def stake(self, confidence, value): """ participate in the staking competition confidence: your confidence (C) value value: amount of NMR you are willing to stake """ query = ''' mutation($code: String, $confidence: String! $password: String $round: Int! $value: String!) { stake(code: $code confidence: $confidence password: $password round: $round value: $value) { id status txHash value } } ''' arguments = {'code': 'somecode', 'confidence': str(confidence), 'password': "******", 'round': self.get_current_round(), 'value': str(value)} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True) stake = result['data'] utils.replace(stake, "value", utils.parse_float_string) return stake
def daily_submissions_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily Numerai Signals performance of a user's submissions. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily submission performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * returns (`float`) * submission_time (`datetime`) * correlation (`float`) * mmc (`float`) * roundNumber (`int`) * corrRep (`float`) * mmcRep (`float`) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.daily_submissions_performances("uuazed") [{'date': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 16, 0, 0), 'returns': 1.256, 'submissionTime': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 12, 1, 23)}, 'corrRep': None, 'mmc': None, 'mmcRep': None, 'roundNumber': 226, 'correlation': 0.03} ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { signalsUserProfile(username: $username) { dailySubmissionPerformances { date returns submissionTime correlation mmc roundNumber corrRep mmcRep } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['signalsUserProfile'] performances = data['dailySubmissionPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(perf, "submissionTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
def stake_change(self, nmr, action: str = "decrease", model_id: str = None, tournament: int = 8) -> Dict: """Change stake by `value` NMR. Args: nmr (float or str): amount of NMR you want to increase/decrease action (str): `increase` or `decrease` model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 8) -- DEPRECATED there is only one tournament nowadays Returns: dict: stake information with the following content: * dueDate (`datetime`) * status (`str`) * requestedAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * type (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.stake_change(10, "decrease", model) {'dueDate': None, 'requestedAmount': decimal.Decimal('10'), 'type': 'decrease', 'status': ''} """ query = ''' mutation($value: String! $type: String! $tournamentNumber: Int! $modelId: String) { v2ChangeStake(value: $value type: $type modelId: $modelId tournamentNumber: $tournamentNumber) { dueDate requestedAmount status type } } ''' arguments = { 'value': str(nmr), 'type': action, 'modelId': model_id, 'tournamentNumber': tournament } result = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True) stake = result['data']['v2ChangeStake'] utils.replace(stake, "requestedAmount", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(stake, "dueDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) return stake
def daily_model_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily performance of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily model performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * rank (`int`) * date (`datetime`) * corrRep (`float` or None) * corrRank (`int`) * mmcRep (`float` or None) * mmcRank (`int`) * fncRep (`float` or None) * fncRank (`int`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.daily_model_performances("uuazed") [{'corrRep': 0.04989791277211584, 'date': datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 29, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'fncRep': 0.013364783709176759, 'mmcRep': 0.006799019156483222, 'payoutPending': '5.979926674348371782', 'payoutSettled': None, 'rank': 559, 'stakeValue': '226.746596100340180000'}, ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v3UserProfile(modelName: $username) { dailyModelPerformances { date corrRep corrRank mmcRep mmcRank fncRep fncRank } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v3UserProfile'] performances = data['dailyModelPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
def daily_submissions_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily performance of a user's submissions. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily submission performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * correlation (`float`) * roundNumber (`int`) * mmc (`float`): metamodel contribution * fnc (`float`): feature neutral correlation * correlationWithMetamodel (`float`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.daily_user_performances("uuazed") [{'roundNumber': 181, 'correlation': -0.011765912, 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 16, 0, 0), 'mmc': 0.3, 'fnc': 0.1, 'correlationWithMetamodel': 0.87}, ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v2UserProfile(username: $username) { dailySubmissionPerformances { date correlation roundNumber mmc fnc correlationWithMetamodel } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2UserProfile'] performances = data['dailySubmissionPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) # remove useless items performances = [ p for p in performances if any([p['correlation'], p['fnc'], p['mmc']]) ] return performances
