def __store_estimate(self): for i_method in range(0, self.n_methods): self.estimate[i_method, :]\ = np.unravel_index( np.nanargmin(self.criterion_result[i_method, :, :]), self.criterion_result[i_method, :, :].shape) self.best_actvt[i_method]\ = self.actvt_result\ [self.estimate[i_method, 0]][self.estimate[i_method, 1]] self.best_base[i_method]\ = self.base_result\ [self.estimate[i_method, 0]][self.estimate[i_method, 1]] self.best_completion[i_method]\ = self.completion_result\ [self.estimate[i_method, 0]][self.estimate[i_method, 1]] if not (self.true_width == None): for i_method in range(0, self.n_methods): self.estimate_given_width[i_method]\ = np.nanargmin(self.criterion_result[i_method, self.true_width, :]) self.best_actvt_given_width[i_method]\ = self.actvt_result\ [self.true_width][self.estimate_given_width[i_method]] self.best_base_given_width[i_method]\ = self.base_result\ [self.true_width][self.estimate_given_width[i_method]] self.best_completion_given_width[i_method]\ = self.completion_result\ [self.true_width][self.estimate_given_width[i_method]]
def getPerpContourInd(skeleton, skel_ind, contour_side1, contour_side2, contour_width): #get the closest point in the contour from a line perpedicular to the skeleton. #get the slop of a line perpendicular to the keleton dR = skeleton[skel_ind+1] - skeleton[skel_ind-1] #m = dR[1]/dR[0]; M = -1/m a = -dR[0] b = +dR[1] c = b*skeleton[skel_ind,1]-a*skeleton[skel_ind,0] max_width_squared = np.max(contour_width)**2 #modified from #a = M, b = -1 #make sure we are not selecting a point that get traversed by a coiled worm dist2cnt1 = np.sum((contour_side1-skeleton[skel_ind])**2,axis=1) d1 = np.abs(a*contour_side1[:,0] - b*contour_side1[:,1]+ c) d1[dist2cnt1>max_width_squared] = np.nan cnt1_ind = np.nanargmin(d1) dist2cnt2 = np.sum((contour_side2-skeleton[skel_ind])**2,axis=1) d2 = np.abs(a*contour_side2[:,0] - b*contour_side2[:,1]+ c) d2[dist2cnt2>max_width_squared] = np.nan cnt2_ind = np.nanargmin(d2) return cnt1_ind, cnt2_ind
def get_spans(adult_df, a_variable, method = 'young', fraction = 0.5, reverse_direction = False): ''' Get healthspans as defined by young adult function for a_variable. ''' data_values = adult_df.mloc(measures = [a_variable])[:, 0, :] if reverse_direction: data_values = data_values*-1 if method == 'young': young_adult = np.abs(adult_df.mloc(measures = ['egg_age'])[:, 0, :]) young_adult = np.nanargmin(young_adult, axis = 1) cutoff_value = np.array([data_values[i, young_adult[i]] for i in range(0, young_adult.shape[0])]) cutoff_value = np.mean(cutoff_value)*fraction if method == 'overall_time': all_data = np.ndarray.flatten(data_values) all_data = all_data[~np.isnan(all_data)] cutoff_value = np.percentile(all_data, (1-fraction)*100) # Compute the time of crossing the health-gero threshold. span_side = data_values - cutoff_value health_span_length = np.nanargmin(np.abs(span_side), axis = 1) health_span_length = np.array([adult_df.ages[a_time]*24 for a_time in health_span_length]) # Deal with the special cases of individuals that spend their entire lives in health or gerospan. span_list = [a_span[~np.isnan(a_span)] for a_span in span_side] only_health = np.array([(a_span > 0).all() for a_span in span_list]) only_gero = np.array([(a_span < 0).all() for a_span in span_list]) adultspans = selectData.get_adultspans(adult_df) health_span_length[only_health] = adultspans[only_health] health_span_length[only_gero] = 0 return health_span_length
def divide_spans(complete_df): ''' Divide individual variables into useful spans and return an array of transition times. ''' span_variables = list(complete_df.key_measures) span_cutoffs = [] for a_variable in span_variables: data_values = complete_df.mloc(measures = [a_variable])[:, 0, :] # Middle overall value. if a_variable in ['intensity_95', 'intensity_90', 'intensity_80', 'life_texture']: cutoff_value = np.ndarray.flatten(data_values) cutoff_value = cutoff_value[~np.isnan(cutoff_value)] cutoff_value = np.mean(cutoff_value) span_side = np.abs(data_values - cutoff_value) span_side = np.nanargmin(span_side, axis = 1) span_cutoffs.append(span_side) # Overall young adult value is 'healthy'. elif a_variable in ['bulk_movement']: young_adult = np.abs(complete_df.mloc(measures = ['egg_age'])[:, 0, :]) young_adult = np.nanargmin(young_adult, axis = 1) cutoff_value = np.array([data_values[i, young_adult[i]] for i in range(0, young_adult.shape[0])]) cutoff_value = np.mean(cutoff_value)/2 span_side = np.abs(data_values - cutoff_value) span_side = np.nanargmin(span_side, axis = 1) span_cutoffs.append(span_side) # Point of own first maximum value. elif a_variable in ['total_size', 'cumulative_eggs', 'cumulative_area', 'adjusted_size']: span_side = np.nanargmax(data_values, axis = 1) span_cutoffs.append(span_side) # Raise an exception if I can't find the variable. else: raise BaseException('Can\'t find ' + a_variable + '.') return (span_variables, np.array(span_cutoffs))
def mouse_drag(self, event): ''' ''' if event.inaxes == and event.button == 1: # Index of nearest point i = np.nanargmin(((event.xdata - self.x) / self.nx) ** 2) j = np.nanargmin(((event.ydata - self.y) / self.ny) ** 2) if (i == self.last_i) and (j == self.last_j): return else: self.last_i = i self.last_j = j # Toggle pixel if self.aperture[j, i]: self.aperture[j, i] = 0 else: self.aperture[j, i] = 1 # Update the contour self.update()
def test_reductions_2D_int(): x = np.arange(1, 122).reshape((11, 11)).astype('i4') a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(4, 4)) reduction_2d_test(da.sum, a, np.sum, x) reduction_2d_test(, a,, x) reduction_2d_test(da.mean, a, np.mean, x) reduction_2d_test(da.var, a, np.var, x, False) # Difference in dtype algo reduction_2d_test(da.std, a, np.std, x, False) # Difference in dtype algo reduction_2d_test(da.min, a, np.min, x, False) reduction_2d_test(da.max, a, np.max, x, False) reduction_2d_test(da.any, a, np.any, x, False) reduction_2d_test(da.all, a, np.all, x, False) reduction_2d_test(da.nansum, a, np.nansum, x) with ignoring(AttributeError): reduction_2d_test(da.nanprod, a, np.nanprod, x) reduction_2d_test(da.nanmean, a, np.mean, x) reduction_2d_test(da.nanvar, a, np.nanvar, x, False) # Difference in dtype algo reduction_2d_test(da.nanstd, a, np.nanstd, x, False) # Difference in dtype algo reduction_2d_test(da.nanmin, a, np.nanmin, x, False) reduction_2d_test(da.nanmax, a, np.nanmax, x, False) assert eq(da.argmax(a, axis=0), np.argmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.argmin(a, axis=0), np.argmin(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=0), np.nanargmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=0), np.nanargmin(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.argmax(a, axis=1), np.argmax(x, axis=1)) assert eq(da.argmin(a, axis=1), np.argmin(x, axis=1)) assert eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=1), np.nanargmax(x, axis=1)) assert eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=1), np.nanargmin(x, axis=1))
def test_reductions_1D(dtype): x = np.arange(5).astype(dtype) a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2,)) reduction_1d_test(da.sum, a, np.sum, x) reduction_1d_test(, a,, x) reduction_1d_test(da.mean, a, np.mean, x) reduction_1d_test(da.var, a, np.var, x) reduction_1d_test(da.std, a, np.std, x) reduction_1d_test(da.min, a, np.min, x, False) reduction_1d_test(da.max, a, np.max, x, False) reduction_1d_test(da.any, a, np.any, x, False) reduction_1d_test(da.all, a, np.all, x, False) reduction_1d_test(da.nansum, a, np.nansum, x) with ignoring(AttributeError): reduction_1d_test(da.nanprod, a, np.nanprod, x) reduction_1d_test(da.nanmean, a, np.mean, x) reduction_1d_test(da.nanvar, a, np.var, x) reduction_1d_test(da.nanstd, a, np.std, x) reduction_1d_test(da.nanmin, a, np.nanmin, x, False) reduction_1d_test(da.nanmax, a, np.nanmax, x, False) assert eq(da.argmax(a, axis=0), np.argmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.argmin(a, axis=0), np.argmin(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=0), np.nanargmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=0), np.nanargmin(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.argmax(a, axis=0, split_every=2), np.argmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.argmin(a, axis=0, split_every=2), np.argmin(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=0, split_every=2), np.nanargmax(x, axis=0)) assert eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=0, split_every=2), np.nanargmin(x, axis=0))
def _initialize(self): """ Enforce bounds """ system = self._system u = system.vec['u'].array du = system.vec['du'].array lower = system.vec['lb'].array upper = system.vec['ub'].array self.alpha = 1.0 if not numpy.isnan(lower).all(): lower_const = u + self.alpha*du - lower ind = numpy.nanargmin(lower_const) if lower_const[ind] < 0: self.alpha = (lower[ind] - u[ind]) / du[ind] if not numpy.isnan(upper).all(): upper_const = upper - u - self.alpha*du ind = numpy.nanargmin(upper_const) if upper_const[ind] < 0: self.alpha = (upper[ind] - u[ind]) / du[ind] = self.alpha norm0 = self._norm() if norm0 == 0.0: norm0 = 1.0 system.vec['u'].array[:] += self.alpha * system.vec['du'].array[:] norm = self._norm() return norm0, norm
def dataindex(x_loc,y_loc,datain_loc): x_loc = float(x_loc) y_loc = float(y_loc) radius = np.sqrt(x_loc**(2.)+y_loc**(2.)) angle = np.arctan(x_loc/y_loc) line_radius = datain_loc[np.nanargmin((np.abs(datain_loc['r']-(radius))), axis=0)] radius = line_radius[3] line_angle = datain_loc[datain_loc['r']==radius][np.nanargmin((np.abs((datain_loc[datain_loc['r']==radius]['theta'])-(angle))), axis=0)] angle = line_angle[4] return np.nanargmin((np.abs(datain_loc['r']-(radius)) + np.abs(datain_loc ['theta']-(angle))), axis=0)
def mapmean(tempDF, meta, name = '', option = 0): import as ccrs from import MapQuestOSM from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30)) x = meta['location:Longitude'].values y = meta['location:Latitude'].values c = tempDF[meta.index].mean() marker_size = 350 imagery = MapQuestOSM() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15,15]) ax = plt.axes( ax.set_extent(( meta['location:Longitude'].min()-.005, meta['location:Longitude'].max()+.005 , meta['location:Latitude'].min()-.005, meta['location:Latitude'].max()+.005)) ax.add_image(imagery, 14) cmap = bounds = np.linspace(round((c.mean()-3)),round((c.mean()+3)),13) norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) plotHandle = ax.scatter(x,y,c = c, s = marker_size, transform=ccrs.Geodetic(), cmap = cmap, norm = norm) if option ==0 : cbar1 = plt.colorbar(plotHandle, label = 'Temperature in $^\circ $C') else : cbar1 = plt.colorbar(plotHandle, label = option) lon = x[np.nanargmax(c)] lat = y[np.nanargmax(c)] at_x, at_y = ax.projection.transform_point(lon, lat, src_crs=ccrs.Geodetic()) plt.annotate( '%2.1f'%np.nanmax(c.values), xy=(at_x, at_y), #xytext=(30, 20), textcoords='offset points', color='black', backgroundcolor='none', size=22, ) lon = x[np.nanargmin(c)] lat = y[np.nanargmin(c)] at_x, at_y = ax.projection.transform_point(lon, lat, src_crs=ccrs.Geodetic()) plt.annotate( '%2.1f'%np.nanmin(c.values), xy=(at_x, at_y), #xytext=(30, 20), textcoords='offset points', color='black', size = 22, backgroundcolor='none') plt.annotate( '$\mu = $ %2.1f, $\sigma = $ %2.1f'%(np.nanmean(c.values), np.nanstd(c.values)), (0.01,0.01), xycoords ='axes fraction', #xytext=(30, 20), textcoords='offset points', color='black', size = 22, backgroundcolor='none') plt.title('Mean Temperature %s'%name) filename = './plots/meantempmap%s.eps'%name plt.savefig(filename, format = 'eps', dpi = 600)
def closest_real_time(complete_df, a_worm, a_time, egg_mode = True): ''' For a_worm at a_time, find the closest real time point. ''' time_split = a_time.split('.') hours_time = int(time_split[0])*24 + int(time_split[1])*3 if not egg_mode: time_index = np.nanargmin(np.abs(complete_df.raw[a_worm].loc[:, 'age'] - hours_time)) else: time_index = np.nanargmin(np.abs(complete_df.raw[a_worm].loc[:, 'egg_age'] - hours_time)) real_time = complete_df.raw[a_worm].index[time_index] return real_time
def test_reductions_2D_nans(): # chunks are a mix of some/all/no NaNs x = np.full((4, 4), np.nan) x[:2, :2] = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) x[2, 2] = 5 x[3, 3] = 6 a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2, 2)) reduction_2d_test(da.sum, a, np.sum, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(, a,, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.mean, a, np.mean, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.var, a, np.var, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.std, a, np.std, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.min, a, np.min, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.max, a, np.max, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.any, a, np.any, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.all, a, np.all, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.nansum, a, np.nansum, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.nanprod, a, nanprod, x, False, False) reduction_2d_test(da.nanmean, a, np.nanmean, x, False, False) with pytest.warns(None): # division by 0 warning reduction_2d_test(da.nanvar, a, np.nanvar, x, False, False) with pytest.warns(None): # division by 0 warning reduction_2d_test(da.nanstd, a, np.nanstd, x, False, False) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning reduction_2d_test(da.nanmin, a, np.nanmin, x, False, False) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning reduction_2d_test(da.nanmax, a, np.nanmax, x, False, False) assert_eq(da.argmax(a), np.argmax(x)) assert_eq(da.argmin(a), np.argmin(x)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmax(a), np.nanargmax(x)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmin(a), np.nanargmin(x)) assert_eq(da.argmax(a, axis=0), np.argmax(x, axis=0)) assert_eq(da.argmin(a, axis=0), np.argmin(x, axis=0)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=0), np.nanargmax(x, axis=0)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=0), np.nanargmin(x, axis=0)) assert_eq(da.argmax(a, axis=1), np.argmax(x, axis=1)) assert_eq(da.argmin(a, axis=1), np.argmin(x, axis=1)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmax(a, axis=1), np.nanargmax(x, axis=1)) with pytest.warns(None): # all NaN axis warning assert_eq(da.nanargmin(a, axis=1), np.nanargmin(x, axis=1))
def fit(self, t, n=10, retry=True): """ Fit for the radius of an event from a given set of hit times `t`. Seed the initial position by searching for the most likely radius at `n` radii. If the fit fails and `retry` is True, try the fit again by seeding the fit with the best point from `n`*10 trial radii. """ def nll(pars): l, = pars return -np.log(self.pdf(t,l=l)).sum() # seed the fit with the best radius in l0 l0 = np.linspace(0,self.r,n) x0 = [-np.log(self.pdf(t,x)).sum() for x in l0] x0 = l0[np.nanargmin(x0)] xopt, fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag = \ fmin(nll,[x0],disp=False,full_output=True) if warnflag: if n < 1e3 and retry: print 'retrying with n=%i' % (n*10) return,n*10) print 'fit failed.' return xopt
def maximum_posterior(self): """Returns the maximum log posterior (minimum negative log posterior) from the set of chains, along with the position giving the maximum posterior. """ if not self.chains: raise Exception("There are no chains in the MCMCSet.") max_posterior = np.inf max_posterior_position = None for chain in self.chains: # Make sure the chain is not empty! if len(chain.posteriors) > 0: chain_max_posterior_index = np.nanargmin(chain.posteriors) chain_max_posterior = \ chain.posteriors[chain_max_posterior_index] if chain_max_posterior < max_posterior: max_posterior = chain_max_posterior max_posterior_position = \ chain.positions[chain_max_posterior_index] # Check if there are no positions if max_posterior_position is None: raise NoPositionsException('The maximum posterior could not be determined ' 'because there are no accepted positions.') return (max_posterior, max_posterior_position)
def apply_roi(self, roi): if not isinstance(roi, PointROI): raise NotImplementedError("Only PointROI supported") if self._layout is None or self.display_data is None: return x, y = roi.x, roi.y if not roi.defined(): return xs, ys = self._layout[:, ::3] parent_ys = self._layout[1, 1::3] delt = np.abs(x - xs) delt[y > ys] = np.nan delt[y < parent_ys] = np.nan if np.isfinite(delt).any(): select = np.nanargmin(delt) if self.select_substruct: select = self._substructures(select) select = np.asarray(select, else: select = np.array([], state = CategorySubsetState(self.display_data.pixel_component_ids[0], select) EditSubsetMode().update(self.collect, state, focus_data=self.display_data)
