Example #1
def TE_two_sites(bonds,vertices,TEO,i,N,d,chi):
       |     |
       |     |

    #coarse grain
    theta = np.einsum("ij,jsk->isk",np.diag(bonds[(i-1)%N][:]),vertices[i][:,:,:])
    theta = np.einsum("isj,jk->isk",theta,np.diag(bonds[i][:]))
    theta = np.einsum("isj,jtk->istk",theta,vertices[(i+1)%N][:,:,:])
    theta = np.einsum("istj,jk->istk",theta,np.diag(bonds[(i+1)%N][:]))

    #multiple operator with wavefunction
    theta = np.einsum("istk,stuv->iuvk",theta,TEO)
    theta = np.reshape(theta,(chi*d,d*chi))

    X,Y,Z = np.linalg.svd(theta)

    bonds[i][0:chi] = Y[0:chi]/np.sqrt(np.sum(Y[0:chi]**2))

    X = np.reshape(X[0:chi*d,0:chi],(chi,d,chi))
    vertices[i][:,:,:] = np.tensordot(np.diag(bonds[(i-1)%N][:]**(-1)),X,axes=(1,0))

    Z= np.reshape(Z[0:chi,0:d*chi],(chi,d,chi))
    vertices[(i+1)%N][:,:,:] = np.tensordot(Z,np.diag(bonds[(i+1)%N][:]**(-1)),axes=(2,0))

    return theta
def matrix_Heff_optimization(mat_M, mat_W, mat_LR, l):

	L = mat_LR[l - 1]
	W = mat_W[l]
	R = mat_LR[l]

        #print '[matrix_Heff_opt] site %i | shapes L/R/W: ' % l, L.shape, R.shape, W.shape

	dim_alm1   = L.shape[0]
	dim_blm1   = L.shape[1]
	dim_bl     = W.shape[1]
	dim_sigmal = W.shape[3]
	dim_al     = R.shape[0]

        # first tensordot
        dim_ind_1  = L.shape[1]
        dim_ind_2  = W.shape[0]
        if dim_ind_1 != dim_ind_2:
            exit('ERROR[matrix_Heff] trying to contract %i-dim and %i-dim indices' % (dim_ind_1, dim_ind_2))
	LW = numpy.tensordot(L, W, axes=([1, 0]))

        # second tensordot
        dim_ind_1  = LW.shape[2]
        dim_ind_2  = R.shape[1]
        if dim_ind_1 != dim_ind_2:
            exit('ERROR[matrix_Heff] trying to contract %i-dim and %i-dim indices' % (dim_ind_1, dim_ind_2))
	LWR = numpy.tensordot(LW, R, axes=([2, 1]))

	Heff = LWR.reshape(dim_sigmal * dim_alm1 * dim_al, dim_sigmal * dim_alm1 * dim_al)

	[eigval, eigvec] = scipy.linalg.eigh(Heff, eigvals=(0, 0))
	mat_M[l] = eigvec.reshape(dim_alm1, dim_sigmal, dim_al) # modified (tc): mat_M --> mat_M[l]
	return eigval[0], mat_M # modified (tc): eigval --> eigval[0]
	def project(self,op,v):
			return npc.tensordot(npc.tensordot(vtemp,op,([0],[0])),v,([1],[0]))
			return np.tensordot(np.tensordot(v,op,([0],[0])),v,([1],[0]))
Example #4
    def backward_cpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        x, W = inputs[:2]
        b = inputs[2] if len(inputs) == 3 else None

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            if b is not None:
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}, type(b): {2}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x), type(b)))
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x)))

        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        h, w = x.shape[2:]

        gW = numpy.tensordot(
            gy, self.col, ((0, 2, 3), (0, 4, 5))).astype(W.dtype, copy=False)

        if not self.requires_x_grad:
            gx = None
            gcol = numpy.tensordot(W, gy, (0, 1)).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
            gcol = numpy.rollaxis(gcol, 3)
            gx = conv.col2im_cpu(gcol, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw,
                                 h, w)

        if b is None:
            return gx, gW
            gb = gy.sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))
            return gx, gW, gb
Example #5
File: gmf.py Project: me-manu/gmf
    def r_log_spiral(self,phi):
	return distance from center for angle phi of logarithmic spiral

	phi: scalar or np.array with polar angle values

	r(phi) = rx * exp(b * phi) as np.array

	see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithmic_spiral
	if np.isscalar(phi):
	    phi = np.array([phi])
	ones = np.ones(phi.shape[0])

	# self.rx.shape = 8
	# phi.shape = p
	# then result is given as (8,p)-dim array, each row stands for one rx

	result = np.tensordot(self.rx , np.exp((phi - 3.*pi*ones) / np.tan(pi/2. - self.idisk)),axes = 0)
	result = np.vstack((result, np.tensordot(self.rx , np.exp((phi - pi*ones) / np.tan(pi/2. - self.idisk)),axes = 0) ))
	result = np.vstack((result, np.tensordot(self.rx , np.exp((phi + pi*ones) / np.tan(pi/2. - self.idisk)),axes = 0) ))
	return np.vstack((result, np.tensordot(self.rx , np.exp((phi + 3.*pi*ones) / np.tan(pi/2. - self.idisk)),axes = 0) ))
Example #6
    def contract_two_to_two(self, subscripts, two, out=None, factor=1.0, clear=True):
        """Contract self with a two-index to obtain a two-index.


                Any of ``abcd,bd->ac`` (direct), ``abcd,cb->ad`` (exchange)

                The input two-index object. (DenseTwoIndex)

           **Optional arguments:**

           out, factor, clear
                See :py:meth:`DenseLinalgFactory.einsum`
        check_options('subscripts', subscripts, 'abcd,bd->ac', 'abcd,cb->ad')
        if out is None:
            out = DenseTwoIndex(self.nbasis)
            if clear:
            check_type('out', out, DenseTwoIndex)
        if subscripts == 'abcd,bd->ac':
            tmp = np.tensordot(self._array2, two._array, axes=([(1,2),(1,0)]))
            out._array[:] += factor*np.tensordot(self._array, tmp, [0,0])
        elif subscripts == 'abcd,cb->ad':
            tmp = np.tensordot(self._array2, two._array, axes=([1,1]))
            out._array[:] += factor*np.tensordot(self._array, tmp, ([0,2],[0,2]))
        return out
Example #7
def innerProductOBC(mpsA,mpsB):
    """ Inner product <A|B> using transfer matrices
        where A and B are MPS representations of }A> and }B>
        with open boundary conditions (OBC).
    # Take adjoint of |A> to get <A|
    A = []
    for a in mpsA:
    B = mpsB
    N = len(A) # Number of qubits
    d = A[1].shape[1] # d = 2 for qubits

    # Construct list of transfer matrices by contracting pairs of
    # tensors from A and B.
    transfer = []
    t = np.tensordot(A[0],B[0],axes=(0,0))
    t = np.reshape(t,A[0].shape[1]*B[0].shape[1])
    for i in xrange(1,N-1):
        t = np.tensordot(A[i],B[i],axes=(1,1))
        t = np.transpose(t,axes=(0,2,1,3))
        t = np.reshape(t,(A[i].shape[0]*B[i].shape[0],
    t = np.tensordot(A[N-1],B[N-1],axes=(1,1))
    t = np.reshape(t,A[N-1].shape[0]*B[N-1].shape[0])
    # Contract the transfer matrices.
    prod = transfer[0]
    for i in xrange(1,N-1):
        prod = np.dot(prod,transfer[i])
    prod = np.dot(prod,transfer[N-1])
    return prod
Example #8
 def test_einsum_fixedstridebug(self):
     # Issue #4485 obscure einsum bug
     # This case revealed a bug in nditer where it reported a stride
     # as 'fixed' (0) when it was in fact not fixed during processing
     # (0 or 4). The reason for the bug was that the check for a fixed
     # stride was using the information from the 2D inner loop reuse
     # to restrict the iteration dimensions it had to validate to be
     # the same, but that 2D inner loop reuse logic is only triggered
     # during the buffer copying step, and hence it was invalid to
     # rely on those values. The fix is to check all the dimensions
     # of the stride in question, which in the test case reveals that
     # the stride is not fixed.
     # NOTE: This test is triggered by the fact that the default buffersize,
     #       used by einsum, is 8192, and 3*2731 = 8193, is larger than that
     #       and results in a mismatch between the buffering and the
     #       striding for operand A.
     A = np.arange(2*3).reshape(2,3).astype(np.float32)
     B = np.arange(2*3*2731).reshape(2,3,2731).astype(np.int16)
     es = np.einsum('cl,cpx->lpx', A, B)
     tp = np.tensordot(A, B, axes=(0, 0))
     assert_equal(es, tp)
     # The following is the original test case from the bug report,
     # made repeatable by changing random arrays to aranges.
     A = np.arange(3*3).reshape(3,3).astype(np.float64)
     B = np.arange(3*3*64*64).reshape(3,3,64,64).astype(np.float32)
     es = np.einsum ('cl,cpxy->lpxy', A,B)
     tp = np.tensordot(A,B, axes=(0,0))
     assert_equal(es, tp)
Example #9
 def energy(self,R1,M0):
     return energy1/norm
Example #10
def tensordot_adjoint_0(B, G, axes, A_ndim, B_ndim):
    # The adjoint of the operator
    # A |--> np.tensordot(A, B, axes)
    if B_ndim == 0:
        return G * B

    G_axes = onp.arange(onp.ndim(G))
    if type(axes) is int:
        axes = max(axes, 0)
        B_axes = onp.arange(B_ndim)
        return onp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim-axes:], B_axes[axes:]])
    elif type(axes[0]) is int:
        axes = [axes[0] % A_ndim, axes[1] % B_ndim]
        B_axes = onp.arange(B_ndim)
        return onp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim-1:], onp.delete(B_axes, axes[1])])
        A_axes = onp.arange(A_ndim)
        B_axes = onp.arange(B_ndim)
        summed_axes = [onp.asarray(axes[0]) % A_ndim,
                       onp.asarray(axes[1]) % B_ndim]
        other_axes  = [onp.delete(A_axes, summed_axes[0]),
                       onp.delete(B_axes, summed_axes[1])]
        out = onp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[len(other_axes[0]):], other_axes[1]])
        perm = onp.argsort(onp.concatenate(
            (other_axes[0], summed_axes[0][onp.argsort(summed_axes[1])])))
        return onp.transpose(out, perm)
Example #11
def tensordot_adjoint_1(A, G, axes, A_ndim, B_ndim):
    # The adjoint of the operator
    # B |--> np.tensordot(A, B, axes)
    if A_ndim == 0:
        return G * A

    G_axes = onp.arange(onp.ndim(G))
    if type(axes) is int:
        axes = max(axes, 0)
        A_axes = onp.arange(A_ndim)
        return onp.tensordot(A, G, [A_axes[:A_ndim-axes], G_axes[:A_ndim-axes]])
    elif type(axes[0]) is int:
        axes = [axes[0] % A_ndim, axes[1] % B_ndim]
        A_axes = onp.arange(A_ndim)
        return onp.tensordot(A, G, [onp.delete(A_axes, axes[0]), G_axes[:A_ndim-1]])
        A_axes = onp.arange(A_ndim)
        B_axes = onp.arange(B_ndim)
        summed_axes = [onp.asarray(axes[0]) % A_ndim,
                       onp.asarray(axes[1]) % B_ndim]
        other_axes  = [onp.delete(A_axes, summed_axes[0]),
                       onp.delete(B_axes, summed_axes[1])]
        out = onp.tensordot(A, G, [other_axes[0], G_axes[:len(other_axes[0])]])
        perm = onp.argsort(onp.concatenate(
            (summed_axes[1][onp.argsort(summed_axes[0])], other_axes[1])))
        return onp.transpose(out, perm)
 def H_chol(self):
     H = np.tensordot(self.DWt(),self.Wc(),axes=(1,0))
     H = np.transpose(H, (0, 2, 1))
     H = np.tensordot(self.Wr(), H, axes=(0,0))
     H = H.reshape((self.rank_c * self.rank_r, self.rank_c * self.rank_r), order='F')
     H+= np.eye(self.rank_r * self.rank_c)
     return la.cholesky(H).T
Example #13
    def learn(self, Xd):

        # Initialize a data particle
        X = [Xd]+[self.X[l]*0+self.O[l]
                           for l in range(1, len(self.X))]

        # Alternate gibbs sampler on data and free particles
        for l in (range(1, len(self.X), 2)+range(2, len(self.X), 2))*5:
            self.gibbs(X, l)
        for l in (range(1, len(self.X), 2)+range(0, len(self.X), 2))*1:
            self.gibbs(self.X, l)

        # Parameter update
        self.W[0] += lr*(np.tensordot(X[0]-self.O[0], X[1]-self.O[1], axes=([0],[0])) -
                        np.tensordot(self.X[0]-self.O[0], self.X[1]-self.O[1], axes=([0],[0])))/len(Xd)
        for i in range(1, len(self.W)):
            self.W[i] += lr*(numpy.dot((X[i]-self.O[i]).T,     X[i+1]-self.O[i+1]) -
                             numpy.dot((self.X[i]-self.O[i]).T, self.X[i+1]-self.O[i+1]))/len(Xd)
        for i in range(0, len(self.B)):
            self.B[i] += lr*(X[i]-self.X[i]).mean(axis=0)

        # Reparameterization
        for l in range(0, len(self.B)):
            self.reparamB(X, l)
        for l in range(0, len(self.O)):
            self.reparamO(X, l)
Example #14
def test1():
  import axis as ax
  import numpy as np
  a = ax.Axis((7,), np.ndarray)
  ia = ax.IrrepAxis("C2v", (4,0,1,2), np.ndarray)
  A = Array(a*a*ia*ia)
  B = Array(ia*ia*a*a)

  a = np.random.rand(7,7,7,7)
  b = np.random.rand(7,7,7,7)
  c = np.tensordot(a, b, axes=((2,3),(0,1)))

  it_a  = zip(range(1),(slice(7),),(slice(7),))
  it_ia = zip(range(4),(slice(4),slice(0),slice(1),slice(2)),(slice(0,4),slice(4,4),slice(4,5),slice(5,7)))

  for h1, i1, j1 in it_a:
    for h2, i2, j2 in it_a:
      for h3, i3, j3 in it_ia:
        for h4, i4, j4 in it_ia:
          A[h1,h2,h3,h4][i1,i2,i3,i4] = a[j1,j2,j3,j4]
          B[h3,h4,h1,h2][i3,i4,i1,i2] = b[j3,j4,j1,j2]

  col_axes = A.multiaxis.axes[:2]
  trc_axes = A.multiaxis.axes[2:]
  row_axes = B.multiaxis.axes[2:]

