def __init__(self, inputnodes, hiddennotes, outputnodes, learningrate): self.inodes = inputnodes self.hnotes = hiddennotes self.onodes = outputnodes self.wih = numpy.normal(0.0, pow(self.inodes, -0.5), (self.hnodes, self.inodes)) self.who = numpy.normal(0.0,pow(self.hnodes,-0.5),(self.onodes,self.hnodes)) = learningrate self.activation_function = lambda(x: scipy.special.expit(x)) pass
def estiamcion(): for i in range(2000): Rnew = np.normal(R_walk[i], 0.1) Cnew = np.normal(C_walk[i], 0.1) if likelihood(y_data, modelo(x_data, Rnew, Cnew)) / likelihood( y_data, modelo(x_data, R_walk[i], C_walk[i])) >= 1: R_walk = np.append(R_walk, Rnew) C_walk = np.append(C_walk, Cnew) if l_walk[i] < likelihood(y_data, modelo(x_data, Rnew, Cnew)): lmax = likelihood(y_data, modelo(x_data, Rnew, Cnew)) rmax = Rnew cmax = Cnew elif likelihood(y_data, modelo(x_data, Rnew, Cnew)) / likelihood( y_data, modelo(x_data, R_walk[i], C_walk[i])) > np.random.random(): R_walk = np.append(R_walk, Rnew) C_walk = np.append(C_walk, Cnew) else: R_walk = np.append(R_walk, R_walk[i]) C_walk = np.append(C_walk, C_walk[i])
I_PlantAvWatSub = [np.zeros(Subcatchment) for i in range(0, 4)] I_PlantAvWatSubNow = FracProcess(I_PlantAvWatSub, I_Flag1, I_Flag2, I_Simulation_Time , I_InputDataYears) I_TopSoilBD_BDRef = [np.zeros(Subcatchment) for i in range(0, 4)] I_BD_BDRefVegNow = FracProcess(I_TopSoilBD_BDRef, I_Flag1, I_Flag2, I_Simulation_Time , I_InputDataYears) # I_Rainfall I_Warmedup = 1 if I_WarmEdUp[-1] == I_Simulation_Time else 0 update(I_WarmEdUp, I_Warmedup, dt) I_CaDOYStart = 0 I_DailyRain = I_DailyRainYear[I_Simulation_Time ] * I_RainMultiplier I_DailyRainAmount = np.multiply(np.multiply(I_RainPerday, I_FracVegClassNow), I_RelArea) I_RainCycle = 0 I_RainDoY = I_Simulation_Time if I_RainCycle == 0 else 1 + (I_Simulation_Time % 365) I_RainDuration = ((I_RainPerDay/I_Rain_IntensMean) * min(max(0,1 - 3 * I_Rain_IntensCoefVar, np.normal(1, I_Rain_IntensCoefVar, I_Rain_GenSeed + 11250)), 1 + 3 * I_Rain_IntensCoefVar)) I_RainPerDay = I_SpatRainTime if I_UseSpatVarRain == 1 else I_DailyRain I_Simulation_Time = TIME + I_CaDOYStart + 365 * I_RainYearStart - I_WarmEdUp * (I_WarmUpTime + 1) I_SpatRainTime = I_SpatRain[TIME] I_StillWarmUp = 1 if time <= I_WarmUpTime + 1 else 0 I_UseSpatVarRain = 0 I_WarmUpTime = 730 I_WUCorrection = 1 if time == (I_WarmUpTime + 1) else 0 # I SubcatchmParam if I_SoilPropConst == 1: I_AvailWaterClass = I_AvailWaterConst * np.multiply(I_FracVegClassNow, I_RelArea) else: I_AvailWaterClass = np.multiply(np.multiply(I_AvailWatClassNow, I_FracVegClassNow), I_RelArea)
def train_network(nhidden=3, scale=0.3, learningrate=0.1, rseed=42424242): """ How to setup and evaluate a Boltzmann machine. Please note that in order to instantiate BMs all needed neuron parameters need to be in the database and calibrated. Does the same thing as """ targetdist = { tuple(int(i) for i in '{:04b}'.format(int(k))): v for k, v in targetstates.items() } duration = 1e5 sampler_config = sbs.db.SamplerConfiguration.load( "tutorial_calibration.json") # @Stefanie: num_samplers ist die Gesamtzahl der Neuronen (i.e. hidden + visible) nvisible = 4 nunits = nvisible + nhidden bm =, sim_name=sim_name, sampler_config=sampler_config) weights = np.zeros((nunits, nunits)) weights[nvisible:, :nvisible] = np.normal(0., scale, (nhidden, nvisible)) weights += weights.T bm.weights_theo = weights # Set random biases. bm.biases_theo = np.normal(0., scale, nunits) bm.saturating_synapses_enabled = True bm.use_proper_tso = True for iternumber in range(10000): # Korrelationen fuer CD-Training wcorrelations = np.zeros((nvisible, nhidden)) bcorrelations = np.zeros(bm.num_samplers) for state, p in targetdist.items(): sampleprobs = get_samples(bm, 1000. * (np.array(state) - .5)) wcorrelations += p * get_wcorrelations(sampleprobs, bm.num_samplers - 4) bcorrelations += p * get_bcorrelations(sampleprobs, bm.num_samplers - 4) sampleprobs = get_samples(bm, np.zeros(4)) wcorrelations -= get_wcorrelations(sampleprobs, bm.num_samplers - 4) bcorrelations -= get_bcorrelations(sampleprobs, bm.num_samplers - 4) visibleprobs = defaultdict(float) for state, p in sampleprobs.items(): visibleprobs[tuple(int(i) for i in state[:4])] += p (mag1z, mag2z, mag1x, mag2x, corrzz, corrxx) = evaluate(visibleprobs) vp = [visibleprobs[k] for