def test_replace(): d = None assert utils.replace(d, "a", float) is None # empty dict d = {} assert not utils.replace(d, "a", float) # normal case d = {"a": "1"} utils.replace(d, "a", float) assert d["a"] == 1.0
def daily_model_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch daily Numerai Signals performance of a model. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily user performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * corrRank (`int`) * corrRep (`float` or None) * mmcRank (`int`) * mmcRep (`float` or None) * corr_20dRank (`int`) * corr_20dRep (`float` or None) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.daily_model_performances("floury_kerril_moodle") [{'corrRank': 45, 'corrRep': -0.00010935616731632354, 'corr_20dRank': None, 'corr_20dRep': None, 'date': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 18, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'mmcRank': 6, 'mmcRep': 0.0}, ... ] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v2SignalsProfile(modelName: $username) { dailyModelPerformances { date corrRank corrRep mmcRep mmcRank corr_20dRep corr_20dRank } } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2SignalsProfile'] performances = data['dailyModelPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
def get_rankings(self, limit=50, offset=0): """Get the overall ranking Args: limit (int): number of items to return (optional, defaults to 50) offset (int): number of items to skip (optional, defaults to 0) Returns: list of dicts: list of ranking items Each dict contains the following items: * id (`str`) * username (`str`) * nmrBurned (`decimal.Decimal`) * nmrPaid (`decimal.Decimal`) * nmrStaked (`decimal.Decimal`) * rep (`int`) * stakeCount (`int`) * usdEarned (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> numerapi.NumerAPI().get_rankings(1) [{'username': '******', 'usdEarned': Decimal('16347.12'), 'stakeCount': 41, 'rep': 14, 'nmrStaked': Decimal('250.000000000000000000'), 'nmrPaid': Decimal('16061.37'), 'nmrBurned': Decimal('295.400000000000000000'), 'id': 'bbee4f0e-f238-4d8a-8f1b-5eb384cdcbfc'}] """ query = ''' query($limit: Int! $offset: Int!) { rankings(limit: $limit offset: $offset) { username id nmrBurned nmrPaid nmrStaked rep stakeCount usdEarned } } ''' arguments = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['rankings'] for item in data: for p in ["nmrBurned", "nmrPaid", "nmrStaked", "usdEarned"]: utils.replace(item, p, utils.parse_float_string) return data
def wallet_transactions(self) -> List: """Get all transactions in your wallet. Returns: list: List of dicts with the following structure: * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) * status (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * amount (`decimal.Decimal`) * time (`datetime`) * tournament (`int`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.wallet_transactions() [{'amount': Decimal('1.000000000000000000'), 'from': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000313bc', 'status': 'confirmed', 'time': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 19, 13, 28, 45), 'to': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000006621', 'tournament': None, 'txHash': '0xeasdfkjaskljf314451234', 'type': 'withdrawal'}, ... ] """ query = """ query { account { walletTxns { amount from status to time tournament txHash type } } } """ txs = self.raw_query( query, authorization=True)['data']['account']['walletTxns'] # convert strings to python objects for transaction in txs: utils.replace(transaction, "time", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(transaction, "amount", utils.parse_float_string) return txs
def get_competitions(self, tournament=1): """Retrieves information about all competitions Args: tournament (int, optional): ID of the tournament, defaults to 1 Returns: list of dicts: list of rounds Each round's dict contains the following items: * datasetId (`str`) * number (`int`) * openTime (`datetime`) * resolveTime (`datetime`) * resolvedGeneral (`bool`) * resolvedStaking (`bool`) Example: >>> NumerAPI().get_competitions() [ {'datasetId': '59a70840ca11173c8b2906ac', 'number': 71, 'openTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 31, 0, 0), 'resolveTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 27, 21, 0), 'resolvedGeneral': True, 'resolvedStaking': True }, .. ] """"getting rounds...") query = ''' query($tournament: Int!) { rounds(tournament: $tournament) { number resolveTime datasetId openTime resolvedGeneral resolvedStaking } } ''' arguments = {'tournament': tournament} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments) rounds = result['data']['rounds'] # convert datetime strings to datetime.datetime objects for r in rounds: utils.replace(r, "openTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(r, "resolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) return rounds