  C = Array(col_axes + row_axes)

  for col in np.prod(col_axes).iter_array_keytups():
    for row in np.prod(row_axes).iter_array_keytups():
      for trc in MultiAxis(trc_axes).iter_array_keytups():
        if not (0 in A[col+trc].shape or 0 in B[trc+row].shape):
          C[col+row] += np.tensordot(A[col+trc], B[trc+row], axes=((2,3),(0,1)))

  print np.linalg.norm(C[0,0,0,0] - c)
Example #15
def concprof(n0, T, r, phi):

    kb = 8.61733034e-5
    beta = 1.0 / (kb * T)

    ux = strain(r, phi)

    st = np.zeros((3, 3))
    for i in xrange(3):
        for j in xrange(3):
            for k in xrange(3):
                for l in xrange(3):
                    st[i, j] = Cijkl[i, j, k, l] * ux[k, l] + st[i, j]

    F1 = -float(np.tensordot(dpl1, ux))
    F2 = -float(np.tensordot(dpl2, ux))

    chi1 = n0 / (1 - n0) * np.exp(-F1 * beta)
    chi2 = n0 / (1 - n0) * np.exp(-F2 * beta)

    n1 = chi1 / (1 + chi1)
    n2 = chi2 / (1 + chi2)

    n1 = n0 / (np.exp(F1 * beta) * (1 - n0) + n0)
    n2 = n0 / (np.exp(F2 * beta) * (1 - n0) + n0)

    dn = (n1 + n2) - n0

    return dn
Example #16
    def __init__(self, A = None, eps = 1e-14):

        if A is None:
            self.core = 0
            self.u = [0, 0, 0]
            self.n = [0, 0, 0]
            self.r = [0, 0, 0]

        N1, N2, N3 = A.shape

        B1 = np.reshape(A, (N1, -1), order='F')
        B2 = np.reshape(np.transpose(A, [1, 0, 2]), (N2, -1), order='F' )
        B3 = np.reshape(np.transpose(A, [2, 0, 1]), (N3, -1), order='F')

        U1, V1, r1 = svd_trunc(B1, eps)
        U2, V2, r2 = svd_trunc(B2, eps)
        U3, V3, r3 = svd_trunc(B3, eps)

        G = np.tensordot(A, np.conjugate(U3), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [2, 0, 1])
        G = np.tensordot(G, np.conjugate(U2), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [0, 2, 1])
        G = np.tensordot(G, np.conjugate(U1), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [2, 1, 0])

        self.n = [N1, N2, N3]
        self.r = G.shape
        self.u = [U1, U2, U3]
        self.core = G
Example #17
def test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac():
        here we see that the reconstruction quality is independent of the integration weights

        differences occur when checking validity of the interpolated time continuous Fredholm equation
    _WC_ = 2
    def lac(t):
        return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t)
    t_max = 10
    tol = 2e-10
    for ng in range(11,500,30):
        t, w = sp.method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(t_max, ng)
        r = lac(t.reshape(-1,1)-t.reshape(1,-1))
        _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w)
        _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec)  # (N_gp, N_ev)
        tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec  # (N_gp, N_ev)
        recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1]))
        rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r))
        assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol)

        t, w = sp.method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng)
        r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1))
        _eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w)
        _eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec)  # (N_gp, N_ev)
        tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec  # (N_gp, N_ev)
        recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1]))
        rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r))
        assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol)
Example #18
    def eval_basis(self, maps):
        It returns basis functions evaluated at quadrature points and mapped
        at reference element according to real element.
        if self.eval_method == ['grad']:
            val = nm.tensordot(self.bfref, maps.inv_jac, axes=(-1, 0))
            return val

        elif self.eval_method == ['val']:
            return self.bfref

        elif self.eval_method == ['div']:
            val = nm.tensordot(self.bfref, maps.inv_jac, axes=(-1, 0))
            val = nm.atleast_3d(nm.einsum('ijkk', val))
            return val

        elif self.eval_method == ['grad', 'sym', 'Man']:
            val = nm.tensordot(self.bfref, maps.inv_jac, axes=(-1, 0))
            from sfepy.terms.terms_general import proceed_methods
            val = proceed_methods(val, self.eval_method[1:])
            return val

            msg = "Improper method '%s' for evaluation of basis functions" \
                % (self.eval_method)
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
Example #19
def real(a): # doubled ranks!

    b = tensor()
    b.n = a.n
    b.u[0] = np.concatenate((np.real(a.u[0]), np.imag(a.u[0])), 1)
    b.u[1] = np.concatenate((np.real(a.u[1]), np.imag(a.u[1])), 1)
    b.u[2] = np.concatenate((np.real(a.u[2]), np.imag(a.u[2])), 1)

    R1 = np.zeros((2*a.r[0], a.r[0]), dtype = np.complex128)
    R2 = np.zeros((2*a.r[1], a.r[1]), dtype = np.complex128)
    R3 = np.zeros((2*a.r[2], a.r[2]), dtype = np.complex128)

    R1[:a.r[0], :] = np.identity(a.r[0])
    R1[a.r[0]:, :] = 1j*np.identity(a.r[0])
    R2[:a.r[1], :] = np.identity(a.r[1])
    R2[a.r[1]:, :] = 1j*np.identity(a.r[1])
    R3[:a.r[2], :] = np.identity(a.r[2])
    R3[a.r[2]:, :] = 1j*np.identity(a.r[2])
    GG = np.tensordot(np.transpose(a.core,[2,1,0]),np.transpose(R1), (2,0))
    GG = np.tensordot(np.transpose(GG,[0,2,1]),np.transpose(R2), (2,0))
    GG = np.transpose(GG,[1,2,0])
    b.core = np.real(np.tensordot(GG,np.transpose(R3), (2,0)))

    b.r = b.core.shape
    return b
def J(theta, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, feat, y, lamb):
    """cost function"""
    # Reshape theta into matrices.
    # The i stands for 'internal' to indicate that these
    # variables are internal to this function.
    Theta1i = theta[:hidden_layer_size * feat.shape[1]].reshape( \
        hidden_layer_size, feat.shape[1])
    Theta2i = theta[hidden_layer_size * feat.shape[1]:].reshape( \
        num_labels, hidden_layer_size+1)
    # compute the probabilities h by going through the three layers
    # layer 1, the input layer
    a = feat.T
    # layer 2, the hidden layer
    z = np.dot(Theta1i,a)
    a = g(z)
    a = np.vstack((np.ones(a.shape[1]),a))
    # layer 3, the output layer
    z = np.dot(Theta2i,a)
    a = g(z)
    h = a.T
    # compute the cost
    m = feat.shape[0]
    cost = -1. / m * (np.tensordot(y, np.log(h)) \
        + np.tensordot(1-y, np.log(1-h)))
    # add regularization
    cost += lamb * .5 / m * (np.sum(Theta1i[:,1:]**2) \
        + np.sum(Theta2i[:,1:]**2))
    return cost
Example #21
    def backward_cpu(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        x, W = inputs[:2]
        b = inputs[2] if len(inputs) == 3 else None

        if not type_check.same_types(*inputs):
            if b is not None:
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}, type(b): {2}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x), type(b)))
                raise ValueError('numpy and cupy must not be used together\n'
                                 'type(W): {0}, type(x): {1}'
                                 .format(type(W), type(x)))

        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        kh, kw = W.shape[2:]
        col = conv.im2col_cpu(
            gy, kh, kw, self.sy, self.sx, self.ph, self.pw)
        gW = numpy.tensordot(
            x, col, ([0, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5])).astype(W.dtype, copy=False)
        gx = numpy.tensordot(
            col, W, ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])).astype(x.dtype, copy=False)
        gx = numpy.rollaxis(gx, 3, 1)

        if b is None:
            return gx, gW
            gb = gy.sum(axis=(0, 2, 3))
            return gx, gW, gb
Example #22
def rot_symm(symm_grp_ax, bp_norms_go1, file_path):
    Returns the symmetrically equivalent boundary plane normals

    symm_grp_ax: principle axes for the bicrystal fundamental zone
    * numpy array of size (3 x 3)

    bp_norms_go1: normalized boundary plane normals in the po1 reference frame
    * numpy array of size (n x 3)

    file_path: path to the relevant symmetry operations containing pickle file
    * string

    symm_bpn_go1: symmetrically equivalent boundary plane normals in the po1 reference frame
    *  numpy array of size (m x n x 3); m == order of bicrystal point group symmetry group


    bpn_rot = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(symm_grp_ax), bp_norms_go1.transpose()).transpose()
    symm_mat = pickle.load(open(file_path, 'rb'))
    ### np.dot returns the sum product of the last axis of the first matrix with the second to last axis of the second
    ### advisable to use np.tensordot instead to avoid confusion !!
    symm_bpn_rot_gop1 = np.tensordot(symm_mat, bpn_rot.transpose(), 1).transpose((1, 2, 0))
    symm_bpn_go1 = np.tensordot(symm_grp_ax, symm_bpn_rot_gop1, 1).transpose(2, 1, 0)

    return symm_bpn_go1
Example #23
def princ2(cauchyStress,C):
    Calculate the principal values using
    Sig = C:T:s form

    cauchyStress - the linearly transformed stress Sigma
    C (6x6) tensor for linear transformation

    s = cauchyStress.copy()
    T = cpb_lib.returnT()
    Sig = np.tensordot(C,np.tensordot(T,s,axes=(1,0)),axes=(1,0))

    Sxx,Syy,Szz,Sxy = Sig[0], Sig[1], Sig[2], Sig[5]

    S1 = 0.5*(Sxx + Syy + sqrt( (Sxx-Syy)**2 + 4*Sxy**2))
    S2 = 0.5*(Sxx + Syy - sqrt( (Sxx-Syy)**2 + 4*Sxy**2))
    S3 = Szz
    return S1, S2, S3
 def get_chisquareds(self, n):
     dd = self.get_datum(n)
     if n == 0:
         foo = np.sum(np.sum(np.tensordot(dd, self.get_ivarts(), axes=(1,1)) * dd[:,None,:],
                             axis=2), axis=0)
     return np.sum(np.sum(np.tensordot(dd, self.get_ivarts(), axes=(1,1)) * dd[:,None,:],
                          axis=2), axis=0) # should be length T
Example #25
 def update(self):
     y_dot = self.input.y_dot
     y = self.input.y
     u = self.input.u
     T = self.T
         ('shape(x),(array[HxW]|array[N])', y),
         ('shape(x),(array[HxW]|array[N])', y_dot),
         ('array[K]', u),
         ('array[Kx2xHxW]|array[Kx1xN]', T), # TODO: use references
     K = u.size
     # update covariance of gradients
     gy = generalized_gradient(y)
     Tgy = np.tensordot([1, 1], T * gy , axes=(0, 1)) 
     y_dot_pred = np.tensordot(u, Tgy, axes=(0, 0))
     assert y_dot_pred.ndim == 2
     error = np.maximum(0, -y_dot_pred * y_dot)
     # error = np.abs(np.sign(y_dot_pred) - np.sign(y_dot))
     self.output.y_dot_pred = y_dot_pred
     self.output.error = error
     self.output.error_sensel = np.sum(error, axis=0)
Example #26
def four_index_transform_cholesky(ao_integrals, orb0, orb1=None, method='tensordot'):
    """Perform four index transformation on a Cholesky-decomposed four-index object.

    oa_integrals : np.ndarray, shape=(nvec, nbasis, nbasis)
        Cholesky decomposition of four-index object in the AO basis.
        A Orbitals object with molecular orbitals.
        Can be provided to transform the second index differently.
        Either ``einsum`` or ``tensordot`` (default).
    if orb1 is None:
        orb1 = orb0
    result = np.zeros(ao_integrals.shape)
    if method == 'einsum':
        result = np.einsum('ai,kac->kic', orb0.coeffs, ao_integrals)
        result = np.einsum('cj,kic->kij', orb1.coeffs, result)
    elif method == 'tensordot':
        result = np.tensordot(ao_integrals, orb0.coeffs, axes=([1],[0]))
        result = np.tensordot(result, orb1.coeffs, axes=([1],[0]))
        raise ValueError('The method must either be \'einsum\' or \'tensordot\'.')
    return result
def dev_trapz(ds):
	d = ds.variables['development'][:]/1e4
	t = ds.variables['time'][:]
	t_floor = np.floor(t).astype(int)
	#now set up a loop to solve the index for each whole integer or iterate up
	#we can figure out if we have a leap year or not also by looking at the max day
	#i.e. np.max(t_floor) == 365 , means this is a leap year dataset

	max_days = np.max(t_floor) + 1
	z,m,n = d.shape
	daily_dev = np.zeros((max_days, m,n))
	start = 0 #first integration point
	k_array = np.zeros(max_days)
	for k in range(max_days):
		ones = np.ones((m,n))
		if k == max_days-1:
			tm = np.tensordot(t[start:], ones, axes=0)
			daily_dev[k] = np.trapz(d[start:],tm,axis=0) 
			end = np.argmax(t_floor>k)
			tm = np.tensordot(t[start:end+1], ones, axes=0) #plus one to integrate the end point
			daily_dev[k] = np.trapz(d[start:end+1],tm,axis=0) 
			#define the new start
			start = end
		k_array[k] = k+1 #counter for each day
	return(daily_dev, k_array)
Example #28
def discretizedGaussian(amp, mu, cov, grid):
    '''Convenience method for discretized Gaussian evaluation'''
    #eigenvalue decomposition of precision matrix
    P = la.inv(cov)     #precision matrix
    evl, M = la.eig(P)
    #assert np.allclose(np.diag(evl), iM.dot(cov).dot(M))
    #check if covariance is positive definite
    if np.any(evl < 0):
        raise ValueError('Covariance matrix should be positive definite')
    #make column vector for arithmetic
    mu = np.array(mu, ndmin=grid.ndim, dtype=float).T
    evl = np.array(evl, ndmin=grid.ndim, dtype=float).T

    xm = grid - mu #(2,...) shape
    #return M, xm
    f = np.sqrt(2 / evl)
    pf = np.sqrt(np.pi / evl)
    td0 = np.tensordot(M, xm + 0.5, 1)
    td1 = np.tensordot(M, xm - 0.5, 1)
    w = pf*(erf(f*td0) - erf(f*td1))
    return amp * np.prod(w, axis=0)
Example #29
 def d2y_SS(z_i):
     DF,df,Hf = self.DF(z_i),self.df(z_i),self.Hf(z_i)
     d = self.get_d(z_i)
     DFi = DF[n:]
     return np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(DFi[:,y] + DFi[:,e].dot(df) + DFi[:,v].dot(Ivy)),
         -self.HFhat[S,S](z_i) - np.tensordot(DFi[:,e],quadratic_dot(Hf,d[y,S],d[y,S]),1)
             , axes=1)
Example #30
def expect(mps,opl): #opl is a list of matrices including identities.but this is not necessary
	#contract s first
	for i in range(len(mps.Ms)):
	return float(expect)
def right_sweep_projection(flmps0,flmps1,qtarget,thresh,Dcut,debug,\
    nsite, ne, ms, sval = qtarget
    print('\n[mpo_dmrg_samps.right_sweep_projection] (nsite,,ne,ms,sval)=',
          (nsite, ne, ms, sval))
    flmps1['nsite'] = nsite
    # Reduced qnums - the basis states are ordered to maximize the efficiency.
    qnumsN = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0.5, 1.], [2., 0., 1.]])
    qnums1 = [None] * (nsite + 1)

