def calculate_cubic_value_not_a_knot(t, y):
    n = len(t)
    h = []
    b = []
    v = [0]
    A = zeros(shape=(n, n))

    for i in range(0, n - 1):
        h.append(t[i + 1] - t[i])
        b.append(6 * (y[i + 1] - y[i]) / h[i])

    A[0][0] = h[1]
    A[0][1] = - h[1] - h[0]
    A[0][2] = h[0]

    for i in range(1, n - 1):
        A[i][i - 1] = h[i - 1]
        A[i][i] = 2 * (h[i - 1] + h[i])
        A[i][i + 1] = h[i]
        v.append(b[i] - b[i - 1])
    A[n - 1][n - 3] = h[n - 2]
    A[n - 1][n - 2] = - h[n - 2] - h[n - 3]
    A[n - 1][n - 1] = h[n - 3]

    z = linalg.solve(A, v)

    return z, h
Example #2
 def test_the_matrix_class(self):
     a = numpy.matrix('1. 2.; 3. 4.')
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(a.transpose(), numpy.matrix('1. 3.; 2. 4.'))
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(a.I, numpy.matrix('-2. 1.; 1.5 -0.5'))
     b = numpy.matrix('5. 7.')
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(b.transpose(), numpy.matrix('5.;7.'))
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(solve(a,b.transpose()), numpy.matrix('-3.;4.'))
def approximate(points, m):
    x_vector, y_vector = zip(*points)
    S = fill_s_matrix(x_vector, m)
    Y = fill_y_vector(x_vector, y_vector, m)
    A = linalg.solve(S, Y)

    def foo(x_point):
        result = 0
        for i in range(0, m+1):
            result += pow(x_point, i) * A[i]
        return result
    return foo
def calculate_quadratic_value_not_a_knot(t, y):
    n = len(t)
    d = [(y[1] - y[0]) / (t[1] - t[0])]
    A = zeros(shape=(n, n))
    A[0][0] = 1

    for i in range(1, n):
        A[i][i-1] = 1
        A[i][i] = 1
        d.append(2 * ((y[i] - y[i-1]) / (t[i] - t[i-1])))

    return linalg.solve(A, d)
Example #5
def mahalanobis_distance(difference, num_random_features):
    num_samples, _ = np.shape(difference)
    sigma = np.cov(np.transpose(difference))

    mu = np.mean(difference, 0)

    if num_random_features == 1:
        stat = float(num_samples * mu ** 2) / float(sigma)
        except LinAlgError:
            print('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            warnings.warn('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            return 0
        stat = num_samples *, np.transpose(mu)))

    return chi2.sf(stat, num_random_features)
Example #6
def mahalanobis_distance(difference, num_random_features):
    num_samples, _ = np.shape(difference)
    sigma = np.cov(np.transpose(difference))

    mu = np.mean(difference, 0)

    if num_random_features == 1:
        stat = float(num_samples * mu**2) / float(sigma)
        except LinAlgError:
            print('covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
                'covariance matrix is singular. Pvalue returned is 1.1')
            return 0
        stat = num_samples *, np.transpose(mu)))

    return chi2.sf(stat, num_random_features)
Example #7
    def solve(self):

        # If Convection NOT Implemented
        # If Conduction (Neumann) [T(i) - T(i-1)] /DX B *= DX
        # If Temperature
        # DO NOT GIVE 1-self.M DIRECTLY [1 -2 1]
        # Instead check If Convection / Conduction if internal nodes are BC
        # Now only
        internalNodes = array([1., -2., 1.])

        for i in range(1, int(self.M - 1)):
            self.A[i, range(i - 1, i + 2)] = internalNodes
            self.B[i] *= self.deltaX**2
        # %------------------------------------------------

        A = self.A[self.filtera]
        a = int(sqrt(A.shape[0]))
        A.shape = ([a, a])
        B = self.B[self.bcT]

        self.T[self.DOF] = solve(A, B)
Example #8
    def solve(self):

        # If Convection NOT Implemented
        # If Conduction (Neumann) [T(i) - T(i-1)] /DX B *= DX
        # If Temperature
        # DO NOT GIVE 1-self.M DIRECTLY [1 -2 1]
        # Instead check If Convection / Conduction if internal nodes are BC
        # Now only
        internalNodes = array([1., -2., 1.])

        for i in range(1, int(self.M-1)):
            self.A[i, range(i-1, i+2)] = internalNodes
            self.B[i] *= self.deltaX**2
        # %------------------------------------------------

        A = self.A[self.filtera]
        a = int(sqrt(A.shape[0]))
        A.shape = ([a, a])
        B = self.B[self.bcT]

        self.T[self.DOF] = solve(A, B)
Example #9
 def test_simple_array_operations(self):
     a = array([[1.,2.],
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(a.transpose(), array([[1.,3.],
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(trace(a), 5)
     inv_a = inv(a)
     b = array([[-2.,1.],
     i = dot(a,inv_a)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(i, eye(2), 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(inv_a, b)
     # system of linear equations
     a = array([[3,2,-1],
     b = array([1,-2,0])
     c = solve(a,b)
     d = dot(a,c)
     numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(b, d, 1)
     a = array([[.8,.3],
     eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eig(a)
     lambda_1 = eigen_values[0]
     x_1 = eigen_vectors[:,0]
     lambda_2 = eigen_values[1]
     x_2 = eigen_vectors[:,1]
Example #10
 def log_prior_grad_vector(self, f):
     return -solve(self.K, f)
Example #11
    def resolver_sistema(self, raices, p):
        matriz_coeficientes, vector_resultado = self.generar_sistema_ecuaciones(
            raices, p)
        c0, c1, c2, c3 = linalg.solve(matriz_coeficientes, vector_resultado)

