Example #1
    def step(self, action):
        """Propagate dynamics."""
        pos = self.state[0:3]
        vel = self.state[3:6]
        quat = self.state[6:10]
        ang_vel = self.state[10:13]

        moments = action[0:3]
        thrust = action[4]

        goal_state = np.array([5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        cost = np.transpose(self.state - goal_state) @ \
            np.eye(self.state.shape[0]) @ (self.state - goal_state)

        quat = Quaternion(quat)
        rotation_matrix = quat.rotation_matrix

        pos_dot = vel
        vel_dot = (thrust / self.mass) * \
            np.array([0, 0, 1]) @ rotation_matrix - \
            np.array([0, 0, 1]) * self.gravity
        quat_dot = quat.derivative(ang_vel)
        ang_vel_dot = np.inverse(self.inertia) @ \
            (moments - np.cross(ang_vel, self.inertia @ ang_vel))

        pos = pos + self.dt * pos_dot
        vel = vel + self.dt * vel_dot
        quat = quat + self.dt * quat_dot
        quat = quat.normalize
        ang_vel = ang_vel + self.dt * ang_vel_dot
        self.time += self.dt

        self.state = np.hstack((pos, vel, quat, ang_vel))

        return self.state, -cost, False, {'time': self.time}
    def advance(self, external_force_world_frame, external_torque_world_frame,
        external_force is in world frame, relative to model origin
        external_torque is in world frame, relative to model origin
        # Get external force & torque in model frame
        world_to_model = self.rotation.inverse
        external_force_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(
        external_torque_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(

        # Get external force & torque in cog frame
        external_force_cog_frame = external_force_model_frame
        external_torque_cog_frame = external_torque_model_frame + np.cross(
            self.cog, external_force_model_frame)

        # Get acceleration in cog frame
        acceleration_translational_cog_frame = 1 / self.mass * external_force_cog_frame
        acceleration_rotational_cog_frame = np.inverse(
            self.moment_of_inertia) * external_torque_cog_frame

        # Get acceleration in world frame, relative to cog
        acceleration_translational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(
        acceleration_rotational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(
            acceleration_rotational_cog_frame) + np.cross(
                self.rotational_velocity, self.velocity)

        # Integrate acceleration to get velocity
        velocity_translational_world_frame = self.velocity + acceleration_translational_world_frame * dt
        velocity_rotational_world_frame = self.rotational_velocity + acceleration_rotational_world_frame * dt
Example #3
    def advance(self, external_force_world_frame, external_torque_world_frame, dt):
        external_force is in world frame, relative to model origin
        external_torque is in world frame, relative to model origin
        # Get external force & torque in model frame
        world_to_model = self.rotation.inverse
        external_force_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(external_force_world_frame)
        external_torque_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(external_torque_world_frame)
        # Get external force & torque in cog frame
        external_force_cog_frame = external_force_model_frame
        external_torque_cog_frame = external_torque_model_frame + np.cross(self.cog, external_force_model_frame)

        # Get acceleration in cog frame
        acceleration_translational_cog_frame = 1/ self.mass * external_force_cog_frame
        acceleration_rotational_cog_frame = np.inverse(self.moment_of_inertia) * external_torque_cog_frame

        # Get acceleration in world frame, relative to cog
        acceleration_translational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(acceleration_translational_cog_frame)
        acceleration_rotational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(acceleration_rotational_cog_frame) + np.cross(self.rotational_velocity, self.velocity)

        # Integrate acceleration to get velocity
        velocity_translational_world_frame = self.velocity + acceleration_translational_world_frame * dt
        velocity_rotational_world_frame = self.rotational_velocity + acceleration_rotational_world_frame * dt

        # Integrate velocity to get position and rotation
        position_cog = self.position + self.rotation.rotate(self.center_of_gravity) + velocity_translational_world_frame * dt
        velocity_rotational_cog_frame = world_to_model.rotate(velocity_rotational_world_frame)
        self.rotation = quaternion.Quaternion.sym_exp_map(self.rotation, velocity_rotational_cog_frame * dt) # questionable
        self.position = position_cog - self.rotation.rotate(self.center_of_gravity)
Example #4
def riccati(c_yy, x, y,t): 
		Solves the Riccati equation, specifically AOA^T - O + Q = 0
		c_yy: a whitened covariance matrix, used in calculation of Q
		x,y: matrices that are used to calculate koopman estimators
		t: timelaga
		The matrix, O, solved in the above equation.