    # This works perfectly.
    qnums1[nsite] = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1.]])
    wmat = numpy.identity(1)

    for isite in range(nsite - 1, -1, -1):
        site0 = mpo_dmrg_io.loadSite(flmps0, isite, False)

        # *** Change the direction for combinations
        site0 = numpy.einsum('lnr->rnl', site0)

        # Expand |M> basis to |SM> basis
        wA0 = numpy.tensordot(wmat, site0, axes=([1], [0]))  # Ll,lNr->LNr

        # Transform to combined basis
        qnumsL, wA1 = util_tensor.spinCouple(wA0, qnums1[isite + 1], qnumsN)

        # Quasi-RDM (reduced): each dim is {[(SaSb)S,na*nb]}
        classes, qrdmL = util_tensor.quasiRDM(wA1, qnumsL)
        if debug:
            print('trace=', numpy.trace(qrdmL), qrdmL.shape, len(classes))

        # Decimation: [(SaSb)S,na*nb]=>[S,r] for all possible Sa,Sb
        # Therefore, rotL is a matrix with dimensions [(SaSb)S,na*nb]*[S,r]!
        dwts, qred, rotL, sigs = mpo_dmrg_qparser.rdm_blkdiag(
            qrdmL, classes, thresh, Dcut, debug)

        #        |        (0) w[i-1] = <l[i-1]|m[i-1]>: expansion coeff of |l(NM)> to |m(NSM)>
        #  |-----|------| (1) update formula for w[i]
        #  |     L      | (2) L[i] - isometry
        #  |     |      | (3) L[i]*t[CG] - new site A[i]
        #  |   t[CG]    |
        #  |    / \     |    |
        #  |   w---A[i]---A[i+1]---
        #  |------------|

        # Screen
        qnumsl, rotL = util_spinsym.symScreen(isite,
        # A[lnr]
        site1 = util_tensor.expandRotL(rotL, qnums1[isite + 1], qnumsN, qnumsL,
        # srotR = rotL^\dagger * wA
        srotR = numpy.tensordot(site1, wA0, axes=([0, 1], [0,
                                                           1]))  # LNR,LNr->Rr

        # Print:
        print(' ---> isite=',isite,'site0=',site0.shape,'rotL=',rotL.shape,\
                                   'site1=',site1.shape) #,'srotR=',srotR.shape
        # Check left canonical form
        if debug:
            tmp = numpy.tensordot(site1, site1,
                                  axes=([0, 1], [0, 1]))  # lna,lnb->ab
            d = tmp.shape[0]
            diff = numpy.linalg.norm(tmp - numpy.identity(d))
            print(' diff=', diff)
            assert diff < 1.e-10

        # Save
        if isite > 0:
            wmat = srotR.copy()
            qnums1[isite] = qnumsl.copy()
            flmps1.create_dataset('rotL' + str(isite),
            # *** Change the direction back [Right canonical form]
            site1 = numpy.einsum('rnl->lnr', site1)
            flmps1.create_dataset('site' + str(isite),
            # In case of singlet embedding, the in bond of the first site
            # is expanded in the subroutine expandRotL in the left sweep for nonsinglet state.
            if ifBlockSingletEmbedding and abs(sval) > 1.e-10:
                im = int(ms + sval)
                srotR = srotR[:, im].reshape(srotR.shape[0], 1)
            # Special treatment for the last site by invoking symmetry selection!
            info, qnumsl, rotL, site1, wt = util_tensor.lastSite(
                rotL, site1, srotR, qnumsl, ne, ms, sval)
            if info:
                qnums1[0] = qnumsl.copy()
                flmps1.create_dataset('rotL' + str(isite),
                site1 = numpy.einsum('rnl->lnr', site1)
                flmps1.create_dataset('site' + str(isite),

    # Dump on flmps1
    if info:
        print('\nfinalize right_sweep ...')
        qnumsm = [None] * (nsite + 1)
        for isite in range(1, nsite + 1):
            qnumsm[isite] = util_spinsym.expandSM(qnums1[isite])
        # Right case
        qnumsm[0] = numpy.array([[ne, ms]])
        # DUMP qnums
        for isite in range(nsite + 1):
            flmps1['qnum' + str(isite)] = qnumsm[isite]
            flmps1['qnumNS' + str(isite)] = qnums1[isite]
        # Check
        for isite in range(nsite + 1):
            dimr = util_spinsym.dim_red(qnums1[isite])
            print(' ibond/dim(NS)/dim(NSM)=', isite, dimr, len(qnumsm[isite]))
    return wt
 def tensordot(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor, axes: Sequence[Sequence[int]]):
     return np.tensordot(a, b, axes)
 def outer_product(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor:
     return np.tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, 0)
Example #34
def min_tens(tens, rmax=10, nswp=10, verb=True, smooth_fun=None):
    """Find (approximate) minimal element in a TT-tensor."""
    if smooth_fun is None:
        smooth_fun = lambda p, lam: (math.pi / 2 - np.arctan(p - lam))
    d = tens.d
    Rx = [[]] * (d + 1)  # Python list for the interfaces
    Rx[0] = np.ones((1, 1))
    Rx[d] = np.ones((1, 1))
    Jy = [np.empty(0, dtype=np.int)] * (d + 1)
    ry = rmax * np.ones(d + 1, dtype=np.int)
    ry[0] = 1
    ry[d] = 1
    n = tens.n
    elements_seen = 0
    phi_left = [np.empty(0)] * (d + 1)
    phi_left[0] = np.array([1])
    phi_right = [np.empty(0)] * (d + 1)
    phi_right[d] = np.array([1])
    cores = tt.tensor.to_list(tens)

    # Fill initial multiindex J randomly.
    grid = [np.reshape(range(n[i]), (n[i], 1)) for i in xrange(d)]
    for i in xrange(d - 1):
        ry[i + 1] = min(ry[i + 1], n[i] * ry[i])
        ind = sorted(np.random.permutation(ry[i] * n[i])[0:ry[i + 1]])
        w1 = mkron(np.ones((n[i], 1), dtype=np.int), Jy[i])
        w2 = mkron(grid[i], np.ones((ry[i], 1), dtype=np.int))
        Jy[i + 1] = np.hstack((w1, w2))
        Jy[i + 1] = reshape(Jy[i + 1], (ry[i] * n[i], -1))
        Jy[i + 1] = Jy[i + 1][ind, :]
        phi_left[i + 1] = np.tensordot(phi_left[i], cores[i], 1)
        phi_left[i + 1] = reshape(phi_left[i + 1], (ry[i] * n[i], -1))
        phi_left[i + 1] = phi_left[i + 1][ind, :]
    swp = 0
    dirn = -1
    i = d - 1
    lm = float('Inf')
    while swp < nswp:
        # Right-to-left sweep
        # The idea: compute the current core; compute the function of it;
        # Shift locally or globally? Local shift would be the first try
        # Compute the current core

        if np.size(Jy[i]) == 0:
            w1 = np.zeros((ry[i] * n[i] * ry[i + 1], 0), dtype=np.int)
            w1 = mkron(np.ones((n[i] * ry[i + 1], 1), dtype=np.int), Jy[i])
        w2 = mkron(mkron(np.ones((ry[i + 1], 1), dtype=np.int), grid[i]),
                   np.ones((ry[i], 1), dtype=np.int))
        if np.size(Jy[i + 1]) == 0:
            w3 = np.zeros((ry[i] * n[i] * ry[i + 1], 0), dtype=np.int)
            w3 = mkron(Jy[i + 1], np.ones((ry[i] * n[i], 1), dtype=np.int))
        J = np.hstack((w1, w2, w3))

        phi_right[i] = np.tensordot(cores[i], phi_right[i + 1], 1)
        phi_right[i] = reshape(phi_right[i], (-1, n[i] * ry[i + 1]))

        cry = np.tensordot(phi_left[i],
                           np.tensordot(cores[i], phi_right[i + 1], 1), 1)
        elements_seen += cry.size
        cry = reshape(cry, (ry[i], n[i], ry[i + 1]))
        min_cur = np.min(cry.flatten("F"))
        ind_cur = np.argmin(cry.flatten("F"))
        if lm > min_cur:
            lm = min_cur
            x_full = J[ind_cur, :]
            val = tens[x_full]
            if verb:
                print 'New record:', val, 'Point:', x_full, 'elements seen:', elements_seen
        cry = smooth_fun(cry, lm)
        if dirn < 0 and i > 0:
            cry = reshape(cry, (ry[i], n[i] * ry[i + 1]))
            cry = cry.T
            #q, r = np.linalg.qr(cry)
            u, s, v = mysvd(cry, full_matrices=False)
            ry[i] = min(ry[i], rmax)
            q = u[:, :ry[i]]
            ind = rect_maxvol(q)[0]  # maxvol(q)
            ry[i] = ind.size
            w1 = mkron(np.ones((ry[i + 1], 1), dtype=np.int), grid[i])
            if np.size(Jy[i + 1]) == 0:
                w2 = np.zeros((n[i] * ry[i + 1], 0), dtype=np.int)
                w2 = mkron(Jy[i + 1], np.ones((n[i], 1), dtype=np.int))
            Jy[i] = np.hstack((w1, w2))
            Jy[i] = reshape(Jy[i], (n[i] * ry[i + 1], -1))
            Jy[i] = Jy[i][ind, :]
            phi_right[i] = np.tensordot(cores[i], phi_right[i + 1], 1)
            phi_right[i] = reshape(phi_right[i], (-1, n[i] * ry[i + 1]))
            phi_right[i] = phi_right[i][:, ind]

        if dirn > 0 and i < d - 1:
            cry = reshape(cry, (ry[i] * n[i], ry[i + 1]))
            q, r = np.linalg.qr(cry)
            #ind = maxvol(q)
            ind = rect_maxvol(q)[0]
            ry[i + 1] = ind.size
            phi_left[i + 1] = np.tensordot(phi_left[i], cores[i], 1)
            phi_left[i + 1] = reshape(phi_left[i + 1], (ry[i] * n[i], -1))
            phi_left[i + 1] = phi_left[i + 1][ind, :]
            w1 = mkron(np.ones((n[i], 1), dtype=np.int), Jy[i])
            w2 = mkron(grid[i], np.ones((ry[i], 1), dtype=np.int))
            Jy[i + 1] = np.hstack((w1, w2))
            Jy[i + 1] = reshape(Jy[i + 1], (ry[i] * n[i], -1))
            Jy[i + 1] = Jy[i + 1][ind, :]

        i += dirn
        if i == d or i == -1:
            dirn = -dirn
            i += dirn
            swp = swp + 1
    return val, x_full
Example #35
def rhs_default_PS(z, t=0):
    x, y = z
    q = np.array([(x - x_1), (y - y_1)])
    return np.tensordot(A, q, axes=[(1, ), (0, )])
Example #36
def neuron_output(weights, inputs):
    if weights.ndim == 2:
        return sigmoid(weights.dot(inputs))
    elif weights.ndim == 3:
        return sigmoid(np.tensordot(weights, inputs))
def left_sweep_projection(flmps0,flmps1,qtarget,thresh,Dcut,debug,\
    nsite, ne, ms, sval = qtarget
    print('\n[mpo_dmrg_samps.left_sweep_projection] (nsite,ne,ms,sval)=',(nsite,ne,ms,sval),\
    flmps1['nsite'] = nsite
    # Reduced qnums - the basis states are ordered to maximize the efficiency.
    qnumsN = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0.5, 1.], [2., 0., 1.]])
    qnums1 = [None] * (nsite + 1)

    # Do not use singlet embedding for the first purification sweep,
    # otherwise, it will mess up with other spins.
    if ifBlockSingletEmbedding == False:
        qnums1[0] = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1.]])
        wmat = numpy.identity(1)
        # Quantum numbers
        ne_eff = ne
        sval_eff = sval
        ms_eff = ms
        qnums1[0] = numpy.array([[2 * sval, sval, 1.]])  # (N,S)=(2*S,S)
        ndeg = int(2 * sval + 1)
        wmat = numpy.zeros((ndeg, 1))
        # Coupled to a noninteracting state |S(-M)>
        # to create a broken symetry state |S(-M)>*|SM>
        # which has the singlet component |00>/sqrt(2*S+1).
        im = int(-ms + sval)
        wmat[im] = 1.0
        # Quantum numbers
        ne_eff = ne + 2.0 * sval
        sval_eff = 0.0
        ms_eff = 0.0

    # Start conversion for the following sites
    for isite in range(nsite):

        site0 = mpo_dmrg_io.loadSite(flmps0, isite, False)

        # Expand |M> basis to |SM> basis
        wA0 = numpy.tensordot(wmat, site0, axes=([1], [0]))  # Ll,lNr->LNr

        # Transform to combined basis
        if ifpermute and ifBlockSingletEmbedding and isite == 0:
            wA0 = wA0.transpose(1, 0, 2)
            sgn = numpy.array(
                [1., (-1.0)**(int(2 * sval)), (-1.0)**(int(2 * sval)), 1.])
            wA0 = numpy.einsum('n,nvr->nvr', sgn, wA0)
            qnumsL, wA1 = util_tensor.spinCouple(wA0, qnumsN, qnums1[isite])
            qnumsL, wA1 = util_tensor.spinCouple(wA0, qnums1[isite], qnumsN)

        # Quasi-RDM (reduced): each dim is {[(SaSb)S,na*nb]}
        classes, qrdmL = util_tensor.quasiRDM(wA1, qnumsL)
        if debug:
            print('trace=', numpy.trace(qrdmL), qrdmL.shape, len(classes))

