def __call__(self, r): """Calculate the characteristic function from the transform of the BaseModel.""" # Determine q-values. # We want very fine r-spacing so we can properly normalize f(r). This # equates to having a large qmax so that the Fourier transform is # finely spaced. We also want the calculation to be fast, so we pick # qmax such that the number of q-points is a power of 2. This allows us # to use the fft. # # The initial dr is somewhat arbitrary, but using dr = 0.01 allows for # the f(r) calculated from a particle of diameter 50, over r = # arange(1, 60, 0.1) to agree with the sphericalCF with Rw < 1e-4%. # # We also have to make a q-spacing small enough to compute out to at # least the size of the signal. dr = min(0.01, r[1] - r[0]) ed = 2 * self._model.calculate_ER() # Check for nans. If we find any, then return zeros. if numpy.isnan(ed).any(): y = numpy.zeros_like(r) return y rmax = max(ed, 2 * r[-1]) dq = pi / rmax qmax = pi / dr numpoints = int(2**(ceil(log2(qmax/dq)))) qmax = dq * numpoints # Calculate F(q) = q * I(q) from model q = fftfreq(int(qmax/dq)) * qmax fq = q * self._model.evalDistribution(q) # Calculate g(r) and the effective r-points rp = fftfreq(numpoints) * 2 * pi / dq # Note sine transform = imaginary part of ifft gr = ifft(fq).imag # Calculate full-fr for normalization assert (rp[0] == 0.0) frp = numpy.zeros_like(gr) frp[1:] = gr[1:] / rp[1:] # Inerpolate onto requested grid, do not use data after jump in rp assert (numpoints % 2 == 0) nhalf = numpoints / 2 fr = numpy.interp(r, rp[:nhalf], gr[:nhalf]) vmask = (r != 0) fr[vmask] /= r[vmask] # Normalize. We approximate fr[0] by using the fact that f(r) is linear # at low r. By definition, fr[0] should equal 1. fr0 = 2*frp[2] - frp[1] fr /= fr0 # Fix potential divide-by-zero issue, fr is 1 at r == 0 fr[~vmask] = 1 return fr
def gvecs(self): """ Array with the reduced coordinates of the G-vectors. .. note:: These are the G-vectors of the FFT box and should be used when we compute quantities on the FFT mesh. These vectors differ from the gvecs stored in |GSphere| that are k-centered and enclosed by a sphere whose radius is defined by ecut. """ gx_list = np.rint(fftfreq(self.nx) * self.nx) gy_list = np.rint(fftfreq(self.ny) * self.ny) gz_list = np.rint(fftfreq( * #print(gz_list, gy_list, gx_list) gvecs = np.empty((self.size, 3), idx = -1 for gx in gx_list: for gy in gy_list: for gz in gz_list: idx += 1 gvecs[idx, :] = gx, gy, gz return gvecs
def compare_interpolated_spectrum(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) out = fft(ifftshift(f_full)) freqs = fftfreq(len(f_full), d=0.01) # spacing, Ang sfreqs = fftshift(freqs) taper = gauss_taper(freqs, sigma=0.0496) #Ang, corresponds to 2.89 km/s at 5150A. tout = out * taper ax.plot(sfreqs, fftshift(tout)) wl_h, fl_h = np.abs(np.load("PH6.8kms_0.01ang.npy")) wl_l, fl_l = np.abs(np.load("PH2.5kms.npy")) #end edges wl_he = wl_h[200:-200] fl_he = fl_h[200:-200] interp = Sinc_w(wl_l, fl_l, a=5, window='kaiser') fl_hi = interp(wl_he) d = wl_he[1] - wl_he[0] out = fft(ifftshift(fl_hi)) freqs = fftfreq(len(out), d=d) ax.plot(fftshift(freqs), fftshift(out))
def applyPreconditioner(self, arr): ftMap = fft2(arr) Ny = (arr.shape)[0] Nx = (arr.shape)[1] pixScaleX = ( numpy.abs(self.ra1 - self.ra0) / Nx * numpy.pi / 180.0 * numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 180.0 * 0.5 * (self.dec0 + self.dec1)) ) pixScaleY = numpy.abs(self.dec1 - self.dec0) / Ny * numpy.pi / 180.0 lx = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Nx, d=pixScaleX) ly = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Ny, d=pixScaleY) ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(Nx * Ny), Nx) iy = numpy.arange(Nx * Ny) / Nx lMap = ftMap * 0.0 lMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix] ** 2 + ly[iy] ** 2) lOverl0 = lMap / self.l0 Fl = self.A * ((lOverl0) ** self.alpha) / (1.0 + lOverl0 ** self.alpha) filteredFtMap = ftMap / Fl filteredFtMap[0, 0] = 0.0 # avoids nan and makes mean 0 arr[:, :] = (numpy.real(ifft2(filteredFtMap)))[:, :]
def B_ell(flat_map, component, bin_size, window=None): """ Return the binned beam function of the given flat map component, using ell bins of bin_size. If a window name is given, multiply the map component by the window function before taking the 2-D DFT. The returned beam function is the absolute value of the DFT, so it has the same units as the map component. The returned bins array contains the left edges of the bins corresponding to the returned data: for all i in range(bins.size), bins[i] <= data[i] < bins[i+1] """ ell_x, ell_y= np.meshgrid(fftshift(fftfreq(flat_map.x.size, flat_map.dx()/(2*np.pi))), fftshift(fftfreq(flat_map.y.size, flat_map.dy()/(2*np.pi)))) ell_x = ell_x.T ell_y = ell_y.T ell_r = np.sqrt(ell_x**2 + ell_y**2) ell_bins = np.arange(0, np.max(ell_r), bin_size) beam = flat_map[component] if window is not None: beam *= get_window(window, flat_map.y.size) beam *= get_window(window, flat_map.x.size)[:, np.newaxis] dft = fftshift(fft2(beam)) # Shift the indices down by 1 so that they correspond to the data # indices. These indices should always be valid indices for the # DFT data because r_ell has a lower bound at 0 and max(r_ell) # will have index ell_bins.size. bin_indices = np.digitize(ell_r.flatten(), ell_bins) - 1 binned = np.zeros(ell_bins.size) # dtype? for i in range(binned.size): binned[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(abs(dft.flatten()[i==bin_indices])**2)) return ell_bins, binned, dft
def __init__(self, cube, header, phys_units=False): super(VCS, self).__init__() self.header = header self.cube = cube self.fftcube = None self.correlated_cube = None self.ps1D = None self.phys_units = phys_units if np.isnan(self.cube).any(): self.cube[np.isnan(self.cube)] = 0 # Feel like this should be more specific self.good_pixel_count = np.sum(self.cube.max(axis=0) != 0) else: self.good_pixel_count = float(self.cube.shape[1] * self.cube.shape[2]) # Lazy check to make sure we have units of km/s if np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) > 1: self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) / 1000.0 else: self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) self.vel_channels = np.arange(1, self.cube.shape[0], 1) if self.phys_units: self.vel_freqs = np.abs(fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0])) / self.vel_to_pix else: self.vel_freqs = np.abs(fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0]))
def gen_wedge_psf(nx, ny, nf, dx, dy, df, z, out, threads=None): u = fftshift(fftfreq(nx, dx * np.pi / 180)) v = fftshift(fftfreq(ny, dy * np.pi / 180)) e = fftshift(fftfreq(nf, df)) E = np.sqrt(Cosmo.Om0 * (1 + z) ** 3 + Cosmo.Ok0 * (1 + z) ** 2 + Cosmo.Ode0) D = Cosmo.comoving_transverse_distance(z).value H0 = Cosmo.H0.value * 1e3 c = const.c.value print(E, D, H0) kx = u * 2 * np.pi / D ky = v * 2 * np.pi / D k_perp = np.sqrt(kx ** 2 + ky[np.newaxis, ...].T ** 2) k_par = e * 2 * np.pi * H0 * f21 * E / (c * (1 + z) ** 2) arr = np.ones((nf, nx, ny), dtype='complex128') for i in range(nf): mask = (k_perp > np.abs(k_par[i]) * c * (1 + z) / (H0 * E * D)) arr[i][mask] = 0'kx.npy', kx)'ky.npy', ky)'kpar.npy', k_par)'wedge_window.npy', arr.real) fft_arr = fftshift(fftn(ifftshift(arr))).real hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=fft_arr) hdr_dict = dict(cdelt1=dx, cdelt2=dy, cdelt3=df, crpix1=nx/2, crpix2=ny/2, crpix3=nf/2, crval1=0, crval2=0, crval3=0, ctype1='RA---SIN', ctype2='DEC--SIN', ctype3='FREQ', cunit1='deg', cunit2='deg', cunit3='Hz') for k, v in hdr_dict.items(): hdu.header[k] = v hdu.writeto(out, clobber=True)
def get_spectrum_1d(data_reg,x_reg,y_reg): """Compute the 1d power spectrum. """ # remove the mean and squarize data_reg-=data_reg.mean() jpj,jpi = data_reg.shape msize = min(jpj,jpi) data_reg = data_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1] x_reg = x_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1] y_reg = y_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1] # wavenumber vector x1dreg,y1dreg = x_reg[0,:],y_reg[:,0] Ni,Nj = msize-1,msize-1[1]-x1dreg[0])) k_max = npy.pi / dx kx = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(Ni, d=1./(2.*k_max))) ky = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(Nj, d=1./(2.*k_max))) kkx, kky = npy.meshgrid( ky, kx ) Kh = npy.sqrt(kkx**2 + kky**2) Nmin = min(Ni,Nj) leng = Nmin/2+1 kstep = npy.zeros(leng) kstep[0] = k_max / Nmin for ind in range(1, leng): kstep[ind] = kstep[ind-1] + 2*k_max/Nmin norm_factor = 1./( (Nj*Ni)**2 ) # tukey windowing = tapered cosine window cff_tukey = 0.25 yw=npy.linspace(0, 1, Nj) wdw_j = npy.ones(yw.shape) xw=npy.linspace(0, 1, Ni) wdw_i= npy.ones(xw.shape) first_conditioni = xw<cff_tukey/2 first_conditionj = yw<cff_tukey/2 wdw_i[first_conditioni] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (xw[first_conditioni] - cff_tukey/2) )) wdw_j[first_conditionj] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (yw[first_conditionj] - cff_tukey/2) )) third_conditioni = xw>=(1 - cff_tukey/2) third_conditionj = yw>=(1 - cff_tukey/2) wdw_i[third_conditioni] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (xw[third_conditioni] - 1 + cff_tukey/2))) wdw_j[third_conditionj] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (yw[third_conditionj] - 1 + cff_tukey/2))) wdw_ii, wdw_jj = npy.meshgrid(wdw_j, wdw_i, sparse=True) wdw = wdw_ii * wdw_jj data_reg*=wdw #2D spectrum cff = norm_factor tempconj=fft.fft2(data_reg).conj() tempamp=cff * npy.real(tempconj*fft.fft2(data_reg)) spec_2d=fft.fftshift(tempamp) #1D spectrum leng = len(kstep) spec_1d = npy.zeros(leng) krange = Kh <= kstep[0] spec_1d[0] = spec_2d[krange].sum() for ind in range(1, leng): krange = (kstep[ind-1] < Kh) & (Kh <= kstep[ind]) spec_1d[ind] = spec_2d[krange].sum() spec_1d[0] /= kstep[0] for ind in range(1, leng): spec_1d[ind] /= kstep[ind]-kstep[ind-1] return spec_1d, kstep
def test_definition(self): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -4, -3, -2, -1] assert_array_almost_equal(9*fft.fftfreq(9), x) assert_array_almost_equal(9*pi*fft.fftfreq(9, pi), x) x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1] assert_array_almost_equal(10*fft.fftfreq(10), x) assert_array_almost_equal(10*pi*fft.fftfreq(10, pi), x)
