Example #1
    def calcular(self, n, norm=False, k_factor=1):
        # Atencion: Norm = calcular normalizada

        if n % 2 == 1:
            k = int((n - 1) / 2)
            arr = []
            for i in range(k + 1):
                arr.append(get_a(i, n))

            poly = legendre.leg2poly(legendre.legint(legendre.legmul(arr,
            k = int((n - 2) / 2)
            arr = []
            for i in range(k + 1):
                arr.append(get_a(i, n))

            leg_b = legendre.legmul(legendre.legmul(arr, arr),
                                    legendre.poly2leg([1, 1]))

            poly = legendre.leg2poly(legendre.legint(leg_b))

        exp = 0
        wn, sn, s, sa = sp.symbols("wn sn sa s")

        for i in range(len(poly)):
            exp += poly[i] * ((2 * (wn**2) - 1)**i)
            exp -= poly[i] * ((-1)**i)

        if n % 2 == 1:
            exp = exp * 1 / (2 * (k + 1)**2)
            exp = exp * 1 / ((k + 1) * (k + 2))

        exp = 1 / (1 + self.getXi(0, n)**2 * exp)
        exp = exp.subs(wn, sn / 1j)

        roots = algebra.getRoots(exp, sn)
        roots[1] = algebra.filterRealNegativeRoots(roots[1])

        poles = []
        for i in roots[1]:
            poles.append({"value": i})

        exp = algebra.armarPolinomino(poles, [], sn, 1)
        self.tf_normalized = algebra.conseguir_tf(exp, sn, poles)

        if not norm:
            exp = self.plantilla.denormalizarFrecuencias(exp, sa, sn)

            factor = (self.k1 - self.k2) * norm / 100 + self.k2

            exp = self.plantilla.denormalizarAmplitud(exp, s, sa, factor)

            self.tf = algebra.conseguir_tf(exp, s, [])

            return self.tf
            return self.tf_normalized
Example #2
 def test_integ(self):
     p = self.p2.integ()
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1, 2, 3], 1, 0, scl=.5))
     p = self.p2.integ(lbnd=0)
     assert_almost_equal(p(0), 0)
     p = self.p2.integ(1, 1)
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1, 2, 3], 1, 1, scl=.5))
     p = self.p2.integ(2, [1, 2])
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1, 2, 3], 2, [1, 2], scl=.5))
 def test_integ(self) :
     p = self.p2.integ()
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1,2,3], 1, 0, scl=.5))
     p = self.p2.integ(lbnd=0)
     assert_almost_equal(p(0), 0)
     p = self.p2.integ(1, 1)
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1,2,3], 1, 1, scl=.5))
     p = self.p2.integ(2, [1, 2])
     assert_almost_equal(p.coef, leg.legint([1,2,3], 2, [1,2], scl=.5))
Example #4
def Hamiltonian_Legendre_polynomial(c, potential, domain, N):
    #potential is a constant in this case

    x = np.linspace(-domain / 2, domain / 2, N)
    delta_x = domain / (N - 1)

    #here, the normalized legendre polynomical has been used
    # for the nth polynomials, normalization constant is sqrt(2/(2n + 1))

    #kinetic term
    K = np.zeros((N, N))

    for ii in range(N):
        legen_left = np.zeros(N)
        legen_left[ii] = mt.sqrt((2 * ii + 1) / 2)
        for jj in range(N):
            deriva_array = np.zeros(N + 2)
            deriva_array[jj] = mt.sqrt((2 * jj + 1) / 2)
            legen_right_deriva = legen.legder(deriva_array, 2)

            #multiply them
            legen_multiply = legen.legmul(legen_left, legen_right_deriva)

            legen_integral = legen.legint(legen_multiply)

            #calculate the matrix elements
            K[ii][jj] = legen.legval(domain / 2, legen_integral) - \
                        legen.legval(-domain / 2, legen_integral)

    #the S matrix, inside the [-1, 1] domain, the legendre ploynomial can be treatedas basis and satisfying <xi|xj> = delta ij, thus S matrix is a identity matrix
    S = np.zeros((N, N))

    for ii in range(N):
        legen_left_S = np.zeros(N)
        legen_left_S[ii] = mt.sqrt((2 * ii + 1) / 2)
        legen_multiply_S = legen.legmul(legen_left_S, legen_left_S)
        legen_integral_S = legen.legint(legen_multiply_S)
        S[ii][ii] = legen.legval(domain / 2, legen_integral_S) - \
                    legen.legval(-domain / 2, legen_integral_S)