def get_closest_inconsistencies(self, vector, distance_measure, max_height=numpy.inf, check_constant=False, constant_prob=1.0): num_trees = len(self.trees) if max_height >= len(self.height_levels) else self.height_levels[max_height] consistent_indices = ~numpy.isnan(vector) if not numpy.any(consistent_indices): tree_index = random.randrange(num_trees) return self.trees[tree_index][:], self.semantic_array[tree_index] consistent_vector = vector[consistent_indices] if not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(consistent_vector)): tree_index = random.randrange(num_trees) return self.trees[tree_index][:], self.semantic_array[tree_index] if is_constant(consistent_vector): return [gp.Terminal(consistent_vector[0], False, float)], [consistent_vector[0]] * len(vector) dists = distance_measure(self.semantic_array[:num_trees, consistent_indices], consistent_vector, axis=1) min_distance_index = numpy.nanargmin(dists) if check_constant and random.random() < constant_prob: constant = numpy.median(consistent_vector).item() constant_distance = distance_measure(consistent_vector, constant) if constant_distance < dists[min_distance_index]: return [gp.Terminal(constant, False, float)], [constant] * len(vector) return self.trees[min_distance_index][:], self.semantic_array[min_distance_index]
def KNNmatch(data1, data2, confidence_list, return_sum): # Perform KNNmatch algorithm on data match = np.zeros((len(data1), len(confidence_list))) pair_scores = np.zeros((len(data1), 2)) pair_index = np.zeros((len(data1),2)) for i in np.arange(len(data1)): score = np.zeros((len(data2))) for j in np.arange(len(data2)): score[j] = sum(np.square(data1[i,:] - data2[j,:])) imin0 = np.argmin(score) min0 = score[imin0] score[imin0] = np.nan imin1 = np.nanargmin(score) min1 = np.nanmin(score) pair_scores[i,:] = min0,min1 pair_index[i,:] = imin0,imin1 for n in np.arange(len(confidence_list)): if min0 < float(confidence_list[n]) / 100 * min1: match[i,n] = 1 print np.sum(match, axis = 0), len(data1) return return match, pair_scores, pair_index
def maximum_likelihood(self): """Returns the maximum log likelihood (minimum negative log likelihood) from the set of chains, along with the position giving the maximum likelihood. """ if not self.chains: raise Exception("There are no chains in the MCMCSet.") max_likelihood = np.inf max_likelihood_position = None for chain in self.chains: # Make sure the chain is not empty! if len(chain.likelihoods) > 0: chain_max_likelihood_index = np.nanargmin(chain.likelihoods) chain_max_likelihood = \ chain.likelihoods[chain_max_likelihood_index] if chain_max_likelihood < max_likelihood: max_likelihood = chain_max_likelihood max_likelihood_position = \ chain.positions[chain_max_likelihood_index] # Check if there are no positions if max_likelihood_position is None: raise NoPositionsException('The maximum likelihood could not be ' 'determined because there are no accepted positions.') return (max_likelihood, max_likelihood_position)
def decide_migration_migrationlikelihood_woi(self): migrate_me_maybe = (self.window_overload_index > self.relocation_thresholds)[0] if np.sum(migrate_me_maybe) > 0: indexes = np.array(np.where(migrate_me_maybe)).tolist()[0] # potential migration sources set_of_vms = list() for i in indexes: partial = (self.location[:, i] == 1).transpose() newly_found = np.array(np.where(partial)).tolist() set_of_vms += newly_found[0] set_of_vms = sorted(set_of_vms) pms = [x.get_pm() for x in self.vms] pm_volumes = np.array([x.get_volume() for x in self.pms]) vm_volumes = np.array([x.get_volume_actual() for x in self.vms]) vm_migrations = np.array([x.get_migrations() for x in self.vms]) available_volume_per_pm = pm_volumes - self.physical_volume_vector available_capacity = [available_volume_per_pm[x.get_pm()] for x in self.vms] plan_coefficients = np.array([x.plan.get_coefficient() for x in self.vms]) minimize_me = -1.0/plan_coefficients * (vm_volumes + available_capacity) + plan_coefficients * vm_migrations vm_migrate = np.nanargmin(minimize_me) pm_source = self.vms[vm_migrate].get_pm() # avoiding to select the source machine as destination by using nan available_volume_per_pm[pm_source] = np.nan pm_destination = np.nanargmax(available_volume_per_pm) self.migrate(vm_migrate, pm_source, pm_destination) self.integrated_overload_index[0,pm_source] = 0
def find_closest(self): msg = self.current_laser_msg rngs = msg.ranges idx = np.nanargmin(rngs) self.say("idx: " + str(idx)) rad = self.index_to_rad(idx) return rngs[idx], rad
def johnson(d, debug=False): """ Méthode approchée avec garantie de performance (Johnson) d = Jeu de donnée """ assert np.size(d, 1) > 1, "2 machines au moins" if debug and np.size(d, 1) != 2: print("Attention: Seul les deux premières machines sont pris en compte.") n, m = np.size(d, 0), 3 A, B, C = range(0,m) X = list(range(0,n)) G = list() D = list() while X: # Chaque tâche ayant été traité voit ses durées mettre à NaN. # np.nanargmin récupère ensuite la position dans la matrice # où la durée minimum est située. pos = np.nanargmin([[d[i,j] if i in X else np.nan for j in [A,B]] for i in range(n)]) # Je déduit ensuite la ligne et la colonne correspondant à cette position # i.e. la machine et la tâche. i, j = pos//(m-1), pos%(n-1) # Si la durée de la tâche appartient à la machine A # je la met dans ma liste de gauche G, sinon je l'insère # dans ma liste de droite en première position. G.append(i) if j == A else D.insert(0, i) # Ma tâche en cours est traitée X.remove(i) return G + D, evaluation(d, G+D, [])
def otsu(img): # Find within-class variance for each candidate threshold value. Choose the # one that minimises it. n_pix = threshold_variances = np.inf * np.ones((254,1)) for i in range(254): t = i + 1 bin_masks = [img < t, img >= t] # bin_masks[0] gives the less-than mask. # bin_masks[1] gives the geq mask. vals = map(lambda mask : img[mask], bin_masks) N = map(np.sum, bin_masks) mu = map(np.mean, vals) sigma = map(np.std, vals) variance = map(lambda x : x ** 2, sigma) threshold_variances[i] = \ (N[0] * variance[0] + N[1] * variance[1]) / n_pix min_thresh = np.nanargmin(threshold_variances[1:255]) thresholded = np.copy(img) thresholded[img < min_thresh] = 0 thresholded[img >= min_thresh] = 1 return thresholded
def make_timing_params(self, begin, end, snap_vred=True): '''Compute tight parameterized time ranges to include given timings. Calculates appropriate time ranges to cover given begin and end timings over all GF points in the store. A dict with the following keys is returned: * ``'tmin'``: time [s], minimum of begin timing over all GF points * ``'tmax'``: time [s], maximum of end timing over all GF points * ``'vred'``, ``'tmin_vred'``: slope [m/s] and offset [s] of reduction velocity [m/s] appropriate to catch begin timing over all GF points * ``'tlenmax_vred'``: maximum time length needed to cover all end timings, when using linear slope given with (`vred`, `tmin_vred`) as start ''' data = [] for args in self.config.iter_nodes(level=-1): tmin = self.t(begin, args) tmax = self.t(end, args) x = self.config.get_distance(args) data.append((x, tmin, tmax)) xs, tmins, tmaxs = num.array(data, dtype=num.float).T i = num.nanargmin(tmins) tminmin = tmins[i] x_tminmin = xs[i] dx = (xs - x_tminmin) dx = num.where(dx != 0.0, dx, num.nan) s = (tmins - tminmin) / dx sred = num.min(num.abs(s[num.isfinite(s)])) deltax = self.config.distance_delta if snap_vred: tdif = sred*deltax tdif2 = self.config.deltat * math.floor(tdif / self.config.deltat) sred = tdif2/self.config.distance_delta tmin_vred = tminmin - sred*x_tminmin if snap_vred: xe = x_tminmin - int(x_tminmin / deltax) * deltax tmin_vred = float( self.config.deltat * math.floor(tmin_vred / self.config.deltat) - xe * sred) tlenmax_vred = num.nanmax(tmax - (tmin_vred + sred*x)) if sred != 0.0: vred = 1.0/sred else: vred = 0.0 return dict( tmin=tminmin, tmax=num.nanmax(tmaxs), tmin_vred=tmin_vred, tlenmax_vred=tlenmax_vred, vred=vred)
def _energyBinning(ws, algorithmLogging): """Create common (but nonequidistant) binning for a DeltaE workspace.""" xs = ws.extractX() minXIndex = numpy.nanargmin(xs[:, 0]) # TODO Fix logging. dx = BinWidthAtX(InputWorkspace=ws, X=0.0, EnableLogging=algorithmLogging) lastX = numpy.max(xs[:, -1]) binCount = ws.blocksize() borders = list() templateXs = xs[minXIndex, :] currentX = numpy.nan for i in range(binCount): currentX = templateXs[i] borders.append(currentX) if currentX > 0: break i = 1 equalBinStart = borders[-1] while currentX < lastX: currentX = equalBinStart + i * dx borders.append(currentX) i += 1 borders[-1] = lastX return numpy.array(borders)
def train(self, alpha): """ Finds the agglomerative clustering on the data alpha :param alpha: angles in radians :returns: data, cluster ids """ assert len(alpha.shape) == 1, 'Clustering works only for 1d data' n = len(alpha) cid = np.arange(n, dtype=int) nu = n while nu > self.numclust: mu = np.asarray([descr.mean(alpha[cid == j]) if j in cid else np.Inf for j in range(n)]) D = np.abs(descr.pairwise_cdiff(mu)) idx = np.triu_indices(n,1) min = np.nanargmin(D[idx]) cid[cid == cid[idx[0][min]]] = cid[idx[1][min]] nu -= 1 cid2 = np.empty_like(cid) for i,j in enumerate(np.unique(cid)): cid2[cid == j] = i ucid = np.unique(cid2) self.centroids = np.asarray([descr.mean(alpha[cid2 == i]) for i in ucid]) self.cluster_ids = ucid self.r = np.asarray([descr.resultant_vector_length(alpha[cid2 == i]) for i in ucid]) return alpha, cid2
def gridsearch(method, gs_name="", njobs=-2, batchsize=3, **params): if gs_name != "": gs_name = "_" + gs_name fn = "data/{}/{}{}.pck".format(name, method.__name__, gs_name) if os.path.exists(fn): print "Already exists: {}{}".format(method.__name__, gs_name) load_result_file(fn) return param_names = params.keys() param_list = list(itertools.product(*[params[k] for k in param_names])) param_lengths = [len(params[k]) for k in param_names] k = [] i = 0 while i < len(param_list): j = min(i + batchsize, len(param_list)+1) par = [dict(zip(param_names, p)) for p in param_list[i:j]] k.append(delayed(run)(method, par)) i = j print "Starting {} {}{}".format(name, method.__name__, gs_name) res1 = Parallel(n_jobs=njobs, verbose=11)(k) res = np.vstack(res1) for i,c in enumerate(criteria): j = np.nanargmin(res[:,i].flatten()) print "best parameters for {} with value {}:".format(c, np.nanmin(res[:,i])) print zip(param_names, param_list[j]) res = np.array(res).reshape(*(param_lengths + [len(criteria)])) if not os.path.exists("data/{name}".format(name=name)): os.makedirs("data/{name}".format(name=name)) with open(fn, "w") as f: pickle.dump(dict(res=res, params=param_list, criteria=criteria, param_names=param_names, **params), f) print "Finished {} {}{}".format(name, method.__name__, gs_name)
def align_start(x, y, bin_size = 500, verbose = False, window = 2000, search = 100000): """Find initial alignment via downsampled data""" # resample for coarse alignment xa = average(x, bin_size); ya = average(y, bin_size); #align resampled dd = distance(xa, ya) min_id = np.argmin(dd); #search full data id_search = bin_size * np.array(min_id + np.array([-2, 2]), dtype = int); dd2 = distance(x[:window+search], y[:window], search = id_search) start_id = np.nanargmin(dd2); if verbose: plt.figure(2); plt.clf(); plt.subplot(1,3,1); plt.plot(dd) plt.scatter([min_id], [dd[min_id]], s = 50, c = 'r'); plt.title('cooarse'); plt.subplot(1,3,2); plt.plot(dd2) plt.scatter([start_id], [dd2[start_id]], s = 50, c = 'r'); plt.title('fine'); plt.subplot(1,3,3); plt.plot(x[start_id:start_id+window]); plt.plot(y[:window]) return start_id;
def log_performance(self): ''' Record model performance so far, based on validation loss. ''' handle = open("checkpoints/%s/summary" % self.args.run_string, "w") for epoch in range(len(self.val_loss)): handle.write("Checkpoint %d | val loss: %.5f bleu %.2f\n" % (epoch+1, self.val_loss[epoch], self.val_metric[epoch]))"---") # break up the presentation for clarity # BLEU is the quickest indicator of performance for our task # but loss is our objective function best_bleu = np.nanargmax(self.val_metric) best_loss = np.nanargmin(self.val_loss)"Best Metric: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_bleu+1, self.val_loss[best_bleu], self.val_metric[best_bleu]) handle.write("Best Metric: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f\n" % (best_bleu+1, self.val_loss[best_bleu], self.val_metric[best_bleu]))"Best loss: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_loss+1, self.val_loss[best_loss], self.val_metric[best_loss]) handle.write("Best loss: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f\n" % (best_loss+1, self.val_loss[best_loss], self.val_metric[best_loss]))"Early stopping marker: wait/patience: %d/%d\n", self.wait, self.patience) handle.write("Early stopping marker: wait/patience: %d/%d\n" % (self.wait, self.patience)) handle.close()
def sample_responses(self, n=1000, condition=None, remove_negative_finishing_times=True): if condition is None: condition = np.arange(self.n_conditions) condition = np.repeat(condition, n) n = condition.shape[0] finishing_times = np.zeros((n, self.n_accumulators)) for i, accumulator in enumerate(self.accumulators): _, finishing_times[:, i] = accumulator.sample_finishing_times(condition=condition) if remove_negative_finishing_times: finishing_times[finishing_times < 0] = np.nan rts = np.nanmin(finishing_times, 1) responses = np.nanargmin(finishing_times, 1) mapped_responses = np.ones_like(responses) * np.nan mapped_responses[~np.isnan(responses)] = self.accumulator2response[responses[~np.isnan(responses)]] return condition, mapped_responses, rts
def early_stop_decision(self, epoch, val_metric, val_loss): ''' Stop training if validation loss has stopped decreasing and validation BLEU score has not increased for --patience epochs. WARNING: quits with sys.exit(0). TODO: this doesn't yet support early stopping based on TER ''' if val_loss < self.best_val_loss: self.wait = 0 elif val_metric > self.best_val_metric or self.args.no_early_stopping: self.wait = 0 else: self.wait += 1 if self.wait >= self.patience: # we have exceeded patience if val_loss > self.best_val_loss: # and loss is no longer decreasing"Epoch %d: early stopping", epoch) handle = open("checkpoints/%s/summary" % self.args.run_string, "a") handle.write("Early stopping because patience exceeded\n") best_bleu = np.nanargmax(self.val_metric) best_loss = np.nanargmin(self.val_loss)"Best Metric: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_bleu+1, self.val_loss[best_bleu], self.val_metric[best_bleu])"Best loss: %d | val loss %.5f score %.2f", best_loss+1, self.val_loss[best_loss], self.val_metric[best_loss]) handle.close() sys.exit(0)
temp = a2 a2 = a1 a1 = temp a1 -= (a2 - temp) a2 += (a2 - temp) else: temp = a1 a1 -= (a2 - temp) a2 += (a2 - temp) print("step1a, a1,a2=", a1, a2) aRange = np.linspace(a1, a2, zoomAccuracy) for n in range(zoomAccuracy): Deviation[n] = Dev(x, y, dy, aRange[n], b) #Shuffle (tranlate) while (np.nanargmin(Deviation) == 0): for n in range(zoomAccuracy): Deviation[n] = Dev(x, y, dy, aRange[n], b) temp = a1 a1 -= (a2 - temp) a2 -= (a2 - temp) if (a1 == a2): break try: print("for a, index of min =", np.nanargmin(Deviation), ", just shuffled") except ValueError: pass aRange = np.linspace( a1, a2, zoomAccuracy ) #if the Deviation(0) is still min, then the loop will restart
