def is_rhombohedral(self) -> bool: """Returns true if all lengths are equal and all angles are equal""" return ( self.abc_equal and close(np.array(self.angles) - self.angles[0], zeros(3)) and (not close(self.alpha, np.pi / 2)) )
def angles_different(self) -> bool: "are all of the angles alpha, beta, gamma different?" return not ( close(self.alpha, self.beta) or close(self.alpha, self.gamma) or close(self.beta, self.gamma) )
def is_hexagonal(self) -> bool: """Returns true if lengths a == b, a != c, alpha and beta == 90 and gamma == 120""" return ( close(self.a, self.b) and (not close(self.a, self.c)) and close(self.angles[:2], np.pi / 2) and close(self.gamma, 2 * np.pi / 3) )
def Frontier_init(): Frontier = rospy.Publisher('/Frontier', GridCells) #find maximum point in empty space in the x and y drection Array_EmptyCells = PtArr_Empty OCCUPIED = False MAX_BOOL = False MIN_BOOL = False while Array_EmptyCells: MAX_Point = max(Array_EmptyCells) MIN_Point = min(Array_EmptyCells) Frontier_Array = [] while True: #check If the point after the max_point.x is occupied for elem in PtArr_Occupied: if (numpy.close(MAX_Point.x + RESOLUTION, elem.x) and numpy.close(MAX_Point.y, elem.y)): OCCUPIED = True MAX_BOOL = True break for elem in PtArr_Occupied: if (numpy.close(MIN_Point.x - RESOLUTION, elem.x) and numpy.close(MIN_Point.y, elem.y)): MIN_BOOL = True OCCUPIED = True break if not OCCUPIED: if MAX_BOOL: Frontier_Array.append(MAX_Point) #add it to frontier array if MIN_BOOL: Frontier_Array.append(MIN_Point) #add it to frontier array Frontier_MaxPoint = Max_Point Frontier_MinPoint = Min_Point while True: Frontier_MaxPoint.y = Frontier_MaxPoint.y + RESOLUTION #Next frontier point for elem in PtArr_Occupied: if numpy.close(Frontier_MaxPoint.y, elem.y ) and numpy.close(MAX_Point.x, elem.x) : Frontier_Array.append(Frontier_MaxPoint) break for elem in PtArr_Occupied: if numpy.close(Frontier_MinPoint.y, elem.y ) and numpy.close(Frontier_MinPoint.x, elem.x) : Frontier_Array.append(Frontier_MinPoint) break break #Remove row from frontier array for elem in Array_EmptyCells: if numpy.close(MAX_Point.y, elem.y): Array_EmptyCells.remove(elem) gridcells_frontier = GridCells() gridcells_frontier.header = HEADER gridcells_frontier.cell_width = RESOLUTION gridcells_frontier.cell_height = RESOLUTION gridcells_frontier.cells = Frontier_Array Frontier.publish(gridcells_frontier) return
def is_deterministic(matrix): rows, cols = matrix.shape answer = True for r in range(rows): if not np.close(max(matrix[r, :]), sum(matrix[r, :])): answer = False break return answer
def first_four(thisfolder = ".", newfolder = "first_four"): files = os.listdir(thisfolder) if not newfolder in files: os.mkdir(newfolder) for f in files: if f[-4:] == ".txt" and f[0] == "r": oldpath = os.path.join(thisfolder,f) op = open(oldpath,"r") newfile = f[:-4] + "FIRSTFOUR.txt" newpath = os.path.join(newfolder,newfile) np = open(newpath,"w") print(f) for line in op: if re.match(new_referents_line,line): np.close() break else: np.write(line)
def isInside(self, other: Union['Line', 'Rectangle', 'Circle']) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Line): AM = Line(other.p1, self) MB = Line(self, other.p2) return np.close(np.abs(, AM.length * MB.length) elif isinstance(other, Rectangle): # Based on AB = Line(other.c1, other.c2) AM = Line(other.c1, self) BC = Line(other.c2, other.c3) BM = Line(other.c2, self) return 0 <= <= and 0 <= <= BC) elif isinstance(other, Circle): return (self - other.m).norm(p=2) <= other.r raise NotImplementedError
def serchBtn_event(self): hashTag = self.serchWindow.text() self.show_heart(self.heart_label, 0) # 새로 검색을 누르면 하트 초기화 self.imageList = ['이미지로딩.png'] # 이미지 리스트 초기화 if os.path.isfile('./contents/' + hashTag + '.tsv') != True: # 해시태그 URL tagUrl = '' + hashTag + '/' driver.implicitly_wait(5) # 게시글 내용 저장 cf = open('./contents/' + hashTag + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') df = open('./datetimes/' + hashTag + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') np = open('./postnums/' + hashTag + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') # 웹 사이트 접속 driver.get(tagUrl) post_num = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="react-root"]/section/main/header/div[2]/div/div[2]/span/span' ).text np.write(post_num) np.close() if not os.path.exists('./photos/' + hashTag): os.mkdir('./photos/' + hashTag) for j in range(1, 4): # 이미지 3개 저장 img_elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="react-root"]/section/main/article/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div[' + str(j) + ']/a/div/div[1]/img') img_src = img_elem.get_attribute('src') img_file_path = './photos/' + hashTag + '/' + hashTag + str( j) + '.jpg' urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_src, img_file_path) self.imageList.append(img_file_path) # 게시글 클릭 driver.find_element_by_css_selector( 'div.v1Nh3.kIKUG._bz0w').click() for i in range(20): time.sleep(2) # 게시글에 텍스트가 있으면 읽어들임 if hasxpath( '/html/body/div[5]/div[2]/div/article/div[3]/div[1]/ul/div/li/div/div/div[2]/span' ): post = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '/html/body/div[5]/div[2]/div/article/div[3]/div[1]/ul/div/li/div/div/div[2]/span' ).text post = re.findall('[가-힣]+', post) # 한국어로 된 게시글만 찾기 post = ' '.join(post) check_result = spell_checker.check(post) cor_post = check_result.checked # 맞춤법 체크 if len(cor_post) > 1: cf.write(cor_post + '\n') # 포스팅 시간대 크롤링 datetime = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('time') datetime = datetime.get_attribute('datetime')[11:13] df.write(datetime + '\n') # 다음 게시글로 넘어가는 화살표 클릭 driver.find_element_by_css_selector( 'a._65Bje.coreSpriteRightPaginationArrow').click() cf.close() df.close() else: post_num_path = './postnums/' + hashTag + '.txt' f = open(post_num_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') post_num = f.readline() f.close() for p in range(1, 4): img_file_path = 'photos/' + hashTag + '/' + hashTag + str( p) + '.jpg' self.imageList.append(img_file_path) tsv_path = './contents/' + hashTag + '.tsv' txt_path = './contents/' + hashTag + '.txt' time_path = './datetimes/' + hashTag + '.txt' change_tsv(txt_path, hashTag, 'text') test_data = pd.read_csv(tsv_path, encoding='utf-8', sep='\t') vocab_path = 'dataset/vocab.txt' x_test = read_data(test_data, vocab_path, 50) predict = test(model, x_test, 1) avg_score = round(avg(predict)) # 평균 점수에서 소수점 버림 self.show_heart(self.heart_label, avg_score) # 평점에 따라 이미지 변경 self.post_num_label.setText(str(post_num)) # 총 게시글 수를 gui 라벨에 나타내기 self.show_image(self.img1_label, 1) self.show_image(self.img2_label, 2) self.show_image(self.img3_label, 3) make_wordcloud(txt_path, hashTag) self.show_wc_or_plt(self.wc_label, hashTag) make_timeplt(time_path, hashTag) self.show_wc_or_plt(self.plt_label, hashTag)
def open_nparser(): np = NOMADFieldsParser() yield np np.close()
def is_tetragonal(self) -> bool: """Returns true if a, b are equal and all angles are 90 degrees""" return close(self.a, self.b) and (not close(self.a, self.c)) and self.orthogonal
def is_monoclinic(self) -> bool: """Returns true if angles alpha and gamma are equal""" return close(self.alpha, self.gamma) and self.abc_different
def orthogonal(self) -> bool: "returns true if the lattice vectors are orthogonal" return close(np.abs(self.angles) - np.pi / 2, zeros(3))
def abc_different(self) -> bool: "are all of the lengths a, b, c different?" return not ( close(self.a, self.b) or close(self.a, self.c) or close(self.b, self.c) )
def abc_equal(self) -> bool: "are the lengths a, b, c all equal?" return close(np.array(self.lengths) - self.lengths[0], zeros(3))
import cv2 import numpy as np import imutils low_red = np.array([50, 150, 30]) #üst ve alt kırmızı değerleri high_red = np.array([180, 255, 255]) cap= cv2.VideoCapture(0) kernelOpen=np.ones((5,5)) #morphology alan ayarları kernelClose=np.close((20,20)) rect= False try: while True: grabbed, frame= status= "HEDEF YOK" if not grabbed: continue frame=cv2.resize(frame, (340,220)) hsv=cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) mask=cv2.inRange(hsv, low_red, high_red) res= cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask) maskOpen=cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernelOpen) maskClose=cv2.morphologyEx(maskOpen, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernelClose) #pürüzleri yok et. maskSon=maskClose