def test_hyp2f1_real_some_points(): pts = [ (1,2,3,0), (1./3, 2./3, 5./6, 27./32), (1./4, 1./2, 3./4, 80./81), (2,-2,-3,3), (2,-3,-2,3), (2,-1.5,-1.5,3), (1,2,3,0), (0.7235, -1, -5, 0.3), (0.25, 1./3, 2, 0.999), (0.25, 1./3, 2, -1), (2,3,5,0.99), (3./2,-0.5,3,0.99), (2,2.5,-3.25,0.999), (-8, 18.016500331508873, 10.805295997850628, 0.90875647507000001), (-10,900,-10.5,0.99), (-10,900,10.5,0.99), (-1,2,1,1.0), (-1,2,1,-1.0), (-3,13,5,1.0), (-3,13,5,-1.0), ] dataset = [p + (float(mpmath.hyp2f1(*p)),) for p in pts] dataset = np.array(dataset, dtype=np.float_) olderr = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') try: FuncData(sc.hyp2f1, dataset, (0,1,2,3), 4, rtol=1e-10).check() finally: np.seterr(**olderr)
def test_testUfuncs1 (self): "Test various functions such as sin, cos." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.cos(x), cos(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.cosh(x), cosh(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sin(x), sin(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sinh(x), sinh(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.tan(x), tan(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.tanh(x), tanh(xm))) olderr = numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') try: self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.log(abs(x)), log(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm))) finally: numpy.seterr(**olderr) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.exp(x), exp(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arccos(z), arccos(zm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arctan(z), arctan(zm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.absolute(x), absolute(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.less(x, y), less(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym)))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y)))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y)))) self.assertTrue (eq(numpy.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
def ll(actual, predicted): """ Computes the log likelihood. This function computes the log likelihood between two numbers, or for element between a pair of lists or numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- actual : int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value predicted : same type as actual The predicted value Returns ------- score : double or list of doubles The log likelihood error between actual and predicted """ actual = np.array(actual) predicted = np.array(predicted) err = np.seterr(all='ignore') score = -(actual * np.log(predicted) + (1 - actual) * np.log(1 - predicted)) np.seterr(divide=err['divide'], over=err['over'], under=err['under'], invalid=err['invalid']) if type(score) == np.ndarray: score[np.isnan(score)] = 0 else: if np.isnan(score): score = 0 return score
def get_rule(rule_name): global evaluation_method global tree_type global network_type global data_path global nb_generations multiprocessing = False results_path ='../../results/temp/working_results.txt' #do not display numpy warnings np.seterr('ignore') ne.get_datas_from_real_network(data_path, results_path, evaluation_method= evaluation_method, network_type = network_type) genome = ga.new_genome( results_path, evaluation_method= evaluation_method, tree_type = tree_type, network_type = network_type ) return evolve(genome ,rule_name, nb_generations =nb_generations, multiprocessing = multiprocessing)
def check_that_nr_fit_runs(): from jds_image_proc.clouds import voxel_downsample #from brett2.ros_utils import RvizWrapper #import lfd.registration as lr ##import lfd.warping as lw #if rospy.get_name() == "/unnamed": #rospy.init_node("test_rigidity", disable_signals=True) #from time import sleep #sleep(1) #rviz = RvizWrapper.create() pts0 = np.loadtxt("../test/rope_control_points.txt") pts1 = np.loadtxt("../test/bad_rope.txt") pts_rigid = voxel_downsample(pts0[:10], .02) #lr.Globals.setup() np.seterr(all='ignore') np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) lin_ag, trans_g, w_eg, x_ea = tps.tps_nr_fit_enhanced(pts0, pts1, 0.01, pts_rigid, 0.001, method="newton",plotting=1) #lin_ag2, trans_g2, w_ng2 = tps_fit(pts0, pts1, .01, .01) #assert np.allclose(w_ng, w_ng2) def eval_partial(x_ma): return tps_eval(x_ma, lin_ag, trans_g, w_eg, x_ea) #lr.plot_orig_and_warped_clouds(eval_partial, pts0, pts1, res=.008) #handles = lw.draw_grid(rviz, eval_partial, pts0.min(axis=0), pts0.max(axis=0), 'base_footprint') grads = tps.tps_grad(pts_rigid, lin_ag, trans_g, w_eg, x_ea)
def top_eigenvector(A,niter=1000,force_iteration=False): ''' assuming the LEFT invariant subspace of A corresponding to the LEFT eigenvalue of largest modulus has geometric multiplicity of 1 (trivial Jordan block), returns the vector at the intersection of that eigenspace and the simplex A should probably be a ROW-stochastic matrix probably uses power iteration ''' n = A.shape[0] np.seterr(invalid='raise',divide='raise') if n <= 25 and not force_iteration: x = np.repeat(1./n,n) x = np.linalg.matrix_power(A.T,niter).dot(x) x /= x.sum() return x else: x1 = np.repeat(1./n,n) x2 = x1.copy() for itr in xrange(niter):,x1,out=x2) x2 /= x2.sum() x1,x2 = x2,x1 if np.linalg.norm(x1-x2) < 1e-8: break return x1
def test_power_complex(self): x = np.array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j, 3 + 4j]) assert_equal(x ** 0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) assert_equal(x ** 1, x) assert_almost_equal(x ** 2, [-3 + 4j, -5 + 12j, -7 + 24j]) assert_almost_equal(x ** 3, [(1 + 2j) ** 3, (2 + 3j) ** 3, (3 + 4j) ** 3]) assert_almost_equal(x ** 4, [(1 + 2j) ** 4, (2 + 3j) ** 4, (3 + 4j) ** 4]) assert_almost_equal(x ** (-1), [1 / (1 + 2j), 1 / (2 + 3j), 1 / (3 + 4j)]) assert_almost_equal(x ** (-2), [1 / (1 + 2j) ** 2, 1 / (2 + 3j) ** 2, 1 / (3 + 4j) ** 2]) assert_almost_equal(x ** (-3), [(-11 + 2j) / 125, (-46 - 9j) / 2197, (-117 - 44j) / 15625]) assert_almost_equal(x ** (0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1 + 2j), ncu.sqrt(2 + 3j), ncu.sqrt(3 + 4j)]) norm = 1.0 / ((x ** 14)[0]) assert_almost_equal( x ** 14 * norm, [i * norm for i in [-76443 + 16124j, 23161315 + 58317492j, 5583548873 + 2465133864j]] ) # Ticket #836 def assert_complex_equal(x, y): assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real) assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag) for z in [complex(0, np.inf), complex(1, np.inf)]: err = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") z = np.array([z], dtype=np.complex_) try: assert_complex_equal(z ** 1, z) assert_complex_equal(z ** 2, z * z) assert_complex_equal(z ** 3, z * z * z) finally: np.seterr(**err)
def test_spectrogram(self): """ Create spectrogram plotting examples in tests/output directory. """ # Create dynamic test_files to avoid dependencies of other modules. # set specific seed value such that random numbers are reproducible np.random.seed(815) head = { 'network': 'BW', 'station': 'BGLD', 'starttime': UTCDateTime(2007, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 915000), 'sampling_rate': 200.0, 'channel': 'EHE'} tr = Trace(data=np.random.randint(0, 1000, 824), header=head) st = Stream([tr]) # 1 - using log=True reltol = 1 if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION < [1, 2, 0]: reltol = 2000 with ImageComparison(self.path, 'spectrogram_log.png', reltol=reltol) as ic: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.resetwarnings() np_err = np.seterr(all="warn") spectrogram.spectrogram(st[0].data, log=True,, samp_rate=st[0].stats.sampling_rate, show=False) np.seterr(**np_err) # 2 - using log=False reltol = 1 if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION < [1, 3, 0]: reltol = 3 with ImageComparison(self.path, 'spectrogram.png', reltol=reltol) as ic: spectrogram.spectrogram(st[0].data, log=False,, samp_rate=st[0].stats.sampling_rate, show=False)
def d(im1, im2, im1Norm=0, im2Norm=0): i1_s = im1.shape i2_s = im2.shape assert (i1_s == i2_s), "frames do not have same dimentions" if (len(i1_s) == 2): total = 0 for x in range(i1_s[0]): for y in range(i1_s[1]): product = im1[x][y] * im2[x][y] total += product existing_np_err = np.seterr(all='raise') try: result = np.sqrt(im1Norm + im2Norm - 2*total) except FloatingPointError as fpe: print("Error: %s" % str(fpe)) print("im1Norm: %s, im2Norm: %s, total: %s" % (str(im1Norm), str(im2Norm), str(total))) raise fpe np.seterr(**existing_np_err) return result elif (len(i1_s) == 3): distance = 0 for x in range(i1_s[0]): for y in range(i1_s[1]): for z in range(i1_s[2]): if im1[x][y][z] == im2[x][y][z]: continue distance += abs(im1[x][y][z] - im1[x][y][z])**2 return (distance / (i1_s[0] * i1_s[1] * i1_s[2]))**(1/2)