def test_benchmark_offline(classify, test_set_x, batch_size): strides = (2, 5, 8) vid_root = "../data/YT_seg/" gt_counts = pickle.load(open("vidGtData.p", "rb")) gt = numpy.tile(gt_counts, (len(strides), 1)) gt = gt.T gt1 = gt[:, 1] tests_num = gt_counts.shape[0] countArr = numpy.zeros(shape=(tests_num, len(strides))) entropy = numpy.zeros(shape=(tests_num, len(strides))) num_entropy = numpy.zeros(shape=(tests_num, len(strides))) currStride = -1 for nStride in strides: currStride += 1 for nTestSet in range(tests_num): print("stride: %i, vid: %i" % (nStride, nTestSet)) fileName = vid_root + "YT_seg_" + str(nTestSet) + ".avi" mydatasets = load_next_test_data_simple_roi(fileName, nStride) ns_test_set_x, valid_ds = mydatasets if valid_ds == 0: # file not axists continue test_set_x.set_value(ns_test_set_x, borrow=True) n_samples = ns_test_set_x.shape[0] out_list = [classify(i) for i in range(n_samples)] frame_counter = 0 rep_counter = 0 curr_entropy = 0 ent_cnt = 0 for batch_num in range(len(out_list)): output_label_batch, pYgivenX = out_list[batch_num] # Removed index in following line output_label = (output_label_batch[0] + 3 ) # moving from label to cycle length pYgivenX[pYgivenX == 0] = numpy.float32( 1e-30) # hack to output valid entropy # calc entropy curr_entropy = curr_entropy - (pYgivenX * numpy.log(pYgivenX)).sum() ent_cnt = ent_cnt + 1 # integrate counting if batch_num == 0: rep_counter = 20 / (output_label) frame_counter = 20 % (output_label) else: frame_counter += 1 if frame_counter >= output_label: rep_counter += 1 frame_counter = 0 countArr[nTestSet, currStride] = rep_counter entropy[nTestSet, currStride] = curr_entropy num_entropy[nTestSet, currStride] = ent_cnt absdiff_o = abs(countArr - gt) min_err_cnt_o = absdiff_o.min(axis=1) min_err_perc_o = min_err_cnt_o / gt[:, 1] err_perc_o = numpy.average(min_err_perc_o) * 100 print("alpha = 1: precentage error: %.2f%%" % (err_perc_o)) print("---------") med = numpy.median(countArr, axis=1) medif = numpy.average(abs(med - gt1) / gt1) * 100 print("median stride: precentage error: %.2f%%" % medif) xx = entropy / num_entropy chosen_stride = numpy.nanargmin(xx, axis=1) m = numpy.arange(chosen_stride.shape[0]) * len(strides) m = m + chosen_stride flt = countArr.flatten() ent_chosen_cnt = flt[m] entdif = numpy.average(abs(ent_chosen_cnt - gt1) / gt1) * 100 print("enropy stride: precentage error: %.2f%%" % entdif) print("offline entropy counting done")
def run(self, save_sims=''): """ Runs evolutionary algorithm Returns ------- top_params : list List of the top parameters from an individual EA. best_error : list List of the best errors from an individual EA run. """ top_params = np.zeros( (self.number_of_runs, self.number_of_generations + 1, len(self.minimums))) best_error = np.zeros( (self.number_of_runs, self.number_of_generations + 1)) def scorefxn_helper(ea_individual): return self.scorefxn(ea_individual, convert=True), for i in range(self.number_of_runs): # TYPE # Create minimizing fitness class w/ single objective: creator.create('FitnessMin', base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0, )) # Create individual class: creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin) # TOOLBOX toolbox = base.Toolbox() # Register function to use initRepeat to fill individual w/ n calls to rand_num: toolbox.register('individual', tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual, np.random.random, n=len(self.minimums)) # Register function to use initRepeat to fill population with individuals: toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual) # GENETIC OPERATORS: # Register evaluate fxn = evaluation function, individual to evaluate given later toolbox.register('evaluate', scorefxn_helper) # Register mate fxn = two points crossover function toolbox.register('mate', tools.cxTwoPoint) # Register mutate by swapping two points of the individual: toolbox.register('mutate', tools.mutPolynomialBounded, eta=0.1, low=0.0, up=1.0, indpb=0.2) # Register select = size of tournament set to 3 toolbox.register('select', tools.selTournament, tournsize=3) # EVOLUTION! pop = toolbox.population(n=self.number_of_individuals) hof = tools.HallOfFame(1) stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind: [, ind]) stats.register('all', np.copy) # using built in eaSimple algo pop, logbook = algorithms.eaSimple(pop, toolbox, cxpb=self.crossover_rate, mutpb=self.mutation_rate, ngen=self.number_of_generations, stats=stats, halloffame=hof, verbose=False) # Save best scores and individuals in population best_score = [] best_ind = [] for a in range(len(logbook)): scores = [ logbook[a]['all'][b][0][0] for b in range(len(logbook[a]['all'])) ] best_score.append(np.nanmin(scores)) # logbook is of type 'deap.creator.Individual' and must be loaded later # don't want to have to load it to view data everytime, thus numpy ind_np = np.asarray(logbook[a]['all'][np.nanargmin(scores)][1]) ind_np_conv = self.convert_individual(ind_np) best_ind.append(ind_np_conv) # print('Best individual is:\n %s\nwith fitness: %s' %(arr_best_ind[-1],arr_best_score[-1])) top_params[i] = best_ind best_error[i] = best_score if i / self.number_of_runs * 100 % 10 == 0: print(str((i / self.number_of_runs) * 100) + '% complete.') if save_sims: counter = 0 filename = get_filename(save_sims, counter) while os.path.isfile(filename) == True: counter += 1 filename = get_filename(save_sims, counter) with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: tparam = f.create_dataset("top_params", data=top_params) berror = f.create_dataset("best_error", data=best_error) return top_params, best_error
def closest(cls, query_results, lat, lon, heading, prev_way=None): results, tree, real_nodes, node_to_way, location_info = query_results cur_pos = geodetic2ecef((lat, lon, 0)) nodes = tree.query_ball_point(cur_pos, 500) # If no nodes within 500m, choose closest one if not nodes: nodes = [tree.query(cur_pos)[1]] ways = [] for n in nodes: real_node = real_nodes[n] ways += node_to_way[] ways = set(ways) closest_way = None best_score = None for way in ways: way = Way(way, query_results) points = way.points_in_car_frame(lat, lon, heading) on_way = way.on_way(lat, lon, heading, points) if not on_way: continue # Create mask of points in front and behind x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] angles = np.arctan2(y, x) front = np.logical_and((-np.pi / 2) < angles, angles < (np.pi / 2)) behind = np.logical_not(front) dists = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=1) # Get closest point behind the car dists_behind = np.copy(dists) dists_behind[front] = np.NaN closest_behind = points[np.nanargmin(dists_behind)] # Get closest point in front of the car dists_front = np.copy(dists) dists_front[behind] = np.NaN closest_front = points[np.nanargmin(dists_front)] # fit line: y = a*x + b x1, y1, _ = closest_behind x2, y2, _ = closest_front a = (y2 - y1) / max((x2 - x1), 1e-5) b = y1 - a * x1 # With a factor of 60 a 20m offset causes the same error as a 20 degree heading error # (A 20 degree heading offset results in an a of about 1/3) score = abs(a) * 60. + abs(b) # Prefer same type of road if prev_way is not None: if way.way.tags.get('highway', '') == prev_way.way.tags.get( 'highway', ''): score *= 0.5 if closest_way is None or score < best_score: closest_way = way best_score = score return closest_way
def asyncBackTrack(**kwargs): refDatas = kwargs['refDatas'] inpDatas = kwargs['inpDatas'] matchingCost1 = kwargs['matchingCost1'] matchingCost3 = kwargs['matchingCost3'] totalMatchingCosts = kwargs['totalMatchingCosts'] baseArgs = kwargs['baseArgs'] #inputFinFrameBackTracked, epsilonFinFrameBackTracked = kwargs['argsFinFrameBackTracked'] inputFinFrameBackTracked = np.nanargmin(totalMatchingCosts) epsilon1FinFrameBackTracked, epsilon3FinFrameBackTracked = \ np.nanargmin(matchingCost1[matchingCost1.shape[0] - 1, inputFinFrameBackTracked]), \ np.nanargmin(matchingCost3[matchingCost3.shape[0] - 1, inputFinFrameBackTracked]) correspondentPoints1, correspondentPoints2, correspondentPoints3 = [], [], [] r, i, epsilon1, epsilon3 = matchingCost1.shape[0] - 1, inputFinFrameBackTracked, \ epsilon1FinFrameBackTracked - limits, epsilon3FinFrameBackTracked - limits correspondentPoints2.append([r, i]) correspondentPoints1.append([r, i + epsilon1]) correspondentPoints3.append([r, i + epsilon3]) """ epsilon\i| i i-1 i-2(tmp=0,1,2) ------------------------- -2 | e+c e+c e+c -1 | e+c-1 e+c-1 e+c 0 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c 1 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c 2 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c (epsilon + limits=0,...,4) """ forNewEpsilon = [[0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0]] def _mcosts(iNext, epsilon, matchingCost): if iNext == 0: return matchingCost[r - 1, i, max(epsilon, 0):epsilon + limits + 1] elif iNext == 1: return matchingCost[r - 1, i - 1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):epsilon + limits + 2] else: return matchingCost[r - 1, i - 2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):epsilon + limits + 3] while r > 0: tmp = abs(baseArgs[r, i]) c1_ = np.argmin(_mcosts(tmp, epsilon1, matchingCost1)) c3_ = np.argmin(_mcosts(tmp, epsilon3, matchingCost3)) r = r - 1 i = i - tmp epsilon1 = epsilon1 + c1_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon1 + limits][tmp] epsilon3 = epsilon3 + c3_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon3 + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon1]) correspondentPoints3.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon3]) return correspondentPoints1, correspondentPoints2
def waveReleasePointWindsContour(bam, traj, ref_loc, points, div=37, mode='ballistic'): setup = bam.setup atmos = bam.atmos steps = 90 alpha = np.linspace(0, 360 * ((steps - 1) / steps), steps) alpha = np.radians(alpha) beta = np.linspace(0, 90 * ((steps - 1) / steps), steps) beta = np.radians(beta) theta = setup.trajectory.azimuth.rad phi = setup.trajectory.zenith.rad tol = 25 #deg # tol_fact = np.radians(np.linspace(-tol, tol, 10)) WIND = True u = traj.getTrajVect() v_list = [] for i in range(steps): for j in range(steps): v = np.array([np.sin(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[j]),\ np.cos(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[j]),\ -np.cos(beta[j])]) if np.abs(90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(, v)))) <= tol: v_list.append([alpha[i], beta[j]]) v_list = np.array(v_list) results = [] # temp hotfix if mode == 'ballistic_old': grid_space = 25 p1 = Position(43.8, 13.1, 0) p2 = Position(47.8, 17.1, 0) p1.pos_loc(ref_loc) p2.pos_loc(ref_loc) xs = np.linspace(p1.x, p2.x, grid_space) ys = np.linspace(p1.y, p2.y, grid_space) n_steps = grid_space**2 * len(points) for xnum, xx in enumerate(xs): for ynum, yy in enumerate(ys): angle_list = [] time_list = [] D = [xx, yy, 0] for pnum, pp in enumerate(points): step = pnum + ynum * len(points) + xnum * grid_space * len( points) loadingBar("Contour Calculation", step, n_steps) P = Position(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]) P.pos_loc(ref_loc) S = R = Position(0, 0, 0) R.x = D[0] R.y = D[1] R.z = D[2] R.pos_geo(ref_loc) lats = [,] lons = [P.lon, R.lon] elev = [P.elev, R.elev] z_profile, _ = atmos.getSounding( lats, lons, elev, ref_time=setup.fireball_datetime, spline=100) res = cyscan(np.array(S), np.array(D), z_profile, wind=True, h_tol=330, v_tol=3000, debug=False) alpha = np.radians(res[1]) beta = np.radians(180 - res[2]) res_vector = np.array([np.sin(alpha)*np.sin(beta),\ np.cos(alpha)*np.sin(beta),\ -np.cos(beta)]) angle_list.append( np.abs(90 - np.degrees( np.arccos( u / np.sqrt(, res_vector / np.sqrt( time_list.append(res[0]) if np.nanmin(angle_list) <= tol: best_angle_index = np.nanargmin(angle_list) best_time = time_list[best_angle_index] if not np.isnan(best_time): res = [xx, yy, 0, best_time] results.append(res) # u = np.array([bam.setup.trajectory.vector.x, # bam.setup.trajectory.vector.y, # bam.setup.trajectory.vector.z]) # angle_off = [] # X = [] # for i in range(len(bam.setup.fragmentation_point)): # az = stn.times.fragmentation[i][0][1] # tf = stn.times.fragmentation[i][0][2] # az = np.radians(az) # tf = np.radians(180 - tf) # v = np.array([np.sin(az)*np.sin(tf), np.cos(az)*np.sin(tf), -np.cos(tf)]) # angle_off.append(np.degrees(np.arccos(, v/np.sqrt( # X.append(bam.setup.fragmentation_point[i].position.elev) # angle_off = np.array(angle_off) # try: # best_indx = np.nanargmin(abs(angle_off - 90)) # except ValueError: # best_indx = None # a.append(np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])) # for pert in perturbations: # a.append(np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])) # stn.times.ballistic.append(a) # continue # np.array([t_arrival, azimuth, takeoff, E[k, l]]) elif mode == 'ballistic': n_steps = len(v_list) * len(points) WIND = True for pp, p in enumerate(points): for vv, v in enumerate(v_list): step = vv + pp * len(v_list) loadingBar("Contour Calculation", step, n_steps) # v[i] = np.array([np.sin(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[i]),\ # np.cos(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[i]),\ # -np.cos(beta[i])]) P = Position(p[0], p[1], p[2]) S = Position(p[0], p[1], 0) P.pos_loc(ref_loc) pt = # s = p + p[2]/np.cos(beta[i])*v[i] # S = Position(0, 0, 0) # P = Position(0, 0, 0) # S.x, S.y, S.z = s[0], s[1], s[2] # P.x, P.y, P.z = p[0], p[1], p[2] # S.pos_geo(ref_loc) # P.pos_geo(ref_loc) lats = [,] lons = [P.lon, S.lon] elev = [P.elev, S.elev] # z_profile, _ = supra.Supracenter.cyweatherInterp.getWeather(p, s, setup.weather_type, \ # ref_loc, copy.copy(sounding), convert=True) if WIND: z_profile, _ = atmos.getSounding( lats, lons, elev, ref_time=setup.fireball_datetime, spline=200) res = anglescan(pt, np.degrees(v[0]), np.degrees(v[1]) + 90, z_profile, wind=True, debug=False) else: # if no wind, just draw a straight line vect = np.array([np.sin(v[0])*np.sin(v[1]),\ np.cos(v[0])*np.sin(v[1]),\ -np.cos(v[1])]) s = -pt[2] / vect[2] ground_point = pt + s * vect ground_time = s / 330 res = [ ground_point[0], ground_point[1], ground_point[2], ground_time ] # This is the limit in distance from the trajectory (hardcoded) if res[-1] <= 1000: # if np.sqrt(res[0]**2 + res[1]**2) <= 150000: results.append(res) else: # n_steps = len(tol_fact)*len(points)*steps beta = np.linspace(90 + 0.01, 180, steps) beta = np.radians(beta) p = points for ii, i in enumerate(range(steps)): for jj, j in enumerate(range(steps)): # print(np.degrees(beta[i])) step = jj + ii * steps loadingBar("Contour Calculation", step, n_steps) v[i*steps + j] = np.array([np.sin(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[j]),\ np.cos(alpha[i])*np.sin(beta[j]),\ -np.cos(beta[j])]) s = p + p[2] / np.cos(beta[j]) * v[i * steps + j] S = Position(0, 0, 0) P = Position(0, 0, 0) S.x, S.y, S.z = s[0], s[1], s[2] P.x, P.y, P.z = p[0], p[1], p[2] S.pos_geo(ref_loc) P.pos_geo(ref_loc) lats = [,] lons = [P.lon, S.lon] elev = [P.elev, S.elev] z_profile, _ = atmos.getSounding( lats, lons, elev, ref_time=setup.fireball_datetime, spline=100) res = anglescan(p, np.degrees(alpha[i]), np.degrees(beta[j]), z_profile, wind=True, debug=False) # if np.sqrt(res[0]**2 + res[1]**2) <= 200000: results.append(res) return results
def asyncBackTrack(**kwargs): refDatas = kwargs['refDatas'] inpDatas = kwargs['inpDatas'] matchingCost = kwargs['matchingCost'] #inputFinFrameBackTracked, epsilonFinFrameBackTracked = kwargs['argsFinFrameBackTracked'] inputFinFrameBackTracked, epsilonFinFrameBackTracked = np.unravel_index( np.nanargmin(matchingCost[matchingCost.shape[0] - 1]), matchingCost[matchingCost.shape[0] - 1].shape) correspondentPoints1, correspondentPoints2 = [], [] r, i, epsilon = matchingCost.shape[ 0] - 1, inputFinFrameBackTracked, epsilonFinFrameBackTracked - limits correspondentPoints1.append([r, i]) correspondentPoints2.append([r, i + epsilon]) """ epsilon\i| i i-1 i-2(tmp=0,1,2) ------------------------- -2 | e+c e+c e+c -1 | e+c-1 e+c-1 e+c 0 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c 1 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c 2 | e+c-2 e+c-1 e+c (epsilon + limits=0,...,4) """ forNewEpsilon = [[0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0], [-2, -1, 0]] while r > 0: if i > 1: mcosts = [ matchingCost[r - 1, i, max(epsilon, 0):epsilon + limits + 1], matchingCost[r - 1, i - 1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):epsilon + limits + 2], matchingCost[r - 1, i - 2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):epsilon + limits + 3] ] c_, tmp = [], [] for ind, mcost in enumerate(mcosts): c_.append(np.argmin(mcost)) tmp.append(mcost[c_[ind]]) tmp = np.argmin(tmp) r = r - 1 i = i - tmp epsilon = epsilon + c_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) """ # i -> i if tmp == 0: r = r - 1 epsilon = epsilon + c_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) # i -> i - 1 elif tmp == 1: r = r - 1 i = i - 1 epsilon = epsilon + c_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) else: # i -> i - 2 r = r - 1 i = i - 2 epsilon = epsilon + c_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) """ elif i == 1: mcosts = [ matchingCost[r - 1, 1, max(epsilon, 0):epsilon + limits + 1], matchingCost[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon + 1, 0):epsilon + limits + 2] ] c_, tmp = [], [] for ind, mcost in enumerate(mcosts): c_.append(np.argmin(mcost)) tmp.append(mcost[c_[ind]]) tmp = np.argmin(tmp) r = r - 1 i = i - tmp epsilon = epsilon + c_[tmp] + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][tmp] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) else: # i == 0 c = np.argmin(matchingCost[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon, 0):epsilon + limits + 1]) r = r - 1 #i = i epsilon = epsilon + c + forNewEpsilon[epsilon + limits][0] correspondentPoints1.insert(0, [r, i]) correspondentPoints2.insert(0, [r, i + epsilon]) return correspondentPoints1, correspondentPoints2
