Example #1
    def compute(self, dataset_pool):
        constants = dataset_pool.get_dataset('constants')
        footprint = constants["FOOTPRINT"]
        covertypes_of_interest = self._cover_type_translation(constants)
        lct = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute(self.land_cover_type), 0)
        is_lct_of_interest = reduce(lambda prev_answer, lct_num: logical_or(prev_answer, lct==lct_num),
                                    zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=int32))
        # maxg: maximum number of possible like-adjacencies within a window
        # a_i: # of cells of target covertypes within moving window
        a_i = correlate(ma.filled(is_lct_of_interest.astype(int32), 0),
                               footprint, mode="reflect", cval=0.0)
        n = floor(sqrt(a_i))
        m = a_i - power(n, 2)
        maxg = 2*n*(n-1)
        maxg += where(m==0, 0, where(m<=n, (2*m-1), where(m>n, (2*m-2), 0)))

        # detect all adjacencies by systematically checking each possibility
        # within the 5x5 footprint window
        gii = ma.masked_array(zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=int32))
        for ri in range(0, footprint.shape[0]):
            for ci in range(0, footprint.shape[1]-1):
                gii += self._find_adjacency(is_lct_of_interest, (ri,ci), (ri,ci+1), footprint)

        for ri in range(0, footprint.shape[0]-1):
            for ci in range(0, footprint.shape[1]):
                gii += self._find_adjacency(is_lct_of_interest, (ri,ci), (ri+1,ci), footprint)

        #assert ma.alltrue(ravel(gii<=maxg))
        return self.get_dataset().flatten_by_id(arcsin(sqrt(ma.filled(gii/maxg, 0))))
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     constants = dataset_pool.get_dataset('constants')
     footprint = constants["FOOTPRINT"]
     lct = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute(self.land_cover_types), 0)
     temp = equal(lct, constants[self.lct_type.upper()])
     values = correlate(temp.astype(int32), footprint, mode="reflect")
     return self.get_dataset().flatten_by_id(ma.filled(values, 0))
Example #3
def ncf2ffi1001(f, outpath, mode = 'w'):
    outfile = open(outpath, mode)
    print('%d, %d' % (len(f.ncattrs()) + len(f.variables), 1001), file = outfile)
    print(getattr(f, 'PI_NAME', 'Unknown'), file = outfile)
    print(getattr(f, 'ORGANIZATION_NAME', 'Unknown'), file = outfile)
    print(getattr(f, 'SOURCE_DESCRIPTION', 'Unknown'), file = outfile)
    print(getattr(f, 'VOLUME_INFO', 'Unknown'), file = outfile)
    print(f.SDATE, f.WDATE, file = outfile)
    print(f.TIME_INTERVAL, file = outfile)
    print(f.INDEPENDENT_VARIABLE, file = outfile)
    print('%d' % len(f.variables), file = outfile)
    for key, var in f.variables.items():
        print('%s, %s' % (key, getattr(var, 'units', 'unknown')), file = outfile)
    print(len(f.ncattrs()), file = outfile)
    for key in f.ncattrs():
        print('%s: %s' % (key, getattr(f, key, '')), file = outfile)
    vals = [filled(f.variables[f.INDEPENDENT_VARIABLE][:]).ravel()]
    for key, var in f.variables.items():
        if key == f.INDEPENDENT_VARIABLE: continue
    print(', '.join(keys), file = outfile)
    for row in array(vals).T:
        row.tofile(outfile, format = '%.6e', sep = ', ')
        print('', file = outfile)
Example #4
    def extract(self,PSF):
        pixsig = 1.
        sh   = self.sh
        npsf = PSF.size

        flux  = np.zeros(sh)
        uflux = np.zeros(sh)
        sky1d  = np.zeros(sh)
        usky1d  = np.zeros(sh)
        im = self.Order.image_rect
        uim = self.Order.uimage_rect
        sky = self.Order.sky_rect
        usky = self.Order.usky_rect
        for i in np.arange(sh):
#            flux[i] = (PSF*im[i,:]).sum() / (PSF**2).sum()

            flux[i] = (PSF*im[i,:]/uim[i,:]**2).sum() / (PSF**2/uim[i,:]**2).sum()
            uflux[i] = np.sqrt(1.0/(PSF**2/uim[i,:]**2.).sum())
            sky1d[i] = (np.abs(PSF)*sky[i,:]).sum() / (PSF**2).sum()
            usky1d[i] = np.sqrt(1.0/(PSF**2/usky[i,:]**2.).sum())

        flux = ma.masked_invalid(flux)
        flux = ma.filled(flux,1.)
        uflux = ma.masked_invalid(uflux)
        uflux = ma.filled(uflux,1000.)
        sky1d = ma.masked_invalid(sky1d)
        sky1d = ma.filled(sky1d,1.)
        usky1d = ma.masked_invalid(usky1d)
        usky1d = ma.filled(usky1d,1000.)
        sky_cont = self._fitCont(self.wave,sky1d)
        return flux,uflux,sky1d-sky_cont,usky1d
Example #5
    def _compute_shannon_evenness_index(self, lct, footprint, lct_mask):        
        """Compute Shannon's evenness index"""
        cover_types_list = self._get_cover_types(lct)
        numerator_sum = ma.masked_array(zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=float32),
        for cover_type in cover_types_list:
            pi = self._compute_pct_cover_type_within_footprint(lct, cover_type, footprint, lct_mask)
            numerator_sum += pi*ma.filled(ma.log(pi), 0)

        m = self._count_covertypes_within_window(lct, cover_types_list, footprint)

        return ma.filled(-numerator_sum / ma.log(m), 0).astype(float32)
Example #6
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     ds = self.get_dataset()
     age = ds.get_attribute(self.building_age)
     result = ma.filled(age, -1)
     mask = ma.getmask(age)
     if mask is not ma.nomask and mask.any():
         # If there are bad ages then mask won't be ma.nomask and will have some non-False values.  In this case compute
         # the average age for all buildings, then find the ages of buildings within walking distance, and use those
         # to fill in the bad values.
         whole_area_average_age = int(age.sum()/float(ds.size() - age.mask.sum()))
         age_wwd_values = ma.filled(ds.get_attribute(self.age_wwd), whole_area_average_age)
         result[mask] = age_wwd_values[mask]
     return result
Example #7
File: MV2.py Project: NESII/uvcdat
 def reduce (self, target, axis=0):
     """Reduce target along the given axis."""
     axes, attributes, id, grid = _extractMetadata(target, omit=axis)
     a = _makeMaskedArg(target)
     m = getmask(a)
     if m is nomask:
         t = filled(a)
         return masked_array (numpy.maximum.reduce (t, axis))
         t = numpy.maximum.reduce(filled(a, numpy.ma.maximum_fill_value(a)), axis)
         m = numpy.logical_and.reduce(m, axis)
         return TransientVariable(t, mask=m, fill_value=fill_value(a),
                     axes = axes, grid=grid, id=id)
Example #8
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     constants = dataset_pool.get_dataset('constants')
     fs = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute(self.footprint_size).astype(float32), 0)
     lct = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute(self.land_cover_type), 0)
     x = zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=float32)
     max_type = int(maximum.reduce(ravel(lct)))
     for itype in range(1, max_type+1):
         temp = equal(lct, itype).astype(int32)
         summed = correlate(ma.filled(temp, 0.0),
         x += temp * ma.filled(summed / ma.masked_where(fs==0, fs), 0.0)
     return self.get_dataset().flatten_by_id(arcsin(sqrt(x)))
Example #9
def calcDeltaMags():
        Creates an array with the delta magnitudes of WDS objects.
    # Calculating magnitude difference for each object
    # Make nice formats...
    Pri_mag_g = ma.filled(wdsInteresting[priMag],[-999])
    Sec_mag_g = ma.filled(wdsInteresting[secMag],[-999])
    Pri_mag_gg = np.asarray(Pri_mag_g, dtype = 'float_' )
    Sec_mag_gg = np.asarray(Sec_mag_g, dtype = 'float_' )
    # Then calculate the actual delta mags
    Delta_mag = np.subtract(Pri_mag_gg, Sec_mag_gg)
    return Delta_mag
Example #10
File: MV2.py Project: NESII/uvcdat
 def outer (self, a, b):
     "Return the function applied to the outer product of a and b."
     a = _makeMaskedArg(a)
     b = _makeMaskedArg(b)
     ma = getmask(a)
     mb = getmask(b)
     if ma is nomask and mb is nomask:
         m = None
         ma = getmaskarray(a)
         mb = getmaskarray(b)
         m = logical_or.outer(ma, mb)
     d = numpy.maximum.outer(filled(a), filled(b))
     return TransientVariable(d, mask=m)
Example #11
 def test_testMasked(self):
     # Test of masked element
     xx = arange(6)
     xx[1] = masked
     self.assertTrue(str(masked) == '--')
     self.assertTrue(xx[1] is masked)
     self.assertEqual(filled(xx[1], 0), 0)
Example #12
def compute_lambda_for_vacancy(grouping_location_set, units_variable, vacant_units_variable, movers_variable,
                   secondary_residence_variable=None, multiplicator=1.0, resources=None):
        grouping_location_set.compute_variables([units_variable, vacant_units_variable, movers_variable], resources=resources)
        if secondary_residence_variable is not None:
            grouping_location_set.compute_variables([secondary_residence_variable], resources=resources)
            unitssecondary = grouping_location_set.get_attribute(secondary_residence_variable)
            unitssecondary = zeros(grouping_location_set.size())
        unitsvacant = grouping_location_set.get_attribute(vacant_units_variable)
        units = grouping_location_set.get_attribute(units_variable)
        movers = grouping_location_set.get_attribute(movers_variable)
        tsv = units - unitssecondary - unitsvacant
        lambda_value = ma.filled((units - unitssecondary).astype(float32)/ ma.masked_where(tsv==0, tsv),0) \
                            - ma.filled(unitsvacant.astype(float32) / ma.masked_where(movers==0, movers),0)
        lambda_value = lambda_value * multiplicator
        return lambda_value
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     hh_wwd = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.number_of_households_within_walking_distance)
     return 100.0 * ma.filled(
         / ma.masked_where(hh_wwd == 0, hh_wwd.astype(float32)),
Example #14
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     constants = dataset_pool.get_dataset('constants')
     footprint = constants["FOOTPRINT"]
     lct = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute(self.land_cover_type), 0)
     lct_mask = self.get_dataset().get_mask(is_2d_version=True)
     shei = self._compute_shannon_evenness_index(lct, footprint, lct_mask)
     return self.get_dataset().flatten_by_id(arcsin(sqrt(shei)))
Example #15
 def __setslice__(self, i, j, value):
     "Sets the slice described by [i,j] to `value`."
     _localdict = self.__dict__
     d = self._data
     m = _localdict['_fieldmask']
     names = self.dtype.names
     if value is masked:
         for n in names:
             m[i:j][n] = True
     elif not self._hardmask:
         fval = filled(value)
         mval = getmaskarray(value)
         for n in names:
             d[n][i:j] = fval
             m[n][i:j] = mval
         mindx = getmaskarray(self)[i:j]
         dval = np.asarray(value)
         valmask = getmask(value)
         if valmask is nomask:
             for n in names:
                 mval = mask_or(m[n][i:j], valmask)
                 d[n][i:j][~mval] = value
         elif valmask.size > 1:
             for n in names:
                 mval = mask_or(m[n][i:j], valmask)
                 d[n][i:j][~mval] = dval[~mval]
                 m[n][i:j] = mask_or(m[n][i:j], mval)
     self._fieldmask = m
Example #16
    def __init__(self, MetricTable, opts):