        return c0, c1, c2, c3
# Programa de Franco Benassi
# Proyecto #3 Interfaces Graficas 2020
# Ejercicio 6
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import linalg
import numpy.polynomial as P
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt

data = np.load("/home/franco-os/Documentos/Informática/Interfaces de Grafica de Usuario/Proyecto 3/datas/cheby.npy")

x = data[0]
y = data[1]

deg = len(x)-1

A = P.chebyshev.chebvander(x,deg)
c = linalg.solve(A,y)
Resutl = P.Chebyshev(c)
xx = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),100)

pt.plot(xx,Resutl(xx),'r',label="Interpolación Chebychev")
pt.scatter(x,y,label="Puntos de datos")
Example #13
    def Solve(self):
        This method builds System Matrix and gets Solution
        if self.SimulationContext.Id != self.NetworkMesh.Id:
            raise self.SimulationContext.XMLIdError()
            self.TimeStep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
            self.SquareTimeStep = self.TimeStep*self.TimeStep
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
            self.TimeStepFreq = int(self.Period/self.TimeStep)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Cycles = self.SimulationContext.Context['cycles']
            self.NumberOfIncrements = (self.Cycles*self.TimeStepFreq)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set cycles number in Simulation Context XML File"

        history = []
        assembler = Assembler()
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':None,'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

        self.PrescribedPressures = assembler.AssembleBoundaryConditions(self.SimulationContext)

        self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix = \
        assembler.AssembleInit(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator)

        self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

        NumberOfGlobalDofs = assembler.GetNumberOfGlobalDofs()          # number of dofs
        self.UnknownPressures = arange(0,NumberOfGlobalDofs).reshape(NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)          # unknown pressures
        self.UnknownPressures = delete(self.UnknownPressures, s_[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]], axis=0)
        PressuresMatrix = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, self.NumberOfIncrements))
        self.p = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ptt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.sumv = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        sumvbk = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        nonLinear = False
        for el in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            if el.IsNonLinear() == True:
                nonLinear = True

        while self.IncrementNumber<=self.NumberOfIncrements:
            icc = (self.IncrementNumber%self.TimeStepFreq)
            if icc == 0:
                icc = self.TimeStepFreq

            #for flow in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
              if self.steady == True:
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetSteadyFlow(el, self.TimeStep,icc*self.TimeStep)
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetTimeFlow(el, icc*self.TimeStep)
              self.fe[assembler.FlowDof[el.Id]]= self.Flow

            CoeffRelax = 0.9
            nltol = self.nltol
            self.pi = None
            pI = None
            sumvbk[:,:] = self.sumv[:,:]
            counter = 0
            while True:
                #Build the algebric equation system for the increment
                SystemMatrix = (2.0/self.TimeStep)*self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix + self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix + (self.TimeStep/2.0)*self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix    #system matrix
                RightVector = self.fe + (2.0/self.TimeStep)*dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,( + dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dpt)) - dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))-(self.TimeStep/2.0)*dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,( # right hand side vector
                #The reduced (partioned) system of equations is generated.
                RightVector[:,:] = RightVector[:,:] - dot(SystemMatrix[:,self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]],self.PrescribedPressures[:,1:])
                SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[:,s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]]]
                if SystemMatrix.shape[0]> 0.0:
                    SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                RightVector = RightVector[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                #Unknown nodal point values are solved from this system.
                #  Prescribed nodal values are inserted in the solution vector.
                Solution = solve(SystemMatrix,RightVector) # solutions, unknown pressures
                self.p[self.UnknownPressures,0] = Solution[:,:]
                self.p[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0],0] = self.PrescribedPressures[:,1]
                #Calculating derivatives.
                #Calculating internal nodal flow values.
                self.dp = dot((2.0/self.TimeStep),( - self.dpt
                self.ddp = dot((4.0/self.SquareTimeStep),( - dot((4.0/self.TimeStep),self.dpt) -self.ddpt
                self.sumv = sumvbk + dot((self.TimeStep/2.0),(
       = dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dp)) + dot(self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.p)) + dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))
                if not nonLinear :

                if self.pi == None:
                    self.pi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
                    self.pi[:,:] =[:,:]
                pI = CoeffRelax * self.p + self.pi * (1.0-CoeffRelax)
                self.p[:,:] = pI[:,:]
                den = norm(self.pi,Inf)
                if den < 1e-12:
                    den = 1.0
                nlerr = norm(self.p-self.pi,Inf) / den

                info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p,, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

                assembler.Assemble(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator, self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix)
                self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

                #Dynamic nonlinear relaxing coefficient
                if counter == 100:
                    print "relaxing..."
                    print nlerr, nltol, CoeffRelax
                    counter = 0
                    self.pi[:,:] = None
                    self.sumv[:,:] = sumvbk[:,:]
                    CoeffRelax *= 0.6
                    nltol *= 0.95
                if nlerr < nltol:
                    nltol = self.nltol
                    counter = 0
                self.pi[:,:] = self.p[:,:]

            self.ptt[:,:] =[:,:]
  [:,:] = self.p[:,:]
            self.dpt[:,:] = self.dp[:,:]
            self.ddpt[:,:] = self.ddp[:,:]
            self.fet[:,:] = self.fe[:,:]
  [:,:] =[:,:]
            PressuresMatrix[:,(self.IncrementNumber-1)] = self.p[:,0]
            history = history[:3]

            if self.steady == True:
                self.MinimumIncrementNumber = 0.01* self.NumberOfIncrements
                if norm(,Inf)<self.convergence and self.IncrementNumber > self.MinimumIncrementNumber:
                    self.IncrementNumber = self.NumberOfIncrements

