Example #1
 def udata(self):
     ud = []
     for i in range(len(self.dat['names'])):
         udi = unique(self.dat['data'][i])
         udi = udi[~udi.mask]  # remove fill value from list
     return ud
Example #2
 def udata(self):
     ud = []
     for i in range(len(self.dat['names'])):
         udi = unique(self.dat['data'][i])
         udi = udi[~udi.mask] # remove fill value from list
     return ud
Example #3
 def __uniquevals(self, d):
     u = ma.unique(d)
     u = u[~u.mask]
     return u
Example #4
 def __uniquevals(self, d):
     u = ma.unique(d)
     u = u[~u.mask]
     return u
Example #5
                        np.divide(dm0**2 + dm1**2 + dz0**2 + dz1**2, (m0 - m1 + z0 - z1)**2)
                        + np.divide(dc0**2 + dc1**2, (1 - c0 + c1)**2)
            for row in group:
        targets[filters] = np.array(colors)
        targets['d'+filters] = np.array(dcolors)

    # calibrate all the instrumental magnitudes
    zcol = [color_to_use[row['filter']][0] if color_to_use[row['filter']] else row['filter']*2 for row in targets]
    zeropoint = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'], [targets['z2'], targets['z1']])
    dzeropoint = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'], [targets['dz2'], targets['dz1']])
    colorterm = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'], [targets['c2'], targets['c1']])
    dcolorterm = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'], [targets['dc2'], targets['dc1']])
    uzcol, izcol = np.unique(zcol, return_inverse=True)
    color_used = np.choose(izcol, [targets[col].T if col in targets.colnames else 0. for col in uzcol]).filled(0.) # if no other filter, skip color correction
    dcolor_used = np.choose(izcol, [targets['d'+col].T if col in targets.colnames else 0. for col in uzcol]).filled(0.)
    targets['mag'] = (targets['instmag_amcorr'].T + zeropoint + colorterm * color_used).T
    targets['dmag'] = np.sqrt(targets['dinstmag'].T**2 + dzeropoint**2 + dcolorterm**2 * color_used**2 + colorterm**2 * dcolor_used**2).T

    if args.stage == 'mag':
        # write mag & dmag to database
        targets['dmag'].mask = targets['mag'].mask
        query = 'INSERT INTO photlco (filename, mag, dmag) VALUES\n'
        query += ',\n'.join(['("{}", {}, {})'.format(row['filename'], row['mag'], row['dmag']) for row in targets.filled(9999.)])
        query += '\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mag=VALUES(mag), dmag=VALUES(dmag)'
        print query
        lsc.mysqldef.query([query], lsc.conn)
    elif args.stage == 'abscat': 
       # write all the catalogs to files & put filename in database
Example #6
    # calibrate all the instrumental magnitudes
    zcol = [
        if color_to_use[row['filter']] else row['filter'] * 2
        for row in targets
    zeropoint = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'],
                          [targets['z2'], targets['z1']])
    dzeropoint = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'],
                           [targets['dz2'], targets['dz1']])
    colorterm = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'],
                          [targets['c2'], targets['c1']])
    dcolorterm = np.choose(zcol == targets['zcol1'],
                           [targets['dc2'], targets['dc1']])
    uzcol, izcol = np.unique(zcol, return_inverse=True)
    color_used = np.choose(
        [targets[col].T if col in targets.colnames else 0.
         for col in uzcol]).filled(
             0.)  # if no other filter, skip color correction
    dcolor_used = np.choose(izcol, [
        targets['d' + col].T if col in targets.colnames else 0.
        for col in uzcol
    targets['mag'] = (targets['instmag_amcorr'].T + zeropoint +
                      colorterm * color_used).T
    targets['dmag'] = np.sqrt(targets['dinstmag'].T**2 + dzeropoint**2 +
                              dcolorterm**2 * color_used**2 +
                              colorterm**2 * dcolor_used**2).T