import pandas as pd import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': # First, read football.dat into a pandas dataframe # using any contiguous block of whitespace as the delimiter between columns. # Upon observing the data, I see that there is a column of hyphens between the 'for' and 'against' # columns, and this column has no header. # To account for this, I set header=0 to discard the top row from the file, # thus allowing me to use my own set of column headers. # I specify the headers in the 'names' parameter. table = pd.read_table('football.dat', delim_whitespace=True, header=0, \ names=['number', 'name', 'p', 'w', 'l', 'd', 'for', 'dash', 'against', 'pts']) # convert the 'for' and 'against' series into numpy float arrays pts_agnst, pts_for = np.float_(table['against']), np.float_(table['for']) # create a numpy float array that contains the absolute values of the differences between 'against' and 'for' spread = abs(pts_agnst - pts_for) # Now, get the array index of the smallest spread value that is not == nan # Ignoring nan is necessary to account for the row of hyphens. Another option would have been to # skip this row in pd.read_table, but the approach I have used is more general. # numpy.nanargmin does exactly this, finding the index of a float array for the minimum value in # that array which is not nan answer_idx = np.nanargmin(spread) # Print the value in the name column for the row with the smallest spread print(table['name'][answer_idx])
def SSIdatStaDiag(data, fs, br, ordmax=None, lim=(0.01, 0.05, 0.02, 0.1), method='1'): '''This function return the Stabilization Diagram (Plot) for the given data calculated according the data driven SSI algorithm.''' ndat = data.shape[0] # Number of data points nch = data.shape[1] # Number of channel # If the maximum order is not given (default) it is set as the maximum # allowable model order which is: number of block rows * number of channels if ordmax == None: ordmax = br * nch freq_max = fs / 2 # Nyquist Frequency # unpack the limits used for the construction of the Stab Diag _lim_f, _lim_s, _lim_ms, _lim_s1 = lim[0], lim[1], lim[2], lim[3] Yy = np.array(data.transpose()) # Matrice dati trasposta j = ndat - 2 * br + 1 # DIMENSIONE MATRICE DI HANKEL H = np.zeros((nch * 2 * br, j)) # PREALLOCA LA MATRICE DI HANKEL for _k in range(0, 2 * br): H[_k * nch:((_k + 1) * nch), :] = (1 / j**0.5) * Yy[:, _k:_k + j] # CALCOLO MATRICE DI HANKEL # FATTORIZZAZIONE LQ DELLA MATRICE DI HANKEL Q, L = np.linalg.qr(H.T) L = L.T Q = Q.T _a = nch * br _b = nch L21 = L[_a:_a + _b, :_a] L22 = L[_a:_a + _b, _a:_a + _b] L31 = L[_a + _b:, :_a] L32 = L[_a + _b:, _a:_a + _b] Q1 = Q[:_a, :] Q2 = Q[_a:_a + _b, :] P_i = np.vstack((L21, L31)) @ Q1 # Projection Matrix P_i P_im1 = np.hstack((L31, L32)) @ np.vstack((Q1, Q2)) # Projection P_(i-1) Y_i = np.hstack((L21, L22)) @ np.vstack((Q1, Q2)) # Output sequence # SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION U1, S1, V1_t = np.linalg.svd(P_i, full_matrices=False) S1 = np.diag(S1) S1rad = np.sqrt(S1) # Ciclo per ordine del sistema crescente Fr = np.full((ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà le frequenze Fr_lab = np.full( (ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan ) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà le labels per i poli(frequenze) da stampare nel diagramma di stabilizzazione Sm = np.full((ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà gli smorzamenti Ms = [] # inizializzo la matrice (3D) che conterrà le forme modali for z in range(0, int((ordmax) / 2 + 1)): Ms.append(np.zeros((nch, z * (2)))) for _ind in range(0, ordmax + 1, 2): # Inizializzo le matrici che mi servono S11 = np.zeros((_ind, _ind)) # Inizializzo U11 = np.zeros((br * nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo V11 = np.zeros((_ind, br * nch)) # Inizializzo O_1 = np.zeros((br * nch - nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo O_2 = np.zeros((br * nch - nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo # Estrazione di sottomatrici per ordine crescente del sistema S11[:_ind, 0:_ind] = S1rad[ 0:_ind, 0: _ind] # ESTRAZIONE DI UNA SOTTOMATRICE DEI SINGULAR VALUES DA ORDINE MIN A ORD MAX U11[:br * nch, 0:_ind] = U1[ 0:br * nch, 0: _ind] # ESTRAZIONE DI UNA SOTTOMATRICE DEI LEFT SINGULAR VECTORS DA ORDINE MIN A ORD MAX V11[0:_ind, :br * nch] = V1_t[0:_ind, 0:br * nch] # O = U11 @ S11 # Observability matrix S = np.linalg.pinv(O) @ P_i # Kalman filter state sequence O_1[:, :] = O[:O.shape[0] - nch, :] O_2[:, :] = O[nch:, :] # STIMA DELLA MATRICE DINAMICA A TEMPO DISCRETO if method == '2': # Method 2 A = np.linalg.pinv(O_1) @ O_2 C = O[:nch, :] # Ci sarebbero da calcolare le matrici G e R0 else: # METODO 1 Sp1 = np.linalg.pinv(O_1) @ P_im1 # kalman state sequence S_(i+1) AC = np.vstack((Sp1, Y_i)) @ np.linalg.pinv(S) A = AC[:Sp1.shape[0]] C = AC[Sp1.shape[0]:] # Ci sarebbero da calcolare le matrici G e R0 [_AuVal, _AuVett] = np.linalg.eig(A) # CALCOLO AUTOVALORI ED AUTOVETTORI Lambda = (np.log(_AuVal)) * fs # CALCOLO Lambda fr = abs(Lambda) / (2 * np.pi) # CALCOLO FRQUENZE smorz = -((np.real(Lambda)) / (abs(Lambda))) # CALCOLO SMORZAMENTO # calcolo la matrice C per definizione dei modi # le deformate modali M in forma complessa sono calcolate attraverso # l'espressione M=CL dove L è la matrice le cui colonne sono gli autovettori # di A (_AuVett) Mcomp = C @ _AuVett Mreal = np.real(C @ _AuVett) Fr[:len(fr), _ind] = fr # SALVA LE FREQUENZE Sm[:len(fr), _ind] = smorz # SALVA gli smorzamenti Ms[int(_ind / 2)] = Mcomp # SALVA le forme modali # ============================================================================= # Controllo stabilità dei poli for idx, (_freq, _smor) in enumerate(zip(fr, smorz)): if _ind == 0 or _ind == 2: # alla prima iterazione/primo ordine sono tutti nuovi poli Fr_lab[:len( fr ), _ind] = 0 # 0 è l'etichetta per i nuovi poli e poli instabili elif np.isnan(_freq) == True: _freq = 0 Fr[idx, _ind] = 0 else: # Trovo l'indice del polo che minimizza la differenza alla iterazione/ordine n-1 ind2 = np.nanargmin( abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]) - min(abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]))) Fi_n = Mcomp[:, idx] # forma modale all'iterazione = _iteraz (attuale) Fi_nmeno1 = Ms[int( _ind / 2 - 1 )][:, ind2] # forma modale all'iterazione = _iteraz-1 (precedente) # aMAC = np.abs(Fi_n@Fi_nmeno1)**2 / ((Fi_n@Fi_n)*(Fi_nmeno1@Fi_nmeno1)) # autoMAC aMAC = MaC(Fi_n.real, Fi_nmeno1.real) if min(abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]) / _freq) < _lim_f: # CONDIZIONE 1 SULLA FREQUENZA if (_smor - Sm[ind2, (_ind) - 2] ) / _smor < _lim_s: # CONDIZIONE 2 SULLO SMORZAMENTO if 1 - aMAC < _lim_ms: # CONDIZIONE 3 SULLE FORME MODALI Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 4 # Se il polo è stabile sia per smorzamento che per forma modale (viene classificato come stabile/verde) else: Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 2 # Stabile per smorzamento ma non per forma modale elif 1 - aMAC < _lim_ms: # CONDIZIONE 3 SULLE FORME MODALI Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 3 # Stabile per forma modale ma non per smorzamento else: Fr_lab[idx, _ind] = 1 # Stabile solo per frequenza else: Fr_lab[idx, _ind] = 0 # Nuovo polo o polo instabile # ============================================================================= # PLOT DIAGRAMMA DI STABILIZZAZZIONE # ============================================================================= _x = Fr.flatten(order='f') _y = np.array([_i // len(Fr) for _i in range(len(_x))]) _l = Fr_lab.flatten(order='f') _d = Sm.flatten(order='f') _df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Frequency=_x, Order=_y, Label=_l, Damp=_d)) _df1 = _df.copy( ) # DataFrame che mi serve per plot diagramma stabilizzazione # ============================================================================= # Qui creo un dataframe "ridotto" (senza nan) dove sono salvate: frequenze, # smorzamenti e indici della forma modale associata al polo (order, emme) df2 = _df.copy() df2 = df2.dropna() emme = [] for effe, order in zip(df2.Frequency, df2.Order): emme.append(np.nanargmin(abs(effe - Fr[:, order]))) # trovo l'indice emme = np.array(emme) df2['Emme'] = emme df2 = df2.drop_duplicates() df2 = df2.drop(columns='Label') # ============================================================================= _df1.Frequency = _df1.Frequency.where( _df.Damp < _lim_s1 ) # qui rimuovo tutti i poli che hanno smorzamento maggiore di lim_s1 _df1.Frequency = _df1.Frequency.where( _df.Damp > 0) # qui rimuovo tutti i poli che hanno smorzamento negativo (< 0) _colors = { 0: 'Red', 1: 'darkorange', 2: 'gold', 3: 'yellow', 4: 'Green' } # assegno i colori alle etichette dei poli fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = sns.scatterplot(_df1['Frequency'], _df1['Order'], hue=_df1['Label'], palette=_colors) ax1.set_xlim(left=0, right=freq_max) ax1.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=ordmax) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(freq_max / 10)) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(freq_max / 100)) ax1.set_title('''{0} - shift: {1}'''.format('Stabilization Diagram', br)) ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') mplcursors.cursor() Results = {} Results['Data'] = {'Data': data} Results['Data']['Samp. Freq.'] = fs Results['All Poles'] = _df1 Results['Reduced Poles'] = df2 Results['Modes'] = Ms return fig1, Results
def SSIcovStaDiag(data, fs, br, ordmax=None, lim=(0.01, 0.05, 0.02, 0.1), method='1'): ndat = data.shape[0] #NUMERO DI DATI CAMPIONATI nch = data.shape[1] #NUMERO DI CANALI ACQUISITI if ordmax == None: ordmax = br * nch freq_max = fs / 2 # Frequenza di Nyquist _lim_f, _lim_s, _lim_ms, _lim_s1 = lim[0], lim[1], lim[2], lim[3] Yy = np.array(data.transpose()) # ============================================================================= # METODO LIBRO (Rainieri & Fabbrocino) # ============================================================================= # Mi calcolo tutti i R[i] (con i da 0 a 2*br) R_is = np.array([ 1 / (ndat - _s) * (Yy[:, :ndat - _s] @ Yy[:, _s:].T) for _s in range(br * 2 + 1) ]) # Mi costruisco la matrice di Toepliz Tb = np.vstack([ np.hstack([R_is[_o, :, :] for _o in range(br + _l, _l, -1)]) for _l in range(br) ]) # One-lag shifted matrice di Toeplitz per calcolo di A secondo "NExT-ERA" Tb2 = np.vstack([ np.hstack([R_is[_o, :, :] for _o in range(br + _l, _l, -1)]) for _l in range(1, br + 1) ]) # ============================================================================= # SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION # ============================================================================= U1, S1, V1_t = np.linalg.svd(Tb) S1 = np.diag(S1) S1rad = np.sqrt(S1) # ============================================================================= # Ciclo per ordine del sistema crescente # ============================================================================= Fr = np.full((ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà le frequenze Fr_lab = np.full( (ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan ) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà le labels per i poli(frequenze) da stampare nel diagramma di stabilizzazione Sm = np.full((ordmax, ordmax + 1), np.nan) # inizializzo la matrice che conterrà gli smorzamenti Ms = [] # inizializzo la matrice (3D) che conterrà le forme modali for z in range(0, int((ordmax) / 2 + 1)): Ms.append(np.zeros((nch, z * (2)))) # ============================================================================= for _ind in range(0, ordmax + 1, 2): # Inizializzo le matrici che mi servono S11 = np.zeros((_ind, _ind)) # Inizializzo U11 = np.zeros((br * nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo V11 = np.zeros((_ind, br * nch)) # Inizializzo O_1 = np.zeros((br * nch - nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo O_2 = np.zeros((br * nch - nch, _ind)) # Inizializzo # ============================================================================= # Estrazione di sottomatrici per ordine crescente del sistema S11[:_ind, 0:_ind] = S1rad[ 0:_ind, 0: _ind] # ESTRAZIONE DI UNA SOTTOMATRICE DEI SINGULAR VALUES DA ORDINE MIN A ORD MAX U11[:br * nch, 0:_ind] = U1[ 0:br * nch, 0: _ind] # ESTRAZIONE DI UNA SOTTOMATRICE DEI LEFT SINGULAR VECTORS DA ORDINE MIN A ORD MAX V11[0:_ind, :br * nch] = V1_t[0:_ind, 0:br * nch] # # ============================================================================= O = U11 @ S11 # CALCOLO MATRICE DI OSSERVABILITA _GAM = S11 @ V11 # CALCOLO MATRICE DI CONTROLLABILITA O_1[:, :] = O[:O.shape[0] - nch, :] O_2[:, :] = O[nch:, :] # ============================================================================= # STIMA DELLA MATRICE DINAMICA A TEMPO DISCRETO if method == '2': A = np.linalg.inv(S11) @ U11.T @ Tb2 @ V11.T @ np.linalg.inv( S11) # METODO "NExT-ERA" else: A = np.linalg.pinv(O_1) @ O_2 # METODO 2 (BALANCED_REALIZATION) [_AuVal, _AuVett] = np.linalg.eig(A) # CALCOLO AUTOVALORI ED AUTOVETTORI Lambda = (np.log(_AuVal)) * fs # CALCOLO Lambda fr = abs(Lambda) / (2 * np.pi) # CALCOLO FRQUENZE smorz = -((np.real(Lambda)) / (abs(Lambda))) # CALCOLO SMORZAMENTO # calcolo la matrice C per definizione dei modi # le deformate modali M in forma complessa sono calcolate attraverso # l'espressione M=CL dove L è la matrice le cui colonne sono gli autovettori # di A (_AuVett) C = O[:nch, :] Mcomp = C @ _AuVett Mreal = np.real(C @ _AuVett) Fr[:len(fr), _ind] = fr # SALVA LE FREQUENZE Sm[:len(fr), _ind] = smorz # SALVA gli smorzamenti Ms[int(_ind / 2)] = Mcomp # SALVA le forme modali # ============================================================================= # Controllo stabilità dei poli for idx, (_freq, _smor) in enumerate(zip(fr, smorz)): if _ind == 0 or _ind == 2: # alla prima iterazione/primo ordine sono tutti nuovi poli Fr_lab[:len( fr ), _ind] = 0 # 0 è l'etichetta per i nuovi poli e poli instabili elif np.isnan(_freq) == True: _freq = 0 Fr[idx, _ind] = 0 else: # Trovo l'indice del polo che minimizza la differenza alla iterazione/ordine n-1 ind2 = np.nanargmin( abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]) - min(abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]))) Fi_n = Mcomp[:, idx] # forma modale all'iterazione = _iteraz (attuale) Fi_nmeno1 = Ms[int( _ind / 2 - 1 )][:, ind2] # forma modale all'iterazione = _iteraz-1 (precedente) # aMAC = np.abs(Fi_n@Fi_nmeno1)**2 / ((Fi_n@Fi_n)*(Fi_nmeno1@Fi_nmeno1)) # autoMAC aMAC = MaC(Fi_n.real, Fi_nmeno1.real) if min(abs(_freq - Fr[:, (_ind) - 2]) / _freq) < _lim_f: # CONDIZIONE 1 SULLA FREQUENZA if (_smor - Sm[ind2, (_ind) - 2] ) / _smor < _lim_s: # CONDIZIONE 2 SULLO SMORZAMENTO if 1 - aMAC < _lim_ms: # CONDIZIONE 3 SULLE FORME MODALI Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 4 # Se il polo è stabile sia per smorzamento che per forma modale (viene classificato come stabile/verde) else: Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 2 # Stabile per smorzamento ma non per forma modale elif 1 - aMAC < _lim_ms: # CONDIZIONE 3 SULLE FORME MODALI Fr_lab[ idx, _ind] = 3 # Stabile per forma modale ma non per smorzamento else: Fr_lab[idx, _ind] = 1 # Stabile solo per frequenza else: Fr_lab[idx, _ind] = 0 # Nuovo polo o polo instabile # ============================================================================= # PLOT DIAGRAMMA DI STABILIZZAZZIONE # ============================================================================= _x = Fr.flatten(order='f') _y = np.array([_i // len(Fr) for _i in range(len(_x))]) _l = Fr_lab.flatten(order='f') _d = Sm.flatten(order='f') _df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Frequency=_x, Order=_y, Label=_l, Damp=_d)) _df1 = _df.copy( ) # DataFrame che mi serve per plot diagramma stabilizzazione # ============================================================================= # Qui creo un dataframe "ridotto" (senza nan) dove sono salvate: frequenze, # smorzamenti e indici della forma modale associata al polo (order, emme) df2 = _df.copy() df2 = df2.dropna() emme = [] for effe, order in zip(df2.Frequency, df2.Order): emme.append(np.nanargmin(abs(effe - Fr[:, order]))) # trovo l'indice emme = np.array(emme) df2['Emme'] = emme df2 = df2.drop_duplicates() df2 = df2.drop(columns='Label') # ============================================================================= _df1.Frequency = _df1.Frequency.where( _df.Damp < _lim_s1 ) # qui rimuovo tutti i poli che hanno smorzamento maggiore di lim_s1 _df1.Frequency = _df1.Frequency.where( _df.Damp > 0) # qui rimuovo tutti i poli che hanno smorzamento negativo (< 0) _colors = { 0: 'Red', 1: 'darkorange', 2: 'gold', 3: 'yellow', 4: 'Green' } # assegno i colori alle etichette dei poli fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = sns.scatterplot(_df1['Frequency'], _df1['Order'], hue=_df1['Label'], palette=_colors) ax1.set_xlim(left=0, right=freq_max) ax1.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=ordmax) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(freq_max / 10)) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%g')) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(freq_max / 100)) ax1.set_title('''{0} - shift: {1}'''.format('Stabilization Diagram', br)) ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') mplcursors.cursor() Results = {} Results['Data'] = {'Data': data} Results['Data']['Samp. Freq.'] = fs Results['All Poles'] = _df1 Results['Reduced Poles'] = df2 Results['Modes'] = Ms return fig1, Results