def source_terms(self, mara, retphi=False): from numpy.fft import fftfreq, fftn, ifftn ng = mara.number_guard_zones() G = self.G L = 1.0 Nx, Ny, Nz = mara.fluid.shape Nx -= 2*ng Ny -= 2*ng Nz -= 2*ng P = mara.fluid.primitive[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng] rho = P[...,0] vx = P[...,2] vy = P[...,3] vz = P[...,4] K = [fftfreq(Nx)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * (2*np.pi*Nx/L), fftfreq(Ny)[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] * (2*np.pi*Ny/L), fftfreq(Nz)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] * (2*np.pi*Nz/L)] delsq = -(K[0]**2 + K[1]**2 + K[2]**2) delsq[0,0,0] = 1.0 # prevent division by 0 rhohat = fftn(rho) phihat = (4*np.pi*G) * rhohat / delsq fx = -ifftn(1.j * K[0] * phihat).real fy = -ifftn(1.j * K[1] * phihat).real fz = -ifftn(1.j * K[2] * phihat).real S = np.zeros(mara.fluid.shape + (5,)) S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,0] = 0.0 S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,1] = rho * (fx*vx + fy*vy + fz*vz) S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,2] = rho * fx S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,3] = rho * fy S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,4] = rho * fz return (S, ifftn(phihat).real) if retphi else S
def subpixel_shift(img_arr, dx=0.5, inplace=True): ''' Shifts an image by a fraction of a pixel in a random direction, with circular boundary conditions. Arguments: img_arr (2D ndarray): array to subpixel shift in a random direction dx (float): distance in pixel to shift by inplace (bool): if True, will modify the array inplace ''' f = fft.fft2(img_arr, axes=(0, 1)) g = np.meshgrid( fft.fftfreq(img_arr.shape[-3]), fft.fftfreq(img_arr.shape[-2]) ) u = npr.normal(0, 1, size=2) fk = g[0] * u[0] + g[1] * u[1] phi = np.exp(2j * np.pi * dx * fk) out = np.real(fft.ifft2(phi[..., np.newaxis] * f, axes=(0, 1))) if inplace: img_arr[:] = out[:] else: return out
def _configure(infiles, z, df): conf.infiles = infiles img_hdr = fits.getheader(conf.infiles[0]) conf.nx = img_hdr['naxis1'] conf.ny = img_hdr['naxis2'] = MWA_FREQ_EOR_ALL_80KHZ.size conf.dx = np.abs(img_hdr['cdelt1']) * np.pi / 180 conf.dy = np.abs(img_hdr['cdelt2']) * np.pi / 180 conf.df = df conf.du = 1 / (conf.nx * conf.dx) conf.dv = 1 / (conf.ny * conf.dy) conf.deta = 1 / ( * conf.df) conf.freq = MWA_FREQ_EOR_ALL_80KHZ conf.u = fftshift(fftfreq(conf.nx, conf.dx)) conf.v = fftshift(fftfreq(conf.ny, conf.dy)) conf.eta = fftshift(fftfreq(, conf.df)) conf.z = z conf.cosmo_d = Cosmo.comoving_transverse_distance(conf.z).value conf.cosmo_e = np.sqrt(Cosmo.Om0 * (1 + conf.z) ** 3 + Cosmo.Ok0 * (1 + conf.z) ** 2 + Cosmo.Ode0) conf.cosmo_h0 = Cosmo.H0.value * 1e3 conf.cosmo_c = conf.kx = conf.u * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d = conf.v * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d conf.dkx = conf.du * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d conf.dky = conf.dv * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d conf.k_perp = np.sqrt(conf.kx ** 2 +[np.newaxis, ...].T ** 2) conf.k_par = conf.eta * 2 * np.pi * conf.cosmo_h0 * _F21 * \ conf.cosmo_e / (conf.cosmo_c * (1 + conf.z) ** 2)
def high_pass_filter(img, filtersize=10): """ A FFT implmentation of high pass filter from pyKLIP. Args: img: a 2D image filtersize: size in Fourier space of the size of the space. In image space, size=img_size/filtersize Returns: filtered: the filtered image """ if filtersize == 0: return img # mask NaNs nan_index = np.where(np.isnan(img)) img[nan_index] = 0 transform = fft.fft2(img) # coordinate system in FFT image u,v = np.meshgrid(fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[1]), fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[0])) # scale u,v so it has units of pixels in FFT space rho = np.sqrt((u*transform.shape[1])**2 + (v*transform.shape[0])**2) # scale rho up so that it has units of pixels in FFT space # rho *= transform.shape[0] # create the filter filt = 1. - np.exp(-(rho**2/filtersize**2)) filtered = np.real(fft.ifft2(transform*filt)) # restore NaNs filtered[nan_index] = np.nan img[nan_index] = np.nan return filtered
def fftFromLiteMap(liteMap,applySlepianTaper = False,nresForSlepian=3.0): """ @brief Creates an fft2D object out of a liteMap @param liteMap The map whose fft is being taken @param applySlepianTaper If True applies the lowest order taper (to minimize edge-leakage) @param nresForSlepian If above is True, specifies the resolution of the taeper to use. """ ft = fft2D() ft.Nx = liteMap.Nx ft.Ny = liteMap.Ny flTrace.issue("flipper.fftTools",1, "Taking FFT of map with (Ny,Nx)= (%f,%f)"%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx)) ft.pixScaleX = liteMap.pixScaleX ft.pixScaleY = liteMap.pixScaleY lx = 2*np.pi * fftfreq( ft.Nx, d = ft.pixScaleX ) ly = 2*np.pi * fftfreq( ft.Ny, d = ft.pixScaleY ) ix = np.mod(np.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny),ft.Nx) # This was dividing ints, so change below needed to maintain same behaviour in python3 iy = np.array(np.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny)/ft.Nx, dtype = int) modLMap = np.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx]) modLMap[iy,ix] = np.sqrt(lx[ix]**2 + ly[iy]**2) ft.modLMap = modLMap ft.lx = lx = ly ft.ix = ix ft.iy = iy ft.thetaMap = np.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx]) ft.thetaMap[iy[:],ix[:]] = np.arctan2(ly[iy[:]],lx[ix[:]]) ft.thetaMap *=180./np.pi map = #map = map0.copy() #map[:,:] =map0[::-1,:] taper = map.copy()*0.0 + 1.0 if (applySlepianTaper) : try: path_to_taper = os.path.join(__FLIPPER_DIR__, "tapers", 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian)) f = open(path_to_taper) taper = pickle.load(f) f.close() except: taper = slepianTaper00(ft.Nx,ft.Ny,nresForSlepian) path_to_taper = os.path.join(__FLIPPER_DIR__, "tapers", 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian)) f = open(path_to_taper, mode="w") pickle.dump(taper,f) f.close() ft.kMap = fftfast.fft(map*taper,axes=[-2,-1]) del map, modLMap, lx, ly return ft
def icwt2d(W, a, dx=0.25, dy=0.25, da=0.25, wavelet=Mexican_hat()): """ Inverse bi-dimensional continuous wavelet transform as in Wang and Lu (2010), equation [5]. PARAMETERS W (array like): Wavelet transform, the result of the cwt2d function. a (array like, optional): Scale parameter array. w (class, optional) : Mother wavelet class. Default is Mexican_hat() RETURNS iW (array like) : Inverse wavelet transform. EXAMPLE """ m0, l0, k0 = W.shape if m0 != a.size: raise Warning('Scale parameter array shape does not match wavelet' \ ' transform array shape.') # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numters. L, K = 2 ** int(ceil(log2(l0))), 2 ** int(ceil(log2(k0))) # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numbers. l, k = fftfreq(L, dy), fftfreq(K, dx) # Creates empty inverse wavelet transform array and fills it for every # discrete scale using the convolution theorem. iW = zeros((m0, L, K), 'complex') for i, an in enumerate(a): psi_ft_bar = an * wavelet.psi_ft(an * k, an * l) W_ft = fft2(W[i, :, :], s=(L, K)) iW[i, :, :] = ifft2(W_ft * psi_ft_bar, s=(L, K)) * da / an ** 2. return iW[:, :l0, :k0].real.sum(axis=0) / wavelet.cpsi
def icwt2d(self, da=0.25): ''' Inverse bi-dimensional continuous wavelet transform as in Wang and Lu (2010), equation [5]. Parameters ---------- da : float, optional Spacing in the frequency axis. ''' if self.Wf is None: raise TypeError("Run cwt2D before icwt2D") m0, l0, k0 = self.Wf.shape if m0 != self.scales.size: raise Warning('Scale parameter array shape does not match\ wavelet transform array shape.') # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numters. L, K = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(l0))), 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(k0))) # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numbers. l, k = fftfreq(L, self.dy), fftfreq(K, self.dx) # Creates empty inverse wavelet transform array and fills it for every # discrete scale using the convolution theorem. self.iWf = np.zeros((m0, L, K), 'complex') for i, an in enumerate(self.scales): psi_ft_bar = an * self.wavelet.psi_ft(an * k, an * l) W_ft = fftn(self.Wf[i, :, :], s=(L, K)) self.iWf[i, :, :] = ifftn(W_ft * psi_ft_bar, s=(L, K)) *\ da / an ** 2. self.iWf = self.iWf[:, :l0, :k0].real.sum(axis=0) / self.wavelet.cpsi return self
def calc_mtf(self): ''' mtf, omega_t, omega_f = calc_mtf(self) ''' return (fft2(self.causal()), fftfreq(self.n_causal,self.omega_t), fftfreq(self.n_bands,self.omega_f))
def fftFromLiteMap(liteMap,applySlepianTaper = False,nresForSlepian=3.0,fftType=None): """ @brief Creates an fft2D object out of a liteMap @param liteMap The map whose fft is being taken @param applySlepianTaper If True applies the lowest order taper (to minimize edge-leakage) @param nresForSlepian If above is True, specifies the resolution of the taeper to use. """ ft = fft2D() ft.Nx = liteMap.Nx ft.Ny = liteMap.Ny flTrace.issue("flipper.fftTools",1, "Taking FFT of map with (Ny,Nx)= (%f,%f)"%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx)) ft.pixScaleX = liteMap.pixScaleX ft.pixScaleY = liteMap.pixScaleY lx = 2*numpy.pi * fftfreq( ft.Nx, d = ft.pixScaleX ) ly = 2*numpy.pi * fftfreq( ft.Ny, d = ft.pixScaleY ) ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny),ft.Nx) iy = numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny)/ft.Nx modLMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx]) modLMap[iy,ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix]**2 + ly[iy]**2) ft.modLMap = modLMap ft.lx = lx = ly ft.ix = ix ft.iy = iy ft.thetaMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx]) ft.thetaMap[iy[:],ix[:]] = numpy.arctan2(ly[iy[:]],lx[ix[:]]) ft.thetaMap *=180./numpy.pi map = #map = map0.copy() #map[:,:] =map0[::-1,:] taper = map.copy()*0.0 + 1.0 if (applySlepianTaper) : try: f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian)) taper = pickle.load(f) f.close() except: taper = slepianTaper00(ft.Nx,ft.Ny,nresForSlepian) f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian),mode="w") pickle.dump(taper,f) f.close() if fftType=='fftw3': ft.kMap = fft.fft(map*taper,axes=[-2,-1]) else: ft.kMap = fft2(map*taper) del map, modLMap, lx, ly return ft
def _sample_modspec(self,*args,**kwargs): ''' Return samples of complex modulation spectrum ''' sliced = self._timeslice(*args,**kwargs) winlength = sliced.shape[self.time_axis+1] tf = fftfreq(winlength,1./self.t_rate) sf = fftfreq(self.n_bands,self.band_spacing) ft = fft2(sliced) return ft, tf, sf
def spectral_multiplier(par,dt): dx=par['dx'] dy=par['dy'] n0=par['n'][0] n1=par['n'][1] f0=2.0*numpy.pi*fftfreq(n0,dx) f1=2.0*numpy.pi*fftfreq(n1,dy) kx=numpy.outer(f0,numpy.ones(n0)) ky=numpy.outer(numpy.ones(n1),f1) return numpy.exp(dt*(par['epsilon']-(par['k0']-kx**2-ky**2)**2))
def get_k(self): """ """ azisz = self.get_info('azimuth_size') azidk = self.get_info('azimuth_dk') ransz = self.get_info('range_size') randk = self.get_info('range_dk') k = (fftshift(fftfreq(azisz))*azisz*azidk, fftshift(fftfreq(ransz))*ransz*randk) return k
