Example #1
def check_fromroots(Poly):
    # check that requested roots are zeros of a polynomial
    # of correct degree, domain, and window.
    d = Poly.domain + random((2,))*.25
    w = Poly.window + random((2,))*.25
    r = random((5,))
    p1 = Poly.fromroots(r, domain=d, window=w)
    assert_equal(p1.degree(), len(r))
    assert_equal(p1.domain, d)
    assert_equal(p1.window, w)
    assert_almost_equal(p1(r), 0)

    # check that polynomial is monic
    p2 = Polynomial.cast(p1, domain=d, window=w)
    assert_almost_equal(p2.coef[-1], 1)
Example #2
def check_fromroots(Poly):
    # check that requested roots are zeros of a polynomial
    # of correct degree, domain, and window.
    d = Poly.domain + random((2,))*.25
    w = Poly.window + random((2,))*.25
    r = random((5,))
    p1 = Poly.fromroots(r, domain=d, window=w)
    assert_equal(p1.degree(), len(r))
    assert_equal(p1.domain, d)
    assert_equal(p1.window, w)
    assert_almost_equal(p1(r), 0)

    # check that polynomial is monic
    p2 = Polynomial.cast(p1, domain=d, window=w)
    assert_almost_equal(p2.coef[-1], 1)
Example #3
def polfit_residuals(
        x, y, deg, reject=None,
        color='b', size=75,
        xlim=None, ylim=None,
        xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None,
    """Polynomial fit with display of residuals and additional work with R.

    x : 1d numpy array, float
        X coordinates of the data being fitted.
    y : 1d numpy array, float
        Y coordinates of the data being fitted.
    deg : int
        Degree of the fitting polynomial.
    reject : None or 1d numpy array (bool)
        If not None, it must be a boolean array indicating whether a
        particular point is rejected or not (i.e., the rejected points
        are flagged as True in this array). Rejected points are
        displayed but not used in the fit.
    color : single character or 1d numpy array of characters
        Color for all the symbols (single character) or for each
        individual symbol (array of color names with the same length as
        'x' or 'y'). If 'color' is a single character, the rejected
        points are displayed in red color, whereas when 'color' is an
        array of color names, rejected points are displayed with the
        color provided in this array.
    size : int
        Marker size for all the symbols (single character) or for each
        individual symbol (array of integers with the same length as
        'x' or 'y').
    xlim : tuple (floats)
        Plot limits in the X axis.
    ylim : tuple (floats)
        Plot limits in the Y axis.
    xlabel : string
        Character string for label in X axis.
    ylabel : string
        Character string for label in y axis.
    title : string
        Character string for graph title.
    use_r : bool
        If True, the function computes several fits, using R, to
        polynomials of degree deg, deg+1 and deg+2 (when possible).
    debugplot : int
        Determines whether intermediate computations and/or plots
        are displayed:
        00 : no debug, no plots
        01 : no debug, plots without pauses
        02 : no debug, plots with pauses
        10 : debug, no plots
        11 : debug, plots without pauses
        12 : debug, plots with pauses

    poly : instance of Polynomial (numpy)
        Result from the polynomial fit using numpy Polynomial. Only
        points not flagged as rejected are employed in the fit.
    yres : 1d numpy array, float
        Residuals from polynomial fit. Note that the residuals are
        computed for all the points, including the rejected ones. In
        this way the dimension of this array is the same as the
        dimensions of the input 'x' and 'y' arrays.


    # protections
    if type(x) is not np.ndarray:
        raise ValueError("x=" + str(x) + " must be a numpy.ndarray")
    elif x.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("x.ndim=" + str(x.ndim) + " must be 1")
    if type(y) is not np.ndarray:
        raise ValueError("y=" + str(y) + " must be a numpy.ndarray")
    elif y.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("y.ndim=" + str(y.ndim) + " must be 1")
    npoints = x.size
    if npoints != y.size:
        raise ValueError("x.size != y.size")
    if reject is not None:
        if npoints != reject.size:
            raise ValueError("x.size != reject.size")
    if type(deg) not in [np.int, np.int64]:
        raise ValueError("deg=" + str(deg) +
                         " is not a valid integer")

    # select points for fit
    if reject is None:
        xfitted = np.copy(x)
        yfitted = np.copy(y)
        xrejected = None
        yrejected = None
        nfitted = npoints
        nrejected = 0
        xfitted = x[np.logical_not(reject)]
        yfitted = y[np.logical_not(reject)]
        xrejected = x[reject]
        yrejected = y[reject]
        # update number of points for fit
        nfitted = xfitted.size
        nrejected = sum(reject)

    if deg > nfitted - 1:
        raise ValueError("Insufficient nfitted=" + str(nfitted) +
                         " for deg=" + str(deg))

