Example #1
    def test_upgrade(self):
        "Tests the upgrade method."

        converter = StringConverter()
        assert_equal(converter._status, 0)

        # test int
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'0'), 0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1)

        # On systems where integer defaults to 32-bit, the statuses will be
        # offset by one, so we check for this here.
        import numpy.core.numeric as nx
        status_offset = int(nx.dtype(nx.integer).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize)

        # test int > 2**32
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'17179869184'), 17179869184)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1 + status_offset)

        # test float
        assert_allclose(converter.upgrade(b'0.'), 0.0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 2 + status_offset)

        # test complex
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'0j'), complex('0j'))
        assert_equal(converter._status, 3 + status_offset)

        # test str
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade(b'a'), b'a')
        assert_equal(converter._status, len(converter._mapper) - 1)
Example #2
    def __new__(subtype,

        if dtype is not None:
            descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
            descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned,

        if buf is None:
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr))
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype,
                                   shape, (record, descr),
        return self
Example #3
 def __init__(self, pyfunc, otypes='', doc=None):
     self.thefunc = pyfunc
     self.ufunc = None
     nin, ndefault = _get_nargs(pyfunc)
     if nin == 0 and ndefault == 0:
         self.nin = None
         self.nin_wo_defaults = None
         self.nin = nin
         self.nin_wo_defaults = nin - ndefault
     self.nout = None
     if doc is None:
         self.__doc__ = pyfunc.__doc__
         self.__doc__ = doc
     if isinstance(otypes, types.StringType):
         self.otypes = otypes
         for char in self.otypes:
             if char not in typecodes['All']:
                 raise ValueError, "invalid otype specified"
     elif iterable(otypes):
         self.otypes = ''.join([_nx.dtype(x).char for x in otypes])
         raise ValueError, "output types must be a string of typecode characters or a list of data-types"
     self.lastcallargs = 0
 def __init__(self, pyfunc, otypes='', doc=None):
     self.thefunc = pyfunc
     self.ufunc = None
     nin, ndefault = _get_nargs(pyfunc)
     if nin == 0 and ndefault == 0:
         self.nin = None
         self.nin_wo_defaults = None
         self.nin = nin
         self.nin_wo_defaults = nin - ndefault
     self.nout = None
     if doc is None:
         self.__doc__ = pyfunc.__doc__
         self.__doc__ = doc
     if isinstance(otypes, types.StringType):
         self.otypes = otypes
         for char in self.otypes:
             if char not in typecodes['All']:
                 raise ValueError, "invalid otype specified"
     elif iterable(otypes):
         self.otypes = ''.join([_nx.dtype(x).char for x in otypes])
         raise ValueError, "output types must be a string of typecode characters or a list of data-types"
     self.lastcallargs = 0
Example #5
def fromstring(datastring,
    """ create a (read-only) record array from binary data contained in
    a string"""

    if dtype is None and formats is None:
        raise ValueError, "Must have dtype= or formats="

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned,

    itemsize = descr.itemsize
    if (shape is None or shape == 0 or shape == -1):
        shape = (len(datastring) - offset) / itemsize

    _array = recarray(shape, descr, buf=datastring, offset=offset)
    return _array
Example #6
    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
            "the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to "
            "represent matrices or deal with linear algebra (see "
            "numpy-for-matlab-users.html). "
            "Please adjust your code to use regular ndarray.",
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy:
                return new.copy()
                return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if ndim > 2:
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = "C"
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = "F"

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype,
        return ret
Example #7
    def _parseFormats(self, formats, aligned=0):
        """ Parse the field formats """

        if formats is None:
            raise ValueError, "Need formats argument"
        if isinstance(formats, list):
            if len(formats) < 2:
            formats = ','.join(formats)
        dtype = sb.dtype(formats, aligned)
        fields = dtype.fields
        if fields is None:
            dtype = sb.dtype([('f1', dtype)], aligned)
            fields = dtype.fields
        keys = dtype.names
        self._f_formats = [fields[key][0] for key in keys]
        self._offsets = [fields[key][1] for key in keys]
        self._nfields = len(keys)
Example #8
    def _parseFormats(self, formats, aligned=0):
        """ Parse the field formats """

        if formats is None:
            raise ValueError, "Need formats argument"
        if isinstance(formats, list):
            if len(formats) < 2:
            formats = ','.join(formats)
        dtype = sb.dtype(formats, aligned)
        fields = dtype.fields
        if fields is None:
            dtype = sb.dtype([('f1', dtype)], aligned)
            fields = dtype.fields
        keys = dtype.names
        self._f_formats = [fields[key][0] for key in keys]
        self._offsets = [fields[key][1] for key in keys]
        self._nfields = len(keys)
Example #9
 def view(self, obj):
         if issubclass(obj, ndarray):
             return ndarray.view(self, obj)
     except TypeError:
     dtype = sb.dtype(obj)
     if dtype.fields is None:
         return self.__array__().view(dtype)
     return ndarray.view(self, obj)
Example #10
    def _createdescr(self, byteorder):
        descr = sb.dtype({'names':self._names,
        if (byteorder is not None):
            byteorder = _byteorderconv[byteorder[0]]
            descr = descr.newbyteorder(byteorder)

        self._descr = descr
Example #11
 def view(self, obj):
         if issubclass(obj, ndarray):
             return ndarray.view(self, obj)
     except TypeError:
     dtype = sb.dtype(obj)
     if dtype.fields is None:
         return self.__array__().view(dtype)
     return ndarray.view(self, obj)
Example #12
def fromrecords(
    """Creates a MaskedRecords from a list of records.

    The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted
    to the highest data type.  This method is intended for creating
    smaller record arrays.  If used to create large array without formats
    defined, it can be slow.

