Example #1
    def FFT(self):
        for o in self.object_list:
            x_list = []
            y_list = []
            # print o.chaincode
            print "----"
            print o.object_name + "_1 " + str(o.point_list[0][0]) + " " + str(o.point_list[0][1]) + " 1 1"
            for d in o.chaincode:
                print d,
            print "-1"
            print "----"
            x = y = 0
            for d in o.chaincode:
                x += DIRECTION_MATRIX[d][0]
                y -= DIRECTION_MATRIX[d][1]
            n_point = len(x_list)
            x_fft_result = fft.rfft(x_list)
            y_fft_result = fft.rfft(y_list)
            for i in range(20):
                x = x_fft_result[i]
                y = y_fft_result[i]
                print "%e %e %e %e" % ( x.real, x.imag, y.real, y.imag )

            x_list_2 = fft.irfft(x_fft_result[0:10], n_point)
            y_list_2 = fft.irfft(y_fft_result[0:10], n_point)

            print "x"
            print x_list
            print x_list_2
            print "y"
            print y_list
            print y_list_2
Example #2
def fft_lowpass(nelevation, low_bound, high_bound):
    """ Performs a low pass filter on the nelevation series.
    low_bound and high_bound specifes the boundary of the filter.
    import numpy.fft as F
    if len(nelevation) % 2:
        result = F.rfft(nelevation, len(nelevation))
        result = F.rfft(nelevation)
    freq = F.fftfreq(len(nelevation))[:len(nelevation)/2]
    factor = np.ones_like(result)
    factor[freq > low_bound] = 0.0
    sl = np.logical_and(high_bound < freq, freq < low_bound)
    a = factor[sl]
    # Create float array of required length and reverse
    a = np.arange(len(a) + 2).astype(float)[::-1]
    # Ramp from 1 to 0 exclusive
    a = (a/a[0])[1:-1]

    # Insert ramp into factor
    factor[sl] = a
    print factor[sl]
    result = result * factor
    print result
    print 'resultnog=', len(result)
    relevation = F.irfft(result, len(nelevation))
    print 'result=', len(relevation)
    return relevation
Example #3
def record2vecs(File):
    # Read the rr data (Note that it is sampled irregularly and
    # consists of the r-times in centiseconds) and return a high
    # frequency spectrogram.
    import cinc2000
    from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
    data = []
    for line in File:
    # Now data[i] is an r-time in seconds.
    hrd = cinc2000.R_times2Dev(data)
    # hrd are heart rate deviations sampled at 2 Hz
    pad = np.zeros(((Glength+len(hrd)),),np.float64)
    pad[Gl_2:len(hrd)+Gl_2] = hrd
    # Now pad is hrd with Gl_2 zeros before and after
    N_out = len(hrd)//RDt
    result = np.zeros((N_out,Fw/2),np.float64)
    mags = []
    for k in range(N_out):
        i = int(RDt*k)
        WD = Gw*pad[i:i+Glength] # Multiply data by window fuction
        FT = rfft(WD,n=Fw)
        SP = np.conjugate(FT)*FT  # Periodogram
        temp = rfft(SP,n=Fw//2)
        SP = irfft(temp[0:int(0.1*Fw/2)],n=Fw/2)
        # Low pass filter in freq domain.  Pass below 0.1 Nyquist
        temp = SP.real[:Fw/2]
        mag = math.sqrt(np.dot(temp,temp))
        result[k,:] = temp/mag
        # result[k,:] is a unit vector and a smoothed periodogram
    return [result,mags]
Example #4
 def macro_mismatch(self,p1,p2):
     Performs double convolution with two different periods to calculate
     macroscopic average of a charge density along the z-axis.
     from numpy.fft import rfft,irfft
     # Convert periods to direct units, if given in cartesian
     if p1 > 1.0:
         p1 = p1/self.unitcell.cell_vec[2,2]
     if p2 > 1.0:
         p2 = p2/self.unitcell.cell_vec[2,2]
     # Create xy-plane averaged density
     micro_z = self.integrate_z_density()
     # Create convolutions
     z_pos = np.linspace(0,1,len(micro_z))
     # Find index of lowest lower bound for p1
     low = 1.-p1/2.
     i1 = len(z_pos)-1
     while True:
         if z_pos[i1] <= low:
             i1 += 1
         i1 -= 1
     #Find index of lowest upper bound for p1
     high = p1/2.
     j1 = 0
     while True:
         if z_pos[j1] >= high:
             j1 -= 1
         j1 += 1
     # Find index of lowest lower bound for p2
     low = 1.-p2/2.
     i2 = len(z_pos)-1
     while True:
         if z_pos[i2] <= low:
             i2 += 1
         i2 -= 1
     #Find index of lowest upper bound for p2
     high = p2/2.
     j2 = 0
     while True:
         if z_pos[j2] >= high:
             j2 -= 1
         j2 += 1
     conv1 = np.zeros(len(micro_z))
     conv1[0:j1+1] = np.ones(j1+1)
     conv1[i1:] = np.ones(len(conv1[i1:]))
     conv2 = np.zeros(len(micro_z))
     conv2[0:j2+1] = np.ones(j2+1)
     conv2[i2:] = np.ones(len(conv2[i2:]))
     # Perform convolutions in Fourier Space
     f_micro_z = rfft(micro_z)
     f_conv1 = rfft(conv1)
     f_conv2 = rfft(conv2)
     f_macro = f_conv2*f_conv1*f_micro_z
     macro_z = irfft(f_macro)/float(np.sum(conv1))/float(np.sum(conv2))
     return macro_z
Example #5
def filtered_cross_corr(signal1,signal2,bins,smoothing=10,timestep=1):
    """Get the cross-correlation between the signals, first filtering
    the fourier transforms (smoothed top-hat), chopping the fourier
    signals into "bins" bins"""
    signal1 -= signal1.mean()
    signal2 -= signal2.mean()
    x1 = rfft(signal1)
    x2 = rfft(signal2)
    assert len(x1)==len(x2)
    startfreq = arange(1,len(x1),len(x1)/(bins+1))
    position = arange(len(x1))
    freq = fftfreq(len(x1),timestep)
    freqout = zeros(bins)*1.
    out = zeros((bins,len(signal1)))*1.0
    att = ones(len(x1))*1.
    for i in range(bins):
        att[:startfreq[i]] = 0
        att[startfreq[i]:startfreq[i+1]] = 1
        att[startfreq[i+1]:] = 0
        freqout[i] = mean(freq*att[:len(freq)])
        att = smooth(att,smoothing)
        att[0] = 0
        x1dash = x1*att
        sig1dash = irfft(x1dash,len(signal1))
        x2dash = x2*att
        sig2dash = irfft(x2dash,len(signal2))
        out[i] = correlate(sig1dash,sig2dash,'same')
    lag = arange(-len(x2),len(x2),1.)*timestep
    return lag,freqout,out        
Example #6
def cross_correlate(histogram, template, n_harmonics=None, upsample=16):
    """Find the shift required to align histogram with template

    n = max(len(histogram),len(template))

    h_ft = rfft(histogram)
    t_ft = rfft(template)

    if len(h_ft)<len(t_ft):
        h_ft = concatenate((h_ft,zeros(len(t_ft)-len(h_ft))))
    elif len(t_ft)<len(h_ft):
        t_ft = concatenate((t_ft,zeros(len(h_ft)-len(t_ft))))

    if n_harmonics is not None:
    h_ft[0] = 0
    t_ft[0] = 0

    cross_correlations = irfft(conjugate(h_ft)*t_ft,n*upsample)
    shift = argmax(cross_correlations)/float(len(cross_correlations))

    assert 0<=shift<1

    #FIXME: warn if double-peaked

    return shift
Example #7
def generalized_cross_correlation(d0, d1):
    # substract the means
    # (in order to get a normalized cross-correlation at the end)
    d0 -= d0.mean()
    d1 -= d1.mean()

    # Hann window to mitigate non-periodicity effects
    window = numpy.hanning(len(d0))

    # compute the cross-correlation
    D0 = rfft(d0 * window)
    D1 = rfft(d1 * window)
    D0r = D0.conjugate()
    G = D0r * D1
    # G = (G==0.)*1e-30 + (G<>0.)*G
    # W = 1. # frequency unweighted
    # W = 1./numpy.abs(G) # "PHAT"
    absG = numpy.abs(G)
    m = max(absG)
    W = 1. / (1e-10 * m + absG)
    # D1r = D1.conjugate(); G0 = D0r*D0; G1 = D1r*D1; W = numpy.abs(G)/(G0*G1) # HB weighted
    Xcorr = irfft(W * G)
    # Xcorr_unweighted = irfft(G)
    # numpy.save("d0.npy", d0)
    # numpy.save("d1.npy", d1)
    # numpy.save("Xcorr.npy", Xcorr)

    return Xcorr
def filter_xyz(data): 
	xdata=[a[0] for a in data]
	ydata=[a[1] for a in data]
	zdata=[a[2] for a in data]

#-------------filtering part --------------

		raise ValueError('null value')
	data=[[nxdata[i],nydata[i],nzdata[i]] for i in range(size)]
	return data
Example #9
def dispersion(x,t,d,fc1,fp1,fp2,fc2,alpha=1):
	from matplotlib.pyplot import ginput, plot, close, grid
	from numpy.fft import rfft,fft
	from numpy import finfo, zeros, hstack, unwrap, double, pi, angle, arctan2, imag, real
	return f,c,phi
Example #10
 def track_memory(self):
     Calculates the induced voltage energy kick to particles taking into
     account multi-turn induced voltage plus inductive impedance contribution.
     # Contribution from multi-turn induced voltage.
     self.array_memory *= np.exp(self.omegaj_array_memory * self.rev_time_array[self.counter_turn])
     induced_voltage = irfft(self.array_memory + rfft(self.slices.n_macroparticles, self.n_points_fft) * self.sum_impedances_memory, self.n_points_fft)
     self.induced_voltage = self.coefficient * induced_voltage[:self.slices.n_slices]
     self.array_memory = rfft(induced_voltage, self.n_points_fft)
     # Contribution from inductive impedance
     if self.inductive_impedance_on:  
         self.induced_voltage_list[self.index_inductive_impedance].induced_voltage_generation(self.beam, 'slice_frame')
         self.induced_voltage += self.induced_voltage_list[self.index_inductive_impedance].induced_voltage
     # Induced voltage energy kick to particles through linear interpolation
     # Counter update
     self.counter_turn += 1
Example #11
def gaussian_convolution(data, ijk_sdev, cyclic = False, cutoff = 5,
                         task = None):

  from numpy import array, single as floatc, multiply, swapaxes
  c = array(data, floatc)

  from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
  for axis in range(3):           # Transform one axis at a time.
    size = c.shape[axis]
    sdev = ijk_sdev[2-axis]       # Axes i,j,k are 2,1,0.
    hw = min(size/2, int(cutoff*sdev+1)) if cutoff else size/2
    nzeros = 0 if cyclic else hw  # Zero-fill for non-cyclic convolution.
    if nzeros > 0:
      # FFT performance is much better (up to 10x faster in numpy 1.2.1)
      # than other sizes.
      nzeros = efficient_fft_size(size + nzeros) - size
    g = gaussian(sdev, size + nzeros)
    g[hw:-hw] = 0
    fg = rfft(g)                  # Fourier transform of 1-d gaussian.
    cs = swapaxes(c, axis, 2)     # Make axis 2 the FT axis.
    s0 = cs.shape[0]
    for p in range(s0):  # Transform one plane at a time.
      cp = cs[p,...]
        ft = rfft(cp, n=len(g))   # Complex128 result, size n/2+1
      except ValueError, e:
        raise MemoryError, e      # Array dimensions too large.
      multiply(ft, fg, ft)
      cp[:,:] = irfft(ft)[:,:size] # Float64 result
      if task:
        pct = 100.0 * (axis + float(p)/s0) / 3.0
        task.updateStatus('%.0f%%' % pct)
 def periodic_interp(self,data, zoomfact, window='hanning', alpha=6.0):
     Return a periodic, windowed, sinc-interpolation of the data which
     is oversampled by a factor of 'zoomfact'.
     zoomfact = int(zoomfact)
     if (zoomfact < 1):
         #print "zoomfact must be >= 1."
         return 0.0
     elif zoomfact==1:
         return data
     newN = len(data)*zoomfact
     # Space out the data
     comb = Num.zeros((zoomfact, len(data)), dtype='d')
     comb[0] += data
     comb = Num.reshape(Num.transpose(comb), (newN,))
     # Compute the offsets
     xs = Num.zeros(newN, dtype='d')
     xs[:newN/2+1] = Num.arange(newN/2+1, dtype='d')/zoomfact
     xs[-newN/2:]  = xs[::-1][newN/2-1:-1]
     # Calculate the sinc times window for the kernel
     if window.lower()=="kaiser":
         win = _window_function[window](xs, len(data)/2, alpha)
         win = _window_function[window](xs, len(data)/2)
     kernel = win * self.sinc(xs)
     if (0):
         print "would have plotted."
     return FFT.irfft(FFT.rfft(kernel) * FFT.rfft(comb))
Example #13
def fftfit_err(data_prof, tmp_prof, tau=0., scale=1.):
    Estimates the uncertainties in the fftfit parameters.

