Example #1
def gen_roots_and_weights(n, an_func, sqrt_bn_func, mu):
    """[x,w] = gen_roots_and_weights(n,an_func,sqrt_bn_func,mu)

    Returns the roots (x) of an nth order orthogonal polynomial,
    and weights (w) to use in appropriate Gaussian quadrature with that
    orthogonal polynomial.

    The polynomials have the recurrence relation
          P_n+1(x) = (x - A_n) P_n(x) - B_n P_n-1(x)

    an_func(n)          should return A_n
    sqrt_bn_func(n)     should return sqrt(B_n)
    mu ( = h_0 )        is the integral of the weight over the orthogonal interval
    nn = np.arange(1.0,n)
    sqrt_bn = sqrt_bn_func(nn)
    an = an_func(np.concatenate(([0], nn)))
    x, v = eig((np.diagflat(an) +
                np.diagflat(sqrt_bn,1) +
    answer = []
    sortind = x.real.argsort()
    return answer
Example #2
def gaussian_sample(mu, covar, nsamp):
    %GSAMP    Sample from a Gaussian distribution.
    %    Description
    %    X = GSAMP(MU, COVAR, NSAMP) generates a sample of size NSAMP from a
    %    D-dimensional Gaussian distribution. The Gaussian density has mean
    %    vector MU and covariance matrix COVAR, and the matrix X has NSAMP
    %    rows in which each row represents a D-dimensional sample vector.
    %    See also
    %    Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-2001)

    d = covar.shape[0]

    mu = np.reshape(mu, (1, d))  # Ensure that mu is a row vector

    eigval, evec = eig(covar)

    eigval = np.diag(eigval)

    coeffs = np.dot(np.random.randn(nsamp, d), np.sqrt(eigval))

    x = np.dot(np.ones((nsamp, 1)), mu) + np.dot(coeffs, evec.T)

    return x
def XYchange(ob):
    for k in range(0,ob.nombreCapteurs):
        kk=k+1 #index for sensor references
        p=temp[1] #p is the transformation matrix
        d=temp[0] #d is the diagonal matrix
        if d[0]<d[1]: #if X has a lower variance than Y in the new referential, then we inverse X and Y roles
Example #4
def trainKFD(trainKernel, trainLabels):
    classKernels = getClassKernels(trainKernel, trainLabels)
    M = calcM(classKernels, trainLabels)
    N = calcN(classKernels, trainLabels)
    print "train kernel:",trainKernel
    print "Class kernels:", classKernels
    print "M",M
    print "N",N
        solutionMatrix = dot(inv(N), M)
    except LinAlgError:
        #if we get a singular matrix here, there isn't much we can do about it
        #just skip this configuration
        solutionMatrix = identity(N.shape[0], Float64)
    solutionMatrix = nan_to_num(solutionMatrix)
    eVals, eVects = eig(solutionMatrix)
    #find the 'leading' term i.e. find the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue
    alphaVect = eVects[:, absolute(eVals).argmax()].real.astype(Float64)
    trainProjections = dot(trainKernel, alphaVect)
    print 'alpha = ', alphaVect
    print 'train kernel = ', trainKernel
    print 'train projction = ', trainProjections
    #train sigmoid based on evaluation accuracy
    #accuracyError = lambda x: 100.0 - evaluations(trainLabels, classifyKFDValues(trainProjections, *list(x)))[0]
    accuracyError = lambda x: 100.0 - evaluations(trainLabels, classifyKFDValues(trainProjections, *x))[0]
    #get an initial guess by brute force
    #ranges = ((-100, 100, 1), (-100, 100, 1))
    #x0 = brute(accuracyError, ranges)
    #popt = minimize(accuracyError, x0.tolist(), method="Powell").x

    rc = LSFAIL
    niter = 0
    i = 0
        if i == 10:
        #get a 'smarter' x0
        #ranges = ((-1000, 1000, 100), (-1000, 1000, 100))
        ranges = ((-10**(i + 1), 10**(i + 1), 10**i),) * 2
        x0 = brute(accuracyError, ranges)
        (popt, niter, rc) = fmin_tnc(accuracyError, x0, approx_grad=True)
        #popt = fmin_tnc(accuracyError, x0.tolist(), approx_grad=True)[0]
        i += 1
    return (alphaVect, popt)
Example #5
def cascade(hk, J=7):
    Return (x, phi, psi) at dyadic points ``K/2**J`` from filter coefficients.

    hk : array_like
        Coefficients of low-pass filter.
    J : int, optional
        Values will be computed at grid points ``K/2**J``. Default is 7.

    x : ndarray
        The dyadic points ``K/2**J`` for ``K=0...N * (2**J)-1`` where
        ``len(hk) = len(gk) = N+1``.
    phi : ndarray
        The scaling function ``phi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(hk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
    psi : ndarray, optional
        The wavelet function ``psi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(gk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
        `psi` is only returned if `gk` is not None.