        epsilon = 0.0
        if opts.cpu:
            epsilon = 0.01

        # Create empty ratio table
        nprobs = MetricTable.nprobs
        nsolvs = MetricTable.nsolvs
        self.ratios = ma.zeros((nprobs, nsolvs), dtype=numpy.float)

        # Compute best relative performance ratios across
        # solvers for each problem
        for prob in range(nprobs):
            metrics  = MetricTable.prob_mets(prob) + epsilon
            best_met = ma.minimum(metrics)
            self.ratios[prob,:] = metrics * (1.0 / best_met)

        # Sort each solvers performance ratios
        for solv in range(nsolvs):
            self.ratios[:,solv] = ma.sort(self.ratios[:,solv])

        # Compute largest ratio and use to replace failure entries
        self.maxrat = ma.maximum(self.ratios)
        self.ratios = ma.filled(self.ratios, 10 * self.maxrat)
    def run_chunk(self, agents_index, agent_set, specification, coefficients):

        # unplaced agents in agents_index
        location_id_name = self.choice_set.get_id_name()[0]
        agent_set.set_values_of_one_attribute(location_id_name, resize(array([-1]), agents_index.size), 
        ## capacity may need to be re-computed for every chunk
        if self.compute_capacity_flag:
            self.capacity = ma.filled(self.determine_capacity(capacity_string=self.run_config.get("capacity_string", None), 
            if self.capacity is not None:
                logger.log_status("Available capacity: %s units." % self.capacity.sum())
        if self.run_config.get("agent_units_string", None):
            self.run_config["agent_units_all"] = agent_set.get_attribute_by_index(self.run_config["agent_units_string"], agents_index)

        choices = ChoiceModel.run_chunk(self, agents_index, agent_set, specification, coefficients)

        ## this is done in choice_model
        #modify locations
        #agent_set.set_values_of_one_attribute(location_id_name, choices, agents_index)
        if self.run_config.has_key("capacity"):
            del self.run_config["capacity"]
        return choices
Example #18
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     cellsize = dataset_pool.get_dataset('constants')['CELLSIZE']
     fpdimension = int(self.footprint_width / cellsize)
     fp = ones((fpdimension, fpdimension), dtype="int32")
     summed = correlate( ma.filled( self.get_dataset().get_2d_attribute( self.comm_add ), 0.0 ), \
                         fp, mode="reflect" )
     return ln(self.get_dataset().flatten_by_id(summed)+1)/10.0
Example #19
def mag_to_flux(mag, limMag=False):
    Converts magnitudes to fluxes using the following law (from Kessler+2010):
        flux = 10^(-0.4 * m + 11)
    If the magnitude is above the limit of the instrument, returns the
    corresponding limiting flux.

        mag: numpy array of magnitude
        limMag: specifies the limiting magnitude

        flux: flux-converted magnitudes

    if limMag:
        exponent = (-0.4 * limMag) + 11
        limFlux = np.power(10, exponent)

        # masked arrays if magnitude is grater then limit
        maMag = ma.masked_where(mag > limMag, mag)
        maExponent = (-0.4 * maMag) + 11
        maFlux =  np.power(10, exponent)

        flux = ma.filled(maFlux)
        exponent = (-0.4 * mag) + 11
        flux = 10**exponent

    return flux
Example #20
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     recent_years = dataset_pool.get_dataset('urbansim_constant')["recent_years"]
     buildings = dataset_pool.get_dataset('building')
     age = buildings.get_attribute("building_age")
     values = buildings.get_attribute(self.units)
     values = where(ma.filled(age, recent_years+1) <= recent_years, values, 0)
     return self.get_dataset().sum_over_ids(buildings.get_attribute("grid_id"), values)
    def create_gap_mask(self, wave):
        Use the gap configuration and a wavelength vector, wave, to build a masked array that
        masks out the location of the gap.  Wavelengths between and including both gap endpoints
        will be masked out.

        wave: numpy.ndarray
            Wavelength vector to construct mask from

        mask: numpy.ma 1D masked array
            1D array masked at the locations within the configured detector gap and 1.0 elsewhere
        disperser = self.instrument['disperser']
        aperture = self.instrument['aperture']
        filt = self.instrument['filter']
        gap = self.aperture_config[aperture]['gap'][disperser]
        if filt in gap:
            gap_start = gap[filt]['gap_start']
            gap_end = gap[filt]['gap_end']
            gap_start = gap['gap_start']
            gap_end = gap['gap_end']

        if gap_start is not None and gap_end is not None:
            masked_wave = ma.masked_inside(wave, gap_start, gap_end)
            mask = masked_wave / wave
            mask = ma.filled(mask, 0.0)
            mask = 1.0
        return mask
Example #22
    def run(self, utilities, resources=None):
        """ Compute probabilities of a discrete choice model from the given utitlities.
        'utilities' is a 2D array (nobservations x nequations).
        The return value is a 2D array (same shape as utilities).
        if utilities.ndim < 2:
            raise StandardError, "Argument 'utilities' must be a 2D numpy array."

        util_min = utilities.min()
        util_max = utilities.max()
        if (util_min < self.computable_range[0]) or (util_max > self.computable_range[1]):
            # shift utilities to zero (maximum is at zero)
            to_be_transformed=where((utilities < self.computable_range[0]) + (utilities > self.computable_range[1]))
            for idx in arange(to_be_transformed.size):
                i = to_be_transformed[idx]
                this_max = utilities[i,:].max()

        availability = resources.get('availability', None)
        if availability is None:
            exponentiated_utility = exp(utilities)
            exponentiated_utility = exp(utilities) * (availability).astype('b')
        sum_exponentiated_utility = sum(exponentiated_utility, axis=1, dtype="float64")
        sum_exponentiated_utility = ma.masked_where(sum_exponentiated_utility==0, sum_exponentiated_utility)
        return ma.filled(exponentiated_utility/reshape(sum_exponentiated_utility,(utilities.shape[0], 1)), 0)
Example #23
    def __init__(self, MetricTable):

