Example #1
File: lorenz.py Project: qiqi/adFVM
def f(u):
    x, p = u[:3 * n], u[3 * n:6 * n]
    #lambc = lamb
    v = u[6 * n:]
    v = v.reshape((N, 1))
    lambc = lamb + v
    x = x.reshape((n, 3))
    p = p.reshape((n, 3))

    dfdu = dfdu_lorenz(ad.array(xs[:-1]), 28, mod=ad) * dt + ad.eye(3).reshape(
        (1, 3, 3))
    dJdu = dJdu_obj(ad.array(xs[:-1]), mod=ad)
    #dJdu = 0.
    fx = x[1:] + p[1:] * dot(x[:-1], x[:-1]).reshape(
        (-1, 1)) / lambc - dot(dfdu, x[:-1].reshape((N, 1, 3))) - dJdu
    fp = p[:-1] + x[:-1] * dot(p[1:], p[1:]).reshape(
        (-1, 1)) / lambc - x[:-1] - dot(dfdu.transpose(
            (0, 2, 1)), p[1:].reshape((N, 1, 3)))

    #return ad.concatenate((x[0]-ad.array(ti.flatten()), ad.ravel(fx), ad.ravel(fp), p[-1]-x[-1]))
    #cons = 1e-2
    cons = 1e-4
    frob = dot(x[:-1], x[:-1]) * dot(p[1:], p[1:]) / (ad.ravel(lamb)**2)
    return ad.concatenate(
        (x[0] - ad.array(ti.flatten()), ad.ravel(fx), ad.ravel(fp),
         p[-1] - x[-1], ad.ravel(v) * (frob - cons)))
Example #2
 def set_coeff(self, x):
     # given a value for the parameters (KL coefficients),
     # construct the coefficients of the differential operator
     _e = 2.7182818284590451
     self.x = npd.array(x.reshape((self.m, 1)))
     a = npd.dot(self.B, self.x)
     self.a = _e**a.reshape((self.nx, self.nx))
Example #3
File: rk.py Project: qiqi/lsspde
 def recomputeForNumpad(u0, dt):
     assert len(u0) == len(dt) * 3 + 1
     u = [ad.array(u0[0])]
     for i in len(dt):
         u1, u2, u3, u2nd = step(f, u[-1], dt[i], u0[i*3+1:i*3+4])
         u.extend([u1, u2, u3])
     return u, dt
Example #4
File: rk.py Project: qiqi/lsspde
 def testHarmonicOscillator(self):
     T, N = 10, 100
     u0 = ad.array([1., 0.])
     t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
     u1 = pdeint(lambda u : ad.hstack([u[1], -u[0]]), u0, t)
     u2 = pdeint(lambda u : ad.hstack([u[1], -u[0]]), u0, [0, T])
     accuracy = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u1[-1] - u2[-1]))
     self.assertLess(accuracy, 5E-4)
Example #5
File: rk.py Project: qiqi/lsspde
def pdeint(f, u0, t, relTol=1E-4, absTol=1E-6, ret='array', disp=0):
    To be used like ode23s, using numpad for Jacobian
    def _roundTo2ToK(n):
        log2n = np.log2(max(1, n))
        return 2**int(round(log2n))

    u = ad.array(u0).copy()
    uHistory = [u]
    uTrajectory = Trajectory(f, ad.value(u))
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    for i in range(len(t) - 1):
        iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 0, _roundTo2ToK((t[i+1] - t[i]) / dt)
        dt = (t[i+1] - t[i]) / nSubdiv
        while iSubdiv < nSubdiv:
            uTmp1, uTmp2, u3rd, u2nd = step(f, u, dt)
            uNorm = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u))
            errNorm = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u3rd) - ad.value(u2nd))
            if errNorm > max(absTol, relTol * uNorm):
                dt, iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 0.5 * dt, 2 * iSubdiv, 2 * nSubdiv
                iSubdiv += 1
                u = u3rd
                uTrajectory.append(ad.value(uTmp1), ad.value(uTmp2),
                                   ad.value(u), dt)
                if ret == 'array':
                if disp:
                    print(t[i] + (t[i+1] - t[i]) * iSubdiv / nSubdiv)
                if errNorm < 0.25 * max(absTol, relTol * uNorm) and \
                        iSubdiv % 2 == 0 and nSubdiv > 1:
                    dt, iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 2 * dt, iSubdiv / 2, nSubdiv / 2
        assert iSubdiv == nSubdiv
    if ret == 'array':
        return np.array([ad.value(u) for u in uHistory])
    elif ret == 'list':
        return uHistory
    elif ret == 'trajectory':
        return uTrajectory
Example #6
File: lorenz.py Project: qiqi/adFVM
    #cons = 1e-2
    cons = 1e-4
    frob = dot(x[:-1], x[:-1]) * dot(p[1:], p[1:]) / (ad.ravel(lamb)**2)
    return ad.concatenate(
        (x[0] - ad.array(ti.flatten()), ad.ravel(fx), ad.ravel(fp),
         p[-1] - x[-1], ad.ravel(v) * (frob - cons)))