        # Decimation: [(SaSb)S,na*nb]=>[S,r] for all possible Sa,Sb
        # Therefore, rotL is a matrix with dimensions [(SaSb)S,na*nb]*[S,r]!
        if ifBlockSingletEmbedding and isite == 0:
            dwts, qred, rotL, sigs = mpo_dmrg_qparser.rdm_blkdiag(
                qrdmL, classes, -1.e-10, -1, debug)
            dwts, qred, rotL, sigs = mpo_dmrg_qparser.rdm_blkdiag(
                qrdmL, classes, thresh, Dcut, debug)

        #        |        (0) w[i-1] = <l[i-1]|m[i-1]>: expansion coeff of |l(NM)> to |m(NSM)>
        #  |-----|------| (1) update formula for w[i]
        #  |     L      | (2) L[i] - isometry
        #  |     |      | (3) L[i]*t[CG] - new site A[i]
        #  |   t[CG]    |
        #  |    / \     |    |
        #  |   w---A[i]---A[i+1]---
        #  |------------|

        # Screen
        qnumsl,rotL = util_spinsym.symScreen(isite,nsite,rotL,qred,sigs,ne_eff,sval_eff,debug,\
        if ifpermute and ifBlockSingletEmbedding and isite == 0:
            # A[lnr]
            site1 = util_tensor.expandRotL(rotL, qnumsN, qnums1[isite], qnumsL,
            # srotR = rotL^\dagger * wA
            srotR = numpy.tensordot(site1, wA0,
                                    axes=([0, 1], [0, 1]))  # LNR,LNr->Rr
            site1 = site1.transpose(1, 0, 2)
            # A[lnr]
            site1 = util_tensor.expandRotL(rotL, qnums1[isite], qnumsN, qnumsL,
            # srotR = rotL^\dagger * wA
            srotR = numpy.tensordot(site1, wA0,
                                    axes=([0, 1], [0, 1]))  # LNR,LNr->Rr

        # Print:
        print(' ---> isite=',isite,'site0=',site0.shape,'rotL=',rotL.shape,\
                                   'site1=',site1.shape) #,'srotR=',srotR.shape
        # Check left canonical form
        if debug:
            tmp = numpy.tensordot(site1, site1,
                                  axes=([0, 1], [0, 1]))  # lna,lnb->ab
            d = tmp.shape[0]
            diff = numpy.linalg.norm(tmp - numpy.identity(d))
            print(' diff=', diff)
            assert diff < 1.e-10

        # Save
        if isite < nsite - 1:
            wmat = srotR.copy()
            qnums1[isite + 1] = qnumsl.copy()
            flmps1.create_dataset('rotL' + str(isite),
            flmps1.create_dataset('site' + str(isite),
            # Special treatment for the last site by invoking symmetry selection!
            info, qnumsl, rotL, site1, wt = util_tensor.lastSite(
                rotL, site1, srotR, qnumsl, ne_eff, ms_eff, sval_eff)
            if info:
                qnums1[nsite] = qnumsl.copy()
                flmps1.create_dataset('rotL' + str(isite),
                flmps1.create_dataset('site' + str(isite),

    # Dump on flmps1
    if info:
        print('\nfinalize left_sweep ...')
        qnumsm = [None] * (nsite + 1)
        for isite in range(nsite):
            qnumsm[isite] = util_spinsym.expandSM(qnums1[isite])
        # Left case
        qnumsm[nsite] = numpy.array([[ne, ms]])
        # DUMP qnums
        for isite in range(nsite + 1):
            flmps1['qnum' + str(isite)] = qnumsm[isite]
            flmps1['qnumNS' + str(isite)] = qnums1[isite]
        # Check
        for isite in range(nsite + 1):
            dimr = util_spinsym.dim_red(qnums1[isite])
            print(' ibond/dim(NS)/dim(NSM)=', isite, dimr, len(qnumsm[isite]))
    return wt
def form_compressed_hamiltonian_offdiag_1block_diff(vecs_l, vecs_r, Hi, Hij,
    # {{{
        Find (1-site) Hamiltonian matrix in between differently compressed spaces:
                <Abcd| H(1) |ab'c'd'> = <A|Ha|a> * del(bb') * del(cc')
            or like,
                <aBcd| H(1) |abcd> = <B|Hb|b> * del(aa') * del(cc')
        Notice that the full Hamiltonian will also have the two-body part:
            <Abcd| H(2) |abcd> = <Ab|Hab|ab'> del(cc') + <Ac|Hac|ac'> del(bb')

        differences = [blocks which are not diagonal]
            i.e., for <Abcd|H(1)|abcd>, differences = [1]
                  for <Abcd|H(1)|aBcd>, differences = [1,2], and all values are zero for H(1)
        vecs_l  [vecs_A, vecs_B, vecs_C, ...]
        vecs_r  [vecs_A, vecs_B, vecs_C, ...]
    dim_l = 1  # dimension of left subspace
    dim_r = 1  # dimension of right subspace
    dim_same = 1  # dimension of space spanned by all those fragments is the same space (i.e., not the blocks inside differences)
    dims_l = [
    ]  # list of mode dimensions (size of hilbert space on each fragment)
    dims_r = [
    ]  # list of mode dimensions (size of hilbert space on each fragment)

    block_curr = differences[0]  # current block which is offdiagonal

    #   vecs_l correspond to the bra states
    #   vecs_r correspond to the ket states

    assert (len(vecs_l) == len(vecs_r))

    for bi, b in enumerate(vecs_l):
        dim_l = dim_l * b.shape[1]
        if bi != block_curr:
            dim_same *= b.shape[1]

    dim_same_check = 1
    for bi, b in enumerate(vecs_r):
        dim_r = dim_r * b.shape[1]
        if bi != block_curr:
            dim_same_check *= b.shape[1]

    assert (dim_same == dim_same_check)

    H = np.zeros((dim_l, dim_r))
    print "     Size of Hamitonian block: ", H.shape

    assert (len(dims_l) == len(dims_r))
    n_dims = len(dims_l)

    H1 = cp.deepcopy(Hi)
    H2 = cp.deepcopy(Hij)

    ## Rotate the single block Hamiltonians into the requested single site basis
    #for vi in range(0,n_dims):
    #    l = vecs_l[vi]
    #    r = vecs_r[vi]
    #    H1[vi] = l.T.dot(Hi[vi]).dot(r)

    # Rotate the double block Hamiltonians into the appropriate single site basis
    #    for vi in range(0,n_dims):
    #        for wi in range(0,n_dims):
    #            if wi>vi:
    #                vw_l = np.kron(vecs_l[vi],vecs_l[wi])
    #                vw_r = np.kron(vecs_r[vi],vecs_r[wi])
    #                H2[(vi,wi)] = vw_l.T.dot(Hij[(vi,wi)]).dot(vw_r)

    dimsdims = np.append(
        dims_l, dims_r
    )  # this is the tensor layout for the many-body Hamiltonian in the current subspace

    vecs = vecs_l
    dims = dims_l
    dim = dim_l

    #   Add up all the one-body contributions, making sure that the results is properly dimensioned for the
    #   target subspace
    dim_i1 = 1  # dimension of space for fragments to the left of the current 'different' fragment
    dim_i2 = 1  # dimension of space for fragments to the right of the current 'different' fragment

    # <abCdef|H1|abcdef> = eye(a) x eye(b) x <C|H1|c> x eye(d) x eye(e) x eye(f)
    for vi in range(n_dims):
        if vi < block_curr:
            dim_i1 *= dims_l[vi]
            assert (dims_l[vi] == dims_r[vi])
        elif vi > block_curr:
            dim_i2 *= dims_l[vi]
            assert (dims_l[vi] == dims_r[vi])

    # Rotate the current single block Hamiltonian into the requested single site basis
    l = vecs_l[block_curr]
    r = vecs_r[block_curr]

    h1_block = l.T.dot(Hi[block_curr]).dot(r)

    i1 = np.eye(dim_i1)
    i2 = np.eye(dim_i2)
    H += np.kron(i1, np.kron(h1_block, i2))

    # <abCdef|H2(0,2)|abcdef> = <aC|H2|ac> x eye(b) x eye(d) x eye(e) x eye(f) = <aCbdef|H2|acbdef>
    #   then transpose:
    #       flip Cb and cb
    H.shape = (dims_l + dims_r)

    for bi in range(0, block_curr):
        #print "block_curr, bi", block_curr, bi
        vw_l = np.kron(vecs_l[bi], vecs_l[block_curr])
        vw_r = np.kron(vecs_r[bi], vecs_r[block_curr])
        h2 = vw_l.T.dot(Hij[(bi, block_curr)]).dot(
        )  # i.e.  get reference to <aC|Hij[0,2]|a'c>, where block_curr = 2 and bi = 0

        dim_i = dim_same / dims[bi]
        #i1 = np.eye(dim_i)

        #tmp_h2 = np.kron( h2, i1)
        h2.shape = (dims_l[bi], dims_l[block_curr], dims_r[bi],

        tens_inds = []
        tens_inds.extend([bi, block_curr])
        tens_inds.extend([bi + n_dims, block_curr + n_dims])
        for bbi in range(0, n_dims):
            if bbi != bi and bbi != block_curr:
                tens_inds.extend([bbi + n_dims])
                #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,
                h2 = np.tensordot(h2, np.eye(dims[bbi]), axes=0)

        #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,
        sort_ind = np.argsort(tens_inds)
        H += h2.transpose(sort_ind)
        #print "tens_inds", tens_inds
        #print "sort_ind", sort_ind
        #print "h2", h2.transpose(sort_ind).shape
        #H += h2

    for bi in range(block_curr, n_dims):
        if bi == block_curr:
        #print "block_curr, bi", block_curr, bi
        vw_l = np.kron(vecs_l[block_curr], vecs_l[bi])
        vw_r = np.kron(vecs_r[block_curr], vecs_r[bi])
        h2 = vw_l.T.dot(Hij[(block_curr, bi)]).dot(
        )  # i.e.  get reference to <aC|Hij[0,2]|a'c>, where block_curr = 2 and bi = 0

        h2.shape = (dims_l[block_curr], dims_l[bi], dims_r[block_curr],

        tens_inds = []
        tens_inds.extend([block_curr, bi])
        tens_inds.extend([block_curr + n_dims, bi + n_dims])
        for bbi in range(0, n_dims):
            if bbi != bi and bbi != block_curr:
                tens_inds.extend([bbi + n_dims])
                #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,
                h2 = np.tensordot(h2, np.eye(dims[bbi]), axes=0)

        #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,
        sort_ind = np.argsort(tens_inds)
        #print "h2", h2.transpose(sort_ind).shape
        #print "tens_inds", tens_inds
        #print "sort_ind", sort_ind
        H += h2.transpose(sort_ind)
        #print "h2.shape", h2.shape

    H.shape = (dim_l, dim_r)

    return H
Example #39
def main(options):
    CF.CreatePipeOutput(options.DestDir + '/' + options.Logfile)

    CF.PrintMainHeader('Bandstructures', vinfo, options)

    fdf = glob.glob(options.FCwildcard +
                    '/RUN.fdf')  # This should be made an input flag
    SCDM = Supercell_DynamicalMatrix(fdf, accuracy=options.accuracy)

    # Write high-symmetry path
    WritePath(options.DestDir + '/symmetry-path', SCDM.Sym.path, options.steps)

    # Write mesh
    k1, k2, k3 = eval(options.mesh)
    rvec = 2 * N.pi * N.array([SCDM.Sym.b1, SCDM.Sym.b2, SCDM.Sym.b3])
    import Kmesh
    # Full mesh
    kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1,
                        meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'],
    WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),
                 N.dot(kmesh.k, rvec))
    # Mesh reduced by inversion symmetry
    kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1,
                        meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'],
    WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i_invsym' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),
                 N.dot(kmesh.k, rvec))

    # Evaluate electron k-points
    if options.kfile:
        # Prepare Hamiltonian etc in Gamma for whole supercell
        natoms = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(fdf[0], 'NumberOfAtoms', int, -1,
                              N.array([0., 0., 0.]),
        SCDM.nao = SCDM.h0.shape[-1]
        SCDM.FirstOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[0][0]  # First atom = 1
        SCDM.LastOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN -
                                    1][1]  # Last atom = Sym.NN
        SCDM.rednao = SCDM.LastOrb + 1 - SCDM.FirstOrb
        # Read kpoints
        kpts, dk, klabels, kticks = ReadKpoints(options.kfile)
        if klabels:
            # Only write ascii if labels exist
            WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/kpoints', kpts, klabels)
        # Prepare netcdf
        ncfn = options.DestDir + '/Electrons.nc'
        ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w')
        # Grid
        ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(kpts))
        ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
        grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector'))
        grid[:] = kpts
        grid.units = '1/Angstrom'
        # Geometry
        ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN)
        xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector'))
        xyz[:] = SCDM.Sym.basis.xyz
        xyz.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        pbc.units = 'Angstrom'
        pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3]
        rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
        rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)'
        rvec1[:] = rvec
        # Loop over kpoints
        for i, k in enumerate(kpts):
            if i < 100:  # Print only for the first 100 points
                ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=True)
                ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=False)
                # otherwise something simple
                if i % 100 == 0:
                    print '%i out of %i k-points computed' % (i, len(kpts))
            if i == 0:
                ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin)
                ncf.createDimension('orbs', SCDM.rednao)
                ncf.createDimension('bands', SCDM.rednao)
                evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd',
                                           ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'bands'))
                evals.units = 'eV'
                evecsRe = ncf.createVariable(
                    'eigenvectors.re', 'd',
                    ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands'))
                evecsIm = ncf.createVariable(
                    'eigenvectors.im', 'd',
                    ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands'))
                # Check eigenvectors
                print 'SupercellPhonons: Checking eigenvectors at', k
                for j in range(SCDM.nspin):
                    ev2 = N.diagonal(
                        MM.mm(MM.dagger(evec[j]), SCDM.h0_k[j], evec[j]))
                    print ' ... spin %i: Allclose=' % j, N.allclose(ev[j],
            # Write to NetCDF
            evals[i, :] = ev
            evecsRe[i, :] = evec.real
            evecsIm[i, :] = evec.imag
        # Include basis orbitals in netcdf file
        lasto = SCDM.OrbIndx[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN + 1, 0]
        orbbasis = SIO.BuildBasis(fdf[0], 1, SCDM.Sym.basis.NN, lasto)
        # Note that the above basis is for the geometry with an atom FC-moved in z.
        #print dir(orbbasis)
        #print orbbasis.xyz # Hence, this is not the correct geometry of the basis atoms!
        center = ncf.createVariable('orbcenter', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        center[:] = N.array(orbbasis.ii - 1, dtype='int32')
        center.description = 'Atom index (counting from 0) of the orbital center'
        nn = ncf.createVariable('N', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        nn[:] = N.array(orbbasis.N, dtype='int32')
        ll = ncf.createVariable('L', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        ll[:] = N.array(orbbasis.L, dtype='int32')
        mm = ncf.createVariable('M', 'i', ('orbs', ))
        mm[:] = N.array(orbbasis.M, dtype='int32')
        # Cutoff radius and delta
        Rc = ncf.createVariable('Rc', 'd', ('orbs', ))
        Rc[:] = orbbasis.coff
        Rc.units = 'Angstrom'
        delta = ncf.createVariable('delta', 'd', ('orbs', ))
        delta[:] = orbbasis.delta
        delta.units = 'Angstrom'
        # Radial components of the orbitals
        ntb = len(orbbasis.orb[0])
        ncf.createDimension('ntb', ntb)
        rii = ncf.createVariable('rii', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb'))
        rii[:] = N.outer(orbbasis.delta, N.arange(ntb))
        rii.units = 'Angstrom'
        radialfct = ncf.createVariable('radialfct', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb'))
        radialfct[:] = orbbasis.orb
        # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands?
        if options.sorting:
            for i in range(SCDM.nspin):
                evals[:, i, :] = SortBands(evals[:, i, :])
        # Produce nice plots if labels exist
        if klabels:
            if SCDM.nspin == 1:
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 0, :], kticks)
            elif SCDM.nspin == 2:
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.UP.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 0, :], kticks)
                PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.DOWN.agr', dk,
                                  evals[:, 1, :], kticks)