    If formats is None, then this will auto-detect formats. Use a list of
    tuples rather than a list of lists for faster processing.
    # reclist is in fact a mrecarray .................
    if isinstance(reclist, MultiTimeSeries):
        mdescr = reclist.dtype
        shape = reclist.shape
        return MultiTimeSeries(reclist, dtype=mdescr)
    # No format, no dtype: create from to arrays .....
    _data = mrecfromrecords(
    _dtype = _data.dtype
    # Check the names for a '_dates' .................
    newdates = None
    _names = list(_dtype.names)
    reserved = [n for n in _names if n.lower() in ["dates", "_dates"]]
    if len(reserved) > 0:
        newdates = _data[reserved[-1]]
        [_names.remove(n) for n in reserved]
        _dtype = numeric.dtype([t for t in _dtype.descr if t[0] not in reserved])
        _data = [_data[n] for n in _names]
    newdates = __getdates(dates=dates, newdates=newdates, length=len(_data), freq=freq, start_date=start_date)
    return MultiTimeSeries(_data, dates=newdates, dtype=_dtype, names=_names)
Example #13
    def _createdescr(self, byteorder):
        descr = sb.dtype({
            'names': self._names,
            'formats': self._f_formats,
            'offsets': self._offsets,
            'titles': self._titles
        if (byteorder is not None):
            byteorder = _byteorderconv[byteorder[0]]
            descr = descr.newbyteorder(byteorder)

        self._descr = descr
Example #14
    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
        warnings.warn('the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to '
                      'represent matrices or deal with linear algebra (see '
                      'numpy-for-matlab-users.html). '
                      'Please adjust your code to use regular ndarray.',
                      PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if (dtype is None):
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy: return new.copy()
            else: return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if (ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = 'C'
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = 'F'

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, arr.dtype,
        return ret
    def test_upgrade(self):
        "Tests the upgrade method."

        converter = StringConverter()
        assert_equal(converter._status, 0)

        # test int
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade("0"), 0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1)

        # On systems where long defaults to 32-bit, the statuses will be
        # offset by one, so we check for this here.
        import numpy.core.numeric as nx

        status_offset = int(
            nx.dtype(nx.int_).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize)

        # test int > 2**32
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade("17179869184"), 17179869184)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1 + status_offset)

        # test float
        assert_allclose(converter.upgrade("0."), 0.0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 2 + status_offset)

        # test complex
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade("0j"), complex("0j"))
        assert_equal(converter._status, 3 + status_offset)

        # test str
        # note that the longdouble type has been skipped, so the
        # _status increases by 2. Everything should succeed with
        # unicode conversion (8).
        for s in ["a", b"a"]:
            res = converter.upgrade(s)
            assert_(type(res) is str)
            assert_equal(res, "a")
            assert_equal(converter._status, 8 + status_offset)
Example #16
    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if (dtype is None):
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy:
                return new.copy()
                return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if (ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = 'C'
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = 'F'

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype,
        return ret
Example #17
    def test_upgrade(self):
        "Tests the upgrade method."

        converter = StringConverter()
        assert_equal(converter._status, 0)

        # test int
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('0'), 0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1)

        # On systems where long defaults to 32-bit, the statuses will be
        # offset by one, so we check for this here.
        import numpy.core.numeric as nx
        status_offset = int(nx.dtype(nx.int_).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize)

        # test int > 2**32
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('17179869184'), 17179869184)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 1 + status_offset)

        # test float
        assert_allclose(converter.upgrade('0.'), 0.0)
        assert_equal(converter._status, 2 + status_offset)

        # test complex
        assert_equal(converter.upgrade('0j'), complex('0j'))
        assert_equal(converter._status, 3 + status_offset)

        # test str
        # note that the longdouble type has been skipped, so the
        # _status increases by 2. Everything should succeed with
        # unicode conversion (5).
        for s in ['a', u'a', b'a']:
            res = converter.upgrade(s)
            assert_(type(res) is unicode)
            assert_equal(res, u'a')
            assert_equal(converter._status, 5 + status_offset)
Example #18
    def __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=None, buf=None, offset=0, strides=None,
                formats=None, names=None, titles=None,
                byteorder=None, aligned=False):

        if dtype is not None:
            descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
            descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

        if buf is None:
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr))
            self = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, (record, descr),
                                      buffer=buf, offset=offset,
        return self
Example #19
    def __new__(subtype, data, dtype=None, copy=True):
        if isinstance(data, matrix):
            dtype2 = data.dtype
            if (dtype is None):
                dtype = dtype2
            if (dtype2 == dtype) and (not copy):
                return data
            return data.astype(dtype)

        if isinstance(data, N.ndarray):
            if dtype is None:
                intype = data.dtype
                intype = N.dtype(dtype)
            new = data.view(subtype)
            if intype != data.dtype:
                return new.astype(intype)
            if copy: return new.copy()
            else: return new

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = _convert_from_string(data)

        # now convert data to an array
        arr = N.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        ndim = arr.ndim
        shape = arr.shape
        if (ndim > 2):
            raise ValueError("matrix must be 2-dimensional")
        elif ndim == 0:
            shape = (1, 1)
        elif ndim == 1:
            shape = (1, shape[0])

        order = False
        if (ndim == 2) and arr.flags.fortran:
            order = True

        if not (order or arr.flags.contiguous):
            arr = arr.copy()

        ret = N.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, arr.dtype,
        return ret
Example #20
def __fromrecords(recList, dtype=None, intNullVal=None):
    """ This function was taken from np.core.records and updated to
                    support conversion null integers to intNullVal

    nfields = len(recList[0])
    shape = None
    descr = sb.dtype((np.core.records.record, dtype))
        retval = sb.array(recList, dtype=descr)
    except TypeError:  # list of lists instead of list of tuples
        shape = (len(recList), )
        _array = np.core.records.recarray(shape, descr)
            for k in range(_array.size):
                _array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
        except TypeError:
            convs = []
            ncols = len(dtype.fields)
            for _k in dtype.names:
                _v = dtype.fields[_k]
                if _v[0] in [np.int16, np.int32, np.int64]:
                    convs.append(lambda x: intNullVal if x is None else x)
                    convs.append(lambda x: x)
            convs = tuple(convs)