def public_user_profile(self, username: str) -> Dict: """Fetch the public profile of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: dict: user profile including the following fields: * username (`str`) * startDate (`datetime`) * netEarnings (`float`) * id (`string`) * historicalNetUsdEarnings (`float`) * historicalNetNmrEarnings (`float`) * badges (`list of str`) * bio (`str`) * totalStake (`float`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.public_user_profile("niam") {'username': '******', 'startDate': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 14, 22, 58, 2, 186221), 'netEarnings': None, 'id': '024c9bb9-77af-4b3f-91c7-63062fce2b80', 'historicalNetUsdEarnings': '3669.41', 'historicalNetNmrEarnings': '1094.247665827645663410', 'badges': ['burned_3', 'compute_0', 'submission-streak_1'], 'bio': 'blabla', 'totalStake': 12.2} """ query = """ query($username: String!) { v2UserProfile(username: $username) { badges historicalNetNmrEarnings historicalNetUsdEarnings id netEarnings startDate username bio totalStake } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2UserProfile'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "startDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) return data
def daily_user_performances(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: """DEPRECATED Fetch daily Numerai Signals performance of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: list of dicts: list of daily user performance entries For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * rank (`int`) * date (`datetime`) * sharpe (`float`) * mmcRep (`float`) * reputation (`float`) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.daily_user_performances("floury_kerril_moodle") [{'date': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 16, 0, 0, 'rank': 1, 'sharpe': 2.35, 'mmcRep': 0.35, 'reputation': 1.35 }, ...] """ query = """ query($username: String!) { signalsUserProfile(username: $username) { dailyUserPerformances { rank date sharpe mmcRep reputation } } } """ self.logger.warning("Method daily_user_performances is DEPRECATED, " "use daily_model_performances") arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['signalsUserProfile'] performances = data['dailyUserPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
def get_stakes(self): """List all your stakes. Returns: list of dicts: stakes Each stake is a dict with the following fields: * confidence (`decimal.Decimal`) * roundNumber (`int`) * tournamentId (`int`) * soc (`decimal.Decimal`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * staker (`str`): NMR adress used for staking * status (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * value (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_stakes() [{'confidence': Decimal('0.053'), 'insertedAt': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 26, 8, 18, 36, 709000, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'roundNumber': 74, 'soc': Decimal('56.60'), 'staker': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000003f9e', 'status': 'confirmed', 'tournamentId': 1, 'txHash': '0x1cbb985629552a0f57b98a1e30a5e7f101a992121db318cef02e02aaf0e91c95', 'value': Decimal('3.00')}, .. ] """ query = """ query { user { stakeTxs { confidence insertedAt roundNumber tournamentId soc staker status txHash value } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] stakes = data['user']['stakeTxs'] # convert strings to python objects for s in stakes: utils.replace(s, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(s, "soc", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s, "confidence", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s, "value", utils.parse_float_string) return stakes
def get_payments(self): """Get all your payments. Returns: list of dicts: payments For each payout in the list, a dict contains the following items: * nmrAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * usdAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) * tournament (`str`) * round (`dict`) * number (`int`) * openTime (`datetime`) * resolveTime (`datetime`) * resolvedGeneral (`bool`) * resolvedStaking (`bool`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_payments() [{'nmrAmount': Decimal('0.00'), 'round': {'number': 84, 'openTime': datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 2, 18, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'resolveTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 18, 0, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'resolvedGeneral': True, 'resolvedStaking': True}, 'tournament': 'staking', 'usdAmount': Decimal('17.44')}, ... ] """ query = """ query { user { payments { nmrAmount round { number openTime resolveTime resolvedGeneral resolvedStaking } tournament usdAmount } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] payments = data['user']['payments'] # convert strings to python objects for p in payments: utils.replace(p['round'], "openTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(p['round'], "resolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(p, "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(p, "nmrAmount", utils.parse_float_string) return payments
