Example #1
def scanner(s):
    Split a string into mathtext and non-mathtext parts.  mathtext is
    surrounded by $ symbols.  quoted \$ are ignored

    All slash quotes dollar signs are ignored

    The number of unquoted dollar signs must be even

    Return value is a list of (substring, inmath) tuples
    if not len(s): return [(s, False)]
    #print 'testing', s, type(s)
    inddollar = nonzero(asarray(equal(s, '$')))
    quoted = dict([(ind, 1) for ind in nonzero(asarray(equal(s, '\\')))])
    indkeep = [ind for ind in inddollar if not quoted.has_key(ind - 1)]
    if len(indkeep) == 0:
        return [(s, False)]
    if len(indkeep) % 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'Illegal string "%s" (must have balanced dollar signs)' % s)

    Ns = len(s)

    indkeep = [ind for ind in indkeep]
    # make sure we start with the first element
    if indkeep[0] != 0: indkeep.insert(0, 0)
    # and end with one past the end of the string
    indkeep.append(Ns + 1)

    Nkeep = len(indkeep)
    results = []

    inmath = s[0] == '$'
    for i in range(Nkeep - 1):
        i0, i1 = indkeep[i], indkeep[i + 1]
        if not inmath:
            if i0 > 0: i0 += 1
            i1 += 1
        if i0 >= Ns: break

        results.append((s[i0:i1], inmath))
        inmath = not inmath

    return results
Example #2
def scanner(s):
    Split a string into mathtext and non-mathtext parts.  mathtext is
    surrounded by $ symbols.  quoted \$ are ignored

    All slash quotes dollar signs are ignored

    The number of unquoted dollar signs must be even

    Return value is a list of (substring, inmath) tuples
    if not len(s): return [(s, False)]
    #print 'testing', s, type(s)
    inddollar = nonzero(asarray(equal(s,'$')))
    quoted = dict([ (ind,1) for ind in nonzero(asarray(equal(s,'\\')))])
    indkeep = [ind for ind in inddollar if not quoted.has_key(ind-1)]
    if len(indkeep)==0:
        return [(s, False)]
    if len(indkeep)%2:
        raise ValueError('Illegal string "%s" (must have balanced dollar signs)'%s)

    Ns = len(s)

    indkeep = [ind for ind in indkeep]
    # make sure we start with the first element
    if indkeep[0]!=0: indkeep.insert(0,0)
    # and end with one past the end of the string

    Nkeep = len(indkeep)
    results = []

    inmath = s[0] == '$'
    for i in range(Nkeep-1):        
        i0, i1 = indkeep[i], indkeep[i+1]
        if not inmath:
            if i0>0: i0 +=1
            i1 += 1
        if i0>=Ns: break
        results.append((s[i0:i1], inmath))
        inmath = not inmath

    return results
Example #3
    def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
        'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
        x, y = zip(*self.poly.verts)

        # display coords
        xt, yt = self.poly.get_transform().numerix_x_y(x, y)
        d = sqrt((xt - event.x)**2 + (yt - event.y)**2)
        indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
        ind = indseq[0]

        if d[ind] >= self.epsilon:
            ind = None

        return ind
Example #4
    def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
        'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
        x, y = zip(*self.poly.verts)
        # display coords        
        xt, yt = self.poly.get_transform().numerix_x_y(x, y)
        d = sqrt((xt-event.x)**2 + (yt-event.y)**2)
        indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
        ind = indseq[0]

        if d[ind]>=self.epsilon:
            ind = None

        return ind