    tmp_fft = nf.rfft(tmp_prof)
    amp_tmp = np.absolute(tmp_fft)
    phs_tmp = np.angle(tmp_fft)

    dat_fft = nf.rfft(data_prof)
    amp_dat = np.absolute(dat_fft)
    phs_dat = np.angle(dat_fft)
    k = np.linspace(0, len(amp_dat)-1, num=len(amp_dat))

    diff = diffprof(data_prof, tmp_prof)
    diff_rms_sq = np.sum(diff**2) / len(diff)

    # compute Equations A10 and A11 from Taylor (1992).
    var_b = diff_rms_sq / (2 * scale * np.sum(k[1:]**2 * amp_tmp[1:] * amp_dat[1:] * \
            np.cos(phs_tmp[1:] - phs_dat[1:] + k[1:] * (tau * 2 * np.pi))))
    sig_scale = np.sqrt(var_b)
    var_t = diff_rms_sq / (2 * np.sum(amp_dat[1:]**2))
    sig_shift = np.sqrt(var_t)

    # propagate uncertainty in scale to get uncertainty in baseline. 
    sig_offset = sig_scale * amp_tmp[0] / len(data_prof)
    return sig_offset, sig_shift, sig_scale
def processScenario(m_surface, scenario, servo_id, beat, mode=0):
	tmp = []
	m_data = []
	#l = len(m_surface)
	s = len(scenario)
	ms_index = -1	
	for i in range(s):	# << the augmented gestures can only be as long as the scenario length
		p_data = []
		#m_data = []
		p_data_tmp = []
		mapped = False
		r = 0
		#l = len(scenario[i])
		l = len(scenario[i])
		print "length:", l
		"""if m_surface[i]['phrase'] and m_surface[i]['notes'] != []:		# If it's a (melodic) phrase...
							# just a reminder of the contents of phrase info: 
							# 'phrase_start', 'phrase_end', 'phrase_length', 'contour_amplitudes', 'contour_energy',
							# 'contour_time', 'notes'
			p_data = numpy.multiply(m_surface[i]['contour_amplitudes'], m_surface[i]['contour_energy'])
			p_data_ = [converts(int(p)) for p in p_data]
			print "scenario[%d] = " % (i), scenario[i]
			print "m_surface[%d] = " % (i), m_surface[i]
			p_data_tmp = fft.ifft(numpy.add(fft.rfft(scenario[i], n=l), fft.rfft(p_data_, n=l)))
			print p_data_tmp			
			if m_surface[i]['contour_energy'] != []: tmp.extend([accel(m_surface[i]['contour_energy'][0], servo_id)])
		elif not m_surface[i]['phrase']:				# Otherwise it's a rest (phrase).
		else: continue
		while not mapped:
			ms_index += 1
			if m_surface[ms_index]['phrase'] and m_surface[ms_index]['phrase_length'] != 0 and len(m_surface[ms_index]['contour_amplitudes']) > (l/2):
				print m_surface[ms_index]
				#p_data = fft.irfft(fft.rfft(scenario[i], l)*fft.rfft(m_surface[ms_index]['contour_amplitudes'], l))
				p_data = fft.irfft(numpy.multiply(fft.rfft(scenario[i], l), .02*(fft.rfft(m_surface[ms_index]['contour_amplitudes'], l)[2])))#(numpy.multiply(m_surface[ms_index]['contour_amplitudes'], m_surface[ms_index]['contour_energy']), l)))
				mapped = True
				print "pdata:",p_data
			elif m_surface[ms_index]['phrase'] == False:
				#print m_surface
				#p_data = 'rest'
				r += m_surface[ms_index]['rest_duration']
				print "rest"
	#print tmp
	return tmp, m_data
Example #15
def _bode(idat, odat, fs):
	ift = rfft(idat, fs)
	oft =  rfft(odat, fs)
	trans = (ift * conjugate(oft)) / (ift * conjugate(ift) ) 
	freq = arange(trans.shape[0]).astype(Float64)*fs/(2*trans.shape[0])
	phase=arctan2(trans.imag, trans.real)
	return (freq, amp, phase)
Example #16
def my_multi_convolve(signals):
    shape = sum(len(x)-1 for x in signals) + 1
    fshape = _next_regular(shape)
    res = rfft(signals[0], fshape)
    for signal in signals[1:]:
        res *= rfft(signal, fshape)
    ret = irfft(res, fshape)
    return ret[:shape]
Example #17
def fourier_analysis(data, ptree=None):
    time = data['time']
    current = data['current']
    voltage = data['voltage']

    # inspect data
    n = len(time)  # normalization factor for fft
    assert len(current) == n
    assert len(voltage) == n
    d = time[1] - time[0]  # inverse of the sampling rate
    # check sampling spacing is the same everywhere
    for i in range(n - 1):
        assert isclose(time[i + 1] - time[i], d, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10)

    # truncate signals
    if ptree:
        steps_per_cycle = ptree.get_int('steps_per_cycle')
        cycles = ptree.get_int('cycles')
        ignore_cycles = ptree.get_int('ignore_cycles')
        assert cycles > ignore_cycles
        assert n == cycles * steps_per_cycle
        time = time[ignore_cycles * steps_per_cycle:]
        current = current[ignore_cycles * steps_per_cycle:]
        voltage = voltage[ignore_cycles * steps_per_cycle:]
        time = time[int(n / 2):]
        current = current[int(n / 2):]
        voltage = voltage[int(n / 2):]

    n = len(time)
    assert len(current) == n
    assert len(voltage) == n

    if not _is_power_of_two(n):
            "(cycles-ignore_cycles)*steps_per_cycles is not a "
            "power of 2 (most efficient for the fourier analysis)",

    # perform the actual fourrier analaysis
    fft_current = fft.rfft(current) / n
    fft_voltage = fft.rfft(voltage) / n
    fft_frequency = fft.rfftfreq(n, d)

    # find the excited harmonics
    if ptree:
        harmonics = array(ptree.get_array_int('harmonics'))
        peak_indices = harmonics * (cycles - ignore_cycles)
        mx, mn = peakdet(absolute(fft_voltage), mean(absolute(fft_current)))
        peak_indices = int(mx[:, 0])
        mx, mn = peakdet(absolute(fft_voltage), mean(absolute(fft_current)))
        assert peak_indices == mx[:, 0]

    frequency = fft_frequency[peak_indices]
    impedance = fft_voltage[peak_indices] / fft_current[peak_indices]

    return [frequency, impedance]
def rms_rfftdf(df):
      x_rfft= rms_rfft(X, len(df))
      y_rfft= rms_rfft(Y, len(df))
      z_rfft= rms_rfft(Z, len(df))
      return pd.DataFrame({'x': [x_rfft],'y': [y_rfft], 'z':[z_rfft]})
Example #19
def get_chan_freqs(frames):
    """ Splits the given frames into left and right channel frequencies """
    structsize = len(frames) / 2
    chunk = unpack('<' + 'h' * structsize, frames)
    left = [chunk[j] for j in range(0, len(chunk), 2)]
    right = [chunk[j] for j in range(1, len(chunk), 2)]

    l_freqs = rfft(left)
    r_freqs = rfft(right)

    return rfft(left), rfft(right), structsize
Example #20
def H1(x,y,dt,frng,uwphase=True,nfreqs='All'):
    Returns a frequency vector, transfer function between x and y, and the wrapped phase of the transfer
    from numpy import zeros,conjugate,linspace, angle, unwrap, array, arange
    from numpy.fft import rfft    
    # X = rfft(x,int(1/(df*dt)))
   #  Y = rfft(y,int(1/(df*dt)))
    if nfreqs is 'All':

    for i in range(len(y)):
        if uwphase:
    return f,H,phi
Example #21
 def to_freq(self, data_type):
     #self._data1 and self._data2 need to be defined by the object
     delta_f = 1 / (self.delta_t * self.pulses_length)
     data1_freq = rfft(self._data[self._data1])
     data2_freq = rfft(self._data[self._data2])
     freq_pulses_length = data1_freq.shape[1]
     pulses_freq = data_type(freq_pulses_length, self.pulses_nb, delta_f)
     pulses_freq._data['Valim'] = self.valim
     pulses_freq._data[self._data1] = data1_freq
     pulses_freq._data[self._data2] = data2_freq
     return pulses_freq
Example #22
def cross_spectrum(signal1,signal2,timestep=1):
    """The fourier cross-spectrum, returns the amplitude and phase (lag)
    at each fourier frequency. If you have time-series that are not
    exactly co-sampled, you need to rebin to a common grid first
    (see general_rebin).
    x1 = rfft(signal1)
    x2 = rfft(signal2)
    c = conj(x1)*x2
    freq = abs(fftfreq(len(signal1),timestep)[:len(x1)])
    c /= signal1.mean()*signal2.mean()
    return freq,abs(c),angle(c)
Example #23
def fftfit(data_prof, tmp_prof, tolerance=1e-12):
    A function that uses the Taylor (1992) method to determine the shift between a template 
    profile with a noisey profile.    

    tmp_fft = nf.rfft(tmp_prof)
    amp_tmp = np.absolute(tmp_fft)
    phs_tmp = np.angle(tmp_fft)
    k_tmp = np.linspace(0, len(amp_tmp)-1, num=len(amp_tmp))

    dat_fft = nf.rfft(data_prof)
    amp_dat = np.absolute(dat_fft)
    phs_dat = np.angle(dat_fft)
    k_dat = np.linspace(0, len(amp_dat)-1, num=len(amp_dat))

    # compute Equation A7 in Taylor (1992) for different values of index k.

    phs_array = np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(k_dat))
    A7vals = np.zeros(len(phs_array))
    count = 0

    for phs in phs_array:
        A7vals[count] = tay92_equation_A7(phs, amp_tmp[1:], amp_dat[1:], phs_tmp[1:], phs_dat[1:], k_tmp[1:])
        count += 1

    c, f_best = 0, 0
    a = (phs_array[np.where(A7vals == max(A7vals))])[0]
    b = (phs_array[np.where(A7vals == min(A7vals))])[0]

    # if shift is ~0, then the quantity (a - b) is negative.
    # this messes up the following method, so rotate b backwards by one cycle.
    if ((a - b) < 0.):
        b -= 1.