    The algorithm uses the vector cascade algorithm described by Strang and
    Nguyen in "Wavelets and Filter Banks".  It builds a dictionary of values
    and slices for quick reuse.  Then inserts vectors into final vector at the

    N = len(hk) - 1

    if (J > 30 - np.log2(N + 1)):
        raise ValueError("Too many levels.")
    if (J < 1):
        raise ValueError("Too few levels.")

    # construct matrices needed
    nn, kk = np.ogrid[:N, :N]
    s2 = np.sqrt(2)
    # append a zero so that take works
    thk = np.r_[hk, 0]
    gk = qmf(hk)
    tgk = np.r_[gk, 0]

    indx1 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk, -1, N + 1)
    indx2 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk + 1, -1, N + 1)
    m = np.zeros((2, 2, N, N), 'd')
    m[0, 0] = np.take(thk, indx1, 0)
    m[0, 1] = np.take(thk, indx2, 0)
    m[1, 0] = np.take(tgk, indx1, 0)
    m[1, 1] = np.take(tgk, indx2, 0)
    m *= s2

    # construct the grid of points
    x = np.arange(0, N * (1 << J), dtype=float) / (1 << J)
    phi = 0 * x

    psi = 0 * x

    # find phi0, and phi1
    lam, v = eig(m[0, 0])
    ind = np.argmin(np.absolute(lam - 1))
    # a dictionary with a binary representation of the
    #   evaluation points x < 1 -- i.e. position is 0.xxxx
    v = np.real(v[:, ind])
    # need scaling function to integrate to 1 so find
    #  eigenvector normalized to sum(v,axis=0)=1
    sm = np.sum(v)
    if sm < 0:  # need scaling function to integrate to 1
        v = -v
        sm = -sm
    bitdic = {}
    bitdic['0'] = v / sm
    bitdic['1'] = np.dot(m[0, 1], bitdic['0'])
    step = 1 << J
    phi[::step] = bitdic['0']
    phi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = bitdic['1']
    psi[::step] = np.dot(m[1, 0], bitdic['0'])
    psi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = np.dot(m[1, 1], bitdic['0'])
    # descend down the levels inserting more and more values
    #  into bitdic -- store the values in the correct location once we
    #  have computed them -- stored in the dictionary
    #  for quicker use later.
    prevkeys = ['1']
    for level in range(2, J + 1):
        newkeys = ['%d%s' % (xx, yy) for xx in [0, 1] for yy in prevkeys]
        fac = 1 << (J - level)
        for key in newkeys:
            # convert key to number
            num = 0
            for pos in range(level):
                if key[pos] == '1':
                    num += (1 << (level - 1 - pos))
            pastphi = bitdic[key[1:]]
            ii = int(key[0])
            temp = np.dot(m[0, ii], pastphi)
            bitdic[key] = temp
            phi[num * fac::step] = temp
            psi[num * fac::step] = np.dot(m[1, ii], pastphi)
        prevkeys = newkeys

    return x, phi, psi
Example #6
def cascade(hk,J=7):
    """(x,phi,psi) at dyadic points K/2**J from filter coefficients.

      hk  -- coefficients of low-pass filter
      J   -- values will be computed at grid points $K/2^J$

      x   -- the dyadic points $K/2^J$ for $K=0...N*(2^J)-1$
              where len(hk)=len(gk)=N+1
      phi -- the scaling function phi(x) at x
               $\phi(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N} h_k \phi(2x-k)$
      psi -- the wavelet function psi(x) at x
               $\psi(x) = \sum_{k=0}^N g_k \phi(2x-k)$
             Only returned if gk is not None


      Uses the vector cascade algorithm described by Strang and Nguyen in
      "Wavelets and Filter Banks"

      Builds a dictionary of values and slices for quick reuse.
      Then inserts vectors into final vector at then end


    N = len(hk)-1

    if (J > 30 - np.log2(N+1)):
        raise ValueError, "Too many levels."
    if (J < 1):
        raise ValueError, "Too few levels."