            def convF(x):
                return [convs[_](x[_]) for _ in range(ncols)]

            for k in range(k, _array.size):
                    _array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
                except TypeError:
                    _array[k] = tuple(convF(recList[k]))
        return _array
        if shape is not None and retval.shape != shape:
            retval.shape = shape

    res = retval.view(numpy.core.records.recarray)

    return res
Example #21
def fromrecords(recList, dtype=None, intNullVal=None):
	""" This function was taken from np.core.records and updated to
			support conversion null integers to intNullVal

	nfields = len(recList[0])
	shape = None 
	descr = sb.dtype((np.core.records.record, dtype))

		retval = sb.array(recList, dtype=descr)
	except TypeError:  # list of lists instead of list of tuples
		shape = (len(recList),)
		_array = np.core.records.recarray(shape, descr)
			for k in range(_array.size):
				_array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
		except TypeError:
			convs = []
			ncols = len(dtype.fields)
			for _k in dtype.names:
				_v = dtype.fields[_k]
				if _v[0] in [np.int16, np.int32, np.int64]:
					convs.append(lambda x: intNullVal if x is None else x)
					convs.append(lambda x: x)
			convs = tuple(convs)
			convF = lambda x: [convs[_](x[_]) for _ in range(ncols)]

			for k in range(k, _array.size):
					_array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
				except TypeError:
					_array[k] = tuple(convF(recList[k]))
		return _array
		if shape is not None and retval.shape != shape:
			retval.shape = shape

	res = retval.view(numpy.core.records.recarray)

	return res
Example #22
def fromstring(datastring, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, formats=None,
               names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """ create a (read-only) record array from binary data contained in
    a string"""

    if dtype is None and formats is None:
        raise ValueError, "Must have dtype= or formats="

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

    itemsize = descr.itemsize
    if (shape is None or shape == 0 or shape == -1):
        shape = (len(datastring)-offset) // itemsize

    _array = recarray(shape, descr, buf=datastring, offset=offset)
    return _array
Example #23
def array(obj, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, strides=None, formats=None,
          names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None, copy=True):
    """Construct a record array from a wide-variety of objects.

    if isinstance(obj, (type(None), str, file)) and (formats is None) \
           and (dtype is None):
        raise ValueError("Must define formats (or dtype) if object is "\
                         "None, string, or an open file")

    kwds = {}
    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = sb.dtype(dtype)
    elif formats is not None:
        dtype = format_parser(formats, names, titles,
                              aligned, byteorder)._descr
        kwds = {'formats': formats,
                'names' : names,
                'titles' : titles,
                'aligned' : aligned,
                'byteorder' : byteorder

    if obj is None:
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError("Must define a shape if obj is None")
        return recarray(shape, dtype, buf=obj, offset=offset, strides=strides)
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
        return fromstring(obj, dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        if isinstance(obj[0], (tuple, list)):
            return fromrecords(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)
            return fromarrays(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, recarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        return new

    elif isinstance(obj, file) or isinstance(obj, StringIO.StringIO):
        return fromfile(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset)

    elif isinstance(obj, ndarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        res = new.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res

        interface = getattr(obj, "__array_interface__", None)
        if interface is None or not isinstance(interface, dict):
            raise ValueError("Unknown input type")
        obj = sb.array(obj)
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            obj = obj.view(dtype)
        res  = obj.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res
Example #24
def fromfile(fd, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, formats=None,
             names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """Create an array from binary file data

    If file is a string then that file is opened, else it is assumed
    to be a file object.

    >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
    >>> a = N.empty(10,dtype='f8,i4,a5')
    >>> a[5] = (0.5,10,'abcde')
    >>> fd=TemporaryFile()
    >>> a = a.newbyteorder('<')
    >>> a.tofile(fd)
    >>> fd.seek(0)
    >>> r=fromfile(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=10, byteorder='<')
    >>> print r[5]
    (0.5, 10, 'abcde')
    >>> r.shape

    if (shape is None or shape == 0):
        shape = (-1,)
    elif isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
        shape = (shape,)

    name = 0
    if isinstance(fd, str):
        name = 1
        fd = open(fd, 'rb')
    if (offset > 0):
        fd.seek(offset, 1)
    size = get_remaining_size(fd)

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

    itemsize = descr.itemsize

    shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()
    shapesize = shapeprod*itemsize
    if shapesize < 0:
        shape = list(shape)
        shape[ shape.index(-1) ] = size / -shapesize
        shape = tuple(shape)
        shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()

    nbytes = shapeprod*itemsize

    if nbytes > size:
        raise ValueError(
                "Not enough bytes left in file for specified shape and type")

    # create the array
    _array = recarray(shape, descr)
    nbytesread = fd.readinto(_array.data)
    if nbytesread != nbytes:
        raise IOError("Didn't read as many bytes as expected")
    if name:

    return _array
Example #25
def fromrecords(recList,
    """ create a recarray from a list of records in text form

        The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted
        to the highest data type.  This method is intended for creating
        smaller record arrays.  If used to create large array without formats


        it can be slow.

        If formats is None, then this will auto-detect formats. Use list of
        tuples rather than list of lists for faster processing.