    # Compute phonon eigenvalues
    if options.qfile:
        qpts, dq, qlabels, qticks = ReadKpoints(options.qfile)
        qpts, dq, qlabels, qticks = ReadKpoints(options.DestDir +
    if qlabels:
        # Only write ascii if labels exist
        WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/qpoints', qpts, qlabels)
    # Prepare netcdf
    ncfn = options.DestDir + '/Phonons.nc'
    ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w')
    # Grid
    ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(qpts))
    ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
    grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector'))
    grid[:] = qpts
    grid.units = '1/Angstrom'
    # Geometry
    ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN)
    xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector'))
    xyz[:] = SCDM.Sym.basis.xyz
    xyz.units = 'Angstrom'
    pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
    pbc.units = 'Angstrom'
    pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3]
    rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector'))
    rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)'
    rvec1[:] = rvec
    # Loop over q
    for i, q in enumerate(qpts):
        if i < 100:  # Print only for the first 100 points
            hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True)
            hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=False)
            # otherwise something simple
            if i % 100 == 0:
                print '%i out of %i q-points computed' % (i, len(qpts))
        if i == 0:
            ncf.createDimension('bands', len(hw))
            ncf.createDimension('displ', len(hw))
            evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd',
                                       ('gridpts', 'bands'))
            evals.units = 'eV'
            evecsRe = ncf.createVariable('eigenvectors.re', 'd',
                                         ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ'))
            evecsIm = ncf.createVariable('eigenvectors.im', 'd',
                                         ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ'))
            # Check eigenvectors
            print 'SupercellPhonons.Checking eigenvectors at', q
            tmp = MM.mm(N.conjugate(U), SCDM.FCtilde, N.transpose(U))
            const = PC.hbar2SI * (1e20 / (PC.eV2Joule * PC.amu2kg))**0.5
            hw2 = const * N.diagonal(tmp)**0.5  # Units in eV
            print ' ... Allclose=', N.allclose(hw,
        evals[i] = hw
        evecsRe[i] = U.real
        evecsIm[i] = U.imag
    # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands?
    if options.sorting:
        evals = SortBands(evals)
    # Produce nice plots if labels exist
    if qlabels:
        PlotPhononBands(options.DestDir + '/Phonons.agr', dq,
                        N.array(evals[:]), qticks)

    # Compute e-ph couplings
    if options.kfile and options.qfile:
        ncf = NC4.Dataset(options.DestDir + '/EPH.nc', 'w')
        ncf.createDimension('kpts', len(kpts))
        ncf.createDimension('qpts', len(qpts))
        ncf.createDimension('modes', len(hw))
        ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin)
        ncf.createDimension('bands', SCDM.rednao)
        ncf.createDimension('vector', 3)
        kgrid = ncf.createVariable('kpts', 'd', ('kpts', 'vector'))
        kgrid[:] = kpts
        qgrid = ncf.createVariable('qpts', 'd', ('qpts', 'vector'))
        qgrid[:] = qpts
        evalfkq = ncf.createVariable('evalfkq', 'd',
                                     ('kpts', 'qpts', 'nspin', 'bands'))
        # First (second) band index n (n') is the initial (final) state, i.e.,
        # Mkq(k,q,mode,spin,n,n') := < n',k+q | dV_q(mode) | n,k >
        MkqAbs = ncf.createVariable(
            'Mkqabs', 'd',
            ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands'))
        GkqAbs = ncf.createVariable(
            'Gkqabs', 'd',
            ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands'))
        # Loop over k-points
        for i, k in enumerate(kpts):
            kpts[i] = k
            # Compute initial electronic states
            evi, eveci = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=True)
            # Loop over q-points
            for j, q in enumerate(qpts):
                # Compute phonon modes
                hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True)
                # Compute final electronic states
                evf, evecf = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k + q, verbose=True)
                evalfkq[i, j, :] = evf
                # Compute electron-phonon couplings
                m, g = SCDM.ComputeEPHcouplings_kq(
                    k, q)  # (modes,nspin,bands,bands)
                # Data to file
                # M (modes,spin,i,l) = m(modes,k,j) init(i,j) final(k,l)
                #                            0 1 2       0,1        0 1
                #                                ^-------^
                #                              ^----------------------^
                for ispin in range(SCDM.nspin):
                    evecfd = MM.dagger(evecf[ispin])  # (bands,bands)
                    M = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(m[:, ispin],
                                                axes=[2, 0]),
                                    axes=[1, 1])
                    G = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(g[:, ispin],
                                                axes=[2, 0]),
                                    axes=[1, 1])
                    MkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(M)
                    GkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(G)
    return SCDM.Sym.path
def form_compressed_hamiltonian_offdiag_2block_diff(vecs_l, vecs_r, Hi, Hij,
    # {{{
        Find Hamiltonian matrix in between differently compressed spaces:
                <Abcd| H(0,2) |a'b'C'd'> = <Ac|Ha|a'C'> * del(bb')
        differences = [blocks which are not diagonal]
            i.e., for <Abcd|H(1)|abCd>, differences = [0,2]
        vecs_l  [vecs_A, vecs_B, vecs_C, ...]
        vecs_r  [vecs_A, vecs_B, vecs_C, ...]
    dim_l = 1  # dimension of left subspace
    dim_r = 1  # dimension of right subspace
    dim_same = 1  # dimension of space spanned by all those fragments is the same space (i.e., not the blocks inside differences)
    dims_l = [
    ]  # list of mode dimensions (size of hilbert space on each fragment)
    dims_r = [
    ]  # list of mode dimensions (size of hilbert space on each fragment)

    assert (
        len(differences) == 2
    )  # make sure we are not trying to get H(1) between states with multiple fragments orthogonal

    block_curr1 = differences[0]  # current block which is offdiagonal
    block_curr2 = differences[1]  # current block which is offdiagonal

    #   vecs_l correspond to the bra states
    #   vecs_r correspond to the ket states

    assert (len(vecs_l) == len(vecs_r))

    for bi, b in enumerate(vecs_l):
        dim_l = dim_l * b.shape[1]
        if bi != block_curr1 and bi != block_curr2:
            dim_same *= b.shape[1]

    dim_same_check = 1
    for bi, b in enumerate(vecs_r):
        dim_r = dim_r * b.shape[1]
        if bi != block_curr1 and bi != block_curr2:
            dim_same_check *= b.shape[1]

    assert (dim_same == dim_same_check)

    H = np.zeros((dim_l, dim_r))
    print "     Size of Hamitonian block: ", H.shape

    assert (len(dims_l) == len(dims_r))
    n_dims = len(dims_l)

    dimsdims = np.append(
        dims_l, dims_r
    )  # this is the tensor layout for the many-body Hamiltonian in the current subspace

    #   Add up all the one-body contributions, making sure that the results is properly dimensioned for the
    #   target subspace
    dim_i1 = 1  # dimension of space for fragments to the left of the current 'different' fragment
    dim_i2 = 1  # dimension of space for fragments to the right of the current 'different' fragment

    # <Abcdef|H2(0,2)|abCdef> = <Ac|H2|aC> x eye(b) x eye(d) x eye(e) x eye(f) = <aCbdef|H2|acbdef>
    #   then transpose:
    #       flip Cb and cb
    H.shape = (dims_l + dims_r)

    assert (block_curr1 < block_curr2)

    #print " block_curr1, block_curr2", block_curr1, block_curr2
    vw_l = np.kron(vecs_l[block_curr1], vecs_l[block_curr2])
    vw_r = np.kron(vecs_r[block_curr1], vecs_r[block_curr2])
    h2 = vw_l.T.dot(Hij[(block_curr1, block_curr2)]).dot(
    )  # i.e.  get reference to <aC|Hij[0,2]|a'c>, where block_curr = 2 and bi = 0

    h2.shape = (dims_l[block_curr1], dims_l[block_curr2], dims_r[block_curr1],

    tens_inds = []
    tens_inds.extend([block_curr1, block_curr2])
    tens_inds.extend([block_curr1 + n_dims, block_curr2 + n_dims])
    for bbi in range(0, n_dims):
        if bbi != block_curr1 and bbi != block_curr2:
            tens_inds.extend([bbi + n_dims])
            #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,

            assert (dims_l[bbi] == dims_r[bbi])
            dims = dims_l
            h2 = np.tensordot(h2, np.eye(dims[bbi]), axes=0)

    #print "h2.shape", h2.shape,
    sort_ind = np.argsort(tens_inds)
    H += h2.transpose(sort_ind)
    #print "tens_inds", tens_inds
    #print "sort_ind", sort_ind
    #print "h2", h2.transpose(sort_ind).shape
    #H += h2

    H.shape = (dim_l, dim_r)

    return H
Example #41
 def contract(self, tensor2, indexPair):
     data = np.tensordot(self.data, tensor2.data, axes=indexPair)
     return numpyBackend(data=data)
Example #42
def gre_sim(T1, T2, TR=12e-3, TE=6e-3, alpha=np.pi/3, field_map=None, phi=0,
            dphi=0, M0=1, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, spoil=True):
    '''Simulate GRE pulse sequence.

    T1 : array_like
        longitudinal exponential decay time constant.
    T2 : array_like
        Transverse exponential decay time constant.
    TR : float, optional
        repetition time.
    TE : float, optional
        echo time.
    alpha : float, optional
        flip angle.
    field_map : array_like, optional
        offresonance field map (in hertz).
    phi : float, optional
        Reference starting phase.
    dphi : float, optional
        phase  cycling of RF pulses.
    M0 : array_like, optional
        proton density.
    tol : float, optional
        Maximum difference between voxel intensity iter to iter until stop.
    maxiter : int, optional
        number of excitations till steady state.

        Complex transverse magnetization (Mx + 1j*My)

    maxiter=None will run until difference between all voxel intensities
    iteration to iteration is within given tolerance, tol (default=1e-5).

    if not isinstance(T1, np.ndarray):
        T1 = np.array([T1])
        T2 = np.array([T2])
        M0 = np.array([M0])

    if field_map is None:
        field_map = np.zeros(T1.shape)

    # We have 2 states: current, previous iteration
    Mgre = np.zeros((3, 2) + T1.shape)
    Mgre[2, 0, ...] = M0

    # Rotation matrix each Rx pulse
    rxalpha = np.array([
        [1, 0, 0],
        [0, np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha)],
        [0, -np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha)]])

    # first flip
    c_phi, s_phi = np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
    rzdphi = np.array([
        [c_phi, s_phi, 0],
        [-s_phi, c_phi, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])
    rznegdphi = np.array([
        [c_phi, -s_phi, 0],
        [s_phi, c_phi, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])
    rot_vec = np.linalg.multi_dot(
        (rzdphi, rxalpha, rznegdphi))
    Mgre[:, 0, ...] = np.tensordot(rot_vec, Mgre[:, 0, ...], axes=1)

    # Precompute some values we each loop, making sure we don't divide by zero
    idx1 = np.nonzero(T1)
    idx2 = np.nonzero(T2)
    E1 = np.zeros(T1.shape)
    E2 = np.zeros(T2.shape)
    E1[idx1] = np.exp(-TR/T1[idx1])
    E2[idx2] = np.exp(-TR/T2[idx2])
    cycles = field_map*TR
    rotation_angle = np.fmod(cycles, 1)*2*np.pi
    c_ra = np.cos(rotation_angle)
    s_ra = np.sin(rotation_angle)

    def iter_fun(Mgre, phi=0):
        '''Heavy lifting function run each iteration'''

        # relaxation
        Mgre[0, 1, ...] = Mgre[0, 0, ...]*E2 # x
        Mgre[1, 1, ...] = Mgre[1, 0, ...]*E2 # y
        Mgre[2, 1, ...] = 1 + (Mgre[2, 0, ...] - 1)*E1 # z

        # Here's where we spend most of our time:
        for idx, _fm in np.ndenumerate(field_map):
            rzoffres = np.array([
                [c_ra[idx], s_ra[idx], 0],
                [-s_ra[idx], c_ra[idx], 0],
                [0, 0, 1]])
            Mgre[(slice(None), 1) + idx] = rzoffres.dot(
                Mgre[(slice(None), 1) + idx])

        # next tip - delete phase information! to make it gre
        if spoil:
            Mgre[0, 1, ...] = 0
            Mgre[1, 1, ...] = 0

        # will got over 2*pi but shouldn't matter
        phi += dphi

        c_phi, s_phi = np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
        rzdphi = np.array([
            [c_phi, s_phi, 0],
            [-s_phi, c_phi, 0],
            [0, 0, 1]])
        rznegdphi = np.array([
            [c_phi, -s_phi, 0],
            [s_phi, c_phi, 0],
            [0, 0, 1]])
        rot_vec = np.linalg.multi_dot((rzdphi, rxalpha, rznegdphi))
        Mgre[:, 1, ...] = np.tensordot(rot_vec, Mgre[:, 1, ...], axes=1)

        # Update prev iteration
        Mgre[:, 0, ...] = Mgre[:, 1, ...]

        return(Mgre, phi)

    # Do either fixed number of iter or until tolerance achieved
    if maxiter is not None:
        # assume steady state after iter flips
        for _n in trange(maxiter, leave=False, desc='GRE steady-state'):
            Mgre, phi = iter_fun(Mgre, phi)
        # Run until all voxels within tolerance
        Mgre_prev = np.ones(Mgre.shape)*np.inf
        stop_cond = False
        while not stop_cond:
            Mgre, phi = iter_fun(Mgre, phi)
            stop_cond = np.any(np.abs(Mgre - Mgre_prev) < tol)
            Mgre_prev = Mgre