def gaussian_highpass(img, high_cutoff, pad=1): ''' Apply a Gaussian highpass filter to an image .. seealso:: :py:func:`gaussian_highpass_kernel` :Parameters: img : array Image high_cutoff : float High-frequency cutoff pad : int Padding :Returns: out : array Filtered image ''' ctype = numpy.complex128 if img.dtype is numpy.float64 else numpy.complex64 if pad > 1: shape = img.shape img = pad_image(img.astype(ctype), (int(img.shape[0]*pad), int(img.shape[1]*pad)), 'e') else: img = img.astype(ctype) state = numpy.geterr() numpy.seterr(all='ignore') img = filter_image(img, gaussian_highpass_kernel(img.shape, high_cutoff, img.dtype), pad) numpy.seterr(**state) if pad > 1: img = depad(img, shape) return img
def main(): import sys numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore') # Nina's C++ code f = open('connect_lsd.cpp') code = f.close() # Nina's support C code f = open('estimate_multiband_variability.cpp') support_code = f.close() ##################### #get filename from argument # make a log logfile (it's for all; later, write filename to logfile when file is processed) #if cell logfile doesn't exist: create it lightcurves = numpy.genfromtxt('files_in/lightcurves.txt', \ names = 'filterid,mjd_obs,ucalmag,magErr,obj_id',\ dtype='|S1,f8,f8,f8,|S19', skip_header=1) test = structure_function(lightcurves,code, support_code)
def _test_factory(test, dtype=np.double): """Boost test""" olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore') try: test.check(dtype=dtype) finally: np.seterr(**olderr)
def __init__(self, layers, l2_decay=0.001, debug=False, learning_rate=0.001): mapping = {"input": lambda x: InputLayer(x), "fc": lambda x: FullyConnectedLayer(x), "convolution": lambda x: ConvolutionLayer(x), "pool": lambda x: PoolingLayer(x), "squaredloss": lambda x: SquaredLossLayer(x), "softmax": lambda x: SoftmaxLossLayer(x), "relu": lambda x: ReLuLayer(x), "dropout": lambda x: DropoutLayer(x)} self.layers = [] self.l2_decay = l2_decay self.debug = debug self.learning_rate = learning_rate prev = None np.seterr(all="warn") #print str(layers) for layer in layers: layer["input_shape"] = layer.get("input_shape", None) or prev.output_shape layer["l2_decay"] = layer.get("l2_decay", None) or self.l2_decay layer["debug"] = self.debug layer = mapping[layer["type"]](layer) self.layers.append(layer) prev = layer
def xy2lonlat(self, x, y): """Calculate x,y in own projection from given lon,lat (scalars/arrays). """ if self.projected is True: if self.proj.is_latlong(): return x, y else: if 'ob_tran' in self.proj4:'NB: Converting degrees to radians ' + 'due to ob_tran srs') x = np.radians(np.array(x)) y = np.radians(np.array(y)) return self.proj(x, y, inverse=True) else: np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # Disable warnings for nan-values y = np.atleast_1d(np.array(y)) x = np.atleast_1d(np.array(x)) # NB: mask coordinates outside domain x[x < self.xmin] = np.nan x[x > self.xmax] = np.nan y[y < self.ymin] = np.nan y[y < self.ymin] = np.nan lon = map_coordinates(self.lon, [y, x], order=1, cval=np.nan, mode='nearest') lat = map_coordinates(, [y, x], order=1, cval=np.nan, mode='nearest') return (lon, lat)
def updatePixels(self, tlc, shape, props, **pixelBlocks): r1 = np.array(pixelBlocks['r1_pixels'], dtype='f4', copy=False) r2 = np.array(pixelBlocks['r2_pixels'], dtype='f4', copy=False) np.seterr(divide='ignore') pixelBlocks['output_pixels'] = self.op(r1, r2).astype(props['pixelType'], copy=False) return pixelBlocks
def test_sh_legendre(self): olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore') try: self.check_poly(orth.eval_sh_legendre, orth.sh_legendre, param_ranges=[], x_range=[0, 1]) finally: np.seterr(**olderr)
def check_poly(self, func, cls, param_ranges=[], x_range=[], nn=10, nparam=10, nx=10, rtol=1e-8): np.random.seed(1234) dataset = [] for n in np.arange(nn): params = [a + (b-a)*np.random.rand(nparam) for a,b in param_ranges] params = np.asarray(params).T if not param_ranges: params = [0] for p in params: if param_ranges: p = (n,) + tuple(p) else: p = (n,) x = x_range[0] + (x_range[1] - x_range[0])*np.random.rand(nx) x[0] = x_range[0] # always include domain start point x[1] = x_range[1] # always include domain end point poly = np.poly1d(cls(*p)) z = np.c_[np.tile(p, (nx,1)), x, poly(x)] dataset.append(z) dataset = np.concatenate(dataset, axis=0) def polyfunc(*p): p = (p[0].astype(int),) + p[1:] return func(*p) olderr = np.seterr(all='raise') try: ds = FuncData(polyfunc, dataset, range(len(param_ranges)+2), -1, rtol=rtol) ds.check() finally: np.seterr(**olderr)
def segregationIndex(synapseGroups, skeleton_id, weightOutputs=True): nout = np.zeros(len(synapseGroups)) ngrp = np.zeros(len(synapseGroups)) PRE = Relation.objects.get(project=pid, relation_name="presynaptic_to").value_list("id")[0] if weightOutputs: nTargets = countTargets(skeleton_id) for group in synapseGroups.values(): for i, synDirection in enumerate(group.relations): if synDirection == PRE: nout[group] += nTargets[group.connector_ids[i]] ngrp[group] += nTargets[group.connector_ids[i]] else: ngrp[group] += 1 else: for group in synapseGroups.values(): for synDirection in group.relations: if synDirection == PRE: nout[group] += 1 ngrp[group] = len(group.relations) frac = np.divide(nout, ngrp) np.seterr(all="ignore") h_partial = ngrp * (frac * np.log(frac) + (1 - frac) * np.log(1 - frac)) h_partial[np.isnan(h_partial)] = 0 frac_unseg = sum(nout) / sum(ngrp) h_unseg = sum(ngrp) * (frac_unseg * np.log(frac_unseg) + (1 - frac_unseg) * np.log(1 - frac_unseg)) return 1 - sum(h_partial) / h_unseg
def setUp(self): # Most generic way to get the actual data directory. self.data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))), "data") self.image_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'images') self.nperr = np.geterr() np.seterr(all='ignore')
def test_call(self): poly = [] for n in xrange(5): poly.extend([x.strip() for x in (""" orth.jacobi(%(n)d,0.3,0.9) orth.sh_jacobi(%(n)d,0.3,0.9) orth.genlaguerre(%(n)d,0.3) orth.laguerre(%(n)d) orth.hermite(%(n)d) orth.hermitenorm(%(n)d) orth.gegenbauer(%(n)d,0.3) orth.chebyt(%(n)d) orth.chebyu(%(n)d) orth.chebyc(%(n)d) orth.chebys(%(n)d) orth.sh_chebyt(%(n)d) orth.sh_chebyu(%(n)d) orth.legendre(%(n)d) orth.sh_legendre(%(n)d) """ % dict(n=n)).split() ]) olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore') try: for pstr in poly: p = eval(pstr) assert_almost_equal(p(0.315), np.poly1d(p)(0.315), err_msg=pstr) finally: np.seterr(**olderr)
def run(): d = 'default: %(default)s' b = dict(action='store_true') # boolian parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('cls_file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-plot', default='plane.pdf') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--regions', help=_regions_help, nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument('-i', '--interpolation', default='gauss', choices=planeplt.interpolators) parser.add_argument('-e', '--external', help=_ext_help, **b) dowhat = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() dowhat.add_argument('-b', '--band-region') dowhat.add_argument('--best', help=_best_help, **b) dowhat.add_argument('--best-regions', help=_regs_help, **b) dowhat.add_argument('--heatmap', **b) dowhat.add_argument('--noband', **b) dowhat.add_argument('--clean', help=_clean_help, **b) dowhat.add_argument('--ul', help=_ul_help, **b) dowhat.add_argument('--mono', help=_mono_help) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--add-limits', help=_limits_help, nargs=2, metavar=('FILE', 'ENTRY')) parser.add_argument('-d','--do-hepdata', **b) args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) helvetify() np.seterr(all='raise') if any([, args.best_regions, args.clean, args.ul, args.mono]): _max_exclusion_plane(args, show_regions=args.best_regions, clean=args.clean, ul=args.ul) elif args.band_region: _make_exclusion_plane(args) else: _multi_exclusion_plane(args)
def emmEstimate( obs, phi_matrix, elem_size= np.longdouble ): """ obs : observed seq (multidimensions) phi_matrix : matrix from forward_backward algorithm Estimate trans and emm trans: transition prob emm : emission prob """ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() #obs_matrix = np.matrix(zip(*obs)) obs_matrix = np.matrix(obs) # estimating the emission (weigthed emission) for obs of 1 emm_estimated1 = np.matrix((np.matrix(obs_matrix) * np.matrix(phi_matrix.T)).T, dtype=elem_size) # normalize the matrix # sum_phi is the sum over all the states given the whole obs.sequence sum_phi = np.matrix(np.matrix(phi_matrix).sum(axis=1), dtype=elem_size) np.seterr(invalid='ignore') emm_estimated1 = np.matrix(emm_estimated1/sum_phi, dtype=elem_size) #emm_estimated1 = np.nan_to_num(emm_estimated1) # estimated emission for 0 emm_estimated0 = np.matrix(1 - np.matrix(emm_estimated1), dtype=elem_size) # combine emission for 0 and 1 together emm_estimated = np.matrix(np.concatenate((emm_estimated0, emm_estimated1), axis = 1), dtype=elem_size) #emm_estimated = np.nan_to_num(emm_estimated) return emm_estimated