	# c_xx, c_yy = whitening(x,y)
	K_xx, K_xy = koopman_est(x, y ,t)
	evals_xx,evect_xx = np.linalg.eigh(K_xx) #hermetian
	# evals_xy,evect_xy = np.linalg.eigh(K_xy)

	print ('\n', evals_xx, '\n \n', evect_xx)

	v_x = evect_xx[:,list(evals_xx).index(1)]
		v_y = np.linalg.solve(K_xy, v_x) # I think this v_y is extraneous, there isn't v_y used anywhere
		raise Error('cannot find eigenvalue = 1')
	chi_bar = np.mean(chi(x).T, axis =1)
	gamma_bar = np.mean(gamma(y).T, axis =1)

	A = K_xx - np.outer(v_x*chi_bar)
	B = K_xy - np.outer(v_x*gamma_bar)
	Q = B.dot(np.inverse(c_yy)).dot(B.T)

	return solve_discrete_lyapunov(A, Q)
def get_S(X, Xtest):
    cov = np.inverse(np.cov(X.transpose()))
    xt_c_x = np.matmul(Xtest, np.matmul(cov, X.transpose()))
    Xnorms = get_norms(X, cov)
    Xtnorms = get_norms(Xtest, cov)
    denominator = np.matmul(Xtnorms, Xnorms.transpose())
    return np.divide(xt_c_x, denominator)
Example #6
    def advance(self,
                added_mass_matrix_6x6=np.zeros((6, 6))):
        external_force is in world frame, relative to model origin
        external_torque is in world frame, relative to model origin
        # Get external force & torque in model frame
        world_to_model = self.rotation.inverse
        external_force_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(
        external_torque_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(

        # Set up 6x6 inertia matrix in model frame
        inertia_matrix_6x6 = np.zeros((6, 6))
        inertia_matrix_6x6[0:3, 0:3] = np.identity(3) * self.mass
        inertia_matrix_6x6[3:6, 3:6] = self.get_paralleled_moment_of_inertia(
            -self.center_of_gravity, self.moment_of_inertia)
        inertia_matrix_6x6[0:3, 3:6] = self.get_smtrx(
            self.center_of_gravity) * self.mass
        inertia_matrix_6x6[3:6, 0:3] = -inertia_matrix_6x6[0:3, 3:6]
        acceleration_translational_and_rotational_model_frame = np.inverse(
            inertia_matrix_6x6 + added_mass_matrix_6x6) * np.concatenate(
                external_force_model_frame, external_torque_model_frame)

        # # Get external force & torque in cog frame
        # external_force_cog_frame = external_force_model_frame
        # external_torque_cog_frame = external_torque_model_frame + np.cross(self.cog, external_force_model_frame)

        # # Get acceleration in cog frame
        # acceleration_translational_cog_frame = 1/ self.mass * external_force_cog_frame
        # acceleration_rotational_cog_frame = np.inverse(self.moment_of_inertia) * external_torque_cog_frame

        # # Get acceleration in world frame, relative to cog
        # acceleration_translational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(acceleration_translational_cog_frame)
        # acceleration_rotational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(acceleration_rotational_cog_frame) + np.cross(self.rotational_velocity, self.velocity)

        # Get acceleration in world frame, relative to model origin
        acceleration_translational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(
        acceleration_rotational_world_frame = self.rotation.rotate(
        ) + np.cross(self.rotational_velocity, self.velocity)

        # Integrate acceleration to get velocity in world frame, relative to model origin
        velocity_translational_world_frame = self.velocity + acceleration_translational_world_frame * dt
        velocity_rotational_world_frame = self.rotational_velocity + acceleration_rotational_world_frame * dt

        # Integrate velocity to get position and rotation
        self.position = self.position + +velocity_translational_world_frame * dt
        velocity_rotational_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(
        self.rotation = quaternion.Quaternion.sym_exp_map(
            velocity_rotational_model_frame * dt)  # questionable
def kl_approx(mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2, size = 1):
	# compute KL divergence between 2 Gaussians
	if size == 1:
		KL = np.log(sig2) - np.log(sig1) - size + sig1 / sig2 + (mu1 - mu2) ** 2 / sig2
		is2 = np.inverse(sig2)
		KL = np.log(np.linalg.det(sig2)) - np.log(np.linalg.det(sig1)) - size + np.trace(np.dot(is2, sig1))
		KL += np.dot(np.dot((mu1 - mu2), is2), (mu1 - mu2))
	return KL / 2.0
Example #8
    def cramer_eq(self):
		Another optimization function that uses cramer rule.
        x_trans = np.transpose(
        )  #solving takes a lot of time as size of input matrix increase
        deno = np.inverse(np.matmul(x_trans, self.x))
        numer = np.matmul(x_trans, self.y)
        self.t = np.matmul(deno, numer)
        return self.t
    def advance(self, external_force, external_torque, dt):
        external_force is in world frame, relative to model origin
        external_torque is in world frame, relative to model origin
        # Get external force & torque in model frame
        world_to_model = self.rotation.inverse
        external_force_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(external_force)
        external_torque_model_frame = world_to_model.rotate(external_torque)