    # take steady state sample and relax in TE
    Mss = np.zeros((3,) + T1.shape)
    E2 = np.zeros(T2.shape)
    E2[idx2] = np.exp(-TE/T2[idx2])
    Mss[0, ...] = Mgre[0, -1, ...]*E2
    Mss[1, ...] = Mgre[1, -1, ...]*E2
    Mss[2, ...] = Mgre[2, -1, ...]

    cycles = field_map*TE
    rotation_angle = np.fmod(cycles, 1)*2*np.pi
    c_ra, s_ra = np.cos(rotation_angle), np.sin(rotation_angle)
    for idx, _fm in np.ndenumerate(field_map):
        rzoffres = np.array([
            [c_ra[idx], s_ra[idx], 0],
            [-s_ra[idx], c_ra[idx], 0],
            [0, 0, 1]])
        Mss[(slice(None),) + idx] = rzoffres.dot(Mss[(slice(None),) + idx])

    return(Mss[0, ...] + 1j*Mss[1, ...])
Example #43
    def get_corr_pred(self, sctx, eps_app_eng):
        Corrector predictor computation.
        @param eps_app_eng input variable - engineering strain
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # check if average strain is to be used for damage evaluation
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if eps_avg != None:
        #    pass
        # else:
        #    eps_avg = eps_app_eng

        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # for debugging purposes only: if elastic_debug is switched on, linear elastic material is used
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if self.elastic_debug:
            # NOTE: This must be copied otherwise self.D2_e gets modified when
            # essential boundary conditions are inserted
            D2_e = copy(self.D2_e)
            sig_eng = tensordot(D2_e, eps_app_eng, [[1], [0]])
            return sig_eng, D2_e

        # print 'sctx_correc', sctx.shape
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # update state variables
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # if sctx.update_state_on:
        #    #eps_n = eps_avg - d_eps
        #   e_max = self._get_state_variables(sctx, eps_app_eng)
        #    sctx.mats_state_array[:] = e_max

        # if the regularization using the crack-band concept is on calculate the
        # effective element length in the direction of principle strains
        # if self.regularization:
        #    h = self.get_regularizing_length(sctx, eps_app_eng)
        #    self.phi_fn.h = h

        # Damage tensor (2th order):

        phi_ij = self._get_phi_mtx(sctx, eps_app_eng)

        # print 'phi_ij', phi_ij

        # Damage tensor (4th order) using product- or sum-type symmetrization:
        beta_ijkl = self._get_beta_tns(phi_ij)

        # print 'beta_ijkl', beta_ijkl

        # print 'beta_ijkl', beta_ijkl

        # Damaged stiffness tensor calculated based on the damage tensor beta4:
        # (cf. [Jir99] Eq.(7): C = beta * D_e * beta^T),
        # minor symmetry is tacitly assumed ! (i.e. beta_ijkl = beta_jilk)
        # D4_mdm = tensordot(
        # beta_ijkl, tensordot(self.D4_e, beta_ijkl, [[2, 3], [2, 3]]),
        # [[2, 3], [0, 1]])

        D4_mdm_ijmn = einsum('ijkl,klsr,mnsr->ijmn', beta_ijkl, self.D4_e,

        # print self.D4_e

        # print 'D4_mdm_ijmn', D4_mdm_ijmn
        # print 'Damged stiffness', D4_mdm_ijmn
        # print self.D4_e
        # Reduction of the fourth order tensor to a matrix assuming minor and major symmetry:
        #D2_mdm = self.map_tns4_to_tns2(D4_mdm_ijmn)

        # print'D2_mdm', D2_mdm.shape

        # Return stresses (corrector) and damaged secant stiffness matrix (predictor)

        eps_e_mtx = eps_app_eng
        # print'eps_e_mtx', eps_e_mtx.shape

        #sig_eng = tensordot(D2_mdm, eps_e_mtx, [[1], [0]])
        sig_eng = einsum('ijmn,mn -> ij', D4_mdm_ijmn, eps_e_mtx)

        # print 'sig_eng', sig_eng

        return sig_eng, D4_mdm_ijmn
Example #44
def perturb_continuation_params(x,
    """perturbs an equilibrium wrt the continuation parameters

    x : ndarray
        state vector
    equil_obj : function
        equilibrium objective function
    deltas : ndarray
        changes in the continuation parameters
    args : tuple
        additional arguments passed to equil_obj
    pert_order : int
         order of perturbation (1=linear, 2=quadratic) (Default value = 1)
    verbose : int or bool
         level of output to display (Default value = False)
    timer : Timer
         Timer object (Default value = None)

    x : ndarray
        perturbed state vector
    timer : Timer
        Timer object with timing data


    delta_strings = ['boundary', 'pressure', 'zeta'
                     ] if len(deltas) == 3 else [None] * len(deltas)
    f = equil_obj(x, *args)
    dimF = len(f)
    dimX = len(x)
    dimC = 1
    if timer is None:
        timer = Timer()
    timer.start('Total perturbation')

    # 1st order
    if pert_order >= 1:

        # partial derivatives wrt x
        timer.start('df/dx computation')
        obj_jac_x = jac(equil_obj, argnum=0).compute
        Jx = obj_jac_x(x, *args).reshape((dimF, dimX))
        timer.stop('df/dx computation')
        RHS = f
        if verbose > 1:
            timer.disp('df/dx computation')

        # partial derivatives wrt c
        for i in range(deltas.size):
            if deltas[i] != 0:
                if verbose > 1:
                    print("Perturbing {}".format(delta_strings[i]))
                timer.start('df/dc computation ({})'.format(delta_strings[i]))
                obj_jac_c = jac(equil_obj, argnum=6 + i).compute
                Jc = obj_jac_c(x, *args).reshape((dimF, dimC))
                timer.stop("df/dc computation ({})".format(delta_strings[i]))
                RHS += np.tensordot(Jc, np.atleast_1d(deltas[i]), axes=1)
                if verbose > 1:
                    timer.disp("df/dc computation ({})".format(

    # 2nd order
    if pert_order >= 2:

        # partial derivatives wrt x
        Jxi = np.linalg.pinv(Jx, rcond=1e-6)
        timer.start("df/dxx computation")
        obj_jac_xx = jac(jac(equil_obj, argnum=0).compute, argnum=0).compute
        Jxx = obj_jac_xx(x, *args).reshape((dimF, dimX, dimX))
        timer.stop("df/dxx computation")
        RHS += 0.5 * np.tensordot(Jxx,
                                  np.tensordot(np.tensordot(Jxi, RHS, axes=1),
                                                   RHS.T, Jxi.T, axes=1),
        if verbose > 1:
            timer.disp("df/dxx computation")

        # partial derivatives wrt c
        for i in range(deltas.size):
            if deltas[i] != 0:
                if verbose > 1:
                    print("Perturbing {}".format(delta_strings[i]))
                timer.start("df/dcc computation ({})".format(delta_strings[i]))
                obj_jac_cc = jac(jac(equil_obj, argnum=6 + i).compute,
                                 argnum=6 + i).compute
                Jcc = obj_jac_cc(x, *args).reshape((dimF, dimC, dimC))
                timer.stop("df/dcc computation ({})".format(delta_strings[i]))
                RHS += 0.5 * np.tensordot(Jcc,
                if verbose > 1:
                    timer.disp("df/dcc computation ({})".format(

                timer.start("df/dxc computation ({})".format(delta_strings[i]))
                obj_jac_xc = jac(jac(equil_obj, argnum=0).compute,
                                 argnum=6 + i).compute
                Jxc = obj_jac_xc(x, *args).reshape((dimF, dimX, dimC))
                timer.stop("df/dxc computation ({})".format(delta_strings[i]))
                RHS -= np.tensordot(Jxc,
                if verbose > 1:
                    timer.disp("df/dxc computation ({})".format(

    # perturbation
    if pert_order > 0:
        dx = -np.linalg.lstsq(Jx, RHS, rcond=1e-6)[0]
        dx = np.zeros_like(x)
    timer.stop('Total perturbation')
    if verbose > 1:
        timer.disp('Total perturbation')
    return x + dx, timer
Example #45
    def Two_Site_Rho(self, l, k):
        L = self.sim['L']
        chi = self.sim['chi']
        d = self.sim['d']
        Lambda = self.Lambda
        Gamma = self.Gamma
        swap = 0

        # Assume l < k
        if (k < l):
            temp = k
            k = l
            l = temp
            swap = 1

        # Form tensor:
        if (k < L - 2):
            tensor_l = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambda[k]), Gamma[k], axes=(0, 1))
            tensor_l = np.tensordot(tensor_l,
                                    np.diag(Lambda[k + 1]),
                                    axes=(-1, 0))
            tensor_r = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambda[k + 1]),
                                    axes=(0, -1))
            tensor_r = np.tensordot(tensor_r, np.diag(Lambda[k]), axes=(-1, 0))
            tensor = np.tensordot(tensor_l, tensor_r, axes=(-1, 0))
            # Arrange indices as (ik, ik', ak-1, ak-1')
            tensor = np.transpose(tensor, (1, 2, 0, 3))
        elif (k == L - 2):
            tensor_l = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambda[k]), Gamma[k], axes=(0, 1))
            tensor_l = np.tensordot(tensor_l, np.identity(chi), axes=(-1, 0))
            tensor_r = np.tensordot(np.identity(chi),
                                    axes=(0, -1))
            tensor_r = np.tensordot(tensor_r, np.diag(Lambda[k]), axes=(-1, 0))
            tensor = np.tensordot(tensor_l, tensor_r, axes=(-1, 0))
            # Arrange indices as (ik, ik', ak-1, ak-1')
            tensor = np.transpose(tensor, (1, 2, 0, 3))
        elif (k == L - 1):
            tensor = np.outer(Gamma[k], np.conjugate(Gamma[k]))
            tensor = np.reshape(tensor, (d, chi, d, chi))
            tensor = np.transpose(tensor, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        for i in range(0, l - k - 1):
            tensor = np.tensordot(Gamma[k - 1], tensor, axes=(-1, 2))
            tensor = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambda[k - 1]), tensor, axes=(-1, 1))
            tensor = np.tensordot(tensor,
                                  np.conjugate(Gamma[k - 1]),
                                  axes=([1, -1], [0, -1]))
            tensor = np.tensordot(tensor, np.diag(Lambda[k - 1]), axes=(-1, 0))
            np.transpose(tensor, (1, 2, 0, 3))

        if (l != 0):
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(tensor,
                                  axes=(-1, -1))
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(rho_ts, np.diag(Lambda[l]), axes=(-1, 0))
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(Gamma[l], rho_ts, axes=(-1, 2))
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(np.diag(Lambda[l]),
                                  axes=([0, 1], [1, -1]))
            # Transpose to (il, il', ik, ik')
            rho_lk = np.transpose(rho_ts, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(tensor,
                                  axes=(-1, -1))
            rho_ts = np.tensordot(Gamma[l], rho_ts, axes=(-1, 2))
            # Transpose to (il, il', ik, ik')
            rho_lk = np.transpose(rho_ts, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        return rho_lk
Example #46
 def __call__(self, x, idx=slice(None)):
   """evaluate trajectory at specified time"""
   theta = (x - self.xold) / self.hout
   theta1 = 1.0 - theta
   coef = vstack([ones_like(theta),theta,theta1,theta,theta1]).cumprod(axis=0)
   return tensordot(coef,self.rcont,(0,0))[newaxis,idx]
Example #47
    def Update(self, V, l):
        d = self.sim['d']
        L = self.sim['L']
        chi = self.sim['chi']
        delta = self.sim['delta']

        # Build the appropriate Theta tensor
        Theta = self.Build_Theta(l)
        # Apply the unitary matrix V
        Theta = np.tensordot(V, Theta, axes=([2, 3], [0, 1]))

        # Need to treat boundary subsystems differently...
        if (l != 0 and l != L - 2):
            # Reshape to a square matrix and do singular value decomposition:
            Theta = np.reshape(np.transpose(Theta, (0, 2, 1, 3)),
                               (d * chi, d * chi))
            Theta *= 1 / np.linalg.norm(np.absolute(Theta))
            # A and transpose.C contain the new Gamma[l] and Gamma[l+1]
            # B contains new Lambda[l]
            A, B, C = np.linalg.svd(Theta)
            C = np.transpose(C)

            # Truncate at chi eigenvalues and enforce normalization
            norm = np.linalg.norm(B[0:chi])
            B = B / norm
            self.Lambda[l, :] = B[0:chi]

            # Keep track of the truncation error accumulated on this step
            self.tau += delta * (1 - norm**2)

            # Find the new Gammas:
            # Gamma_l:
            A = np.reshape(A[:, 0:chi], (d, chi, chi))
            Gamma_l_new = np.tensordot(A,
                                       np.diag(OneOver(self.Lambda[l - 1])),
                                       axes=(1, 0))
            self.Gamma[l] = np.transpose(Gamma_l_new, (0, 2, 1))

            # Gamma_(l+1):
            C = np.reshape(C[:, 0:chi], (d, chi, chi))
            Gamma_lp1_new = np.tensordot(C,
                                         np.diag(OneOver(self.Lambda[l + 1])),
                                         axes=(-1, 0))
            self.Gamma[l + 1] = Gamma_lp1_new

        # The Gamma_0 tensor has one less index... need to treat slightly differently
        elif (l == 0):
            # Reshape to a square matrix and do singular value decomposition:
            Theta = np.reshape(Theta, (d, d * chi))
            Theta *= 1 / np.linalg.norm(np.absolute(Theta))
            # A and transpose.C contain the new Gamma[l] and Gamma[l+1]
            # B contains new Lambda[l]
            A, B, C = np.linalg.svd(Theta)
            C = np.transpose(C)

            # Enforce normalization
            # Don't need to truncate here because chi is bounded by
            # the dimension of the smaller subsystem, here equals d < chi
            norm = np.linalg.norm(B)
            B = B / norm
            self.Lambda[l, 0:d] = B