    # construct matrices needed
    nn,kk = np.ogrid[:N,:N]
    s2 = np.sqrt(2)
    # append a zero so that take works
    thk = np.r_[hk,0]
    gk = qmf(hk)
    tgk = np.r_[gk,0]

    indx1 = np.clip(2*nn-kk,-1,N+1)
    indx2 = np.clip(2*nn-kk+1,-1,N+1)
    m = np.zeros((2,2,N,N),'d')
    m[0,0] = np.take(thk,indx1,0)
    m[0,1] = np.take(thk,indx2,0)
    m[1,0] = np.take(tgk,indx1,0)
    m[1,1] = np.take(tgk,indx2,0)
    m *= s2

    # construct the grid of points
    x = np.arange(0,N*(1<<J),dtype=np.float) / (1<<J)
    phi = 0*x

    psi = 0*x

    # find phi0, and phi1
    lam, v = eig(m[0,0])
    ind = np.argmin(np.absolute(lam-1))
    # a dictionary with a binary representation of the
    #   evaluation points x < 1 -- i.e. position is 0.xxxx
    v = np.real(v[:,ind])
    # need scaling function to integrate to 1 so find
    #  eigenvector normalized to sum(v,axis=0)=1
    sm = np.sum(v)
    if sm < 0:  # need scaling function to integrate to 1
        v = -v
        sm = -sm
    bitdic = {}
    bitdic['0'] = v / sm
    bitdic['1'] = np.dot(m[0,1],bitdic['0'])
    step = 1<<J
    phi[::step] = bitdic['0']
    phi[(1<<(J-1))::step] = bitdic['1']
    psi[::step] = np.dot(m[1,0],bitdic['0'])
    psi[(1<<(J-1))::step] = np.dot(m[1,1],bitdic['0'])
    # descend down the levels inserting more and more values
    #  into bitdic -- store the values in the correct location once we
    #  have computed them -- stored in the dictionary
    #  for quicker use later.
    prevkeys = ['1']
    for level in range(2,J+1):
        newkeys = ['%d%s' % (xx,yy) for xx in [0,1] for yy in prevkeys]
        fac = 1<<(J-level)
        for key in newkeys:
            # convert key to number
            num = 0
            for pos in range(level):
                if key[pos] == '1':
                    num += (1<<(level-1-pos))
            pastphi = bitdic[key[1:]]
            ii = int(key[0])
            temp = np.dot(m[0,ii],pastphi)
            bitdic[key] = temp
            phi[num*fac::step] = temp
            psi[num*fac::step] = np.dot(m[1,ii],pastphi)
        prevkeys = newkeys

    return x, phi, psi
Example #7
def cascade(hk, J=7):
    Return (x, phi, psi) at dyadic points ``K/2**J`` from filter coefficients.

    hk : array_like
        Coefficients of low-pass filter.
    J : int, optional
        Values will be computed at grid points ``K/2**J``. Default is 7.

    x : ndarray
        The dyadic points ``K/2**J`` for ``K=0...N * (2**J)-1`` where
        ``len(hk) = len(gk) = N+1``.
    phi : ndarray
        The scaling function ``phi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(hk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
    psi : ndarray, optional
        The wavelet function ``psi(x)`` at `x`:
        ``phi(x) = sum(gk * phi(2x-k))``, where k is from 0 to N.
        `psi` is only returned if `gk` is not None.

    The algorithm uses the vector cascade algorithm described by Strang and
    Nguyen in "Wavelets and Filter Banks".  It builds a dictionary of values
    and slices for quick reuse.  Then inserts vectors into final vector at the

    N = len(hk) - 1

    if (J > 30 - np.log2(N + 1)):
        raise ValueError("Too many levels.")
    if (J < 1):
        raise ValueError("Too few levels.")

    # construct matrices needed
    nn, kk = np.ogrid[:N, :N]
    s2 = np.sqrt(2)
    # append a zero so that take works
    thk = np.r_[hk, 0]
    gk = qmf(hk)
    tgk = np.r_[gk, 0]

    indx1 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk, -1, N + 1)
    indx2 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk + 1, -1, N + 1)
    m = np.zeros((2, 2, N, N), 'd')
    m[0, 0] = np.take(thk, indx1, 0)
    m[0, 1] = np.take(thk, indx2, 0)
    m[1, 0] = np.take(tgk, indx1, 0)
    m[1, 1] = np.take(tgk, indx2, 0)
    m *= s2