def __init__ (self, grid): from numpy import pi, meshgrid from numpy.fft import fftfreq kx = 2*pi*fftfreq (grid.nx)/grid.dx ky = 2*pi*fftfreq (grid.ny)/grid.dy self.kx, = meshgrid (kx, ky) self.phase =*grid.x
def _dftscore(self, arr): # Measures the amount of DFT artifacts (in a quite strict manner) dft = fft.fft2(arr) * self.whatsize dft /= dft.size yfreqs = fft.fftfreq(arr.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis] xfreqs = fft.fftfreq(arr.shape[1])[np.newaxis, :] weifun = xfreqs ** 2 + yfreqs ** 2 ret = np.abs(dft) * weifun return ret.sum()
def plot_sinc_windows(): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(8, 8)) xs = np.linspace(-2, 2., num=200) xs4 = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=500) y2s = sinc_w(xs, 'lanczos') y4s = sinc_w(xs4, 'lanczos', a=5) yks = sinc_w(xs4, 'kaiser', a=5, alpha=5) yks2 = sinc_w(xs, 'kaiser', a=2, alpha=5) ax[0].plot(xs, y2s, "b", label='Lanczos, a=2') ax[0].plot(xs4, y4s, 'g', label='Lanczos, a=5') ax[0].plot(xs4, yks, "r", label='Kaiser 5, a=5') ax[0].plot(xs, yks2, "c", label='Kaiser 5, a=2') #ax[0].plot(xs,sinc_w(xs, 'hann'),label='Hann') #ax[0].plot(xs,sinc_w(xs, 'kaiser',alpha=5),label='Kaiser=5') #ax[0].plot(xs,sinc_w(xs, 'kaiser',alpha=10),label='Kaiser=10') #xs4 = np.linspace(-4,4,num=100) #ax[0].plot(xs4,sinc_w(xs4, 'lanczos', a = 4), label='Lanczos,a=4') ax[0].legend() ax[0].set_xlabel(r"$\pm a$") #n=400 #zeropadd FFT #freqs2 = fftfreq(len(y2s),d=xs[1]-xs[0]) #freqs4 =fftfreq(400,d=xs4[1]-xs4[0]) ysh = ifftshift(y2s) pady = np.concatenate((ysh[:100], np.zeros((1000,)), ysh[100:])) freq2 = fftshift(fftfreq(len(pady), d=0.02)) ys4h = ifftshift(y4s) pad4y = np.concatenate((ys4h[:250], np.zeros((2000,)), ys4h[250:])) freq4 = fftshift(fftfreq(len(pad4y), d=0.02)) fpady = fft(pady) fpad4y = fft(pad4y) ax[1].plot(freq2, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(fpady / fpady[0])))) ax[1].plot(freq4, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(fpad4y / fpad4y[0])))) ysk = ifftshift(yks) padk = np.concatenate((ysk[:250], np.zeros((2000,)), ysk[250:])) fpadk = fft(padk) ax[1].plot(freq4, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(fpadk / fpadk[0])))) ysk2 = ifftshift(yks2) padk2 = np.concatenate((ysk2[:100], np.zeros((1000,)), ysk2[100:])) fpadk2 = fft(padk2) ax[1].plot(freq2, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(fpadk2 / fpadk2[0])))) #ax[1].plot(freqs4, fft(ifftshift( #ax[1].plot(freqs, get_db_response(xs, 'hann'),label='Hann') #ax[1].plot(freqs, get_db_response(xs, 'kaiser',alpha=5),label='Kaiser=5') #ax[1].plot(freqs, get_db_response(xs, 'kaiser',alpha=10),label='Kaiser=10') #ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_ylabel("dB") ax[1].set_xlabel("cycles/a")
def __init__( self, t, x, y, A=[1., 0.85], a=[0.25, 0.85] ): ''' Initializing generalized thalamo-cortical loop. Full functionality is only obtained in the subclasses, like DOG, full_eDOG, etc. Parameters ---------- t : array 1D Time vector x : np.array 1D vector for x-axis sampling points y : np.array 1D vector for y-axis sampling points Keyword arguments ----------------- A : sequence (default A = [1., 0.85]) Amplitudes for DOG receptive field for center and surround, respectively a : sequence (default a = [0.25, 0.85]) Width parameter for DOG receptive field for center and surround, respectively Usage ----- Look at subclasses for example usage ''' # Set parameteres as attributes = 'pyDOG Toolbox' self.t = t self.A = A self.a = a self.x = x self.y = y # Find sampling rates and sampling freqs and self.nu_xs = 1./(x[1]-x[0]) self.nu_ys = 1./(y[1]-y[0]) self.fs = 1./(t[1]-t[0]) self.f = fft.fftfreq(pl.asarray(t).size, t[1]-t[0]) # fftshift spatial frequency, self.nu_x = fft.fftfreq(pl.asarray(x).size, x[1]-x[0]) self.nu_y = fft.fftfreq(pl.asarray(y).size, y[1]-y[0]) # Make meshgrids, may come in handy self._xx, self._yy = pl.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) self._nu_xx, self._nu_yy = pl.meshgrid(self.nu_x, self.nu_y) # r is needed for all circular rfs self.r = pl.sqrt(self._xx**2 + self._yy**2) self.k = 2 * pl.pi * pl.sqrt(self._nu_xx**2 + self._nu_yy**2)
def define_k(N, D): """ Creates the 3d k arrays from N and D """ from numpy.fft import fftfreq from numpy import array, pi, float32 nx, ny, nz = N dx, dy, dz = D #Use a matlab like ndgrid to create the wave-vectors with the proper shape to take advantage of pythons vectorization kx, ky, kz = ndgrid(fftfreq(nx, dx)*2.*pi, fftfreq(ny, dy)*2.*pi, fftfreq(nz, dz)*2.*pi, dtype=float32) #Output a single vector return array([kx, ky, kz], dtype = float32)
def __init__(self, size, Lx=1.0, acst=1.0, nu=0.02, t0=1.0, **kwargs): super(LinearAD, self).__init__() self.shape = (size,) self.size = size self.Lx = Lx self.acst = acst = nu self.t0 = t0 self.wave_numbers = 2*math.pi/Lx * fft.fftfreq(size) * size self.laplacian = -(2*math.pi/Lx * fft.fftfreq(size) * size)**2
def get_k1d(self, kmax=None): """ """ azisz = self.get_info('azimuth_size') azidk = self.get_info('azimuth_dk') kazi = fftshift(fftfreq(azisz))*azisz*azidk ransz = self.get_info('range_size') randk = self.get_info('range_dk') kran = fftshift(fftfreq(ransz))*ransz*randk if kmax is not None: kazi = kazi[abs(kazi) <= kmax] kran = kran[abs(kran) <= kmax] k1d = (kazi, kran) return k1d
def _fft(self, audio_data): from numpy import fft amp = fft.rfft(audio_data) freq = fft.fftfreq(audio_data.shape[-1])[:len(amp)] return freq, amp.real
def __init__(self, grid, eps=None): r"""Compute the Fourier transformation of the position space representation of the kinetic operator :math:`T`. :param grid: The position space grid :math:`\Gamma` of which we compute its Fourier transform :math:`\Omega`. :param eps: The semi-classical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon`. (optional) """ # Cache the value of eps if given self._eps = eps # TODO: Consider class "FourierSpaceGrid" D = grid.get_dimension() N = grid.get_number_nodes() T = grid.get_extensions() # Fourier domain nodes prefactors = [t / (2.0 * pi) for t in T] omega = [fftfreq(n, d=1.0 / n) for n in N] omega = [o / p for o, p in zip(omega, prefactors)] # Reshape properly shape = [-1] + (D - 1) * [1] omega = [o.reshape(roll(shape, i)) for i, o in enumerate(omega)] # Compute the dot product of omega with itself omega_sqr = reduce(add, map(square, omega)) # Fourier space grid axes self._omega = omega # Omega dot Omega self._omega_sqr = omega_sqr
""" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as mp import numpy.fft as nf x = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, 1000) # 叠加1000条曲线 y = np.zeros(x.size) for i in range(1, 1000): y += 4/(2*i-1)*np.pi * np.sin((2*i-1)*x) # 对y做傅里叶变换, 绘制频域图像 ffts = nf.fft(y) # 获取傅里叶变换的频率序列 freqs = nf.fftfreq(x.size, x[1]-x[0]) pows = np.abs(ffts) mp.figure('FFT', facecolor='lightgray') mp.subplot(121) mp.grid(linestyle=':') mp.plot(x, y,linewidth=2) mp.subplot(122) mp.grid(linestyle=':') mp.plot(freqs[freqs>0], pows[freqs>0], c='orangered') # 通过复数数组,经过ifft操作, 得到原函数 y2 = nf.ifft(ffts) mp.subplot(121) mp.plot(x, y2, linewidth=7, alpha=0.5)
def read_files(self, fileName, fileType, fMin=None, fMax=None, windowFunction=None, comment='', filterNegative=False, extrapolateBand=False, changeZ=False, z0=100, z1=100): if DEBUG: print fileType assert fileType in FILETYPES if (windowFunction is None): windowFunction = 'blackman-harris' self.windowFunction = windowFunction if (fileType == 'CST_TimeTrace' or fileType == 'Nicolas'): if fileType == 'CST_TimeTrace': [inputTrace, outputTrace, _], self.metaData = readCSTTimeTrace(fileName, comment=comment) elif fileType == 'Nicolas': [inputTrace, outputTrace] = readNicholasTimeTrace(fileName) if np.mod(len(inputTrace), 2) == 1: inputTrace = np.vstack([inputTrace[0, :], inputTrace]) inputTrace[0, 0] -= (inputTrace[2, 0] - inputTrace[1, 0]) outputTrace = np.vstack([outputTrace[0, :], outputTrace]) outputTrace[0, 0] -= (outputTrace[2, 0] - outputTrace[1, 0]) #plt.plot(inputTrace[:,0],inputTrace[:,1]) #plt.plot(outputTrace[:,0],outputTrace[:,1]) self.fAxis = fft.fftshift( fft.fftfreq( len(inputTrace) * 2, inputTrace[1, 0] - inputTrace[0, 0])) self.gainFrequency = fftRatio(outputTrace[:, 1], inputTrace[:, 1]) elif (fileType == 'CST_S11'): self.fAxis, self.gainFrequency, self.metaData = readCSTS11( fileName, comment=comment) elif (fileType == 'VNAHP_S11'): self.fAxis, self.gainFrequency, self.metaData = readVNAHP( fileName, comment=comment) elif (fileType == 'S11_CSV'): self.fAxis, self.gainFrequency, self.metaData = readCSV( fileName, comment=comment) elif (fileType == 'S11_S1P'): self.fAxis, self.gainFrequency, self.metaData = readS1P( fileName, comment=comment) elif (fileType == 'ANRITSU_CSV'): self.fAxis, self.gainFrequency, self.metaData = readAnritsu( fileName, comment=comment) if (fMin is None): fMin = self.fAxis.min() if (fMax is None): fMax = self.fAxis.max() if (extrapolateBand): if DEBUG: print(self.fAxis.min()) print(self.fAxis.max()) if (fMin < self.fAxis.min()): fitSelection = self.fAxis < self.fAxis.min() + .01 pReal = np.polyfit(self.fAxis[fitSelection], np.real(self.gainFrequency[fitSelection]), 1) pImag = np.polyfit(self.fAxis[fitSelection], np.imag(self.gainFrequency[fitSelection]), 1) fLow = np.arange(self.fAxis.min(), fMin, self.fAxis[0] - self.fAxis[1]) self.fAxis = np.hstack([fLow[::-1], self.fAxis]) self.gainFrequency = np.hstack([ pReal[0] * fLow[::-1] + pReal[1] + 1j * (pImag[0] * fLow[::-1] + pImag[1]), self.gainFrequency ]) #plt.plot(self.fAxis[fitSelection],np.real(self.gainFrequency[fitSelection]),ls='none',marker='o') #plt.plot(self.fAxis[fitSelection],self.fAxis[fitSelection]*pReal[0]+pReal[1],ls='--',color='r') #plt.plot(fLow[::-1],fLow[::-1]*pReal[0]+pReal[1],color='k') if (fMax > self.fAxis.max()): fitSelection = self.fAxis > self.fAxis.max() - .01 pReal = np.polyfit(self.fAxis[fitSelection], np.real(self.gainFrequency[fitSelection]), 1) pImag = np.polyfit(self.fAxis[fitSelection], np.imag(self.gainFrequency[fitSelection]), 1) fHigh = np.arange(self.fAxis.max(), fMax, self.fAxis[1] - self.fAxis[0]) self.fAxis = np.hstack([self.fAxis, fHigh]) self.gainFrequency = np.hstack([ self.gainFrequency, pReal[0] * fHigh + pReal[1] + 1j * (pImag[0] * fHigh + pImag[1]) ]) selection = np.logical_and(self.fAxis >= fMin, self.fAxis <= fMax) nf = len(np.where(selection)[0]) if np.mod(nf, 2) == 1: nf += 1 maxind = np.where(selection)[0].max() if maxind < len(selection) - 1: selection[maxind + 1] = True else: minind = np.where(selection)[0].min() if minind > 0: selection[minind - 1] = True else: nf -= 2 selection[maxind] = False self.fAxis = self.fAxis[selection] self.gainFrequency = self.gainFrequency[selection] if (windowFunction == 'blackman-harris'): wF = signal.blackmanharris(len(self.fAxis)) wF /= np.sqrt(np.mean(wF**2.)) else: wF = np.ones(len(self.fAxis)) self.tAxis = fft.fftshift( fft.fftfreq(len(self.fAxis), self.fAxis[1] - self.fAxis[0])) if (filterNegative): gainDelay = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.fftshift( self.gainFrequency))) gainDelay[self.tAxis < 0.] = 0. self.gainFrequency = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(fft.fftshift(gainDelay))) self.gainDelay = fft.fftshift( fft.ifft(fft.fftshift(self.gainFrequency * wF))) if changeZ: self.change_impedance(z0, z1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np import numpy.fft as nf import matplotlib.pyplot as mp times = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 201) sigs1 = 4 / (1 * np.pi) * np.sin(1 * times) sigs2 = 4 / (3 * np.pi) * np.sin(3 * times) sigs3 = 4 / (5 * np.pi) * np.sin(5 * times) sigs4 = 4 / (7 * np.pi) * np.sin(7 * times) sigs5 = 4 / (9 * np.pi) * np.sin(9 * times) sigs6 = sigs1 + sigs2 + sigs3 + sigs4 + sigs5 freqs = nf.fftfreq(times.size, times[1] - times[0]) ffts = nf.fft(sigs6) pows = np.abs(ffts) sigs7 = nf.ifft(ffts).real mp.figure('FFT', facecolor='lightgray') mp.subplot(121) mp.title('Time Domain', fontsize=16) mp.xlabel('Time', fontsize=12) mp.ylabel('Signal', fontsize=12) mp.tick_params(labelsize=10) mp.grid(linestyle=':') mp.plot(times, sigs1, label='{:.4f}'.format(1 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs2, label='{:.4f}'.format(3 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs3, label='{:.4f}'.format(5 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs4, label='{:.4f}'.format(7 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs5, label='{:.4f}'.format(9 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs6, label='{:.4f}'.format(1 / (2 * np.pi))) mp.plot(times, sigs7,
# ================================================================================================================ # ================================================================================================================ # Compute the Earth's reference frame x, y and z displacements # True Earth's Heave reference frame displacement. Source: mk4, pg. (28) 7.3 Buoy axes and references # ================================================================================================================ Epx[i] = Evx[i] * dt[i] # True Earth's X Position in m. Epy[i] = Evy[i] * dt[i] # True Earth's Y Position in m. Epz[i] = Evz[i] * dt[i] # True Earth's Heave Position in m. # ================================================================================================================ # ================================================================================================================ # Fast Fourier Transform in Earth Reference frame and mask. # Source: Teng 2002 - NDBC Buoys, Pg. 518 # ================================================================================================================ freqs = fftfreq(n, dt[i]) # Set up the FFT Nyquist frequency. mask = freqs > 0.0 # Mask the freqs for positive values. # ================================================================================================================ # Calculate the FFT for the Heave and separate the complex conjugate. # Source: # ================================================================================================================ fft_Epz = fft(Epz, n) # FFT for Heave in m/s^2. fft_Ep = (fft_Epz.real, fft_Epz.imag ) # Separate the real and imaginary numbers. Epr = fft_Epz.real # Real numbers. Epi = fft_Epz.imag # imaginary numbers. # ================================================================================================================ # FFT for the Zenith Deck North-South and East-West Slopes. Source: mk4 pg. 30-31. # ================================================================================================================
times = [] for i in range(reader.GetTimeSets().GetNumberOfItems()): array = reader.GetTimeSets().GetItem(i) for j in range(array.GetNumberOfTuples()): times.append(array.GetComponent(j, 0)) eigvalues = [] timecoefficients = [] del merger, ds, reader snaps = Parallel(n_jobs=6, max_nbytes=1e9, verbose=30)(delayed(compute_snapshot)(files[0], time, sys.argv[1:]) for time in times[1:]) #pdb.set_trace() N = len(times)-1 np.savez('cache_snapshots.npz', snaps=snaps) fft_values = np.empty((snaps[0].shape[0], N//2)) xf = fftfreq(N, 0.001) snapshots = np.empty((snaps[0].shape[0], N)) for i, snap in enumerate(snaps): snapshots[:,i] = snap ffts = Parallel(n_jobs=6, max_nbytes=1e9, verbose=30, prefer='threads')(delayed(fft)(snapshots[i,:]) for i in range(snapshots.shape[0])) for i, snap in enumerate(ffts): fft_values[i, :] = 2.0 / N * np.abs(snap[:N//2]) np.savez(cacheFile, fft_values=fft_values, xf=xf) else: data = np.load(cacheFile) fft_values = data['fft_values'] xf = data['xf'] files = glob.glob(inputFolder + '/*.case') files.sort()
import numpy as np from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift, fftfreq import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Lx = 2.0 N = 2048 x = np.linspace(-Lx/2, Lx/2, N, endpoint=True) y = np.ones_like(x) eps = 0.10 # arbitrary aperture mask_y = np.abs(x) <= eps # Spatial frequency sampling diam = 2*eps # Aperture diameter we are using N_diam = Lx/diam # How many Diameters is our window [-1, 1] # Very useful the fftfreq. It calculates the frequencies array for # a given number of samples N, which span a window of size N_diam freq = fftshift(fftfreq(n=N, d=N_diam/N)) # Useless sanity checks plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y * mask_y) masked = y * mask_y pup0 = masked * np.exp(1j * masked) f = fftshift(fft(pup0, norm='ortho')) psf0 = (np.abs(f))**2 PEAK = np.max(psf0) psf0 /= PEAK
para = np.random.rand(3,10) A = para[0] w = para[1] b = para[2] y = np.zeros(500) for i,_ in enumerate(y): ans = 0 for j in range(len(A)): ans += A[j] * math.sin(w[j]*x[i]+b[j]) y[i] = ans + random.randint(int(-0.05*ans),int(0.05*ans)) #进行FFT分解,尝试寻找dominating frequency from numpy import fft data = np.array(y,'f') yf = fft.fft(data) f = fft.fftfreq(data.shape[0]) xf = np.arange(len(yf)) plt.plot(f,yf,color='red') #Keras LSTM from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import LSTM import time split_factor = 0.8 split_num = int(len(data_list[0])*split_factor) cols = train.columns[1:-1]
def cwt(signal, dt, dj=1. / 12, s0=-1, J=-1, wavelet=Morlet()): """ Continuous wavelet transform of the signal at specified scales. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy.ndarray, list Input signal array dt : float Sample spacing. dj : float, optional Spacing between discrete scales. Default value is 0.25. Smaller values will result in better scale resolution, but slower calculation and plot. s0 : float, optional Smallest scale of the wavelet. Default value is 2*dt. J : float, optional Number of scales less one. Scales range from s0 up to s0 * 2**(J * dj), which gives a total of (J + 1) scales. Default is J = (log2(N*dt/so))/dj. wavelet : instance of a wavelet class, optional Mother wavelet class. Default is Morlet wavelet. Returns ------- W : numpy.ndarray Wavelet transform according to the selected mother wavelet. Has (J+1) x N dimensions. sj : numpy.ndarray Vector of scale indices given by sj = s0 * 2**(j * dj), j={0, 1, ..., J}. freqs : array like Vector of Fourier frequencies (in 1 / time units) that corresponds to the wavelet scales. coi : numpy.ndarray Returns the cone of influence, which is a vector of N points containing the maximum Fourier period of useful information at that particular time. Periods greater than those are subject to edge effects. fft : numpy.ndarray Normalized fast Fourier transform of the input signal. fft_freqs : numpy.ndarray Fourier frequencies (in 1/time units) for the calculated FFT spectrum. Example ------- mother = wavelet.Morlet(6.) wave, scales, freqs, coi, fft, fftfreqs = wavelet.cwt(var, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 28, mother) """ n0 = len(signal) # Original signal length. if s0 == -1: s0 = 2 * dt / wavelet.flambda() # Smallest resolvable scale: if J == -1: J = int(np.log2(n0 * dt / s0) / dj) # Number of scales N = 2**(int(np.log2(n0)) + 1) # Next higher power of 2. signal_ft = fft.fft(signal, N) # Signal Fourier transform ftfreqs = 2 * np.pi * fft.fftfreq(N, dt) # Fourier angular frequencies sj = s0 * 2**(np.arange(0, J + 1) * dj) # The scales freqs = 1 / (wavelet.flambda() * sj) # As of Mallat 1999 # Creates an empty wavlet transform matrix and fills it for every discrete # scale using the convolution theorem. W = np.zeros((len(sj), N), 'complex') for n, s in enumerate(sj): psi_ft_bar = ((s * ftfreqs[1] * N)**.5 * np.conjugate(wavelet.psi_ft(s * ftfreqs))) W[n, :] = fft.ifft(signal_ft * psi_ft_bar, N) # Checks for NaN in transform results and removes them from the scales, # frequencies and wavelet transform. sel = np.logical_not(np.isnan(W).all(axis=1)) sj = sj[sel] freqs = freqs[sel] W = W[sel, :] # Determines the cone-of-influence. Note that it is returned as a function # of time in Fourier periods. Uses triangualr Bartlett window with non-zero # end-points. coi = (n0 / 2. - abs(np.arange(0, n0) - (n0 - 1) / 2)) coi = wavelet.flambda() * wavelet.coi() * dt * coi # return W[:, :n0], sj, freqs, coi, dj, s0, J
通过采样数与采样周期求得傅里叶变换分解所得的曲线的频率序列原函数值序列) 通过原函数值的序列经过傅里叶变换得到一个复数数组,复数的模代表的是振幅,复数的辐角代表初相位 通过一个复数数组经过逆向傅里叶变换得到一个合成的函数值数组 """ import numpy.fft as nf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as mp x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, num=1000) # y = np.zeros(1000) y = 4 * np.pi * np.sin(x) for i in range(2, 10001): y += 4 / (2 * i - 1) * np.pi * np.sin((2 * i - 1) * x) mp.subplot(121) # mp.plot(x, y, label='fang bo') req = nf.fft(y) y_ = nf.ifft(req) mp.plot(x, y, label='fang bo', color='red') mp.subplot(122) freq = nf.fftfreq(y_.size, x[1] - x[0]) power = np.abs(req) mp.plot(freq, power, label='freq', color='red') mp.legend()