def get_stakes(self): """all your stakes""" query = """ query { user { stakeTxs { confidence insertedAt roundNumber soc staker status txHash value } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] stakes = data['user']['stakeTxs'] # convert strings to python objects for s in stakes: utils.replace(s, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(s, "soc", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s, "confidence", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s, "value", utils.parse_float_string) return stakes
def get_payments(self): """all your payments""" query = """ query { user { payments { nmrAmount round { number openTime resolveTime resolvedGeneral resolvedStaking } tournament usdAmount } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data'] payments = data['user']['payments'] # convert strings to python objects for p in payments: utils.replace(p['round'], "openTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(p['round'], "resolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(p, "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(p, "nmrAmount", utils.parse_float_string) return payments
def get_rankings(self, limit=50, offset=0): """Get the overall ranking Args: limit (int): number of items to return (optional, defaults to 50) offset (int): number of items to skip (optional, defaults to 0) Returns: list of dicts: list of ranking items Each dict contains the following items: * username (`str`) * nmrBurned (`decimal.Decimal`) * nmrEarned (`decimal.Decimal`) * nmrStaked (`decimal.Decimal`) * reputation (`float`) * usdEarned (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> numerapi.NumerAPI().get_rankings(1) [{'username': '******', 'usdEarned': Decimal('16347.12'), 'reputation': 0.5121, 'nmrStaked': Decimal('250.000000000000000000'), 'nmrEarned': Decimal('16061.37'), 'nmrBurned': Decimal('295.400000000000000000')] """ query = ''' query($limit: Int! $offset: Int!) { globalLeaderboard(limit: $limit offset: $offset) { username nmrBurned nmrEarned nmrStaked reputation usdEarned } } ''' arguments = {'limit': limit, 'offset': offset} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['globalLeaderboard'] for item in data: for p in ["nmrBurned", "nmrEarned", "nmrStaked", "usdEarned"]: utils.replace(item, p, utils.parse_float_string) return data
def public_user_profile(self, username: str) -> Dict: """Fetch the public Numerai Signals profile of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: dict: user profile including the following fields: * username (`str`) * startDate (`datetime`) * id (`string`) * rank (`int`) * bio (`str`) * sharpe (`float`) * totalStake (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> api = SignalsAPI() >>> api.public_user_profile("floury_kerril_moodle") {'bio': None, 'id': '635db2a4-bdc6-4e5d-b515-f5120392c8c9', 'rank': 1, 'sharpe': 2.35, 'startDate': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 26, 0, 43), 'username': '******', 'totalStake': Decimal('14.630994874320760131')} """ query = """ query($username: String!) { signalsUserProfile(username: $username) { rank id startDate username bio sharpe totalStake } } """ arguments = {'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['signalsUserProfile'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "startDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "totalStake", utils.parse_float_string) return data
def get_transactions(self): """all deposits and withdrawals""" query = """ query { user { nmrDeposits { from id posted status to txHash value } nmrWithdrawals { from id posted status to txHash value } usdWithdrawals { ethAmount confirmTime from posted sendTime status to txHash usdAmount } } } """ txs = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['user'] # convert strings to python objects for t in txs['usdWithdrawals']: utils.replace(t, "confirmTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "sendTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) for t in txs["nmrWithdrawals"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) for t in txs["nmrDeposits"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) return txs
def get_leaderboard(self, round_num=0): """ retrieves the leaderboard for the given round round_num: The round you are interested in, defaults to current round. """"getting leaderboard for round {}".format(round_num)) query = ''' query($number: Int!) { rounds(number: $number) { leaderboard { consistency concordance { pending value } originality { pending value } liveLogloss submissionId username validationLogloss paymentGeneral { nmrAmount usdAmount } paymentStaking { nmrAmount usdAmount } totalPayments { nmrAmount usdAmount } } } } ''' arguments = {'number': round_num} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments) leaderboard = result['data']['rounds'][0]['leaderboard'] # parse to correct data types for item in leaderboard: for p in ["totalPayments", "paymentGeneral", "paymentStaking"]: utils.replace(item[p], "nmrAmount", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(item[p], "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) return leaderboard