    # implement Brent's method for finding the zero to Equation A7.
    while (np.fabs(b - a) > tolerance):
        c = (a + b) / 2
        f_best = tay92_equation_A7(c, amp_tmp[1:], amp_dat[1:], phs_tmp[1:], phs_dat[1:], k_tmp[1:])

        if (f_best < 0.):
            b = c
            a = c

    best_shift = c
    best_scale = tay92_equation_A9(best_shift, amp_tmp[1:], amp_dat[1:], phs_tmp[1:], phs_dat[1:], k_tmp[1:])

    # compute relative offset of profile baselines.
    best_offset = (amp_dat[0] - best_scale * amp_tmp[0]) / len(data_prof)

    return best_offset, best_shift, best_scale
    def single_step_propagation(self):
        Perform single step propagation. The final Wigner functions are not normalized.
        ################ p x -> theta x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_ge, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_g, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_e = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_e, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)

        # Construct T matricies
        TgL, TgeL, TeL = self.get_T_left(self.t)
        TgR, TgeR, TeR = self.get_T_right(self.t)

        # Save previous version of the Wigner function
        Wg, Wge, We = self.wigner_g, self.wigner_ge, self.wigner_e

        # First update the complex valued off diagonal wigner function
        self.wigner_ge = (TgL*Wg + TgeL*Wge.conj())*TgeR + (TgL*Wge + TgeL*We)*TeR

        # Slice arrays to employ the symmetry (savings in speed)
        TgL, TgeL, TeL = self.theta_slice(TgL, TgeL, TeL)
        TgR, TgeR, TeR = self.theta_slice(TgR, TgeR, TeR)
        Wg, Wge, We = self.theta_slice(Wg, Wge, We)

        # Calculate the remaning real valued Wigner functions
        self.wigner_g = (TgL*Wg + TgeL*Wge.conj())*TgR + (TgL*Wge + TgeL*We)*TgeR
        self.wigner_e = (TgeL*Wg + TeL*Wge.conj())*TgeR + (TgeL*Wge + TeL*We)*TeR

        ################ Apply the phase factor ################
        self.wigner_ge *= self.expV
        self.wigner_g *= self.expV[:(1 + self.P_gridDIM//2), :]
        self.wigner_e *= self.expV[:(1 + self.P_gridDIM//2), :]

        ################ theta x -> p x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.ifft(self.wigner_ge, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.irfft(self.wigner_g, axis=0)
        self.wigner_e = fft.irfft(self.wigner_e, axis=0)

        ################ p x  ->  p lambda ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.fft(self.wigner_ge, axis=1, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.rfft(self.wigner_g, axis=1)
        self.wigner_e = fft.rfft(self.wigner_e, axis=1)

        ################ Apply the phase factor ################
        self.wigner_ge *= self.expK
        self.wigner_g *= self.expK[:, :(1 + self.X_gridDIM//2)]
        self.wigner_e *= self.expK[:, :(1 + self.X_gridDIM//2)]

        ################ p lambda  ->  p x ################
        self.wigner_ge = fftpack.ifft(self.wigner_ge, axis=1, overwrite_x=True)
        self.wigner_g = fft.irfft(self.wigner_g, axis=1)
        self.wigner_e = fft.irfft(self.wigner_e, axis=1)
Example #25
def corr_FXt(x0,x1,fft_window_size=32768,search_range=None,search_avg=1):
	Do FX cross-correlation by subdividing time-series into FFT windows.
	Optionally perform a search over multiple FFT window offsets.

	x0,x1 -- Time-domain signals.
	fft_window_size -- The number of samples to take in an FFT window.
	search_range -- Range of FFT window offsets to search for cross-
	correlation, or None to not do search (default is None).
	search_avg -- Number of windows over which to average when doing a
	search. If search is not performed this parameter has no impact
	(default is 1).
	s_0x1 -- Time-domain cross-correlation of two signals. If search is
	done this is two-dimensional, with relative window offset along the
	zeroth dimension.
	S_0x1 -- Cross-power spectrum of two signals. If search is done
	this is two-dimensional, with relative window offset along the 
	zeroth dimension.
	s_peaks -- If search is done, this returns the peak in the cross-
	correlation as a function of relative window offset.
	The search is done from the center window in x0, and over the search
	range, relative to that window, in x1.
	Code written by cross_corr.py by Andre Young.

	Uses rfft and assumes real Time-domain signal
	Removes phase
	N_samples = min((2**int(floor(log2(x0.size))),2**int(floor(log2(x1.size)))))
	X0 = rfft(x0[:N_samples].reshape((N_samples/fft_window_size,fft_window_size)),axis=1)
	X1 = rfft(x1[:N_samples].reshape((N_samples/fft_window_size,fft_window_size)),axis=1)
	if (search_range == None):
		s_peaks = None
		s_0x1,S_0x1 = corr_Xt(X0,X1,fft_window_size=fft_window_size)
		# do search
		s_0x1,S_0x1,s_peaks = corr_Xt_search(X0,X1,fft_window_size=fft_window_size,search_range=search_range,search_avg=search_avg)
	return s_0x1,S_0x1,s_peaks
Example #26
    def output(self):
        """ """

        # One dimension
        if len(self._source.shape) == 1:
            source = self._actual_source
            # Use FFT convolution
            if self._fft:
                if not self._toric:
                    P = rfft(source,self._fft_shape[0])*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft(P, self._fft_shape[0]).real
                    R = R[self._fft_indices]
                    P = rfft(source)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft(P,source.shape[0]).real

                # if self._toric:
                #     R  = ifft(fft(source)*self._fft_weights).real
                # else:
                #     n = source.shape[0]
                #     self._src_holder[n//2:n//2+n] = source
                #     R = ifft(fft(self._src_holder)*self._fft_weights)
                #     R = R.real[n//2:n//2+n]
            # Use regular convolution
                R = convolve1d(source, self._weights[::-1], self._toric)
            if self._src_rows is not None:
                R = R[self._src_rows]
            return R.reshape(self._target.shape)
        # Two dimensions
            source = self._actual_source
            # Use FFT convolution
            if self._fft:
                if not self._toric:
                    P = rfft2(source,self._fft_shape)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft2(P, self._fft_shape).real
                    R = R[self._fft_indices]
                    P = rfft2(source)*self._fft_weights
                    R = irfft2(P,source.shape).real

            # Use SVD convolution
                R = convolve2d(source, self._weights, self._USV, self._toric)
            if self._src_rows is not None and self._src_cols is not None:
                R = R[self._src_rows, self._src_cols]
        return R.reshape(self._target.shape)
Example #27
def dft_pitch(sig, size=2048, hop=None):
  for blk in Stream(sig).blocks(size=size, hop=hop):
    dft_data = rfft(blk)
    idx, vmax = max(enumerate(dft_data),
                    key=lambda el: abs(el[1]) / (2 * el[0] / size + 1)
    yield 2 * pi * idx / size
Example #28
 def autocorr(self, x):
   """ multi-dimensional autocorrelation with FFT """
   X = rfft(x, n=(x.shape[1]*2-1), axis=1)
   xr = irfft(X * X.conjugate(), axis=1).real
   xr = fftshift(xr, axes=1)
   xr = xr.sum(axis=1)
   return xr
Example #29
	def getPSD(self):
		if (self.offset + self.chunk > self.data.size):
			print('end of file')
			return False
		spectrum = rfft(self.data[self.offset : self.offset + self.chunk], n = 512)
		self.offset += self.sliding
		return (np.abs(spectrum[:256])**2)/256
Example #30
    def _fft(self, audio_data):
        from numpy import fft

        amp = fft.rfft(audio_data)
        freq = fft.fftfreq(audio_data.shape[-1])[:len(amp)]

        return freq, amp.real
Example #31
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot(peaks2, x[peaks2], "ob")
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.plot(peaks3, x[peaks3], "vg")
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plt.plot(peaks4, x[peaks4], "xk")

#%% Draw spectrum
spectrum = rfft(
    measurements)  # прямое одномерное ДПФ (для действительных сигналов)

plt.plot(60 * rfftfreq(len(measurements), 1. / (len(measurements) / fd)),
         np_abs(spectrum) / len(measurements))
plt.title('Pulse wave spectrum')
plt.ylim([0, 0.005])
# plt.xlim([0, 200])

#%% Draw spectrum with peaks
spectrum = rfft(
    measurements)  # прямое одномерное ДПФ (для действительных сигналов)
freq = rfftfreq(len(measurements), 1. / (len(measurements) / fd))
ampl = np_abs(spectrum) / len(measurements)
Example #32
 def transform(self, X):
     """Transform data"""
     return np.abs(rfft(X)[:, self.idx])
Example #33
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sin, pi, ceil, fabs
from numpy import array, arange, abs as np_abs
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
import numpy as np

f = 1000
fd = 44100
fnotu = 147
N = 100000
v = 10**2

garmoniks = [v*sin(2*pi*f*t/fd) for t in range(N)]
spectrum = rfft(garmoniks)
x = [i/fd for i in range(N)]

Am = max(spectrum)
df = fd/N

for i in range(len(rfftfreq(N, 1/fd))):
	if spectrum[i] == Am:
		Fm = rfftfreq(N, 1/fd)[i]

fdn = fabs(Fm - fnotu)

f = open('results.txt','w')
f.write("\nОкiл реальноi максимальноi частоти fm = "+str(ceil((Fm)*100)/100)+" = ("+str(ceil((Fm - df)*100)/100)+";"+str(ceil((Fm + df)*100)/100)+").")
f.write("\nЧастота максимальна тону гiтарноi ноти становить = "+str(fnotu)+".")
f.write("\nРеальна рiзниця становить = +/-"+str(ceil((fdn)*100)/100)+", теоретична = +/-"+str(df)+".\n")
Example #34
plt.plot(Ts*arange(0,len(T_column)), T_column)
plt.xlim(0, Ts*len(T_column))
if rec_type == 'acceleration':
    if USETEX: plt.ylabel('[$\\textrm{mm}^2/\\textrm{s}^4$]')
    else: plt.ylabel('[mm/s4]')
elif rec_type == 'velocity':
    if USETEX: plt.ylabel('[$\\textrm{mm}^2/\\textrm{s}^2$]')
    else: plt.ylabel('[mm/s2]')
plt.xlabel('Lag [s]')
plt.plot(rfftfreq(K, Ts), Ts*np.abs(rfft(T_column)))
plt.xlim(0,rfftfreq(K, Ts)[-1])
if rec_type == 'acceleration':
    if USETEX: plt.ylabel('[$\\textrm{mm}/\\textrm{s}$]')
    else: plt.ylabel('[mm/s]')
elif rec_type == 'velocity':
    if USETEX: plt.ylabel('[$\\textrm{mm}$]')
    else: plt.ylabel('[mm]')
plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.title("Power spectral density")
Example #35
 def getSprectumDOS(self):
     return rfft(self.VACF, 2 * len(self.VACF) - 1,
                 0).real * 2 * self.dt * self.fact
Example #36
import easyplot as ep
from numpy import pi, linspace, cos, sin, fft

freq1, freq2 = 5, 25
ampl = 2.0

bins = 200
dt = 0.01
duration = bins*dt

timeseries = linspace(0, duration, bins)
frequency = linspace(0, 1./dt/2, bins/2)
signal = ampl*sin(2*pi*freq1*timeseries) + 5*sin(2*pi*freq2*timeseries)

amplitudes = fft.rfft(signal, bins-1)

ep.easyplot(frequency, 2*abs(amplitudes)/bins, 'Hz', 'Amplitudes',  save_as='recordset/sinewave', xlim=[0, 30])
Example #37
n = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split()))
a = [x for x in A if x != 0]

mod = 200003
pr = 2

g = [0] * mod
log = [0] * mod
exp_pr = 1
for i in range(mod - 1):
    g[i] = exp_pr
    log[exp_pr] = i
    exp_pr = exp_pr * pr % mod

D = [0] * mod
ans = 0
for x in a:
    D[log[x]] += 1
    ans -= x * x % mod

l = 1 << ((mod - 1).bit_length() + 1)
fa = fft.rfft(D, l)
E = (fft.irfft(fa * fa)[:2 * mod - 2] + 0.1).astype(int)

for k in range(mod - 1):
    ans += g[k] * (E[k] + E[mod - 1 + k])

print(ans // 2)
Example #38
    def J_k_tensor(self, P, X, P_window=None, C_window=None):

        pf, p, nu1, nu2, g_m, g_n, h_l = X

        if (self.low_extrap is not None):
            P = self.EK.extrap_P_low(P)

        if (self.high_extrap is not None):
            P = self.EK.extrap_P_high(P)

        A_out = np.zeros((pf.size, self.k_size))

        P_fin = np.zeros(self.k_size)

        for i in range(pf.size):

            P_b1 = P * self.k_old**(-nu1[i])
            P_b2 = P * self.k_old**(-nu2[i])

            if (P_window != None):
                # window the input power spectrum, so that at high and low k
                # the signal smoothly tapers to zero. This makes the input
                # more like a periodic signal

                if (self.verbose):
                    print('windowing biased power spectrum')
                W = p_window(self.k_old, P_window[0], P_window[1])
                P_b1 = P_b1 * W
                P_b2 = P_b2 * W

            if (self.n_pad != 0):
                P_b1 = np.pad(P_b1,
                              pad_width=(self.n_pad, self.n_pad),
                P_b2 = np.pad(P_b2,
                              pad_width=(self.n_pad, self.n_pad),
            c_m_positive = rfft(P_b1)
            c_n_positive = rfft(P_b2)

            c_m_negative = np.conjugate(c_m_positive[1:])
            c_n_negative = np.conjugate(c_n_positive[1:])
            c_m = np.hstack((c_m_negative[::-1], c_m_positive)) / float(self.N)
            c_n = np.hstack((c_n_negative[::-1], c_n_positive)) / float(self.N)

            if (C_window != None):
                # window the Fourier coefficients.
                # This will damping the highest frequencies
                if (self.verbose):
                    print('windowing the Fourier coefficients')
                c_m = c_m * c_window(self.m, int(C_window * self.N / 2.))
                c_n = c_n * c_window(self.m, int(C_window * self.N / 2.))