sample_y = signal(sample_t) + state.standard_normal(sample_size) sample_d = 4. / (sample_size - 1) # Spacing for linspace array true_signal = signal(sample_t) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(sample_t, sample_y, "k.", label="Noisy signal") ax1.plot(sample_t, true_signal, "k--", label="True signal") ax1.set_title("Sample signal with noise") ax1.set_xlabel("Time") ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax1.legend() spectrum = fft.fft(sample_y) freq = fft.fftfreq(sample_size, sample_d) pos_freq_i = np.arange(1, sample_size // 2, dtype=int) psd = np.abs(spectrum[pos_freq_i])**2 + np.abs(spectrum[-pos_freq_i])**2 fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2.plot(freq[pos_freq_i], psd) ax2.set_title("PSD of the noisy signal") ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency") ax2.set_ylabel("Density") filtered = pos_freq_i[psd < 1e4] new_spec = np.zeros_like(spectrum) new_spec[filtered] = spectrum[filtered] new_spec[-filtered] = spectrum[-filtered]
def test_filters(): """Test low-, band-, high-pass, and band-stop filters plus resampling.""" rng = np.random.RandomState(0) sfreq = 100 sig_len_secs = 15 a = rng.randn(2, sig_len_secs * sfreq) # let's test our catchers for fl in ['blah', [0, 1], 1000.5, '10ss', '10']: pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError), filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, fl, 1.0, 1.0, fir_design='firwin') for nj in ['blah', 0.5]: pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, 1000, 1.0, 1.0, n_jobs=nj, phase='zero', fir_design='firwin') pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, 100, 1., 1., fir_window='foo') pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, 10, 1., 1., fir_design='firwin') # too short # > Nyq/2 pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, sfreq / 2., None, 100, 1.0, 1.0, fir_design='firwin') pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, -1, None, None, 100, 1.0, 1.0, fir_design='firwin') # these should work create_filter(None, sfreq, None, None) create_filter(a, sfreq, None, None, fir_design='firwin') create_filter(a, sfreq, None, None, method='iir') # check our short-filter warning: with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='attenuation'): # Warning for low attenuation filter_data(a, sfreq, 1, 8, filter_length=256, fir_design='firwin2') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Increase filter_length'): # Warning for too short a filter filter_data(a, sfreq, 1, 8, filter_length='0.5s', fir_design='firwin2') # try new default and old default freqs = fftfreq(a.shape[-1], 1. / sfreq) A = np.abs(fft(a)) kwargs = dict(fir_design='firwin') for fl in ['auto', '10s', '5000ms', 1024, 1023]: bp = filter_data(a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, fl, 1.0, 1.0, **kwargs) bs = filter_data(a, sfreq, 8 + 1.0, 4 - 1.0, None, fl, 1.0, 1.0, **kwargs) lp = filter_data(a, sfreq, None, 8, None, fl, 10, 1.0, n_jobs=2, **kwargs) hp = filter_data(lp, sfreq, 4, None, None, fl, 1.0, 10, **kwargs) assert_allclose(hp, bp, rtol=1e-3, atol=2e-3) assert_allclose(bp + bs, a, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3) # Sanity check ttenuation mask = (freqs > 5.5) & (freqs < 6.5) assert_allclose(np.mean(np.abs(fft(bp)[:, mask]) / A[:, mask]), 1., atol=0.02) assert_allclose(np.mean(np.abs(fft(bs)[:, mask]) / A[:, mask]), 0., atol=0.2) # now the minimum-phase versions bp = filter_data(a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, fl, 1.0, 1.0, phase='minimum', **kwargs) bs = filter_data(a, sfreq, 8 + 1.0, 4 - 1.0, None, fl, 1.0, 1.0, phase='minimum', **kwargs) assert_allclose(np.mean(np.abs(fft(bp)[:, mask]) / A[:, mask]), 1., atol=0.11) assert_allclose(np.mean(np.abs(fft(bs)[:, mask]) / A[:, mask]), 0., atol=0.3) # and since these are low-passed, downsampling/upsampling should be close n_resamp_ignore = 10 bp_up_dn = resample(resample(bp, 2, 1, n_jobs=2), 1, 2, n_jobs=2) assert_array_almost_equal(bp[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], bp_up_dn[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], 2) # note that on systems without CUDA, this line serves as a test for a # graceful fallback to n_jobs=1 bp_up_dn = resample(resample(bp, 2, 1, n_jobs='cuda'), 1, 2, n_jobs='cuda') assert_array_almost_equal(bp[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], bp_up_dn[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], 2) # test to make sure our resamling matches scipy's bp_up_dn = sp_resample(sp_resample(bp, 2 * bp.shape[-1], axis=-1, window='boxcar'), bp.shape[-1], window='boxcar', axis=-1) assert_array_almost_equal(bp[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], bp_up_dn[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore], 2) # make sure we don't alias t = np.array(list(range(sfreq * sig_len_secs))) / float(sfreq) # make sinusoid close to the Nyquist frequency sig = np.sin(2 * np.pi * sfreq / 2.2 * t) # signal should disappear with 2x downsampling sig_gone = resample(sig, 1, 2)[n_resamp_ignore:-n_resamp_ignore] assert_array_almost_equal(np.zeros_like(sig_gone), sig_gone, 2) # let's construct some filters iir_params = dict(ftype='cheby1', gpass=1, gstop=20, output='ba') iir_params = construct_iir_filter(iir_params, 40, 80, 1000, 'low') # this should be a third order filter assert iir_params['a'].size - 1 == 3 assert iir_params['b'].size - 1 == 3 iir_params = dict(ftype='butter', order=4, output='ba') iir_params = construct_iir_filter(iir_params, 40, None, 1000, 'low') assert iir_params['a'].size - 1 == 4 assert iir_params['b'].size - 1 == 4 iir_params = dict(ftype='cheby1', gpass=1, gstop=20) iir_params = construct_iir_filter(iir_params, 40, 80, 1000, 'low') # this should be a third order filter, which requires 2 SOS ((2, 6)) assert iir_params['sos'].shape == (2, 6) iir_params = dict(ftype='butter', order=4, output='sos') iir_params = construct_iir_filter(iir_params, 40, None, 1000, 'low') assert iir_params['sos'].shape == (2, 6) # check that picks work for 3d array with one channel and picks=[0] a = rng.randn(5 * sfreq, 5 * sfreq) b = a[:, None, :] a_filt = filter_data(a, sfreq, 4, 8, None, 400, 2.0, 2.0, fir_design='firwin') b_filt = filter_data(b, sfreq, 4, 8, [0], 400, 2.0, 2.0, fir_design='firwin') assert_array_equal(a_filt[:, None, :], b_filt) # check for n-dimensional case a = rng.randn(2, 2, 2, 2) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): pytest.raises(ValueError, filter_data, a, sfreq, 4, 8, np.array([0, 1]), 100, 1.0, 1.0) # check corner case (#4693) want_length = int(round(_length_factors['hamming'] * 1000. / 0.5)) want_length += (want_length % 2 == 0) assert want_length == 6601 h = create_filter(np.empty(10000), 1000., l_freq=None, h_freq=55., h_trans_bandwidth=0.5, method='fir', phase='zero-double', fir_design='firwin', verbose=True) assert len(h) == 6601 h = create_filter(np.empty(10000), 1000., l_freq=None, h_freq=55., h_trans_bandwidth=0.5, method='fir', phase='zero', fir_design='firwin', filter_length='7s', verbose=True) assert len(h) == 7001 h = create_filter(np.empty(10000), 1000., l_freq=None, h_freq=55., h_trans_bandwidth=0.5, method='fir', phase='zero-double', fir_design='firwin', filter_length='7s', verbose=True) assert len(h) == 8193 # next power of two
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD num_processes = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() Np = N / num_processes X = mgrid[rank * Np:(rank + 1) * Np, :N, :N].astype(float) * 2 * pi / N U = empty((3, Np, N, N)) U_hat = empty((3, N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) P = empty((Np, N, N)) P_hat = empty((N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) U_hat0 = empty((3, N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) U_hat1 = empty((3, N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) dU = empty((3, N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) Uc_hat = empty((N, Np, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) Uc_hatT = empty((Np, N, N / 2 + 1), dtype=complex) curl = empty((3, Np, N, N)) kx = fftfreq(N, 1. / N) kz = kx[:(N / 2 + 1)].copy() kz[-1] *= -1 K = array(meshgrid(kx, kx[rank * Np:(rank + 1) * Np], kz, indexing='ij'), dtype=int) K2 = sum(K * K, 0, dtype=int) K_over_K2 = K.astype(float) / where(K2 == 0, 1, K2).astype(float) kmax_dealias = 2. / 3. * (N / 2 + 1) dealias = array((abs(K[0]) < kmax_dealias) * (abs(K[1]) < kmax_dealias) * (abs(K[2]) < kmax_dealias), dtype=bool) a = [1. / 6., 1. / 3., 1. / 3., 1. / 6.] b = [0.5, 0.5, 1.] def fftn_mpi(u, fu):
sample_rate, noised_sigs = 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\sucai\\da_data\\noised.wav') times = np.arange(len(noised_sigs)) / sample_rate mp.figure("Filter", facecolor='lightgray') mp.subplot(2, 2, 1) mp.title("Time Domain", fontsize=16) mp.ylabel("Signal", fontsize=12) mp.tick_params(labelsize=8) mp.grid(linestyle=":") mp.plot(times[:178], noised_sigs[:178], c='dodgerblue', label='Noised Sigs') mp.legend() # 获取音频频域信息,绘制频域:频率/能量图像 freqs = nf.fftfreq(times.size, 1 / sample_rate) noised_ffts = nf.fft(noised_sigs) noised_pows = np.abs(noised_ffts) mp.subplot(222) mp.title("Frequency Domain", fontsize=16) mp.ylabel("Power", fontsize=12) mp.tick_params(labelsize=8) mp.grid(linestyle=":") mp.semilogy(freqs[freqs > 0], noised_pows[freqs > 0], c='orangered', label='Noised') mp.legend() # 将低频噪声去除后绘制音频频域:频率/能量图 fund_freq = freqs[noised_pows.argmax()]
def frequencies(self): return fftfreq(self.n_fft_samples, 1.0 / self.sampling_frequency)
timeVector = np.arange(0, 1, 1 / Fs) Audio, Fs ='guitarra.wav') #Audio= (np.sin(2*pi*f*timeVector) + np.sin(2*50*pi*f*timeVector) + np.sin(2*100*pi*f*timeVector))/3 #Audio= np.sin(2*pi*f*timeVector) abc = ola(), 2), Fs) sd.wait() #sf.write('speech_dobleDuracion.wav',abc.y,Fs) n = len(Audio) timeVector = np.arange(0, n * (1 / Fs), 1 / Fs) n = len(Audio) frecVector = fftfreq(n) espectroVector = fft(Audio) mask = frecVector > 0 truefft = 2.0 * np.abs(espectroVector / n) plt.figure(3) plt.plot(frecVector[mask], truefft[mask], linewidth=4) n1 = len(abc.y) frecVector1 = fftfreq(n1) espectroVector1 = fft(abc.y) mask1 = frecVector1 > 0 truefft1 = 2.0 * np.abs(espectroVector1 / n) plt.plot(frecVector1[mask1], truefft1[mask1], linewidth=3) plt.xlabel('Fs' + '[' + str(Fs) + 'Hz' + ']') plt.ylabel('Potencia')
z = np.real(sig[:, 0, :]) lim = np.max(np.abs(z)) plt.pcolormesh(expand_axis(t_1), expand_axis(t_3), z.T,, vmin=-lim, vmax=lim) levels = np.linspace(-lim, lim, 11) plt.contour(t_1, t_3, z.T, levels=levels, colors='0.8', linewidths=0.5) outname = fn[:-4] + ".png" plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.15) plt.savefig(outname) f_1 = phz2ev(fftshift(fftfreq(t_1.size, t_1[1] - t_1[0]))) #f_2 = phz2ev(fftshift(fftfreq(t_2.size, t_2[1]-t_2[0]))) f_3 = phz2ev(fftshift(fftfreq(t_3.size, t_3[1] - t_3[0]))) for fresp in ["sr", "sn", "sa"]: fn = "{}_{}.bin".format(rootname, fresp) sig = np.memmap(pth.join(fld, fn), dtype=np.complex128, shape=(t1_n, t2_n, t3_n), order="F") plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4), dpi=300) z = np.real(sig[:, 0, :]) lim = np.max(np.abs(z)) plt.pcolormesh(expand_axis(f_1), expand_axis(f_3), z.T,