            # Keep track of the truncation error accumulated on this step
            self.tau += delta * (1 - norm**2)

            # Find the new Gammas:
            # Gamma_l:
            # Note: can't truncate because the matrix
            # is smaller than in the non-edge cases
            # Right multiplying by Lambda_l means that we're effectively storing
            # the A tensors instead of the Gamma tensors.
            # See Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics, pg. 341
            self.Gamma[l][:, 0:d] = A
            # Treat the l = 1 case normally...
            C = np.reshape(C[:, 0:chi], (d, chi, chi))
            Gamma_lp1_new = np.tensordot(C,
                                         np.diag(OneOver(self.Lambda[l +
                                                                     1, :])),
                                         axes=(-1, 0))
            self.Gamma[l + 1] = Gamma_lp1_new

        elif (l == L - 2):
            # Reshape to a square matrix and do singular value decomposition:
            Theta = np.reshape(np.transpose(Theta, (0, 2, 1)), (d * chi, d))
            Theta *= 1 / np.linalg.norm(np.absolute(Theta))
            # A and transpose.C contain the new Gamma[l] and Gamma[l+1]
            # B contains new Lambda[l]
            A, B, C = np.linalg.svd(Theta)
            C = np.transpose(C)

            # Enforce normalization
            # Don't need to truncate here because chi is bounded by
            # the dimension of the smaller subsystem, here equals d < chi
            norm = np.linalg.norm(B)
            B = B / norm
            self.Lambda[l, 0:d] = B

            # Keep track of the truncation error accumulated on this step
            self.tau += delta * (1 - norm**2)

            # Find the new Gammas:
            # Treat the L-2 case normally:
            A = np.reshape(A[:, 0:chi], (d, chi, chi))
            # Right multiplying by Lambda_l means that we're effectively storing
            # the A tensors instead of the Gamma tensors.
            # See Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics, pg. 341
            Gamma_l_new = np.tensordot(A,
                                       np.diag(OneOver(self.Lambda[l - 1])),
                                       axes=(1, 0))
            self.Gamma[l] = np.transpose(Gamma_l_new, (0, 2, 1))

            # Gamma_(L-1):
            # Note: can't truncate because the matrix
            # is smaller than in the non-edge cases
            self.Gamma[l + 1][:, 0:d] = C
Example #48
def test_np_tensordot():
    class TestTensordot(HybridBlock):
        def __init__(self, axes):
            super(TestTensordot, self).__init__()
            self._axes = axes

        def hybrid_forward(self, F, a, b):
            return F.np.tensordot(a, b, self._axes)

    def tensordot_backward(a, b, axes=2):
        if (a.ndim < 1) or (b.ndim < 1):
            raise ValueError('An input is zero-dim')

        if _np.isscalar(axes):
            a_axes_summed = [i + a.ndim - axes for i in range(axes)]
            b_axes_summed = [i for i in range(axes)]
            if len(axes) != 2:
                raise ValueError('Axes must consist of two arrays.')
            a_axes_summed, b_axes_summed = axes
            if _np.isscalar(a_axes_summed):
                a_axes_summed = a_axes_summed,
            if _np.isscalar(b_axes_summed):
                b_axes_summed = b_axes_summed,

            for i in range(len(a_axes_summed)):
                a_axes_summed[i] = (a_axes_summed[i] + a.ndim) % a.ndim

            for i in range(len(b_axes_summed)):
                b_axes_summed[i] = (b_axes_summed[i] + b.ndim) % b.ndim

        if len(a_axes_summed) != len(b_axes_summed):
            raise ValueError('Axes length mismatch')

        a_axes_remained = []
        for i in range(a.ndim):
            if not (i in a_axes_summed):
        a_axes = a_axes_remained[:] + a_axes_summed[:]

        b_axes_remained = []
        for i in range(b.ndim):
            if not (i in b_axes_summed):
        b_axes = b_axes_summed[:] + b_axes_remained[:]

        ad1 = _np.prod([a.shape[i] for i in a_axes_remained
                        ]) if len(a_axes_remained) > 0 else 1
        ad2 = _np.prod([a.shape[i] for i in a_axes_summed
                        ]) if len(a_axes_summed) > 0 else 1
        bd1 = _np.prod([b.shape[i] for i in b_axes_summed
                        ]) if len(b_axes_summed) > 0 else 1
        bd2 = _np.prod([b.shape[i] for i in b_axes_remained
                        ]) if len(b_axes_remained) > 0 else 1

        out_grad = _np.ones((ad1, bd2))

        new_a = _np.transpose(a, a_axes)
        new_a_shape = new_a.shape[:]
        new_a = new_a.reshape((ad1, ad2))
        new_b = _np.transpose(b, b_axes)
        new_b_shape = new_b.shape[:]
        new_b = new_b.reshape((bd1, bd2))

        reverse_a_axes = [0 for i in a_axes]
        for i in range(len(a_axes)):
            reverse_a_axes[a_axes[i]] = i

        reverse_b_axes = [0 for i in b_axes]
        for i in range(len(b_axes)):
            reverse_b_axes[b_axes[i]] = i

        grad_b = _np.dot(new_a.T, out_grad).reshape(new_b_shape)
        grad_b = _np.transpose(grad_b, reverse_b_axes)
        grad_a = _np.dot(out_grad, new_b.T).reshape(new_a_shape)
        grad_a = _np.transpose(grad_a, reverse_a_axes)

        return [grad_a, grad_b]

    # test non zero size input
    tensor_shapes = [
        ((3, 5), (5, 4), 1),  # (a_shape, b_shape, axes)
        ((3, ), (3, ), 1),
        ((3, 4, 5, 3, 2), (5, 3, 2, 1, 2), 3),
        ((3, 5, 4, 3, 2), (2, 3, 5, 1, 2), [[1, 3, 4], [2, 1, 0]]),
        ((3, 5, 4), (5, 4, 3), [[1, 0, 2], [0, 2, 1]]),
        ((3, 5, 4), (5, 3, 4), [[2, 0], [-1, -2]]),
        ((2, 2), (2, 2), 2),
        ((3, 5, 4), (5, ), [[-2], [0]]),
        ((3, 5, 4), (5, ), [[1], [0]]),
        ((2, ), (2, 3), 1),
        ((3, ), (3, ), 0),
        ((2, ), (2, 3), 0),
        ((3, 5, 4), (5, ), 0),
        ((2, 3, 4), (4, 3, 2), [[], []]),
        ((3, 0), (0, 5), 1),
        ((3, 0), (0, 4), [[1], [0]]),
        ((0, 3), (3, 5), 1),
        ((0, 3), (5, 0), [[0], [1]])

    for hybridize in [True, False]:
        for a_shape, b_shape, axes in tensor_shapes:
            for dtype in [_np.float32, _np.float64]:
                test_tensordot = TestTensordot(axes)
                if hybridize:
                a = rand_ndarray(shape=a_shape, dtype=dtype).as_np_ndarray()
                b = rand_ndarray(shape=b_shape, dtype=dtype).as_np_ndarray()

                np_out = _np.tensordot(a.asnumpy(), b.asnumpy(), axes)
                with mx.autograd.record():
                    mx_out = test_tensordot(a, b)
                assert mx_out.shape == np_out.shape
                np_backward = tensordot_backward(a.asnumpy(), b.asnumpy(),

                # Test imperative once again
                mx_out = np.tensordot(a, b, axes)
                np_out = _np.tensordot(a.asnumpy(), b.asnumpy(), axes)

                # test numeric gradient
                if (_np.prod(a_shape) > 0 and _np.prod(b_shape) > 0):
                    a_sym = mx.sym.Variable("a").as_np_ndarray()
                    b_sym = mx.sym.Variable("b").as_np_ndarray()
                    mx_sym = mx.sym.np.tensordot(a_sym, b_sym,
                        mx_sym, [a.as_nd_ndarray(),
def loss_plot_heatmap(physics_model, symm_type, N, max_change):

    model_name = "{0}_{1}".format(physics_model, symm_type)
    results_folder = "results/{0}_results".format(model_name)
    study_name = "N{0}_nh{1}_lr{2}_ep{3}".format(N, NH, LR, EP)

    # Define the intervals which alpha, beta will take
    alpha_min, alpha_max = -max_change, max_change
    beta_min, beta_max = -max_change, max_change

    alpha_vals = np.linspace(alpha_min, alpha_max, DIM)
    beta_vals = np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, DIM)
    grid_alphas, grid_betas = np.meshgrid(alpha_vals, beta_vals)

    landscape_file = "loss_landscape_range{0}_dim{1}_{2}_{3}_seed{4}.txt".format(
        max_change, DIM, model_name, study_name, SEED)
    loss_data = np.loadtxt("{0}/{1}/{2}".format(results_folder, study_name,

    # Now make plots of parameters trajectory
    # First retrieve final values of params
    max_ep = 2000  # how long training occurs for
    opt_params = []
    for par_num in range(NUM_PARS):
        param_filename = "param{0}_{1}_epoch2000_N{2}_nh{3}_lr{4}_ep{5}.txt".format(
            par_num, model_name, N, NH, LR, EP)
        param = np.loadtxt("{0}/{1}/param_vals/{2}".format(
            results_folder, study_name, param_filename))

    # Get recorded values from data files
    period = 5  # how often parameter info recorded
    epochs = range(0, max_ep + 1, period)

    epochs_dict = {}  # store epoch: listof params
    for epoch in epochs:
        params = []
        for par_num in range(NUM_PARS):
            param_filename = "param{0}_{1}_epoch{2}_N{3}_nh{4}_lr{5}_ep{6}.txt".format(
                par_num, model_name, epoch, N, NH, LR, EP)
            param = np.loadtxt("{0}/{1}/param_vals/{2}".format(
                results_folder, study_name, param_filename))
            param -= opt_params[par_num]  # centre at optimum
        epochs_dict[epoch] = params

    # Get deltas and etas using same seed
    deltas = []
    etas = []
    for par_num in range(NUM_PARS):
        delta = np.loadtxt(
                results_folder, study_name, par_num, model_name, N, NH, LR,
        eta = np.loadtxt(
                results_folder, study_name, par_num, model_name, N, NH, LR,

    # Now compute alphas and betas for every epoch
    alphas = []
    betas = []
    for epoch in epochs:
        alpha = 0
        beta = 0
        for par_num in range(NUM_PARS):
            # Need to expand dims to use tensor dot
            curr_params = epochs_dict[epoch][par_num]
            delta = deltas[par_num]
            eta = etas[par_num]
            if len(curr_params.shape) == 1:
                curr_params = np.expand_dims(curr_params, axis=0)
                delta = np.expand_dims(delta, axis=0)
                eta = np.expand_dims(eta, axis=0)
            alpha += np.tensordot(curr_params, delta)
            beta += np.tensordot(curr_params, eta)

    # NOTE: This stuff is for interpolating, which isn't good in this case
    # n_points = 10000
    # alpha_indices = np.random.choice(DIM, n_points)
    # beta_indices = np.random.choice(DIM, n_points)

    # alpha_points = alpha_vals[alpha_indices]
    # beta_points = beta_vals[beta_indices]
    # loss_points = loss_data[alpha_indices, beta_indices]
    # points_tuple = (alpha_points, beta_points)
    # grid_tuple = (grid_alphas, grid_betas)

    # interp_vals = griddata(
    # points_tuple, loss_points, grid_tuple, method="cubic"
    # )

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # ax.contourf(grid_alphas, grid_betas, interp_vals)
    norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=loss_data.min(), vmax=loss_data.max())
    contour = ax.imshow(
        extent=[-max_change, max_change, -max_change, max_change],
    ax.set_xlim(-max_change, max_change)
    ax.set_ylim(-max_change, max_change)
    fig.colorbar(contour, ax=ax)
    ax.plot(alphas, betas, color="C0", linestyle="-")
    ax.scatter(alphas[::40], betas[::40], color="C3")
    ax.set_title(r"{0} loss landscape projection".format(
    # ax.set_zlabel(r"Loss")

    image_name = (
        format(max_change, DIM, model_name, study_name, SEED))
    plt.savefig("{0}/{1}/{2}".format(results_folder, study_name, image_name))
Example #50
    def Single_Site_Rho(self, k, subspace=0):
        L = self.sim['L']
        da = self.sim['da']
        db = self.sim['db']

        Gamma_k = self.Gamma[k]
        # Need to treat boundaries differently...
        # See Mishmash thesis pg. 73 for formulas
        if (k != 0 and k != L - 1):
            Rho_L = np.tensordot(np.diag(self.Lambda[k - 1, :]),
                                 axes=(1, 1))
            Rho_L = np.tensordot(Rho_L,
                                 np.diag(self.Lambda[k, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, 0))
            Rho_R = np.tensordot(np.diag(self.Lambda[k, :]),
                                 axes=(1, 1))
            Rho_R = np.tensordot(Rho_R,
                                 np.diag(self.Lambda[k, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, 0))
            Rho = np.tensordot(Rho_L, Rho_R, axes=([0, 2], [0, 2]))
            Rho = np.transpose(Rho)
        elif (k == 0):
            Rho_L = np.tensordot(np.conjugate(Gamma_k),
                                 np.diag(self.Lambda[k, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, 0))
            Rho_R = np.tensordot(Gamma_k,
                                 np.diag(self.Lambda[k, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, -1))
            Rho = np.tensordot(Rho_L, Rho_R, axes=(-1, -1))
            Rho = np.transpose(Rho)
        elif (k == L - 1):
            Rho_L = np.tensordot(np.diag(self.Lambda[k - 1, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, -1))
            Rho_R = np.tensordot(np.diag(self.Lambda[k - 1, :]),
                                 axes=(-1, -1))
            Rho = np.tensordot(Rho_L, Rho_R, axes=(0, 0))
            Rho = np.transpose(Rho)

        if (subspace == 0):
            return Rho
            Rho = np.reshape(Rho, (da, db, da, db))
            if (subspace == 'a'):
                Rho = np.tensordot(np.identity(db), Rho, axes=([0, 1], [1, 3]))
            elif (subspace == 'b'):
                Rho = np.tensordot(np.identity(da), Rho, axes=([0, 1], [0, 2]))
        return Rho
def distortion(x,y,matrix):
    s = np.stack(arrays=(x,y,np.ones(shape=x.shape)),axis = 0)
    s = np.tensordot(matrix,s,axes=(1,0))
    return s[0:2]
for x_elem, t_elem in zip(x_data, t_data):
    x = Variable(np.array([x_elem], dtype=np.float32))
    t = Variable(np.array([t_elem], dtype=np.int32))

    y = model(x)

    loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t)

    # save grad
    for path, param in model.namedparams():

# manipulate grad
z = np.array(z_data, dtype=np.float32)
for path, param in model.namedparams():
    grads = np.array(dic_grads[path], dtype=np.float32)
    grad = np.tensordot(z, grads, axes=1)
    grad /= len(z_data)
    param.grad = grad


# print param data and grad
for path, param in model.namedparams():
 def __call__(self, M: np.array, A: np.array = None, B: np.array = None) -> (np.array, np.array):
     erase   = tensordot(transpose(ones_like(A) - A, axes=[1, 0]), ones_like(A), axes=1)
     contrib = tensordot(transpose(A, axes=[1, 0]), B, axes=1)
     new_mem = (erase * M) + contrib
     return new_mem, np.array([[1 if idx == 0 else 0 for idx in np.arange(A.shape[1])]], dtype=np.float64)
Example #54
 def matrixRepresentation(self, vectorRepresentation):
     return np.tensordot(vectorRepresentation, self.basis, axes=[0, 0])
Example #55
    def mat_vec_product(self, mat, vec, device_wire_labels):
        r"""Apply multiplication of a matrix to subsystems of the quantum state.

            mat (array): matrix to multiply
            vec (array): state vector to multiply
            device_wire_labels (Sequence[int]): labels of device subsystems

            array: output vector after applying ``mat`` to input ``vec`` on specified subsystems
        num_wires = len(device_wire_labels)

        if mat.shape != (2 ** num_wires, 2 ** num_wires):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Please specify a {2**num_wires} x {2**num_wires} matrix for {num_wires} wires."