    # construct the grid of points
    x = np.arange(0, N * (1 << J), dtype=float) / (1 << J)
    phi = 0 * x

    psi = 0 * x

    # find phi0, and phi1
    lam, v = eig(m[0, 0])
    ind = np.argmin(np.absolute(lam - 1))
    # a dictionary with a binary representation of the
    #   evaluation points x < 1 -- i.e. position is 0.xxxx
    v = np.real(v[:, ind])
    # need scaling function to integrate to 1 so find
    #  eigenvector normalized to sum(v,axis=0)=1
    sm = np.sum(v)
    if sm < 0:  # need scaling function to integrate to 1
        v = -v
        sm = -sm
    bitdic = {}
    bitdic['0'] = v / sm
    bitdic['1'] = np.dot(m[0, 1], bitdic['0'])
    step = 1 << J
    phi[::step] = bitdic['0']
    phi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = bitdic['1']
    psi[::step] = np.dot(m[1, 0], bitdic['0'])
    psi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = np.dot(m[1, 1], bitdic['0'])
    # descend down the levels inserting more and more values
    #  into bitdic -- store the values in the correct location once we
    #  have computed them -- stored in the dictionary
    #  for quicker use later.
    prevkeys = ['1']
    for level in range(2, J + 1):
        newkeys = ['%d%s' % (xx, yy) for xx in [0, 1] for yy in prevkeys]
        fac = 1 << (J - level)
        for key in newkeys:
            # convert key to number
            num = 0
            for pos in range(level):
                if key[pos] == '1':
                    num += (1 << (level - 1 - pos))
            pastphi = bitdic[key[1:]]
            ii = int(key[0])
            temp = np.dot(m[0, ii], pastphi)
            bitdic[key] = temp
            phi[num * fac::step] = temp
            psi[num * fac::step] = np.dot(m[1, ii], pastphi)
        prevkeys = newkeys

    return x, phi, psi
Example #8
def cascade(hk, J=7):
    """(x,phi,psi) at dyadic points K/2**J from filter coefficients.

      hk  -- coefficients of low-pass filter
      J   -- values will be computed at grid points $K/2^J$

      x   -- the dyadic points $K/2^J$ for $K=0...N*(2^J)-1$
              where len(hk)=len(gk)=N+1
      phi -- the scaling function phi(x) at x
               $\phi(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N} h_k \phi(2x-k)$
      psi -- the wavelet function psi(x) at x
               $\psi(x) = \sum_{k=0}^N g_k \phi(2x-k)$
             Only returned if gk is not None


      Uses the vector cascade algorithm described by Strang and Nguyen in
      "Wavelets and Filter Banks"

      Builds a dictionary of values and slices for quick reuse.
      Then inserts vectors into final vector at then end


    N = len(hk) - 1

    if (J > 30 - np.log2(N + 1)):
        raise ValueError, "Too many levels."
    if (J < 1):
        raise ValueError, "Too few levels."

    # construct matrices needed
    nn, kk = np.ogrid[:N, :N]
    s2 = np.sqrt(2)
    # append a zero so that take works
    thk = np.r_[hk, 0]
    gk = qmf(hk)
    tgk = np.r_[gk, 0]

    indx1 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk, -1, N + 1)
    indx2 = np.clip(2 * nn - kk + 1, -1, N + 1)
    m = np.zeros((2, 2, N, N), 'd')
    m[0, 0] = np.take(thk, indx1, 0)
    m[0, 1] = np.take(thk, indx2, 0)
    m[1, 0] = np.take(tgk, indx1, 0)
    m[1, 1] = np.take(tgk, indx2, 0)
    m *= s2

    # construct the grid of points
    x = np.arange(0, N * (1 << J), dtype=np.float) / (1 << J)
    phi = 0 * x

    psi = 0 * x

    # find phi0, and phi1
    lam, v = eig(m[0, 0])
    ind = np.argmin(np.absolute(lam - 1))
    # a dictionary with a binary representation of the
    #   evaluation points x < 1 -- i.e. position is 0.xxxx
    v = np.real(v[:, ind])
    # need scaling function to integrate to 1 so find
    #  eigenvector normalized to sum(v,axis=0)=1
    sm = np.sum(v)
    if sm < 0:  # need scaling function to integrate to 1
        v = -v
        sm = -sm
    bitdic = {}
    bitdic['0'] = v / sm
    bitdic['1'] = np.dot(m[0, 1], bitdic['0'])
    step = 1 << J
    phi[::step] = bitdic['0']
    phi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = bitdic['1']
    psi[::step] = np.dot(m[1, 0], bitdic['0'])
    psi[(1 << (J - 1))::step] = np.dot(m[1, 1], bitdic['0'])
    # descend down the levels inserting more and more values
    #  into bitdic -- store the values in the correct location once we
    #  have computed them -- stored in the dictionary
    #  for quicker use later.
    prevkeys = ['1']
    for level in range(2, J + 1):
        newkeys = ['%d%s' % (xx, yy) for xx in [0, 1] for yy in prevkeys]
        fac = 1 << (J - level)
        for key in newkeys:
            # convert key to number
            num = 0
            for pos in range(level):
                if key[pos] == '1':
                    num += (1 << (level - 1 - pos))
            pastphi = bitdic[key[1:]]
            ii = int(key[0])
            temp = np.dot(m[0, ii], pastphi)
            bitdic[key] = temp
            phi[num * fac::step] = temp
            psi[num * fac::step] = np.dot(m[1, ii], pastphi)
        prevkeys = newkeys

    return x, phi, psi