    >>> r=fromrecords([(456,'dbe',1.2),(2,'de',1.3)],names='col1,col2,col3')
    >>> print r[0]
    (456, 'dbe', 1.2)
    >>> r.col1
    array([456,   2])
    >>> r.col2
    chararray(['dbe', 'de'],
    >>> import cPickle
    >>> print cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(r))
    [(456, 'dbe', 1.2) (2, 'de', 1.3)]

    nfields = len(recList[0])
    if formats is None and dtype is None:  # slower
        obj = sb.array(recList, dtype=object)
        arrlist = [sb.array(obj[..., i].tolist()) for i in xrange(nfields)]
        return fromarrays(arrlist,

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned,

        retval = sb.array(recList, dtype=descr)
    except TypeError:  # list of lists instead of list of tuples
        if (shape is None or shape == 0):
            shape = len(recList)
        if isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
            shape = (shape, )
        if len(shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError, "Can only deal with 1-d array."
        _array = recarray(shape, descr)
        for k in xrange(_array.size):
            _array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
        return _array
        if shape is not None and retval.shape != shape:
            retval.shape = shape

    res = retval.view(recarray)

    res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
    return res
Example #26
def fromrecords(recList, dtype=None, shape=None, formats=None, names=None,
                titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """ create a recarray from a list of records in text form

        The data in the same field can be heterogeneous, they will be promoted
        to the highest data type.  This method is intended for creating
        smaller record arrays.  If used to create large array without formats


        it can be slow.

        If formats is None, then this will auto-detect formats. Use list of
        tuples rather than list of lists for faster processing.

    >>> r=fromrecords([(456,'dbe',1.2),(2,'de',1.3)],names='col1,col2,col3')
    >>> print r[0]
    (456, 'dbe', 1.2)
    >>> r.col1
    array([456,   2])
    >>> r.col2
    chararray(['dbe', 'de'],
    >>> import cPickle
    >>> print cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(r))
    [(456, 'dbe', 1.2) (2, 'de', 1.3)]

    nfields = len(recList[0])
    if formats is None and dtype is None:  # slower
        obj = sb.array(recList, dtype=object)
        arrlist = [sb.array(obj[...,i].tolist()) for i in xrange(nfields)]
        return fromarrays(arrlist, formats=formats, shape=shape, names=names,
                          titles=titles, aligned=aligned, byteorder=byteorder)

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

        retval = sb.array(recList, dtype = descr)
    except TypeError:  # list of lists instead of list of tuples
        if (shape is None or shape == 0):
            shape = len(recList)
        if isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
            shape = (shape,)
        if len(shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError, "Can only deal with 1-d array."
        _array = recarray(shape, descr)
        for k in xrange(_array.size):
            _array[k] = tuple(recList[k])
        return _array
        if shape is not None and retval.shape != shape:
            retval.shape = shape

    res = retval.view(recarray)

    res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
    return res
Example #27
def fromarrays(arrayList, dtype=None, shape=None, formats=None,
               names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """ create a record array from a (flat) list of arrays

    >>> x1=N.array([1,2,3,4])
    >>> x2=N.array(['a','dd','xyz','12'])
    >>> x3=N.array([1.1,2,3,4])
    >>> r = fromarrays([x1,x2,x3],names='a,b,c')
    >>> print r[1]
    (2, 'dd', 2.0)
    >>> x1[1]=34
    >>> r.a
    array([1, 2, 3, 4])

    arrayList = [sb.asarray(x) for x in arrayList]

    if shape is None or shape == 0:
        shape = arrayList[0].shape

    if isinstance(shape, int):
        shape = (shape,)

    if formats is None and dtype is None:
        # go through each object in the list to see if it is an ndarray
        # and determine the formats.
        formats = ''
        for obj in arrayList:
            if not isinstance(obj, ndarray):
                raise ValueError, "item in the array list must be an ndarray."
            formats += _typestr[obj.dtype.type]
            if issubclass(obj.dtype.type, nt.flexible):
                formats += `obj.itemsize`
            formats += ','
        formats = formats[:-1]

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        _names = descr.names
        parsed = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)
        _names = parsed._names
        descr = parsed._descr

    # Determine shape from data-type.
    if len(descr) != len(arrayList):
        raise ValueError, "mismatch between the number of fields "\
              "and the number of arrays"

    d0 = descr[0].shape
    nn = len(d0)
    if nn > 0:
        shape = shape[:-nn]

    for k, obj in enumerate(arrayList):
        nn = len(descr[k].shape)
        testshape = obj.shape[:len(obj.shape)-nn]
        if testshape != shape:
            raise ValueError, "array-shape mismatch in array %d" % k

    _array = recarray(shape, descr)

    # populate the record array (makes a copy)
    for i in range(len(arrayList)):
        _array[_names[i]] = arrayList[i]

    return _array
Example #28
def apply_along_axis(func1d,axis,arr,*args,**kwargs):
    """ Execute func1d(arr[i],*args) where func1d takes 1-D arrays
        and arr is an N-d array.  i varies so as to apply the function
        along the given axis for each 1-d subarray in arr.
    arr = core.array(arr, copy=False, subok=True)
    nd = arr.ndim
    if axis < 0:
        axis += nd
    if (axis >= nd):
        raise ValueError("axis must be less than arr.ndim; axis=%d, rank=%d."
            % (axis,nd))
    ind = [0]*(nd-1)
    i = numeric.zeros(nd,'O')
    indlist = range(nd)
    i[axis] = slice(None,None)
    outshape = numeric.asarray(arr.shape).take(indlist)
    i.put(indlist, ind)
    j = i.copy()
    res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args,**kwargs)
    #  if res is a number, then we have a smaller output array
    asscalar = numeric.isscalar(res)
    if not asscalar:
        except TypeError:
            asscalar = True
    # Note: we shouldn't set the dtype of the output from the first result...
    #...so we force the type to object, and build a list of dtypes
    #...we'll just take the largest, to avoid some downcasting
    dtypes = []
    if asscalar:
        outarr = zeros(outshape, object_)
        outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
        Ntot = numeric.product(outshape)
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= outshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
                ind[n-1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args,**kwargs)
            outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
            k += 1
        res = core.array(res, copy=False, subok=True)
        j = i.copy()
        j[axis] = ([slice(None,None)] * res.ndim)
        j.put(indlist, ind)
        Ntot = numeric.product(outshape)
        holdshape = outshape
        outshape = list(arr.shape)
        outshape[axis] = res.shape
        outshape = flatten_inplace(outshape)
        outarr = zeros(outshape, object_)
        outarr[tuple(flatten_inplace(j.tolist()))] = res
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= holdshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
                ind[n-1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            i.put(indlist, ind)
            j.put(indlist, ind)
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args,**kwargs)
            outarr[tuple(flatten_inplace(j.tolist()))] = res
            k += 1
    max_dtypes = numeric.dtype(numeric.asarray(dtypes).max())
    if not hasattr(arr, '_mask'):
        result = numeric.asarray(outarr, dtype=max_dtypes)
        result = core.asarray(outarr, dtype=max_dtypes)
        result.fill_value = core.default_fill_value(result)
    return result
Example #29
def fromarrays(arrayList,
    """ create a record array from a (flat) list of arrays

