Example #1
File: 104.py Project: pjot/euler
def is_pandigital(n):
    second = number.is_pandigital(str(n % 1000000000))

    if not second:
        return False

    while n > 1000000000000000:
        n = n // 1000000
    while n > 1000000000:
        n = n // 10

    return number.is_pandigital(str(n))
Example #2
def solve():
    result = 0 #@UnusedVariable
    pandigital_concatenated_products = []
    # since n > 1, 5 digits are enough
    for m in range (1,10**5):
        for n in range(1,10):
            p = concatenated_product(m, range(1, n+1))
            if len(str(p)) > 9:
            if is_pandigital(p, 9):
    result = sorted(pandigital_concatenated_products)[-1]
    print("The largest 1 to 9 pandigital 9-digit number that can be formed as the concatenated product of an integer with (1,2, ... , n) where n > 1 is %(result)d" % vars())
Example #3
def solve():
    #     log_10(a) + log_10(b) + log_10(c) <= 9
    # ==> 2*log_10(ab) <= 9
    # ==> log_10(b) <= 4.5 - log_10(a)
    pandigital_products = []
    for a in range(1, int(4.5**10)+1):
        for b in range(1, int((4.5**10)/a)+1):
            c = a*b
            pandigital_candidate = str(a)+str(b)+str(c)
            if len(pandigital_candidate) == 9 and is_pandigital(pandigital_candidate):
                pandigital_products.append((a, b, c))
    result = sum(set([c for (a,b,c) in pandigital_products])) #@UnusedVariable
    print("The sum of all products whose multiplicand/multiplier/product identity can be written as a 1 through 9 pandigital is %(result)d" % vars())
Example #4
File: 38.py Project: pjot/euler
import number

largest = 0
for n in range(1, 100000):
    for limit in range(1, 11):
        triple = [i * n for i in range(1, limit)]
        concat = "".join(str(i) for i in triple)
        if number.is_pandigital(concat):
            concat = int(concat)
            if concat > largest:
                largest = concat

print("Largest concatination: {}".format(largest))
Example #5
File: 32.py Project: pjot/euler
import number

products = set()
for a in range(100):
    if '0' in str(a):
    for b in range(9876):
        if '0' in str(b):
        product = a * b
        if number.is_pandigital(str(product) + str(a) + str(b)):

print("Sum of products: {}".format(sum(products)))