def hyp0f1(v, z): r"""Confluent hypergeometric limit function 0F1. Parameters ---------- v, z : array_like Input values. Returns ------- hyp0f1 : ndarray The confluent hypergeometric limit function. Notes ----- This function is defined as: .. math:: _0F_1(v,z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\inf}\frac{z^k}{(v)_k k!}. It's also the limit as q -> infinity of ``1F1(q;v;z/q)``, and satisfies the differential equation :math:``f''(z) + vf'(z) = f(z)`. """ v = atleast_1d(v) z = atleast_1d(z) v, z = np.broadcast_arrays(v, z) arg = 2 * sqrt(abs(z)) old_err = np.seterr(all='ignore') # for z=0, a<1 and num=inf, next lines num = where(z.real >= 0, iv(v - 1, arg), jv(v - 1, arg)) den = abs(z)**((v - 1.0) / 2) num *= gamma(v) np.seterr(**old_err) num[z == 0] = 1 den[z == 0] = 1 return num / den
def VisualizeFit(Xval, pval, epsilon, mu, sigma): """ Visualize the fitter data :param Xval: the validation data set (only the first two columns are used) :param pval: A vector containing probabilities for example data in Xval :param mu: Estimate for the mean, using the training data :param sigma: Estimate for the variance, using the training data :return: """ np.seterr(over='ignore') x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 35, 0.5), np.arange(0, 35, 0.5)) z1 = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat = np.zeros([len(z1), 2]) mat[:, 0] = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat[:, 1] = np.asarray(x2).reshape(-1) Z = MultivariateGaussian(mat, mu, sigma) Z = np.reshape(Z, np.shape(x1)) x = [10 ** x for x in np.arange(-20, 0, 3)] plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(Xval[:, 0], Xval[:, 1], c=None, s=25, alpha=None, marker="+") points = np.where(pval < epsilon) plt.scatter(Xval[:, 0][points], Xval[:, 1][points], s=50, marker='+', color='red') plt.contour(x1, x2, Z, x)
def VisualizeData(X, mu, sigma): """ plot the data in X along with the fit. Note that X is a two column vector :param X: :param mu: :param sigma: :return: """ np.seterr(over='ignore') x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 35, 0.5), np.arange(0, 35, 0.5)) z1 = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat = np.zeros([len(z1), 2]) mat[:, 0] = np.asarray(x1).reshape(-1) mat[:, 1] = np.asarray(x2).reshape(-1) Z = MultivariateGaussian(mat, mu, sigma) Z = np.reshape(Z, np.shape(x1)) x = [10 ** x for x in np.arange(-20, 0, 3)] plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=None, s=25, alpha=None, marker="+") plt.contour(x1, x2, Z, x)
def regression(X, Y): nub_iter = 1 ss = ShuffleSplit(X.shape[0], n_iter=nub_iter, test_size=0.2, indices=True, random_state=0) for train_index, test_index in ss: X_test, Y_test = X[test_index], Y[test_index] X_train, Y_train = X[train_index], Y[train_index] ordinary_least_squares = linear_model.LinearRegression() ridge_regression = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=1) bayesian_regression = linear_model.BayesianRidge() svr = SVR(C=1.0, epsilon=0.2, kernel="linear") knn_reg = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(5, weights="distance") regrs = [ordinary_least_squares, ridge_regression, bayesian_regression, svr, knn_reg] for regr in regrs:, Y_train) predict = regr.predict(X_test) np.seterr(invalid="ignore") true, pred = Y_test, predict MAE = mean_absolute_error(np.array(true), np.array(pred)) MSE = mean_squared_error(np.array(true), np.array(pred)) Pearson_r = pearsonr(np.array(true), np.array(pred)) decimal = 4 print("|%s|%s|%s|" % (round(MAE, decimal), round(MSE, decimal), round(Pearson_r[0], decimal)))
def perform(self, node, inp, out): rstate, size = inp o_rstate, o_sample = out numpy_version = numpy.__version__.split('.') if not self.warned_numpy_version and int(numpy_version[0]) <= 1 and int(numpy_version[1]) <3 : print "Warning: you must use numpy version 1.3.0 or higher with the python version of this op. Otherwise numpy leak memory. and numpy" self.warned_numpy_version = True n_elements = 1 rstate = numpy.asarray(rstate) # bring state from GPU if necessary if not self.inplace: rstate = rstate.copy() for s in size: n_elements *= s n_streams, _ = rstate.shape rval = numpy.zeros(n_elements, dtype=self.output_type.dtype) err_orig = numpy.seterr(over='ignore') try: for i in xrange(n_elements): sample = mrg_next_value(rstate[i % n_streams], rstate[i % n_streams]) rval[i] = sample finally: numpy.seterr(**err_orig) o_rstate[0] = node.outputs[0].type.filter(rstate) # send to GPU if necessary o_sample[0] = node.outputs[1].type.filter(rval.reshape(size)) # send to GPU if necessary
def rp_gumbel_original(p_zero, loc, scale, flvol, max_return_period=1e9): """ Transforms a unique, or array of flood volumes into the belonging return periods, according to gumbel parameters (belonging to non-zero part of the distribution) and a zero probability Inputs: p_zero: probability that flood volume is zero loc: Gumbel location parameter (of non-zero part of distribution) scale: Gumbel scale parameter (of non-zero part of distribution) flvol: Flood volume that will be transformed to return period max_return_period: maximum return period considered. This maximum is needed to prevent that floating point precision becomes a problem (default: 1e9) This function is copied from: """ np.seterr(divide='ignore') np.seterr(invalid='ignore') max_p = 1-1./max_return_period max_p_residual = np.minimum(np.maximum((max_p-np.float64(p_zero))/(1-np.float64(p_zero)), 0), 1) max_reduced_variate = -np.log(-np.log(np.float64(max_p_residual))) # compute the gumbel reduced variate belonging to the Gumbel distribution (excluding any zero-values) # make sure that the reduced variate does not exceed the one, resembling the 1,000,000 year return period reduced_variate = np.minimum((flvol-loc)/scale, max_reduced_variate) # reduced_variate = (flvol-loc)/scale # transform the reduced variate into a probability (residual after removing the zero volume probability) p_residual = np.minimum(np.maximum(np.exp(-np.exp(-np.float64(reduced_variate))), 0), 1) # tranform from non-zero only distribution to zero-included distribution p = np.minimum(np.maximum(p_residual*(1-p_zero) + p_zero, p_zero), max_p) # Never larger than max_p # transform into a return period return_period = 1./(1-p) test_p = p == 1 return return_period, test_p
def log_likelihood(self,x): out = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=np.double) nanidx = np.isnan(x) err = np.seterr(divide='ignore') out[~nanidx] = np.log(self.weights)[list(x[~nanidx])] # log(0) can happen, no warning np.seterr(**err) return out
def setUpClass(cls): # Suppress logging messages tp.quiet() # Catch attempts to set values on an inadvertent copy of a Pandas object. make_pandas_strict() # Make numpy strict np.seterr('raise')
default=[0.0, 0.0], help="Min,Max values on yscale (AUTO if undefined).") parser.add_argument( "--ylimerr", nargs=2, type=float, default=[0.0, 0.0], help="Min,Max values on yscale for error plots (AUTO if undefined).") parser.add_argument("--eps", action='store_true', help="Create eps plots instead of png.") args = parser.parse_args() ext = '.png' if not args.eps else '.eps' # 'suppress' disables scientific notation for small numbers. np.set_printoptions(precision=4, linewidth=130, suppress=True) np.seterr(all='raise') pyplot.rc('savefig', dpi=300) pyplot.rc('font', size=8) pyplot.rc('mathtext', default='regular') # Don't use italics for mathmode. # Error checking on the given method. min_opts = ('nelder-mead', 'powell', 'cg', 'bfgs', 'newton-cg', 'l-bfgs-b', 'tnc', 'cobyla', 'slsqp', 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg') if args.method.lower() in min_opts: method = args.method else: U.print_error('Invalid minimization method: ' + args.method, False) print 'Options are:', min_opts exit(1) # Find the model module. model = MU.get_model(args.model)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import argparse import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['svg.fonttype'] = 'none' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from deeptools.correlation import Correlation from deeptools.parserCommon import writableFile from deeptools._version import __version__ old_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') def parse_arguments(args=None): basic_args = plot_correlation_args() heatmap_parser = heatmap_options() scatter_parser = scatterplot_options() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=""" Tool for the analysis and visualization of sample correlations based on the output of multiBamSummary or multiBigwigSummary. Pearson or Spearman methods are available to compute correlation coefficients. Results can be saved as multiple scatter plots depicting the pairwise correlations or as a clustered heatmap, where the colors represent the correlation coefficients and the clusters are joined using the Nearest Point Algorithm (also known as "single"). Optionally, the values can be saved as tables, too.