def find_best_cuts_sensitivity(simtelfile_gammas, simtelfile_protons, dl2_file_g, dl2_file_p, nfiles_gammas, nfiles_protons, n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2, noff, obstime=50 * 3600 * u.s): """ Main function to find the best cuts to calculate the sensitivity based on a given a MC data subset Parameters --------- simtelfile_gammas: `string` path to simtelfile of gammas with mc info simtelfile_protons: `string` path to simtelfile of protons with mc info dl2_file_g: `string` path to h5 file of reconstructed gammas dl2_file_p: `string' path to h5 file of reconstructed protons nfiles_gammas: `int` number of simtel gamma files reconstructed nfiles_protons: `int` number of simtel proton files reconstructed n_bins_energy: `int` number of bins in energy n_bins_gammaness: `int` number of bins in gammaness n_bins_theta2: `int` number of bins in theta2 noff: `float` ratio between the background and the signal region obstime: `Quantity` Observation time in seconds Returns --------- energy: `array` center of energy bins sensitivity: `array` sensitivity per energy bin """ # Read simulated and reconstructed values gammaness_g, theta2_g, e_reco_g, e_true_g, mc_par_g, events_g = process_mc( simtelfile_gammas, dl2_file_g, 'gamma') gammaness_p, angdist2_p, e_reco_p, e_true_p, mc_par_p, events_p = process_mc( simtelfile_protons, dl2_file_p, 'proton') mc_par_g['sim_ev'] = mc_par_g['sim_ev'] * nfiles_gammas mc_par_p['sim_ev'] = mc_par_p['sim_ev'] * nfiles_protons # Pass units to TeV and cm2 mc_par_g['emin'] = mc_par_g['emin'].to(u.TeV) mc_par_g['emax'] = mc_par_g['emax'].to(u.TeV) mc_par_p['emin'] = mc_par_p['emin'].to(u.TeV) mc_par_p['emax'] = mc_par_p['emax'].to(u.TeV) mc_par_g['area_sim'] = mc_par_g['area_sim'].to(**2) mc_par_p['area_sim'] = mc_par_p['area_sim'].to(**2) # Set binning for sensitivity calculation # TODO: This information should be read from the files emin_sensitivity = 0.01 * u.TeV # mc_par_g['emin'] emax_sensitivity = 100 * u.TeV # mc_par_g['emax'] energy = np.logspace(np.log10(emin_sensitivity.to_value()), np.log10(emax_sensitivity.to_value()), n_bins_energy + 1) * u.TeV gammaness_bins, theta2_bins = bin_definition(n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2) # Extract spectral parameters dFdE, crab_par = crab_hegra(energy) dFdEd0, proton_par = proton_bess(energy) bins = np.logspace(np.log10(emin_sensitivity.to_value()), np.log10(emax_sensitivity.to_value()), n_bins_energy + 1) y0 = mc_par_g['sim_ev'] / (mc_par_g['emax'].to_value()**(mc_par_g['sp_idx'] + 1) \ - mc_par_g['emin'].to_value()**(mc_par_g['sp_idx'] + 1)) \ * (mc_par_g['sp_idx'] + 1) y = y0 * (bins[1:]**(crab_par['alpha'] + 1) - bins[:-1]**(crab_par['alpha'] + 1)) / (crab_par['alpha'] + 1) n_sim_bin = y # Rates and weights rate_g = rate("PowerLaw", mc_par_g['emin'], mc_par_g['emax'], crab_par, mc_par_g['cone'], mc_par_g['area_sim']) rate_p = rate("PowerLaw", mc_par_p['emin'], mc_par_p['emax'], proton_par, mc_par_p['cone'], mc_par_p['area_sim']) w_g = weight("PowerLaw", mc_par_g['emin'], mc_par_g['emax'], mc_par_g['sp_idx'], rate_g, mc_par_g['sim_ev'], crab_par) w_p = weight("PowerLaw", mc_par_p['emin'], mc_par_p['emax'], mc_par_p['sp_idx'], rate_p, mc_par_p['sim_ev'], proton_par) if (w_g.unit == u.Unit("sr / s")): print( "You are using diffuse gammas to estimate point-like sensitivity") print("These results will make no sense") w_g = w_g / # Fix to make tests pass rate_weighted_g = ((e_true_g / crab_par['e0']) ** (crab_par['alpha'] - mc_par_g['sp_idx'])) \ * w_g rate_weighted_p = ((e_true_p / proton_par['e0']) ** (proton_par['alpha'] - mc_par_p['sp_idx'])) \ * w_p p_contained, ang_area_p = ring_containment(angdist2_p, 0.4 * u.deg, 0.3 * u.deg) # FIX: ring_radius and ring_halfwidth should have units of deg # FIX: hardcoded at the moment, but ring_radius should be read from # the gamma file (point-like) or given as input (diffuse). # FIX: ring_halfwidth should be given as input area_ratio_p = np.pi * theta2_bins / ang_area_p # ratio between the area where we search for protons ang_area_p # and the area where we search for gammas math.pi * t # Arrays to contain the number of gammas and hadrons for different cuts final_gamma = np.ndarray(shape=(n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2)) final_hadrons = np.ndarray(shape=(n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2)) pre_gamma = np.ndarray(shape=(n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2)) pre_hadrons = np.ndarray(shape=(n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2)) ngamma_per_ebin = np.ndarray(n_bins_energy) nhadron_per_ebin = np.ndarray(n_bins_energy) total_rate_proton = np.sum(rate_weighted_p) total_rate_gamma = np.sum(rate_weighted_g) print("Total rate triggered proton {:.3f} Hz".format(total_rate_proton)) print("Total rate triggered gamma {:.3f} Hz".format(total_rate_gamma)) # Weight events and count number of events per bin: for i in range(0, n_bins_energy): # binning in energy total_rate_proton_ebin = np.sum( rate_weighted_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i])]) print("\n******** Energy bin: {:.3f} - {:.3f} TeV ********".format( energy[i].value, energy[i + 1].value)) total_rate_proton_ebin = np.sum( rate_weighted_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i])]) total_rate_gamma_ebin = np.sum( rate_weighted_g[(e_reco_g < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_g > energy[i])]) #print("**************") print("Total rate triggered proton in this bin {:.5f} Hz".format( total_rate_proton_ebin.value)) print("Total rate triggered gamma in this bin {:.5f} Hz".format( total_rate_gamma_ebin.value)) for j in range(0, n_bins_gammaness): # cut in gammaness for k in range(0, n_bins_theta2): # cut in theta2 rate_g_ebin = np.sum(rate_weighted_g[(e_reco_g < energy[i+1]) & (e_reco_g > energy[i]) \ & (gammaness_g > gammaness_bins[j]) & (theta2_g < theta2_bins[k])]) rate_p_ebin = np.sum(rate_weighted_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i+1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i]) \ & (gammaness_p > gammaness_bins[j]) & p_contained]) final_gamma[i][j][k] = rate_g_ebin * obstime final_hadrons[i][j][ k] = rate_p_ebin * obstime * area_ratio_p[k] pre_gamma[i][j][k] = e_reco_g[(e_reco_g < energy[i+1]) & (e_reco_g > energy[i]) \ & (gammaness_g > gammaness_bins[j]) & (theta2_g < theta2_bins[k])].shape[0] pre_hadrons[i][j][k] = e_reco_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i+1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i]) \ & (gammaness_p > gammaness_bins[j]) & p_contained].shape[0] ngamma_per_ebin[i] = np.sum( rate_weighted_g[(e_reco_g < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_g > energy[i])]) * obstime nhadron_per_ebin[i] = np.sum( rate_weighted_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i])]) * obstime n_excesses_5sigma, sensitivity_3Darray = calculate_sensitivity_lima( final_gamma, final_hadrons * noff, 1 / noff * np.ones_like(final_gamma), n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2) # Avoid bins which are empty or have too few events: min_num_events = 5 min_pre_events = 5 # Minimum number of gamma and proton events in a bin to be taken into account for minimization for i in range(0, n_bins_energy): for j in range(0, n_bins_gammaness): for k in range(0, n_bins_theta2): conditions = (not np.isfinite(sensitivity_3Darray[i,j,k])) or (sensitivity_3Darray[i,j,k]<=0) \ or (final_hadrons[i,j,k] < min_num_events) \ or (pre_gamma[i,j,k] < min_pre_events) \ or (pre_hadrons[i,j,k] < min_pre_events) if conditions: sensitivity_3Darray[i][j][k] = np.inf # Quantities to show in the results sensitivity = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) n_excesses_min = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) eff_g = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) eff_p = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) gcut = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) tcut = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) ngammas = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) nhadrons = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) gammarate = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) hadronrate = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) eff_area = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) nevents_gamma = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) nevents_proton = np.ndarray(shape=n_bins_energy) # Calculate the minimum sensitivity per energy bin for i in range(0, n_bins_energy): ind = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(sensitivity_3Darray[i], axis=None), sensitivity_3Darray[i].shape) gcut[i] = gammaness_bins[ind[0]] tcut[i] = theta2_bins[ind[1]].to_value() ngammas[i] = final_gamma[i][ind] nhadrons[i] = final_hadrons[i][ind] gammarate[i] = final_gamma[i][ind] / ( hadronrate[i] = final_hadrons[i][ind] / ( n_excesses_min[i] = n_excesses_5sigma[i][ind] sensitivity[i] = sensitivity_3Darray[i][ind] eff_g[i] = final_gamma[i][ind] / ngamma_per_ebin[i] eff_p[i] = final_hadrons[i][ind] / nhadron_per_ebin[i] e_aftercuts = e_true_g[(e_reco_g < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_g > energy[i]) \ & (gammaness_g > gammaness_bins[ind[0]]) & (theta2_g < theta2_bins[ind[1]])] e_aftercuts_p = e_true_p[(e_reco_p < energy[i + 1]) & (e_reco_p > energy[i]) \ & p_contained] e_aftercuts_w = np.sum( np.power(e_aftercuts, crab_par['alpha'] - mc_par_g['sp_idx'])) eff_area[i] = e_aftercuts_w.to_value( ) / n_sim_bin[i] * mc_par_g['area_sim'].to(u.m**2).to_value() nevents_gamma[i] = e_aftercuts.shape[0] nevents_proton[i] = e_aftercuts_p.shape[0] # Compute sensitivity in flux units egeom = np.sqrt(energy[1:] * energy[:-1]) dFdE, par = crab_hegra(egeom) sensitivity_flux = sensitivity / 100 * (dFdE * egeom * egeom).to( u.erg / (**2 * u.s)) list_of_tuples = list( zip(energy[:energy.shape[0] - 2].to_value(), energy[1:].to_value(), gcut, tcut, ngammas, nhadrons, gammarate, hadronrate, n_excesses_min, sensitivity_flux.to_value(), eff_area, eff_g, eff_p, nevents_gamma, nevents_proton)) result = pd.DataFrame(list_of_tuples, columns=[ 'ebin_low', 'ebin_up', 'gammaness_cut', 'theta2_cut', 'n_gammas', 'n_hadrons', 'gamma_rate', 'hadron_rate', 'n_excesses_min', 'sensitivity', 'eff_area', 'eff_gamma', 'eff_hadron', 'nevents_g', 'nevents_p' ]) units = [ energy.unit, energy.unit, "", theta2_bins.unit, "", "", u.min**-1, u.min**-1, "", sensitivity_flux.unit, mc_par_g['area_sim'].to(**2).unit, "", "", "", "" ] # sensitivity_minimization_plot(n_bins_energy, n_bins_gammaness, n_bins_theta2, energy, sensitivity_3Darray) # plot_positions_survived_events(events_g, # events_p, # gammaness_g, gammaness_p, # theta2_g, p_contained, sensitivity_3Darray, energy, n_bins_energy, g, t) return energy, sensitivity, result, units, gcut, tcut
def event_to_list_and_dedup(network_events_final, nstations): #/ add all events to list (includes redundancies if event belongs to multiple pairs) networkIDs = sorted(network_events_final.keys()) out = np.nan + np.ones((2 * len(networkIDs), nstations + 1)) for i, nid in enumerate(networkIDs): tmp_dt = network_events_final[nid]['dt'] for stid in xrange(nstations): if network_events_final[nid][stid]: if len(network_events_final[nid][stid]) == 2: out[2 * i, stid] = network_events_final[nid][stid][0] out[2 * i + 1, stid] = network_events_final[nid][stid][1] out[2 * i, nstations] = nid out[2 * i + 1, nstations] = nid elif len( network_events_final[nid][stid] ) == 1: #/ if only one event in "pair" (i.e dt is small - TODO: ensure this case can't happen) out[2 * i, stid] = network_events_final[nid][stid][0] out[2 * i + 1, stid] = network_events_final[nid][stid][0] out[2 * i, nstations] = nid out[2 * i + 1, nstations] = nid else: # if multiple tmp_ts = network_events_final[nid][stid] sidx = [ 0, np.argmax( [q - p for p, q in zip(tmp_ts[:-1], tmp_ts[1:])]) + 1 ] out[2 * i, stid] = np.min(tmp_ts[sidx[0]:sidx[1]]) out[2 * i + 1, stid] = np.min(tmp_ts[sidx[1]:]) out[2 * i, nstations] = nid out[2 * i + 1, nstations] = nid ## remove duplicates from event-list (find and remove entries that are identical up to missing values (nan)) ## out2 = out[:, 0:nstations] netids2 = list(out[:, nstations].astype(int)) for sta in xrange(nstations): row_sort0 = np.argsort(out2[:, sta]) out2 = out2[row_sort0, :] netids2 = [netids2[x] for x in row_sort0] n1, n2 = np.shape(out2) keep_row = np.zeros(n1, dtype=bool) network_eventlist = list() tmp_neventlist = list() for i in xrange(n1 - 1): if np.all((out2[i, :] == out2[i + 1, :]) | np.isnan(out2[i, :]) | np.isnan(out2[i + 1, :])) & np.any( out2[i, :] == out2[i + 1, :]): #/ if match or nan out2[i + 1, :] = np.nanmin((out2[i, :], out2[i + 1, :]), axis=0) #/ fill in nans tmp_neventlist.append(netids2[i]) else: keep_row[i] = True tmp_neventlist.append(netids2[i]) #/ network id network_eventlist.append(tmp_neventlist) tmp_neventlist = list() if i == n1 - 2: #/ add final event keep_row[i + 1] = True tmp_neventlist.append(netids2[i + 1]) network_eventlist.append(tmp_neventlist) tmp_neventlist = list() out2 = out2[keep_row, :] netids2 = network_eventlist def list_flatten(S): if S == []: return S if isinstance(S[0], list): return flatten(S[0]) + flatten(S[1:]) return S[:1] + flatten(S[1:]) netids2 = [list_flatten(x) for x in netids2] #/ to check if any missing nfinal, n2 = np.shape(out2) tmp = np.nanargmin(out2, axis=1) row_sort = np.argsort(out2[np.arange(0, nfinal), tmp]) final_eventlist = out2[row_sort, :] network_eventlist = [netids2[k] for k in row_sort] return final_eventlist, network_eventlist, nfinal