xi = ts.flatten()
pi = xi
#u0 = np.concatenate((xi, pi))
v = np.zeros(N)
u0 = np.concatenate((xi, pi, v))

u0 = ad.array(u0)
u = ad.solve(f, u0, max_iter=1000, rel_tol=1e-12, abs_tol=1e-6)

x, p = u[:3 * n]._value, u[3 * n:6 * n]._value
x = x.reshape(n, 3)
p = p.reshape(n, 3)
#L = p[1:].reshape(N, 1, 3)*x[:-1].reshape(N, 3, 1)/lamb
v = u[6 * n:]._value
L = p[1:].reshape(N, 1, 3) * x[:-1].reshape(N, 3,
                                            1) / (lamb + v.reshape(N, 1, 1))**2
#plt.plot(dot(x[:-1], x[:-1])*dot(p[1:], p[1:])/(100.+v)**2)
plt.plot(L[:, :, 0])
Example #7
def adjoint(Jc,uc,etac,wc,u_adjc,eta_adjc,w_adjc,Guc,Getac,Gwc,muc):
# uses global variables: J,u,eta,w,u_adj,eta_adj,w_adj,Gu,Geta,Gw, mu

    # compute adjoint updates
    dJdu = np.array(Jc.diff(uc).todense()).reshape(u_adjc.shape)
    Gu_u_adj = (Guc * u_adjc).sum()
    Geta_eta_adj = (Getac * eta_adjc).sum()
    Gw_w_adj = (Gwc * w_adjc).sum()
    # wrt u
    dGu_du = np.array((Gu_u_adj).diff(uc)).reshape(u_adjc.shape)
    dGeta_du = np.array((Geta_eta_adj).diff(uc)).reshape(u_adjc.shape)
    dGw_du = np.array((Gw_w_adj).diff(uc)).reshape(u_adjc.shape)
    dNdu = dJdu + dGu_du + dGeta_du + dGw_du
    # wrt eta
    dGu_deta = np.array((Gu_u_adj).diff(etac)).reshape(eta_adjc.shape)
    dGeta_deta = np.array((Geta_eta_adj).diff(etac)).reshape(eta_adjc.shape)
    dGw_deta = np.array((Gw_w_adj).diff(etac)).reshape(eta_adjc.shape)
    dNdeta = dGu_deta + dGeta_deta + dGw_deta
    # wrt w
    dGu_dw = np.array((Gu_u_adj).diff(wc)).reshape(w_adjc.shape)
    dGeta_dw = np.array((Geta_eta_adj).diff(wc)).reshape(w_adjc.shape)
    dGw_dw = np.array((Gw_w_adj).diff(wc)).reshape(w_adjc.shape)
    dNdw = dGu_dw + dGeta_dw + dGw_dw
    # wrt mu
    dGu_dmu = np.array(Gu_u_adj.diff(muc))
    dGeta_dmu = np.array(Geta_eta_adj.diff(muc))
    dGw_dmu = np.array(Gw_w_adj.diff(muc))
    #compute reduced gradient
    red_grad = dGu_dmu + dGeta_dmu + dGw_dmu

    return dNdu, dNdeta, dNdw, red_grad.reshape(Jc.shape)
Example #8

#initialize optimization loop 
maxNiter = 1  # number of inner primal/adjoint Newton updates
maxOiter = 1000  # number of optimization steps
atol = 1e-7   # absolute tolerance for primal and adjoint convergence
redtol = 1e-7   # absolute tolerance of reduced gradient
stepsize = 1e-1  # step size for design updates

# initialize Van-der-Pol setting
if CASE == 'vanderpol':
    mu = 0.9
    param = mu
    u0 = np.array([0.5,0.5])
    dt,T = 0.01,10
    tmp=int(T / dt)
    t = 30 + dt * np.arange(tmp)
    f = lambda u, t: vanderpol(u, mu)
    # init optimization
    target = 2.8

elif CASE == 'lorenz':
    params = np.linspace(27, 28, 5)
    param = params[0]
    u0 = np.array([0.5,0.5,0.5])
    dt,T = 0.01, 10.0
    t = 30 + dt * np.arange(int(T / dt))
    f = lambda u, t: lorenz(u, param)
    target = 22.5