            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.05*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->5%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.25*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->25%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.5*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->50%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.70*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->70%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.90*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->90%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.99*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->99%"

            self.IncrementNumber = self.IncrementNumber+1
            self.EndIncrementTime = self.EndIncrementTime + self.TimeStep    # increment
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p,, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history,'allSolution':PressuresMatrix}
        self.Solutions = PressuresMatrix
        return PressuresMatrix
Example #14
def incomplete_cholesky(X, kernel, eta, power=1, blocksize=100):
    Computes the incomplete Cholesky factorisation of the kernel matrix defined
    by samples X and a given kernel. The kernel is evaluated on-the-fly.
    The optional power parameter is used to multiply the kernel output with
    Original code from "Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis" by Shawe-Taylor and
    Modified to compute kernel on the fly, to use kernels multiplied with 
    themselves (tensor product), and optimised speed via using vector
    operations and not pre-allocate full kernel matrix memory, but rather
    allocate memory of low-rank kernel block-wise
    Changes by Heiko Strathmann
    X         - list of input vectors to evaluate kernel on
    kernel    - a kernel object with a kernel method that takes 2d-arrays
                and returns a psd kernel matrix
    eta       - precision cutoff parameter for the low-rank approximation.
                Lies is (0,1) where smaller means more accurate.
    power     - every kernel evaluation is multiplied with itself this number
                of times. Zero is supported
    blocksize - tuning parameter for speed, determines how rows elements are
                allocated in a block for the (growing) kernel matrix. Larger
                means faster algorithm (to some extend if low rank dimension
                is larger than blocksize)
    K_chol, ell, I, R, W, where
    K    - is the kernel using only the pivot index features
    I    - is a list containing the pivots used to compute K_chol
    R    - is a low-rank factor such that approximates the
           original K
    W    - is a matrix such that approximates the
           original K
    assert(eta>0 and eta<1)

    # growing low rank basis
    # diagonal (assumed to be one)
    # used indices
    # algorithm is executed as long as a is bigger than eta precision
    # growing set of evaluated kernel values
    while a>eta:
        if power>=1:
            K[j,:]=kernel.kernel([X[I[j]]], X)**power
        if j==0:
        elif j==1:
        R[j,:]=(K[j,:] - R_dot_j)/nu[j]
        # allocate more space for kernel
        if j>=len(K):
            K=vstack((K, zeros((blocksize,m))))
            R=vstack((R, zeros((blocksize,m))))
    # remove un-used rows which were located unnecessarily

    # remove list pivot index since it is not used
    # from low rank to full rank
    W=solve(R[:,I], R)
    # low rank K
    return K_chol, I, R, W
Example #15
def sbgn_solver(Data,
    sbgn_solver - Scalar Bayesian Gauss-Newton (sbgn) solver for a 
    parameter estimation problem to fit a possibly non-linear model to
    a series of scalar observations poluted by IID Gaussian noise.
    This function seeks a solution to the maximum posterior probability of the
    parameters x and inverse noise variance s, given the measured Data, 
    Prior information, and IID Gaussian measurement noise:
    maximize p( x, s | Data, Model, Prior ).
    A guarded Gauss-Newton method is used to find a local solution to this 
    problem by successively approximating:
    Model(x - xo) ~ D*(x-xo) + Model(xo),
    where D is the Jacobian of the model function, so the approximation
    represents the local linear behavior of the model.
    Data: array-like vector of measured data
    Model: a function handle to the model function with the following
    g = Model(x),
    where x is a d-dimensional parameter vector, and g is equal to the model 
    evaluated at x (i.e. g = Model(x)).
    Jacobian: a function handle to evaluate the Jacobian of the model at x,
    with the following prototype:
    D = Jacobian(x),
    where D is the Jacobian matrix used as the local linear approximation 
    to the model function, which is defined as follows:
    D = [dg_1/dx_1 dg_1/dx_2 ... dg_1/dx_d;
         dg_2/dx_1 dg_2/dx_2 ... dg_2/dx_d;
         dg_n/dx_1 dg_n/dx_2 ... dg_n/dx_d];
    Prior: Dictionary containing prior statistical information regarding the
    parameters x and s, including the initial guess, with the fields
        x_mean: dx1 vector of mean values for the nominal parameters.
        iSigma_x: dxd prior inverse covariance matrix for the model parameters
        psig: prior inverse variance exponential distribution parameter, defined
        such that psig represents worst case anticipated model and/or sensor
        error variance (before any measurements are made). 
            Note: psig replaces lambda in previous versions.
        xo: initial guess for starting the Gauss-Newton algorithm
    Optional named parameters for algorithm options:
        TOL: exit tolerance
        ALPHA: backtracking line search parameter 
        BETA: backtracking line search parameter
        MAXIT: maximum number of iterations to run
        QUIET: if true, progress output text is suppressed.
    Est: Dictionary containing the optimal estimate and accuracy information 
    in the following fields:
        x_est: dx1 vector containing the estimate for all parameters
        s_est: scalar estimate for the inverse variance
        iSigma_est: inverse marginal parameter estimation covariance
        iSigma_xs_est: inverse joint covariance of x_est and s_est
        lnZ: estimated log evidence of the observed data
        model: nx1 vector containing the model output at x_est
        fo: 1x1 scalar objective value at (x_est, s_est)
        status: boolean status indicating convergence
    Note: iSigma_est, iSigma_xs_est, and lnZ are based on a local quadratic
    approximation of the objective function at the optimal solution and 
    MAY have poor accuracy. This can/should be checked using MCMC methods,
    like the one provided by the bgn_ns_solver function (has yet to be
    implemented in python).
    Finally, note, this version was ported over from Matlab code and is 
    not yet well tested for use with models that output complex numbers.
    TODO: Devise a test case for this scenario