            # convolve f_c and g_c
            C_l = fftconvolve(c_m * g_m[i, :], c_n * g_n[i, :])

            # multiply all l terms together
            C_l = C_l * h_l[i, :]
            # set up to feed ifft an array ordered with l=0,1,...,-1,...,N/2-1
            c_plus = C_l[self.l >= 0]
            c_minus = C_l[self.l < 0]

            C_l = np.hstack((c_plus[:-1], c_minus))
            A_k = ifft(
            ) * C_l.size  # multiply by size to get rid of the normalization in ifft

            A_out[i, :] = np.real(A_k[::2]) * pf[i] * self.k**(p[i])
            # note that you have to take every other element
            # in A_k, due to the extended array created from the
            # discrete convolution
            P_fin += A_out[i, :]
        # P_out=irfft(c_m[self.m>=0])*self.k**self.nu*float(self.N)
        if (self.n_pad != 0):
            # get rid of the elements created from padding
            # P_out=P_out[self.id_pad]
            A_out = A_out[:, self.id_pad]
            P_fin = P_fin[self.id_pad]

        return P_fin, A_out
Example #39
    def J_k_scalar(self, P_in, X, nu, P_window=None, C_window=None):

        pf, p, g_m, g_n, two_part_l, h_l = X

        if (self.low_extrap is not None):
            P_in = self.EK.extrap_P_low(P_in)

        if (self.high_extrap is not None):
            P_in = self.EK.extrap_P_high(P_in)

        P_b = P_in * self.k_old**(-nu)

        if (self.n_pad is not None):
            P_b = np.pad(P_b,
                         pad_width=(self.n_pad, self.n_pad),

        c_m_positive = rfft(P_b)
        # We always filter the Fourier coefficients, so the last element is zero.
        # But in case someone does not filter, divide the end point by two
        c_m_positive[-1] = c_m_positive[-1] / 2.
        c_m_negative = np.conjugate(c_m_positive[1:])
        c_m = np.hstack((c_m_negative[::-1], c_m_positive)) / float(self.N)

        if (C_window != None):
            # Window the Fourier coefficients.
            # This will damp the highest frequencies

            if (self.verbose):
                print('windowing the Fourier coefficients')
            c_m = c_m * c_window(self.m, int(C_window * self.N // 2.))

        A_out = np.zeros((pf.shape[0], self.k_size))
        for i in range(pf.shape[0]):

            # convolve f_c and g_c
            C_l = fftconvolve(c_m * g_m[i, :], c_m * g_n[i, :])

            # multiply all l terms together
            C_l = C_l * h_l[i, :] * two_part_l[i]

            # set up to feed ifft an array ordered with l=0,1,...,-1,...,N/2-1
            c_plus = C_l[self.l >= 0]
            c_minus = C_l[self.l < 0]

            C_l = np.hstack((c_plus[:-1], c_minus))
            A_k = ifft(
            ) * C_l.size  # multiply by size to get rid of the normalization in ifft

            A_out[i, :] = np.real(A_k[::2]) * pf[i] * self.k**(-p[i] - 2)
            # note that you have to take every other element
            # in A_k, due to the extended array created from the
            # discrete convolution

        P_out = irfft(c_m[self.m >= 0]) * self.k**nu * float(self.N)
        if (self.n_pad is not None):
            # get rid of the elements created from padding
            P_out = P_out[self.id_pad]
            A_out = A_out[:, self.id_pad]

        return P_out, A_out
Example #40
 def update_nmda_sum():
     fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop.s_NMDA)
     fft_s_NMDA_total = numpy.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel, fft_s_NMDA)
     s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total)
     excit_pop.s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot
Example #41
        t_source) == par_file.nt  # Check that len(t_source) ~ par_file.nt
    ############### Down sample the signal ###############
    t_source = t_source[::NdownSampled]
    aS = aS[::NdownSampled]
    if DEBUG_PLOT:
        plt.plot(t_source, aS, '+-g', label='Source filtree downsamplee')
    ########### Zero pad up to next power of 2 ###########
    t_source, aS = zeroPad(t_source, aS, N2 - Ndown)  # Zero-pad the source
    if DEBUG_PLOT:
                 label='Source filtree downsamplee zeropadee')
    ############# Compute amplitude spectrum #############
    Sf = abs(rfft(aS, N2) / Ndown)  #**2
    freq_source = rfftfreq(N2, d=par_file.dt * NdownSampled)
    if DEBUG_PLOT:
        plt.plot(freq_source, Sf, 'o-')
        plt.title('Source spectrum')
    ##### Interpolate to calculate amplitude at freq #####
    idxInf = int(np.floor(freq / (freq_source[1] - freq_source[0])))
    idxSup = int(idxInf + 1)
    ref_amplitude=((Sf[idxSup]-Sf[idxInf])/(freq_source[idxSup]-freq_source[idxInf])) \
            * freq + (Sf[idxSup]*freq_source[idxInf]-Sf[idxInf]*freq_source[idxSup])/(freq_source[idxInf]-freq_source[idxSup])
    if args.verbose:
        print("Calculated reference amplitude at", freq, 'Hz:', ref_amplitude)
    if DEBUG_PLOT:

                            # Autocorrelazione
                            acf = correlate(X[i], X[i], 'full')[-len(X[0]):]
                            aut = []
                            for j in range(acf.size):
                                if j % 8 == 0:

                            while len(aut) < 10:
                                tmp = acf[X[i].size - (10 - len(aut))]

                            # Trasformata discreta di Fourier
                            fourier = fft.rfft(X[i] - X[i].mean())
                            freq = fft.rfftfreq(X[i].size, d=1. / 15)
                            inflection = diff(sign(diff(fourier)))
                            peaks = (inflection < 0).nonzero()[0] + 1

                            # primi 5 picchi trasformata di fourier
                            peak = fourier[peaks]

                            # Frequenza dei picchi della trasformata discreta di fourier
                            signal_freq = freq[peaks]


                            if i == X.shape[1] - 4:
Example #43
def fourier(window):
    f = np.abs(rfft(window))**2
    n = len(window)
    return (2.0 / n) * f[:n // 2]
Example #44
    FILENAME_SIGNAL_NOISE = "5_signal_noise.csv"
    ar_signal_noise, ar_signal, ar_noise = readCSVFile(FILENAME_SIGNAL_NOISE)

    dli = math.log2(len(ar_signal))
    N = 2**math.floor(dli) - 1
    print("Длина БПФ {}".format(N))

    ar_signal = ar_signal[:N]
    ar_noise = ar_noise[:N]
    ar_signal_noise = ar_signal_noise[:N]

    FD = 100000

    spectrum_signal = rfft(ar_signal)

    spectrum_noise = rfft(ar_noise)
    spectrum_signal_noise = rfft(ar_signal_noise)

    formatterAmplitude = ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,g} В")
    formatterTime = ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{x:,g} Гц")

    freq = rfftfreq(N, 1. / FD)
    ffreq = fftfreq(N, 1. / FD)

    abs_spectrum_signal = abs(spectrum_signal) / N
    #abs_spectrum_signal[0] = 0
    abs_spectrum_noise = abs(spectrum_noise) / N
    #abs_spectrum_noise[0] = 0
    abs_spectrum_signal_noise = abs(spectrum_signal_noise) / N
Example #45
def stft(x,
    y = x
    input_rank = len(y.shape)
    if input_rank == 2:
        assert y.shape[0] == 1  # Only 1d input supported in librosa
        y = y.squeeze(0)
    dtype = None

    # By default, use the entire frame
    if win_length is None:
        win_length = n_fft

    # Set the default hop, if it's not already specified
    if hop_length is None:
        hop_length = int(win_length // 4)

    fft_window = get_window(window, win_length, fftbins=True)

    # Pad the window out to n_fft size
    fft_window = pad_center(fft_window, n_fft)

    # Reshape so that the window can be broadcast
    fft_window = fft_window.reshape((-1, 1))

    # Pad the time series so that frames are centered
    if center:
        if n_fft > y.shape[-1]:
            print("n_fft={} is too small for input signal of length={}".format(
                n_fft, y.shape[-1]))

        y = np.pad(y, int(n_fft // 2), mode=pad_mode)

    elif n_fft > y.shape[-1]:
        raise Exception(
            "n_fft={} is too large for input signal of length={}".format(
                n_fft, y.shape[-1]))

    # Window the time series.
    y_frames = frame(y, frame_length=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)

    if dtype is None:
        dtype = dtype_r2c(y.dtype)

    # Pre-allocate the STFT matrix
    stft_matrix = np.empty((int(1 + n_fft // 2), y_frames.shape[1]),

    # how many columns can we fit within MAX_MEM_BLOCK?
    n_columns = MAX_MEM_BLOCK // (stft_matrix.shape[0] * stft_matrix.itemsize)
    n_columns = max(n_columns, 1)

    for bl_s in range(0, stft_matrix.shape[1], n_columns):
        bl_t = min(bl_s + n_columns, stft_matrix.shape[1])

                    bl_s:bl_t] = fft.rfft(fft_window * y_frames[:, bl_s:bl_t],

    if input_rank == 2:
        stft_matrix = np.expand_dims(stft_matrix, 0)

    return stft_matrix
Example #46
    def beam_spectrum_generation(self, n_sampling_fft = None):
        Beam spectrum calculation

        self._beam_spectrum = fft.rfft(self.profile_array, n_sampling_fft)
Example #47
def _fft(x,
    Core function taking care of computing the power spectrum / power spectral
    density or the complex representation.

    x : 1d or 2d numpy array
        input data (fft will be computed on the last dimension)
    s_freq : int
        sampling frequency
    detrend : str
        None (no detrending), 'constant' (remove mean), 'linear' (remove linear
    output : str
        'spectraldensity' (= 'psd' in scipy) or 'complex' (for complex output)
    sides : str
        'one' or 'two', where 'two' implies negative frequencies
    scaling : str
        'power' (= 'density' in scipy, units: uV ** 2 / Hz),
        'energy' (= 'spectrum' in scipy, units: uV ** 2),
        'fieldtrip', 'chronux'
    taper : str
        Taper to use, commonly used tapers are 'boxcar', 'hann', 'dpss' (see
    halfbandwidth : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Half bandwidth (in Hz), frequency smoothing will
        be from +halfbandwidth to -halfbandwidth
    NW : int
        (only if taper='dpss') Normalized half bandwidth
        (NW = halfbandwidth * dur). Number of DPSS tapers is 2 * NW - 1.
        If specified, NW takes precedence over halfbandwidth
    n_fft: int
        Length of FFT, in samples. If less than input axis, input is cropped.
        If longer than input axis, input is padded with zeros. If None, FFT
        length set to axis length.

    freqs : 1d ndarray
        vector with frequencies at which the PSD / ESD / complex fourier was
    result: ndarray
        PSD / ESD / complex fourier. It has the same number of dim as the input.
        Frequency transform is computed on the last dimension. If
        output='complex', there is one additional dimension with the taper(s).

    The nomenclature of the frequency-domain analysis is not very consistent
    across packages / toolboxes. The convention used here is based on `wikipedia`_

    So, you can have the spectral density (called sometimes power spectrum) or
    a complex output. Conceptually quite different but they can both be computed
    using the fft algorithm, so we do both here.

    Regarding the spectral density, you can have the power spectral density
    (PSD) or the energy spectral density (ESD). PSD should be used for
    stationary signals (gamma activity), while ESD should be used for signals
    that have a clear beginning and end (spindles). ESD gives the energy over
    the whole duration of the input window, while PSD is normalized by the
    window length.

    Parseval's theorem says that the energy of the signal in the time-domain
    must be equal to the energy in the frequency domain. All the tapers are
    correct to comply with this theorem (see tests/test_trans_frequency.py for
    all the examples). Note that packages such as 'FieldTrip' and 'Chronux' do
    not usually respect this convention (and use some ad-hoc convention).
    You can use the scaling of these packages to compare the results from those
    matlab toolboxes, but note that the results probably don't satisty Parseval's

    Note that scipy.signal is not consistent with these names, but the
    formulas are the same. Also, scipy (v1.1 at least) does not handle dpss.

    Finally, the complex output has an additional dimension (taper), for each
    taper (even for the boxcar or hann taper). This is useful for multitaper
    analysis (DPSS), where it doesn't make sense to average complex results.

