Example #1
def main():
    fname_wrapper = 'PythonWrapper.f95'
    fname_signature = 'pyshtools.pyf'

    print('now cracking Fortran file SHTOOLS.f95 using f2py function...')
    crackfortran.verbose = False
    crackfortran.dolowercase = False
    cracked_shtools = crackfortran.crackfortran(fname_wrapper)
    for subroutine in cracked_shtools:
        subroutine['f2pyenhancements'] = \
            {'fortranname': subroutine['name'].lower()}
    for subroutine in cracked_shtools:
        subroutine['name'] = subroutine['name'][2:]
    interface = {
        'block': 'interface',
        'name': 'unknown_interface',
        'from': '',
        'body': cracked_shtools,
        'externals': [],
        'interfaced': [],
        'vars': {}
    module = {
        'block': 'python module',
        'name': '_SHTOOLS',
        'from': '',
        'body': interface,
        'externals': [],
        'interfaced': [],
        'vars': {}
    out = crackfortran.crack2fortran(module)
    with open(fname_signature, 'w') as outfile:
Example #2
def main():
    fname_wrapper = 'PythonWrapper.f95'
    fname_signature = 'pyshtools.pyf'

    print('now cracking Fortran file SHTOOLS.f95 using f2py function...')
    crackfortran.verbose = False
    crackfortran.dolowercase = False
    cracked_shtools = crackfortran.crackfortran(fname_wrapper)
    for subroutine in cracked_shtools:
        subroutine['f2pyenhancements'] = {'fortranname': subroutine['name'].lower()}
    for subroutine in cracked_shtools:
        subroutine['name'] = subroutine['name'][2:]
    interface = {'block': 'interface', 'name': 'unknown_interface', 'from': '',
                 'body': cracked_shtools, 'externals': [], 'interfaced': [],
                 'vars': {}}
    module = {'block': 'python module', 'name': '_SHTOOLS', 'from': '',
              'body': interface, 'externals': [], 'interfaced': [],
              'vars': {}}
    out = crackfortran.crack2fortran(module)
    with open(fname_signature, 'w') as outfile:
Example #3
# Special setups
extra_link_args = []
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    extra_link_args += [
        '-bundle', '-bundle_loader ' + sys.prefix + '/bin/python'
kwext = dict(libraries=libs,

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Generate pyf files
    crackfortran.f77modulename = '_core'
    pyfcode = crackfortran.crack2fortran(
    f = open('lib/spanlib/spanlib.pyf', 'w')
    crackfortran.f77modulename = 'anaxv'
    pyfcode = crackfortran.crack2fortran(
    f = open('lib/spanlib/anaxv.pyf', 'w')

    # Setup the python module
    s = setup(
Example #4
def main():
    fname_fortran = 'SHTOOLS.f95'
    fname_wrapper = 'PythonWrapper.f95'
    outfile = open(fname_wrapper, 'w')

    print 'now cracking Fortran file SHTOOLS.f95 using f2py function...'
    crackfortran.verbose = False
    crackfortran.dolowercase = False
    cracked_shtools = crackfortran.crackfortran(fname_fortran)

    print 'decending through shtools module tree...'
    module = cracked_shtools[0]
    interface_old = module['body'][0]
    interface_new = deepcopy(interface_old)
    for subroutine in interface_new['body']:

    print 'create interface string...'
    wrapper = crackfortran.crack2fortran(interface_new)
    wrapperlines = wrapper.split('\n')

    print 'add implicit none statements'
    # search for the indices of 'use shtools,' to insert 'implicit none' after
    iusestatement = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if 'use shtools,' in line
    assert len(iusestatement) == len(
        interface_new['body']), 'number of subroutines don\'t match'
    for iline in iusestatement[::-1]:
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1,
                            2 * crackfortran.tabchar + 'implicit none')

    print 'add shtools subroutine calls...'
    # search for the indices of 'end subroutine'
    iendsubroutine = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if 'end subroutine' in line or 'end function' in line
    assert len(iendsubroutine) == len(
        interface_new['body']), 'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    # insert call statements before 'end subroutine' line starting from the end such that we
    # don't change the preceding indices
    for sroutine_new, sroutine_old, iline in zip(interface_new['body'],
        if sroutine_new['block'] == 'function':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                '%s=%s(' % (sroutine_new['name'], sroutine_old['name']) +\
                ','.join(sroutine_old['args']) + ')'
        elif sroutine_new['block'] == 'subroutine':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                'call %s(' % sroutine_old['name'] +\
                ','.join(sroutine_old['args']) + ')'
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1, '')
        wrapperlines.insert(iline, newline)