    # convert input Data vector to a numpy array (in case it is not already)
    Data = np.array(Data)

    # convert to column vector (in-place), which is needed for the computation
    Data.resize((np.alen(Data), 1))

    # calculate number of observations n, which includes both real and
    # imaginary parts (counted seperately)
    if np.all(np.isreal(Data)):
        n = np.alen(Data)
        n = 2. * np.alen(Data)

    x_mean = Prior['x_mean']
    iSigma_x = Prior['iSigma_x']
    psig = Prior['psig']

    xo = Prior['xo'].copy()
    go = Model(xo)

    # Setup and run the Gauss-Newton solver

    # define the objective function
    sumsq = lambda x: x.conj().transpose().dot(x)

    # quadratic sum with symmetric matrix Q (for real x only)
    qsumsq = lambda x, Q: x.transpose().dot(

    # evaluate the objective function using current model evaluated at x (m)
    objfun  = lambda x,m,s: np.real( s*sumsq(m-Data) - n*np.log(s) + 2.*psig*s \
                          + qsumsq(x-x_mean, iSigma_x) )

    # analytical measurement precision update
    # using the current model evaluated at x (m).
    supdate = lambda m: n / (sumsq(m - Data) + 2.0 * psig)

    # note: the above lambda functions make use of the current model output at x,
    # and therefore do not require any model evaluations.

    # initialize convergence status
    status = True
    # note: this starts as true and is set to false if there is a problem.

    # print progress output headers
    if not QUIET:
        hbar = '-' * 70
        print '\nBayesian Gauss-Newton Solver 2.1'
        print hbar
        print '   Solving a %i-dimensional problem.\n' % np.alen(x_mean)

        # print algorithm progress feedback headers
        headers = ('Norm(dx)', 'Objective', 'Step Size', 'Norm(gradient)')
        print '%11s%17s%14s%18s' % headers
        print hbar

    # initialize the no improvement counter
    no_imp_cnt = 0

    # solve for an optimal change in x
    for k in range(MAXIT):

        # On entry, xo and go are initialized above,
        # On repeat, xo and go are updated below.

        # update the Jacobian matrix at the current xo
        D = Jacobian(xo)
        b = Data - go
        c = x_mean - xo

        # compute the noise update first
        so = supdate(go)
        S = (1 / so) * iSigma_x

        # compute the current value of the objective function
        objfun_o = objfun(xo, go, so)

        # solve for the optimal update
        dx = linalg.solve(
            np.real(sumsq(D)) + S,
            np.real(D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) +

        # compute the objective function gradient
        g = -2.0 * so * np.real(
            D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) - 2. *
        # note the minus sign because of definition of b and c above

        # line-search guard to ensure descent
        t = 1.0
        while True:
            xt = xo + t * dx
            gt = Model(xt)
            objfun_t = objfun(xt, gt, so)

            if objfun_t > objfun_o + ALPHA * t * g.transpose().dot(dx):
                t = BETA * t

        # if the objective is not improved after 3 tries, exit
        if objfun_t >= objfun_o and t < 1.0:
            no_imp_cnt += 1
            if not QUIET:
                print 'No improvement made to objective. Strike {}.'.\
            if no_imp_cnt == 3:
                print 'No improvement made to objective. Exiting.'
                status = False
            # reset the counter
            no_imp_cnt = 0

        # update current guess and model output.
        xo = xt
        go = gt

        # print progress info
        if not QUIET:
            print '%11.3f%17.7f%14.2f%18.3f' % (linalg.norm(dx), objfun_t, t,

        # exit conditions
        if (linalg.norm(dx) <= TOL):
            if not QUIET:
                print "\nNorm(dx) less than TOL. Done."
        # check norm of gradient
        elif (linalg.norm(g) <= TOL):
            if not QUIET:
                print "\nGradient less than TOL. Done."
        # note: if the norm of the gradient is small, than the uncertainty
        # analysis computed below should be representative, and even though
        # the parameter update step may be non-zero, the estimate may have
        # been found accurately enough relative to the uncertainty.

        status = False
        print '\nBayesian Gauss-Newton did NOT converge after max iterations.\n'

    if not QUIET:
        print hbar

    # get the objective function value on exit
    fo = objfun(xo, go, so)

    # diagnostics
    if not QUIET:
        print 'Objective on exit = %0.6f' % fo

    # compute the final Jacobian at xo
    D = Jacobian(xo)

    # diagnostics: compute the gradient at the solution
    b = Data - go
    c = x_mean - xo
    g = -2.0 * so * np.real(
        D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) - 2.0 *

    if not QUIET:
        print 'Norm of gradient on exit = %f\n' % linalg.norm(g)

    # Compute the estimation accuarcy (covariance)

    # compute the parameter estimation error
    iSigma_est = so*np.real(sumsq(D)) + iSigma_x - \
                 (2.0*so**2/n)*np.real( sumsq(b.conj().transpose().dot(D)) )

    Dtb = np.real(D.conj().transpose().dot(b))
    iSigma_xs_est = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (so * np.real(sumsq(D)) + iSigma_x, -Dtb)),
                               np.hstack((-Dtb.transpose(), n / (2 * so**2)))))

    #iSigma_est = so*real(D'*D) + iSigma_x - (2*so^2/n)*real( (D'*b)*(b'*D) );

    #iSigma_xs_est  = [so*real(D'*D) + iSigma_x, -real(D'*b); ...
    #                           -real(b'*D),  n/(2*so^2)];

    # Compute the evidence of the observed data under the BGN Model

    d = xo.shape[0]
    lnK = (n/2.)*np.log(so/(2.*np.pi)) - (so/2.)*sumsq(b) \
          - (d/2.)*np.log(2.*np.pi) \
          + (1./2.)*np.log(linalg.det(iSigma_x)) - (1./2.)*qsumsq(c,iSigma_x) \
          + np.log(psig) - psig*so

    lnZ = lnK + ((d+1.)/2.)*np.log(2.*np.pi) \
               - (1./2.)*np.log(linalg.det(iSigma_xs_est))