    .. _wikipedia:

    Scipy v1.1 can generate dpss tapers. Once scipy v1.1 is available, use
    that instead of the extern folder.
    if output == 'complex' and sides == 'one':
        print('complex always returns both sides')
        sides = 'two'

    axis = x.ndim - 1
    n_smp = x.shape[axis]

    if n_fft is None:
        n_fft = n_smp

    if sides == 'one':
        freqs = np_fft.rfftfreq(n_fft, 1 / s_freq)
    elif sides == 'two':
        freqs = fftpack.fftfreq(n_fft, 1 / s_freq)

    if taper is None:
        taper = 'boxcar'

    if taper == 'dpss':
        if NW is None:
            NW = halfbandwidth * n_smp / s_freq
        tapers, eig = dpss_windows(n_smp, NW, 2 * NW - 1)
        if scaling == 'chronux':
            tapers *= sqrt(s_freq)

        if taper == 'hann':
            tapers = windows.hann(n_smp, sym=False)[None, :]
            # TODO: it'd be nice to use sym=False if possible, but the difference is very small
            tapers = get_window(taper, n_smp)[None, :]

        if scaling == 'energy':
            rms = sqrt(mean(tapers**2))
            tapers /= rms * sqrt(n_smp)
        elif scaling != 'chronux':
            # idk how chronux treats other windows apart from dpss
            tapers /= norm(tapers)

    if detrend is not None:
        x = detrend_func(x, axis=axis, type=detrend)
    tapered = tapers * x[..., None, :]

    if sides == 'one':
        result = np_fft.rfft(tapered, n=n_fft)
    elif sides == 'two':
        result = fftpack.fft(tapered, n=n_fft)

    if scaling == 'chronux':
        result /= s_freq
    elif scaling == 'fieldtrip':
        result *= sqrt(2 / n_smp)

    if output == 'spectraldensity':
        result = (result.conj() * result)
    elif output == 'csd':
        result = (result[None, 0, ...].conj() * result[None, 1, ...])

    if (sides == 'one' and output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd')
            and scaling != 'chronux'):
        if n_fft % 2:
            result[..., 1:] *= 2
            # Last point is unpaired Nyquist freq point, don't double
            result[..., 1:-1] *= 2

    if scaling == 'power':
        scale = 1.0 / s_freq
    elif scaling == 'energy':
        scale = 1.0 / n_smp
        scale = 1
    if output == 'complex' and scaling in ('power', 'energy'):
        scale = sqrt(scale)
    result *= scale

    if scaling == 'fieldtrip' and output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd'):
        # fieldtrip uses only one side
        result /= 2

    if output in ('spectraldensity', 'csd'):
        if output == 'spectraldensity':
            result = result.real
        result = mean(result, axis=axis)
    elif output == 'complex':
        # dpss should be last dimension in complex, no mean
        result = swapaxes(result, axis, -1)

    return freqs, result
Example #48
        yData.append(math.sin(i * 0.1) + 0.5*math.sin(i*0.3))
    data = np.asarray([xData, yData])
    return data

# amplitude of sine waves from fft is magnitude of complex vector
# phase of sine waves from fft is angle of complex vector
# divide amplitude by number of samples to get actual amplitude
# ignore all fft values above half of sampling frequency and increase amplitudes
# of remaining fft values accordingly, ie if half of fft values removed, double
# remaining amplitudes
# phase is given in terms of cosine terms
if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = generate_data()

    rfftData = fft.rfft(data[1])
    fftFrequencies = fft.rfftfreq(len(data[1]), 0.1)

    extremaIndeces = extremaCalculator.findAllExtrema(data[1])

    for i, val in enumerate(extremaIndeces[0]):
        plt.plot(data[0][val], data[1][val], 'rx')

    magnitudeArray = []
    for i in range(0, len(rfftData)):
    magnitudeArray = np.asarray(magnitudeArray)
#    plt.plot(fftFrequencies, magnitudeArray)
    plt.plot(data[0], data[1])
Example #49
    def GetAttenuationRateImage(self,
                                windowparams=(50, 0.1),
                                solverparams=(1e-6, 1e-6, 1000, True)):

        from numpy.fft import ifft, fftshift, rfft, ifftshift
        from scipy.signal import tukey
        from scipy.ndimage import zoom
        from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, show
        from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
        # from numpy.linalg import dot

        fs = self.Capture.SamplingFrequency

        Gexp = []

        W = tukey(int(2 * windowparams[0]), windowparams[1])

        NFFT = int(fftpad * 2 * windowparams[0])

        a = self.Capture.AScans[ScanIndex]

        f = np.linspace(0., fs / 2, np.floor(NFFT / 2) + 1)
        N = self.Capture.NumberOfElements

        Aref = rfft(W * RefSignal, NFFT)

        for m in range(N):

            for n in range(m, N):

                ind = int(
                    np.round(fs *

                A = rfft(
                    W * a[m, n, ind - windowparams[0]:ind + windowparams[0]],

                if fband is None:

                    indf = GetSpectralRange(Aref, Aref)


                    indf = np.where((f >= fband[0]) & (f <= fband[1]))[0]

                AAref = Aref[indf]
                A = A[indf]

                Arefmax = np.amax(abs(AAref))

                v = FitPowerLaw(f[indf], -np.log(np.abs(A / AAref)), fpower)


        Gexp = np.array(Gexp).reshape(-1, 1)

        np.nan_to_num(Gexp, False)

        # Iexp = np.dot(self.ProjectionMatrixInverse[pathkey],Gexp)
        # Iavg = np.dot(self.ProjectionMatrixInverse[pathkey],Gavg)

        Iexp, convexp = SolveCimmino(self.ProjectionMatrix[pathkey], Gexp,
                                     solverparams[0], solverparams[1],
                                     solverparams[2], solverparams[3])

        xmin = np.amin(self.Grid['x'])
        xmax = np.amax(self.Grid['x'])

        ymin = np.amin(self.Grid['y'])
        ymax = np.amax(self.Grid['y'])

        x, y = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(xmin, xmax, int(np.round((xmax - xmin) / resolution))),
            np.linspace(ymin, ymax, int(np.round((ymax - ymin) / resolution))))

        Iexp = BilinearInterp(x, y, self.Grid['x'], self.Grid['y'],

        return Iexp, convexp, Gexp
Example #50
# when the sound is near to that, play that same message
pts = {}
pts[0] = array([])

lastnote = 0

bufnum = 0
while True:
        #				for j in range(window/N-1) :
        #					input[:,j*N] = input[:,(j+1)*N]

        jack.process(output, input[:, -N:])

        x = rfft(input[0] * hamming(window))
        x = array(
            map(lambda c: math.sqrt(c.real * c.real + c.imag * c.imag), x))

        dists = [(i, linalg.norm(x - pt)) for i, pt in pts.iteritems()]
        _, mini = findminp(dists)

        #				if lastnote != mini :
        midiout.sendMessage(144, mini, 0)
        lastnote = mini
        if mini != 0:
            # TODO: use RMS volume of input signal as value here
            midiout.sendMessage(144, mini, 120)
            print mini

        #dist0 = linalg.norm(x-pt0)
Example #51
def stft(
    ToDo: Open points:
     - sym_window need literature
     - fading why it is better?
     - should pad have more degrees of freedom?

    Calculates the short time Fourier transformation of a multi channel multi
    speaker time signal. It is able to add additional zeros for fade-in and
    fade out and should yield an STFT signal which allows perfect

        time_signal: Multi channel time signal with dimensions
            AA x ... x AZ x T x BA x ... x BZ.
        size: Scalar FFT-size.
        shift: Scalar FFT-shift, the step between successive frames in
            samples. Typically shift is a fraction of size.
        axis: Scalar axis of time.
            Default: None means the biggest dimension.
        window: Window function handle. Default is blackman window.
        fading: Pads the signal with zeros for better reconstruction.
        window_length: Sometimes one desires to use a shorter window than
            the fft size. In that case, the window is padded with zeros.
            The default is to use the fft-size as a window size.
        pad: If true zero pad the signal to match the shape, else cut
        symmetric_window: symmetric or periodic window. Assume window is
            periodic. Since the implementation of the windows in scipy.signal have a
            curious behaviour for odd window_length. Use window(len+1)[:-1]. Since
            is equal to the behaviour of MATLAB.

        Single channel complex STFT signal with dimensions
            AA x ... x AZ x T' times size/2+1 times BA x ... x BZ.
    time_signal = np.array(time_signal)

    axis = axis % time_signal.ndim

    if window_length is None:
        window_length = size

    # Pad with zeros to have enough samples for the window function to fade.
    if fading:
        pad_width = np.zeros((time_signal.ndim, 2), dtype=np.int)
        pad_width[axis, :] = window_length - shift
        time_signal = np.pad(time_signal, pad_width, mode='constant')

    if symmetric_window:
        window = window(window_length)
        # https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4551
        window = window(window_length + 1)[:-1]

    time_signal_seg = segment_axis_v2(
        end='pad' if pad else 'cut'

    letters = string.ascii_lowercase[:time_signal_seg.ndim]
    mapping = letters + ',' + letters[axis + 1] + '->' + letters

        # ToDo: Implement this more memory efficient
        return rfft(
            np.einsum(mapping, time_signal_seg, window),
            axis=axis + 1
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError(
            f'Could not calculate the stft, something does not match.\n'
            f'mapping: {mapping}, '
            f'time_signal_seg.shape: {time_signal_seg.shape}, '
            f'window.shape: {window.shape}, '
            f'size: {size}'
            f'axis+1: {axis+1}'
        ) from e
Example #52
def check_the_extrema(sample: dict):
    # check the peaks

    # define which extremum is closer to infra-red range and which to ultra-violet
    right_extremum = None
    if 435.0 > sample['minimum'][0] > 405.0 and sample['minimum'][0] > sample[
            'maximum'][0]:  # 405 - is additional check for the
        right_extremum = sample['minimum']
    elif 405.0 < sample['maximum'][0] < 435.0 and sample['minimum'][
            0] < sample['maximum'][0]:
        right_extremum = sample['maximum']

    sample['reversed FFT'] = None

    # check if the right extremum exists
    if right_extremum is not None:

        # make the fft (real), collect only first 3 frequencies and make ifft (real)
        rft = rfft(sample['answer_range'][1])
        rft[3:] = 0
        irft = irfft(rft)
        sample['reversed FFT'] = irft

        # get the polynomial fit of the ifft curve with appropriate range
        polyfit_range = 3
        r_squar = 0
        coeffs = None
        p = None
        while r_squar < 0.999:
            coeffs = np.polyfit(sample['answer_range'][0], irft, polyfit_range)
            # r-squared
            p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
            # fit values, and mean
            yhat = p(sample['answer_range'][0])  # or [p(z) for z in x]
            ybar = np.sum(irft) / len(irft)  # or sum(y)/len(y)
            ssreg = np.sum(
                (yhat -
                 ybar)**2)  # or sum([ (yihat - ybar)**2 for yihat in yhat])
            sstot = np.sum(
                (irft - ybar)**2)  # or sum([ (yi - ybar)**2 for yi in y])
            r_squar = ssreg / sstot

            polyfit_range += 1

        if coeffs is not None:
            coeffs = list(coeffs)

            deriv_poly = [coeffs[i] * i for i in range(1, len(coeffs))]
            roots = np.roots(deriv_poly)

            test_points = [p(root) for root in roots]
            test_points.insert(0, p(sample['answer_range'][0][0]))

            # test roots and remove ones that do not illustrate real extrema
            confirmed_roots = {}
            for root_index in range(0, len(roots)):
                left_y = test_points[root_index]  #
                root_y = test_points[
                    root_index +
                    1]  # because test points contain additional elements at the beginning and the end
                right_y = test_points[root_index + 2]  #

                if left_y > root_y < right_y or left_y < root_y > right_y:
                    if sample['answer_range'][0][0] <= roots[
                            root_index] <= sample['answer_range'][0][-1]:
                        confirmed_roots[roots[root_index]] = test_points[
                            root_index + 1]

            print(f'confirmed roots: {confirmed_roots.keys()}')

            # get distances between the extrema
            distances = {}
            start = 0
            for root in confirmed_roots:
                for i in range(start, len(confirmed_roots)):
                    key = list(confirmed_roots.keys())[i]
                    if key != root:
                        distances[f'{root}-{key}'] = abs(
                            confirmed_roots[root] - confirmed_roots[key])
                start += 1

            a = [
                x / sorted(distances.values())[-1]
                for x in sorted(distances.values())
            bins = {}
            bins[1] = [x for x in a if x < 0.25]
            bins[2] = [x for x in a if 0.25 < x < 0.5]
            bins[3] = [x for x in a if 0.5 < x < 0.75]
            bins[4] = [x for x in a if 0.9 < x]
            # pprint(bins)

            if len(bins[4]) == 1:
                print('bins answer True, applying additional check')

