5file_lir_type, lir.IntType(8).as_pointer()]) fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="hpat_h5_open_dset_or_group_obj") return, [fg_id, dset_name]) if hpat.config._has_h5py: @lower_builtin(h5py.File, string_type, string_type)