    # Define outputs
    Est = {}
    Est['x_est'] = xo
    Est['s_est'] = so[0, 0]
    Est['iSigma_est'] = iSigma_est
    Est['iSigma_xs_est'] = iSigma_xs_est
    Est['lnZ'] = lnZ[0, 0]
    Est['model'] = go
    Est['fo'] = fo[0, 0]
    Est['status'] = status

    # note: so, lnZ, and fo by themselves 1x1 numpy arrays, which are converted
    # to scalars simply by accessing their first (and only) element.

    return Est
Example #16
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial as Polynomial
from numpy.linalg import linalg as linalg
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Найти все корни уравнения
p = Polynomial([2, -1, -2, 1])
#Найти решение системы уравнений
a = np.array([[2,3], [2, 1,]])
b = np.array([11, 11])
x = linalg.solve(a, b)

#Найти решение системы уравнений и ограничения 
c = [0, 0, 0]
A = [[1, 2, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -2], [-2, 3, -1]]
b = [2, 1, 0, -1]

res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, options={"disp": True})

#Нарисовать график функции 

# the function
y = x**5 - 2 * x + 1

# settings
x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
Example #17
def linesearch(recon, data, max_iter, fidelity, reg, Radon, view=None,
               guess=None, tol=1e-4, min_iter=1, **kwargs):
    c, E, F, nAtoms, max_iter, plot = _startup(
        recon, data, max_iter, Radon, view, guess, 1, **kwargs)
    eps = 1e-4
    # Stepsizes
    h = [1] * nAtoms

    if guess is None:
        R = Radon(recon)
        F[0] = fidelity(R, data)
        E[0] = F[0] + reg(recon)
        n = nAtoms
        n = 1

    dim, iso =,

    jj = 1
    while n <= nAtoms + 1:
        if n == nAtoms + 1:
            if guess is None or len(max_iter) == 2:
                n = nAtoms
                max_iter = (max_iter[2], max_iter[1])
        elif guess is not None:
            recon[n - 1] = guess(data - Radon(recon[:n]),
                                 recon[n - 1])
#             recon.I[n - 1] = 0
            R = Radon(recon[:n])
            F[jj - 1] = fidelity(R, data)
            E[jj - 1] = F[jj - 1] + reg(recon[:n])
        for _ in range(max_iter[0]):
            BREAK = [True, True]
            tmp = random.permutation(arange(n))
            for j in tmp:
                for __ in range(max_iter[1]):
                    BREAK[1] = True
                    ___, df, ddf = [thing[0] for thing in 
                                    Radon.L2_derivs(recon[j], (data + Radon(recon[j]) - R))]
#                     f += reg(recon[j])
                    df += reg.grad(recon[j])
                        ddf += reg.hess(recon[j])[0]
                    except TypeError:
                        ddf += reg.hess(recon[j])
                    H = 1 / h[j]
#                     H = max(0, H - eigvalsh(ddf).min())
                    for i in range(ddf.shape[0]):
                        ddf[i, i] += H

                        dx = solve(ddf, -df)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise e

                    R = _step(recon, Radon, R, dx, data,
                              E, F, dim, iso, j, jj, n, fidelity, reg)

                    if E[jj] > E[jj - 1]:
                        E[jj] = E[jj - 1]
                        if h[j] > 2 * eps:
                            BREAK[0] = False
                            BREAK[1] = False
                        h[j] /= 10
                        if norm(dx) > tol:
                            BREAK[0] = False
                            BREAK[1] = False
                        h[j] *= 2
                    h[j] = min(max(h[j], eps), 1 / eps)

                    jj += 1
                    if BREAK[1]:
            if BREAK[0] and _ > min_iter:
#             print('Volume: ', recon.I /
#                   recon.r[:, 0] / recon.r[:, 1] / recon.r[:, 2])
#             print('Pos: ', recon.x)
#             print('Rad: ', recon.r)
#             print('Amplitude: ', recon.I)

            plot(recon, R, E, F, n, _, jj)
        n += 1

    plot(recon, R, E, F, n, _, jj, True)
    return recon, E[:jj], F[:jj]
Example #18
def linesearch_block(recon, data, max_iter, fidelity, reg, Radon, view=None,
                     guess=None, tol=1e-4, min_iter=1, **kwargs):
    c, E, F, nAtoms, max_iter, plot = _startup(
        recon, data, max_iter, Radon, view, guess, 3, **kwargs)
    eps = 1e-4

    # Stepsizes
    h = [[1] * nAtoms for _ in range(3)]

    iso =
    if guess is None:
        R = Radon(recon)
        F[0] = fidelity(R, data)
        E[0] = F[0] + reg(recon)
        n = nAtoms
        n = 1

    dim = 'Ixr'
    jj = 1
    while n <= nAtoms + 1:
        if n == nAtoms + 1:
            if guess is None or len(max_iter) == 2:
                n = nAtoms
                max_iter = (max_iter[2], max_iter[1])
        elif guess is not None:
            recon[n - 1] = guess(data - Radon(recon[:n]),
                                 recon[n - 1])
            R = Radon(recon[:n])
            F[jj - 1] = fidelity(R, data)
            E[jj - 1] = F[jj - 1] + reg(recon[:n])
        for _ in range(max_iter[0]):
            BREAK = [True, True]
            tmp = random.permutation(arange(n))
            for j in tmp:
                for t in range(len(dim)):
                    for __ in range(max_iter[1]):
                        BREAK[1] = True
                        T = c.asarray(getattr(recon, dim[t])[j])
                        old = T.copy()