        # Get external force & torque in cog frame
        external_force_cog_frame = external_force_model_frame
        external_torque_cog_frame = external_torque_model_frame + np.cross(
            self.cog, external_force_model_frame)

        # Get acceleration in cog frame
        acceleration_translational_cog_frame = 1 / self.mass * external_force_cog_frame
        acceleration_rotational_cog_frame = np.inverse(
            self.moment_of_inertia) * external_torque_cog_frame
def GNSS_LS_position_velocity(GNSS_measurements,no_GNSS_meas,predicted_r_ea_e,predicted_v_ea_e):
	Calculates position, velocity, clock offset, and clock drift using
	unweighted iterated least squares. Separate calculations are implemented
	for position and clock offset and for velocity and clock drift

	GNSS_measurements: GNSS measurement data:
	   Column 1              Pseudo-range measurements (m)
	   Column 2              Pseudo-range rate measurements (m/s)
	   Columns 3-5           Satellite ECEF position (m)
	   Columns 6-8           Satellite ECEF velocity (m/s)

	no_GNSS_meas: Number of satellites for which measurements are supplied
	predicted_r_ea_e: prior predicted ECEF user position (m)
	predicted_v_ea_e: prior predicted ECEF user velocity (m/s)

	est_r_ea_e: estimated ECEF user position (m)
	est_v_ea_e: estimated ECEF user velocity (m/s)
	est_clock: estimated receiver clock offset (m) and drift (m/s)


	x_pred = np.matrix(np.zeros((4,1))) # Initialize x_pred matrix
	x_pred[0:3] = predicted_r_ea_e
	x_est = np.matrix(np.zeros((4,1))) # Initialize x_est matrix
	test_convergence = 1
	est_clock = np.matrix(np.zeros((2,1))) # Initialize est_clock matrix

	while test_convergence > 0.0001:
		pred_meas = np.matrix(np.zeros((no_GNSS_meas,1))) # Initialize pred_meas matrix for use in for loop
		H_matrix = np.matrix(np.zeros((no_GNSS_meas,4))) # Initialize H_matrix for use in for loop
		delta_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1))) # Initialize delta_r for use in for loop

		for k in range(1,no_GNSS_meas+1):
			# predict approx. range
			delta_r = np.subtract(np.transpose(GNSS_measurements[k-1,2:5]),x_pred)
			approx_range = math.sqrt(delta_r.T * delta_r)

			# Calculate frame rotation during signal transit time
			C_e_I = np.matrix('1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1') # Initialize matrix and change values in following lines
			C_e_I[0,1] = omega_ie * approx_range / c
			C_e_I[1,0] = -omega_ie * approx_range / c

			# Predict pseudo-range
			delta_r = np.subtract(np.cross(C_e_I, np.transpose(GNSS_measurements[k-1,2:5])),x_pred[0:3])
			range = math.sqrt(np.dot(delta_r.T, delta_r))
			pred_meas[k-1] = range + x_pred[3]

			# Predict line of sight and deploy in measurement matrix
			H_matrix[k-1,0:3] = - np.transpose(delta_r) / range
			H_matrix[k-1,3] = 1

		# Unweighted least-squares solution
		x_est = x_pred + np.cross(np.cross(np.inverse(np.cross(H_matrix[0:no_GNSS_meas,:].T, \
				H_matrix[0:no_GNSS_meas,:])),H_matrix[0:no_GNSS_meas,:].T), np.subtract(\
				GNSS_measurements[0:no_GNSS_meas,0], pred_meas[0:no_GNSS_meas]))

		# Test convergence
		test_convergence = math.sqrt(np.dot(np.subtract(x_est, x_pred).T, np.subtract(x_est, x_pred)))

		# Set predictions to estimate
		x_pred = x_est

	# Set outputs to estimates
	est_r_ea_e = np.matrix(np.zeros((4,1))) # Initialize est_r_ea_a matrix to output
	est_r_ea_e[0:3] = x_est[0,3]
	est_r_ea_e[3] = x_est[3]
	est_clock[0] = x_est[3]

	omega_ie_skewed = Skew_symmetric([0,0,omega_ie]) #REMEMBER TO IMPLEMENT Skew_symmetric from Skew_symmetric.m

	# Setup predicted state
	x_pred[0,3] = predicted_v_ea_e
	x_pred[3] = 0
	test_convergence = 1

	while test_convergence > 0.0001:
		pred_meas = np.matrix(np.zeros((no_GNSS_meas,1))) # Initialize pred_meas matrix for use in for loop
		u_as_e = np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1))) # Initialize u_as_e matrix for use in for loop
		delta_r = np.matrix(np.zeros((3,1))) # Initialize delta_r matrix for use in for loop
		H_matrix = np.matrix(np.zeros((no_GNSS_meas,4))) # Initialize H_matrix for use in for loop

		for k in range(1,no_GNSS_meas+1):
			# predict approx. range
			delta_r = np.subtract(np.transpose(GNSS_measurements[k-1,2:5]),est_r_ea_e)
			approx_range = math.sqrt(np.dot(delta_r.T, delta_r))

