Example #1
def _getmax(t, seen_t={}):
        return seen_t[t]
    except KeyError:
        from numpy.core import getlimits
        fmax = getlimits.finfo(t).max
        return fmax
Example #2
def _getmax(t, seen_t={}):
        return seen_t[t]
    except KeyError:
        from numpy.core import getlimits
        fmax = getlimits.finfo(t).max
        seen_t[t] = fmax
        return fmax
def real_if_close(a, tol=100):
    If input is complex with all imaginary parts close to zero, return
    real parts.

    "Close to zero" is defined as `tol` * (machine epsilon of the type for

    a : array_like
        Input array.
    tol : float
        Tolerance in machine epsilons for the complex part of the elements
        in the array.

    out : ndarray
        If `a` is real, the type of `a` is used for the output.  If `a`
        has complex elements, the returned type is float.

    See Also
    real, imag, angle

    Machine epsilon varies from machine to machine and between data types
    but Python floats on most platforms have a machine epsilon equal to
    2.2204460492503131e-16.  You can use 'np.finfo(float).eps' to print
    out the machine epsilon for floats.

    >>> np.finfo(float).eps
    2.2204460492503131e-16 # may vary

    >>> np.real_if_close([2.1 + 4e-14j, 5.2 + 3e-15j], tol=1000)
    array([2.1, 5.2])
    >>> np.real_if_close([2.1 + 4e-13j, 5.2 + 3e-15j], tol=1000)
    array([2.1+4.e-13j, 5.2 + 3e-15j])

    a = asanyarray(a)
    if not issubclass(a.dtype.type, _nx.complexfloating):
        return a
    if tol > 1:
        from numpy.core import getlimits

        f = getlimits.finfo(a.dtype.type)
        tol = f.eps * tol
    if _nx.all(_nx.absolute(a.imag) < tol):
        a = a.real
    return a
    def transform(self, X):
        result = X

        for column in X.columns:
            datatype = result.loc[:, column].dtype.type
            limits = getlimits.finfo(datatype)

            result.loc[:, column].replace(np.inf, limits.max, inplace=True)
            result.loc[:, column].replace(-np.inf, limits.min, inplace=True)

        return result
Example #5
def real_if_close(a, tol=100):
    If complex input returns a real array if complex parts are close to zero.

    "Close to zero" is defined as `tol` * (machine epsilon of the type for

    a : array_like
        Input array.
    tol : float
        Tolerance in machine epsilons for the complex part of the elements
        in the array.

    out : ndarray
        If `a` is real, the type of `a` is used for the output.  If `a`
        has complex elements, the returned type is float.

    See Also
    real, imag, angle

    Machine epsilon varies from machine to machine and between data types
    but Python floats on most platforms have a machine epsilon equal to
    2.2204460492503131e-16.  You can use 'np.finfo(np.float).eps' to print
    out the machine epsilon for floats.

    >>> np.finfo(np.float).eps

    >>> np.real_if_close([2.1 + 4e-14j], tol=1000)
    array([ 2.1])
    >>> np.real_if_close([2.1 + 4e-13j], tol=1000)
    array([ 2.1 +4.00000000e-13j])

    a = asanyarray(a)
    if not issubclass(a.dtype.type, _nx.complexfloating):
        return a
    if tol > 1:
        from numpy.core import getlimits

        f = getlimits.finfo(a.dtype.type)
        tol = f.eps * tol
    if _nx.allclose(a.imag, 0, atol=tol):
        a = a.real
    return a
Example #6
def _getmaxmin(t):
    from numpy.core import getlimits
    f = getlimits.finfo(t)
    return f.max, f.min
Example #7
def _getmaxmin(t):
    from numpy.core import getlimits
    f = getlimits.finfo(t)
    return f.max, f.min
Example #8
import numpy as np
from numpy import log
from numpy.core import getlimits
from scipy.special import gammaln
import time

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: In annotations arrays, this is the value used to indicate missing values

#: Smallest possible floating point number, somtimes used instead of -np.inf
#: to make numberical calculation return a meaningful value
SMALLEST_FLOAT = getlimits.finfo(np.float).min

class PyannoValueError(ValueError):
    """ValueError subclass raised by pyAnno functions and methods.

def random_categorical(distr, nsamples):
    """Return an array of samples from a categorical distribution.

    distr : ndarray
        distr[i] is the probability of item i
Example #9
epsilon     = config.getfloat('LSM', 'epsilon')
lambda1     = config.getfloat('LSM', 'lambda1')
lambda2     = config.getfloat('LSM', 'lambda2')
upsilon     = config.getfloat('LSM', 'upsilon')
mu          = config.getfloat('LSM', 'mu')
eta         = config.getfloat('LSM', 'eta')

delta_t     = config.getfloat('LSM', 'delta_t')
t_0         = config.getfloat('LSM', 't_0')
t_f         = config.getfloat('LSM', 't_f')

R_min       = config.getfloat('LSM', 'R_min')
R_max       = config.getfloat('LSM', 'R_max')

eps = finfo(float).eps

if use_pythode:
    from pythode.ivp import ConstantIVPSolver, IVPSolverModule, return_rejected
    import pythode.ivp.parameters as para
    from pythode.ivp.schemes import feuler
    from pythode.lib import deep_copy_update, parametrizable
    TOLERANCE = delta_t #1e-2


log = logging.getLogger("lsmethod")
