def _replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys):
    for i in range(len(sub_arys)):
        if len(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i])) == 0:
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.array([])
        elif _nx.sometrue(_nx.equal(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i]),0)):
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.array([])
    return sub_arys
Example #2
def _replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys):
    for i in range(len(sub_arys)):
        if len(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i])) == 0:
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype)
        elif _nx.sometrue(_nx.equal(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i]), 0)):
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype)
    return sub_arys
Example #3
def _replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys):
    for i in range(len(sub_arys)):
        if _nx.ndim(sub_arys[i]) == 0:
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype)
        elif _nx.sometrue(_nx.equal(_nx.shape(sub_arys[i]), 0)):
            sub_arys[i] = _nx.empty(0, dtype=sub_arys[i].dtype)
    return sub_arys
def vsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    Split an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise).

    Please refer to the ``split`` documentation.  ``vsplit`` is equivalent
    to ``split`` with `axis=0` (default), the array is always split along the
    first axis regardless of the array dimension.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])
    >>> np.vsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.],
           [ 4.,  5.,  6.,  7.]]),
     array([[  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])]
    >>> np.vsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.]]),
     array([[ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the first axis.

    >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2)
    >>> x
    array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])
    >>> np.vsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]]]),
     array([[[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 2:
        raise ValueError('vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions')
    return split(ary,indices_or_sections,0)
Example #5
def vsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split an array into multiple sub-arrays vertically (row-wise).

    Please refer to the ``split`` documentation.  ``vsplit`` is equivalent
    to ``split`` with `axis=0` (default), the array is always split along the
    first axis regardless of the array dimension.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])
    >>> np.vsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.],
           [ 4.,  5.,  6.,  7.]]),
     array([[  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])]
    >>> np.vsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.]]),
     array([[ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the first axis.

    >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2)
    >>> x
    array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])
    >>> np.vsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]]]),
     array([[[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 2:
        raise ValueError('vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions')
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
def vsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split array into multiple sub-arrays vertically.

    Please refer to the `numpy.split` documentation.

    See Also
    numpy.split : The default behaviour of this function implements

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 2:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
Example #7
def dsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth).

    Please refer to the `split` documentation.  `dsplit` is equivalent
    to `split` with ``axis=2``, the array is always split along the third
    axis provided the array dimension is greater than or equal to 3.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(2, 2, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
            [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.]],
           [[  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
            [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]]])
    >>> np.dsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[  0.,   1.],
            [  4.,   5.]],
           [[  8.,   9.],
            [ 12.,  13.]]]),
     array([[[  2.,   3.],
            [  6.,   7.]],
           [[ 10.,  11.],
            [ 14.,  15.]]])]
    >>> np.dsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[[  0.,   1.,   2.],
            [  4.,   5.,   6.]],
           [[  8.,   9.,  10.],
            [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]]),
     array([[[  3.],
            [  7.]],
           [[ 11.],
            [ 15.]]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 3:
        raise ValueError('dsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions')
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 2)
def dsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth).

    Please refer to the `split` documentation.  `dsplit` is equivalent
    to `split` with ``axis=2``, the array is always split along the third
    axis provided the array dimension is greater than or equal to 3.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(2, 2, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
            [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.]],
           [[  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
            [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]]])
    >>> np.dsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[  0.,   1.],
            [  4.,   5.]],
           [[  8.,   9.],
            [ 12.,  13.]]]),
     array([[[  2.,   3.],
            [  6.,   7.]],
           [[ 10.,  11.],
            [ 14.,  15.]]])]
    >>> np.dsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[[  0.,   1.,   2.],
            [  4.,   5.,   6.]],
           [[  8.,   9.,  10.],
            [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]]),
     array([[[  3.],
            [  7.]],
           [[ 11.],
            [ 15.]]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 3:
        raise ValueError('vsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions')
    return split(ary,indices_or_sections,2)
def hsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally.

    Please refer to the `numpy.split` documentation.  `hsplit` is
    equivalent to `numpy.split` with ``axis = 1``.

    See Also
    split : Split array into multiple sub-arrays.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> np.hsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[  0.,   1.],
           [  4.,   5.],
           [  8.,   9.],
           [ 12.,  13.]]),
     array([[  2.,   3.],
           [  6.,   7.],
           [ 10.,  11.],
           [ 14.,  15.]])]