import sys sys.path.append('../') import numpy as np from pyBKT.generate import synthetic_data, random_model_uni from import EM_fit from utils import crossvalidate, accuracy, rmse, auc, check_data, data_helper, ktidem_skills_ct import copy np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') num_fit_initializations = 20 seed, folds = 2020, 5 #can customize to anything, keep same seed and # folds over all trials results = {} #create dictionary to store accuracy and rmse results df, skill_list, student_count, data_count, template_count = ktidem_skills_ct.find_skills( ) ct_default = { 'order_id': 'Row', 'skill_name': 'KC(SubSkills)', 'correct': 'Correct First Attempt', 'user_id': 'Anon Student Id', 'multiguess': 'Problem Name', } for i in range(12): skill_name = skill_list[i] results[skill_name] = [student_count[i], data_count[i], template_count[i]] data = data_helper.convert_data(df, skill_name, defaults=ct_default) check_data.check_data(data) results[skill_name].append( (np.sum(data["data"][0]) - len(data["data"][0])) /
def contains(self, mouseevent): """ Test whether the mouse event occurred on the line. The pick radius determines the precision of the location test (usually within five points of the value). Use :meth:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D.get_pickradius` or :meth:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D.set_pickradius` to view or modify it. Returns *True* if any values are within the radius along with ``{'ind': pointlist}``, where *pointlist* is the set of points within the radius. TODO: sort returned indices by distance """ if six.callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self, mouseevent) if not is_numlike(self.pickradius): raise ValueError("pick radius should be a distance") # Make sure we have data to plot if self._invalidy or self._invalidx: self.recache() if len(self._xy) == 0: return False, {} # Convert points to pixels transformed_path = self._get_transformed_path() path, affine = transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine() path = affine.transform_path(path) xy = path.vertices xt = xy[:, 0] yt = xy[:, 1] # Convert pick radius from points to pixels if self.figure is None: warnings.warn('no figure set when check if mouse is on line') pixels = self.pickradius else: pixels = self.figure.dpi / 72. * self.pickradius # the math involved in checking for containment (here and inside of # segment_hits) assumes that it is OK to overflow. In case the # application has set the error flags such that an exception is raised # on overflow, we temporarily set the appropriate error flags here and # set them back when we are finished. olderrflags = np.seterr(all='ignore') try: # Check for collision if self._linestyle in ['None', None]: # If no line, return the nearby point(s) d = (xt - mouseevent.x)**2 + (yt - mouseevent.y)**2 ind, = np.nonzero(np.less_equal(d, pixels**2)) else: # If line, return the nearby segment(s) ind = segment_hits(mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y, xt, yt, pixels) finally: np.seterr(**olderrflags) ind += self.ind_offset # Debugging message if False and self._label != '': print("Checking line", self._label, "at", mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y) print('xt', xt) print('yt', yt) #print 'dx,dy', (xt-mouseevent.x)**2., (yt-mouseevent.y)**2. print('ind', ind) # Return the point(s) within radius return len(ind) > 0, dict(ind=ind)
# Birmingham, AL 35235 USA # # email: [email protected] # # License: BSD-style (see LICENSE.txt in main source directory) import sys, os if os.path.join(sys.path[0][:sys.path[0].rfind(os.sep)], '..') not in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0][:sys.path[0].rfind(os.sep)], '..')) import pyeq3 import numpy numpy.seterr(all='ignore') import pyeq3.Model_3D_BaseClass class PowerA(pyeq3.Model_3D_BaseClass.Model_3D_BaseClass): _baseName = "Power A" _HTML = 'z = a * (x<sup>b</sup> + y<sup>c</sup>)' _leftSideHTML = 'z' _coefficientDesignators = ['a', 'b', 'c'] _canLinearSolverBeUsedForSSQABS = False webReferenceURL = '' baseEquationHasGlobalMultiplierOrDivisor_UsedInExtendedVersions = True
from cProjgamma import sample_beta_fc, logdgamma from scipy.stats import invwishart from numpy.random import gamma, uniform, normal, beta from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve, cholesky from scipy.special import loggamma from numpy.random import choice from collections import namedtuple from itertools import repeat from math import ceil, log, lgamma, exp import numpy as np np.seterr(under='ignore', over='raise') # import multiprocessing as mp import sqlite3 as sql import pandas as pd import data as dm import cUtility as cu import os import mpi4py as mpi import pt from pointcloud import localcov from data import Data GammaPrior = namedtuple('GammaPrior', 'a b') DirichletPrior = namedtuple('DirichletPrior', 'a') NormalPrior = namedtuple('NormalPrior', 'mu SCho SInv') InvWishartPrior = namedtuple('InvWishartPrior', 'nu psi') POOL_SIZE = 8
import zipfile import copy import shutil import gdal # additional modules from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytz import pickle from skimage import morphology, transform from scipy import ndimage # CoastSat modules from coastsat import SDS_preprocess, SDS_tools, gdal_merge np.seterr(all='ignore') # raise/ignore divisions by 0 and nans # Main function to download images from the EarthEngine server def retrieve_images(inputs): """ Downloads all images from Landsat 5, Landsat 7, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 covering the area of interest and acquired between the specified dates. The downloaded images are in .TIF format and organised in subfolders, divided by satellite mission. The bands are also subdivided by pixel resolution. KV WRL 2018 Arguments: ----------- inputs: dict with the following keys 'sitename': str
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy # of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. import numpy as np from scipy import special # Only used for halfspace solution np.seterr(all='ignore') __all__ = [ 'wavenumber', 'angle_factor', 'fullspace', 'greenfct', 'reflections', 'fields', 'halfspace' ] # Wavenumber-frequency domain kernel def wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec, use_ne_eval): r"""Calculate wavenumber domain solution. Return the wavenumber domain solutions ``PJ0``, ``PJ1``, and ``PJ0b``, which have to be transformed with a Hankel transform to the frequency
_divide = config.numpy.seterr_divide if config.numpy.seterr_over == 'None': _over = None else: _over = config.numpy.seterr_over if config.numpy.seterr_under == 'None': _under = None else: _under = config.numpy.seterr_under if config.numpy.seterr_invalid == 'None': _invalid = None else: _invalid = config.numpy.seterr_invalid numpy.seterr(all=_all, divide=_divide, over=_over, under=_under, invalid=_invalid) del _all, _divide, _over, _under, _invalid # This is defined here because it is designed to work across symbolic # datatypes (Sparse and Tensor) def dot(l, r): """Return a symbolic matrix/dot product between l and r """ rval = NotImplemented e0, e1 = None, None if rval == NotImplemented and hasattr(l, '__dot__'): try:
import os import numpy import matplotlib import as cm import matplotlib.font_manager import re import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import argparse from collections import defaultdict from scipy import stats from re import sub numpy.seterr(all='raise') parser=argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--training_mode', required=True, type = str, help = 'Specify the name of the training type, which should also correspond to the first part of the folder name') parser.add_argument('--make_plots', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--bert_layer', required=False, type=str, default=12) args = parser.parse_args() #from matplotlib import rcParams #rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' #rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Helvetica'] cwd=os.getcwd() big='{}/{}_test_novels'.format(cwd, args.training_mode) if args.make_plots: if 'bert' in args.training_mode:
""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import ensembles # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order np.seterr(invalid="ignore") def get_place_cell_ensembles(env_size, neurons_seed, targets_type, lstm_init_type, n_pc, pc_scale): """Create the ensembles for the Place cells.""" place_cell_ensembles = [ ensembles.PlaceCellEnsemble(n, stdev=s, pos_min=-env_size / 2.0, pos_max=env_size / 2.0, seed=neurons_seed, soft_targets=targets_type, soft_init=lstm_init_type) for n, s in zip(n_pc, pc_scale) ]
def mix_eam(files, kind, method, f=[], rep_ab=[], alphas=[], betas=[]): """ mix eam alloy files data set and compute the interspecies pair potential part using the mean geometric value from each pure species Parameters ---------- files : array of strings Contain all the files to merge and mix kind : string kinf of eam. Supported eam/alloy, eam/fs method : string, {geometric, arithmetic, weighted, fitted} Method used to mix the pair interaction terms. The geometric, arithmetic, and weighted arithmetic average are available. The weighted arithmetic method is using the electron density function values of atom :code:`a` and :code:`b` to ponderate the pair potential between species :code:`a` and :math:`b`, :code:`rep_ab = 0.5(fb/fa * rep_a + fa/fb * rep_b)`, see [1]. The fitted method is to be used if :code:`rep_ab` has been previously fitted and is parse as :math:`rep_ab` karg. f : np.array fitted density term (for FS eam style) rep_ab : np.array fitted rep_ab term alphas : array fitted alpha values for the fine tuned mixing. :code:`rep_ab = alpha_a*rep_a+alpha_b*rep_b` betas : array fitted values for the fine tuned mixing. :code:`f_ab = beta_00*rep_a+beta_01*rep_b` :code:`f_ba = beta_10*rep_a+beta_11*rep_b` Returns ------- sources : string Source informations or comment line for the file header parameters_mix: EAMParameters EAM potential parameters F_ : array_like contain the tabulated values of the embedded functions shape = (nb elements, nb elements, nb of data points) f_ : array_like contain the tabulated values of the density functions shape = (nb elements, nb elements, nb of data points) rep_ : array_like contain the tabulated values of pair potential shape = (nb elements, nb elements, nb of data points) References ---------- 1. X. W. Zhou, R. A. Johnson, and H. N. G. Wadley, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 144113 (2004) """ nb_at = 0 # Counting