xn = x - np.mean(x) yn = y - np.mean(y) zn = z - np.mean(z) # ------------------------------------ # DFT # ------------------------------------ #calculate time step: n = len(x) timeStep = t / n zf = fft.fft(zn) / n xf = fft.fft(xn) / n yf = fft.fft(yn) / n freq = fft.fftfreq(n, d=timeStep) # ------------------------------------ # ZAPIS # ------------------------------------ filename = strftime("%d_%H_%M_%S", gmtime()) np.savetxt('logs/' + filename + '.txt', (np.real(xf), np.real(yf), np.real(zf), freq), fmt='%.7e', newline='\n') print("Files saved ({}).\n".format(filename)) # ------------------------------------
def simulator(spectrum, isotopomers, transitions=[[-0.5, 0.5]], nt=90, number_of_sidebands=128): B0 = spectrum["magnetic_flux_density"] spin_frequency = spectrum["rotor_frequency"] rotor_angle = spectrum["rotor_angle"] frequency_scaling_factor = spectrum["gyromagnetic_ratio"] * B0 number_of_points = spectrum["number_of_points"] spectral_width = spectrum["spectral_width"] reference_offset = spectrum["reference_offset"] frequency = (np.arange(number_of_points) / number_of_points) - 0.5 frequency *= spectral_width frequency += reference_offset increment = frequency[1] - frequency[0] if spin_frequency < 1.0e-3: spin_frequency = 1.0e9 rotor_angle = 0.0 number_of_sidebands = 1 shift_half_bin = 0.5 # orientations cos_alpha, cos_beta, orientation_amp = polar_coordinates(nt) orientation_amp /= np.float64(number_of_sidebands) n_orientation = cos_beta.size # sideband freq vr_freq = fftfreq(number_of_sidebands, d=1.0 / number_of_sidebands) vr_freq *= spin_frequency / increment # wigner matrix wigner_2 = wigner_matrices(2, cos_beta) # rotor to lab frame transformation lab_vector_2 = rotation_lab(2, rotor_angle) # pre phase pre_phase = pre_phase_components(number_of_sidebands, spin_frequency) # allocate memory for calculations R2_out = np.empty((n_orientation, 5), dtype=np.complex128) spectrum = np.zeros(number_of_points) shape = (n_orientation, number_of_sidebands) temp = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.complex128) sideband_amplitude = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64) local_frequency = np.empty(n_orientation, dtype=np.float64) freq_offset = np.empty(n_orientation, dtype=np.float64) offset = np.empty(number_of_sidebands, dtype=np.float64) # start calculating the spectrum for every site in every isotopomer. for isotopomer in isotopomers: sites = isotopomer["sites"] spec = np.zeros(number_of_points) for transition in transitions: for site in sites: iso = site["isotropic_chemical_shift"] if iso.unit.physical_type == "dimensionless": iso = iso.value * frequency_scaling_factor else: iso = iso.value zeta = site["shielding_symmetric"]["anisotropy"] if zeta.unit.physical_type == "dimensionless": zeta = zeta.value * frequency_scaling_factor else: zeta = zeta.value eta = site["shielding_symmetric"]["asymmetry"] # Hailtonian # nuclear shielding R0, R2 = NS(iso, zeta, eta) scale = tf.p(transition[1], transition[0]) R0 *= scale R2 *= scale local_frequency_offset = (shift_half_bin + (R0 - frequency[0]) / increment) # rotation from PAS to Rotor frame over all orientations R2_out = rotation(2, R2, wigner_matrix=wigner_2, cos_alpha=cos_alpha) # rotation from rotor to lab frame over all orientations R2_out *= lab_vector_2 # calculating side-band amplitudes temp[:] = fft(exp(dot(R2_out, pre_phase[2:7])), axis=-1) sideband_amplitude[:] = temp.real**2 + temp.imag**2 sideband_amplitude *= orientation_amp[:, np.newaxis] # calculating local frequencies local_frequency[:] = R2_out[:, 2].real / increment # interpolate in-between the frequencies to generate a smooth spectrum. offset[:] = vr_freq + local_frequency_offset # print("before", default_timer() - start0) for j, shift in enumerate(offset): if int(shift) >= 0 and int(shift) <= number_of_points: freq_offset[:] = shift + local_frequency # This is the slowest part of the code. averager(spec, freq_offset, nt, sideband_amplitude[:, j]) # np.vectorize(averager(spec, freq_offset, # nt, sideband_amplitude[:, j])) # print("time for computing site", default_timer() - start0) # average over all spins spectrum += spec * isotopomer["abundance"] return frequency, spectrum
f = gauss_1d(x0, a=a, w=px2m(w) / 4, x0=px2m(0)) aperture = rect_1d(x0, w=px2m(width - 10)) # todo # f2 = np.zeros((x0.size * 2)) # f2[:f.size] = f # f2[f.size:] = f[::-1] # f, x = f2, x2 x = x0 r = np.sqrt(x**2 + r0**2) phase = wave_number * r field = np.sqrt(f) * np.exp(-1j * phase) # * aperture nu_x = fftfreq(f.size, d=dx) kx = 1j * 2 * np.pi * nu_x exp_term = np.sqrt(1 - (wavelength * nu_x)**2) h = np.exp(1j * wave_number * mm2m(z) * exp_term) field_z = ifft(fft(field) * h) f_z, phase_z = np.abs(field_z)**2, np.angle(field_z) np_gradient = np.gradient(f_z, dx) fft_gradient = ifft(fft(f_z) * kx) fft_gradient_real = real(ifft(fft(f_z) * kx)) error = np.abs(fft_gradient - np_gradient) # error_real = np.abs(fft_gradient_real-np_gradient) # error[error < 1e-20] = 1e-15
def __init__(self, ase_cell: Atoms, vspin: int, n1: int, n2: int, n3: int, atomic_density_files: dict = None): # define cell self.R = ase_cell.get_cell() * angstrom_to_bohr self.G = 2 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(self.R).T assert np.all( np.isclose(, self.G.T), 2 * np.pi * np.eye(3))) = np.linalg.det(self.R) self.atoms = list( Atom(sample=self, ase_atom=atom) for atom in ase_cell) self.natoms = len(self.atoms) self.species = sorted(set([atom.symbol for atom in self.atoms])) self.nspecies = len(self.species) # define fragments and constraints list self.fragments = [] self.constraints = [] # define vspin and FFT grid self.vspin = vspin self.n1, self.n2, self.n3 = n1, n2, n3 self.n = n1 * n2 * n3 # define energies, forces and wavefunction self.Ed = None self.Ec = None self.W = None self.Fd = None self.Fc = None self.Fw = None self.wfc = None # define charge density and promolecule charge densities self.rho_r = None self.rhopro_tot_r = None self.rhoatom_g = {} self.rhoatom_rd = {} # compute the norm of all G vectors on the [n1, n2, n3] grid G1, G2, G3 = self.G # all Gx,Gy,Gz values G1s = np.outer(G1, fftfreq(n1, d=1. / n1)) G2s = np.outer(G2, fftfreq(n2, d=1. / n2)) G3s = np.outer(G3, fftfreq(n3, d=1. / n3)) # make grid from G1s, G2s,G3s using Python built-in broadcasting self.Gx_g = (G1s[0, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + G2s[0, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] + G3s[0, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]) self.Gy_g = (G1s[1, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + G2s[1, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] + G3s[1, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]) self.Gz_g = (G1s[2, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + G2s[2, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] + G3s[2, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]) self.G2_g = self.Gx_g**2 + self.Gy_g**2 + self.Gz_g**2 # compute atomic density for all species if atomic_density_files is not None: # read atomic density from file for s in self.species: rho_r, ase_cell = read_cube_data(atomic_density_files[s]) omega = ase_cell.get_volume() * angstrom_to_bohr**3 assert rho_r.shape == (n1, n2, n3) # in order to have rhoatom_g on commensurate grid # as generated by fftfreq, roll around rho_r1 = np.roll(rho_r, n1 // 2, axis=0) rho_r2 = np.roll(rho_r1, n2 // 2, axis=1) rho_r3 = np.roll(rho_r2, n3 // 2, axis=2) # self.rhoatom_g[s] = omega / self.n * fftn(rho_r3) self.rhoatom_g[s] = omega / self.n * fftn(rho_r3) else: # calculate atomic density from pre-computed spherically-averaged atomic density # located in atomic/rho # define mapping from all G vectors to G vectors with unique norm # i.e., repeated |G| are excluded # tocheck: is 5A cutoff for atomic densities sufficient # tocheck: is 0.02 integration step sufficient # rd_grid size set to [251,]; 5 Ang cutoff with 0.02 Ang step # Gmapping, rho_g: n1 x n2 x n3 # sinrG: rd_grid x unique |G| G2_d = np.sort(np.array(list(set(self.G2_g.flatten())))) self.Gmapping = np.searchsorted(G2_d, self.G2_g) self.G_d = np.sqrt(G2_d) self.sinrG = np.sin(np.outer(rd_grid, self.G_d)) # rho(G) = 4 pi int( rho(r) r sinGr / G ) # rho(G=0) = 4 pi int( rho(r) r^2 ) = nel / omega for s in self.species: rho_rd = np.loadtxt("{}/{}.spavr".format(rho_path, s), dtype=float)[:, 1] rho_rd[rho_rd < 0] = 0 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") rho_d = 4 * np.pi * drd * np.einsum( "r,rg->g", rho_rd * rd_grid, self.sinrG / self.G_d) rho_g = rho_d[self.Gmapping] rho_g[0, 0, 0] = 4 * np.pi * drd * np.sum(rho_rd * rd_grid**2) fac = SG15PP[s]["nel"] / rho_g[0, 0, 0] rho_rd *= fac rho_g *= fac # normalize charge density self.rhoatom_g[s] = rho_g self.rhoatom_rd[s] = rho_rd
def interpolate_subband(self, nfi, df, f0, full_output=False): ''' interpolates a sub-band between fMin and fMax by taking a windowed FFT at a bandwidth twice the requested bandwidth, extrapolating and interpolating the delay-transform transform, and FT-ing back. ''' change_nfi = False fMin = f0 - nfi / 2 * df if fMin < self.fAxis.min(): fMin = self.fAxis.min() change_nfi = True fMax = f0 + (nfi / 2 - 1) * df if fMax > self.fAxis.max(): fMax = self.fAxis.max() change_nfi = True if change_nfi: nfi = int(np.round(fMax / df - fMin / df)) f0 = fMin + nfi / 2 * df fAxis_interp = f0 + np.arange(-nfi / 2, nfi / 2) * df tAxis_interp = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(nfi, df)) b = fMax - fMin select_max = np.min([self.fAxis.max(), f0 + b]) select_min = np.max([self.fAxis.min(), f0 - b]) selection = np.logical_and(self.fAxis >= select_min, self.fAxis <= select_max) nf = len(self.fAxis[selection]) if np.mod(nf, 2) == 1: nf += 1 maxind = np.where(selection)[0].max() if maxind < len(selection) - 1: selection[maxind + 1] = True else: minind = np.where(selection)[0].min() if minind > 0: selection[minind - 1] = True else: nf -= 2 selection[maxind] = False sub_band = self.gainFrequency[selection] sub_fAxis = self.fAxis[selection] window = signal.blackmanharris(nf) delay_band = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.fftshift(sub_band * window))) sub_tAxis = fft.fftshift( fft.fftfreq(len(sub_band), self.fAxis[1] - self.fAxis[0])) maxTime = sub_tAxis.max() minTimeExt = maxTime * 1. / 3. maxTimeExt = maxTime * 2. / 3. ext_select = np.logical_and(sub_tAxis <= maxTimeExt, sub_tAxis >= minTimeExt) ext_poly = np.polyfit(sub_tAxis[ext_select], np.log10(np.abs(delay_band[ext_select])), 1) interp_func_abs = interp.interp1d(sub_tAxis, np.log10(np.abs(delay_band))) interp_func_arg = interp.interp1d(sub_tAxis, np.angle(delay_band)) band_interp = np.zeros(nfi, dtype=complex) select_interp = np.logical_and(tAxis_interp >= 0, tAxis_interp < maxTimeExt) band_interp[select_interp] = 10**(interp_func_abs( tAxis_interp[select_interp])) * np.exp( 1j * interp_func_arg(tAxis_interp[select_interp])) select_ext = tAxis_interp >= maxTimeExt band_interp[select_ext] = 10**(tAxis_interp[select_ext] * ext_poly[0] + ext_poly[1]) #band_interp[select_ext]=0. window_interp_func = interp.interp1d( sub_fAxis, signal.blackmanharris(len(sub_band))) wFactor = 1. / ((fAxis_interp.max() - fAxis_interp.min()) / (sub_fAxis.max() - sub_fAxis.min())) if DEBUG: print(wFactor) band_interp_f = fft.fftshift(fft.fft( fft.fftshift(band_interp))) * wFactor window_corr = window_interp_func(fAxis_interp) #band_interp_f/=window_corr if full_output: return sub_tAxis, delay_band, sub_fAxis, sub_band, tAxis_interp, band_interp, fAxis_interp, band_interp_f else: return fAxis_interp, band_interp_f