                # find pair of extrema that have maximal distance by Y between them
                left_extremum = None
                right_extremum = None
                dist = sys.float_info.min
                xs = list(confirmed_roots.keys())
                for first_root_index in range(0, len(xs)):
                    left_root_x = xs[first_root_index]
                    left_root_y = confirmed_roots[left_root_x]
                    for second_root_index in range(first_root_index + 1,
                        right_root_x = xs[second_root_index]
                        right_root_y = confirmed_roots[right_root_x]
                        current_distance = abs(right_root_y - left_root_y)
                        if current_distance > dist:
                            left_extremum = left_root_x
                            right_extremum = right_root_x
                            dist = current_distance
                left_extremum, right_extremum = right_extremum, left_extremum  # as our xs are somehow sorted in reverse order, flip them back
                    f'extrema with maximal distance have the following X: {left_extremum} and {right_extremum}'

                if left_extremum is not None:
                    # cut the graph by left and right extrema
                    shortened_xs = []
                    shortened_ys = []
                    for element_index in range(
                            len(sample['answer_range'][0]) - 1):
                        x = sample['answer_range'][0][element_index]
                        if left_extremum < x < right_extremum:
                            y = irft[element_index]

                    # find R^2 value for 3rd polynome approximation
                    coeffs = np.polyfit(shortened_xs, shortened_ys, 3)
                    # r-squared
                    p = np.poly1d(coeffs)
                    # fit values, and mean
                    yhat = p(shortened_xs)  # or [p(z) for z in x]
                    ybar = np.sum(shortened_ys) / len(shortened_ys)
                    ssreg = np.sum((yhat - ybar)**2)
                    sstot = np.sum((shortened_ys - ybar)**2)
                    r_squar = ssreg / sstot
                    print(f'r squared for shortened range: {r_squar}')
                    if r_squar > 0.98:
                        print('shortened answer True')
                        sample['positive_answer'] = True
                        print('shortened answer False')
                print('bins answer False')

        pprint(f"answer maximum: {sample['maximum']}")
        pprint(f"answer minimum: {sample['minimum']}")
        print(f"Answer: {sample['positive_answer']}")
        print('-' * 10)
Example #53
def spectrum(length, u, v, w):
    data_path = "./"

    Figs_Path = "./"
    Fig_file_name = "Ek_Spectrum"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    print("Computing spectrum... ", localtime)

    N = int(round((length**(1. / 3))))
    print("N =", N)
    eps = 1e-50  # to void log(0)

    U = u
    V = v
    W = w

    amplsU = abs(fftn(U) / U.size)
    amplsV = abs(fftn(V) / V.size)
    amplsW = abs(fftn(W) / W.size)

    EK_U = amplsU**2
    EK_V = amplsV**2
    EK_W = amplsW**2

    EK_U = fftshift(EK_U)
    EK_V = fftshift(EK_V)
    EK_W = fftshift(EK_W)

    sign_sizex = np.shape(EK_U)[0]
    sign_sizey = np.shape(EK_U)[1]
    sign_sizez = np.shape(EK_U)[2]

    box_sidex = sign_sizex
    box_sidey = sign_sizey
    box_sidez = sign_sizez

    box_radius = int(
        np.ceil((np.sqrt((box_sidex)**2 + (box_sidey)**2 +
                         (box_sidez)**2)) / 2.) + 1)

    centerx = int(box_sidex / 2)
    centery = int(box_sidey / 2)
    centerz = int(box_sidez / 2)

    print("box sidex     =", box_sidex)
    print("box sidey     =", box_sidey)
    print("box sidez     =", box_sidez)
    print("sphere radius =", box_radius)
    print("centerbox     =", centerx)
    print("centerboy     =", centery)
    print("centerboz     =", centerz, "\n")

    EK_U_avsphr = np.zeros(box_radius, ) + eps  ## size of the radius
    EK_V_avsphr = np.zeros(box_radius, ) + eps  ## size of the radius
    EK_W_avsphr = np.zeros(box_radius, ) + eps  ## size of the radius

    for i in range(box_sidex):
        for j in range(box_sidey):
            for k in range(box_sidez):
                wn = int(
                        np.sqrt((i - centerx)**2 + (j - centery)**2 +
                                (k - centerz)**2)))
                EK_U_avsphr[wn] = EK_U_avsphr[wn] + EK_U[i, j, k]
                EK_V_avsphr[wn] = EK_V_avsphr[wn] + EK_V[i, j, k]
                EK_W_avsphr[wn] = EK_W_avsphr[wn] + EK_W[i, j, k]
        print('iterating' + str(i), flush=True)

    EK_avsphr = 0.5 * (EK_U_avsphr + EK_V_avsphr + EK_W_avsphr)

    fig2 = plt.figure()
    #plt.title("Kinetic Energy Spectrum")

    realsize = len(rfft(U[:, 0, 0]))
    plt.loglog(np.arange(0, realsize), ((EK_avsphr[0:realsize])), 'k')
    plt.loglog(np.arange(realsize, len(EK_avsphr), 1),
               ((EK_avsphr[realsize:])), 'k--')
    axes = plt.gca()
    axes.set_ylim([10**-25, 5**-1])

    print("Real      Kmax    = ", realsize)
    print("Spherical Kmax    = ", len(EK_avsphr))

    TKEofmean_discrete = 0.5 * (sum(U / U.size)**2 + sum(W / W.size)**2 +
                                sum(W / W.size)**2)
    TKEofmean_sphere = EK_avsphr[0]

    total_TKE_discrete = sum(0.5 * (U**2 + V**2 + W**2)) / (N * 1.0)**3
    total_TKE_sphere = sum(EK_avsphr)

    print("the KE  of the mean velocity discrete  = ", TKEofmean_discrete)
    print("the KE  of the mean velocity sphere    = ", TKEofmean_sphere)
    print("the mean KE discrete  = ", total_TKE_discrete)
    print("the mean KE sphere    = ", total_TKE_sphere)

    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    print("Computing spectrum... ", localtime, "- END \n")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    dataout = np.zeros((box_radius, 2))
    dataout[:, 0] = np.arange(0, len(dataout))
    dataout[:, 1] = EK_avsphr[0:len(dataout)]

    #savetxt(Figs_Path + Fig_file_name + '.dat', dataout)
    #fig.savefig(Figs_Path + Fig_file_name + '.pdf')
    return fig2
Example #54
plt.plot(xvals, x[:,0]/16, color="grey")
plt.plot(xvals, x[:,1]/16, color="green")
plt.plot(xvals, x[:,2]/16, color="red")
plt.xlabel("Time, s")
plt.ylabel("Pulse length, us")
plt.title("Zero crossing pulse length, R input = 16.4k R pullup = 10k")
plt.savefig("Zero crossing pulse length, R input = 16k4 R pullup = 10k")

xvals = np.arange(0.0, N/2+1, 1)
xvals = xvals/np.max(xvals)*50
plt.plot(xvals, signal.medfilt(
				(x[:,0]) / np.max(x[:,0])
	),355) )
plt.ylabel("Magnitude, db")
plt.title("Zero crossing pulse length FFT, R input = 16.4k R pullup = 10k")
plt.savefig("Zero crossing pulse length FFT, R input = 16k4 R pullup = 10k")

std = np.std(diff)

sigma = std

plt.hist(diff, bins=(
	np.min(diff)*-1 + 
Example #55
def calculate_levels(data, chunk_size, sample_rate, frequency_limits, num_bins, input_channels=2):
    """Calculate frequency response for each channel defined in frequency_limits

    :param data: decoder.frames(), audio data for fft calculations
    :type data: decoder.frames

    :param chunk_size: chunk size of audio data
    :type chunk_size: int

    :param sample_rate: audio file sample rate
    :type sample_rate: int

    :param frequency_limits: list of frequency_limits
    :type frequency_limits: list

    :param num_bins: length of gpio to process
    :type num_bins: int

    :param input_channels: number of audio input channels to process for (default=2)
    :type input_channels: int

    :rtype: numpy.array

    # create a numpy array, taking just the left channel if stereo
    data_stereo = frombuffer(data, dtype=int16)
    if input_channels == 2:
        # data has 2 bytes per channel
        data = empty(len(data) / (2 * input_channels))

        # pull out the even values, just using left channel
        data[:] = data_stereo[::2]
    elif input_channels == 1:
        data = data_stereo

    # if you take an FFT of a chunk of audio, the edges will look like
    # super high frequency cutoffs. Applying a window tapers the edges
    # of each end of the chunk down to zero.
    data = data * hanning(len(data))

    # Apply FFT - real data
    fourier = fft.rfft(data)

    # Remove last element in array to make it the same size as chunk_size
    fourier = delete(fourier, len(fourier) - 1)

    # Calculate the power spectrum
    power = npabs(fourier) ** 2

    matrix = zeros(num_bins, dtype='float64')
    for pin in range(num_bins):
        # take the log10 of the resulting sum to approximate how human ears 
        # perceive sound levels
        # Get the power array index corresponding to a particular frequency.
        idx1 = int(chunk_size * frequency_limits[pin][0] / sample_rate)
        idx2 = int(chunk_size * frequency_limits[pin][1] / sample_rate)
        # if index1 is the same as index2 the value is an invalid value
        # we can fix this by incrementing index2 by 1, This is a temporary fix
        # for RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
        # generated while calculating the standard deviation.  This warning
        # results in some channels not lighting up during playback.
        if idx1 == idx2:
            idx2 += 1
        npsums = npsum(power[idx1:idx2:1])
        # if the sum is 0 lets not take log10, just use 0
        # eliminates RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10, does not insert -inf
        if npsums == 0:
            matrix[pin] = 0
            matrix[pin] = log10(npsums)

    return matrix
Example #56
    def run(self, tf, dt, c1, c2):
        """ Run a simulation """
        n, m, k = self.n, self.m, self.k

        # Total simulation time
        simTime = int(tf / dt)

        # Returns the three synaptic connections kernels
        W12, W21, W22, delays = self.build_kernels()

        # Compute delays by dividing distances by axonal velocity
        delays12 = np.floor(delays[0] / c2)
        delays21 = np.floor(delays[1] / c1)
        delays22 = np.floor(delays[2] / c2)
        maxDelay = int(
            max(delays12[0].max(), delays21[0].max(), delays22[0].max()))

        # Set the initial conditions and the history

        # Initialize the cortical and striatal inputs
        Cx = 0.5
        Str = 0.4

        # Presynaptic activities
        pre12, pre21, pre22 = np.empty((m, )), np.empty((m, )), np.empty((m, ))

        # Simulation
        for i in range(maxDelay, simTime):
            # Take into account the history of rate for each neuron according
            # to its axonal delay
            for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(m)):
                mysum = 0.0
                for jj in range(k, n):
                    mysum += (W12[ii, jj] *
                              self.X2[i - delays12[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx
                pre12[idxi] = mysum

            for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(k, n)):
                mysum = 0.0
                for jj in range(0, m):
                    mysum += (W21[ii, jj] *
                              self.X1[i - delays21[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx
                pre21[idxi] = mysum

            for idxi, ii in enumerate(range(k, n)):
                mysum = 0.0
                for jj in range(k, n):
                    mysum += (W22[ii, jj] *
                              self.X2[i - delays22[ii, jj], jj]) * self.dx
                pre22[idxi] = mysum

            # Forward Euler step
            self.X1[i, :m] = (
                self.X1[i - 1, :m] +
                (-self.X1[i - 1, :m] + self.S1(-pre12 + Cx)) * dt / self.tau1)
            self.X2[i, k:] = (
                self.X2[i - 1, k:] +
                (-self.X2[i - 1, k:] + self.S2(pre21 - pre22 - Str)) * dt /
        dx = 1.0 / float(m)
        fr = self.X1.sum(axis=1) * dx / 1.0

        signal = detrend(fr)
        windowed = signal * blackmanharris(len(signal))
        f = rfft(windowed)
        i = np.argmax(np.abs(f))
        # true_i = parabolic(np.log(np.abs(f)), i)[0]
        return i
def get_spectrogram(filename, fft_length):
    fp = audiolab.Sndfile(filename, 'r')
    sample_rate = fp.samplerate
    total_num_samps = fp.nframes

    num_fft = (total_num_samps / fft_length) - 2
    # create temporary working array
    fft_buckets = np.zeros((num_fft, fft_length), float)
    channels = fp.channels

    # read in the data from the file
    for i in range(num_fft):
        frames = fp.read_frames(fft_length)
        if channels == 2:
            # TODO: figure out how to combine channels appropriately
            fft_buckets[i, :] = frames[:, 0] - 128.0
        elif channels == 1:
            fft_buckets[i, :] = frames - 128.0
            raise Exception("Unsupported # of channels: %d" % channels)

    # Window the data
    fft_buckets = fft_buckets * np.hamming(fft_length)

    # Transform with the FFT, Return Power
    freq_pwr = 10 * np.log10(1e-20 + abs(rfft(fft_buckets, fft_length)))

    n_out_pts = (fft_length / 2) + 1
    axis_hz = 0.5 * float(sample_rate) / n_out_pts * np.arange(n_out_pts)
    axis = axis_hz / 1000

    audio = []
    audionorm = []
    trans = freq_pwr.transpose()
    for freq in trans:
        audionorm.append(freq.sum() / n_out_pts)