elements and repartition and select smallest tabulated set Nrho*drho // Nr*dr Nrho, drho, Nr, dr, cutoff = np.empty((len(files))), np.empty( (len(files))), np.empty((len(files))), np.empty( (len(files))), np.empty((len(files))) sources = "" if kind == "eam/alloy": for i, f_eam in enumerate(files): source, parameters, F, f, rep = read_eam(f_eam, kind="eam/alloy") sources += source source += " " nb_at += len(parameters[0]) Nrho[i] = parameters[5] drho[i] = parameters[7] cutoff[i] = parameters[9] Nr[i] = parameters[6] dr[i] = parameters[8] # --- # max_cutoff = cutoff.argmax() max_prod = (Nrho * drho).argmax() max_prod_r = (Nr * dr).argmax() atomic_numbers, atomic_masses, lattice_parameters, crystal_structures, elements = np.empty( 0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0).astype( np.str), np.empty(0).astype(np.str) Nr_ = Nr[max_prod_r] dr_ = ((Nr * dr).max()) / Nr_ Nrho_ = Nrho[max_prod] drho_ = ((Nrho * drho).max()) / Nrho_ if Nr_ > 2000: Nr_ = 2000 # reduce dr_ = ((Nr * dr).max()) / Nr_ if Nrho_ > 2000: Nrho_ = 2000 # reduce drho_ = ((Nrho * drho).max()) / Nrho_ F_, f_, rep_ = np.empty((nb_at, Nrho_)), np.empty( (nb_at, Nr_)), np.empty((nb_at, nb_at, Nr_)) at = 0 for i, f_eam in enumerate(files): source, parameters, F, f, rep = read_eam(f_eam, kind="eam/alloy") elements = np.append(elements, parameters[0]) atomic_numbers = np.append(atomic_numbers, parameters[1]) atomic_masses = np.append(atomic_masses, parameters[2]) lattice_parameters = np.append(lattice_parameters, parameters[3]) crystal_structures = np.append(crystal_structures, parameters[4]) for j in range(len(parameters[0])): F_[at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nrho[i] * drho[i], Nrho[i]), F[j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nrho_ * drho_, Nrho_)) f_[at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nr[i] * dr[i], Nr[i]), f[j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) rep_[at, at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nr[i] * dr[i], Nr[i]), rep[j, j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) at += 1 # mixing repulsive part old_err_state = np.seterr(divide='raise') ignored_states = np.seterr(**old_err_state) for i in range(nb_at): for j in range(nb_at): if j < i: if method == "geometric": rep_[i, j, :] = (rep_[i, i, :] * rep_[j, j, :])**0.5 if method == "arithmetic": if alphas: rep_[i, j, :] = alphas[i] * rep_[ i, i, :] + alphas[j] * rep_[j, j, :] else: rep_[i, j, :] = 0.5 * (rep_[i, i, :] + rep_[j, j, :]) if method == "weighted": rep_[i, j, :] = 0.5 * ( np.divide(f_[j, :], f_[i, :]) * rep_[i, i, :] + np.divide(f_[i, :], f_[j, :]) * rep_[j, j, :]) if method == "fitted": rep_ab[np.isnan(rep_ab)] = 0 rep_ab[np.isinf(rep_ab)] = 0 rep_[i, j, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, max(Nr * dr), rep_ab.shape[0]), rep_ab)(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) rep_[i, j, :][np.isnan(rep_[i, j, :])] = 0 rep_[i, j, :][np.isinf(rep_[i, j, :])] = 0 elif kind == "eam/fs": for i, f_eam in enumerate(files): source, parameters, F, f, rep = read_eam(f_eam, kind="eam/alloy") sources += source source += " " nb_at += len(parameters[0]) Nrho[i] = parameters[5] drho[i] = parameters[7] cutoff[i] = parameters[9] Nr[i] = parameters[6] dr[i] = parameters[8] # --- # max_cutoff = cutoff.argmax() max_prod = (Nrho * drho).argmax() max_prod_r = (Nr * dr).argmax() atomic_numbers, atomic_masses, lattice_parameters, crystal_structures, elements = np.empty( 0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0), np.empty(0).astype( np.str), np.empty(0).astype(np.str) Nr_ = Nr[max_prod_r] dr_ = ((Nr * dr).max()) / Nr_ Nrho_ = Nrho[max_prod] drho_ = ((Nrho * drho).max()) / Nrho_ if Nr_ > 2000: Nr_ = 2000 # reduce dr_ = ((Nr * dr).max()) / Nr_ if Nrho_ > 2000: Nrho_ = 2000 # reduce drho_ = ((Nrho * drho).max()) / Nrho_ F_, f_, rep_ = np.empty((nb_at, Nrho_)), np.empty( (nb_at, nb_at, Nr_)), np.empty((nb_at, nb_at, Nr_)) at = 0 for i, f_eam in enumerate(files): source, parameters, F, f, rep = read_eam(f_eam, kind="eam/alloy") elements = np.append(elements, parameters[0]) atomic_numbers = np.append(atomic_numbers, parameters[1]) atomic_masses = np.append(atomic_masses, parameters[2]) lattice_parameters = np.append(lattice_parameters, parameters[3]) crystal_structures = np.append(crystal_structures, parameters[4]) for j in range(len(parameters[0])): F_[at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nrho[i] * drho[i], Nrho[i]), F[j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nrho_ * drho_, Nrho_)) f_[at, at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nr[i] * dr[i], Nr[i]), f[j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) rep_[at, at, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, Nr[i] * dr[i], Nr[i]), rep[j, j, :])(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) at += 1 # mixing density part old_err_state = np.seterr(divide='raise') ignored_states = np.seterr(**old_err_state) for i in range(nb_at): for j in range(nb_at): if i != j: if method == "geometric": f_[i, j, :] = (f_[i, i, :] * f_[j, j, :])**0.5 if method == "arithmetic": if betas.any(): f_[i, j, :] = betas[i, i] * f_[i, i, :] + betas[ i, j] * f_[j, j, :] else: f_[i, j, :] = 0.5 * (f_[i, i, :] + f_[j, j, :]) if method == "fitted": f_ab[np.isnan(f_ab)] = 0 f_ab[np.isinf(f_ab)] = 0 f_[i, j, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, max(Nr * dr), rep_ab.shape[0]), rep_ab)(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) f_[i, j, :][np.isnan(f_[i, j, :])] = 0 f_[i, j, :][np.isinf(f_[i, j, :])] = 0 # mixing repulsive part for i in range(nb_at): for j in range(nb_at): if j < i: if method == "geometric": rep_[i, j, :] = (rep_[i, i, :] * rep_[j, j, :])**0.5 if method == "arithmetic": if alphas: rep_[i, j, :] = alphas[i] * rep_[ i, i, :] + alphas[j] * rep_[j, j, :] else: rep_[i, j, :] = 0.5 * (rep_[i, i, :] + rep_[j, j, :]) if method == "fitted": rep_ab[np.isnan(rep_ab)] = 0 rep_ab[np.isinf(rep_ab)] = 0 rep_[i, j, :] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( np.linspace(0, max(Nr * dr), rep_ab.shape[0]), rep_ab)(np.linspace(0, Nr_ * dr_, Nr_)) rep_[i, j, :][np.isnan(rep_[i, j, :])] = 0 rep_[i, j, :][np.isinf(rep_[i, j, :])] = 0 else: raise ValueError(f"EAM kind {kind} is not supported") parameters_mix = EAMParameters(elements, atomic_numbers, atomic_masses, lattice_parameters, crystal_structures, Nrho_, Nr_, drho_, dr_, cutoff[max_cutoff]) return sources, parameters_mix, F_, f_, rep_
import json from variable_classifiers.base_runner import Runner from datahandler import data_import as di import numpy as np from web.report_generator import generate_error_report import os import sys from datahandler.helpers import import_regexes3, get_rule_properties from stats.stat_gen import get_failures from datahandler.preprocessors import convert_repeated_data_to_sublist import random import string from util.SpecialException import SpecialException np_orig_err_settings = np.seterr(divide='raise', over='raise', under='raise', invalid='raise') orig_stdout = sys.stdout f = open(os.devnull, 'w') sys.stdout = f template_directory = os.path.join('web', 'templates') available_funcs = {} cwd = os.getcwd() def exposed_function(func): available_funcs[getattr(func, '__name__')] = func ''' ####
from active_particles.init import get_env, slurm_output, mkdir from active_particles.dat import Dat, Gsd from active_particles.maths import normalise1D, amplogwidth from os import getcwd from os import environ as envvar from os.path import join as joinpath import sys from math import ceil import pickle import numpy as np np.seterr(divide='ignore') import matplotlib as mpl if not(get_env('SHOW', default=False, vartype=bool)): mpl.use('Agg') # avoids crash if launching without display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import Normalize as ColorsNormalise from import ScalarMappable from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from datetime import datetime from collections import OrderedDict import subprocess
def setUp(self): self.image_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'images') self.nperr = np.geterr() np.seterr(all='ignore')
from __future__ import division import numpy as np np.seterr(invalid='raise') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import copy from pybasicbayes import models, distributions from pybasicbayes.util.text import progprint_xrange alpha_0 = 5.0 obs_hypparams = dict(mu_0=np.zeros(2), alphas_0=2 * np.ones(2), betas_0=np.ones(2), nus_0=0.1 * np.ones(2)) priormodel = models.Mixture(alpha_0=alpha_0, components=[ distributions.DiagonalGaussian(**obs_hypparams) for itr in range(30) ]) data, _ = priormodel.generate(500) data2, _ = priormodel.generate(500) del priormodel posteriormodel = models.Mixture( alpha_0=alpha_0, components=[ distributions.DiagonalGaussian(**obs_hypparams) for itr in range(30) ])
""" Generates simple DNA structures. """ import base try: import numpy as np except: import mynumpy as np import math import sys import utils # need to add this to avoid stupid warning about invalid division at line dir /= np.sqrt(,dir)) try: np.seterr(invalid='ignore') except: pass BP = "bp" DEGREES = "degrees" DEG = "degrees" RAD = "radiants" RADIANTS = "radiants" BASE_PAIRS = "bp" class StrandGenerator(object): """ Strand generator object. """
def tearDown(self): np.seterr(**self.nperr)