        # Create empty ratio table
        nprobs = MetricTable.nprobs
        nsolvs = MetricTable.nsolvs
        self.ratios = ma.masked_array(1.0 * ma.zeros((nprobs+1, nsolvs)))

        # Compute best relative performance ratios across
        # solvers for each problem
        for prob in range(nprobs):
            metrics  = MetricTable.prob_mets(prob)
            best_met = ma.minimum(metrics)
	    if (ma.count(metrics)==nsolvs and
                self.ratios[prob+1,:] = 1.0;
                self.ratios[prob+1,:] = metrics * (1.0 / best_met)

        # Sort each solvers performance ratios
        for solv in range(nsolvs):
            self.ratios[:,solv] = ma.sort(self.ratios[:,solv])

        # Compute largest ratio and use to replace failures entries
        self.maxrat = ma.maximum(self.ratios)
        self.ratios = ma.filled(self.ratios, 1.01 * self.maxrat)
Example #24
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     sqft = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.sqft)
     num_of_job_spaces = ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.commercial_sqft)/ 
                 ma.masked_where(sqft == 0, sqft.astype(float32)), 0.0).astype(int32)
     return  clip_to_zero_if_needed(num_of_job_spaces - 
Example #25
 def get_average_omega(self, omega, probability, index, nsupply, demand):
     omega_prob = omega[:, newaxis]*probability
     omega_prob_sum_over_i = array(ndimage_sum(omega_prob, labels=index+1, index=arange(nsupply)+1))
     prob_sum_over_i = array(ndimage_sum(probability, labels=index+1, index=arange(nsupply)+1))
     average_omega = ma.filled(omega_prob_sum_over_i/
                   ma.masked_where(prob_sum_over_i==0, prob_sum_over_i), 0.0)
     return average_omega
Example #26
    def identify(cls, variables, ignore=None, target=None, warn=True, monotonic=False):
        result = {}
        ignore, target = cls._identify_common(variables, ignore, target)

        # Identify all CF coordinate variables.
        for nc_var_name, nc_var in target.iteritems():
            if nc_var_name in ignore:
            # String variables can't be coordinates
            if np.issubdtype(nc_var.dtype, np.str):
            # Restrict to one-dimensional with name as dimension OR zero-dimensional scalar
            if not ((nc_var.ndim == 1 and nc_var_name in nc_var.dimensions) or (nc_var.ndim == 0)):
            # Restrict to monotonic?
            if monotonic:
                data = nc_var[:]
                # Gracefully fill a masked coordinate.
                if ma.isMaskedArray(data):
                    data = ma.filled(data)
                if nc_var.shape == () or nc_var.shape == (1,) or iris.util.monotonic(data):
                    result[nc_var_name] = CFCoordinateVariable(nc_var_name, nc_var)
                result[nc_var_name] = CFCoordinateVariable(nc_var_name, nc_var)

        return result
 def compute(self,  dataset_pool):
     buildings = self.get_dataset()  
     non_residential_sqft = buildings.get_attribute("non_residential_sqft")
     building_sqft_per_job = buildings.get_attribute("building_sqft_per_job")
     remaining_space = clip(non_residential_sqft - buildings.get_attribute("occupied_building_sqft_by_jobs"),
                            0, non_residential_sqft)
     return ma.filled(ma.masked_where(building_sqft_per_job==0, remaining_space / building_sqft_per_job), 0)
Example #28
def flux_to_mag(flux, limFlux=False):
    Converts fluxes to magnitudes using the following law (from Kessler+2010):
        flux = 10^(-0.4 * m + 11) => m = -2.5 * (log_10(flux) - 11)
    If the flux is below the limit of the instrument, returns the
    corresponding limiting magnitude.

        flux: numpy array of fluxes
        limFlux: specifies the limiting flux

        mag: magnitude-converted fluxes

    if limFlux:
        limMag = -2.5 * (-11 + np.log10(limFlux))

        # applying the mask to detection below the limiting flux
        maFlux = ma.masked_where(flux < limFlux, flux)

        # to avoid warnings due to values passed to np.log10
        # fluxMask = maFlux.mask
        # maMag = -2.5 * (-11.0 + np.log10(ma.filled(maFlux,1)))
        maMag = -2.5 * (-11.0 + np.log10(maFlux))

        mag = ma.filled(maMag, limMag)
        if flux > 0:
            mag = -2.5 * (-11 + np.log10(flux))
            mag = None

    return mag
Example #29
 def test_testMasked(self):
     # Test of masked element
     xx = arange(6)
     xx[1] = masked
     assert_(str(masked) == '--')
     assert_(xx[1] is masked)
     assert_equal(filled(xx[1], 0), 0)
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     nj = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.number_of_industrial_jobs_wwd)
     sqft = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.industrial_sqft_within_walking_distance)
     regional_average = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.industrial_sqft).sum() / float(
     return where(sqft < 5000, regional_average, ma.filled(sqft / ma.masked_where(nj == 0, nj.astype(float32)), 0))
Example #31
    def from_surface(self, surf, zname="Z_TVDSS"):
        """Get points as X Y Value from a surface object nodes.

        Note that undefined surface nodes will not be included.

            surf (RegularSurface): A XTGeo RegularSurface object instance.
            zname (str): Name of value column (3'rd column)


            topx = RegularSurface('topx.gri')
            topx_aspoints = Points()

            # alternative shortform:
            topx_aspoints = Points(topx)  # get an instance directly

            topx_aspoints.to_file('mypoints.poi')  # export as XYZ file

        # check if surf is instance from RegularSurface
        if not isinstance(surf, xtgeo.surface.RegularSurface):
            raise ValueError("Given surf is not a RegularSurface object")

        val = surf.values
        xc, yc = surf.get_xy_values()

        coor = []
        for vv in [xc, yc, val]:
            vv = ma.filled(vv.flatten(order="C"), fill_value=np.nan)
            vv = vv[~np.isnan(vv)]

        # now populate the dataframe:
        xc, yc, val = coor  # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
        ddatas = OrderedDict()
        ddatas[self._xname] = xc
        ddatas[self._yname] = yc
        ddatas[self._zname] = val
        self._df = pd.DataFrame(ddatas)
        self.zname = zname
    def extract_snow_accum(self):
        """ Retrieves snow accumulation.

        nan = float('nan')
        if self.snow_accum == None:
            if self.tmt_site_index != ([],):
                snow_accum_var = self.tmt_nc.variables["snow_depth_inches"]
                snow_accum = ma.filled(snow_accum_var[self.tmt_site_index], nan).flatten()
                snow_accum[snow_accum==9.9692099683868690e+36] = nan
                snow_accum = snow_accum[self.current_utc_hour:]
                self.snow_accum = snow_accum
                self.snow_accum = []

        return self.snow_accum
Example #33
    def test_testBasic2d(self):
        # Test of basic array creation and properties in 2 dimensions.
        for s in [(4, 3), (6, 2)]:
            (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
            x.shape = s
            y.shape = s
            xm.shape = s
            ym.shape = s
            xf.shape = s

            assert_(not isMaskedArray(x))
            assert_equal(shape(xm), s)
            assert_equal(xm.shape, s)
            assert_equal(xm.size, reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, s))
            assert_equal(count(xm), len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, m1))
            assert_(eq(xm, xf))
            assert_(eq(filled(xm, 1.e20), xf))
            assert_(eq(x, xm))
    def extract_road_temps(self):
        """ Retrieves road temperatures.


        nan = float('nan')
        if self.road_temps == None:
            if self.tmt_site_index != ([],):
                road_temp_var = self.tmt_nc.variables[backend_sys_path.Met_vars.tmt_road_temp_var]
                road_temps = ma.filled(road_temp_var[self.tmt_site_index], nan).flatten()
                road_temps[road_temps==9.9692099683868690e+36] = nan
                road_temps = road_temps[self.current_utc_hour:]
                self.road_temps = road_temps
                self.road_temps = []

        return self.road_temps
Example #35
    def _compute_patch_size_of_cover_types(self, lct, footprint):
        """Computes the mean size of all patches of covertypes of interest
        that are (partially) within each cell's footprint"""
        eightway_structure = ones(
            (3, 3),
            dtype="int32")  # put this to class variable will result in error
        patchsizes = zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=float32)
        patchcount = zeros(shape=lct.shape, dtype=float32)

        labels, n = label(lct, eightway_structure)
        slices = find_objects(labels)
        # Summing the 0/1 mask gives the patch size
        for ip in range(n):
            locmask = where(labels[slices[ip]] == (ip + 1), lct[slices[ip]], 0)
            patchcount[slices[ip]] += locmask
            patchsizes[slices[ip]] += locmask.sum() * locmask
        pcount_corr = ma.masked_array(
            correlate(patchcount, footprint, mode="reflect", cval=0.0))
        psize_corr = correlate(patchsizes, footprint, mode="reflect", cval=0.0)
        return ma.filled(psize_corr / pcount_corr, 0)
    def get_mask_of_attribute(self, attribute, is_2d_version=False):
        """Get mask for lct."""