    >>> np.hsplit(x, array([3, 6]))
    [array([[  0.,   1.,   2.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]),
     array([[  3.],
           [  7.],
           [ 11.],
           [ 15.]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) == 0:
        raise ValueError, 'hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions'
    if len(ary.shape) > 1:
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 1)
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
Example #10
def hsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple columns of sub-arrays

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups of columns.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
            hstack, split, array_split, vsplit, dsplit.
            >>> import numpy
            >>> a= array((1,2,3,4))
            >>> numpy.hsplit(a,2)
            [array([1, 2]), array([3, 4])]
            >>> a = array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]])
            >>> hsplit(a,2)
            [array([[1, 2],
                   [1, 2]]), array([[3, 4],
                   [3, 4]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) == 0:
        raise ValueError, 'hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions'
    if len(ary.shape) > 1:
        return split(ary,indices_or_sections,1)
        return split(ary,indices_or_sections,0)
Example #11
def hsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple columns of sub-arrays

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups of columns.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
            hstack, split, array_split, vsplit, dsplit.
            >>> import numpy
            >>> a= array((1,2,3,4))
            >>> numpy.hsplit(a,2)
            [array([1, 2]), array([3, 4])]
            >>> a = array([[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]])
            >>> hsplit(a,2)
            [array([[1, 2],
                   [1, 2]]), array([[3, 4],
                   [3, 4]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) == 0:
        raise ValueError, 'hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions'
    if len(ary.shape) > 1:
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 1)
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
Example #12
def vsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple rows of sub-arrays

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups of rows.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
           How should we handle 1D arrays here?  I am currently raising
           an error when I encounter them.  Any better approach?

           Should we reduce the returned array to their minium dimensions
           by getting rid of any dimensions that are 1?
            vstack, split, array_split, hsplit, dsplit.
            import numpy
            >>> a = array([[1,2,3,4],
            ...            [1,2,3,4]])
            >>> numpy.vsplit(a,2)
            [array([[1, 2, 3, 4]]), array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 2:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary,indices_or_sections,0)
Example #13
def vsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple rows of sub-arrays

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups of rows.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
           How should we handle 1D arrays here?  I am currently raising
           an error when I encounter them.  Any better approach?

           Should we reduce the returned array to their minium dimensions
           by getting rid of any dimensions that are 1?
            vstack, split, array_split, hsplit, dsplit.
            import numpy
            >>> a = array([[1,2,3,4],
            ...            [1,2,3,4]])
            >>> numpy.vsplit(a,2)
            [array([[1, 2, 3, 4]]), array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 2:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 2 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
Example #14
def dsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth)

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups along the 3rd axis.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
           See vsplit caveats.
            dstack, split, array_split, hsplit, vsplit.
            >>> a = array([[[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]]])
            >>> dsplit(a,2)
            [array([[[1, 2],
                    [1, 2]]]), array([[[3, 4],
                    [3, 4]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 3:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary,indices_or_sections,2)
Example #15
def dsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    """ Split ary into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth)

            Split a single array into multiple sub arrays.  The array is
            divided into groups along the 3rd axis.  If indices_or_sections is
            an integer, ary is divided into that many equally sized sub arrays.
            If it is impossible to make the sub-arrays equally sized, the
            operation throws a ValueError exception. See array_split and
            split for other options on indices_or_sections.
           ary -- N-D array.
              Array to be divided into sub-arrays.
           indices_or_sections -- integer or 1D array.
              If integer, defines the number of (close to) equal sized
              sub-arrays.  If it is a 1D array of sorted indices, it
              defines the indexes at which ary is divided.  Any empty
              list results in a single sub-array equal to the original
            sequence of sub-arrays.  The returned arrays have the same
            number of dimensions as the input array.
           See vsplit caveats.
            dstack, split, array_split, hsplit, vsplit.
            >>> a = array([[[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]]])
            >>> dsplit(a,2)
            [array([[[1, 2],
                    [1, 2]]]), array([[[3, 4],
                    [3, 4]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 3:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 2)
def dsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split array into multiple sub-arrays along the 3rd axis (depth).

    ary : ndarray
        An array, with at least 3 dimensions, to be divided into sub-arrays
        depth-wise, or along the third axis.
    indices_or_sections: integer or 1D array
        If `indices_or_sections` is an integer, N, the array will be divided
        into N equal arrays along `axis`. If an equal split is not possible,
        a ValueError is raised.

        if `indices_or_sections` is a 1D array of sorted integers representing
        indices along `axis`, the array will be divided such that each index
        marks the start of each sub-array. If an index exceeds the dimension of
        the array along `axis`, and empty sub-array is returned for that index.
    axis : integer, optional
      the axis along which to split.  Default is 0.

    sub-arrays : list
        A list of sub-arrays.