    #plt.plot(axis, audionorm)

    window = [-1, 0, 1]
    slope = np.convolve(audio, window, mode='same') / np.convolve(
        range((fft_length / 2) + 1), window, mode='same')

    slopes = []
    slopenorm = []
    for point in slope:
        slopenorm.append(point / n_out_pts)

    #plt.plot(axis, slopenorm)

    highfreq = 0
    for hz in axis_hz:
        if hz > highfreq:
            highfreq = hz
    freqinc = highfreq / ((fft_length / 2) + 1)
    freqcut = int(10000 / freqinc)
    slopespart = slopenorm[freqcut:]

    # Find local minima
    localminima = []
    for i in range(len(slopespart) - 2):
        if slopespart[i] > slopespart[i + 1] and slopespart[
                i + 1] < slopespart[i + 2] and slopespart[i + 1] < -10:
            localminima.append(slopespart[i + 1])

    if len(localminima) < 1:
        return "xxxxx"

    last = slopenorm.index(localminima[-1]) * freqinc
    if last > 20500:
        last = slopenorm.index(localminima[-2]) * freqinc

    lastround = round(last / 500) * 500
    bitfreqs = {
        20000: '320',
        19500: '256',
        19000: 'v0',
        18500: '192',
        18000: 'v2',
        16500: '128'
    #print last, lastround
    #print "Best guess at source quality: " + bitfreqs[lastround]
    return str(int(lastround)) + " - " + str(int(last))
Example #58
def simulate_wm(N_excitatory=2048,
                poisson_firing_rate=1.8 * Hz,
                stimulus_strength=0.07 * namp,
                t_stimulus1_start=0 * ms,
                t_stimulus2_start=4000 * ms,
                t_stimulus_duration=0 * ms,
                t_delay1=3000 * ms,
                t_delay2=3000 * ms,
                t_iti_duration=300 * ms,
                sim_time=2000. * ms,
        N_excitatory (int): Size of the excitatory population
        N_inhibitory (int): Size of the inhibitory population
        weight_scaling_factor (float): weight prefactor. When increasing the size of the populations,
            the synaptic weights have to be decreased. Using the default values, we have
            N_excitatory*weight_scaling_factor = 2048 and N_inhibitory*weight_scaling_factor=512
        N_extern_poisson (int): Size of the external input population (Poisson input)
        poisson_firing_rate (Quantity): Firing rate of the external population
        sigma_weight_profile (float): standard deviation of the gaussian input profile in
            the excitatory population.
        Jpos_excit2excit (float): Strength of the recurrent input within the excitatory population.
            Jneg_excit2excit is computed from sigma_weight_profile, Jpos_excit2excit and the normalization
        stimulus_center_deg (float): Center of the stimulus in [0, 360]
        stimulus_width_deg (float): width of the stimulus. All neurons in
            stimulus_center_deg +- (stimulus_width_deg/2) receive the same input current
        stimulus_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at stimulus_center_deg +- (stimulus_width_deg/2)
        t_stimulus_start (Quantity): time when the input stimulus is turned on
        t_stimulus_duration (Quantity): duration of the stimulus.
        monitored_subset_size (int): nr of neurons for which a Spike- and Voltage monitor is registered.
        sim_time (Quantity): simulation time


       results (tuple):
       rate_monitor_excit (Brian2 PopulationRateMonitor for the excitatory population),
        spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\
        rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\
        weight_profile_45 (The weights profile for the neuron with preferred direction = 45deg).

    global par

    print par

    # specify the excitatory pyramidal cells:
    Cm_excit = 0.5 * nF  # membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons
    G_leak_excit = 25.0 * nS  # leak conductance
    E_leak_excit = -70.0 * mV  # reversal potential
    v_firing_threshold_excit = -50.0 * mV  # spike condition
    v_reset_excit = -60.0 * mV  # reset voltage after spike
    t_abs_refract_excit = 2.0 * ms  # absolute refractory period

    # specify the weight profile in the recurrent population
    # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction
    # sigma_weight_profile = 12.0  # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction
    # Jneg_excit2excit = 0

    # specify the inhibitory interneurons:
    Cm_inhib = 0.2 * nF
    G_leak_inhib = 20.0 * nS
    E_leak_inhib = -70.0 * mV
    v_firing_threshold_inhib = -50.0 * mV
    v_reset_inhib = -60.0 * mV
    t_abs_refract_inhib = 1.0 * ms

    # specify the AMPA synapses
    E_AMPA = 0.0 * mV
    tau_AMPA = 2.0 * ms

    # specify the GABA synapses
    E_GABA = -70.0 * mV
    tau_GABA = 10.0 * ms

    # specify the NMDA synapses
    E_NMDA = 0.0 * mV
    tau_NMDA_s = 100.0 * ms
    tau_NMDA_x = 2.0 * ms
    alpha_NMDA = 0.5 * kHz

    weight_scaling_factor = 2048. / N_excitatory

    # projections from the external population
    G_extern2inhib = 2.38 * nS
    G_extern2excit = 3.1 * nS

    # projectsions from the inhibitory populations
    G_inhib2inhib = weight_scaling_factor * 1.024 * nS
    G_inhib2excit = weight_scaling_factor * 1.336 * nS

    # projections from the excitatory population NMDA
    G_excit2excit = weight_scaling_factor * 0.28 * nS  #nmda+ampa
    G_excit2inhib = weight_scaling_factor * 0.212 * nS  # nmda+ampa

    # recurrent AMPA
    G_excit2excitA = weight_scaling_factor * 1. * 0.251 * nS  #ampa
    GEEA = G_excit2excitA / G_extern2excit
    G_excit2inhibA = weight_scaling_factor * 0.192 * nS  #ampa
    GEIA = G_excit2inhibA / G_extern2inhib

    # STDP
    taupre = 20 * ms
    taupost = 20 * ms
    wmax = 2.  #1.1
    Apre = par  #0.00035 #0.00025 #set to zero to deactivate STDP # 0.02
    Apost = Apre  #-Apre *taupre/taupost*1.03 #1.4 #negative for LTD, positive for LTP
    stp_decay = 0.04  #25 #0.025
    #    Apost      = Apre *taupre/taupost #negative for LTD, positive for LTP

    # compute the simulus index
    stim1_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus1_center_deg))
    stim1_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_width_deg / 2))
    stim1_target_idx = [
        idx % N_excitatory
        for idx in range(stim1_center_idx - stim1_width_idx, stim1_center_idx +
                         stim1_width_idx + 1)

    stim2_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus2_center_deg))
    stim2_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_width_deg / 2))
    stim2_target_idx = [
        idx % N_excitatory
        for idx in range(stim2_center_idx - stim2_width_idx, stim2_center_idx +
                         stim2_width_idx + 1)

    # precompute the weight profile for the recurrent population
    tmp = math.sqrt(2. * math.pi) * sigma_weight_profile * erf(
        180. / math.sqrt(2.) / sigma_weight_profile) / 360.
    Jneg_excit2excit = (1. - Jpos_excit2excit * tmp) / (1. - tmp)
    presyn_weight_kernel = [
        (Jneg_excit2excit + (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) *
         math.exp(-.5 * (360. * min(nj, N_excitatory - nj) / N_excitatory)**2 /
                  sigma_weight_profile**2)) for nj in range(N_excitatory)
    fft_presyn_weight_kernel = rfft(presyn_weight_kernel)

    # define the inhibitory population
    a = 0.062 / mV
    inhib_lif_dynamics = """
        s_NMDA_total : 1  # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn
        dv/dt = (
        - G_leak_inhib * (v-E_leak_inhib)
        - G_extern2inhib * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA)
        - G_inhib2inhib * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA)
        - G_excit2inhib * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-a*v)/3.57)
        )/Cm_inhib : volt (unless refractory)
        ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1
        ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1

    inhib_pop = NeuronGroup(N_inhibitory,
    # initialize with random voltages:
    inhib_pop.v = np.random.uniform(v_reset_inhib / mV,
                                    high=v_firing_threshold_inhib / mV,
                                    size=N_inhibitory) * mV
    # set the connections: inhib2inhib
    syn_inhib2inhib = Synapses(inhib_pop,
                               on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0",
                               delay=0.0 * ms)
    syn_inhib2inhib.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.0)
    #    syn_inhib2inhib.connect(p=1.0)
    # set the connections: extern2inhib
    input_ext2inhib = PoissonInput(target=inhib_pop,

    # specify the excitatory population:
    excit_lif_dynamics = """
        I_stim : amp
        s_NMDA_total : 1  # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn
        dv/dt = (
        - G_leak_excit * (v-E_leak_excit)
        - G_extern2excit * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA)
        - G_inhib2excit * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA)
        - G_excit2excit * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-a*v)/3.57)
        + I_stim
        )/Cm_excit : volt (unless refractory)
        ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1
        ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1
        ds_NMDA/dt = -s_NMDA/tau_NMDA_s + alpha_NMDA * x * (1-s_NMDA) : 1
        dx/dt = -x/tau_NMDA_x : 1

    excit_pop = NeuronGroup(N_excitatory,
    # initialize with random voltages:
    excit_pop.v = np.random.uniform(v_reset_excit / mV,
                                    high=v_firing_threshold_excit / mV,
                                    size=N_excitatory) * mV
    excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * namp
    # set the connections: extern2excit
    input_ext2excit = PoissonInput(target=excit_pop,

    # set the connections: inhibitory to excitatory
    syn_inhib2excit = Synapses(inhib_pop, excit_pop, on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0")

    # set the connections: excitatory to inhibitory NMDA connections
    syn_excit2inhib = Synapses(
        model="s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)",

    # # set the connections: UNSTRUCTURED excitatory to excitatory
    # syn_excit2excit = Synapses(excit_pop, excit_pop,
    #        model= "s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2")
    # syn_excit2excit.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.)

    # set the STRUCTURED recurrent AMPA input
    # equations for weights, trace decay
    synapse_eqs = '''
    w : 1
    stp : 1
    dapre/dt = -apre/ taupre : 1 (event-driven)
    dapost/dt = -apost / taupost : 1 (event-driven)

    # equations for presynaptic spike
    eqs_pre = '''
    s_AMPA_post += w*stp
    x_pre += (1.0/N_excitatory)*stp
    apre += Apre
    stp = clip(stp + apost - stp_decay * (stp - 1.), 0, wmax)

    # equations for postsynaptic spike
    eqs_post = '''
    apost += Apost
    stp = clip(stp + apre, 0, wmax)

    syn_excit2excit = Synapses(excit_pop,
    syn_excit2excit.connect(condition='i!=j', p=1.0)
    syn_excit2excit.stp = 1.0
        'abs(i-j)<N_excitatory/2'] = 'GEEA *(Jneg_excit2excit + (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) * exp(-.5 * (360. * abs(i-j) / N_excitatory) ** 2 / sigma_weight_profile ** 2))'
        'abs(i-j)>=N_excitatory/2'] = 'GEEA *(Jneg_excit2excit + (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) * exp(-.5 * (360. * (N_excitatory - abs(i-j)) / N_excitatory) ** 2 / sigma_weight_profile ** 2))'

    syn_excit2inhibA = Synapses(excit_pop,
                                model="w : 1",
                                on_pre="s_AMPA_post += w")
    syn_excit2inhibA.w = GEIA

    # set the STRUCTURED recurrent NMDA input. use a network_operation
    def update_nmda_sum():
        fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop.s_NMDA)
        fft_s_NMDA_total = np.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel, fft_s_NMDA)
        s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total, N_excitatory)
        excit_pop.s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot
        # excit_pop.s_NMDA_total = s_NMDA_tot
        # inhib_pop.s_NMDA_total = fft_s_NMDA[0]

    @network_operation(dt=100 * ms)
    def time_counter(t):