def _make_trajectory(session, ref_lap): """Create telemetry Distance """ telemetry = ref_lap.telemetry if telemetry.size != 0: x = telemetry['X'].values y = telemetry['Y'].values z = telemetry['Z'].values s = telemetry['Distance'].values # Assuming constant speed in the last tenth dt0_ = (ref_lap['LapTime'] - telemetry['Time'].iloc[-1]).total_seconds() ds0_ = (telemetry['Speed'].iloc[-1] / 3.6) * dt0_ total_s = s[-1] + ds0_ # To prolong start and finish and have a correct linear interpolation full_s = np.concatenate([s - total_s, s, s + total_s]) full_x = np.concatenate([x, x, x]) full_y = np.concatenate([y, y, y]) full_z = np.concatenate([z, z, z]) reference_s = np.arange(0, total_s, REFERENCE_LAP_RESOLUTION) reference_x = np.interp(reference_s, full_s, full_x) reference_y = np.interp(reference_s, full_s, full_y) reference_z = np.interp(reference_s, full_s, full_z) ssize = len(reference_s) """Build track map and project driver position to one trajectory """ def fix_suzuka(projection_index, _s): """Yes, suzuka is bad """ # For tracks like suzuka (therefore only suzuka) we have # a beautiful crossing point. So, FOR F**K SAKE, sometimes # shortest distance may fall below the bridge or viceversa # gotta do some monotony sort of check. Not the cleanest # solution. def moving_average(a, n=3): ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float) ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n] ma = ret[n - 1:] / n return np.concatenate([ma[0:n // 2], ma, ma[-n // 2:-1]]) ma_projection = moving_average(_s[projection_index], n=3) spikes = np.absolute(_s[projection_index] - ma_projection) # 1000 and 3000, very suzuka specific. Damn magic numbers sel_bridge = np.logical_and(spikes > 1000, spikes < 3000) unexpected = np.where(sel_bridge)[0] max_length = _s[-1] for p in unexpected: # Just assuming linearity for this 2 or 3 samples last_value = _s[projection_index[p - 1]] last_step = last_value - _s[projection_index[p - 2]] if (last_value + last_step) > max_length: # Over the finish line corrected_distance = -max_length + last_step + last_value else: corrected_distance = last_value + last_step corrected_index = np.argmin(np.abs(_s - corrected_distance)) projection_index[p] = corrected_index return projection_index track = np.empty((ssize, 3)) track[:, 0] = reference_x track[:, 1] = reference_y track[:, 2] = reference_z track_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(track) drivers_list = np.array(list(session.drivers)) stream_length = len(session.pos_data[drivers_list[0]]) dmap = np.empty((stream_length, len(drivers_list)), dtype=int) fast_query = {'n_jobs': 2, 'distance_upper_bound': 500} # fast_query < Increases speed for index, drv in enumerate(drivers_list): if drv not in session.pos_data.keys(): logging.warning(f"Driver {drv: >2}: No position data. (_make_trajectory)") continue trajectory = session.pos_data[drv][['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values projection_index = track_tree.query(trajectory, **fast_query)[1] # When tree cannot solve super far points means there is some # pit shit shutdown. We can replace these index with 0 projection_index[projection_index == len(reference_s)] = 0 dmap[:, index] = fix_suzuka(projection_index.copy(), reference_s) """Create transform matrix to change distance point of reference """ t_matrix = np.empty((ssize, ssize)) for index in range(ssize): rref = reference_s - reference_s[index] rref[rref <= 0] = total_s + rref[rref <= 0] t_matrix[index, :] = rref """Create mask to remove distance elements when car is on track """ time = session.pos_data[drivers_list[0]]['Time'] pit_mask = np.zeros((stream_length, len(drivers_list)), dtype=bool) for driver_index, driver_number in enumerate(drivers_list): laps = session.laps.pick_driver(driver_number) in_pit = True times = [[], []] for lap_index in laps.index: lap = laps.loc[lap_index] if not pd.isnull(lap['PitInTime']) and not in_pit: times[1].append(lap['PitInTime']) in_pit = True if not pd.isnull(lap['PitOutTime']) and in_pit: times[0].append(lap['PitOutTime']) in_pit = False if not in_pit: # Car crashed, we put a time and 'Status' will take care times[1].append(lap['Time']) times = np.transpose(np.array(times)) for inout in times: out_of_pit = np.logical_and(time >= inout[0], time < inout[1]) pit_mask[:, driver_index] |= out_of_pit on_track = (session.pos_data[driver_number]['Status'] == 'OnTrack') pit_mask[:, driver_index] &= on_track.values """Calculate relative distances using transform matrix """ driver_ahead = {} stream_axis = np.arange(stream_length) for my_di, my_d in enumerate(drivers_list): rel_distance = np.empty(np.shape(dmap)) for his_di, his_d in enumerate(drivers_list): my_pos_i = dmap[:, my_di] his_pos_i = dmap[:, his_di] rel_distance[:, his_di] = t_matrix[my_pos_i, his_pos_i] his_in_pit = ~pit_mask.copy() his_in_pit[:, my_di] = False my_in_pit = ~pit_mask[:, drivers_list == my_d][:, 0] rel_distance[his_in_pit] = np.nan closest_index = np.nanargmin(rel_distance, axis=1) closest_distance = rel_distance[stream_axis, closest_index] closest_driver = drivers_list[closest_index].astype(object) closest_distance[my_in_pit] = np.nan closest_driver[my_in_pit] = None data = {'DistanceToDriverAhead': closest_distance, 'DriverAhead': closest_driver} driver_ahead[my_d] = session.pos_data[my_d].join(pd.DataFrame(data), how='outer') else: # no data to base calculations on; create empty results driver_ahead = dict() for drv in session.drivers: data = {'DistanceToDriverAhead': (), 'DriverAhead': ()} driver_ahead[drv] = session.pos_data[drv].join(pd.DataFrame(data), how='outer') return driver_ahead
def fit(self, X, y, n_epochs=None, validation_set=None, max_fail=5, thresold_fail=1.5): print(self.dropout) print(self.batch_size) print(self.optimizer_classes) self.p_init = self.dropout[0] self.p_hidden = self.dropout[1] self.net_class_init = functools.partial(self.net_class, n_features=X.shape[1], n_classes=len(np.unique(y)), dropout=self.dropout) if n_epochs == None: n_epochs = self.n_epochs if validation_set == None: validation_set = self.validation_set ## Load the data input, target = torch.from_numpy(X), torch.from_numpy(y) dataset = TensorDataset(input, target) trainloader = self.load_data(dataset) ## Create the different initialisation (i.e create different nets) net_list = self.multi_init() ## Train the nets print("BEGINNING TRAINING") loss_list = list() loss_list_validation = list() best_net_on_validation = [None, np.inf] for epoch in range(n_epochs): for net in net_list: net[2] = 0.0 n_iter = 0 for data in trainloader: input, target = data target = target.view(-1) input, target = Variable(input).float(), Variable(target).long() for i in range(len(net_list)): net, optimizer, _ = net_list[i] optimizer.zero_grad() output = net(input) loss = self.criterion(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() net_list[i][2] +=[0] n_iter += 1 index_min = np.nanargmin([net[2] for net in net_list]) print(net_list[index_min][2] / n_iter) loss_list.append(net_list[index_min][2] / n_iter) ## Check the loss on the validation set and stop if it's increasing for at least max_fail epochs # or go back above thresold_fail * (minimum loss attained on the validation set) if validation_set: # copy the best net and make it in evaluation mode for scoring best_net = copy.deepcopy(net_list[index_min][0]) weight_scaling_inference_rule(best_net, self.p_init, self.p_hidden) best_net.eval() score = self.score(validation_set[0], validation_set[1], best_net) print(score) loss_list_validation.append(score) if score < best_net_on_validation[1]: # WARNING : loss or score ??? best_net_on_validation = [best_net, score] if (score > thresold_fail * best_net_on_validation[1] or max_fail < len(loss_list_validation) and (np.array([loss_list_validation[i] - loss_list_validation[i - 1] for i in range(- 1, - max_fail - 1, - 1)]) > 0).all() ): print("EARLY STOPPING") self.trained_net = best_net_on_validation[0] return loss_list, loss_list_validation ## if len(net_list) > 1: del net_list[np.argmax([net[2] for net in net_list])] print(epoch) self.trained_net = best_net_on_validation[0] # self.trained_net = net_list[-1][0] # for training on train l = loss_list, loss_list_validation # before # return self #for sklearn return l
def test_nanargmin(self): tgt = np.argmin(self.mat) for mat in self.integer_arrays(): assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt)
def argf(self, *args, **kwargs): return np.nanargmin(*args, **kwargs) class nanmax(A_extremum):
def argf(self, *args, **kwargs): return np.nanargmin(*args, **kwargs)
def main(): # df_trn = pd.read_csv("df_trn_pool_SD_reddots.csv") df_trn = pd.read_csv("df_trn_SD_AS2019_PA_CQT.csv") tag_trn = df_trn['SDkey'] f = lambda x: tuple([str(s) for s in x.split(",")]) tag_trn = tag_trn.apply(f) df_trn['tag_trn'] = tag_trn # df_test = pd.read_csv("df_val_SD_AS2019_PA_CQT.csv") df_test = pd.read_csv("df_eval_SD_AS2019_PA_CQT.csv") tag_val = df_test['SDkey'] f = lambda x: tuple([str(s) for s in x.split(",")]) tag_val = tag_val.apply(f) df_test['tag_eval'] = tag_val # datagen=ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255.,validation_split=0.20) datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255.) test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1. / 255.) train_generator = datagen.flow_from_dataframe( dataframe=df_trn, directory=None, x_col="Filenames", y_col="tag_trn", # subset="training", color_mode='grayscale', batch_size=bs, seed=66, shuffle=True, class_mode="categorical", classes=trn_dev_classes, target_size=(863, 400)) ''' valid_generator=datagen.flow_from_dataframe( dataframe=df_trn, directory=None, x_col="Filenames", y_col="tag_trn", subset="validation", color_mode='grayscale', batch_size=bs, seed=66, shuffle=True, class_mode="categorical", classes=trn_dev_classes, target_size=(400,80)) ''' test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_dataframe(dataframe=df_test, directory=None, x_col="Filenames", y_col="tag_eval", color_mode='grayscale', batch_size=1, seed=66, shuffle=False, class_mode="categorical", target_size=(863, 400)) model = load_model('model.hdf5', custom_objects={'asoftmax_loss': asoftmax_loss}) # model.compile(optimizers.Adam(lr=5e-5, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999),loss="categorical_crossentropy",metrics=["accuracy"]) model.compile(optimizers.Adam(lr=5e-5, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999), loss=asoftmax_loss, metrics=["accuracy"]) STEP_SIZE_TRAIN = train_generator.n // train_generator.batch_size STEP_SIZE_TEST = test_generator.n // test_generator.batch_size test_generator.reset() pred = model.predict_generator(test_generator, steps=STEP_SIZE_TEST, verbose=1) np.savetxt("pred.csv", pred, delimiter=',', fmt='%1.4f') predicted_class_indices = np.argmax(pred, axis=1) labels = (train_generator.class_indices) labels = dict((v, u) for u, v in labels.items()) predictions = [labels[u] for u in predicted_class_indices] filenames = test_generator.filenames results = pd.DataFrame({"Filename": filenames, "Predictions": predictions}) results.to_csv("results.csv", index=False) # EER calculation fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(test_generator.classes, pred[:, 0], pos_label=0) fnr = 1 - tpr EER = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))] det_data = pd.DataFrame({"fpr": fpr, "fnr": fnr}) det_data.to_csv("DET.csv", index=False) print EER
def file_loop(f): print('Doing file: ' + f) dic = xr.open_dataset(f) edate = pd.Timestamp(dic.time.values) out = dictionary() res = [] outt = dic['tc_lag0'].values outp = dic['p'].values out['lon'] = dic['lon'].values out['lat'] = dic['lat'].values out['hour'] = dic['time.hour'].item() out['month'] = dic['time.month'].item() out['year'] = dic['time.year'].item() out['date'] = dic['time'].values if np.nanmin(dic['tc_lag0'].values) > -53: return #ipdb.set_trace() out['clat'] = np.min(out['lat'])+((np.max(out['lat'])-np.min(out['lat']))*0.5) out['clon'] = np.min(out['lon']) + ((np.max(out['lon']) - np.min(out['lon'])) * 0.5) if (out['clat']<9) | (out['clon']<-15) | (out['clon']>15): print('MCS out of box') return # if edate.hour < 17: # return try: era_pl = xr.open_dataset(cnst.ERA5_HOURLY_PL+'ERA5_'+str(dic['time.year'].values)+'_'+str(dic['time.month'].values).zfill(2)+'') except: print('ERA5 missing') return try: era_srfc = xr.open_dataset(cnst.ERA5_HOURLY_SRFC+'ERA5_'+str(dic['time.year'].values)+'_'+str(dic['time.month'].values).zfill(2)+'') except: print('ERA5 srfc missing') return era_pl = uda.flip_lat(era_pl) era_srfc = uda.flip_lat(era_srfc) edate = edate.replace(hour=12, minute=0) era_pl_day = era_pl.sel(time=edate, longitude=slice(-16,17), latitude=slice(4,26)) era_srfc_day = era_srfc.sel(time=edate, longitude=slice(-16,17), latitude=slice(4,26)) tminpos = np.where(dic['tc_lag0'].values == np.nanmin(dic['tc_lag0'].values)) # era position close to min temp if len(tminpos[0])>1: ptmax = np.nanmax((dic['p'].values)[tminpos]) if ptmax > 0: prpos = np.where((dic['p'].values)[tminpos] == ptmax) tminpos = ((tminpos[0])[prpos], (tminpos[1])[prpos] ) else: tminpos = ((tminpos[0])[0], (tminpos[1])[0]) elon = dic['lon'].values[tminpos] elat = dic['lat'].values[tminpos] era_day = era_pl_day.sel(latitude=elat, longitude=elon , method='nearest') # take point of minimum T era_day_srfc = era_srfc_day.sel(latitude=elat, longitude=elon , method='nearest') # take point of minimum T del era_srfc_day e925 = era_day.sel(level=925).mean() e850 = era_pl_day['t'].sel(level=850) elow = era_day.sel(level=slice(925,850)).mean('level').mean() e650 = era_day.sel(level=650).mean() emid = era_day.sel(level=slice(600,700)).mean('level').mean() srfc = era_day_srfc.mean() t_thresh = -50 # -40C ~ 167 W m-2 mask = np.isfinite(outp) & (outt<=t_thresh) & np.isfinite(outt) mask_area = (outt<=t_thresh) & np.isfinite(outt) mask70 = (outt<=-70) & np.isfinite(outt) if np.sum(mask) < 3: return print(np.nanmax(outt[mask])) # can be bigger than cutout threshold because of interpolation to 5km grid after cutout out['area'] = np.sum(mask_area) out['area70'] = np.sum(mask70) out['tmin'] = np.min(outt[mask]) out['tmean'] = np.mean(outt[mask]) maxpos = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(outp), outp.shape) out['pmax'] = np.nanmean(ua.cut_kernel(outp,maxpos[1], maxpos[0],1)) #np.max(outp[mask]) out['pmean'] = np.mean(outp[mask]) dbox = e850.copy(deep=True) minlon = era_pl_day.sel(latitude=8, longitude=np.min(out['lon']), method='nearest') maxlon = era_pl_day.sel(latitude=8, longitude=np.max(out['lon']), method='nearest') del era_pl_day tgrad = dbox.sel(longitude=slice(minlon.longitude.values, maxlon.longitude.values)).mean('longitude') tmin = np.nanargmin(tgrad.values) tmax = np.nanargmax(tgrad.values) tgrad = tgrad.isel(latitude=slice(tmin, tmax)) lingress = uda.linear_trend_lingress(tgrad) out['tgrad'] = lingress['slope'].values tgrad2 = dbox.sel(longitude=slice(np.min(out['lon']), np.max(out['lon'])), latitude=slice(10, 20)).mean( ['longitude', 'latitude']) - \ dbox.sel(longitude=slice(np.min(out['lon']), np.max(out['lon'])), latitude=slice(5, 7)).mean(['longitude', 'latitude']) out['tbox'] = tgrad2.values try: out['q925'] =float(e925['q']) except TypeError: return out['q650'] = float(e650['q']) out['v925'] = float(e925['v']) out['v650'] = float(e925['v']) out['u925'] = float(e925['u']) out['u650'] = float(e650['u']) out['w925'] = float(e925['w']) out['w650'] = float(e650['w']) out['rh925'] = float(e925['r']) out['rh650'] = float(e650['r']) out['t925'] = float(e925['t']) out['t650'] = float(e650['t']) out['pv925'] = float(e925['pv']) out['pv650'] = float(e650['pv']) out['div925'] = float(e925['d']) out['div650'] = float(e650['d']) out['q_low'] = float(elow['q']) out['q_mid'] = float(emid['q']) out['tcwv'] = float(srfc['tcwv']) out['shear'] = float(e650['u']-e925['u']) theta_down = u_met.theta_e(925,e925['t']-273.15, e925['q']) theta_up = u_met.theta_e(650,e650['t']-273.15, e650['q']) out['dtheta'] = (theta_down-theta_up).values out['thetaup'] = theta_up.values out['thetadown'] = theta_down.values out['pgt30'] = np.sum(outp[mask]>=30) out['isvalid'] = np.sum(mask) out['pgt01'] = np.sum(outp[mask]>=0.1) # out['p'] = outp[mask] out['t'] = outt[mask] #ipdb.set_trace() dic.close() return out