def tune(model_loader: typing.Tuple[str, str, tuple, dict], dataset_loader: typing.Tuple[str, str, tuple, dict], loss_loader: typing.Tuple[str, str, tuple, dict], accuracy_style: str, folder: str, cores: int, settings: HyperparameterSettings, store_up_to: AnalysisSettings, logger: logging.Logger = None): r"""Finds the optimal learning rate and batch size for the specified model on the specified dataset trained with the given loss. Stores the following information: .. code:: none folder/ final.json {'lr_start': float, 'lr_end': float, 'batch_size': float, 'cycle_size_epochs': int, 'epochs': int} misc.json Variables that went into the final output. Typically selected via heuristics, constants, or come from the hyperparameter settings. Some may be deduced from the numpy array files directly { 'initial_batch_size': int, 'initial_cycle_time': int, 'initial_min_lr': float, 'initial_max_lr': float, 'initial_lr_num_to_val': int, 'initial_lr_num_trials': int, 'initial_lr_window_size': int, 'initial_lr_sweep_result_min': float, 'initial_lr_sweep_result_max': float, 'second_min_lr': float, 'second_max_lr': float } lr_vs_perf.npz lrs=np.ndarray[number of batches] perfs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] smoothed_perfs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] lse_smoothed_perfs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] perf_derivs=np.ndarray[trials, number_of_batches] smoothed_perf_derivs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] mean_smoothed_perf_derivs=np.ndarray[number of batches] lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs=np.ndarray[number of batches] lse = log sum exp. when there are many trials, the mean gets overly pessimistic from bad initializations, so LSE is more stable. however, we can't do lse on the smoothed derivatives because then derivatives will tend to be positive everywhere, so we have to smooth first, then take lse, then take derivative lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs_then_smooth=np.ndarray[ number of batches]. the smoothed variant of the pervious lr_range=np.ndarray[2] min, max for the good range of learning rates bs_vs_perf.npz (bs=batch_size) Where a single batch is tried multiple times, we take the mean over those times to ensure bss contains only unique values and hence can be treated like lrs bss=np.ndarray[number of batches] perfs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] smoothed_perfs=np.ndarray[number of batches] lse_smoothed_perfs=np.ndarray[number of batches] perf_derivs=np.ndarray[trials, number_of_batches] smoothed_perf_derivs=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] mean_smoothed_perf_derivs=np.ndarray[number of batches] lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs=np.ndarray[number of batches] bs_range=np.ndarray[2] min, max for the good range of batch sizes lr_vs_perf2.npz only stored if settings.rescan_lr_after_bs. looks exactly like lr_vs_perf.npz, except these runs are performed with the newly selected batch size bs_sampled.npz only stored if settings.batch_pts > 0 bss=np.ndarray[num bs attempted] final=np.ndarray[num bs attempted, trials] final performance for batch size i for each trial lse_final=np.ndarray[num bs attempted] final logsumexp performance for each batch size, argmax is the selected batch size. If you want this to nicely be below the maximum, subtract log(trials) and note this does not effect the argmax raw_i=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] only if store_up_to.hparam_selection_specific_imgs, same for the *_raw_i i is a sampled batch size and raw_i[t, j] is the performance of the model after iteration j for batch size i on trial t. smoothed_raw_i=np.ndarray[trials, number of batches] lse_smoothed_raw_i=np.ndarray[number of batches] :param model_loader: describes which module and corresponding attribute can be passed what arguments and keyword arguments to produce the nn.Module with a random initialization which can be trained .. code::python model_loader = ('torch.nn', 'Linear', tuple(20, 10), {'bias': True}) :param dataset_loader: describes which module and corresponding attribute can be passed what arguments and keyword arguments to produce the training dataset and validation dataset. :param loss_loader: describes which module and corresponding attribute can be passed what arguments and keyword arguments to produce the nn.Module that converts (y_pred, y) to a scalar which should be minimized :param folder: where to save the output to :param cores: how many cores to use; 1 for just the main process :param settings: the settings to use to tune the learning rate and batch size :param store_up_to: the information stored should be at least what is required to produce this analysis """ if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) os.makedirs(folder) train_set, _ = ignite_simple.utils.invoke(dataset_loader)'Performing initial learning rate sweep...') init_batch_size = 64 init_cycle_time = int(np.clip(300000 // len(train_set), 2, 10) * 2) lr_sweep_epochs = settings.lr_sweep_len if isinstance(lr_sweep_epochs, int): lr_sweep_epochs = lr_sweep_epochs / len(train_set) lr_sweep_epochs = int(lr_sweep_epochs) if isinstance(settings.warmup_pts, float): warmup_pts = int(len(train_set) * settings.warmup_pts) else: warmup_pts = settings.warmup_pts warmup_batch = settings.warmup_batch warmup_lr = settings.warmup_lr lr_min, lr_max, lr_initial_window_size, lr_initial_trials = ( _select_lr_from( model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, os.path.join(folder, 'lr_vs_perf.npz'), cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, lr_sweep_epochs * 2, init_batch_size, settings.lr_start, settings.lr_end, settings.lr_width_only_gradients, warmup_lr, warmup_batch, warmup_pts ) ) initial_lr_sweep_result_min, initial_lr_sweep_result_max = lr_min, lr_max initial_lr_num_to_val = min(NUM_TO_VAL_MAX, len(train_set))'Performing initial batch size sweep...') # The trick is the increasing the batch size requires a corresponding # increase in learning rate. We don't want to include the lr range # except insofar as taking that into account as otherwise these # results would be even muddier than they already are lr_avg_over_batch = ((lr_min + lr_max) / 2) / init_batch_size bs_sweep_lr_min = lr_avg_over_batch * settings.batch_start bs_sweep_lr_max = lr_avg_over_batch * settings.batch_end result = _run_and_collate( _batch_vs_perf, { 'model_loader': model_loader, 'dataset_loader': dataset_loader, 'loss_loader': loss_loader, 'accuracy_style': accuracy_style, 'batch_start': settings.batch_start, 'batch_end': settings.batch_end, 'lr_start': bs_sweep_lr_min, 'lr_end': bs_sweep_lr_max, 'cycle_time_epochs': init_cycle_time }, cores, settings.batch_rn_min_inits ) logger.debug('Organizing and interpreting batch size sweep...') bss = result['bss'][0] bs_perfs = result['perfs'] if np.sum(np.isnan(bs_perfs)) > 0: logger.debug('Batch size sweep exploded on some initializations') logger.debug('Forcibly enabling second LR sweep') settings.rescan_lr_after_bs = True bs_perfs[np.isnan(bs_perfs)] = 0 bs_sweep_trials = int(bs_perfs.shape[0]) window_size = smooth_window_size(bs_perfs.shape[1]) smoothed_bs_perf = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( bs_perfs, window_size, 1 ) old_settings = np.seterr(under='ignore') lse_smoothed_bs_perf = scipy.special.logsumexp( smoothed_bs_perf, axis=0 ) np.seterr(**old_settings) lse_smoothed_bs_perf_then_derivs = np.gradient( lse_smoothed_bs_perf, axis=0) bs_perf_derivs = np.gradient(bs_perfs, axis=-1) smoothed_bs_perf_derivs = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( bs_perfs, window_size, 1, deriv=1) mean_smoothed_bs_perf_derivs = smoothed_bs_perf_derivs.mean(0) bs_min, bs_max = find_with_derivs(bss, lse_smoothed_bs_perf_then_derivs) bs_min, bs_max = int(bs_min), int(bs_max)'Batch size range: [%s, %s) (found from %s trials)', bs_min, bs_max, bs_perfs.shape[0]) np.savez_compressed( os.path.join(folder, 'bs_vs_perf.npz'), bss=bss, perfs=bs_perfs, perf_derivs=bs_perf_derivs, smoothed_perfs=smoothed_bs_perf, smoothed_perf_derivs=smoothed_bs_perf_derivs, mean_smoothed_perf_derivs=mean_smoothed_bs_perf_derivs, lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs=lse_smoothed_bs_perf_then_derivs, bs_range=np.array([bs_min, bs_max])) if settings.batch_pts > 1: batch_size, batch_pts_checked, num_batch_loops = _select_batch_size_from( model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, folder, cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, init_cycle_time, bss, lse_smoothed_bs_perf_then_derivs, bs_min, bs_max, lr_min / init_batch_size, lr_max / init_batch_size) else: batch_size = (bs_min + bs_max) // 2 batch_pts_checked = [] num_batch_loops = -1'Choosing mean batch size: %s', batch_size) if settings.rescan_lr_after_bs and batch_size != init_batch_size:'Finding learning rate range on new batch size...') second_min_lr = (settings.lr_start / init_batch_size) * batch_size second_max_lr = (settings.lr_end / init_batch_size) * batch_size lr_min, lr_max, second_lr_window_size, second_lr_num_trials = _select_lr_from( model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, os.path.join(folder, 'lr_vs_perf2.npz'), cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, lr_sweep_epochs * 2, init_batch_size, second_min_lr, second_max_lr, settings.lr_width_only_gradients, warmup_lr, warmup_batch, warmup_pts ) else: second_min_lr = float('nan') second_max_lr = float('nan') second_lr_window_size = float('nan') second_lr_num_trials = float('nan') lr_min = (lr_min / init_batch_size) * batch_size lr_max = (lr_max / init_batch_size) * batch_size with open(os.path.join(folder, 'final.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump({'lr_start': lr_min, 'lr_end': lr_max, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'cycle_size_epochs': init_cycle_time, 'epochs': init_cycle_time * 4}, outfile) with open(os.path.join(folder, 'misc.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump( { 'initial_batch_size': init_batch_size, 'initial_cycle_time': init_cycle_time, 'initial_lr_sweep_epochs': lr_sweep_epochs, 'initial_min_lr': settings.lr_start, 'initial_max_lr': settings.lr_end, 'initial_lr_num_to_val': initial_lr_num_to_val, 'initial_lr_num_trials': lr_initial_trials, 'initial_lr_window_size': lr_initial_window_size, 'initial_lr_sweep_result_min': initial_lr_sweep_result_min, 'initial_lr_sweep_result_max': initial_lr_sweep_result_max, 'initial_avg_lr': (initial_lr_sweep_result_min + initial_lr_sweep_result_max) / 2, 'initial_min_batch': settings.batch_start, 'initial_max_batch': settings.batch_end, 'initial_batch_num_to_val': initial_lr_num_to_val, 'initial_batch_num_trials': bs_sweep_trials, 'batch_sweep_result_min': bs_min, 'batch_sweep_result_max': bs_max, 'batch_sweep_result': batch_size, 'batch_sweep_num_pts': len(batch_pts_checked), 'batch_sweep_pts_list': list(int(i) for i in batch_pts_checked), 'batch_sweep_trials_each': num_batch_loops, 'second_min_lr': second_min_lr, 'second_max_lr': second_max_lr, 'second_lr_num_trials': second_lr_num_trials, 'second_lr_window_size': second_lr_window_size, 'lr_sweep_result_min': lr_min, 'lr_sweep_result_max': lr_max, 'warmup_pts': warmup_pts, 'warmup_lr': warmup_lr, 'warmup_batch': warmup_batch, 'lr_width_only_gradients': settings.lr_width_only_gradients }, outfile ) logger.debug('Tuning completed successfully')
