def __init__(self, img):
     self.img = img
     self.ch_range = np.empty(
     )  # range of RGB color values (default: max range)    self.range = [255, 255, 255]
     self.ch_range[0] = ma.ptp(img[..., 0])  # range of red values
     self.ch_range[1] = ma.ptp(img[..., 1])  # range of green values
     self.ch_range[2] = ma.ptp(img[..., 2])  # range of blue value
Example #2
def checksum_puzzle_1(spreadsheet):
    # @documentation: All or parts of the documentation is missing!
    # The example had a row that was shorter than the other ones
    # this is the workaround for that. The way of reading in the
    # input shown in the solution to the second puzzle would have
    # sufficed for the given test (puzzle) input.
    line_split = spreadsheet.split("\n")
    column_split = [line.split("\t") for line in line_split]
    max_line_length = max([len(line) for line in column_split])
    for line in column_split:
        while len(line) < max_line_length:

    sheet = ma.masked_equal(ma.array(column_split, dtype=int), -1)
    checksum = ma.sum(ma.ptp(sheet, axis=1))
    return checksum
Example #3
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1):
    """ return the mean and standard deviation of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)
    ym = ma.array(y, mask=ma.getmask(xm))
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = ma.mean(ym)
        r2 = ma.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'min':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p':  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    return (r1, r2)
Example #4
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xt = x.view(numpy.ndarray)  # strip Metaarray stuff -much faster!
    v = y.view(numpy.ndarray)

    xm = ma.masked_outside(xt, x0, x1).T
    ym = ma.array(v, mask=ma.getmask(xm))
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = ma.mean(ym)
        r2 = ma.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p':  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std':  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var':  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum':  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom':  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency':  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        return (0, 0)
        slope = numpy.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = numpy.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = numpy.polyfit(
                x[tb], ym[tb],
                1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = numpy.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = numpy.amax(slope)
        r2 = numpy.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Example #5
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh = 0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xt = x.view(numpy.ndarray) # strip Metaarray stuff -much faster!
    v = y.view(numpy.ndarray)
    xm = ma.masked_outside(xt, x0, x1).T
    ym = ma.array(v, mask = ma.getmask(xm))
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = ma.mean(ym)
        r2 = ma.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p': # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std': # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var': # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum': # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym) # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom': # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym) # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)/(ma.max(xm)-ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency': # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        slope = numpy.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win)/20) # look over small ranges
        for k in win: # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k-st, k+st) # get tb array
            newa = numpy.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = numpy.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1) # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = numpy.append(slope, ppars[0]) # keep track of max slope
        r1 = numpy.amax(slope)
        r2 = numpy.argmax(slope)
    return(r1, r2)
Example #6
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)  # .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask=ma.getmask(xm))  # .compressed()
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'minormax':
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p':  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std':  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var':  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum':  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom':  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency':  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == '1090':  #measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1 * r1
        y90 = 0.9 * r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        return (0, 0)
        slope = np.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = np.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = np.polyfit(
                x[tb], ym[tb],
                1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = np.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.amax(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Example #7
def inject(time0,flux0,**kw):
    Inject a transit into an existing time series.

    time0    : time series (required).
    flux0    : flux series (required).
    phase : Phase of ingress (phase * P = time of ingress) or:
    epoch : Epoch of mid transit.

    df    : Depth of transit (ppm)
    s2n   : Signal to noise (noise computed in a naive way).

    tdur : Transit duration (units of days).  If not given, compute
           assuming Keplerian orbit

    f     : the modified time series.
    t = time0.copy()
    f = flux0.copy()

    assert kw.has_key('epoch') ^ kw.has_key('phase') ,\
        "Must specify epoch xor phase"

    assert kw.has_key('s2n') ^ kw.has_key('df') ,\
        "Must specify s2n xor df"

    assert kw.has_key('P') , "Must specify Period"

    P = kw['P']
    if kw.has_key('tdur'):
        tdur = kw['tdur']
        tdur = a2tdur( P2a(P) )

    tbase = ma.ptp(t)
    tfold = np.mod(t,P)
    if kw.has_key('s2n'):
        noise = ma.std(f)
        df = s2n * noise /  np.sqrt( ntpts(P,tdur,tbase,lc) )
        df = 1e-6*kw['df']

    if kw.has_key('epoch'):
        epoch = kw['epoch']
        epoch = kw['phase']*P

    epoch = np.mod(epoch,P)
    tm = abs( tfold - epoch ) # Time before (or after) midtransit.
    ie = 0.5*(tdur - lc)
    oe = 0.5*(tdur + lc)

    frac = ( tm - ie ) / lc 

    idlo = np.where(tm < ie )
    idfr = np.where( (tm > ie ) & (tm < oe) )
    f[idlo] -= df
    f[idfr] -= df*(1-frac[idfr])

    return f
Example #8
def inject(time0, flux0, **kw):
    Inject a transit into an existing time series.

    time0    : time series (required).
    flux0    : flux series (required).
    phase : Phase of ingress (phase * P = time of ingress) or:
    epoch : Epoch of mid transit.

    df    : Depth of transit (ppm)
    s2n   : Signal to noise (noise computed in a naive way).

    tdur : Transit duration (units of days).  If not given, compute
           assuming Keplerian orbit

    f     : the modified time series.
    t = time0.copy()
    f = flux0.copy()

    assert ('epoch' in kw) ^ ('phase' in kw) ,\
        "Must specify epoch xor phase"

    assert ('s2n' in kw) ^ ('df' in kw) ,\
        "Must specify s2n xor df"

    assert 'P' in kw, "Must specify Period"

    P = kw['P']

    if 'tdur' in kw:
        tdur = kw['tdur']
        tdur = a2tdur(P2a(P))

    tbase = ma.ptp(t)
    tfold = np.mod(t, P)

    if 's2n' in kw:
        noise = ma.std(f)
        df = s2n * noise / np.sqrt(ntpts(P, tdur, tbase, lc))
        df = 1e-6 * kw['df']

    if 'epoch' in kw:
        epoch = kw['epoch']
        epoch = kw['phase'] * P

    epoch = np.mod(epoch, P)
    tm = abs(tfold - epoch)  # Time before (or after) midtransit.
    ie = 0.5 * (tdur - lc)
    oe = 0.5 * (tdur + lc)

    frac = (tm - ie) / lc

    idlo = np.where(tm < ie)
    idfr = np.where((tm > ie) & (tm < oe))
    f[idlo] -= df
    f[idfr] -= df * (1 - frac[idfr])

    return f
Example #9
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)  # .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask=ma.getmask(xm))  # .compressed()
    if mode == "mean":
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == "max" or mode == "maximum":
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == "min" or mode == "minimum":
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == "minormax":
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == "median":
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "p2p":  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "std":  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "var":  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "cumsum":  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "anom":  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "sum":
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "area" or mode == "charge":
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "latency":  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == "1090":  # measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1 * r1
        y90 = 0.9 * r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == "count":
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "maxslope":
        return (0, 0)
        slope = np.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = np.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = np.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = np.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.amax(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Example #10
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0, slopewin=1.0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)# .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask = ma.getmask(xm))# .compressed()
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'minormax':
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p': # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std': # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var': # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum': # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym) # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom': # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym) # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)/(ma.max(xm)-ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency': # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == '1090': #measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1*r1
        y90 = 0.9*r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        slope = []
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        dt = x[1]-x[0]
        st = int(slopewin/dt) # use slopewin duration window for fit.
        print('st: ', st)
        for k, w in enumerate(win): # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k-st, k+st) # get tb array
            ppars = np.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1) # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope.append(ppars[0]) # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.max(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return(r1, r2)