def summary_gene_feature(qtl_results_file='qtl_results_',snp_metadata_file='snp_metadata_', feature_metadata_file='feature_metadata_',output_file='qtl_results_genome',\ feature_report='ensembl_gene_id',chr_list=[9],path_data=None,folder_qtl=None, \ p_value_field='p_value',p_value_raw_field='p_value',local_adjustment_method='Bonferroni', exclude_snps=['']): _doc = " aggregates qtl results to feature_report level" iichr = 0 for ichr, chr in enumerate(chr_list): print('chromosome: ' + str(chr)) try: frez = h5py.File( path_data + '/' + folder_qtl + '/' + qtl_results_file + str(chr) + '.h5', 'r') frezkeys = np.array( [k.replace('_i_', '') for k in list(frez.keys())]) ffea = pandas.read_table(path_data + '/' + folder_qtl + '/' + feature_metadata_file + str(chr) + '.txt', sep='\t') fsnp = pandas.read_table(path_data + '/' + folder_qtl + '/' + snp_metadata_file + str(chr) + '.txt', sep='\t').set_index( 'snp_id', drop=False).transpose() print(ffea.columns.values) except: print('chromosome' + str(chr) + ' missing') continue if ~np.in1d(feature_report, ffea.columns.values): ffea[feature_report] = ffea['feature_id'] indexnan = np.where( (ffea[feature_report]) != (ffea[feature_report]))[0] for i in indexnan: ffea[feature_report][i] = 'gene_' + str( ffea['chromosome'][i]) + '_' + str(ffea['start'][i]) ffea_feature = ffea.set_index('feature_id', drop=False).transpose() ffea_report_feature = ffea.set_index(feature_report, drop=False).transpose() if iichr == 0: fOut = h5py.File( path_data + '/' + folder_qtl + '_' + feature_report + '_' + output_file + '.h5', 'w') iichr = 1 else: fOut = h5py.File( path_data + '/' + folder_qtl + '_' + feature_report + '_' + output_file + '.h5', 'r+') # for each report_feature create h5 groups count = 0 for ifea, report_feature in enumerate( np.unique(list(ffea_report_feature))): # print (report_feature) #select features for which qtl was computed features = np.intersect1d( np.array(ffea_report_feature[report_feature].transpose() ['feature_id']), frezkeys) if len(features) >= 1: fg = fOut.create_group(report_feature) pv = np.array([frez[f][p_value_field] for f in features]) for i, ppv in enumerate(pv): ppv[ppv != ppv] = 1 pv2 = np.array([frez[f][p_value_raw_field] for f in features]) for i, ppv in enumerate(pv2): ppv[ppv != ppv] = 1 beta = np.array([frez[f]['beta'] for f in features]) for i, b in enumerate(beta): b[b != b] = 1 beta_se = np.array([frez[f]['beta_se'] for f in features]) for i, b in enumerate(beta_se): b[b != b] = 1 snp_id = np.array([frez[f]['snp_id'] for f in features]) position = np.array([ fsnp[snp_id[indf].astype('U')].transpose()['position'] for indf, f in enumerate(features) ]) for i, p in enumerate(position): p[p != p] = 1 fgm = fg.create_group('metadata') for key in ffea_feature[features[0]].keys(): if isinstance(ffea_feature[features[0]][key], int): fgm.create_dataset(key, data=np.array([ ffea_feature[f][key] for f in features ])) else: fgm.create_dataset(key, data=np.array([ ffea_feature[f][key] for f in features ]).astype('S')) fgd = fg.create_group('data') fgd.create_dataset('features', data=features.astype('S')) fgdp = fgd.create_group(p_value_field) for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgdp.create_dataset(f, data=pv[indf]) fgdp2 = fgd.create_group('p_value_raw') for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgdp2.create_dataset(f, data=pv2[indf]) fgdb = fgd.create_group('beta') for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgdb.create_dataset(f, data=beta[indf]) fgdbse = fgd.create_group('beta_se') for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgdbse.create_dataset(f, data=beta_se[indf]) fgdpo = fgd.create_group('position') for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgdpo.create_dataset(f, data=position[indf].astype(int)) fgds = fgd.create_group('snp_id') for indf, f in enumerate(features): fgds.create_dataset(f, data=snp_id[indf]) fgs = fg.create_group('summary_data') fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value', data=np.nanmin(np.hstack(pv))[None]) fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value_beta', data=np.hstack(beta)[np.nanargmin( np.hstack(pv))][None]) fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value_beta_se', data=np.hstack(beta_se)[np.nanargmin( np.hstack(pv))][None]) p_bonf = np.nanmin( local_adjustment((pv), method=local_adjustment_method)) if p_bonf > 1: p_bonf = np.array(1) fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value_local_adjusted', data=p_bonf[None]) minfeatureindex = np.argmin( [np.nanmin(ppv) * len(ppv) for ppv in pv]) fgs.create_dataset( 'min_p_value_feature_id', data=np.array( fgm['feature_id'][minfeatureindex].astype('S'))[None]) min_snp_id = frez[features[minfeatureindex]]['snp_id'][ np.nanargmin(pv[minfeatureindex])].astype('U') fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value_snp_id', data=np.array(min_snp_id).astype('S')[None]) fgs.create_dataset('min_p_value_position', data=np.array( fsnp[min_snp_id]['position'])[None]) count += 1 frez.close() fOut.close()
def merge_all(distances): ''' calculate the closest cluster for each cluster in distances merge each cluster with its closest one merge clusters that share clusters until no sharers left ''' # get the closest cluster for each cluster # generates a Series with pointer lists closest_clusters = pd.Series(index=range(len(distances)), dtype='object') for i in distances.index: target_index = np.nanargmin(distances[i]).item() # only one value now, but we will add values later closest_clusters[i] = list() closest_clusters[i].append(target_index) cluster_groups = closest_clusters # generate initial groups by adding the index to the target for i, group in cluster_groups.iteritems(): # first value is the initial closest cluster target = group[0] cluster_groups[target].append(i) # merge until there are only loners and groups with a pointer loop # a loner is a cluster that has a target minimum distance cluster that does not point back to the loner # a pointer loop is when two cluster point towards each other, even over multiple cluster between # if a loner points to a loner the dependencies are pushed up until they are in a pointer loop group finished = False while not finished: finished = True # merge dependencies for i, group in cluster_groups.iteritems(): # loner check if len(group) > 1: # first value is the initial closest cluster target = group[0] # rest of the values are pointers added by dependent groups pointers = group[1:] # check whether this is a dependent group without a pointer loop if (target not in pointers): # still dependent groups left, we need to iterate at least one more time finished = False # add own index to target cluster_groups[target].append(i) # sanity check whether looping is required if (type(pointers) is list): # multiple entries we can loop for x in pointers: if (x not in cluster_groups[target]): cluster_groups[target].append(x) else: print(pointers) cluster_groups[target].append(pointers[0]) # dependent group is spent, create loner cluster_groups[i] = list() cluster_groups[i].append(target) # clear loners for i, group in cluster_groups.iteritems(): # loner check if (len(group) <= 1): target = group[0] # sanity check if target in cluster_groups.index: if len(cluster_groups[target]) > 1: # loner points to pointer loop group # push own index to target cluster_groups[target].append(i) # drop loner cluster_groups = cluster_groups.drop(i) # dress up the group list # sort it and remove duplicates merged_groups = list() for i, group in cluster_groups.iteritems(): # add own index temp = group temp.append(i) # generate sorted list without duplicates temp = sorted(list(set(temp))) merged_groups.append(temp) merged_groups = sorted(merged_groups) # merge connected groups and remove duplicates for i, group_a in enumerate(merged_groups): for k, group_b in enumerate(merged_groups): # sanity check to not operate on the same list if k is not i: for x in group_a: if x in set(group_b): merged_groups[i] = list( set(group_a).union(set(group_b))) # both will point to the same list merged_groups[k] = merged_groups[i] # sort all cluster groups and don't add duplicates clean = list() for group in merged_groups: sgroup = sorted(group) # duplicate check if sgroup not in clean: clean.append(sgroup) clean = sorted(clean) # print cluster count information print("total clusters: " + str(len(list(set(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(clean))))))) print("total cluster groups: " + str(len(clean))) return clean
def check_history_consistency(self, start: OptimizerResult): # TODO other implementations assert isinstance(start.history, (CsvHistory, MemoryHistory)) def xfull(x_trace): return self.problem.get_full_vector(x_trace, self.problem.x_fixed_vals) if isinstance(start.history, CsvHistory): it_final = np.nanargmin(start.history.get_fval_trace()) if isinstance(it_final, np.ndarray): it_final = it_final[0] it_start = int( np.where( np.logical_not(np.isnan( start.history.get_fval_trace())))[0][0]) assert np.allclose(xfull(start.history.get_x_trace(it_start)), start.x0) assert np.allclose(xfull(start.history.get_x_trace(it_final)), start.x) assert np.isclose(start.history.get_fval_trace(it_start), start.fval0) funs = { FVAL: self.obj.get_fval, GRAD: self.obj.get_grad, HESS: self.obj.get_hess, RES: self.obj.get_res, SRES: self.obj.get_sres, CHI2: lambda x: res_to_chi2(self.obj.get_res(x)), SCHI2: lambda x: sres_to_schi2(*self.obj( x, ( 0, 1, ), pypesto.objective.constants.MODE_RES)) } for var, fun in funs.items(): for it in range(5): x_full = xfull(start.history.get_x_trace(it)) val = getattr(start.history, f'get_{var}_trace')(it) if not getattr(self.history_options, f'trace_record_{var}', True): assert np.isnan(val) continue if np.all(np.isnan(val)): continue if var in [FVAL, CHI2]: # note that we can expect slight deviations here since # this fval/chi2 may be computed without sensitivities # while the result here may be computed with with # sensitivies activated. If this fails to often, # increase atol/rtol assert np.isclose(val, fun(x_full), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4), var elif var in [RES]: # note that we can expect slight deviations here since # this res is computed without sensitivities while the # result here may be computed with with sensitivies # activated. If this fails to often, increase atol/rtol assert np.allclose(val, fun(x_full), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4), var elif var in [SRES]: assert np.allclose( val, fun(x_full)[:, self.problem.x_free_indices], ), var elif var in [GRAD, SCHI2]: assert np.allclose( val, self.problem.get_reduced_vector(fun(x_full)), ), var elif var in [HESS]: assert np.allclose( val, self.problem.get_reduced_matrix(fun(x_full)), ), var else: raise RuntimeError('missing test implementation')
def main(opt): ctx = mx.gpu() if opt.use_gpu else mx.cpu() testclasspaths = [] testclasslabels = [] print('loading test files') filename = '_testlist.txt' with open(opt.dataset + "_" + opt.expname + filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: testclasspaths.append(line.split(' ')[0]) if int(line.split(' ')[1]) == -1: testclasslabels.append(0) else: testclasslabels.append(1) neworder = range(len(testclasslabels)) neworder = shuffle(neworder) c = list(zip(testclasslabels, testclasspaths)) print('shuffling') random.shuffle(c) im_mean = mean_image.load_mean() im_mean = im_mean.broadcast_to( (opt.batch_size, np.shape(im_mean)[0], np.shape(im_mean)[1], np.shape(im_mean)[2]) ) #im_mean = nd.transpose(im_mean, (2, 0, 1))#testclasslabels, testclasspaths = zip(*c) #testclasslabels = testclasslabels[1:5000] #testclasspaths = testclasspaths[1:5000] ltnt = 4096 print('loading pictures') test_data = load_image.load_test_images(testclasspaths, testclasslabels, opt.batch_size, opt.img_wd, opt.img_ht, ctx, opt.noisevar) print('picture loading done') netEn, netDe, netD, netD2, netDS = set_network(opt.depth, ctx, 0, 0, opt.ndf, opt.ngf, opt.append) netEn.load_params('checkpoints/' + opt.expname + '_' + str(opt.epochs) + '_En.params', ctx=ctx) netDe.load_params('checkpoints/' + opt.expname + '_' + str(opt.epochs) + '_De.params', ctx=ctx) netD.load_params('checkpoints/' + opt.expname + '_' + str(opt.epochs) + '_D.params', ctx=ctx) netD2.load_params('checkpoints/' + opt.expname + '_' + str(opt.epochs) + '_D2.params', ctx=ctx) netDS.load_params('checkpoints/' + opt.expname + '_' + str(opt.epochs) + '_SD.params', ctx=ctx) print('Model loading done') lbllist = [] scorelist1 = [] scorelist2 = [] scorelist3 = [] scorelist4 = [] test_data.reset() count = 0 for batch in (test_data): count += 1 print(str(count)) #, end="\r") real_in =[0].as_in_context(ctx) - im_mean.as_in_context(ctx) real_out =[1].as_in_context(ctx) - im_mean.as_in_context( ctx) lbls = batch.label[0].as_in_context(ctx) code = netEn((real_out)) code = code + nd.random.normal( loc=0, scale=0.002, shape=code.shape, ctx=ctx) outnn = (netDe(code)) out_concat = nd.concat(real_out, outnn, dim=1) if opt.append else outnn output4 = nd.mean((netD(out_concat)), (1, 3, 2)).asnumpy() code = netEn(real_in) #code=codet+nd.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.0000001, shape=code.shape,ctx=ctx) #code2=codet+nd.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.000001, shape=code.shape,ctx=ctx) #eq_code = heq(code.asnumpy(),2) #code = nd.array(eq_code, ctx=ctx) out = netDe(code) #out2 = netDe(code2) out_concat = nd.concat(real_in, out, dim=1) if opt.append else out output = netD(out_concat) #Denoised image output3 = nd.mean((out - real_out)**2, (1, 3, 2)).asnumpy() #denoised-real output = nd.mean(output, (1, 3, 2)).asnumpy() out_concat = nd.concat(real_out, real_out, dim=1) if opt.append else real_out output2 = netDS(netDe(code)) #Image with no noise output2 = nd.mean(output2, (1, 3, 2)).asnumpy() lbllist = lbllist + list(lbls.asnumpy()) scorelist1 = scorelist1 + list(output) scorelist2 = scorelist2 + list(output2) scorelist3 = scorelist3 + list(output3) scorelist4 = scorelist4 + list(output4) fake_img1 = nd.concat(real_in[0], real_out[0], out[0], outnn[0], dim=1) fake_img2 = nd.concat(real_in[1], real_out[1], out[1], outnn[1], dim=1) fake_img3 = nd.concat(real_in[2], real_out[2], out[2], outnn[2], dim=1) fake_img4 = nd.concat(real_in[3], real_out[3], out[3], outnn[3], dim=1) fake_img = nd.concat(fake_img1, fake_img2, fake_img3, fake_img4, dim=2) #print(np.shape(fake_img)) visual.visualize(fake_img) plt.savefig('outputs/T_' + opt.expname + '_' + str(count) + '.png') if not opt.isvalidation: fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(lbllist, scorelist1, 1) roc_auc1 = auc(fpr, tpr) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(lbllist, scorelist2, 1) roc_auc2 = auc(fpr, tpr) fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(lbllist, scorelist3, 1) roc_auc3 = auc(fpr, tpr) EER = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((1 - tpr - fpr)))] fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(lbllist, scorelist4, 1) roc_auc4 = auc(fpr, tpr) plt.gcf().clear() plt.clf() sns.set(color_codes=True) posscores = [ scorelist3[i] for i, v in enumerate(lbllist) if int(v) == 1 ] negscores = [ scorelist3[i] for i, v in enumerate(lbllist) if int(v) == 0 ] #sns.distplot(posscores, hist=False, label="Known Classes" ,rug=True) sns.kdeplot(posscores, label="Known Classes") sns.kdeplot(negscores, label="Unnown Classes") #plt.hold() #sns.distplot(negscores, hist=False, label = "Unknown Classes", rug=True); plt.legend() plt.savefig('outputs/matdist_' + opt.expname + '_.png') plt.gcf().clear() inputT = nd.zeros((ltnt, ltnt, 1, 1), ctx=ctx) for i in range(0, ltnt): inputT[i, i, :, :] = -1 out = netDe(inputT) count = 0 for i in range(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(ltnt)))): for j in range(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(ltnt)))): if count < ltnt: plt.subplot(math.ceil(math.sqrt(ltnt)), math.ceil(math.sqrt(ltnt)), count + 1) plt.imshow( ((out[count].asnumpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) + 1.0) * 127.5).astype(np.uint8)) plt.axis('off') count += 1 plt.savefig('outputs/atoms_' + opt.expname + '_.png') plt.gcf().clear() plt.clf() print(EER) return ([roc_auc1, roc_auc2, roc_auc3, roc_auc4]) else: return ([0, 0, 0, 0]) fakecode = nd.random_normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(16, 4096, 1, 1), ctx=ctx) out = netDe(fakecode) fake_img1 = nd.concat(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3], dim=1) fake_img2 = nd.concat(out[7], out[6], out[5], out[4], dim=1) fake_img3 = nd.concat(out[8], out[9], out[10], out[11], dim=1) fake_img4 = nd.concat(out[15], out[14], out[13], out[12], dim=1) fake_img = nd.concat(fake_img1, fake_img2, fake_img3, fake_img4, dim=2) #print(np.shape(fake_img)) visual.visualize(fake_img) plt.savefig('outputs/fakes_' + opt.expname + '_.png')