def round_details(self, round_num: int) -> List[Dict]: """Fetch all correlation scores of a round. Args: round_num (int) Returns: list of dicts: list containing scores for each user For each entry in the list, there is a dict with the following content: * date (`datetime`) * correlation (`float`) * username (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.round_details(180) [{'username': '******', 'date': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 15, 0, 0), 'correlation': 0.02116131087}, ... ] """ query = """ query($roundNumber: Int!) { v2RoundDetails(roundNumber: $roundNumber) { userPerformances { date correlation username } } } """ arguments = {'roundNumber': round_num} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v2RoundDetails'] performances = data['userPerformances'] # convert strings to python objects for perf in performances: utils.replace(perf, "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return performances
def public_user_profile(self, username: str) -> Dict: """Fetch the public profile of a user. Args: username (str) Returns: dict: user profile including the following fields: * username (`str`) * startDate (`datetime`) * id (`string`) * bio (`str`) * nmrStaked (`float`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI() >>> api.public_user_profile("integration_test") {'bio': 'The official example model. Submits example predictions.', 'id': '59de8728-38e5-45bd-a3d5-9d4ad649dd3f', 'startDate': datetime.datetime( 2018, 6, 6, 17, 33, 21, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'nmrStaked': '57.582371875005243780', 'username': '******'} """ query = """ query($model_name: String!) { v3UserProfile(model_name: $model_name) { id startDate username bio nmrStaked } } """ arguments = {'model_name': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['v3UserProfile'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "startDate", utils.parse_datetime_string) return data
def get_user(self): """get all information about you! """ query = """ query { user { username banned assignedEthAddress availableNmr availableUsd email id mfaEnabled status insertedAt apiTokens { name public_id scopes } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['user'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "availableUsd", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(data, "availableNmr", utils.parse_float_string) return data
def get_competitions(self): """ get information about rounds """"getting rounds...") query = ''' query { rounds { number resolveTime datasetId openTime resolvedGeneral resolvedStaking } } ''' result = self.raw_query(query) rounds = result['data']['rounds'] # convert datetime strings to datetime.datetime objects for r in rounds: utils.replace(r, "openTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(r, "resolveTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) return rounds
def get_staking_leaderboard(self, round_num=0): """ retrieves the leaderboard of the staking competition for the given round round_num: The round you are interested in, defaults to current round. """"getting stakes for round {}".format(round_num)) query = ''' query($number: Int!) { rounds(number: $number) { leaderboard { consistency liveLogloss username validationLogloss stake { insertedAt soc confidence value txHash } } } } ''' arguments = {'number': round_num} result = self.raw_query(query, arguments) stakes = result['data']['rounds'][0]['leaderboard'] # filter those with actual stakes stakes = [item for item in stakes if item["stake"]["soc"] is not None] # convert strings to pyton objects for s in stakes: utils.replace(s["stake"], "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(s["stake"], "confidence", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s["stake"], "soc", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(s["stake"], "value", utils.parse_float_string) return stakes
def get_transactions(self, model_id: str = None) -> Dict: """Get all your deposits and withdrawals. Args: model_id (str): Target model UUID (required for accounts with multiple models) Returns: dict: lists of your NMR and USD transactions The returned dict has the following structure: * nmrDeposits (`list`) contains items with fields: * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) * status (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * value (`decimal.Decimal`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * nmrWithdrawals"` (`list`) contains items with fields: * from"` (`str`) * posted"` (`bool`) * status"` (`str`) * to"` (`str`) * txHash"` (`str`) * value"` (`decimal.Decimal`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * usdWithdrawals"` (`list`) contains items with fields: * confirmTime"` (`datetime` or `None`) * ethAmount"` (`str`) * from"` (`str`) * posted"` (`bool`) * sendTime"` (`datetime`) * status"` (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * usdAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> model = api.get_models()['uuazed'] >>> api.get_transactions(model) {'nmrDeposits': [ {'from': '0x54479..9ec897a', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x0000000000000000000001', 'txHash': '0x52..e2056ab', 'value': Decimal('9.0'), 'insertedAt: datetime.datetime((2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2)}, .. ], 'nmrWithdrawals': [ {'from': '0x0000000000000000..002', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x00000000000..001', 'txHash': '0x1278..266c', 'value': Decimal('2.0'), 'insertedAt: datetime.datetime((2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2)},}, .. ], 'usdWithdrawals': [ {'confirmTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2), 'ethAmount': '0.295780674909307710', 'from': '0x11.....', 'posted': True, 'sendTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 11, 17, 53, 25), 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x81.....', 'txHash': '0x3c....', 'usdAmount': Decimal('10.07')}, ..]} """ self.logger.warning( "get_transactions is DEPRECATED, use get_account_transactions") query = """ query($modelId: String) { user(modelId: $modelId) { nmrDeposits { from posted status to txHash value insertedAt } nmrWithdrawals { from posted status to txHash value insertedAt } usdWithdrawals { ethAmount confirmTime from posted sendTime status to txHash usdAmount } } } """ arguments = {'modelId': model_id} txs = self.raw_query(query, arguments, authorization=True)['data']['user'] # convert strings to python objects for t in txs['usdWithdrawals']: utils.replace(t, "confirmTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "sendTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) for t in txs["nmrWithdrawals"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(t, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) for t in txs["nmrDeposits"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(t, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) return txs
def get_account_transactions(self) -> Dict: """Get all your account deposits and withdrawals. Returns: dict: lists of your tournament wallet NMR transactions The returned dict has the following structure: * nmrDeposits (`list`) contains items with fields: * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) * status (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * value (`decimal.Decimal`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * nmrWithdrawals"` (`list`) contains items with fields: * from"` (`str`) * posted"` (`bool`) * status"` (`str`) * to"` (`str`) * txHash"` (`str`) * value"` (`decimal.Decimal`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_account_transactions() {'nmrDeposits': [ {'from': '0x54479..9ec897a', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x0000000000000000000001', 'txHash': '0x52..e2056ab', 'value': Decimal('9.0'), 'insertedAt: datetime.datetime((2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2)}, .. ], 'nmrWithdrawals': [ {'from': '0x0000000000000000..002', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x00000000000..001', 'txHash': '0x1278..266c', 'value': Decimal('2.0'), 'insertedAt: datetime.datetime((2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2)},}, .. ]} """ query = """ query { account { nmrDeposits { from posted status to txHash value insertedAt } nmrWithdrawals { from posted status to txHash value insertedAt } } } """ txs = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['account'] # convert strings to python objects for t in txs["nmrWithdrawals"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(t, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) for t in txs["nmrDeposits"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) utils.replace(t, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) return txs
def get_account(self) -> Dict: """Get all information about your account! Returns: dict: user information including the following fields: * assignedEthAddress (`str`) * availableNmr (`decimal.Decimal`) * availableUsd (`decimal.Decimal`) * email (`str`) * id (`str`) * insertedAt (`datetime`) * mfaEnabled (`bool`) * status (`str`) * username (`str`) * apiTokens (`list`) each with the following fields: * name (`str`) * public_id (`str`) * scopes (`list of str`) * models * username * id * submissions * v2Stake * status (`str`) * txHash (`str`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_account() {'apiTokens': [ {'name': 'tokenname', 'public_id': 'BLABLA', 'scopes': ['upload_submission', 'stake', ..] }, ..], 'assignedEthAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000001', 'availableNmr': Decimal('99.01'), 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'id': '1234-ABC..', 'insertedAt': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 2, 16, 48), 'mfaEnabled': False, 'status': 'VERIFIED', 'username': '******', } """ query = """ query { account { username walletAddress availableNmr email id mfaEnabled status insertedAt models { id name submissions { id filename } v2Stake { status txHash } } apiTokens { name public_id scopes } } } """ data = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['account'] # convert strings to python objects utils.replace(data, "insertedAt", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(data, "availableNmr", utils.parse_float_string) return data
