Example #1
File: rk.py Project: qiqi/lsspde
 def testHarmonicOscillator(self):
     T, N = 10, 100
     u0 = ad.array([1., 0.])
     t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
     u1 = pdeint(lambda u : ad.hstack([u[1], -u[0]]), u0, t)
     u2 = pdeint(lambda u : ad.hstack([u[1], -u[0]]), u0, [0, T])
     accuracy = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u1[-1] - u2[-1]))
     self.assertLess(accuracy, 5E-4)
Example #2
    def qoi(self, x):

        # set the operator coefficients with the given x

        # solve the PDE
        u = npd.solve(self.residual,
                      np.zeros([self.nx - 1, self.nx - 1]),

        # get the PDE solution on the boundary
        u_bnd = u[:, -1]

        # compute the average on the boundary
        q = 0.5 * self.dx * np.sum(u_bnd[1:] + u_bnd[:-1])

        # return a number from numpad
        return npd.value(q)
Example #3
File: rk.py Project: qiqi/lsspde
def pdeint(f, u0, t, relTol=1E-4, absTol=1E-6, ret='array', disp=0):
    To be used like ode23s, using numpad for Jacobian
    def _roundTo2ToK(n):
        log2n = np.log2(max(1, n))
        return 2**int(round(log2n))

    u = ad.array(u0).copy()
    uHistory = [u]
    uTrajectory = Trajectory(f, ad.value(u))
    dt = t[1] - t[0]
    for i in range(len(t) - 1):
        iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 0, _roundTo2ToK((t[i+1] - t[i]) / dt)
        dt = (t[i+1] - t[i]) / nSubdiv
        while iSubdiv < nSubdiv:
            uTmp1, uTmp2, u3rd, u2nd = step(f, u, dt)
            uNorm = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u))
            errNorm = np.linalg.norm(ad.value(u3rd) - ad.value(u2nd))
            if errNorm > max(absTol, relTol * uNorm):
                dt, iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 0.5 * dt, 2 * iSubdiv, 2 * nSubdiv
                iSubdiv += 1
                u = u3rd
                uTrajectory.append(ad.value(uTmp1), ad.value(uTmp2),
                                   ad.value(u), dt)
                if ret == 'array':
                if disp:
                    print(t[i] + (t[i+1] - t[i]) * iSubdiv / nSubdiv)
                if errNorm < 0.25 * max(absTol, relTol * uNorm) and \
                        iSubdiv % 2 == 0 and nSubdiv > 1:
                    dt, iSubdiv, nSubdiv = 2 * dt, iSubdiv / 2, nSubdiv / 2
        assert iSubdiv == nSubdiv
    if ret == 'array':
        return np.array([ad.value(u) for u in uHistory])
    elif ret == 'list':
        return uHistory
    elif ret == 'trajectory':
        return uTrajectory