			# Calculate frame rotation during signal transit time
			C_e_I = np.matrix('1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1') # Initialize matrix and change values in following lines
			C_e_I[0,1] = omega_ie * approx_range / c
			C_e_I[1,0] = -omega_ie * approx_range / c

			# Calculate range
			delta_r = np.subtract(np.cross(C_e_I, np.transpose(GNSS_measurements[k-1,2:5])),est_r_ea_e)
			range = math.sqrt(np.dot(delta_r.T, delta_r))

			# Calculate line of sight
			u_as_e = delta_r / range

			# Predict pseudo-range
			range_rate = u_as_e.T * (C_e_I * (GNSS_measurements[k-1,5:8].T + \
						 omega_ie_skewed * GNSS_measurements[k-1,2:5].T) - \
						 (x_pred[0,3] + omega_ie_skewed * est_r_ea_e))
			pred_meas[k-1] = range_rate + x_pred[3]

			# Predict line of sight and deploy in measurement matrix
			H_matrix[k-1, 0:3] = - u_as_e.T
			H_matrix[k-1, 3] = 1

		# Unweighted least-squares solution
		x_est = x_pred + np.inverse(H_matrix[0:no_GNSS_meas,:].T * H_matrix) * \
				H_matrix[0:no_GNSS_meas,:].T * (GNSS_measurements[0:no_GNSS_meas,1] \
				- pred_meas[0:no_GNSS_meas])

		# Test convergence
		test_convergence = math.sqrt((x_est - x_pred).T * (x_est - x.pred))

		# Set predictions to estimates for next iteration
		x_pred = x_est

	# Set outputs to estimates
	est_v_ea_e = np.matrix(np.zeros((4,1)))
	est_v_ea_e[0:3] = x_est[0,3]
	est_clock[1] = x_est[3]


	return (est_r_ea_e, est_v_ea_e, est_clock)
Example #11
def f(x, mu, Sigma, sigma_g):
    g_in = np.matmul((x - mu).T, np.matmul(np.inverse(Sigma), (x - mu)))
    return (g(g_in, sigma_g))
Example #12
# In[99]:

h = np.random.randint(10, size=(3, 3))

# In[100]:


# In[101]:


# In[102]:


# In[103]:


# In[104]:


# In[107]:

from numpy.linalg import inv

# In[110]:
Example #13
def matrixInv(A):
    AInv = np.inverse(A)
    return AInv
 def inv(self) -> None:
     return LieGroupElement(np.inverse(self.representation))
def header_superpose_trk(target_path, origin_path, outpath=None):

    if not isinstance(origin_path, str):
        origin_trk = origin_path
        origin_trk = load_trk(origin_path, 'same')

    target_data, target_affine, vox_size, target_header, target_ref_info = extract_nii_info(

    if outpath is None:
        if isinstance(origin_path, str):
            warnings.warn("Will copy over old trkfile, if this what you want?")
            permission = input("enter yes or y if you are ok with this")
            if permission.lower() == "yes" or permission.lower() == "y":
                outpath = origin_trk
                raise Exception("Will not copy over old trk file")
            raise Exception("Need to specify a output path of some kind")

    trk_header = origin_trk.space_attributes
    trk_affine = origin_trk._affine
    trkstreamlines = origin_trk.streamlines
    if np.any(trk_header[1][0:3] != np.shape(target_data)[0:3]):
        raise TypeError(
            'Size of the originating matrix are difference, recalculation not implemented'
    if np.any(trk_affine != target_affine):
        test = 3
        if test == 1:
            trk_header = list(trk_header)
            trk_header[0] = target_affine
            trk_header = tuple(trk_header)
            myheader = create_tractogram_header(outpath, *trk_header)
            trk_sl = lambda: (s for s in trkstreamlines)
        elif test == 2:
            transform_matrix = (
                np.inverse(np.transpose(trk_affine) * trk_affine) *
                np.transpose(trk_affine)) * target_affine
            from dipy.tracking.streamline import transform_streamlines
            myheader = create_tractogram_header(outpath, *trk_header)
            new_streamlines = transform_streamlines(trkstreamlines,
            trk_sl = lambda: (s for s in new_streamlines)
        elif test == 3:
            myheader = create_tractogram_header(outpath, *target_ref_info)
            trk_sl = lambda: (s for s in trkstreamlines)
        print("No need to change affine, bring to new path")
        if isinstance(origin_path, str):
            copyfile(origin_path, outpath)
            myheader = create_tractogram_header(outpath, *trk_header)