        if attribute is None:
            raise StandardError, "No non-attributes found. Cannot create mask."

        if is_2d_version:
            values = self.get_2d_attribute(attribute)
            values = self.get_attribute(attribute)

        nodata_val = self.get_nodata_value()
        missingdata_val = self.get_missing_data_value()
        self.resources["NODATA_value"] = nodata_val
        self.resources["MISSING_value"] = missingdata_val

        values = ma.filled(values, nodata_val)
        nodata_filter = where(values == nodata_val, True, False)

        return logical_or(where(values == missingdata_val, True, False),
Example #37
def nowyield(year, couna, counb):
    bb = year - 1901

    region1 = NetCDFFile(
    maitrop = region1.variables['maize_trop'][99, :, :]
    maitemp = region1.variables['maize_temp'][99, :, :]
    maitropi = region1.variables['maize_trop_irrig'][99, :, :]
    maitempi = region1.variables['maize_temp_irrig'][99, :, :]
    gridarea = region1.variables['area'][:, :]

    maitrop = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, maitrop)
    maitrop = ma.filled(maitrop, fill_value=0.)
    maitemp = ma.masked_where(maitemp <= 0, maitemp)
    maitemp = ma.filled(maitemp, fill_value=0.)

    maitropi = ma.masked_where(maitropi <= 0, maitropi)
    maitropi = ma.filled(maitropi, fill_value=0.)
    maitempi = ma.masked_where(maitempi <= 0, maitempi)
    maitempi = ma.filled(maitempi, fill_value=0.)

    maizetro = maitrop + maitropi
    maizetem = maitemp + maitempi
    maizetor = maitrop + maitemp
    maizetoi = maitropi + maitempi
    maizeto = maitrop + maitemp + maitropi + maitempi

    clm = NetCDFFile(
    clmyield = clm.variables['yield'][bb, :, :]
    isam = NetCDFFile(
    isamyield = isam.variables['yield'][bb, :, :]

    clmyield[N.isnan(clmyield)] = -9999
    clmyield = ma.masked_where(clmyield <= 0, clmyield)
    clmyield = ma.masked_where(maizeto <= 0, clmyield)
    clmyield = ma.filled(clmyield, fill_value=0.)

    isamyield[N.isnan(isamyield)] = -9999
    isamyield = ma.masked_where(isamyield <= 0, isamyield)
    isamyield = ma.masked_where(maizeto <= 0, isamyield)
    isamyield = ma.filled(isamyield, fill_value=0.)
    return clmyield, isamyield, maizeto
Example #38
def normalize(weight_array):
    """Normalize a weight_array of either 1 or 2 dimensions"""

    prob_array = None

    if weight_array is None:
        return prob_array

    # dimensions of weight array
        d = weight_array.ndim
        d = 0

    lt0_index = weight_array < 0
    if lt0_index.sum() > 0:
        raise ValueError, "some values of rows %s in weight_array are less than 0" % where(lt0_index)[0]

    if d > 2:
        raise ValueError, "Can't handle a weight_array with more than 2d"
    elif d == 2:
        weight_array_sum = sum(weight_array, axis=1, dtype=float32)[:, newaxis]
        zero_index = weight_array_sum<=0
        if zero_index.sum() > 0:
            logger.log_warning("Rows %s of weight_array sum to 0 or less" % where(zero_index)[0])
            prob_array = ma.filled( weight_array/ma.masked_where(weight_array_sum<=0, weight_array_sum), 0.0)
            prob_array = weight_array/weight_array_sum
    elif d == 1:
        weight_array_sum = weight_array.sum()
        if weight_array_sum > 0:
            prob_array = weight_array / float(weight_array_sum)
            logger.log_warning("weight_array sums to 0 or less")
            prob_array = weight_array * 0
        raise ValueError, "Can't handle this weight_array"

    return prob_array
Example #39
def Main(ZRef_File, Depth_File, N_File, Background_N):
    # Define constants
    Cu = 4.5
    a = 1.
    g = 9.8  # m/s^2
    # Load in values from rasters as arrays
    zref = LoadZRef(ZRef_File)
    depth = LoadDepth(Depth_File)
    depth = depth[:-1, :-1]
    print(str(depth.max()) + ' ' + str(depth.mean()) + ' ' + str(depth.min()))
    # Produced masked array of roughness
    eps = Epsilon(zref, depth)
    print(str(zref.max()) + ' ' + str(zref.mean()) + ' ' + str(zref.min()))
    print(str(eps.max()) + ' ' + str(eps.mean()) + ' ' + str(eps.min()))
    func = Func(a, eps)
    n = NCalc(Cu, g, depth, func)
    print(str(n.max()) + ' ' + str(n.mean()) + ' ' + str(n.min()))
    # Fill masked values with default of 0.04
    Background_N = float(Background_N)
    n = ma.filled(n, fill_value=Background_N)
    print(str(n.max()) + ' ' + str(n.mean()) + ' ' + str(n.min()))
    ReadWriteRaster(ZRef_File, N_File, n)
Example #40
def write(Maps, file_name, feedback=2):
    """Write a map to fits file.

    Map should be a map_data.MapData object.

    # If only a single Map was passed, make it iterable.
    if not hasattr(Maps, '__iter__'):
        Maps = (Maps, )
    # First create a primary with the history and such:
    prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
    # Add history to the primary.
    fname_abbr = ku.abbreviate_file_path(file_name)
    # Add final history entry and store in the primary header.
    history = base_data.merge_histories(*Maps)
    history.add('Written to file.', 'File name: ' + fname_abbr)
    bf.write_history_header(prihdu.header, history)
    list_of_hdus = [prihdu]

    for ii, Map in enumerate(Maps):
        # Creat an image HDU.
        map = sp.array(ma.filled(Map.data, float('nan')))
        imhdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(sp.swapaxes(map, 0, 2), name='MAP%d' % ii)

        # Add extra data to the HDU
        for key in Map.field.iterkeys():
            if Map.field_axes[key] != ():
                raise ce.DataError('Only 0D data can be written to a Fits Map '
            card = pyfits.Card(key, Map.field[key].item())

    # Creat the HDU list and write to file.
    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(list_of_hdus)
    hdulist.writeto(file_name, clobber=True)
    if feedback > 0:
        print 'Wrote data to file: ' + fname_abbr
Example #41
    def test_testCopySize(self):
        # Tests of some subtle points of copying and sizing.
        n = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
        m = make_mask(n)
        m2 = make_mask(m)
        self.assertTrue(m is m2)
        m3 = make_mask(m, copy=1)
        self.assertTrue(m is not m3)

        x1 = np.arange(5)
        y1 = array(x1, mask=m)
        self.assertTrue(y1._data is not x1)
        self.assertTrue(allequal(x1, y1._data))
        self.assertTrue(y1.mask is m)

        y1a = array(y1, copy=0)
        self.assertTrue(y1a.mask is y1.mask)

        y2 = array(x1, mask=m, copy=0)
        self.assertTrue(y2.mask is m)
        self.assertTrue(y2[2] is masked)
        y2[2] = 9
        self.assertTrue(y2[2] is not masked)
        self.assertTrue(y2.mask is not m)
        self.assertTrue(allequal(y2.mask, 0))

        y3 = array(x1 * 1.0, mask=m)
        self.assertTrue(filled(y3).dtype is (x1 * 1.0).dtype)

        x4 = arange(4)
        x4[2] = masked
        y4 = resize(x4, (8, ))
        self.assertTrue(eq(concatenate([x4, x4]), y4))
        self.assertTrue(eq(getmask(y4), [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]))
        y5 = repeat(x4, (2, 2, 2, 2), axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(eq(y5, [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]))
        y6 = repeat(x4, 2, axis=0)
        self.assertTrue(eq(y5, y6))
Example #42
def Multimode(D, graph=False):
    Calculates the multimode of the masked array D. 
    graph plots the image with the differently colored regions on top of it.
    It's not super optimized, it makes a new plot every time it finds a new
    maximum multimode value.
    N = D.count()
    Ny, Nx = D.shape
    RawData = ma.compressed(D)
    QuartileArray = [
        np.percentile(RawData, p) for p in np.linspace(1, 100, 201)
    L = ma.filled(D, 0.)
    Rmax = 0
    for PCT in QuartileArray:
        IMG = L >= PCT
        Labels = label(IMG,
                       structure=[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])[0]
        Sizes = np.sort(np.bincount(Labels.flatten()))
        if len(Sizes) > 2:
            Rmax = max(Rmax, Sizes[-3]**2 / float(Sizes[-2]))
            if graph and (Rmax == Sizes[-3]**2 / float(Sizes[-2])):
                plt.imshow(D.data, cmap='gray_r', interpolation='nearest')
                plt.xlim(20, Nx - 20)
                plt.ylim(20, Ny - 20)
                plt.savefig('MultimodeExample.png', format='png', dpi=300)
    return Rmax
Example #43
    def maskClouds1000m(self, filename):
        b1_img = Image(self.b1)
        b2_img = Image(self.b2)
        b3_img = Image(self.b3)
        b4_img = Image(self.b4)
        b5_img = Image(self.b5)
        b6_img = Image(self.b6)
        b7_img = Image(self.b7)

        bandsPaths = [
            self.b1, self.b2, self.b3, self.b4, self.b5, self.b6, self.b7
        newBandsPaths = []

        for band in bandsPaths:
            image = Image(band)
            band_masked = image.getArray(masked=True,
            band_masked = ma.filled(band_masked, np.nan)

                image.filename.replace("masked30m_reproject", "masked1000m"))