    >>> x1=N.array([1,2,3,4])
    >>> x2=N.array(['a','dd','xyz','12'])
    >>> x3=N.array([1.1,2,3,4])
    >>> r = fromarrays([x1,x2,x3],names='a,b,c')
    >>> print r[1]
    (2, 'dd', 2.0)
    >>> x1[1]=34
    >>> r.a
    array([1, 2, 3, 4])

    arrayList = [sb.asarray(x) for x in arrayList]

    if shape is None or shape == 0:
        shape = arrayList[0].shape

    if isinstance(shape, int):
        shape = (shape, )

    if formats is None and dtype is None:
        # go through each object in the list to see if it is an ndarray
        # and determine the formats.
        formats = ''
        for obj in arrayList:
            if not isinstance(obj, ndarray):
                raise ValueError, "item in the array list must be an ndarray."
            formats += _typestr[obj.dtype.type]
            if issubclass(obj.dtype.type, nt.flexible):
                formats += ` obj.itemsize `
            formats += ','
        formats = formats[:-1]

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        _names = descr.names
        parsed = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)
        _names = parsed._names
        descr = parsed._descr

    # Determine shape from data-type.
    if len(descr) != len(arrayList):
        raise ValueError, "mismatch between the number of fields "\
              "and the number of arrays"

    d0 = descr[0].shape
    nn = len(d0)
    if nn > 0:
        shape = shape[:-nn]

    for k, obj in enumerate(arrayList):
        nn = len(descr[k].shape)
        testshape = obj.shape[:len(obj.shape) - nn]
        if testshape != shape:
            raise ValueError, "array-shape mismatch in array %d" % k

    _array = recarray(shape, descr)

    # populate the record array (makes a copy)
    for i in range(len(arrayList)):
        _array[_names[i]] = arrayList[i]

    return _array
Example #30
def fromtextfile(
    fname, delimitor=None, commentchar="#", missingchar="", dates_column=None, varnames=None, vartypes=None, dates=None
    """Creates a multitimeseries from data stored in the file `filename`.

    - `filename` : file name/handle
      Handle of an opened file.  
    - `delimitor` : Character *None*
      Alphanumeric character used to separate columns in the file.
      If None, any (group of) white spacestring(s) will be used.
    - `commentchar` : String *['#']*
      Alphanumeric character used to mark the start of a comment.
    - `missingchar` : String *['']*
      String indicating missing data, and used to create the masks.
    - `datescol` : Integer *[None]*
      Position of the columns storing dates. If None, a position will be 
      estimated from the variable names.
    - `varnames` : Sequence *[None]*
      Sequence of the variable names. If None, a list will be created from
      the first non empty line of the file.
    - `vartypes` : Sequence *[None]*
      Sequence of the variables dtypes. If None, the sequence will be estimated
      from the first non-commented line.  
    Ultra simple: the varnames are in the header, one line"""
    # Try to open the file ......................
    f = openfile(fname)
    # Get the first non-empty line as the varnames
    while True:
        line = f.readline()
        firstline = line[: line.find(commentchar)].strip()
        _varnames = firstline.split(delimitor)
        if len(_varnames) > 1:
    if varnames is None:
        varnames = _varnames
    # Get the data ..............................
    _variables = MA.asarray([line.strip().split(delimitor) for line in f if line[0] != commentchar and len(line) > 1])
    (nvars, nfields) = _variables.shape
    # Check if we need to get the dates..........
    if dates_column is None:
        dates_column = [i for (i, n) in enumerate(list(varnames)) if n.lower() in ["_dates", "dates"]]
    elif isinstance(dates_column, (int, float)):
        if dates_column > nfields:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid column number: %i > %i" % (dates_column, nfields)
        dates_column = [dates_column]
    if len(dates_column) > 0:
        cols = range(nfields)
        [cols.remove(i) for i in dates_column]
        newdates = date_array(_variables[:, dates_column[-1]])
        _variables = _variables[:, cols]
        varnames = [varnames[i] for i in cols]
        if vartypes is not None:
            vartypes = [vartypes[i] for i in cols]
        nfields -= len(dates_column)
        newdates = None
    # Try to guess the dtype ....................
    if vartypes is None:
        vartypes = _guessvartypes(_variables[0])
        vartypes = [numeric.dtype(v) for v in vartypes]
        if len(vartypes) != nfields:
            msg = "Attempting to %i dtypes for %i fields!"
            msg += " Reverting to default."
            warnings.warn(msg % (len(vartypes), nfields))
            vartypes = _guessvartypes(_variables[0])
    # Construct the descriptor ..................
    mdescr = [(n, f) for (n, f) in zip(varnames, vartypes)]
    # Get the data and the mask .................
    # We just need a list of masked_arrays. It's easier to create it like that:
    _mask = _variables.T == missingchar
    _datalist = [masked_array(a, mask=m, dtype=t) for (a, m, t) in zip(_variables.T, _mask, vartypes)]
    newdates = __getdates(dates=dates, newdates=newdates, length=nvars, freq=None, start_date=None)
    return MultiTimeSeries(_datalist, dates=newdates, dtype=mdescr)
Example #31
def fromfile(fd, dtype=None, shape=None, offset=0, formats=None,
             names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None):
    """Create an array from binary file data

    If file is a string then that file is opened, else it is assumed
    to be a file object.