    See Also
    array_split : Split an array into a list of multiple sub-arrays
                  of near-equal size.
    split : Split array into a list of multiple sub-arrays of equal size.
    hsplit : Split array into a list of multiple sub-arrays horizontally
    vsplit : Split array into a list of multiple sub-arrays vertically
    concatenate : Join arrays together.
    hstack : Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise)
    vstack : Stack arrays in sequence vertically (row wise)
    dstack : Stack arrays in sequence depth wise (along third dimension)

    `dsplit` requires that sub-arrays are of equal shape, whereas
    `array_split` allows for sub-arrays to have nearly-equal shape.
    Equivalent to `split` with `axis` = 2.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(2, 2, 4)
    >>> np.dsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[  0.,   1.],
            [  4.,   5.]],
           [[  8.,   9.],
            [ 12.,  13.]]]),
     array([[[  2.,   3.],
            [  6.,   7.]],
           [[ 10.,  11.],
            [ 14.,  15.]]])]
    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(2, 2, 4)
    >>> np.dsplit(x, array([3, 6]))
    [array([[[  0.,   1.,   2.],
            [  4.,   5.,   6.]],
           [[  8.,   9.,  10.],
            [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]]),
     array([[[  3.],
            [  7.]],
           [[ 11.],
            [ 15.]]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) < 3:
        raise ValueError, 'vsplit only works on arrays of 3 or more dimensions'
    return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 2)
Example #17
def hsplit(ary, indices_or_sections):
    Split an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise).

    Please refer to the `split` documentation.  `hsplit` is equivalent
    to `split` with ``axis=1``, the array is always split along the second
    axis regardless of the array dimension.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])
    >>> np.hsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[  0.,   1.],
           [  4.,   5.],
           [  8.,   9.],
           [ 12.,  13.]]),
     array([[  2.,   3.],
           [  6.,   7.],
           [ 10.,  11.],
           [ 14.,  15.]])]
    >>> np.hsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[  0.,   1.,   2.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]),
     array([[  3.],
           [  7.],
           [ 11.],
           [ 15.]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the second axis.

    >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2)
    >>> x
    array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])
    >>> np.hsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[ 0.,  1.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.]]]),
     array([[[ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 6.,  7.]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) == 0:
        raise ValueError('hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions')
    if len(ary.shape) > 1:
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 1)
        return split(ary, indices_or_sections, 0)
def hsplit(ary,indices_or_sections):
    Split an array into multiple sub-arrays horizontally (column-wise).

    Please refer to the `split` documentation.  `hsplit` is equivalent
    to `split` with ``axis=1``, the array is always split along the second
    axis regardless of the array dimension.

    See Also
    split : Split an array into multiple sub-arrays of equal size.

    >>> x = np.arange(16.0).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> x
    array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])
    >>> np.hsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[  0.,   1.],
           [  4.,   5.],
           [  8.,   9.],
           [ 12.,  13.]]),
     array([[  2.,   3.],
           [  6.,   7.],
           [ 10.,  11.],
           [ 14.,  15.]])]
    >>> np.hsplit(x, np.array([3, 6]))
    [array([[  0.,   1.,   2.],
           [  4.,   5.,   6.],
           [  8.,   9.,  10.],
           [ 12.,  13.,  14.]]),
     array([[  3.],
           [  7.],
           [ 11.],
           [ 15.]]),
     array([], dtype=float64)]

    With a higher dimensional array the split is still along the second axis.

    >>> x = np.arange(8.0).reshape(2, 2, 2)
    >>> x
    array([[[ 0.,  1.],
            [ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.],
            [ 6.,  7.]]])
    >>> np.hsplit(x, 2)
    [array([[[ 0.,  1.]],
           [[ 4.,  5.]]]),
     array([[[ 2.,  3.]],
           [[ 6.,  7.]]])]

    if len(_nx.shape(ary)) == 0:
        raise ValueError('hsplit only works on arrays of 1 or more dimensions')
    if len(ary.shape) > 1:
        return split(ary,indices_or_sections,1)
        return split(ary,indices_or_sections,0)