k in targetdist.keys()] tp = [targetdist[k] for k in targetdist.keys()] print('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') print(vp, tp) print(dkl(tp, vp)) with open('dkls_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(dkl(tp, vp))) np.savetxt('weights_{}_{:05d}.txt'.format(name, iternumber), bm.weights_theo) np.savetxt('bias_{}_{:05d}.txt'.format(name, iternumber), bm.weights_theo) with open('mag1z_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(mag1z)) with open('mag2z_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(mag2z)) with open('mag1x_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(mag1x)) with open('mag2x_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(mag2x)) with open('corrzz_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(corrzz)) with open('corrxx_{}.txt'.format(name), 'a') as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(corrxx)) # Lernrate (muss moeglicherweise angepasst werden) bm.weights_theo[:4, 4:] += 0.01 * wcorrelations bm.weights_theo[4:, :4] += 0.01 * wcorrelations.T bm.biases_theo += 0.01 * bcorrelations
def gen_dist(dist_str, params): if dist_str == 'normal': return np.normal(**params)
def StimulusMaker(self, mode='tone', amp=1, freq=(1000, 3000, 4000), delay=0, duration=2000, rf=2.5, phase0=0, samplefreq=44100, ipi=20, nPresent=1, alternate=1, level=70, playSignal=False, plotSignal=False, channel=0): # generate a tsound (tone, bb noise, bpnoise) pip with amplitude (V), frequency (Hz) (or frequencies, using a tuple) # delay (msec), duration (msec). # if no rf (risefall) time is given (units, msec), cosine^2 shaping with 5 msec ramp duration is applied. # if no phase is given, phase starts on 0, with positive slope. # level is in dB SPL as given by the reference calibration data above... # clock = 1000.0/samplefreq # calculate the sample clock rate, and convert to points per msec (khz) # uclock = 1000.*clock # microsecond clock # phi = 2*np.pi*phase0/360.0 # convert phase from degrees to radians... Fs = 1000./clock # phi = 0. # actually, always 0 phase for start w = [] fil = self.rfShape(0, duration, samplefreq, rf) # make the shape filter with 0 delay jd = int(np.floor(delay/clock)) # beginning of signal buildup (delay time) if jd < 0: jd = 0 jpts = np.arange(0,len(fil)) signal = np.zeros(len(jpts)) siglen = len(signal) if mode =='tone': for i in range(0, len(freq)): signal = signal + fil*amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq[i]*jpts/Fs) if self.debugFlag: print "Generated Tone at %7.1fHz" % (freq[i]) if mode == 'bbnoise': signal = signal + fil*amp*np.normal(0,1,siglen) if self.debugFlag: print "BroadBand Noise " if mode == 'bpnoise': tsignal = fil*amp*np.normal(0,1,siglen) # use freq[0] and freq[1] to set bandpass on the noise if self.debugFlag: print "freqs: HP: %6.1f LP: %6.1f" % (freq[0], freq[1]) sf2 = samplefreq*2.0 # nyquist limit if freq[0] > sf2 or freq[1] > sf2: print 'freqs: ', freq print 'nyquist limit: ', sf2 print 'sample frequ: ', samplefreq print 'coefficients not bounded [0, 1] for w... ' return np.array(signal) wp = [float(freq[0])/sf2, float(freq[1])/sf2] ws = [0.75*float(freq[0])/sf2, 1.25*float(freq[1])/sf2] (filter_b,filter_a) = scipy.signal.iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass=2.0, gstop=60.0, ftype="ellip") if self.debugFlag: print "BandPass Noise %7.1f-%7.1f" % (freq[0], freq[1]) signal=scipy.signal.lfilter(filter_b, filter_a, tsignal) if mode == 'notchnoise': return np.array(signal) if mode == 'multitones': return np.array(signal) if mode == 'silence': return np.array(signal) # now build the waveform from the components w = np.zeros(int(np.ceil(ipi*(nPresent-1)/clock)+jd+siglen)) sign = np.ones(nPresent) if alternate == True: sign[range(1,nPresent,2)] = -1 id = int(np.floor(ipi/clock)) for i in range(0, nPresent): # for each pulse in the waveform j0 = jd + i*id # compute start time w[range(j0,j0+siglen)] = sign[i]*signal w = w*self.dbconvert(spl=level, chan=channel) # aftera all the shaping ane scaling, we convert to generate a signal of w dB if playSignal == True: self.playSound(w, w, samplefreq) # if plotSignal == True: # self.plotSignal(w, w, clock) return np.array(w)
__author__ = 'Ibis' import numpy as np mu, sigma = 0, 0.1 # mean and standard deviation s = np.normal(mu, sigma) s = np. print(s)