    >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
    >>> a = N.empty(10,dtype='f8,i4,a5')
    >>> a[5] = (0.5,10,'abcde')
    >>> fd=TemporaryFile()
    >>> a = a.newbyteorder('<')
    >>> a.tofile(fd)
    >>> fd.seek(0)
    >>> r=fromfile(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=10, byteorder='<')
    >>> print r[5]
    (0.5, 10, 'abcde')
    >>> r.shape

    if (shape is None or shape == 0):
        shape = (-1,)
    elif isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
        shape = (shape,)

    name = 0
    if isinstance(fd, str):
        name = 1
        fd = open(fd, 'rb')
    if (offset > 0):
        fd.seek(offset, 1)
    size = get_remaining_size(fd)

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)._descr

    itemsize = descr.itemsize

    shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()
    shapesize = shapeprod*itemsize
    if shapesize < 0:
        shape = list(shape)
        shape[ shape.index(-1) ] = size // -shapesize
        shape = tuple(shape)
        shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()

    nbytes = shapeprod*itemsize

    if nbytes > size:
        raise ValueError(
                "Not enough bytes left in file for specified shape and type")

    # create the array
    if isinstance (fd, file):
       arr = np.fromfile(fd,dtype=descr,count=shape[0])
       read_size = np.dtype(descr).itemsize * shape[0]
       arr = np.fromstring(st, dtype=descr, count=shape[0])

    # TODO: There was a problem with large arrays, don't fully understand
    # but this is more efficient anyway
    #_array = recarray(shape, descr, arr.data)
    _array = arr.view(recarray)

    if name:

    return _array
Example #32
def fromfile(fd,
    """Create an array from binary file data

    If file is a string then that file is opened, else it is assumed
    to be a file object.

    >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
    >>> a = N.empty(10,dtype='f8,i4,a5')
    >>> a[5] = (0.5,10,'abcde')
    >>> fd=TemporaryFile()
    >>> a = a.newbyteorder('<')
    >>> a.tofile(fd)
    >>> fd.seek(0)
    >>> r=fromfile(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=10, byteorder='<')
    >>> print r[5]
    (0.5, 10, 'abcde')
    >>> r.shape

    if (shape is None or shape == 0):
        shape = (-1, )
    elif isinstance(shape, (int, long)):
        shape = (shape, )

    name = 0
    if isinstance(fd, str):
        name = 1
        fd = open(fd, 'rb')
    if (offset > 0):
        fd.seek(offset, 1)
    size = get_remaining_size(fd)

    if dtype is not None:
        descr = sb.dtype(dtype)
        descr = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned,

    itemsize = descr.itemsize

    shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()
    shapesize = shapeprod * itemsize
    if shapesize < 0:
        shape = list(shape)
        shape[shape.index(-1)] = size / -shapesize
        shape = tuple(shape)
        shapeprod = sb.array(shape).prod()

    nbytes = shapeprod * itemsize

    if nbytes > size:
        raise ValueError(
            "Not enough bytes left in file for specified shape and type")

    # create the array
    _array = recarray(shape, descr)
    nbytesread = fd.readinto(_array.data)
    if nbytesread != nbytes:
        raise IOError("Didn't read as many bytes as expected")
    if name:

    return _array
Example #33
class StringConverter:
    Factory class for function transforming a string into another object
    (int, float).

    After initialization, an instance can be called to transform a string
    into another object. If the string is recognized as representing a
    missing value, a default value is returned.

    func : function
        Function used for the conversion.
    default : any
        Default value to return when the input corresponds to a missing
    type : type
        Type of the output.
    _status : int
        Integer representing the order of the conversion.
    _mapper : sequence of tuples
        Sequence of tuples (dtype, function, default value) to evaluate in
    _locked : bool
        Holds `locked` parameter.

    dtype_or_func : {None, dtype, function}, optional
        If a `dtype`, specifies the input data type, used to define a basic
        function and a default value for missing data. For example, when
        `dtype` is float, the `func` attribute is set to `float` and the
        default value to `np.nan`.  If a function, this function is used to
        convert a string to another object. In this case, it is recommended
        to give an associated default value as input.
    default : any, optional
        Value to return by default, that is, when the string to be
        converted is flagged as missing. If not given, `StringConverter`
        tries to supply a reasonable default value.
    missing_values : {None, sequence of str}, optional
        ``None`` or sequence of strings indicating a missing value. If ``None``
        then missing values are indicated by empty entries. The default is
    locked : bool, optional
        Whether the StringConverter should be locked to prevent automatic
        upgrade or not. Default is False.

    _mapper = [
        (nx.bool_, str2bool, False),
        (nx.int_, int, -1),

    # On 32-bit systems, we need to make sure that we explicitly include
    # nx.int64 since ns.int_ is nx.int32.
    if nx.dtype(nx.int_).itemsize < nx.dtype(nx.int64).itemsize:
        _mapper.append((nx.int64, int, -1))

        (nx.float64, float, nx.nan),
        (nx.complex128, complex, nx.nan + 0j),
        (nx.longdouble, nx.longdouble, nx.nan),
        # If a non-default dtype is passed, fall back to generic
        # ones (should only be used for the converter)
        (nx.integer, int, -1),
        (nx.floating, float, nx.nan),
        (nx.complexfloating, complex, nx.nan + 0j),
        # Last, try with the string types (must be last, because
        # `_mapper[-1]` is used as default in some cases)
        (nx.unicode_, asunicode, '???'),
        (nx.string_, asbytes, '???'),

    def _getdtype(cls, val):
        """Returns the dtype of the input variable."""
        return np.array(val).dtype

    def _getsubdtype(cls, val):
        """Returns the type of the dtype of the input variable."""
        return np.array(val).dtype.type

    def _dtypeortype(cls, dtype):
        """Returns dtype for datetime64 and type of dtype otherwise."""