def main(): from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogx, plot, show, xlim, ylim, figure, legend, subplot, bar from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq, fftshift, ifft from numpy import log10, linspace, interp, angle, array, concatenate N = 2048 * 2 * 2 fs = float(SAMPLING_RATE) Nchannels = 20 low_freq = 20. impulse = zeros(N) impulse[N / 2] = 1 f = 1000. #impulse = sin(2*pi*f*arange(0, N/fs, 1./fs)) #[ERBforward, ERBfeedback] = MakeERBFilters(fs, Nchannels, low_freq) #y = ERBFilterBank(ERBforward, ERBfeedback, impulse) BandsPerOctave = 3 Nbands = NOCTAVE * BandsPerOctave [B, A, fi, fl, fh] = octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave) y, zfs = octave_filter_bank(B, A, impulse) #print "Filter lengths without decimation" #for b, a in zip(B, A): # print len(b), len(a) response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(y))) freqScale = fftfreq(N, 1. / fs) figure() subplot(211) for i in range(0, response.shape[0]): semilogx(freqScale[0:N / 2], response[i, 0:N / 2]) xlim(fs / 2000, fs) ylim(-70, 10) subplot(212) m = 0 for f in fi: p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean()) m += 1 semilogx(f, p, 'ko') Ndec = 3 fc = 0.5 # other possibilities #(bdec, adec) = ellip(Ndec, 0.05, 30, fc) #print bdec #(bdec, adec) = cheby1(Ndec, 0.05, fc) #(bdec, adec) = butter(Ndec, fc) (bdec, adec) = iirdesign(0.48, 0.50, 0.05, 70, analog=0, ftype='ellip', output='ba') #bdec = firwin(30, fc) #adec = [1.] figure() subplot(211) response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(impulse))) plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="impulse") y = lfilter(bdec, adec, impulse) response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(y))) plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass") ydec = y[::2].repeat(2) response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec))) plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2") ydec2 = interp(list(range(0, len(y))), list(range(0, len(y), 2)), y[::2]) response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec2))) plot(fftshift(freqScale), fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2") ydec3 = y[::2] response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(ydec3))) freqScale2 = fftfreq(N / 2, 2. / fs) plot(freqScale2, fftshift(response), label="lowpass + dec2") legend(loc="lower left") subplot(212) plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), impulse, label="impulse") plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), y, label="lowpass") plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), ydec, label="lowpass + dec2 + repeat2") plot(list(range(0, len(impulse))), ydec2, label="lowpass + dec2 + interp2") plot(list(range(0, len(impulse), 2)), ydec3, label="lowpass + dec2") legend() [boct, aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(Nbands, BandsPerOctave) y, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse) #print "Filter lengths with decimation" #print len(bdec), len(adec) #for b, a in zip(boct, aoct): # print len(b), len(a) figure() subplot(211) for yone, d in zip(y, dec): response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(yone)) * d) freqScale = fftfreq(N / d, 1. / (fs / d)) semilogx(freqScale[0:N / (2 * d)], response[0:N / (2 * d)]) xlim(fs / 2000, fs) ylim(-70, 10) subplot(212) m = 0 for i in range(0, NOCTAVE): for f in fi: p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean()) semilogx(f / dec[m], p, 'ko') m += 1 [boct, aoct, fi, flow, fhigh] = octave_filters_oneoctave(Nbands, BandsPerOctave) y1, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse[0:N / 2]) y2, dec, zfs = octave_filter_bank_decimation(bdec, adec, boct, aoct, impulse[N / 2:], zis=zfs) y = [] for y1one, y2one in zip(y1, y2): y += [concatenate((y1one, y2one))] figure() subplot(211) for yone, d in zip(y, dec): response = 20. * log10(abs(fft(yone)) * d) freqScale = fftfreq(N / d, 1. / (fs / d)) semilogx(freqScale[0:N / (2 * d)], response[0:N / (2 * d)]) xlim(fs / 2000, fs) ylim(-70, 10) subplot(212) m = 0 for i in range(0, NOCTAVE): for f in fi: p = 10. * log10((y[m]**2).mean()) semilogx(f / dec[m], p, 'ko') m += 1 generate_filters_params() show()
flsig4 = (bpf1(data)) flsig5 = (bpf2(data)) flsig6 = (bpf3(data)) plt.title("segmented signal") plt.plot(flsig4, color='green') plt.plot(flsig5, color='blue') plt.plot(flsig6, color='red') datafft4 = fft_plot(flsig4, "fft :: song 1 no shift") datafft5 = fft_plot(flsig5, "fft :: song 2 no shift") datafft6 = fft_plot(flsig6, "fft :: song 3 no shift") plt.title("segmented signals :: Fourier Transform") freq = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(datafft4.shape[-1])) plt.plot(freq, np.abs(datafft4), color='green') plt.plot(freq, np.abs(datafft5), color='blue') plt.plot(freq, np.abs(datafft6), color='red') flsig4 = lpf(flsig4 * w1) flsig5 = lpf(flsig5 * w2) flsig6 = lpf(flsig6 * w3) plt.title("segmented signal") plt.plot(flsig4, color='green') plt.plot(flsig5, color='blue') plt.plot(flsig6, color='red')
def compute_fta(xcor, time, fs, distance, alpha, periods, vmin=1, vmax=5, snr_threshold=4.0): # functions used within Frequency Time Analysis routine def compute_instantaneous(xcor, fs): analytic = signal.hilbert(xcor) env = abs(analytic) instantaneous_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(analytic)) instantaneous_frequency = (np.diff(instantaneous_phase) / (2.0 * np.pi) * fs) instantaneous_frequency = np.append(instantaneous_frequency, 0) # to have the same number of points return env, instantaneous_frequency def split_trace(trace, time): n = int(np.floor((len(time)) / 2)) # index of 0 value on time axis matrix = np.zeros(shape=(4, n)) matrix[0, :] = trace[n:-1] # casual matrix[1, :] = np.flipud(trace[1:n + 1]) # acausal matrix[2, :] = matrix[0, :] + matrix[1, :] # symmetric matrix[3, :] = time[n:-1] # time return matrix def compute_max(trace, start, stop): max_index = np.argmax(trace) if max_index == (start - 1) or max_index == (stop - 1): local_index = argrelextrema(trace, np.greater)[0] local_value = trace[local_index] if len(local_index) > 1: sorted = np.argsort(local_value)[::-1] max_index = sorted[1] return max_index # define temporal window of interest to isolate surface waves start = int(distance / vmax * fs) stop = int(distance / vmin * fs) window_index = np.arange(start, stop) window_length = stop - start # matrices to store information on the group velocity and instantaneous period for plotting/saving amplitude = np.zeros(shape=(3, window_length, len(periods))) phase = np.zeros(shape=(3, window_length, len(periods))) trace_label = ["P", "N", "S"] # matrices to store group velocities and periods for plotting group_velocities = np.zeros(shape=(3, len(periods))) group_periods = np.zeros(shape=(3, len(periods))) # to be filled with acceptable group velocities output_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(3, len(periods))) * np.nan # compute fft for the entire xcor just once xfft = fft(xcor) freqs = fftfreq(len(xcor), d=fs) # freqs = np.linspace(0,fs,len(time)) # loop over periods for k, T in enumerate( periods): # enumerate to get index and value of interst # construct Gaussian filter filter_gaussian = np.exp(-((freqs - 1. / T) / (alpha * 1. / T))**2) # Gaussian window # multiply fft of signal by filter in the frequency domain (colvolution) xfilter = xfft * filter_gaussian # inverse Fourier transform back into time domain & keep only real components xfreal = ifft(xfilter).real # now check SNR for given period using Gaussian windowed trace snr_period = compute_snr_period(xfreal, distance, fs) # skip to next period if snr too low for any component if min(snr_period) < snr_threshold: continue # get instantaneous amplitudes (envelope) and frequencies x_env, x_phase = compute_instantaneous(xfreal, fs) env_3 = split_trace(x_env, time) # matrix of causal, acausal, symmetric parts per_3 = split_trace(x_phase, time) # matrix of phase info for 3 traces # make sure stations aren't too far apart or too close if stop > len(env_3[0]) or start < 1: return False for j in range(3): #loop over causal, acausal, symmetric components # extract tempoeral window of interest for plotting # this copies the entries in env_3[j] with indices in [window_index] # to the middle index in amplitude amplitude[j, :, k] = env_3[j][window_index] # extract tempoeral window of interest for disperion curve phase[j, :, k] = per_3[j][window_index] # get group velocity information env_3[j][0:start] = 0. env_3[j][stop:] = 0. max_index = compute_max(env_3[j], start, stop) travel_time = env_3[3][max_index] if travel_time == 0: gvel = np.nan # group velocity measurement gper = np.nan # corresponding phase else: total_time = travel_time gvel = distance / total_time # save group velocity and group period group_velocities[j][k] = gvel group_periods[j][k] = T # prune based on wavelength for i in range(3): for period_index, T in enumerate(periods): velocity = group_velocities[i, period_index] if velocity == 0: continue # check min number of wavelengths wavelength = velocity * T if not wavelength > 0: continue n_waves = int(distance / wavelength) if n_waves < 2: continue output_matrix[i, period_index] = round(velocity, 4) # prune based on mismatch between causal and acausal measurements for i in range(len(periods)): difference = abs(output_matrix[0, i] - output_matrix[1, i]) if difference < 0.2: continue else: output_matrix[:, i] = np.nan # prune based on maximum velocity for i in range(len(periods)): if max(output_matrix[:, i]) >= vmax: output_matrix[:, i] = np.nan # return valid group velocity measurements return output_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq, ifft from numpy import cosh as cosh from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation N = 400 length = 100 dx = length / N x = dx * np.arange(N) k = 2 * np.pi / length * fftfreq(N) * N #initial soliton solution profile beta = 0.5 soliton_i = 0.5 * beta / (cosh((beta)**0.5 / 2 * (x - length / 2)))**2 #soliton_i = beta/2 * ( cosh( sqrt(beta)/2 * (x-length/2) ) )**(-2.) L_ = -(1j * k)**3 def N_(u): return -6 * 0.5 * 1j * k * fft(u**2) #time step dt = 0.05