                        ___, df, ddf = [thing[0] for thing in 
                                        Radon.L2_derivs(recon[j], (data + Radon(recon[j]) - R))]
                        df += reg.grad(recon[j])
                        ddf += reg.hess(recon[j])

                        H = 1 / h[t][j]
                        for i in range(ddf.shape[0]):
                            ddf[i, i] += H

                        if t == 0:
                            if ddf[0, 0] > 1e-8:
                                dx = -df[0] / ddf[0, 0]
                            T += dx
                            c.set(recon.I[j:j + 1], max(0, T))
                        elif t == 1:
                                dx = solve(
                                    ddf[1:dim + 1, 1:dim + 1], -df[1:dim + 1])
                            except Exception:
                            T += dx
                            c.set(recon.x[j], maximum(-.99,
                                                      minimum(.99, T)))
                            t = 2
                                dx = solve(
                                    ddf[dim + 1:, dim + 1:], -df[dim + 1:])
                            except Exception:
                            if iso:
                                T = abs(T + dx)
                                T += dx
                                if T[0] < 0:
                                    T[0], T[3], T[5] = -\
                                        T[0], -T[3], -T[5]
                                if T[1] < 0:
                                    T[1], T[4] = -T[1], -T[4]
                                if T[2] < 0:
                                    T[2] = -T[2]
                            c.set(recon.r[j], T)

                        R = Radon(recon[:n])
                        F[jj] = fidelity(R, data)
                        E[jj] = F[jj] + reg(recon[:n])
                        if E[jj] > E[jj - 1]:
                            c.set(getattr(recon, dim[t])[j:j + 1], old)
                            R = Radon(recon[:n])
                            E[jj] = E[jj - 1]
                            if h[t][j] > 2 * eps:
                                BREAK[0] = False
                                BREAK[1] = False
                            h[t][j] /= 10
                            h[t][j] *= 1.3
                            if norm(old - T) > tol * norm(old):
                                BREAK[0] = False
                                BREAK[1] = False
                        h[t][j] = min(max(h[t][j], eps), 1 / eps)

                        jj += 1
                        if BREAK[1]:
#                     print('Pos: ', recon.x)
#                     print('Rad: ', recon.r)
#                     print('Amplitude: ', recon.I)
            if BREAK[0] and _ > min_iter:
#             print('Volume: ', recon.I /
#                   recon.r[:, 0] / recon.r[:, 1] / recon.r[:, 2])
#             print('Pos: ', recon.x)
#             print('Rad: ', recon.r)
#             print('Amplitude: ', recon.I)

            plot(recon, R, E, F, n, _, jj)
        n += 1

    plot(recon, R, E, F, n, _, jj, True)
    return recon, E[:jj], F[:jj]
Example #19
def lsbgn_solver(Data,
    lsbgn_solver - linear scalar Bayesian Gauss-Newton (lsbgn) solver for a 
    parameter estimation problem to fit a LINEAR model to a series of scalar 
    observations poluted by IID Gaussian noise.
    This function seeks a solution to the maximum posterior probability of the
    parameters x and inverse noise variance s, given the measured Data, 
    Prior information, and IID Gaussian measurement noise:
    maximize p( x, s | Data, Model, Prior ).
    For the linear function the model is:
    Model(x) = D*x (and the Jacobbian of the model w.r.t. x is D),
    where x is a d-dimensional parameter vector.
    Data: array-like vector of measured data
    D: matrix defining the linear model function, as noted above.
    Prior: Dictionary containing prior statistical information regarding the
    parameters x and s, including the initial guess, with the fields
        x_mean: px1 vector of mean values for the nominal parameters.
        iSigma_x: pxp prior inverse covariance matrix for the model parameters
        psig: prior inverse variance exponential distribution parameter, defined
        such that psig represents worst case anticipated model and/or sensor
        error variance (before any measurements are made). 
        xo: initial guess for starting the Gauss-Newton algorithm
    Optional named parameters for algorithm options:
        pEst: prior estimation structure used to accumulate data 
        TOL: exit tolerance
        MAXIT: maximum number of iterations to run
        QUIET: if true, progress output text is suppressed.
    Est: Dictionary containing the optimal estimate and accuracy information 
    in the following fields:
        x_est: dx1 vector containing the estimate for all parameters
        s_est: scalar estimate for the inverse variance
        iSigma_est: inverse marginal parameter estimation covariance
        iSigma_xs_est: inverse joint covariance of x_est and s_est
        lnZ: estimated log evidence of the observed data
        model: nx1 vector containing the model output at x_est
        fo: 1x1 scalar objective value at (x_est, s_est)
        status: boolean status indicating convergence
        Data: Data structure from previous run, used internally to update 
        with new data.
    Finally, note, this version was ported over from Matlab code and is 
    not yet well tested for use with models that output complex numbers.
    TODO: Devise a test case for this scenario

    # convert input Data vector to a numpy array (in case it is not already)
    Data = np.array(Data)

    # convert to column vector (in-place), which is needed for the computation
    Data.resize((np.alen(Data), 1))

    # prefix previous data if available
    if pEst:
        Data = np.vstack((pEst['Data'][0], Data))
        D = np.vstack((pEst['Data'][1], D))

    # truncate if number of elements exceeds max permitted (memory limit)
    if MAXM and (np.alen(Data) > MAXM):
        Data = Data[-MAXM:, :]
        D = D[-MAXM:, :]

    # calculate number of observations n, which includes both real and
    # imaginary parts (counted seperately)
    if np.all(np.isreal(Data)):
        n = np.alen(Data)
        n = 2. * np.alen(Data)

    x_mean = Prior['x_mean']
    iSigma_x = Prior['iSigma_x']
    psig = Prior['psig']

    # set initial parameter estimate if a previous estimate is available
    if pEst:
        xo = pEst['x_est']
    elif 'xo' in Prior.keys():
        xo = Prior['xo']
        xo = x_mean

    # initialize the model output
    go =

    # Setup and run the Gauss-Newton solver

    # define the objective function
    sumsq = lambda x: x.conj().transpose().dot(x)

    # quadratic sum with symmetric matrix Q (for real x only)
    qsumsq = lambda x, Q: x.transpose().dot(

    objfun  = lambda x,m,s: np.real( s*sumsq(m-Data) - n*np.log(s) + 2.*psig*s \
                            + qsumsq(x-x_mean, iSigma_x) )

    supdate = lambda m: n / (sumsq(m - Data) + 2.0 * psig)

    # note: the above lambda functions make use of the current model output at x,
    # and therefore do not require any model evaluations.