        # This is a bit annoying. We want to return the "general" type in most
        # cases (ie. "string" rather than "S10"), but we want to return the
        # specific type for datetime64 (ie. "datetime64[us]" rather than
        # "datetime64").
        if dtype.type == np.datetime64:
            return dtype
        return dtype.type

    def upgrade_mapper(cls, func, default=None):
        Upgrade the mapper of a StringConverter by adding a new function and
        its corresponding default.

        The input function (or sequence of functions) and its associated
        default value (if any) is inserted in penultimate position of the
        mapper.  The corresponding type is estimated from the dtype of the
        default value.

        func : var
            Function, or sequence of functions

        >>> import dateutil.parser
        >>> import datetime
        >>> dateparser = dateutil.parser.parse
        >>> defaultdate = datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)
        >>> StringConverter.upgrade_mapper(dateparser, default=defaultdate)
        # Func is a single functions
        if hasattr(func, '__call__'):
            cls._mapper.insert(-1, (cls._getsubdtype(default), func, default))
        elif hasattr(func, '__iter__'):
            if isinstance(func[0], (tuple, list)):
                for _ in func:
                    cls._mapper.insert(-1, _)
            if default is None:
                default = [None] * len(func)
                default = list(default)
                default.append([None] * (len(func) - len(default)))
            for fct, dft in zip(func, default):
                cls._mapper.insert(-1, (cls._getsubdtype(dft), fct, dft))

    def _find_map_entry(cls, dtype):
        # if a converter for the specific dtype is available use that
        for i, (deftype, func, default_def) in enumerate(cls._mapper):
            if dtype.type == deftype:
                return i, (deftype, func, default_def)

        # otherwise find an inexact match
        for i, (deftype, func, default_def) in enumerate(cls._mapper):
            if np.issubdtype(dtype.type, deftype):
                return i, (deftype, func, default_def)

        raise LookupError

    def __init__(self,
        # Defines a lock for upgrade
        self._locked = bool(locked)
        # No input dtype: minimal initialization
        if dtype_or_func is None:
            self.func = str2bool
            self._status = 0
            self.default = default or False
            dtype = np.dtype('bool')
            # Is the input a np.dtype ?
                self.func = None
                dtype = np.dtype(dtype_or_func)
            except TypeError:
                # dtype_or_func must be a function, then
                if not hasattr(dtype_or_func, '__call__'):
                    errmsg = ("The input argument `dtype` is neither a"
                              " function nor a dtype (got '%s' instead)")
                    raise TypeError(errmsg % type(dtype_or_func))
                # Set the function
                self.func = dtype_or_func
                # If we don't have a default, try to guess it or set it to
                # None
                if default is None:
                        default = self.func('0')
                    except ValueError:
                        default = None
                dtype = self._getdtype(default)

            # find the best match in our mapper
                self._status, (_, func,
                               default_def) = self._find_map_entry(dtype)
            except LookupError:
                # no match
                self.default = default
                _, func, _ = self._mapper[-1]
                self._status = 0
                # use the found default only if we did not already have one
                if default is None:
                    self.default = default_def
                    self.default = default

            # If the input was a dtype, set the function to the last we saw
            if self.func is None:
                self.func = func

            # If the status is 1 (int), change the function to
            # something more robust.
            if self.func == self._mapper[1][1]:
                if issubclass(dtype.type, np.uint64):
                    self.func = np.uint64
                elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.int64):
                    self.func = np.int64
                    self.func = lambda x: int(float(x))
        # Store the list of strings corresponding to missing values.
        if missing_values is None:
            self.missing_values = {''}
            if isinstance(missing_values, str):
                missing_values = missing_values.split(",")
            self.missing_values = set(list(missing_values) + [''])

        self._callingfunction = self._strict_call
        self.type = self._dtypeortype(dtype)
        self._checked = False
        self._initial_default = default

    def _loose_call(self, value):
            return self.func(value)
        except ValueError:
            return self.default

    def _strict_call(self, value):

            # We check if we can convert the value using the current function
            new_value = self.func(value)

            # In addition to having to check whether func can convert the
            # value, we also have to make sure that we don't get overflow
            # errors for integers.
            if self.func is int:
                    np.array(value, dtype=self.type)
                except OverflowError:
                    raise ValueError

            # We're still here so we can now return the new value
            return new_value

        except ValueError:
            if value.strip() in self.missing_values:
                if not self._status:
                    self._checked = False
                return self.default
            raise ValueError("Cannot convert string '%s'" % value)

    def __call__(self, value):
        return self._callingfunction(value)

    def _do_upgrade(self):
        # Raise an exception if we locked the converter...
        if self._locked:
            errmsg = "Converter is locked and cannot be upgraded"
            raise ConverterLockError(errmsg)
        _statusmax = len(self._mapper)
        # Complains if we try to upgrade by the maximum
        _status = self._status
        if _status == _statusmax:
            errmsg = "Could not find a valid conversion function"
            raise ConverterError(errmsg)
        elif _status < _statusmax - 1:
            _status += 1
        self.type, self.func, default = self._mapper[_status]
        self._status = _status
        if self._initial_default is not None:
            self.default = self._initial_default
            self.default = default

    def upgrade(self, value):
        Find the best converter for a given string, and return the result.