            #newBandsPaths.append(image.filename.replace("masked30m", "masked1000m"))
                image.filename.replace("masked30m_reproject", "masked1000m"))

        self.b1 = newBandsPaths[0]
        self.b2 = newBandsPaths[1]
        self.b3 = newBandsPaths[2]
        self.b4 = newBandsPaths[3]
        self.b5 = newBandsPaths[4]
        self.b6 = newBandsPaths[5]
        self.b7 = newBandsPaths[6]
    def f(x):
        """Evaluate a cone around the given centre with the given gradient, i.e. a function whose value increases
        linearly with distance from the centre.

        Given an array of shape (num_points, num_dimensions), returns an array of shape (num_points) containing the
        function values and an array of shape (num_points, num_dimensions) containing the function jacobians.

        Given an array of shape (num_dimensions), returns a 0D array containing the function value and an array of shape
        (num_dimensions) containing the function jacobian.
        distance = np.linalg.norm(x - centre, axis=-1)

        value = distance * gradient

        distance = np.expand_dims(distance, -1)
        distance = ma.masked_equal(distance, 0)  # Avoid division by zero

        jacobian = (x - centre) * gradient / distance

        # The jacobian isn't defined at the centre of the cone but we return a value to keep the optimiser happy.
        jacobian = ma.filled(jacobian, x)

        return value, jacobian
Example #45
def get_xy_values(self, order="C", asmasked=False):
    """Get X Y coordinate values as numpy 2D arrays."""
    nno = self.ncol * self.nrow

    ier, xvals, yvals = _cxtgeo.surf_xy_as_values(
        self.yinc * self.yflip,
    if ier != 0:
        logger.critical("Error code %s, contact the author", ier)

    # reshape
    xvals = xvals.reshape((self.ncol, self.nrow))
    yvals = yvals.reshape((self.ncol, self.nrow))

    if order == "F":
        xvals = np.array(xvals, order="F")
        yvals = np.array(yvals, order="F")

    if asmasked:
        tmpv = ma.filled(self.values, fill_value=np.nan)
        tmpv = np.array(tmpv, order=order)
        tmpv = ma.masked_invalid(tmpv)
        mymask = ma.getmaskarray(tmpv)
        xvals = ma.array(xvals, mask=mymask, order=order)
        yvals = ma.array(yvals, mask=mymask, order=order)

    return xvals, yvals
Example #46
def get_bestfit(arr, also_floats=False):
    '''return smallest compatible format code for given array

  >>> x = as_num_array([1234,45,888])
  >>> print get_format(x), get_bestfit(x)
  int32 int16
  >>> y = ma.array([12,45555555,88],mask=[0,1,0])
  >>> print get_format(y), get_bestfit(y)
  int32 int8


    format = get_format(arr)
    if format[:3] == 'int':
        check = ['bool_', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32']
    elif format[:4] == 'uint':
        check = ['bool_', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32']
    elif format[:5] == 'float':
        #TODO: Floats, tricky - need to look for small decimals and fractions
        #return 'Float32' - this breaks many tests by adding fuzz at the wee digits
        if also_floats:
            return 'float32'
        return format
        #TODO: CharArray squeeze
        return format
    if is_masked_array(arr):
        # masked arrays do not have min(), max()
        arr = ma.filled(arr)
    xmin = arr.min()
    xmax = arr.max()
    for nformat in check:
        (minlim, maxlim) = _type_ranges[nformat]
        if (xmin >= minlim) and (xmax <= maxlim):
            return nformat
    return format
Example #47
def get_xy_values(self, order="C", asmasked=False):
    """Get X Y coordinate values as numpy 2D arrays."""
    nno = self.ncol * self.nrow

    ier, xvals, yvals = _cxtgeo.surf_xy_as_values(
        self.yinc * self.yflip,
    if ier != 0:
        raise XTGeoCLibError(f"Error in surf_xy_as_values, error code: {ier}")

    # reshape
    xvals = xvals.reshape((self.ncol, self.nrow))
    yvals = yvals.reshape((self.ncol, self.nrow))

    if order == "F":
        xvals = np.array(xvals, order="F")
        yvals = np.array(yvals, order="F")

    if asmasked:
        tmpv = ma.filled(self.values, fill_value=np.nan)
        tmpv = np.array(tmpv, order=order)
        tmpv = ma.masked_invalid(tmpv)
        mymask = ma.getmaskarray(tmpv)
        xvals = ma.array(xvals, mask=mymask, order=order)
        yvals = ma.array(yvals, mask=mymask, order=order)

    return xvals, yvals
Example #48
def cp_self_consistent_Aiken_zvode(h1e, cp, nsteps, single_step, zvode_steps):
    norm_diff = []
    rho_list = []

    rho_0 = gcp.rho.copy()
    for i in range(nsteps):
        prev_aitken_rho = rho_0.copy()
        rho_1 = single_step(rho_0, cp, h1e, zvode_steps)
        rho_2 = single_step(rho_1, cp, h1e, zvode_steps)

        aitken_rho = rho_2 - (rho_2 - rho_1)**2 / ma.array(rho_2 - 2*rho_1 + rho_0)
        aitken_rho = ma.filled(aitken_rho, fill_value=rho_2)

        rho_0 = aitken_rho

        norm_diff.append(linalg.norm(aitken_rho - prev_aitken_rho))

        if np.allclose(aitken_rho, prev_aitken_rho):
            print("Iterations converged!")

    return norm_diff, rho_list
Example #49
def annualyield(year, couna, counb):
    if year <= 2005:
        bb = year - 1901
        aa = year - 1901
        bb = 104
        aa = year - 1901
    region1 = NetCDFFile(
    lonlon = region1.variables['lon'][:]
    maitrop = region1.variables['soy_trop'][bb, :, :]
    maitemp = region1.variables['soy_temp'][bb, :, :]
    maitropi = region1.variables['soy_trop_irrig'][bb, :, :]
    maitempi = region1.variables['soy_temp_irrig'][bb, :, :]
    gridarea = region1.variables['area'][:, :]
    maitrop = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, maitrop)
    maitrop = ma.filled(maitrop, fill_value=0.)
    maitemp = ma.masked_where(maitemp <= 0, maitemp)
    maitemp = ma.filled(maitemp, fill_value=0.)

    maitropi = ma.masked_where(maitropi <= 0, maitropi)
    maitropi = ma.filled(maitropi, fill_value=0.)
    maitempi = ma.masked_where(maitempi <= 0, maitempi)
    maitempi = ma.filled(maitempi, fill_value=0.)
    maizetor = maitrop + maitemp
    maizetoi = maitropi + maitempi
    maizeto = maitrop + maitemp + maitropi + maitempi
    maizeto, lon1 = shiftgrid(0.5, maizeto, lonlon, start=True)
    #    print lon1
    clm = NetCDFFile(
    clmtropf = clm.variables['totalyield'][bb, :, :]
    clmtropf = ma.masked_where(clmtropf <= 0, clmtropf)
    clmtropf = ma.filled(clmtropf, fill_value=0.)

    clm2 = NetCDFFile(
    clmtropf1 = clm2.variables['totalyield'][bb, :, :]
    clmtropf1 = ma.masked_where(clmtropf1 <= 0, clmtropf1)
    clmtropf1 = ma.filled(clmtropf1, fill_value=0.)

    clm3n = NetCDFFile(
    isammai = clm3n.variables['totalyield'][bb, :, :]
    isammai = ma.masked_where(isammai <= 0, isammai)
    isammai = ma.filled(isammai, fill_value=0.)

    clm3n1 = NetCDFFile(
    isamcrumai = clm3n1.variables['yield'][bb, :, :]
    isamcrumai = ma.masked_where(isamcrumai <= 0, isamcrumai)
    isamcrumai = ma.filled(isamcrumai, fill_value=0.)

    clm3n2 = NetCDFFile(
    isamcrumai2 = clm3n2.variables['totalyield'][aa, :, :]
    isamcrumai2 = ma.masked_where(isamcrumai2 <= 0, isamcrumai2)
    isamcrumai2 = ma.filled(isamcrumai2, fill_value=0.)

    clm3n3 = NetCDFFile(
    isamcrumai3 = clm3n3.variables['yield'][bb, :, :]
    isamcrumai3 = ma.masked_where(isamcrumai3 <= 0, isamcrumai3)
    isamcrumai3 = ma.filled(isamcrumai3, fill_value=0.)

    yieldclm1 = 0
    yieldclm = 0.
    yieldisam = 0.
    yieldisamc = 0.
    yieldisamc2 = 0.
    yieldisamc3 = 0.

    a = 0
    harea = 0
    yieldc1 = 0
    yieldc = 0.
    yieldi = 0.
    yieldic = 0.
    yieldic2 = 0.
    yieldic3 = 0.