import argparse import csv from ...transcripts.transcriptcomputer import TranscriptComputer from .. import to_gff from ...loci import Transcript, Gene from ...parsers.GFF import GFF3 import numpy from collections import namedtuple, Counter from ...utilities.log_utils import create_default_logger from collections import defaultdict import sklearn.utils.extmath __author__ = "Luca Venturini" # pylint: disable=E1101 numpy.seterr(all="ignore") # Suppress warnings numpy.warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # pylint: enable=E1101 def itemize(counter): """ Private static method to convert a counter into a 2-dimensional numpy array. :param counter: the counter to transform :type counter: dict :return: Numpy array of the counter :rtype: array """ if len(counter) == 0: return numpy.array([[], []]) # Empty 2dimensional array
def _select_lr_from(model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, outfile, cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, cycle_time_epochs, batch_size, lr_start, lr_end, grads_width_only, warmup_lr, warmup_batch, warmup_pts) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]: result = _run_and_collate( _lr_vs_perf, { 'model_loader': model_loader, 'dataset_loader': dataset_loader, 'loss_loader': loss_loader, 'accuracy_style': accuracy_style, 'lr_start': lr_start, 'lr_end': lr_end, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'cycle_time_epochs': cycle_time_epochs, 'warmup_lr': warmup_lr, 'warmup_batch': warmup_batch, 'warmup_pts': warmup_pts }, cores, settings.lr_min_inits ) logger.debug('Organizing and interpreting learning rate sweep...') lrs = result['lrs'] lr_perfs = result['perfs'] if np.isnan(lrs.sum()): clip_at = np.isnan(lrs.sum(0)).argmax() if clip_at > 0: new_lr_end = lrs[0, clip_at - 1] else: new_lr_end = (lr_start + 0.01 * (lr_end - lr_start)) clip_at //= 2 new_lr_end = max(lr_start + 0.05 * (lr_end - lr_start), lr_start + 0.5 * (new_lr_end - lr_start)) if new_lr_end < lr_start + 0.1 * (lr_end - lr_start): logger.debug( 'Got too many nans, resweeping with lr range reduced to ' + f'{lr_start}/{new_lr_end}') return _select_lr_from( model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, outfile, cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, cycle_time_epochs, batch_size, lr_start, new_lr_end, grads_width_only, warmup_lr, warmup_batch, warmup_pts) lrs = lrs[:, :clip_at] lr_perfs = lr_perfs[:, :clip_at] lrs = lrs[0] num_trials = lr_perfs.shape[0] window_size = smooth_window_size(lrs.shape[0]) lr_smoothed_perfs = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( lr_perfs, window_size, 1) old_settings = np.seterr(under='ignore') lse_smoothed_lr_perfs = scipy.special.logsumexp( lr_smoothed_perfs, axis=0 ) np.seterr(**old_settings) lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs = np.gradient(lse_smoothed_lr_perfs) lr_perf_derivs = np.gradient(lr_perfs, axis=-1) smoothed_lr_perf_derivs = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( lr_perfs, window_size, 1, deriv=1) mean_smoothed_lr_perf_derivs = smoothed_lr_perf_derivs.mean(0) lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs_then_smooth = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs, window_size, 1) lr_min, lr_max = find_with_derivs(lrs, lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs_then_smooth, grads_width_only) np.savez_compressed( outfile, lrs=lrs, perfs=lr_perfs, smoothed_perfs=lr_smoothed_perfs, lse_smoothed_perfs=lse_smoothed_lr_perfs, perf_derivs=lr_perf_derivs, smoothed_perf_derivs=smoothed_lr_perf_derivs, mean_smoothed_perf_derivs=mean_smoothed_lr_perf_derivs, lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs=lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs, lse_smoothed_perf_then_derivs_then_smooth=lse_smoothed_lr_perf_then_derivs_then_smooth, lr_range=np.array([lr_min, lr_max]))'Learning rate range: [%s, %s) (found from %s trials)', lr_min, lr_max, num_trials) return lr_min, lr_max, window_size, num_trials
def test_case1(self): self.prob = Problem() self.prob.model.set_input_defaults('fl_start.P', 17., units='psi') self.prob.model.set_input_defaults('fl_start.T', 500., units='degR') self.prob.model.set_input_defaults('fl_start.MN', 0.5) self.prob.model.set_input_defaults('fl_start.W', 100., units='lbm/s') self.prob.model.add_subsystem( 'fl_start', FlowStart(thermo_data=species_data.janaf, elements=AIR_MIX)) self.prob.set_solver_print(level=-1) self.prob.setup(check=False) np.seterr(divide='raise') # 6 cases to check against for i, data in enumerate(ref_data): self.prob['fl_start.P'] = data[h_map['Pt']] self.prob['fl_start.T'] = data[h_map['Tt']] self.prob['fl_start.W'] = data[h_map['W']] self.prob['fl_start.MN'] = data[h_map['MN']] self.prob.run_model() # check outputs tol = 1.0e-3 if data[h_map[ 'MN']] >= 2.: # The Mach 2.0 case is at a ridiculously low temperature, so accuracy is questionable tol = 5e-2 print('Case: ', data[h_map['Pt']], data[h_map['Tt']], data[h_map['W']], data[h_map['MN']]) npss = data[h_map['Pt']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:P'] assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['Tt']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:T'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('Tt:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['W']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:W'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('W:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['ht']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:h'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('ht:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['s']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:S'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('S:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['rhot']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:rho'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('rhot:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['gamt']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:tot:gamma'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('gamt:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['MN']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:MN'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('MN:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['Ps']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:P'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('Ps:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['Ts']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:T'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('Ts:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['hs']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:h'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('hs:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['rhos']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:rho'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('rhos:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['gams']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:gamma'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('gams:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['V']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:V'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('V:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) npss = data[h_map['A']] pyc = self.prob['fl_start.Fl_O:stat:area'] rel_err = abs(npss - pyc) / npss print('A:', npss, pyc, rel_err) assert_near_equal(pyc, npss, tol) print()
def desire(choice, distance1, feromones): np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # игнор ошибок деления на NaN desire = total_desire(distance1, feromones)[choice, :] / np.nansum( total_desire(distance1, feromones)[choice, :]) return desire
def _select_batch_size_from(model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, accuracy_style, mainfolder, cores, settings, store_up_to, logger, cycle_time_epochs, bss, collated_smoothed_bs_perf_derivs, bs_min, bs_max, lr_min_over_batch, lr_max_over_batch) -> int: settings: HyperparameterSettings store_up_to: AnalysisSettings bs_min_ind = int((bss == bs_min).argmax()) bs_max_ind = int((bss == bs_max).argmax()) incl_raw = store_up_to.hparam_selection_specific_imgs if bs_min_ind == bs_max_ind:'Only found a single good batch size, using that without ' + 'further investigation') return bs_min if bs_max_ind - bs_min_ind <= settings.batch_pts: logger.debug('Found %s good batch sizes and willing to try up to %s, ' + 'so testing all of them.', bs_max_ind - bs_min_ind, settings.batch_pts) test_pts = bss[bs_min_ind:bs_max_ind] else: probs = collated_smoothed_bs_perf_derivs[bs_min_ind:bs_max_ind] old_settings = np.seterr(under='ignore') probs = scipy.special.softmax(probs) iters = 0 while (probs < 1e-6).sum() != 0: if iters > 10: probs[:] = 1 / probs.shape[0] break probs[probs < 1e-6] = 1e-6 probs = scipy.special.softmax(probs) iters += 1 np.seterr(**old_settings) test_pts = np.random.choice( np.arange(bs_min_ind, bs_max_ind), settings.batch_pts, replace=False, p=probs) test_pts = bss[test_pts] logger.debug('Comparing batch sizes: %s', test_pts) # here we could naively just loop over the test_pts, but this will be # a very inefficient use of our cores if we are on fast settings and # have many cores. Furthermore, some batch sizes will almost certainly # run faster than others. So alas, in the name of performance, this is # going to look a lot like _run_and_collate but dissimilar enough to not be # worth calling it folder = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.makedirs(folder) loops = 0 # number spawned // test_pts.shape[0] last_loop_printed = 0 cur_ind = 0 # in test_pts current_processes = [] target_num_loops = max( settings.batch_pt_min_inits, cores // test_pts.shape[0] ) while loops < target_num_loops: while len(current_processes) == cores: if last_loop_printed < loops: logger.debug('On loop %s/%s', loops + 1, settings.batch_pt_min_inits) last_loop_printed = loops time.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(current_processes) - 1, -1, -1): if not current_processes[i].is_alive(): current_processes.pop(i) fname = os.path.join(folder, f'{cur_ind}_{loops}.npz') bs = int(test_pts[cur_ind]) proc = mp.Process( target=_train_with_perf, args=( model_loader, dataset_loader, loss_loader, fname, accuracy_style, bs, lr_min_over_batch * bs, lr_max_over_batch * bs, cycle_time_epochs, cycle_time_epochs, incl_raw ) ) proc.start() current_processes.append(proc) cur_ind += 1 if cur_ind >= test_pts.shape[0]: cur_ind = 0 loops += 1 logger.debug('Waiting for %s currently running trials to end...', len(current_processes)) for proc in current_processes: proc.join() logger.debug('Organizing and interpreting batch size performance info...') all_final_perfs = np.zeros((test_pts.shape[0], loops)) all_final_lse_perfs = np.zeros(test_pts.shape[0]) raws_dict = dict() for i, bs in enumerate(test_pts): trials = [] trials_raw = [] if incl_raw else None for trial in range(loops): fname = os.path.join(folder, f'{i}_{trial}.npz') with np.load(fname) as infile: final_perf = infile['final_perf'] if np.isnan(final_perf).sum() > 0: logger.debug('Found some nans, treating them as inf bad') final_perf[np.isnan(final_perf)] = 0 trials.append(final_perf) if incl_raw: perf = infile['perf'] if np.isnan(perf).sum() > 0: logger.debug('Found some nans in raw perfs') perf[np.isnan(perf)] = 0 trials_raw.append(perf) os.remove(fname) trials = np.concatenate(trials) old_settings = np.seterr(under='ignore') lse_trials = scipy.special.logsumexp(trials) np.seterr(**old_settings) all_final_perfs[i] = trials all_final_lse_perfs[i] = lse_trials if incl_raw: trials_raw = np.stack(trials_raw) smoothed_trials_raw = scipy.signal.savgol_filter( trials_raw, smooth_window_size(trials_raw.shape[1]), 1 ) old_settings = np.seterr(under='ignore') lse_smoothed_trials_raw = scipy.special.logsumexp( smoothed_trials_raw, axis=0) np.seterr(**old_settings) raws_dict[f'raw_{bs}'] = trials_raw raws_dict[f'smoothed_raw_{bs}'] = smoothed_trials_raw raws_dict[f'lse_smoothed_raw_{bs}'] = lse_smoothed_trials_raw os.rmdir(folder) best_ind = np.argmax(all_final_lse_perfs) best_bs = int(test_pts[best_ind]) np.savez_compressed( os.path.join(mainfolder, 'bs_sampled.npz'), bss=test_pts, final=all_final_perfs, lse_final=all_final_lse_perfs, **raws_dict )'Found best batch size of those tested: %s', best_bs) return best_bs, test_pts, loops