    # polynomial fits using R
    if use_r:
        from ..rutilities import LinearModelYvsX
        print("\n>>> Total number of points:", nfitted)
        # using orthogonal polynomials
        for delta_deg in [2, 1, 0]:
            deg_eff = deg + delta_deg
            if deg_eff <= nfitted - 1:
                myfit = LinearModelYvsX(x=xfitted, y=yfitted, degree=deg_eff,
                print(">>> Fit with R, using orthogonal polynomials:")
        # fit using raw polynomials
        myfit = LinearModelYvsX(x=xfitted, y=yfitted, degree=deg, raw=True)
        print(">>> Fit with R, using raw polynomials:")

    # fit with requested degree (and raw polynomials)
    poly = Polynomial.fit(x=xfitted, y=yfitted, deg=deg)
    poly = Polynomial.cast(poly)

    # compute residuals
    yres = y - poly(x)  # of all the points
    yres_fitted = yfitted - poly(xfitted)  # points employed in the fit
    yres_rejected = None
    if nrejected > 0:
        yres_rejected = yrejected - poly(xrejected)  # points rejected

    if debugplot >= 10:
        print(">>> Polynomial fit:\n", poly)

    if debugplot % 10 != 0:
        # define colors, markers and sizes for symbols
        if np.array(color).size == 1:
            mycolor = np.array([color] * npoints)
            if reject is not None:
                mycolor[reject] = 'r'
        elif np.array(color).size == npoints:
            mycolor = np.copy(np.array(color))
        elif np.array(color).shape[0] == npoints:  # assume rgb color
            mycolor = np.copy(np.array(color))
            raise ValueError("color=" + str(color) +
                             " doesn't have the expected dimension")
        if np.array(size).size == 1:
            mysize = np.repeat([size], npoints)
        elif np.array(size).size == npoints:
            mysize = np.copy(np.array(size))
            raise ValueError("size=" + str(size) +
                             " doesn't have the expected dimension")

        if reject is None:
            cfitted = np.copy(mycolor)
            crejected = None
            sfitted = np.copy(mysize)
            srejected = None
            cfitted = mycolor[np.logical_not(reject)]
            crejected = mycolor[reject]
            sfitted = mysize[np.logical_not(reject)]
            srejected = mysize[reject]

        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig = plt.figure()

        # residuals
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
        if xlabel is None:
        if xlim is None:
            xmin = min(x)
            xmax = max(x)
            dx = xmax - xmin
            xmin -= dx/20
            xmax += dx/20
            xmin, xmax = xlim
        ax2.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
        ymin = min(yres_fitted)
        ymax = max(yres_fitted)
        dy = ymax - ymin
        ymin -= dy/20
        ymax += dy/20
        ax2.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
        ax2.axhline(y=0.0, color="black", linestyle="dashed")
        ax2.scatter(xfitted, yres_fitted, color=cfitted,
                    edgecolor='k', s=sfitted)
        if nrejected > 0:
            ax2.scatter(xrejected, yres_rejected,
                        marker='x', s=srejected,

        # original data and polynomial fit
        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, sharex=ax2)
        if ylabel is None:
        ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
        if ylim is None:
            ymin = min(y)
            ymax = max(y)
            dy = ymax - ymin
            ymin -= dy/20
            ymax += dy/20
            ymin, ymax = ylim
        ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
        ax.scatter(xfitted, yfitted,
                   color=cfitted, marker='o', edgecolor='k',
                   s=sfitted, label="fitted data")
        xpol = np.linspace(start=xmin, stop=xmax, num=1000)
        ypol = poly(xpol)
        ax.plot(xpol, ypol, 'c-', label="fit")
        if nrejected > 0:
            ax.scatter(xrejected, yrejected,
                       marker='x', s=srejected, color=crejected,

        # shrink axes and put a legend
        box = ax2.get_position()
        ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0,
                          box.width, box.height * 0.92])
        delta_ybox = box.height*0.15
        box = ax.get_position()
        ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 - delta_ybox,
                         box.width, box.height * 0.92])
        ax.legend(loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.1, 1., 0.07),
                  mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., ncol=4,

        # graph title
        if title is not None:
            plt.title(title + "\n\n")


    # return result
    return poly, yres
Example #4
def chebyshev_list(K):
    coef_list = []
    for k in range(K):
        coef = Polynomial.cast(Chebyshev.basis(k))
    return coef_list