    #USA 11501~11550
    for xx in range(0, 360):
        for yy in range(0, 720):
            if coun[xx, yy] >= couna and coun[xx, yy] <= counb:
                harea = maizeto[xx, yy] * gridarea[xx, yy] + harea
                yieldclm1 = (clmtropf1[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                             gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldclm1
                yieldclm = (clmtropf[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                            gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldclm
                yieldisam = (isammai[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                             gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldisam
                yieldisamc = (isamcrumai[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                              gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldisamc
                yieldisamc2 = (isamcrumai2[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                               gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldisamc2
                yieldisamc3 = (isamcrumai3[xx, yy] * maizeto[xx, yy] *
                               gridarea[xx, yy]) + yieldisamc3

                a = a + 1
    yieldc1 = N.average(clmtropf1, weights=maizeto)
    yieldc = N.average(clmtropf, weights=maizeto)
    yieldi = N.average(isammai, weights=maizeto)
    yieldic = yieldisamc / harea
    yieldic2 = N.average(isamcrumai2, weights=maizeto)
    yieldic3 = yieldisamc3 / harea

    return harea, yieldc, yieldi, yieldic, yieldclm, yieldisam, yieldisamc, yieldic2, yieldic3, yieldisamc2, yieldisamc3, yieldc1
Example #50
import numpy.ma as ma
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

region1 = NetCDFFile(
maitrop = region1.variables['maize_trop'][4, :, :]
maitemp = region1.variables['maize_temp'][4, :, :]
maitropi = region1.variables['maize_trop_irrig'][4, :, :]
maitempi = region1.variables['maize_temp_irrig'][4, :, :]
maitrop = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, maitrop)
maitropi = ma.masked_where(maitropi <= 0, maitropi)
maitemp = ma.masked_where(maitemp <= 0, maitemp)
maitempi = ma.masked_where(maitempi <= 0, maitempi)
maitrop = ma.filled(maitrop, fill_value=0.)
maitropi = ma.filled(maitropi, fill_value=0.)
maitemp = ma.filled(maitemp, fill_value=0.)
maitempi = ma.filled(maitempi, fill_value=0.)
maizeto = maitrop + maitemp
maizetoi = maitropi + maitempi
maitoatemp = maitemp + maitempi
maitoatrop = maitrop + maitropi
maizetotal = maizeto + maizetoi
clm = NetCDFFile(
clma = NetCDFFile(
Example #51
def netcdf_preloader(crop_size=50,
    Preprocess netcdf files which are related to target_datetimes and stations

    The resulting preprocessed netcdf files will be stored in path_output

    If admin_config_file_path is not specified, the following have to be specified:
        * dataframe
        * target_datetimes
        * stations
    If admin_config_file is specified, it overwrites the parameters specified above.

    :param crop_size: The crop size around each station in pixels
    :param tmp_array_size: nb of timestamps to fit in temporary array
    :param admin_config_file_path: The admin configuration file path
    :param path_output: The folder where the outputted preprocessed netcdf files will be
    :param dataframe: a pandas dataframe that provides the netCDF file path (or HDF5 file path and offset) for all
            relevant timestamp values over the test period.
    :param target_datetimes: a list of timestamps that your data loader should use to provide imagery for your model.
            The ordering of this list is important, as each element corresponds to a sequence of GHI values
            to predict. By definition, the GHI values must be provided for the offsets given by ``target_time_offsets``
            which are added to each timestamp (T=0) in this datetimes list.
    :param stations: a map of station names of interest paired with their coordinates (latitude, longitude, elevation).
    if admin_config_file_path:
        admin_config_dict = helpers.load_dict(admin_config_file_path)
        dataframe_path = admin_config_dict['dataframe_path']
        with open(dataframe_path, 'rb') as df_file_handler:
            dataframe = pickle.load(df_file_handler)
        target_datetimes = [
            datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
            for date_time in admin_config_dict['target_datetimes']
        stations = admin_config_dict['stations']

    # hard coded values for now
    n_channels = 5
    n_timestep = 5

    dc = crop_size // 2
    ddt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=15)

    # number of sample points
    n_sample = len(target_datetimes)

    # Generate all datetimes including prior timesteps from targets
    all_dt = []
    for dt0 in target_datetimes:
        for i in range(4, 0, -1):
            all_dt.append(dt0 - i * ddt)

    chunksizes = min(256, n_sample)

    # Initialize output netcdf files (one for each station)
    nc_outs = {}
    os.makedirs(path_output, exist_ok=True)
    for station, coord in stations.items():
        nc_outs[station] = netCDF4.Dataset(
            os.path.join(path_output, f'{station}.nc'), 'w')
        nc_outs[station].createDimension('time', n_sample)
        nc_outs[station].createDimension('lat', crop_size)
        nc_outs[station].createDimension('lon', crop_size)
        nc_outs[station].createDimension('channel', n_channels)
        nc_outs[station].createDimension('timestep', n_timestep)
        time = nc_outs[station].createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time', ))
        time.calendar = 'standard'
        time.units = 'days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
        nc_outs[station].createVariable('lat', 'f4', ('lat', ))
        nc_outs[station].createVariable('lon', 'f4', ('lon', ))
            'f4', ('time', 'timestep', 'channel', 'lat', 'lon'),
            chunksizes=(chunksizes, n_timestep, n_channels, crop_size,

    # Initialize temporary arrays to store data to limit constantly writing to disk
    init = True
    tmp_arrays = {}
    coord_ij = {}
    for station, coord in stations.items():
        tmp_arrays[f"{station}"] = ma.masked_all(
            (tmp_array_size, n_timestep, n_channels, crop_size, crop_size))
    tmp_arrays["time"] = ma.masked_all((tmp_array_size, ))

    # Loop through all timesteps and load images. The sequence moves through
    # T-60min, T-45min, T-30min, T-15min, T0 and store those in the timestep
    # dimension in the netcdf files. A temporary array is used in case the number
    # of timestamps to process would be to big for memory.
    for t, dt in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(all_dt)):
        at_t0 = not ((t + 1) % n_timestep)
        t_sample = t // n_timestep
        t_sample_tmp = t_sample % tmp_array_size
        timestep_id = t % n_timestep
        k = dataframe.index.get_loc(dt)
        nc_path = dataframe['ncdf_path'][k]
            nc_loop = netCDF4.Dataset(nc_path, 'r')
        except OSError:
            # What to do when the netCDF4 file is not available.
            # Currently filling with 0 later in the code...
            if at_t0:
                tmp_arrays["time"][t_sample_tmp] = netCDF4.date2num(
                    dt, time.units, time.calendar)
            if init:
                lat_loop = nc_loop['lat'][:]
                lon_loop = nc_loop['lon'][:]
                for station, coord in stations.items():
                    lat_diff = np.abs(lat_loop - coord[0])
                    i = np.where(lat_diff == lat_diff.min())[0][0]
                    lon_diff = np.abs(lon_loop - coord[1])
                    j = np.where(lon_diff == lon_diff.min())[0][0]
                    nc_outs[station].variables['lat'][:] = lat_loop[i - dc:i +
                    nc_outs[station].variables['lon'][:] = lon_loop[j - dc:j +
                    coord_ij[station] = (i, j)
                init = False

            for d, c in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 4, 6]):
                channel_data = nc_loop.variables[f'ch{c}'][0, :, :]
                for station, coord in stations.items():
                    i, j = coord_ij[station]
                    tmp_arrays[f"{station}"][t_sample_tmp, timestep_id, d, :, :] = \
                        channel_data[i - dc:i + dc, j - dc:j + dc]

            if at_t0:
                tmp_arrays["time"][t_sample_tmp] = nc_loop.variables['time'][0]


        if ((t_sample_tmp == (tmp_array_size - 1)) and
            (timestep_id == n_timestep - 1)) or (t == (len(all_dt) - 1)):
            t0 = t_sample - t_sample_tmp
            for station, coord in stations.items():
                # Here we fill missing values with 0
                nc_outs[station]['data'][t0:t_sample + 1, :, :, :, :] = \
                    ma.filled(tmp_arrays[f"{station}"][:t_sample_tmp + 1, :, :, :, :], 0)
                tmp_arrays[f"{station}"] = \
                    ma.masked_all((tmp_array_size, n_timestep, n_channels, crop_size, crop_size))
                nc_outs[station]['time'][t0:t_sample + 1] = \
                    tmp_arrays['time'][:t_sample_tmp + 1]
            tmp_arrays["time"] = ma.masked_all((tmp_array_size, ))

    for station, coord in stations.items():
Example #52
def _zone_averaging(
    xprop, yprop, zoneprop, zone_minmax, coarsen, zone_avg, dzprop, mprop, summing=False