    print 'writing wrapper to file %s' % fname_wrapper
    for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines):
            firstword = line.split()[0]
            secondword = line.split()[1]
            words = [
                'real*8', 'integer', 'integer(kind=4)', 'character*(*)',
            for word in words:
                if firstword == word and not secondword[
                        0] == ':' or secondword[0] == ',':
                    line = line.replace(word, word + ',')
            wrapperlines[iline] = line
        except IndexError:

    for line in wrapperlines[4:-5]:
        line = line.replace('! in SHTOOLS.f95:SHTOOLS:unknown_interface', '')
        if len(line) <= 100:
            outfile.write(line + '\n')
            elems = line.split(',')
            newline = elems[0]
            for elem in elems[1:]:
                if len(newline) > 100:
                    outfile.write(newline + '&\n')
                    newline = ' ' * len(elems[0])
                newline += ',' + elem
            outfile.write(newline + '\n')

    print '\n==== ALL DONE ====\n'
def main():
    fname_fortran = 'SHTOOLS.f95'
    fname_wrapper = 'PythonWrapper.f95'
    outfile = open(fname_wrapper, 'w')

    print 'now cracking Fortran file SHTOOLS.f95 using f2py function...'
    crackfortran.verbose = False
    crackfortran.dolowercase = False
    cracked_shtools = crackfortran.crackfortran(fname_fortran)

    print 'decending through shtools module tree...'
    module = cracked_shtools[0]
    interface_old = module['body'][0]
    interface_new = deepcopy(interface_old)
    for subroutine in interface_new['body']:

    print 'create interface string...'
    wrapper = crackfortran.crack2fortran(interface_new)
    wrapperlines = wrapper.split('\n')

    print 'add implicit none statements'
    # search for the indices of 'use shtools,' to insert 'implicit none' after
    iusestatement = [iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines) if 'use shtools,' in line]
    assert len(iusestatement) == len(interface_new['body']), 'number of subroutines don\'t match'
    for iline in iusestatement[::-1]:
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1, 2 * crackfortran.tabchar + 'implicit none')

    print 'add shtools subroutine calls...'
    # search for the indices of 'end subroutine'
    iendsubroutine = [iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
                      if 'end subroutine' in line or 'end function' in line]
    assert len(iendsubroutine) == len(interface_new['body']), 'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    # insert call statements before 'end subroutine' line starting from the end such that we
    # don't change the preceding indices
    for sroutine_new, sroutine_old, iline in zip(interface_new['body'],
        if sroutine_new['block'] == 'function':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                '%s=%s(' % (sroutine_new['name'], sroutine_old['name']) +\
                ','.join(sroutine_old['args']) + ')'
        elif sroutine_new['block'] == 'subroutine':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                'call %s(' % sroutine_old['name'] +\
                ','.join(sroutine_old['args']) + ')'
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1, '')
        wrapperlines.insert(iline, newline)

    print 'writing wrapper to file %s' % fname_wrapper
    for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines):
            firstword = line.split()[0]
            secondword = line.split()[1]
            words = ['real*8', 'integer', 'integer(kind=4)', 'character*(*)', 'complex*16']
            for word in words:
                if firstword == word and not secondword[0] == ':' or secondword[0] == ',':
                    line = line.replace(word, word + ',')
            wrapperlines[iline] = line
        except IndexError:

    for line in wrapperlines[4:-5]:
        line = line.replace('! in SHTOOLS.f95:SHTOOLS:unknown_interface', '')
        if len(line) <= 100:
            outfile.write(line + '\n')
            elems = line.split(',')
            newline = elems[0]
            for elem in elems[1:]:
                if len(newline) > 100:
                    outfile.write(newline + '&\n')
                    newline = ' ' * len(elems[0])
                newline += ',' + elem
            outfile.write(newline + '\n')

    print '\n==== ALL DONE ====\n'
def main():
    fname_fortran = 'SHTOOLS.f95'
    fname_wrapper = 'cWrapper.f95'

    explicite_dims_file = "explicite_dimensions.yml"
    with open(explicite_dims_file, 'r') as exp_dim_fid:
        explicite_dims = yaml.safe_load(exp_dim_fid.read())

    print('now cracking Fortran file SHTOOLS.f95 using f2py function...')
    crackfortran.verbose = False
    crackfortran.dolowercase = False
    cracked_shtools = crackfortran.crackfortran(fname_fortran)

    print('decending through shtools module tree...')
    module = cracked_shtools[0]
    interface_old = module['body'][0]
    interface_new = deepcopy(interface_old)
    for subroutine in interface_new['body']:
        if subroutine['name'] in explicite_dims:
            modify_subroutine(subroutine, explicite_dims[subroutine['name']])

    print('create interface string...')
    wrapper = crackfortran.crack2fortran(interface_new)
    wrapperlines = wrapper.split('\n')