    # initialize convergence status
    status = True
    # note: this starts as true and is set to false if there is a problem.

    # print progress output headers
    if not QUIET:
        hbar = '-' * 70
        print '\nLinear Bayesian Gauss-Newton Solver 2.0'
        print hbar
        print '   Solving a %i-dimensional problem.\n' % np.alen(x_mean)

        # print algorithm progress feedback headers
        headers = ('Norm(dx)', 'Objective', 'Step Size', 'Norm(gradient)')
        print '%11s%17s%14s%18s' % headers
        print hbar

    # solve for an optimal change in x
    for k in range(MAXIT):

        # On entry, xo and go are initialized above,
        # On repeat, xo and go are updated below.

        #go =; #, D = Model(xo);
        b = Data - go
        c = x_mean - xo

        # compute the noise update first
        so = supdate(go)
        S = (1 / so) * iSigma_x

        # compute the current value of the ojective function
        # (without reevaluating the Model function)
        #objfun_o = so*sumsq(b) - n*np.log(so) + 2.0*psig*so \
        #             + qsumsq(c,iSigma_x); #c'*(iSigma_x*c);

        # solve for the optimal update
        dx = linalg.solve(
            np.real(sumsq(D)) + S,
            np.real(D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) +

        # compute the objective function gradient
        g = -2.0 * so * np.real(
            D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) - 2. *
        # note the minus sign because of definition of b and c above

        # line-search guard to ensure descent
        t = 1.0
        #while objfun(xo + t*dx,so) > objfun_o + ALPHA*t*g.transpose().dot(dx):
        #    t = BETA*t;

        # if the objective is not improved then break
        xt = xo + t * dx
        gt =
        objfun_t = objfun(xt, gt, so)

        #if objfun_t > objfun_o:
        #    if not QUIET:
        #        print 'No improvement made to objective. Exiting.\n';
        #    break;

        # update current guess
        xo = xt
        go = gt

        # print progress info
        if not QUIET:
            print '%11.3f%17.7f%14.2f%18.3f' % (linalg.norm(dx), objfun_t, t,

        if linalg.norm(dx) <= TOL:

        status = False
        print '\nBayesian Gauss-Newton did NOT converge after max iterations.\n'

    if not QUIET:
        print hbar

    # get the objective function value on exit
    fo = objfun(xo, go, so)

    # diagnostics
    if not QUIET:
        print 'Objective on exit = %0.6f' % fo

    # diagnostics: compute the gradient at the solution
    b = Data - go
    c = x_mean - xo
    g = -2.0 * so * np.real(
        D.conj().transpose().dot(b)) - 2.0 *

    if not QUIET:
        print 'Norm of gradient on exit = %f\n' % linalg.norm(g)

    # Compute the estimation accuarcy (covariance)

    # compute the parameter estimation error
    iSigma_est = so*np.real(sumsq(D)) + iSigma_x - \
                 (2.0*so**2/n)*np.real( sumsq(b.conj().transpose().dot(D)) )

    Dtb = np.real(D.conj().transpose().dot(b))
    iSigma_xs_est = np.vstack((np.hstack(
        (so * np.real(sumsq(D)) + iSigma_x, -Dtb)),
                               np.hstack((-Dtb.transpose(), n / (2 * so**2)))))

    # Compute the evidence of the observed data under the BGN Model

    d = xo.shape[0]
    lnK = (n/2.)*np.log(so/(2.*np.pi)) - (so/2.)*sumsq(b) \
          - (d/2.)*np.log(2.*np.pi) \
          + (1./2.)*np.log(linalg.det(iSigma_x)) - (1./2.)*qsumsq(c,iSigma_x) \
          + np.log(psig) - psig*so

    lnZ = lnK + ((d+1.)/2.)*np.log(2.*np.pi) \
               - (1./2.)*np.log(linalg.det(iSigma_xs_est))

    # Define outputs
    Est = {}
    Est['x_est'] = xo
    Est['s_est'] = so[0, 0]
    Est['iSigma_est'] = iSigma_est
    Est['iSigma_xs_est'] = iSigma_xs_est
    Est['lnZ'] = lnZ[0, 0]
    Est['model'] = go
    Est['fo'] = fo[0, 0]
    Est['status'] = status
    Est['Data'] = [Data, D]

    # note: so, lnZ, and fo by themselves 1x1 numpy arrays, which are converted
    # to scalars simply by accessing their first (and only) element.