    # General preprocessing, and...
    # Change the 3D numpy array so they get layers by
    # averaging across zones. This may speed up a lot,
    # but will reduce the resolution.
    # The x y coordinates shall be averaged (ideally
    # with thickness weighting...) while e.g. hcpfzprop
    # must be summed.
    # Somewhat different processing whether this is a hc thickness
    # or an average.

    xpr = xprop
    ypr = yprop
    zpr = zoneprop
    dpr = dzprop

    mpr = mprop

    if coarsen > 1:
        xpr = xprop[::coarsen, ::coarsen, ::].copy(order="C")
        ypr = yprop[::coarsen, ::coarsen, ::].copy(order="C")
        zpr = zoneprop[::coarsen, ::coarsen, ::].copy(order="C")
        dpr = dzprop[::coarsen, ::coarsen, ::].copy(order="C")
        mpr = mprop[::coarsen, ::coarsen, ::].copy(order="C")

    if zone_avg:
        zmin = int(zone_minmax[0])
        zmax = int(zone_minmax[1])
        if zpr.min() > zmin:
            zmin = zpr.min()
        if zpr.max() < zmax:
            zmax = zpr.max()

        newx = []
        newy = []
        newz = []
        newm = []
        newd = []

        for izv in range(zmin, zmax + 1):
            logger.info("Averaging for zone %s ...", izv)
            xpr2 = ma.masked_where(zpr != izv, xpr)
            ypr2 = ma.masked_where(zpr != izv, ypr)
            zpr2 = ma.masked_where(zpr != izv, zpr)
            dpr2 = ma.masked_where(zpr != izv, dpr)
            mpr2 = ma.masked_where(zpr != izv, mpr)

            # get the thickness and normalize along axis 2 (vertical)
            # to get normalized thickness weights
            lay_sums = dpr2.sum(axis=2)
            normed_dz = dpr2 / lay_sums[:, :, np.newaxis]

            # assume that coordinates have equal weights within a zone
            xpr2 = ma.average(xpr2, axis=2)
            ypr2 = ma.average(ypr2, axis=2)
            zpr2 = ma.average(zpr2, axis=2)  # avg zone

            dpr2 = ma.sum(dpr2, axis=2)

            if summing:
                mpr2 = ma.sum(mpr2, axis=2)
                mpr2 = ma.average(mpr2, weights=normed_dz, axis=2)  # avg zone


        xpr = ma.dstack(newx)
        ypr = ma.dstack(newy)
        zpr = ma.dstack(newz)
        dpr = ma.dstack(newd)
        mpr = ma.dstack(newm)

    xpr = ma.filled(xpr, fill_value=xtgeo.UNDEF)
    ypr = ma.filled(ypr, fill_value=xtgeo.UNDEF)
    zpr = ma.filled(zpr, fill_value=0)
    dpr = ma.filled(dpr, fill_value=0.0)

    mpr = ma.filled(mpr, fill_value=0.0)

    return xpr, ypr, zpr, mpr, dpr
Example #53
def deriv(*positional_inputs, **keyword_inputs):
    """Calculate the derivative along a single dimension.

    Calling Sequence:
        Result = deriv([x_in,] y_in, missing=1e+20, algorithm='default')

    Positional Input Arguments:
    * x_in:  Abscissa values of y_in to take with respect to.  If 
      not set, the derivative of y_in is take with respect to unit 
      abscissa intervals.  Numeric array of same shape and size as 
      y_in.  Must be monotonic and with no duplicate values.
      Optional.  First positional argument out of two, if present.

    * y_in:  Ordinate values, to take the derivative with respect 
      to.  Numeric array vector of rank 1.  Required.  Second posi-
      tional argument, if x_in is present; only positional argument 
      if x_in is absent.

    Keyword Input Arguments:
    * missing:  If y_in and/or x_in has missing values, this is the 
      missing value value.  Scalar.  Default is 1e+20.

    * algorithm:  Name of the algorithm to use.  String scalar.
      Default is 'default'.  Possible values include:
      + 'default':  Default method (currently set to 'order1').
      + 'order1':  First-order finite-differencing (backward and
        forward differencing used at the endpoints, and centered
        differencing used everywhere else).  If abscissa intervals
        are irregular, differencing will be correspondingly asym-

    Output Result:
    * Derivative of y_in with respect to x_in (or unit interval 
      abscissa, if x_in is not given).  Numeric array of same shape 
      and size as y_in.  If there are missing values, those elements 
      in the output are set to the value in |missing|.  For instance, 
      if y_in is only one element, a one-element vector is returned 
      as the derivative with the value of |missing|.  If there are 
      missing values in the output due to math errors and |missing| 
      is set to None, output will fill those missing values with the 
      MA default value of 1e+20.  

    * Press, W. H., et al. (1992):  Numerical Recipes in Fortran 
      77:  The Art of Scientific Computing.  New York, NY:  Cambridge
      University Press, pp. 180-184.

    * Wang, Y. (1999):  "Numerical Differentiation," Introduction to 
      MHD Numerical Simulation in Space, ESS265: Instrumentation, 
      Data Processing and Data Analysis in Space Physics (UCLA).
      URL:  http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/personnel/russell/ESS265/

    Example with one argument, no missing values, using the default
    >>> from deriv import deriv
    >>> import Numeric as N
    >>> y = N.sin(N.arange(8))
    >>> dydx = deriv(y)
    >>> ['%.7g' % dydx[i] for i in range(4)]
    ['0.841471', '0.4546487', '-0.3501755', '-0.83305']
    >>> true = N.cos(N.arange(8))  #- Compare with exact solution
    >>> ['%.7g' % true[i] for i in range(4)]  
    ['1', '0.5403023', '-0.4161468', '-0.9899925']

    Example with two arguments with missing values, using first-
    order differencing:
    >>> x = N.arange(8)/(2.*N.pi)
    >>> y = N.sin(x)
    >>> y[3] = 1e20            #- Set an element to missing value
    >>> dydx = deriv(x, y, missing=1e20, algorithm='order1')
    >>> ['%.7g' % dydx[i] for i in range(5)]
    ['0.9957836', '0.9831985', '1e+20', '0.8844179', '1e+20']
    >>> true = N.cos(x)       #- Compare with exact solution
    >>> ['%.7g' % true[i] for i in range(5)]  
    ['1', '0.9873616', '0.9497657', '0.8881628', '0.8041098']
    import numpy.ma as MA
    import numpy as N

    #- Establish y_in and x_in from *positional_inputs:

    if len(positional_inputs) == 1:
        y_in = positional_inputs[0]
        x_in = N.arange(len(y_in))
    elif len(positional_inputs) == 2:
        x_in = positional_inputs[0]
        y_in = positional_inputs[1]
        raise ValueError, "deriv:  Bad inputs"

    #- Establish missing and algorithm from *keyword_inputs:

    if keyword_inputs.has_key('missing') == 1:
        missing = keyword_inputs['missing']
        missing = 1e+20

    if keyword_inputs.has_key('algorithm') == 1:
        algorithm = keyword_inputs['algorithm']
        algorithm = 'default'

    #- Check positional and keyword inputs for possible errors:

    if (len(y_in.shape) != 1) or (len(x_in.shape) != 1):
        raise ValueError, "deriv:  Inputs not a vector"
    if type(algorithm) != type(''):
        raise ValueError, "deriv:  algorithm not str"

    #- Set algorithm_to_use variable, based on the algorithm keyword.
    #  The algorithm_to_use tells which algorithm below to actually
    #  use (so here is where we set what algorithm to use for default):

    if algorithm == 'default':
        algorithm_to_use = 'order1'
        algorithm_to_use = algorithm

    #- Change input to MA:  just set to input value unless there are
    #  missing values, in which case add mask:

    if missing == None:
        x = MA.masked_array(x_in)
        y = MA.masked_array(y_in)
        x = MA.masked_values(x_in, missing, copy=0)
        y = MA.masked_values(y_in, missing, copy=0)

    #- Calculate and return derivative:

    #  * Create working arrays that are consistent with a 3-point
    #    stencil in the interior and 2-point stencil on the ends:
    #    *im1 means the point before index i, *ip1 means the point
    #    after index i, and the i index array is just plain x or
    #    y; the endpadded arrays replicate the ends of x and y.
    #    I use an MA array filled approach instead of concatentation
    #    because the MA concatenation routine doesn't work right
    #    when the endpoint element is a missing value:

    x_endpadded = MA.zeros(len(x) + 2)
    x_endpadded[0] = x[0]
    x_endpadded[1:-1] = x
    x_endpadded[-1] = x[-1]

    y_endpadded = MA.zeros(len(y) + 2)
    y_endpadded[0] = y[0]
    y_endpadded[1:-1] = y
    y_endpadded[-1] = y[-1]

    y_im1 = y_endpadded[:-2]
    y_ip1 = y_endpadded[2:]
    x_im1 = x_endpadded[:-2]
    x_ip1 = x_endpadded[2:]

    #  * Option 1:  First-order differencing (interior points use
    #    centered differencing, and end points use forward or back-
    #    ward differencing, as applicable):

    if algorithm_to_use == 'order1':
        dydx = (y_ip1 - y_im1) / (x_ip1 - x_im1)

    #  * Option 2:  Bad algorithm specified:

        raise ValueError, "deriv:  bad algorithm"

    #- Return derivative as Numeric array:

    return MA.filled(dydx, missing)
Example #54
ind = mask.variables['MASK'][:,:]
ind= ma.masked_where(ind<=0.0,ind)

gridarea = area.variables['cell_area']


ric_i_f=ma.filled(ric_i_f, fill_value=0.)


ric_f=ma.filled(ric_f, fill_value=0.)

Example #55
gridarea1 = area.variables['cell_area'][:, :]
gridlon = area.variables['lon'][:]
gridlat = area.variables['lat'][:]
#print gridlon
nclu = NetCDFFile(
    '/scratch2/scratchdirs/tslin2/plot/globalcrop/data/m3yield_isam.nc', 'r')
ncvar_maize = nclu.variables['soyy'][0, :, :]
marea = nclu.variables['soy_area'][0, :, :]

region1 = NetCDFFile(
maitrop = region1.variables['area'][95:105, :, :]
lonisam1 = region1.variables['lon'][:]
maitrop = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, maitrop)
maitrop = ma.filled(maitrop, fill_value=0.)

maizeto = maitrop

edat = NetCDFFile(
eiyield1ynew = edat.variables['totalyield'][95:105, :, :]

edat2 = NetCDFFile(
eiyield2ynew = edat2.variables['totalyield'][95:105, :, :]

edat3 = NetCDFFile(
 def post_check(self, values, dataset_pool):
     self.do_check("0 <= x and x <= 100", ma.filled(values,0))
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     hh_wwd = self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.number_of_households_within_walking_distance)
     return 100.0*ma.filled(self.get_dataset().get_attribute(self.number_of_high_income_households_within_walking_distance)/ 
                                          ma.masked_where(hh_wwd == 0, hh_wwd.astype(float32)), 0.0)
Example #58
region1 = NetCDFFile(
#maitrop = region1.variables['soy_trop'][99,:,:]
#maitemp = region1.variables['soy_temp'][99,:,:]

maitrop = N.average(region1.variables['soy_trop'][95:105, :, :], axis=0)
maitemp = N.average(region1.variables['soy_temp'][95:105, :, :], axis=0)
maitropi = N.average(region1.variables['soy_trop_irrig'][95:105, :, :], axis=0)
maitempi = N.average(region1.variables['soy_temp_irrig'][95:105, :, :], axis=0)

gridarea = region1.variables['area'][:, :]
maitrop = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, maitrop)
maitrop = ma.filled(maitrop, fill_value=0.)
maitemp = ma.masked_where(maitemp <= 0, maitemp)
maitemp = ma.filled(maitemp, fill_value=0.)

maitropi = ma.masked_where(maitropi <= 0, maitropi)
maitropi = ma.filled(maitropi, fill_value=0.)
maitempi = ma.masked_where(maitempi <= 0, maitempi)
maitempi = ma.filled(maitempi, fill_value=0.)
maizetor = maitrop + maitemp
maizetoi = maitropi + maitempi
maizeto = maitrop + maitemp + maitropi + maitempi

dat = NetCDFFile(
iyield1y = N.average(dat.variables['totalyield'][95:105, :, :], axis=0)
Example #59
meareaisam = ma.masked_where(ind1 != 8, meareaisam)

area = NetCDFFile(
gridarea = area.variables['cell_area']

isam = NetCDFFile(
lonisam1 = isam.variables['lon'][:]

tric_i_f = isam.variables['totalyield'][79:109, :, :]
tric_i_f = ma.masked_where(tric_i_f <= 0.0, tric_i_f)
tric_i_f = ma.filled(tric_i_f, fill_value=0.)
tric_i_f = ma.masked_where(ind1 != 8, tric_i_f)

isam = NetCDFFile(
tric_f = isam.variables['totalyield'][79:109, :, :]
tric_f = ma.masked_where(tric_f <= 0.0, tric_f)
tric_f = ma.filled(tric_f, fill_value=0.)
tric_f = ma.masked_where(ind1 != 8, tric_f)

isam = NetCDFFile(
tric_fc = isam.variables['totalyield'][79:109, :, :]
tric_fc = ma.masked_where(tric_fc <= 0.0, tric_fc)
Example #60
def yieldout(year):
    bb = year - 1900
    bb1 = year - 850
    isam1 = NetCDFFile(
        '/scratch2/scratchdirs/tslin2/plot/globalcrop/data/mirca_isam.nc', 'r')
    maitrop1 = isam1.variables['asoy_rf'][:, :]  #mirca2000
    maitropi1 = isam1.variables['asoy_irr'][:, :]  #mirca2000
    maitrop1 = ma.masked_where(maitrop1 <= 0, maitrop1)
    maitrop1 = ma.filled(maitrop1, fill_value=0.)
    maitropi1 = ma.masked_where(maitropi1 <= 0, maitropi1)
    maitropi1 = ma.filled(maitropi1, fill_value=0.)
    lonisam = isam1.variables['lon'][:]

    maitrop, lonisam1 = shiftgrid(180.5, maitrop1, lonisam, start=False)
    maitropi, lonisam1 = shiftgrid(180.5, maitropi1, lonisam, start=False)

    maizetor = maitrop
    maizetoi = maitropi

    maizetrop = maitrop + maitropi

    maizeto = maitrop + maitropi

    isam = NetCDFFile(
    clmtropf = isam.variables['g_ET'][bb - 1, 1, :, :]

    clm2 = NetCDFFile(
    clmtropfi = clm2.variables['g_ET'][bb - 1, 1, :, :]

    lonisam = clm2.variables['lon'][:]

    clmtropf, lonisam1 = shiftgrid(180.5, clmtropf, lonisam, start=False)
    clmtropfi, lonisam1 = shiftgrid(180.5, clmtropfi, lonisam, start=False)
    print lonisam1

    clmtropf = ma.masked_where(maitrop <= 0, clmtropf)
    clmtropf = ma.filled(clmtropf, fill_value=0.)

    clmtropfi = ma.masked_where(maitropi <= 0, clmtropfi)
    clmtropfi = ma.filled(clmtropfi, fill_value=0.)

    yield_clmtf = clmtropf
    yield_clmtf = ma.masked_where(yield_clmtf <= 0, yield_clmtf)
    yield_clmtf = ma.filled(yield_clmtf, fill_value=0.)

    yield_clmtfi = clmtropfi
    yield_clmtfi = ma.masked_where(yield_clmtfi <= 0, yield_clmtfi)
    yield_clmtfi = ma.filled(yield_clmtfi, fill_value=0.)

    area = NetCDFFile(
    gridarea = area.variables['cell_area'][:, :]
    gridlon = area.variables['lon'][:]
    gridlat = area.variables['lat'][:]
    gridarea, gridlon = shiftgrid(180.5, gridarea, gridlon, start=False)

    lon2, lat2 = N.meshgrid(gridlon, gridlat)

    map = Basemap(projection='cyl',
    x, y = map(lon2, lat2)

    yield_clmtf = maskoceans(x, y, yield_clmtf)
    yield_clmtf = ma.masked_where(maizeto <= 0, yield_clmtf)

    yield_clmtfi = maskoceans(x, y, yield_clmtfi)
    yield_clmtfi = ma.masked_where(maizeto <= 0, yield_clmtfi)

    clmy = ((yield_clmtf * maizetor) +
            (yield_clmtfi * maizetoi)) / ((maizetoi) + (maizetor))
    areall = (maizetoi) + (maizetor)
    clmall = ((yield_clmtf * maizetor) + (yield_clmtfi * maizetoi))

    return clmy, areall, clmall