    # search for the indices of 'use shtools,' to insert 'implicit none' after
    iusestatement = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if 'use shtools,' in line
    assert len(iusestatement) == len(interface_new['body']), \
        'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    # search for the indices of 'end subroutine'
    iendsubroutine = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if 'end subroutine' in line or 'end function' in line
    assert len(iendsubroutine) == len(interface_new['body']), \
        'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    print('sort variables...')
    for i in range(len(iusestatement)):
        declaration = wrapperlines[iusestatement[i] + 1:iendsubroutine[i]]
        current_order = [(line.split('::')[1]).strip() for line in declaration]
        order = interface_new['body'][i]['sortvars']

        idx = []
        for j in range(len(order)):

        declaration[:] = [declaration[k] for k in idx]
        wrapperlines[iusestatement[i] + 1:iendsubroutine[i]] = declaration[:]

    print('add implicit none statements')
    for iline in iusestatement[::-1]:
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1,
                            2 * crackfortran.tabchar + 'implicit none')

    print('add shtools subroutine calls...')

    # search for the indices of 'end subroutine'
    iendsubroutine = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if 'end subroutine' in line or 'end function' in line
    assert len(iendsubroutine) == len(interface_new['body']), \
        'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    # insert call statements before 'end subroutine' line starting from the
    # end such that we don't change the preceding indices
    for sroutine_new, sroutine_old, iline in list(
            zip(interface_new['body'], interface_old['body'],
        args = create_arg_list(sroutine_old)
        if sroutine_new['block'] == 'function':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                '%s=%s(' % (sroutine_new['name'], sroutine_old['name']) +\
                args+ ')'
        elif sroutine_new['block'] == 'subroutine':
            newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar +\
                'call %s(' % sroutine_old['name'] +\
                args+ ')'
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1, '')
        wrapperlines.insert(iline, newline)

    print('add bind statment...')
    p = re.compile('\s*(subroutine|function)')
    # search for the indices of 'subroutine'
    isubroutine = [
        iline for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines)
        if p.match(line) is not None
    assert len(isubroutine) == len(interface_new['body']), \
        'number of subroutines don\'t match'

    for sroutine_new, sroutine_old, iline in list(
            zip(interface_new['body'], interface_old['body'],
        wrapperlines[iline] = wrapperlines[iline] + ' bind(c, name=\"' \
          + sroutine_old['name'] + '\")'
        newline = 2 * crackfortran.tabchar + 'use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding'
        wrapperlines.insert(iline + 1, newline)

    print('writing wrapper to file %s' % fname_wrapper)
    for iline, line in enumerate(wrapperlines):
            firstword = line.split()[0]
            secondword = line.split()[1]
            words = [
                'real(kind=c_double)', 'complex(kind=c_double_complex)',
                'integer(kind=c_int)', 'character(kind=c_char)',
                'real(kind=8)', 'real*8', 'integer', 'integer(kind=4)',
                'character*(*)', 'complex*16'
            for word in words:
                if (firstword == word and not secondword[0] == ':'
                        or secondword[0] == ','):
                    line = line.replace(word, word + ',')
            wrapperlines[iline] = line
        except IndexError:

    with open(fname_wrapper, 'w') as outfile:
        for line in wrapperlines[4:-5]:
            line = line.replace('! in SHTOOLS.f95:SHTOOLS:unknown_interface',
            if len(line) <= 80:
                outfile.write(line + '\n')
                elems = line.split(',')
                newline = elems[0]
                for elem in elems[1:]:
                    if len(newline) > 80:
                        outfile.write(newline + '&\n')
                        newline = ' ' * len(elems[0])
                    newline += ',' + elem
                outfile.write(newline + '\n')

    print('\n==== ALL DONE ====\n')
Example #7
# - final setup
if len(site_libs): libs = site_libs
if len(site_libdirs): libdirs.extend(site_libdirs)

# Special setups
if sys.platform=='darwin':
    extra_link_args += ['-bundle','-bundle_loader '+sys.prefix+'/bin/python']
kwext = dict(libraries=libs, library_dirs=libdirs, extra_link_args=extra_link_args)

if __name__=='__main__':

    # Generate pyf files
    crackfortran.f77modulename = '_core'
    pyfcode = crackfortran.crack2fortran(crackfortran.crackfortran(['lib/spanlib/spanlib_pywrap.f90']))
    f = open('lib/spanlib/spanlib.pyf', 'w')
    crackfortran.f77modulename = 'anaxv'
    pyfcode = crackfortran.crack2fortran(crackfortran.crackfortran(['lib/spanlib/anaxv.f90']))
    f = open('lib/spanlib/anaxv.pyf', 'w')

    # Setup the python module
    s = setup(name="spanlib",