def add_step(data, jpos, means, variances, steps, lamb=0.1, gamma0=0.5): ''' Try adding a negative or positive step to the steps already found. Only the part of the trace before the penultimate step will be considered. ''' mb = means[0] vb = variances[0] mf = means[1] - means[0] vf = variances[1] - variances[0] if vf < 0: vf = variances[1] sz = len(data) # initial sic sicmin = posterior_single(data, jpos, means, variances, steps) stp, ct = np.unique(np.abs(steps), return_counts=True) # add one to steps with zero occupancy ct[0] += 1 step_out = steps jpos_out = jpos # build arrays for squared diff, variance and length i_in = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, steps))) steploc = np.hstack((0, jpos, sz)) diffar = np.tile( np.array(list(map(sum, (np.split(data, jpos) - i_in * mf - mb)**2))), [sz - jpos[1], 1]) diffar = np.hstack((diffar, np.zeros([sz - jpos[1], 1]))) varphi = np.tile(np.hstack((i_in * vf + vb, 0)), [sz - jpos[1], 1]) nphi = np.tile(np.hstack((np.diff(steploc), 0)), [sz - jpos[1], 1]) sics = [] steppos = [] for stp in (-1, 1): for I in range(2, len(steploc) - 1): # length stepl = int(steploc[I + 1] - steploc[I]) if I < len(steploc) - 2: # shift values after current range by one and recalculate with i + / - 1 try: dd = np.array( list( map(sum, (np.split(data[steploc[I + 1]:], jpos[I + 1:] - steploc[I + 1]) - (i_in[I + 1:] + stp) * mf - mb)**2))) except ValueError: dd = np.array( list( map(sum, (np.split(data[steploc[I + 1]:], jpos[I + 1:] - steploc[I + 1]) - np.expand_dims( (i_in[I + 1:] + stp) * mf - mb, axis=1))**2))) diffar[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 2:] = np.tile(dd, [stepl, 1]) varphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 2:] = np.tile((i_in[I + 1:] + stp) * vf + vb, [stepl, 1]) nphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 2:] = np.tile(np.diff(steploc[I + 1:]), [stepl, 1]) # diffs under the diagonal (before added step) dar = np.tile(data[steploc[I]:steploc[I + 1]], [stepl, 1]) dar[np.triu(np.ones([stepl, stepl]), 1).astype( bool)] = i_in[I] * mf + mb # diff values will be zeros diffar[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I] = np.sum( (dar - i_in[I] * mf - mb)**2, 1) # diffs above diagonal (after added step) dar = np.tile(data[steploc[I]:steploc[I + 1]], [stepl, 1]) dar[np.tril(np.ones([stepl, stepl]), 0).astype(bool)] = (i_in[I] + stp) * mf + mb diffar[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 1] = np.sum((dar - (i_in[I] + stp) * mf - mb)**2, 1) # varphi for the current range varphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I] = i_in[I] * vf + vb varphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 1] = (i_in[I] + stp) * vf + vb # length for current range nphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I] = np.arange(stepl) + 1 nphi[steploc[I] - jpos[1]:steploc[I + 1] - jpos[1], I + 1] = stepl - np.arange(stepl) - 1 # SIC calculation m = np.sum(np.abs(steps)) + 1 K = len(jpos) + 1 # This sometimes throws warnings invalid value in log sic = np.sum(nphi * np.log(varphi) + diffar / varphi, 1) sic += 2 * (-K * np.log(lamb) - np.log( factorial(m - K) * factorial(K) / factorial(m - 1)) + np.sum(np.log(factorial(ct)))) sic += 2 * gamma0 * (m - K + 1) / K + np.log(m - K + 2) + np.log( m - K + 1) - np.log(m - K + 2 - (m - K + 1) * np.exp(-gamma0 / K)) # exclude positions around existing steps and edges jignore = np.ravel(np.tile(jpos, [5, 1]).T + np.arange(-2, 3)) - jpos[1] jignore = jignore[(jignore > 0) * (jignore < len(sic) - 2)] ind = np.arange(len(sic) - 2) ind = np.delete(ind, jignore) sic = sic[ind] sics.append(np.min(sic)) steppos.append(ind[np.argmin(sic)] + jpos[1] + 1) # nanmin in case of negative fluorophores, maybe can be done more elegantly # sometimes warns about all nan axis if np.nanmin(sics) < sicmin: # found new step, add it sicmin = np.nanmin(sics) newstep = steppos[np.nanargmin(sics)] stepsign = np.nanargmin(sics) * 2 - 1 insertpos = np.max(np.where(jpos < newstep)[0]) + 1 step_out = np.hstack((steps[:insertpos], stepsign, steps[insertpos:])) jpos_out = sorted(np.hstack((jpos, newstep))) # calculate variances and means variances = [np.var(ar) for ar in np.split(data, jpos_out)] means = [np.mean(ar) for ar in np.split(data, jpos_out)] return sicmin, jpos_out, step_out, means, variances
def test_lfw(self, set='test', model='ssdm_resnet', visualize=True): if set is 'train': pairfile = 'pairsDevTrain.txt' else: pairfile = 'pairsDevTest.txt' lfw_path = DeepFaceConfs.get()['dataset']['lfw'] path = os.path.join(lfw_path, pairfile) with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines()[1:] pairs = [] for line in lines: elms = line.split() if len(elms) == 3: pairs.append((elms[0], int(elms[1]), elms[0], int(elms[2]))) elif len(elms) == 4: pairs.append((elms[0], int(elms[1]), elms[2], int(elms[3]))) else: logger.warning('line should have 3 or 4 elements, line=%s' % line) detec = FaceDetectorDlib.NAME if model == 'baseline': recog = FaceRecognizerVGG.NAME just_name = 'vgg' elif model == 'baseline_resnet': recog = FaceRecognizerResnet.NAME just_name = 'resnet' elif model == 'ssdm_resnet': recog = FaceRecognizerResnet.NAME just_name = 'resnet' detec = 'detector_ssd_mobilenet_v2' else: raise Exception('invalid model name=%s' % model)'pair length=%d' % len(pairs)) test_result = [] # score, label(1=same) for name1, idx1, name2, idx2 in tqdm(pairs): img1_path = os.path.join(lfw_path, name1, '%s_%04d.jpg' % (name1, idx1)) img2_path = os.path.join(lfw_path, name2, '%s_%04d.jpg' % (name2, idx2)) img1 = cv2.imread(img1_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img2 = cv2.imread(img2_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if img1 is None: logger.warning('image not read, path=%s' % img1_path) if img2 is None: logger.warning('image not read, path=%s' % img2_path) result1 =, detector=detec, recognizer=recog, visualize=False) result2 =, detector=detec, recognizer=recog, visualize=False) if len(result1) == 0: logger.warning('face not detected, name=%s(%d)! %s(%d)' % (name1, idx1, name2, idx2)) test_result.append((0.0, name1 == name2)) continue if len(result2) == 0: logger.warning('face not detected, name=%s(%d) %s(%d)!' % (name1, idx1, name2, idx2)) test_result.append((0.0, name1 == name2)) continue feat1 = result1[0].face_feature feat2 = result2[0].face_feature similarity = feat_distance_cosine(feat1, feat2) test_result.append((similarity, name1 == name2)) # calculate accuracy TODO accuracy = sum([ label == (score > DeepFaceConfs.get()['recognizer'][just_name]['score_th']) for score, label in test_result ]) / float(len(test_result))'accuracy=%.8f' % accuracy) # ROC Curve, AUC tps = [] fps = [] accuracy0 = [] accuracy1 = [] acc_th = [] for th in range(0, 100, 5): th = th / 100.0 tp = 0 tn = 0 fp = 0 fn = 0 for score, label in test_result: if score >= th and label == 1: tp += 1 elif score >= th and label == 0: fp += 1 elif score < th and label == 0: tn += 1 elif score < th and label == 1: fn += 1 tpr = tp / (tp + fn + 1e-12) fpr = fp / (fp + tn + 1e-12) tps.append(tpr) fps.append(fpr) accuracy0.append(tn / (tn + fp + 1e-12)) accuracy1.append(tp / (tp + fn + 1e-12)) acc_th.append(th) fpr, tpr, thresh = roc_curve([x[1] for x in test_result], [x[0] for x in test_result]) fnr = 1 - tpr eer = fnr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))]'1-eer=%.4f' % (1.0 - eer)) with open('./etc/test_lfw.pkl', 'rb') as f: results = pickle.load(f) if visualize in [True, 'True', 'true', 1, '1']: fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title('Experiment on LFW') plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='%s(%.4f)' % (model, 1 - eer)) # TODO : label for model_name in results: if model_name == model: continue fpr_prev = results[model_name]['fpr'] tpr_prev = results[model_name]['tpr'] eer_prev = results[model_name]['eer'] plt.plot(fpr_prev, tpr_prev, label='%s(%.4f)' % (model_name, 1 - eer_prev)) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') a.legend() a.set_title('Receiver operating characteristic') a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(accuracy0, acc_th, label='Accuracy_diff') plt.plot(accuracy1, acc_th, label='Accuracy_same') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) a.legend() a.set_title('%s : TP, TN' % model) fig.savefig('./etc/roc.png', dpi=300) plt.draw() with open('./etc/test_lfw.pkl', 'wb') as f: results[model] = { 'fpr': fpr, 'tpr': tpr, 'acc_th': acc_th, 'accuracy0': accuracy0, 'accuracy1': accuracy1, 'eer': eer } pickle.dump(results, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return 1.0 - eer
n = inputData['n'] R = inputData['R'] epsilon = inputData['epsilon'] x0 = inputData['x'] y0 = inputData['y'] phi = data['phi'] phiCount = phi.size Tphi = data['Tphi'] frequencies = data['frequencies'] countf = frequencies.size Rk = data['Rk'] S = 2 * pi / phiCount * Rk * np.sum(Tphi, axis=1) print(np.nanargmax(S)) # = 840 print(np.nanargmin(S[100:]) + 100) print(np.nanargmax(S[900:]) + 900) mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix' mpl.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral' mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'medium' mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'large' plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3)) plt.plot(frequencies, S) plt.ylim(top=10, bottom=5e-4) plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel(r"$f$") plt.ylabel(r"$S$") plt.title(r"1 hexagon, $R=0.45$, $\epsilon = (1.1 \pm 0.1\mathrm{i})^2$")
def decode(self, bits_in, debug=0): len_trellis = (len(bits_in) / 6) #+1 state_prob = [1] + [0] * 63 prev_state = numpy.zeros((64, len_trellis + 1)) acc_err = numpy.empty((64, len_trellis + 1)) acc_err[:] = numpy.nan acc_err[0][0] = 0 for m in range(0, len_trellis): #print(self.state_prop) #print( bits_in[0+m*6:6+m*6] ) for n in range(0, 64): #print( state_prob[n]) if state_prob[n] != 0: b_0 = self.calc_error(n, bits_in[0 + m * 6:6 + m * 6], 0) b_1 = self.calc_error(n, bits_in[0 + m * 6:6 + m * 6], 1) next_state = self.trans_0[n] #if debug: #if acc_err[n][m] == 0: #print( str(int(m)) + ' State ' + str(n) + ' 0:' + str( int(b_0) ) + ' 1:' + str(int(b_1) ) ) #self.calc_error_dbug(n,bits_in[0+m*6:6+m*6], 0) #self.calc_error_dbug(n,bits_in[0+m*6:6+m*6], 1) if (acc_err[next_state][m + 1] > acc_err[n][m] + b_0) or numpy.isnan(acc_err[next_state][m + 1]): if numpy.isnan(acc_err[n][m]): acc_err[next_state][m + 1] = b_0 else: acc_err[next_state][m + 1] = acc_err[n][m] + b_0 prev_state[next_state][m + 1] = n next_state = self.trans_1[n] if (acc_err[next_state][m + 1] > acc_err[n][m] + b_1) or numpy.isnan(acc_err[next_state][m + 1]): if numpy.isnan(acc_err[n][m]): acc_err[next_state][m + 1] = b_1 else: acc_err[next_state][m + 1] = acc_err[n][m] + b_1 prev_state[next_state][m + 1] = n state_prob =, self.trans_prob) # Pfad mit kleinstem Fehler suchen #print( [x[len_trellis] for x in acc_err] ) best_res = numpy.nanargmin([x[len_trellis] for x in acc_err]) if debug: print('Bester Pfad : ' + str(best_res) + ' Fehler: ' + str(acc_err[best_res][len_trellis])) #Traceback bits_out = numpy.zeros(len_trellis) state = best_res #print( 'Trace: ' + str(state)) for n in range(0, len_trellis): #print(self.trans_0[int(prev_state[state][int(len_trellis-n)])]) if self.trans_0[int(prev_state[int(state)][int(len_trellis - n)])] == state: bits_out[len_trellis - 1 - n] = int(0) else: bits_out[len_trellis - 1 - n] = int(1) state = prev_state[int(state)][int(len_trellis - n)] #print( 'Trace: ' + str(state)) return bits_out
def ref_impl(a): return np.nanargmin(a)
def asyncCalc(refDatas, inpDatas): if len(refDatas) != 3 or len(inpDatas) != 3: raise ValueError( 'The length of both refDatas and inpDatas must be three, but got ref:{0} and inp:{1}' .format(len(refDatas), len(inpDatas))) R, I = refDatas[0].shape[0], inpDatas[0].shape[0] localCost1 = _asyncLocalCost(refDatas[1], refDatas[0], inpDatas[1], inpDatas[0], limits, 2) localCost3 = _asyncLocalCost(refDatas[1], refDatas[2], inpDatas[1], inpDatas[2], limits, 2) matchingCost1 = np.zeros((R, I, 2 * limits + 1)) matchingCost3 = np.zeros((R, I, 2 * limits + 1)) matchingCost1[0, :, :] = localCost1[0, :, :] matchingCost3[0, :, :] = localCost3[0, :, :] baseArgs = np.zeros((R, I, 2 * limits + 1)) baseArgs[0, :, :] = np.nan for r in range(1, R): for index, epsilon in enumerate(range(-limits, limits + 1)): # i = 0 matchingCost1[r, 0, index] = localCost1[r, 0, index] + np.min( matchingCost1[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]) matchingCost3[r, 0, index] = localCost3[r, 0, index] + np.min( matchingCost3[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]) #baseArgs[r, 0, index] = 0 #baseArgs[r - 1, 0, index] = 0 # i = 1 cumulativeCost1 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost1[r - 1, 1, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]), np.min(matchingCost1[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2]) ]) cumulativeCost3 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost3[r - 1, 1, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]), np.min(matchingCost3[r - 1, 0, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2]) ]) arg = np.nanargmin(cumulativeCost1 + cumulativeCost3, axis=0) matchingCost1[ r, 1, index] = localCost1[r, 1, index] + cumulativeCost1[arg] matchingCost3[ r, 1, index] = localCost3[r, 1, index] + cumulativeCost3[arg] baseArgs[r, 1, index] = -arg #baseArgs[r - 1, 1, index] = -arg # i = 2... cumulativeCost1 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost1[r - 1, 2:, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost1[r - 1, 1:-1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost1[r - 1, :-2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):index + 3], axis=1) ]) cumulativeCost3 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost3[r - 1, 2:, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost3[r - 1, 1:-1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost3[r - 1, :-2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):index + 3], axis=1) ]) arg = np.nanargmin(cumulativeCost1 + cumulativeCost3, axis=0) matchingCost1[r, 2:, index] = localCost1[r, 2:, index] + np.diag( cumulativeCost1[arg]) matchingCost3[r, 2:, index] = localCost3[r, 2:, index] + np.diag( cumulativeCost3[arg]) baseArgs[r, 2:, index] = -arg #baseArgs[r - 1, 2:, index] = -arg # calculate total matching cost totalMatchingCosts = np.ones(I) * np.inf for index, epsilon in enumerate(range(-limits, limits + 1)): # i = 0 totalMatchingCosts[0] = np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, 0, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]) + \ np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, 0, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]) #baseArgs[R, 0, index] = 0 #baseArgs[R - 1, 0, index] = 0 # i = 1 cumulativeCost1 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, 1, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]), np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, 0, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2]) ]) cumulativeCost3 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, 1, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1]), np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, 0, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2]) ]) arg = np.nanargmin(cumulativeCost1 + cumulativeCost3, axis=0) totalMatchingCosts[ 1] = cumulativeCost1[arg] + cumulativeCost3[arg] #baseArgs[R, 1, index] = -arg #baseArgs[R - 1, 1, index] = -arg # i >= 2 cumulativeCost1 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, 2:, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, 1:-1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost1[R - 1, :-2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):index + 3], axis=1) ]) cumulativeCost3 = np.array([ np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, 2:, max(epsilon, 0):index + 1], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, 1:-1, max(epsilon + 1, 0):index + 2], axis=1), np.min(matchingCost3[R - 1, :-2, max(epsilon + 2, 0):index + 3], axis=1) ]) arg = np.nanargmin(cumulativeCost1 + cumulativeCost3, axis=0) totalMatchingCosts[2:] = np.diag( cumulativeCost1[arg]) + np.diag(cumulativeCost3[arg]) #baseArgs[R, 2:, index] = -arg #baseArgs[R - 1, 2:, index] = -arg if (np.sum(np.isinf(matchingCost1[R - 1, :, :])) == matchingCost1.shape[1] * matchingCost1.shape[2]) or \ (np.sum(np.isinf(matchingCost3[R - 1, :, :])) == matchingCost3.shape[1] * matchingCost3.shape[2]): # all matching cost are infinity raise OverflowError('all matching cost are infinity') return { 'matchingCost1': matchingCost1, 'matchingCost3': matchingCost3, 'totalMatchingCosts': totalMatchingCosts, 'baseArgs': baseArgs }
classifier_dat = all_data_red_long[:, :, time_inds] plt.figure() for component in range(classifier_dat.shape[0]): plt.subplot(1, classifier_dat.shape[0], component + 1) data.imshow(classifier_dat[component, :, :]) # Downsample data to increase number of trials ## Don't split downsampled trials from same batch across training and testing data train_fraction = 0.5 total_features = classifier_dat.shape[0] * classifier_dat.shape[2] train_trial_num = classifier_dat.shape[1] * train_fraction downsample_ratio_vec = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 100) down_sample_ratio = np.ceil(downsample_ratio_vec[np.nanargmin( ((total_features / downsample_ratio_vec) - (train_trial_num * downsample_ratio_vec))**2)]) down_sample_ratio = down_sample_ratio.astype('int') new_time_points = (classifier_dat.shape[-1] // down_sample_ratio) downsample_inds = np.asarray([x for x in range(down_sample_ratio)]) batched_classifier_dat = np.zeros( (classifier_dat.shape[0], classifier_dat.shape[1] * down_sample_ratio, new_time_points)) for time in range(new_time_points): for trial in range(classifier_dat.shape[1]): batched_classifier_dat[:,trial*down_sample_ratio : (trial*down_sample_ratio)+down_sample_ratio,time] = \ classifier_dat[:,trial,(time*down_sample_ratio) : (time*down_sample_ratio)+down_sample_ratio]