        The supplied string `value` is converted by testing different
        converters in order. First the `func` method of the
        `StringConverter` instance is tried, if this fails other available
        converters are tried.  The order in which these other converters
        are tried is determined by the `_status` attribute of the instance.

        value : str
            The string to convert.

        out : any
            The result of converting `value` with the appropriate converter.

        self._checked = True
            return self._strict_call(value)
        except ValueError:
            return self.upgrade(value)

    def iterupgrade(self, value):
        self._checked = True
        if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
            value = (value, )
        _strict_call = self._strict_call
            for _m in value:
        except ValueError:

    def update(self,
        Set StringConverter attributes directly.

        func : function
            Conversion function.
        default : any, optional
            Value to return by default, that is, when the string to be
            converted is flagged as missing. If not given,
            `StringConverter` tries to supply a reasonable default value.
        testing_value : str, optional
            A string representing a standard input value of the converter.
            This string is used to help defining a reasonable default
        missing_values : {sequence of str, None}, optional
            Sequence of strings indicating a missing value. If ``None``, then
            the existing `missing_values` are cleared. The default is `''`.
        locked : bool, optional
            Whether the StringConverter should be locked to prevent
            automatic upgrade or not. Default is False.

        `update` takes the same parameters as the constructor of
        `StringConverter`, except that `func` does not accept a `dtype`
        whereas `dtype_or_func` in the constructor does.

        self.func = func
        self._locked = locked

        # Don't reset the default to None if we can avoid it
        if default is not None:
            self.default = default
            self.type = self._dtypeortype(self._getdtype(default))
                tester = func(testing_value or '1')
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                tester = None
            self.type = self._dtypeortype(self._getdtype(tester))

        # Add the missing values to the existing set or clear it.
        if missing_values is None:
            # Clear all missing values even though the ctor initializes it to
            # set(['']) when the argument is None.
            self.missing_values = set()
            if not np.iterable(missing_values):
                missing_values = [missing_values]
            if not all(isinstance(v, str) for v in missing_values):
                raise TypeError("missing_values must be strings or unicode")
Example #34
def array(obj,
    """Construct a record array from a wide-variety of objects.

    if isinstance(obj, (type(None), str, file)) and (formats is None) \
           and (dtype is None):
        raise ValueError("Must define formats (or dtype) if object is "\
                         "None, string, or an open file")

    kwds = {}
    if dtype is not None:
        dtype = sb.dtype(dtype)
    elif formats is not None:
        dtype = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned,
        kwds = {
            'formats': formats,
            'names': names,
            'titles': titles,
            'aligned': aligned,
            'byteorder': byteorder

    if obj is None:
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError("Must define a shape if obj is None")
        return recarray(shape, dtype, buf=obj, offset=offset, strides=strides)
    elif isinstance(obj, str):
        return fromstring(obj, dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        if isinstance(obj[0], (tuple, list)):
            return fromrecords(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)
            return fromarrays(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, **kwds)

    elif isinstance(obj, recarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        return new

    elif isinstance(obj, file):
        return fromfile(obj, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset)

    elif isinstance(obj, ndarray):
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            new = obj.view(dtype)
            new = obj
        if copy:
            new = new.copy()
        res = new.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res

        interface = getattr(obj, "__array_interface__", None)
        if interface is None or not isinstance(interface, dict):
            raise ValueError("Unknown input type")
        obj = sb.array(obj)
        if dtype is not None and (obj.dtype != dtype):
            obj = obj.view(dtype)
        res = obj.view(recarray)
        if issubclass(res.dtype.type, nt.void):
            res.dtype = sb.dtype((record, res.dtype))
        return res
Example #35
def fromarrays(
    arraylist, dates=None, dtype=None, shape=None, formats=None, names=None, titles=None, aligned=False, byteorder=None
    """Creates a mrecarray from a (flat) list of masked arrays.

    - `arraylist` : Sequence
      A list of (masked) arrays. Each element of the sequence is first converted
      to a masked array if needed. If a 2D array is passed as argument, it is
      processed line by line
    - `dtype` : numeric.dtype
      Data type descriptor.
    - `shape` : Integer *[None]*
      Number of records. If None, `shape` is defined from the shape of the first
      array in the list.
    - `formats` :
      (Description to write)
    - `names` : 
      (description to write)
    - `titles`:
      (Description to write)
    - `aligned`: Boolen *[False]*
      (Description to write, not used anyway)   
    - `byteorder`: Boolen *[None]*
      (Description to write, not used anyway)

    arraylist = [MA.asarray(x) for x in arraylist]
    # Define/check the shape.....................
    if shape is None or shape == 0:
        shape = arraylist[0].shape
    if isinstance(shape, int):
        shape = (shape,)
    # Define formats from scratch ...............
    if formats is None and dtype is None:
        formats = _getformats(arraylist)
    # Define the dtype ..........................
    if dtype is not None:
        descr = numeric.dtype(dtype)
        _names = descr.names
        parsed = format_parser(formats, names, titles, aligned, byteorder)
        _names = parsed._names
        descr = parsed._descr
    # Determine shape from data-type.............
    if len(descr) != len(arraylist):
        msg = "Mismatch between the number of fields (%i) and the number of " "arrays (%i)"
        raise ValueError, msg % (len(descr), len(arraylist))
    d0 = descr[0].shape
    nn = len(d0)
    if nn > 0:
        shape = shape[:-nn]
    # Make sure the shape is the correct one ....
    for k, obj in enumerate(arraylist):
        nn = len(descr[k].shape)
        testshape = obj.shape[: len(obj.shape) - nn]
        if testshape != shape:
            raise ValueError, "Array-shape mismatch in array %d" % k
    # Reconstruct the descriptor, by creating a _data and _mask version
    return MultiTimeSeries(arraylist, dtype=descr)