    K = K * -1 * c

    #because the potential is just a constant here, we can calculate the V matrix   simply by multiply the matrix S a constant potential value

    V = potential * S

    ##divide the obtained Hamiltonian by the S matrix
    H = K + V
    return H
Example #5
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        PolynomialBasisFunctions.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # Standard linear basis functions if the polynomial order is 1
        if self.polynomialOrder is 1:
            self._functions = [Legendre((0.5, -0.5)), Legendre((0.5, 0.5))]

        # Integrated Legendre polynomials (first two functions replaced by classic linear ones)
        elif self.polynomialOrder > 1:
            # Base
            self._functions = [
                for coefficients in oneHotArray(self.polynomialOrder + 1)

            # Integrate base functions
            for index in range(self.polynomialOrder - 1, 0, -1):
                self._functions[index] = Legendre(legint(
                    np.sqrt(float(index) - 0.5) * self._functions[index].coef,

            # Replace first and last functions
            self._functions[0] = Legendre((0.5, -0.5))
            self._functions[-1] = Legendre((0.5, 0.5))

            raise ValueError("Invalid polynomial order!")
Example #6
def hamiltonian_matrix(BASIS_SIZE=BASIS_SIZE,
    '''Calculates the hamiltonian matrix <psi|H|psi>'''
    if BASIS_FUNC == 'legendre':
        hmat = np.zeros((BASIS_SIZE, BASIS_SIZE))
        for i in range(BASIS_SIZE):
            for j in range(BASIS_SIZE):
                coefs_i = [0] * (i) + [1]
                coefs_j = [0] * (j) + [1]
                inside = L.legmul(coefs_i, list(hamiltonian(coefs_j)))
                integ = L.legint(inside)
                val = L.legval(DOMAIN[1], integ) - L.legval(DOMAIN[0], integ)
                hmat[i, j] = val
    if BASIS_FUNC == 'fourier':
        a = DOMAIN[
            1]  #restrict the domain to be symmetric about origin for simplicity
        hmat = np.zeros((BASIS_SIZE, BASIS_SIZE))
        for i in range(BASIS_SIZE):
            for j in range(BASIS_SIZE):
                p1 = 2 * V * np.sin(a * j) / j  #cos V0 term
                p2 = 0  #cos cos term cancels due to parity if i != j
                if i == j:
                    p2 = C * (j**2) * (a + np.sin(2 * a * j) / (2 * j))
                hmat[i, j] = p1 + p2
    return hmat
Example #7
def inner_product():  #do I even need this?
    if BASIS_FUNC == 'legendre':
        pmat = np.zeros((BASIS_SIZE, BASIS_SIZE))
        for i in range(BASIS_SIZE):
            for j in range(BASIS_SIZE):
                coefs_i = [0] * (i) + [1]
                coefs_j = [0] * (j) + [1]
                inside = L.legmul(coefs_i, coefs_j)
                integ = L.legint(inside)
                val = L.legval(DOMAIN[1], integ) - L.legval(DOMAIN[0], integ)
                pmat[i, j] = val
Example #8
    def test_legder(self) :
        # check exceptions
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legder, [0], .5)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legder, [0], -1)

        # check that zeroth deriviative does nothing
        for i in range(5) :
            tgt = [0]*i + [1]
            res = leg.legder(tgt, m=0)
            assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check that derivation is the inverse of integration
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                tgt = [0]*i + [1]
                res = leg.legder(leg.legint(tgt, m=j), m=j)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check derivation with scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                tgt = [0]*i + [1]
                res = leg.legder(leg.legint(tgt, m=j, scl=2), m=j, scl=.5)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
Example #9
def _int_mat_legendre(n_coeff: int, int_order: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Legendre polynomial integration matrix

        Number of Legendre coefficients
        Order of integration

    Legendre integral matrix
    return legint(np.eye(n_coeff), int_order)
Example #10
    def test_legder(self) :
        # check exceptions
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legder, [0], .5)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legder, [0], -1)

