def extract(self): try: median = float(med(self.flux_data)) except: self.ex_error( "EXCEPT in medianextractor() most likely flux_data=[]") return (median)
def rescale_vertices(self, scale, rescaling_type=RescalingTypeMin): ''' Rescales the vertex coordinates so that the minimum dimension (X, Y, Z) is exactly min_scale Params: scale: (float) scale of the ,esj rescaling_type: (int) which dimension to scale along; if not absolute then the min,med,max dim is scaled to be exactly scale Returns: Nothing. Modified the mesh in place (for now) ''' vertex_array = np.array(self.mesh_.vertices()) min_vertex_coords = np.min(self.mesh_.vertices(), axis=0) max_vertex_coords = np.max(self.mesh_.vertices(), axis=0) vertex_extent = max_vertex_coords - min_vertex_coords # find minimal dimension if rescaling_type == MeshCleaner.RescalingTypeMin: dim = np.where(vertex_extent == np.min(vertex_extent))[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshCleaner.RescalingTypeMed: dim = np.where(vertex_extent ==[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshCleaner.RescalingTypeMax: dim = np.where(vertex_extent == np.max(vertex_extent))[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshCleaner.RescalingTypeAbsolute: relative_scale = 1.0 # compute scale factor and rescale vertices scale_factor = scale / relative_scale vertex_array = scale_factor * vertex_array self.mesh_.vertices_ = vertex_array.tolist()
def __init__(self, data=[0]): = data self.highest = max(data) self.lowest = min(data) self.median = med(data) self.average = mean(data) for i in self.__dict__: call = self.__dict__[i] try: self.__setattr__(i, round(float(call), 1)) except TypeError: self.__setattr__(i, list(map(lambda x: round(x,1), call)))
def _rescale_vertices(self, scale, rescaling_type=RescalingTypeMin): """ Rescales the vertex coordinates so that the minimum dimension (X, Y, Z) is exactly min_scale Params: scale: (float) scale of the mesh rescaling_type: (int) which dimension to scale along; if not absolute then the min,med,max dim is scaled to be exactly scale Returns: Nothing. Modified the mesh in place (for now) """ vertex_array = np.array(self.mesh_.vertices()) min_vertex_coords = np.min(self.mesh_.vertices(), axis=0) max_vertex_coords = np.max(self.mesh_.vertices(), axis=0) vertex_extent = max_vertex_coords - min_vertex_coords # find minimal dimension if rescaling_type == MeshProcessor.RescalingTypeMin: dim = np.where(vertex_extent == np.min(vertex_extent))[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshProcessor.RescalingTypeMed: dim = np.where(vertex_extent ==[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshProcessor.RescalingTypeMax: dim = np.where(vertex_extent == np.max(vertex_extent))[0][0] relative_scale = vertex_extent[dim] elif rescaling_type == MeshProcessor.RescalingTypeRelative: relative_scale = 1.0 elif rescaling_type == MeshProcessor.RescalingTypeDiag: diag = np.linalg.norm(vertex_extent) relative_scale = diag / 3.0 # make the gripper size exactly one third of the diagonal # compute scale factor and rescale vertices scale_factor = scale / relative_scale vertex_array = scale_factor * vertex_array self.mesh_.vertices_ = vertex_array.tolist() self.mesh_._compute_bb_center() self.mesh_._compute_centroid() self.mesh_.set_center_of_mass(self.mesh_.bb_center_)
def medfilt(ipt): med_len = 31 output = [] for i in range(0, len(ipt)): #get the values you want the median of tmp = [] for x in range(i - med_len / 2, i + med_len / 2): if x < 0: #out of bounds if ipt[0] < 0: tmp.append(.5) else: tmp.append(ipt[0]) elif x >= len(ipt): if ipt[len(ipt) - 1] < 0: tmp.append(.5) else: tmp.append(ipt[len(ipt) - 1]) else: if ipt[x] < 0: tmp.append(.5) else: tmp.append(ipt[x]) output.append(med(tmp)) return output
def extract(self): try: median = float(med(self.flux_data)) except: self.ex_error("EXCEPT in medianextractor() most likely flux_data=[]") return(median)
def experiment(request, experiment_id): exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=experiment_id) tasks = Task.objects.filter(Task_user=exp) count_g = 0 # посдсчет решенных count_b = 0 # подсчет не решенных count_nb = 0 # подсчет счастливых но не ближайших full = 0 times = [] time_of_task = [] time_of_task_avg = [] diff_of_time = [0] if exp.Strategy in (1,2,3): i = 1 for t in tasks: count = 0 tm = 0.0 for v in Variant.objects.filter(Variant_task = t): full += 1 count += 1 times.append(v.Time) tm += v.Time if v.Check == 'Решено': count_g += 1 elif v.Check == 'Счастливый, но не ближайший': count_nb += 1 else: count_b += 1 time_of_task.append(tm/count) if len(time_of_task) > 1: diff_of_time.append(abs(time_of_task[i]-time_of_task[i-1])) t.Diff = abs(time_of_task[i]-time_of_task[i-1]) i += 1 t.Time = tm elif exp.Strategy in (4,5,7,8): i = 1 for t in tasks: count = 0 tm = 0.0 for v in Variant.objects.filter(Variant_task=t): full += 1 count += 1 times.append(v.Time) tm += v.Time if v.Check == 'Решено': count_g += 1 elif v.Check == 'Счастливый, но не ближайший': count_nb += 1 else: count_b += 1 if exp.Strategy == 7 and count != 0: time_of_task.append(tm/count) t.Time = tm/count elif exp.Strategy == 7 and count == 0: time_of_task.append(0.0) else: time_of_task.append(tm) t.Time = tm if len(time_of_task) > 1: diff_of_time.append(abs(time_of_task[i]-time_of_task[i-1])) t.Diff = abs(time_of_task[i] - time_of_task[i-1]) i += 1 Define_lev( g_pct = count_g/full * 100 b_pct = count_b/full * 100 nb_pct = count_nb/full * 100 median_all = med(times) args = {} args['tasks'] = tasks args['experiment'] = Experiment.objects.get(id=experiment_id) args['g_pct'] = g_pct args['b_pct'] = b_pct args['nb_pct'] = nb_pct args['avg_task_time'] = avg(time_of_task) args['median_all'] = median_all #медиана времени ответа args['avg_of_diff'] = sum(diff_of_time)/(len(diff_of_time)-1) args['median_of_diff'] = med(diff_of_time) return render_to_response('tasks/experiment.html', args)