def get_transactions(self): """Get all your deposits and withdrawals. Returns: dict: lists of your NMR and USD transactions The returned dict has the following structure: * nmrDeposits (`list`) contains items with fields: * from (`str`) * posted (`bool`) * status (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * value (`decimal.Decimal`) * nmrWithdrawals"` (`list`) contains items with fields: * from"` (`str`) * posted"` (`bool`) * status"` (`str`) * to"` (`str`) * txHash"` (`str`) * value"` (`decimal.Decimal`) * usdWithdrawals"` (`list`) contains items with fields: * confirmTime"` (`datetime` or `None`) * ethAmount"` (`str`) * from"` (`str`) * posted"` (`bool`) * sendTime"` (`datetime`) * status"` (`str`) * to (`str`) * txHash (`str`) * usdAmount (`decimal.Decimal`) Example: >>> api = NumerAPI(secret_key="..", public_id="..") >>> api.get_transactions() {'nmrDeposits': [ {'from': '0x54479..9ec897a', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x0000000000000000000001', 'txHash': '0x52..e2056ab', 'value': Decimal('9.0')}, .. ], 'nmrWithdrawals': [ {'from': '0x0000000000000000..002', 'posted': True, 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x00000000000..001', 'txHash': '0x1278..266c', 'value': Decimal('2.0')}, .. ], 'usdWithdrawals': [ {'confirmTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 11, 17, 54, 2, 785430, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'ethAmount': '0.295780674909307710', 'from': '0x11.....', 'posted': True, 'sendTime': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 11, 17, 53, 25, 235035, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'status': 'confirmed', 'to': '0x81.....', 'txHash': '0x3c....', 'usdAmount': Decimal('10.07')}, ..]} """ query = """ query { user { nmrDeposits { from posted status to txHash value } nmrWithdrawals { from posted status to txHash value } usdWithdrawals { ethAmount confirmTime from posted sendTime status to txHash usdAmount } } } """ txs = self.raw_query(query, authorization=True)['data']['user'] # convert strings to python objects for t in txs['usdWithdrawals']: utils.replace(t, "confirmTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "sendTime", utils.parse_datetime_string) utils.replace(t, "usdAmount", utils.parse_float_string) for t in txs["nmrWithdrawals"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) for t in txs["nmrDeposits"]: utils.replace(t, "value", utils.parse_float_string) return txs
def get_user_activities(self, username, tournament=1): """Get user activities (works for all users!). Args: username (str): name of the user tournament (int): ID of the tournament (optional, defaults to 1) Returns: list: list of user activities (`dict`) Each activity in the list as the following structure: * resolved (`bool`) * roundNumber (`int`) * tournament (`int`) * submission (`dict`) * concordance (`bool`) * consistency (`float`) * date (`datetime`) * liveLogloss (`float`) * originality (`bool`) * validationLogloss (`float`) * stake (`dict`) * confidence (`decimal.Decimal`) * date (`datetime`) * nmrEarned (`decimal.Decimal`) * staked (`bool`) * usdEarned (`decimal.Decimal`) * burned (`bool`) Example: >>> NumerAPI().get_user_activities("slyfox", 5) [{'tournament': 5, 'submission': {'validationLogloss': 0.6928141372700635, 'originality': True, 'liveLogloss': None, 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 14, 17, 5, 27, 206042, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'consistency': 83.33333333333334, 'concordance': True}, 'stake': {'value': Decimal('0.10'), 'usdEarned': None, 'staked': True, 'nmrEarned': None, 'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 14, 17, 7, 7, 877845, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'confidence': Decimal('0.100000000000000000')}, 'burned': False 'roundNumber': 116, 'resolved': False}, {'tournament': 5, 'submission': {'validationLogloss': 0.6928141372700635, ... ] """ query = ''' query($tournament: Int! $username: String!) { userActivities(tournament: $tournament username: $username) { resolved roundNumber tournament submission { concordance consistency date liveLogloss originality validationLogloss } stake { confidence date nmrEarned staked usdEarned value burned } } } ''' arguments = {'tournament': tournament, 'username': username} data = self.raw_query(query, arguments)['data']['userActivities'] # filter rounds with no activity data = [item for item in data if item['submission']['date'] is not None] for item in data: # remove stakes with all values set to None if item['stake']['date'] is None: del item['stake'] # parse else: utils.replace(item['stake'], "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) for col in ['confidence', 'value', 'nmrEarned', 'usdEarned']: utils.replace(item['stake'], col, utils.parse_float_string) # parse for item in data: utils.replace(item['submission'], "date", utils.parse_datetime_string) return data