        # check that zeroth deriviative does nothing
        for i in range(5) :
            tgt = [0]*i + [1]
            res = leg.legder(tgt, m=0)
            assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check that derivation is the inverse of integration
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                tgt = [0]*i + [1]
                res = leg.legder(leg.legint(tgt, m=j), m=j)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check derivation with scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                tgt = [0]*i + [1]
                res = leg.legder(leg.legint(tgt, m=j, scl=2), m=j, scl=.5)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
Example #11
    def test_legint_axis(self):
        # check that axis keyword works
        c2d = np.random.random((3, 4))

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c) for c in c2d.T]).T
        res = leg.legint(c2d, axis=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c) for c in c2d])
        res = leg.legint(c2d, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c, k=3) for c in c2d])
        res = leg.legint(c2d, k=3, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
Example #12
    def test_legint_axis(self):
        # check that axis keyword works
        c2d = np.random.random((3, 4))

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c) for c in c2d.T]).T
        res = leg.legint(c2d, axis=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c) for c in c2d])
        res = leg.legint(c2d, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([leg.legint(c, k=3) for c in c2d])
        res = leg.legint(c2d, k=3, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
Example #13
    def test_legint(self) :
        # check exceptions
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], .5)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], -1)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], 1, [0,0])

        # test integration of zero polynomial
        for i in range(2, 5):
            k = [0]*(i - 2) + [1]
            res = leg.legint([0], m=i, k=k)
            assert_almost_equal(res, [0, 1])

        # check single integration with integration constant
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            tgt = [i] + [0]*i + [1/scl]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i])
            res = leg.leg2poly(legint)
            assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check single integration with integration constant and lbnd
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i], lbnd=-1)
            assert_almost_equal(leg.legval(-1, legint), i)

        # check single integration with integration constant and scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            tgt = [i] + [0]*i + [2/scl]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i], scl=2)
            res = leg.leg2poly(legint)
            assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with default k
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with defined k
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k])
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=range(j))
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with lbnd
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k], lbnd=-1)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=range(j), lbnd=-1)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2,5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k], scl=2)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=range(j), scl=2)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
Example #14
    def test_legint(self) :
        # check exceptions
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], .5)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], -1)
        assert_raises(ValueError, leg.legint, [0], 1, [0, 0])

        # test integration of zero polynomial
        for i in range(2, 5):
            k = [0]*(i - 2) + [1]
            res = leg.legint([0], m=i, k=k)
            assert_almost_equal(res, [0, 1])

        # check single integration with integration constant
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            tgt = [i] + [0]*i + [1/scl]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i])
            res = leg.leg2poly(legint)
            assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check single integration with integration constant and lbnd
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i], lbnd=-1)
            assert_almost_equal(leg.legval(-1, legint), i)

        # check single integration with integration constant and scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            scl = i + 1
            pol = [0]*i + [1]
            tgt = [i] + [0]*i + [2/scl]
            legpol = leg.poly2leg(pol)
            legint = leg.legint(legpol, m=1, k=[i], scl=2)
            res = leg.leg2poly(legint)
            assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with default k
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with defined k
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k])
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=list(range(j)))
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with lbnd
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k], lbnd=-1)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=list(range(j)), lbnd=-1)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))

        # check multiple integrations with scaling
        for i in range(5) :
            for j in range(2, 5) :
                pol = [0]*i + [1]
                tgt = pol[:]
                for k in range(j) :
                    tgt = leg.legint(tgt, m=1, k=[k], scl=2)
                res = leg.legint(pol, m=j, k=list(range(j)), scl=2)
                assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
Example #15
def legint(cs, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1):
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legint
    return legint(cs, m, k, lbnd, scl)
Example #16
 def antiderivative(self, fnvals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     """Return the antiderivative."""
     coeffs = self.tocoeffs(fnvals)
     coeffs_int = legint(coeffs, axis=-1)
     return self.tofnvals(coeffs_int[..., :-1])
Example #17
def legint(cs, m=1, k=[], lbnd=0, scl=1):
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legint
    return legint(cs, m, k, lbnd, scl)
Example #18
 def test_legint_zerointord(self):
     assert_equal(leg.legint((1, 2, 3), 0), (1, 2, 3))