    @network_operation(dt=1 * ms)
    def stimulate_network(t):
        if t >= t_stimulus1_start and t < t_stimulus1_start + t_stimulus_duration:
            excit_pop.I_stim[stim1_target_idx] = stimulus_strength
        elif t >= t_stimulus1_start + t_stimulus_duration and t < t_stimulus1_start + t_stimulus_duration + t_delay1:
            excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * namp
        elif t >= t_stimulus1_start + t_stimulus_duration + t_delay1 and t < t_stimulus1_start + t_stimulus_duration + t_delay1 + t_stimulus_duration:
            excit_pop.I_stim = -1. * stimulus_strength
        elif t >= t_stimulus2_start - t_iti_duration and t < t_stimulus2_start:
            excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * namp
        elif t >= t_stimulus2_start and t < t_stimulus2_start + t_stimulus_duration:
            excit_pop.I_stim[stim2_target_idx] = stimulus_strength
            #syn_excit2excit.sgn=-1.0  # neuromodulation change
            excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * namp

    def get_monitors(pop, nr_monitored, N):
        nr_monitored = min(nr_monitored, (N))
        idx_monitored_neurons = [
            int(math.ceil(k)) for k in np.linspace(0, N - 1, nr_monitored + 2)
        ][1:-1]  # sample(range(N), nr_monitored)
        # rate_monitor    = PopulationRateMonitor(pop)
        spike_monitor = SpikeMonitor(pop, record=idx_monitored_neurons)
        # voltage_monitor = StateMonitor(pop, "v", record=idx_monitored_neurons)
        synapse_monitor = StateMonitor(
            record=syn_excit2excit[stim1_center_idx, stim1_center_idx -
                                   10:stim1_center_idx + 10],
            dt=1 * ms)
        # return rate_monitor, spike_monitor, voltage_monitor, idx_monitored_neurons, synapse_monitor
        return spike_monitor, synapse_monitor

    # collect data of a subset of neurons:
    spike_monitor_excit, synapse_monitor_excit = get_monitors(
        excit_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_excitatory)

    return spike_monitor_excit, synapse_monitor_excit
Fourier filtering and smoothing
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
''' Part A +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'''

# reading in dow data and plotting
dow = np.loadtxt('dow.txt')
plt.title("Part A")
''' Part B, C, D +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'''

# calculating coefficients
coefficients = rfft(dow)

# setting first 10% to zero
N = len(coefficients)
coefficients[-N * 9 // 10:] = 0

# calculating inverse fourier transform
dow_new = irfft(coefficients)

# plotting both original and smoothed on same plot
plt.title("Part B, C, D")
''' Part E +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'''
Example #60
def simulate_wm(N_excitatory=1024,
                poisson_firing_rate=1.4 * b2.Hz,
                stimulus_strength=0.07 * b2.namp,
                t_stimulus_start=0 * b2.ms,
                t_stimulus_duration=0 * b2.ms,
                distractor_strength=0.0 * b2.namp,
                t_distractor_start=0 * b2.ms,
                t_distractor_duration=0 * b2.ms,
                G_inhib2inhib=.35 * 1.024 * b2.nS,
                G_inhib2excit=.35 * 1.336 * b2.nS,
                G_excit2excit=.35 * 0.381 * b2.nS,
                G_excit2inhib=.35 * 1.2 * 0.292 * b2.nS,
                sim_time=800. * b2.ms):
        N_excitatory (int): Size of the excitatory population
        N_inhibitory (int): Size of the inhibitory population
        weight_scaling_factor (float): weight prefactor. When increasing the size of the populations,
            the synaptic weights have to be decreased. Using the default values, we have
            N_excitatory*weight_scaling_factor = 2048 and N_inhibitory*weight_scaling_factor=512
        N_extern_poisson (int): Size of the external input population (Poisson input)
        poisson_firing_rate (Quantity): Firing rate of the external population
        sigma_weight_profile (float): standard deviation of the gaussian input profile in
            the excitatory population.
        Jpos_excit2excit (float): Strength of the recurrent input within the excitatory population.
            Jneg_excit2excit is computed from sigma_weight_profile, Jpos_excit2excit and the normalization
        stimulus_center_deg (float): Center of the stimulus in [0, 360]
        stimulus_width_deg (float): width of the stimulus. All neurons in
            stimulus_center_deg +\- (stimulus_width_deg/2) receive the same input current
        stimulus_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at stimulus_center_deg +\- (stimulus_width_deg/2)
        t_stimulus_start (Quantity): time when the input stimulus is turned on
        t_stimulus_duration (Quantity): duration of the stimulus.
        distractor_center_deg (float): Center of the distractor in [0, 360]
        distractor_width_deg (float): width of the distractor. All neurons in
            distractor_center_deg +\- (distractor_width_deg/2) receive the same input current
            distractor_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at
            distractor_center_deg +\- (distractor_width_deg/2)
        t_distractor_start (Quantity): time when the distractor is turned on
        t_distractor_duration (Quantity): duration of the distractor.
        G_inhib2inhib (Quantity): projections from inhibitory to inhibitory population (later
            rescaled by weight_scaling_factor)
        G_inhib2excit (Quantity): projections from inhibitory to excitatory population (later
            rescaled by weight_scaling_factor)
        G_excit2excit (Quantity): projections from excitatory to excitatory population (later
            rescaled by weight_scaling_factor)
        G_excit2inhib (Quantity): projections from excitatory to inhibitory population (later
            rescaled by weight_scaling_factor)
        monitored_subset_size (int): nr of neurons for which a Spike- and Voltage monitor
            is registered.
        sim_time (Quantity): simulation time


       results (tuple):
       rate_monitor_excit (Brian2 PopulationRateMonitor for the excitatory population),
        spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\
        rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\
        weight_profile_45 (The weights profile for the neuron with preferred direction = 45deg).
    # specify the excitatory pyramidal cells:
    Cm_excit = 0.5 * b2.nF  # membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons
    G_leak_excit = 25.0 * b2.nS  # leak conductance
    E_leak_excit = -70.0 * b2.mV  # reversal potential
    v_firing_threshold_excit = -50.0 * b2.mV  # spike condition
    v_reset_excit = -60.0 * b2.mV  # reset voltage after spike
    t_abs_refract_excit = 2.0 * b2.ms  # absolute refractory period

    # specify the weight profile in the recurrent population
    # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction
    # sigma_weight_profile = 12.0  # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction

    # Jneg_excit2excit = 0

    # specify the inhibitory interneurons:
    Cm_inhib = 0.2 * b2.nF
    G_leak_inhib = 20.0 * b2.nS
    E_leak_inhib = -70.0 * b2.mV
    v_firing_threshold_inhib = -50.0 * b2.mV
    v_reset_inhib = -60.0 * b2.mV
    t_abs_refract_inhib = 1.0 * b2.ms

    # specify the AMPA synapses
    E_AMPA = 0.0 * b2.mV
    tau_AMPA = .9 * 2.0 * b2.ms

    # specify the GABA synapses
    E_GABA = -70.0 * b2.mV
    tau_GABA = 10.0 * b2.ms

    # specify the NMDA synapses
    E_NMDA = 0.0 * b2.mV
    tau_NMDA_s = .65 * 100.0 * b2.ms  # orig: 100
    tau_NMDA_x = .94 * 2.0 * b2.ms
    alpha_NMDA = 0.5 * b2.kHz

    # projections from the external population
    G_extern2inhib = 2.38 * b2.nS
    G_extern2excit = 3.1 * b2.nS

    # projectsions from the inhibitory populations
    G_inhib2inhib *= weight_scaling_factor
    G_inhib2excit *= weight_scaling_factor

    # projections from the excitatory population
    G_excit2excit *= weight_scaling_factor
    G_excit2inhib *= weight_scaling_factor  # todo: verify this scaling

    t_stimulus_end = t_stimulus_start + t_stimulus_duration
    t_distractor_end = t_distractor_start + t_distractor_duration
    # compute the simulus index
    stim_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_center_deg))
    stim_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_width_deg / 2))
    stim_target_idx = [
        idx % N_excitatory
        for idx in range(stim_center_idx - stim_width_idx, stim_center_idx +
                         stim_width_idx + 1)
    # compute the distractor index
    distr_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * distractor_center_deg))
    distr_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * distractor_width_deg /
    distr_target_idx = [
        idx % N_excitatory
        for idx in range(distr_center_idx - distr_width_idx, distr_center_idx +
                         distr_width_idx + 1)

    # precompute the weight profile for the recurrent population
    tmp = math.sqrt(2. * math.pi) * sigma_weight_profile * erf(
        180. / math.sqrt(2.) / sigma_weight_profile) / 360.
    Jneg_excit2excit = (1. - Jpos_excit2excit * tmp) / (1. - tmp)
    presyn_weight_kernel = \
        [(Jneg_excit2excit +
          (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) *
          math.exp(-.5 * (360. * min(j, N_excitatory - j) / N_excitatory) ** 2 / sigma_weight_profile ** 2))
         for j in range(N_excitatory)]
    # validate the normalization condition: (360./N_excitatory)*sum(presyn_weight_kernel)/360.
    fft_presyn_weight_kernel = rfft(presyn_weight_kernel)
    weight_profile_45 = deque(presyn_weight_kernel)
    rot_dist = int(round(len(weight_profile_45) / 8))

    # define the inhibitory population
    inhib_lif_dynamics = """
        s_NMDA_total : 1  # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn
        dv/dt = (
        - G_leak_inhib * (v-E_leak_inhib)
        - G_extern2inhib * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA)
        - G_inhib2inhib * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA)
        - G_excit2inhib * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*v/volt)/3.57)
        )/Cm_inhib : volt (unless refractory)
        ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1
        ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1

    inhib_pop = NeuronGroup(N_inhibitory,
    # initialize with random voltages:
    inhib_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_inhib / b2.mV,
                                       high=v_firing_threshold_inhib / b2.mV,
                                       size=N_inhibitory) * b2.mV
    # set the connections: inhib2inhib
    syn_inhib2inhib = Synapses(inhib_pop,
                               on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0",
                               delay=0.0 * b2.ms)
    syn_inhib2inhib.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.0)
    # set the connections: extern2inhib
    input_ext2inhib = PoissonInput(target=inhib_pop,

    # specify the excitatory population:
    excit_lif_dynamics = """
        I_stim : amp
        s_NMDA_total : 1  # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn
        dv/dt = (
        - G_leak_excit * (v-E_leak_excit)
        - G_extern2excit * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA)
        - G_inhib2excit * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA)
        - G_excit2excit * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*v/volt)/3.57)
        + I_stim
        )/Cm_excit : volt (unless refractory)
        ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1
        ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1
        ds_NMDA/dt = -s_NMDA/tau_NMDA_s + alpha_NMDA * x * (1-s_NMDA) : 1
        dx/dt = -x/tau_NMDA_x : 1

    excit_pop = NeuronGroup(N_excitatory,
                            reset="v=v_reset_excit; x+=1.0",
    # initialize with random voltages:
    excit_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_excit / b2.mV,
                                       high=v_firing_threshold_excit / b2.mV,
                                       size=N_excitatory) * b2.mV
    excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp
    # set the connections: extern2excit
    input_ext2excit = PoissonInput(target=excit_pop,

    # set the connections: inhibitory to excitatory
    syn_inhib2excit = Synapses(inhib_pop,
                               on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0")

    # set the connections: excitatory to inhibitory NMDA connections
    syn_excit2inhib = Synapses(
        model="s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)",

    # # set the connections: UNSTRUCTURED excitatory to excitatory
    # syn_excit2excit = Synapses(excit_pop, excit_pop,
    #        model= "s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2")
    # syn_excit2excit.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.)

    # set the STRUCTURED recurrent input. use a network_operation
    def update_nmda_sum():
        fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop.s_NMDA)
        fft_s_NMDA_total = numpy.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel, fft_s_NMDA)
        s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total)
        excit_pop.s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot

    @network_operation(dt=1 * b2.ms)
    def stimulate_network(t):
        if t >= t_stimulus_start and t < t_stimulus_end:
            # excit_pop[stim_start_i - 15:stim_start_i + 15].I_stim = 0.25 * b2.namp
            # Todo: review indexing
            # print("stim on")
            excit_pop.I_stim[stim_target_idx] = stimulus_strength
            # print("stim off")
            excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp
        # add distractor
        if t >= t_distractor_start and t < t_distractor_end:
            excit_pop.I_stim[distr_target_idx] = distractor_strength

    def get_monitors(pop, nr_monitored, N):
        nr_monitored = min(nr_monitored, (N))
        idx_monitored_neurons = \
             for k in numpy.linspace(0, N - 1, nr_monitored + 2)][1:-1]  # sample(range(N), nr_monitored)
        rate_monitor = PopulationRateMonitor(pop)
        # record= some_list is not supported? :-(
        spike_monitor = SpikeMonitor(pop, record=idx_monitored_neurons)
        voltage_monitor = StateMonitor(pop, "v", record=idx_monitored_neurons)
        return rate_monitor, spike_monitor, voltage_monitor, idx_monitored_neurons

    # collect data of a subset of neurons:
    rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib = \
        get_monitors(inhib_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_inhibitory)

    rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit = \
        get_monitors(excit_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_excitatory)

    return \
        rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\
        rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\