    return Est
Example #20
 def log_prior_grad_vector(self, f):
     return -solve(self.K, f)
Example #21
    def Solve(self):
        This method builds System Matrix and gets Solution
        if self.SimulationContext.Id != self.NetworkMesh.Id:
            raise self.SimulationContext.XMLIdError()
            self.TimeStep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
            self.SquareTimeStep = self.TimeStep * self.TimeStep
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
            self.TimeStepFreq = int(self.Period / self.TimeStep)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Cycles = self.SimulationContext.Context['cycles']
            self.NumberOfIncrements = (self.Cycles * self.TimeStepFreq)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set cycles number in Simulation Context XML File"

        history = []
        assembler = Assembler()
        info = {
            'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
            'solution': None,
            'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
            'history': history

        self.PrescribedPressures = assembler.AssembleBoundaryConditions(

        self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix = \
        assembler.AssembleInit(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator)

        self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

        NumberOfGlobalDofs = assembler.GetNumberOfGlobalDofs(
        )  # number of dofs
        self.UnknownPressures = arange(0, NumberOfGlobalDofs).reshape(
            NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1)  # unknown pressures
        self.UnknownPressures = delete(self.UnknownPressures,
                                       s_[self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0]],
        PressuresMatrix = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, self.NumberOfIncrements))
        self.p = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ptt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ddp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.ddpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.fet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dfe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.dfet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1)) = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        self.sumv = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        sumvbk = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
        nonLinear = False
        for el in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            if el.IsNonLinear() == True:
                nonLinear = True

        while self.IncrementNumber <= self.NumberOfIncrements:
            icc = (self.IncrementNumber % self.TimeStepFreq)
            if icc == 0:
                icc = self.TimeStepFreq

            #for flow in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
                if self.steady == True:
                    self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetSteadyFlow(
                        el, self.TimeStep, icc * self.TimeStep)
                    self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetTimeFlow(
                        el, icc * self.TimeStep)
                self.fe[assembler.FlowDof[el.Id]] = self.Flow

            CoeffRelax = 0.9
            nltol = self.nltol
            self.pi = None
            pI = None
            sumvbk[:, :] = self.sumv[:, :]
            counter = 0
            while True:
                #Build the algebric equation system for the increment
                SystemMatrix = (
                    2.0 / self.TimeStep
                ) * self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix + self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix + (
                    self.TimeStep /
                    2.0) * self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix  #system matrix
                RightVector = self.fe + (2.0 / self.TimeStep) * dot(
                    self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, ( + dot(
                        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.dpt)) - dot(
                            (self.sumv)) - (self.TimeStep / 2.0) * dot(
                                (  # right hand side vector
                #The reduced (partioned) system of equations is generated.
                RightVector[:, :] = RightVector[:, :] - dot(
                    SystemMatrix[:, self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0]],
                    self.PrescribedPressures[:, 1:])
                SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[:, s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]]]
                if SystemMatrix.shape[0] > 0.0:
                    SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[
                        s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]], :]
                RightVector = RightVector[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:, 0]], :]
                #Unknown nodal point values are solved from this system.
                #  Prescribed nodal values are inserted in the solution vector.
                Solution = solve(SystemMatrix,
                                 RightVector)  # solutions, unknown pressures
                self.p[self.UnknownPressures, 0] = Solution[:, :]
                self.p[self.PrescribedPressures[:, 0],
                       0] = self.PrescribedPressures[:, 1]
                #Calculating derivatives.
                #Calculating internal nodal flow values.
                self.dp = dot((2.0 / self.TimeStep),
                              (self.p - - self.dpt
                self.ddp = dot((4.0 / self.SquareTimeStep),
                               (self.p - - dot(
                                   (4.0 / self.TimeStep), self.dpt) - self.ddpt
                self.sumv = sumvbk + dot((self.TimeStep / 2.0),
                                         ( + self.p))
       = dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.dp)) + dot(
                    (self.p)) + dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, (self.sumv))
                if not nonLinear:

                if self.pi == None:
                    self.pi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, 1))
                    self.pi[:, :] =[:, :]
                pI = CoeffRelax * self.p + self.pi * (1.0 - CoeffRelax)
                self.p[:, :] = pI[:, :]
                den = norm(self.pi, Inf)
                if den < 1e-12:
                    den = 1.0
                nlerr = norm(self.p - self.pi, Inf) / den

                info = {
                    'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
                    'solution': [self.p,, self.ptt],
                    'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
                    'history': history

                assembler.Assemble(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator,
                self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

                #Dynamic nonlinear relaxing coefficient
                if counter == 100:
                    print "relaxing..."
                    print nlerr, nltol, CoeffRelax
                    counter = 0
                    self.pi[:, :] = None
                    self.sumv[:, :] = sumvbk[:, :]
                    CoeffRelax *= 0.6
                    nltol *= 0.95
                if nlerr < nltol:
                    nltol = self.nltol
                    counter = 0
                counter += 1
                self.pi[:, :] = self.p[:, :]

            self.ptt[:, :] =[:, :]
  [:, :] = self.p[:, :]
            self.dpt[:, :] = self.dp[:, :]
            self.ddpt[:, :] = self.ddp[:, :]
            self.fet[:, :] = self.fe[:, :]
  [:, :] =[:, :]
            PressuresMatrix[:, (self.IncrementNumber - 1)] = self.p[:, 0]
            history.insert(0, self.IncrementNumber)
            history = history[:3]

            if self.steady == True:
                self.MinimumIncrementNumber = 0.01 * self.NumberOfIncrements
                if norm(
               - self.fe, Inf
                ) < self.convergence and self.IncrementNumber > self.MinimumIncrementNumber:
                    self.IncrementNumber = self.NumberOfIncrements

            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.05 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->5%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.25 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->25%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.5 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->50%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.70 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->70%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.90 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->90%"
            if self.IncrementNumber == ceil(0.99 * self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->99%"

            self.IncrementNumber = self.IncrementNumber + 1
            self.EndIncrementTime = self.EndIncrementTime + self.TimeStep  # increment
        info = {
            'dofmap': assembler.DofMap,
            'solution': [self.p,, self.ptt],
            'incrementNumber': self.IncrementNumber,
            'history': history,
            'allSolution': PressuresMatrix
        self.Solutions = PressuresMatrix
        return PressuresMatrix