from logging import basicConfig, INFO from unittest import main, TestCase from numpy import seterr from pyrad.optics.gas import Gas from pyrad.utils.grids import UniformGrid1D class TestGasOptics(TestCase): def test_gas_optics(self): # Surface layer of CIRC case 1. abundance = {"H2O": 0.006637074} for formula, concentration in abundance.items(): gas = Gas(formula) gas.absorption_coefficient(temperature=288.99, pressure=98388., volume_mixing_ratio=concentration, spectral_grid=UniformGrid1D( 1., 3000., 0.1).points) if __name__ == "__main__": basicConfig( format="%(asctime)-15s - %(pathname)s(%(lineno)d):\n\t%(message)s", level=INFO) seterr(divide="raise", over="raise", invalid="raise") main()
import numpy as np np.seterr(over='ignore', divide='raise') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt class SimpleNeuralNet(): def activation_function(self, x): return 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) def deepcopy(self): new_net = SimpleNeuralNet(self.num_inputs, self.num_outputs, self.layer_node_counts) new_net.layers = [np.copy(layer) for layer in self.layers] return new_net def execute(self, input_vector): assert len(input_vector) == self.num_inputs ,\ "wrong input vector size" next_v = input_vector # iterate through layers, computing the activation # of the weighted inputs from the previous layer for layer in self.layers: # add a bias to each layer [1] next_v = np.append(next_v, 1) # pump the input vector through the matrix multiplication # and our activation function next_v = self.activation_function(, layer)) return next_v
# also attempt to parse the command line and set up the global state of various # operations. The variable unparsed_args is not used internally but is # provided as a convenience for users who wish to parse arguments in scripts. #[email protected]/thread/L6AQPJ3OIMJC5SNKVM7CJG32YVQZRJWA/ import yt.startup_tasks as __startup_tasks from yt import * from yt._maintenance.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning from yt.config import ytcfg, ytcfg_defaults from yt.utilities.logger import _level issue_deprecation_warning( "The yt.mods module is deprecated.", since="4.1.0", removal="4.2.0" ) unparsed_args = __startup_tasks.unparsed_args if _level >= int(ytcfg_defaults["yt"]["log_level"]): # This won't get displayed. mylog.debug("Turning off NumPy error reporting") np.seterr(all="ignore") # We load plugins. Keep in mind, this can be fairly dangerous - # the primary purpose is to allow people to have a set of functions # that get used every time that they don't have to *define* every time. # This way, other command-line tools can be used very simply. # Unfortunately, for now, I think the easiest and simplest way of doing # this is also the most dangerous way. if ytcfg.get("yt", "load_field_plugins"): enable_plugins()
import util import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt np.seterr(all="raise") factor = 2.0 class LinearModel(object): """Base class for linear models.""" def __init__(self, theta=None): """ Args: theta: Weights vector for the model. """ self.theta = theta def fit(self, X, y): """Run solver to fit linear model. You have to update the value of self.theta using the normal equations. Args: X: Training example inputs. Shape (n_examples, dim). y: Training example labels. Shape (n_examples,). """ # *** START CODE HERE *** # Normal equation : X^T X theta = X^T y self.theta = np.linalg.solve(, X),, y))
Z1 = np.random.randint(0,10,10) Z2 = np.random.randint(0,10,10) print(np.intersect1d(Z1,Z2)) # ============================================================================= # 31. 如何忽略所有的 numpy 警告(尽管不建议这么做)? (★☆☆) # (提示: np.seterr, np.errstate) # # ============================================================================= # Suicide mode on defaults = np.seterr(all="ignore") Z = np.ones(1) / 0 # Back to sanity _ = np.seterr(**defaults) An equivalent way, with a context manager: with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): Z = np.ones(1) / 0 # ============================================================================= # 32. 下面的表达式是正确的吗? (★☆☆) # (提示: imaginary number) # =============================================================================
def extract_polygons(im: Image.Image, bounds: Dict[str, Any]) -> Image: """ Yields the subimages of image im defined in the list of bounding polygons with baselines preserving order. Args: im (PIL.Image.Image): Input image bounds (list): A list of tuples (x1, y1, x2, y2) Yields: (PIL.Image) the extracted subimage """ if 'type' in bounds and bounds['type'] == 'baselines': old_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') siz = np.array(im.size, dtype=np.float) # select proper interpolation scheme depending on shape if im.mode == '1': order = 0 im = im.convert('L') else: order = 1 im = np.array(im) for line in bounds['lines']: pl = np.array(line['boundary']) baseline = np.array(line['baseline']) c_min, c_max = int(pl[:,0].min()), int(pl[:,0].max()) r_min, r_max = int(pl[:,1].min()), int(pl[:,1].max()) # fast path for straight baselines requiring only rotation if len(baseline) == 2: baseline = baseline.astype(np.float) # calculate direction vector with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) slope, _, _, _, _ = linregress(baseline[:, 0], baseline[:, 1]) if np.isnan(slope): p_dir = np.array([0., np.sign(np.diff(baseline[(0, -1),1])).item()*1.]) else: p_dir = np.array([1, np.sign(np.diff(baseline[(0, -1),0])).item()*slope]) p_dir = (p_dir.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(p_dir**2,axis=-1))) angle = np.arctan2(p_dir[1], p_dir[0]) patch = im[r_min:r_max+1, c_min:c_max+1].copy() offset_polygon = pl - (c_min, r_min) r, c = draw.polygon(offset_polygon[:,1], offset_polygon[:,0]) mask = np.zeros(patch.shape[:2], dtype=np.bool) mask[r, c] = True patch[mask != True] = 0 extrema = offset_polygon[(0,-1),:] # scale line image to max 600 pixel width tform, rotated_patch = _rotate(patch, angle, center=extrema[0], scale=1.0, cval=0) i = Image.fromarray(rotated_patch.astype('uint8')) # normal slow path with piecewise affine transformation else: if len(pl) > 50: pl = approximate_polygon(pl, 2) full_polygon = subdivide_polygon(pl, preserve_ends=True) pl = geom.MultiPoint(full_polygon) bl = zip(baseline[:-1:], baseline[1::]) bl = [geom.LineString(x) for x in bl] cum_lens = np.cumsum([0] + [l.length for l in bl]) # distance of intercept from start point and number of line segment control_pts = [] for point in pl.geoms: npoint = np.array(point) line_idx, dist, intercept = min(((idx, line.project(point), np.array(line.interpolate(line.project(point)))) for idx, line in enumerate(bl)), key=lambda x: np.linalg.norm(npoint-x[2])) # absolute distance from start of line line_dist = cum_lens[line_idx] + dist intercept = np.array(intercept) # side of line the point is at side = np.linalg.det(np.array([[baseline[line_idx+1][0]-baseline[line_idx][0], npoint[0]-baseline[line_idx][0]], [baseline[line_idx+1][1]-baseline[line_idx][1], npoint[1]-baseline[line_idx][1]]])) side = np.sign(side) # signed perpendicular distance from the rectified distance per_dist = side * np.linalg.norm(npoint-intercept) control_pts.append((line_dist, per_dist)) # calculate baseline destination points bl_dst_pts = baseline[0] + np.dstack((cum_lens, np.zeros_like(cum_lens)))[0] # calculate bounding polygon destination points pol_dst_pts = np.array([baseline[0] + (line_dist, per_dist) for line_dist, per_dist in control_pts]) # extract bounding box patch c_dst_min, c_dst_max = int(pol_dst_pts[:,0].min()), int(pol_dst_pts[:,0].max()) r_dst_min, r_dst_max = int(pol_dst_pts[:,1].min()), int(pol_dst_pts[:,1].max()) output_shape = np.around((r_dst_max - r_dst_min + 1, c_dst_max - c_dst_min + 1)) patch = im[r_min:r_max+1,c_min:c_max+1].copy() # offset src points by patch shape offset_polygon = full_polygon - (c_min, r_min) offset_baseline = baseline - (c_min, r_min) # offset dst point by dst polygon shape offset_bl_dst_pts = bl_dst_pts - (c_dst_min, r_dst_min) offset_pol_dst_pts = pol_dst_pts - (c_dst_min, r_dst_min) # mask out points outside bounding polygon mask = np.zeros(patch.shape[:2], dtype=np.bool) r, c = draw.polygon(offset_polygon[:,1], offset_polygon[:,0]) mask[r, c] = True patch[mask != True] = 0 # estimate piecewise transform src_points = np.concatenate((offset_baseline, offset_polygon)) dst_points = np.concatenate((offset_bl_dst_pts, offset_pol_dst_pts)) tform = PiecewiseAffineTransform() tform.estimate(src_points, dst_points) o = warp(patch, tform.inverse, output_shape=output_shape, preserve_range=True, order=order) i = Image.fromarray(o.astype('uint8')) yield i.crop(i.getbbox()), line else: if bounds['text_direction'].startswith('vertical'): angle = 90 else: angle = 0 for box in bounds['boxes']: if isinstance(box, tuple): box = list(box) if (box < [0, 0, 0, 0] or box[::2] > [im.size[0], im.size[0]] or box[1::2] > [im.size[1], im.size[1]]): logger.error('bbox {} is outside of image bounds {}'.format(box, im.size)) raise KrakenInputException('Line outside of image bounds') yield im.crop(box).rotate(angle, expand=True), box