v2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2) v2.scatter(x1,y1) y = interp.interp1d(x1,y1, kind = "cubic") x = np.linspace(0,6,1000) v2.plot(x,y(x), c="r") plt.legend(["datos", "cubica"]) plt.savefig("interp.png") n=100 x= np.linspace(0,2*3.14,n) y = np.sin(x) +np.random.rand(n) yo = f.fftshift( f.fft(y) ) xo = f.fftshift( f.fftfreq(n) ) plt.figure() v1 =plt.subplot(4,1,1) v1.plot(xo,abs(yo),label="fourier") plt.legend() v2 =plt.subplot(4,1,2) v2.plot(x,y,label="funcion") plt.legend() yo[abs(xo) > 0.01] = 0 #delta = np.where(abs(xo) > 0) v3 =plt.subplot(4,1,3) plt.xlim(-1.0,1.0)
'../ML/data/freq.wav') # ./ML 当前目录的ML文件夹, ../ML 上一级目录的ML文件夹 print(sample_rate) # 44100 采样率 print(sigs.shape) # (132300,) 单声道 一列 print('time_wav = ', sigs.shape[0] / sample_rate, 's') # 音频播放时长 print(sigs[:5]) # [ -3893 -18346 -10040 19031 30756] / 2**15 == 声场强度 sigs = sigs / 2**15 print(sigs) #[-0.11880493 -0.55987549 -0.30639648 0.58078003 0.93859863 0.17752075 # -0.40713501 -0.37188721 0.23010254 0.79000854 0.60708618 -0.33999634 # -0.45401001 -0.03741455 0.72381592 0.71847534 -0.00985718 -0.65844727 # -0.23483276 0.56091309 0.84158325 0.03463745 -0.5508728 -0.49267578 # 0.39089966 0.89395142 0.54898071 -0.48608398 -0.44085693 0.05752563] times = np.arange(sigs.shape[0]) / sample_rate freqs = nf.fftfreq( len(sigs), d=1 / sample_rate # 采样周期 = 1/ 采样频率 ) ffts = nf.fft(sigs) # 快速傅里叶变换 pows = np.abs(ffts) plt.figure('Audio_Signal', facecolor='gray') plt.title('Audio_Signal') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Signal') plt.tick_params(labelsize=10) plt.grid(linestyle=':') plt.plot(times, sigs, '-', c='purple', label='Signal') plt.legend() plt.figure('Audio_Frequency', facecolor='gray') plt.title('Audio_Frequency')
IMU2_X_gt[i] = 0 if IMU2_Y[i]>-thresh and IMU2_Y[i]<thresh: IMU2_Y_gt[i] = 0 if IMU2_Z[i]>-thresh and IMU2_Z[i]<thresh: IMU2_Z_gt[i] = 0 IMU1_X_gt = np.array(IMU1_X_gt) IMU1_Y_gt = np.array(IMU1_Y_gt) IMU1_Z_gt = np.array(IMU1_Z_gt) IMU2_X_gt = np.array(IMU2_X_gt) IMU2_Y_gt = np.array(IMU2_Y_gt) IMU2_Z_gt = np.array(IMU2_Z_gt) #-------FFT ------------- n =len(IMU1_X_raw) freqs = fftfreq(n) idx = np.argsort(freqs) mask = freqs > 0 #fft values fft_IMU1_X_raw = fft(IMU1_X_raw) fft_IMU1_Y_raw = fft(IMU1_Y_raw) fft_IMU1_Z_raw = fft(IMU1_Z_raw) fft_IMU2_X_raw = fft(IMU2_X_raw) fft_IMU2_Y_raw = fft(IMU2_Y_raw) fft_IMU2_Z_raw = fft(IMU2_Z_raw) # true theorical fft fft_th_IMU1_X_raw = 2.0*np.abs(fft_IMU1_X_raw) fft_th_IMU1_Y_raw = 2.0*np.abs(fft_IMU1_Y_raw) fft_th_IMU1_Z_raw = 2.0*np.abs(fft_IMU1_Z_raw) fft_th_IMU2_X_raw = 2.0*np.abs(fft_IMU2_X_raw) fft_th_IMU2_Y_raw = 2.0*np.abs(fft_IMU2_Y_raw)
def fourier_fit(x, y, n_predict=0, x_smooth=None, n_pts=n_pts_smooth, n_harm=default_fourier_n_harm): """ Creates a Fourier fit of a NumPy array. Also supports extrapolation. Credit goes to Parameters ---------- x, y: numpy.ndarray 1D NumPy arrays of the x and y values to fit to. Must not contain NaNs. n_predict: int The number of points to extrapolate. The points will be spaced evenly by the mean spacing of values in `x`. x_smooth: list-like, optional The exact x values to interpolate for. Supercedes `n_pts`. n_pts: int, optional The number of evenly spaced points spanning the range of `x` to interpolate for. n_harm: int The number of harmonics to use. A higher value yields a closer fit. Returns ------- x_smooth, y_smooth: numpy.ndarray The smoothed x and y values of the curve fit. """ if x_smooth is None: x_smooth_inds = np.linspace(0, len(x) - 1, n_pts) x_smooth = np.interp(x_smooth_inds, np.arange(len(x)), x) n_predict_smooth = int((len(x_smooth) / len(x)) * n_predict) # These points are evenly spaced for the fourier fit implementation we use. # More points are selected than are in `x_smooth` so we can interpolate accurately. fourier_mult_pts = 2 x_smooth_fourier = np.linspace(x_smooth.min(), x_smooth.max(), fourier_mult_pts * len(x_smooth)) y_smooth_fourier = np.interp(x_smooth_fourier, x, y) n_predict_smooth_fourier = int( (len(x_smooth_fourier) / len(x)) * n_predict) # Perform the Fourier fit and extrapolation. n = y_smooth_fourier.size t = np.arange(0, n) p = np.polyfit(t, y_smooth_fourier, 1) # find linear trend in arr x_notrend = y_smooth_fourier - p[0] * t # detrended arr x_freqdom = fft.fft(x_notrend) # detrended arr in frequency domain f = fft.fftfreq(n) # frequencies # sort indexes by frequency, lower -> higher indexes = list(range(n)) indexes.sort(key=lambda i: np.absolute(x_freqdom[i])) indexes.reverse() t = np.arange(0, n + n_predict_smooth_fourier) restored_sig = np.zeros(t.size) for i in indexes[:1 + n_harm * 2]: ampli = np.absolute(x_freqdom[i]) / n # amplitude phase = np.angle(x_freqdom[i]) # phase restored_sig += ampli * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[i] * t + phase) y_smooth_fourier = restored_sig + p[0] * t # Find the points in `x_smooth_fourier` that are near to points in `x_smooth` # and then interpolate the y values to match the new x values. x_smooth = x_smooth_fourier[np.searchsorted(x_smooth_fourier, x_smooth)] # Ensure `x_smooth` includes the extrapolations. mean_x_smooth_space = np.diff(x_smooth).mean() x_predict_smooth = np.linspace( x_smooth[-1] + mean_x_smooth_space, x_smooth[-1] + mean_x_smooth_space * n_predict_smooth, n_predict_smooth) x_smooth = np.concatenate((x_smooth, x_predict_smooth)) # Ensure `x_smooth_fourier` includes the extrapolations. mean_x_smooth_fourier_space = np.diff(x_smooth).mean() x_predict_smooth_fourier = \ np.linspace( x_smooth_fourier[-1] + mean_x_smooth_fourier_space, x_smooth_fourier[-1] + mean_x_smooth_fourier_space * n_predict_smooth_fourier, n_predict_smooth_fourier) x_smooth_fourier = np.concatenate( (x_smooth_fourier, x_predict_smooth_fourier)) y_smooth = np.interp(x_smooth, x_smooth_fourier, y_smooth_fourier) return x_smooth, y_smooth
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ The following parameters must be specified X_gridDIM - the coordinate grid size X_amplitude - maximum value of the coordinates P_gridDIM - the momentum grid size P_amplitude - maximum value of the momentum V(x) - potential energy (as a function) K(p) - momentum dependent part of the hamiltonian (as a function) kT - the temperature (if kT = 0, then the ground state Wigner function will be obtained.) dbeta - (optional) 1/kT step size """ # save all attributes for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) # Check that all attributes were specified try: self.X_gridDIM except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Coordinate grid size (X_gridDIM) was not specified") assert self.X_gridDIM % 2 == 0, "Coordinate grid size (X_gridDIM) must be even" try: self.P_gridDIM except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Momentum grid size (P_gridDIM) was not specified") assert self.P_gridDIM % 2 == 0, "Momentum grid size (P_gridDIM) must be even" try: self.X_amplitude except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Coordinate grid range (X_amplitude) was not specified") try: self.P_amplitude except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Momentum grid range (P_amplitude) was not specified") try: self.V except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Potential energy (V) was not specified") try: self.K except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Momentum dependence (K) was not specified") try: self.kT except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Temperature (kT) was not specified") if self.kT > 0: try: self.dbeta except AttributeError: # if dbeta is not defined, just choose some value self.dbeta = 0.01 # get number of dbeta steps to reach the desired Gibbs state self.num_beta_steps = 1. / (self.kT * self.dbeta) if round(self.num_beta_steps) != self.num_beta_steps: # Changing self.dbeta so that num_beta_steps is an exact integer self.num_beta_steps = round(self.num_beta_steps) self.dbeta = 1. / (self.kT * self.num_beta_steps) self.num_beta_steps = int(self.num_beta_steps) else: raise NotImplemented( "The calculation of the ground state Wigner function has not been implemnted" ) ################################################################################### # # Generate grids # ################################################################################### # get coordinate and momentum step sizes self.dX = 2. * self.X_amplitude / self.X_gridDIM self.dP = 2. * self.P_amplitude / self.P_gridDIM # coordinate grid self.X = np.linspace(-self.X_amplitude, self.X_amplitude - self.dX, self.X_gridDIM) self.X = self.X[np.newaxis, :] # Lambda grid (variable conjugate to the coordinate) self.Lambda = fft.fftfreq(self.X_gridDIM, self.dX / (2 * np.pi)) # take only first half, as required by the real fft self.Lambda = self.Lambda[:(1 + self.X_gridDIM // 2)] # self.Lambda = self.Lambda[np.newaxis, :] # momentum grid self.P = np.linspace(-self.P_amplitude, self.P_amplitude - self.dP, self.P_gridDIM) self.P = self.P[:, np.newaxis] # Theta grid (variable conjugate to the momentum) self.Theta = fft.fftfreq(self.P_gridDIM, self.dP / (2 * np.pi)) # take only first half, as required by the real fft self.Theta = self.Theta[:(1 + self.P_gridDIM // 2)] # self.Theta = self.Theta[:, np.newaxis] ################################################################################### # # Pre-calculate exponents used for the split operator propagation # ################################################################################### # Get the sum of the potential energy contributions self.expV = self.V(self.X - 0.5 * self.Theta) + self.V(self.X + 0.5 * self.Theta) self.expV *= -0.25 * self.dbeta # Make sure that the largest value is zero self.expV -= self.expV.max() # such that the following exponent is never larger then one np.exp(self.expV, out=self.expV) # Get the sum of the kinetic energy contributions self.expK = self.K(self.P + 0.5 * self.Lambda) + self.K(self.P - 0.5 * self.Lambda) self.expK *= -0.5 * self.dbeta # Make sure that the largest value is zero self.expK -= self.expK.max() # such that the following exponent is never larger then one np.exp(self.expK, out=self.expK)