        # first, we need to reshape both the matrix and vector
        # into blocks of 2x2 matrices, in order to do the higher
        # order matrix multiplication

        # Reshape the matrix to ``size=[2, 2, 2, ..., 2]``,
        # where ``len(size) == 2*len(wires)``
        # The first half of the dimensions correspond to a
        # 'ket' acting on each wire/qubit, while the second
        # half of the dimensions correspond to a 'bra' acting
        # on each wire/qubit.
        # E.g., if mat = \sum_{ijkl} (c_{ijkl} |ij><kl|),
        # and wires=[0, 1], then
        # the reshaped dimensions of mat are such that
        # mat[i, j, k, l] == c_{ijkl}.
        mat = np.reshape(mat, [2] * len(device_wire_labels) * 2)

        # Reshape the state vector to ``size=[2, 2, ..., 2]``,
        # where ``len(size) == num_wires``.
        # Each wire corresponds to a subsystem.
        # E.g., if vec = \sum_{ijk}c_{ijk}|ijk>,
        # the reshaped dimensions of vec are such that
        # vec[i, j, k] == c_{ijk}.
        vec = np.reshape(vec, [2] * self.num_wires)

        # Calculate the axes on which the matrix multiplication
        # takes place. For the state vector, this simply
        # corresponds to the requested wires. For the matrix,
        # it is the latter half of the dimensions (the 'bra' dimensions).
        # For example, if num_wires=3 and wires=[2, 0], then
        # axes=((2, 3), (2, 0)). This is equivalent to doing
        # np.einsum("ijkl,lnk", mat, vec).
        axes = (np.arange(len(device_wire_labels), 2 * len(device_wire_labels)), device_wire_labels)

        # After the tensor dot operation, the resulting array
        # will have shape ``size=[2, 2, ..., 2]``,
        # where ``len(size) == num_wires``, corresponding
        # to a valid state of the system.
        tdot = np.tensordot(mat, vec, axes=axes)

        # Tensordot causes the axes given in `wires` to end up in the first positions
        # of the resulting tensor. This corresponds to a (partial) transpose of
        # the correct output state
        # We'll need to invert this permutation to put the indices in the correct place
        unused_idxs = [idx for idx in range(self.num_wires) if idx not in device_wire_labels]
        perm = device_wire_labels + unused_idxs

        # argsort gives the inverse permutation
        inv_perm = np.argsort(perm)
        state_multi_index = np.transpose(tdot, inv_perm)

        return np.reshape(state_multi_index, 2 ** self.num_wires)
def neighbours(df, atoms_list):
    """Generates a list of distances to neighbours (NNs) for each pairs of species: AA, AB, BA, BB."""

    # The initial unit cell and supercell, separated into sublattices of A and B atoms
    clA, clB = unitcell(atoms_list)
    spclA, spclB = supercell(atoms_list)

    # Unit vectors used to reshape the arrays
    eA = np.ones(len(clA))
    eB = np.ones(len(clB))
    EA = np.ones(len(spclA))
    EB = np.ones(len(spclB))

    # Yields the matrix to calcualte the interatomic distances in the lattice coordinate system
    abc = cell_parameters(df)[0]
    ang = np.cos(cell_parameters(df)[1])
    mat = np.array([[1, ang[2], ang[1]], [ang[2], 1, ang[0]],
                    [ang[1], ang[0], 1]])
    mat = np.multiply(mat, np.tensordot(abc, abc, axes=0))

    # Pairwise distances between atoms in the initial cell and supercell
    drAA = np.tensordot(eA, spclA, axes=0) - np.swapaxes(
        np.tensordot(EA, clA, axes=0), 0, 1)
    drAB = np.tensordot(eA, spclB, axes=0) - np.swapaxes(
        np.tensordot(EB, clA, axes=0), 0, 1)
    drBA = np.tensordot(eB, spclA, axes=0) - np.swapaxes(
        np.tensordot(EA, clB, axes=0), 0, 1)
    drBB = np.tensordot(eB, spclB, axes=0) - np.swapaxes(
        np.tensordot(EB, clB, axes=0), 0, 1)

    # This part creates a 3x3 matrix for each pair to calculate the distances
    drAA = np.tensordot(drAA, np.ones(3), axes=0)
    drAB = np.tensordot(drAB, np.ones(3), axes=0)
    drBA = np.tensordot(drBA, np.ones(3), axes=0)
    drBB = np.tensordot(drBB, np.ones(3), axes=0)

    drAA = np.multiply(drAA, np.swapaxes(drAA, 2, 3))
    drAB = np.multiply(drAB, np.swapaxes(drAB, 2, 3))
    drBA = np.multiply(drBA, np.swapaxes(drBA, 2, 3))
    drBB = np.multiply(drBB, np.swapaxes(drBB, 2, 3))

    # Calculate interatomic distances using the previously derived matrix
    distAA = np.multiply(
        np.tensordot(eA, np.tensordot(EA, mat, axes=0), axes=0), drAA)
    distAB = np.multiply(
        np.tensordot(eA, np.tensordot(EB, mat, axes=0), axes=0), drAB)
    distBA = np.multiply(
        np.tensordot(eB, np.tensordot(EA, mat, axes=0), axes=0), drBA)
    distBB = np.multiply(
        np.tensordot(eB, np.tensordot(EB, mat, axes=0), axes=0), drBB)

    distAA = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(distAA, axis=3), axis=2))
    distAB = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(distAB, axis=3), axis=2))
    distBA = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(distBA, axis=3), axis=2))
    distBB = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(distBB, axis=3), axis=2))

    return distAA, distAB, distBA, distBB
Example #57
def idwht_bloque(p):
	h_wh = H_WH(4)
	r = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(h_wh, p, axes = ([1][0])), h_wh, axes = ([1][0]))
	return r
Example #58
    def check_hop(atoms, energy_kin, energy_pot, gap, force_upper_t2,
                  force_upper_t1, force_lower_t2, force_lower_t1,
        global flag_es, j_md
        global coordinates_t1, velocities_t1, dt, tau_0
        global hop, do_hop
        """Check for local minimum and hopping attempt"""
        etot = energy_pot + energy_kin
        p_zn = 0.0
        p_lz = 0.0
        small_dgap = False
        v_diab = 0.0
        # check for the local minimum of the energy gap
        if (gap[j_md - 1] < gap[j_md]) and (gap[j_md - 2] > gap[j_md - 1]):
            # finite difference calculation of second order derivative
            dgap = (gap[j_md] - 2.0 * gap[j_md - 1] + gap[j_md - 2]) / (dt *
            # compute Belyaev-Lebedev probability
            if (dgap < 1E-12):
                #print('small or negative d^2/dt^2',dgap)
                small_dgap = True
                c_ij = np.power(gap[j_md - 1], 3) / dgap
                p_lz = np.exp(-0.5 * np.pi * np.sqrt(c_ij))

            # output second time derivative between S2 and S3
            #if target_state==2:
            #    df2.write('{0:0.2f} {1} {2} \n'.format(dt*(j_md-1)*tau_0,\
            #                     dgap,np.power(gap[j_md-1],3)))

            # compute diabatic gradients for ZN
            sum_G = force_upper_t2 + force_lower_t2
            dGc = (force_upper_t2 - force_lower_t2) - (force_upper_t1 -
            dGc /= dt
            # dGc*velo has to be in a.u.
            conversion_velo = fs * tau_0 / Bohr
            dGxVelo = np.tensordot(dGc, velocities_t1 * conversion_velo)
            if (dGxVelo < 0.0):
                if not small_dgap:
                    factor = 0.5 * np.sqrt(gap[j_md - 1] / dgap)
                    factor = 0.0
                factor = 0.5 * np.sqrt(gap[j_md - 1] / dGxVelo)

            force1_x = 0.5 * sum_G - factor * dGc
            force2_x = 0.5 * sum_G + factor * dGc
            force_diff_acc = 0.0
            force_prod_acc = 0.0
            for i in range(0, len(a)):
                for j_coord in range(0, 3):
                    temp0 = force2_x[i, j_coord] - force1_x[i, j_coord]
                    temp = temp0 * temp0
                    temp2 = force2_x[i, j_coord] * force1_x[i, j_coord]

                    force_diff_acc += temp / masses[i]
                    force_prod_acc += temp2 / masses[i]

            force_diff = np.sqrt(force_diff_acc)
            if force_prod_acc > 0.0:
                do_plus = True
                do_plus = False
            force_prod = np.sqrt(np.abs(force_prod_acc))

            v_diab = gap[j_md - 1] / 2.0
            a2 = 0.5 * force_diff * force_prod / (np.power(2.0 * v_diab, 3))
            b2 = energy_kin * force_diff / (force_prod * 2.0 * v_diab)
            if (a2 < 0.0) or (b2 < 0.0):
            root = 0.0
            if do_plus:
                root = b2 + np.sqrt(b2 * b2 + 1.0)
                root = b2 + np.sqrt(np.abs(b2 * b2 - 1.0))
            # compute Zhu-Nakamura probability
            if not small_dgap:
                p_zn = np.exp(-np.pi * 0.25 * np.sqrt(2.0 / (a2 * root)))
                p_zn = 0.0
            # comparison with a random number
            if do_hop and (not hop):
                xi = np.random.rand(1)
                if xi <= p_lz and do_lz:
                    #print('Attempted hop according to BL at {}'.format(j_md-1))
                    hop = True
                elif xi <= p_zn and do_zn:
                    #print('Attempted hop according to ZN at {}'.format(j_md-1))
                    hop = True

                betta = gap[j_md - 1] / energy_kin
                # check for frustrated hop condition
                if (hop and betta > 1.0 and target_state > flag_es):
                    hop = False
                if hop:
                    # output energy gap at the hopping point
                    print('{0} {1}'.format(target_state, gap[j_md - 1]))

                    # make one MD step back since local minimum was at t and we are at t+dt
                    # velocity rescaling to conserve total energy
                    if target_state < flag_es:
                        a.set_velocities(np.sqrt(1.0 + betta) * velocities_t1)
                        a.set_velocities(np.sqrt(1.0 - betta) * velocities_t1)
                    # change the running state
                    flag_es = target_state

        if do_zn:
            return p_zn
            return p_lz
Example #59
def idwht_bloque(p):
	h_wh = H_WH(4)
	r = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(h_wh, p, axes = ([1][0])), h_wh, axes = ([1][0]))
	return r

Reproducir los bloques base de la transformación para los casos N=4,8,16
Ver imágenes adjuntas
N = 4
while N < 32:
	H = H_WH(N)
	for row in range(N):
		for col in range(N):
			baseImage = np.tensordot(H[row], np.transpose(H[col]), 0)
	N *= 2

Q = np.array(
	[[217,   8, 248, 199],
    [215, 189, 242,  10],
    [200,  65, 191,  92],
    [174, 239, 237, 118]]
Example #60
def main(input_animation_file, output_sploc_file, output_animation_file):
    rest_shape = "first" # which frame to use as rest-shape ("first" or "average")
    K = 50 # number of components
    smooth_min_dist = 0.1 # minimum geodesic distance for support map, d_min_in paper
    smooth_max_dist = 0.7 # maximum geodesic distance for support map, d_max in paper
    num_iters_max = 10 # number of iterations to run
    sparsity_lambda = 2. # sparsity parameter, lambda in the paper

    rho = 10.0 # penalty parameter for ADMM
    num_admm_iterations = 10 # number of ADMM iterations

    # preprocessing: (external script)
        # rigidly align sequence
        # normalize into -0.5 ... 0.5 box

    with h5py.File(input_animation_file, 'r') as f:
        verts = f['verts'].value.astype(np.float)
        tris = f['tris'].value

    F, N, _ = verts.shape

    if rest_shape == "first":
        Xmean = verts[0]
    elif rest_shape == "average":
        Xmean = np.mean(verts, axis=0)

    # prepare geodesic distance computation on the restpose mesh
    compute_geodesic_distance = GeodesicDistanceComputation(Xmean, tris)

    # form animation matrix, subtract mean and normalize
    # notice that in contrast to the paper, X is an array of shape (F, N, 3) here
    X = verts - Xmean[np.newaxis]
    pre_scale_factor = 1 / np.std(X)
    X *= pre_scale_factor
    R = X.copy() # residual

    # find initial components explaining the residual
    C = []
    W = []
    for k in range(K):
        # find the vertex explaining the most variance across the residual animation
        magnitude = (R**2).sum(axis=2)
        idx = np.argmax(magnitude.sum(axis=0))
        # find linear component explaining the motion of this vertex
        U, s, Vt = la.svd(R[:,idx,:].reshape(R.shape[0], -1).T, full_matrices=False)
        wk = s[0] * Vt[0,:] # weights
        # invert weight according to their projection onto the constraint set 
        # this fixes problems with negative weights and non-negativity constraints
        wk_proj = project_weight(wk)
        wk_proj_negative = project_weight(-wk)
        wk = wk_proj \
                if norm(wk_proj) > norm(wk_proj_negative) \
                else wk_proj_negative
        s = 1 - compute_support_map(idx, compute_geodesic_distance, smooth_min_dist, smooth_max_dist)
        # solve for optimal component inside support map
        ck = (np.tensordot(wk, R, (0, 0)) * s[:,np.newaxis])\
                / np.inner(wk, wk)
        # update residual
        R -= np.outer(wk, ck).reshape(R.shape)
    C = np.array(C)
    W = np.array(W).T

    # prepare auxiluary variables
    Lambda = np.empty((K, N))
    U = np.zeros((K, N, 3))

    # main global optimization
    for it in range(num_iters_max):
        # update weights
        Rflat = R.reshape(F, N*3) # flattened residual
        for k in range(C.shape[0]): # for each component
            Ck = C[k].ravel()
            Ck_norm = np.inner(Ck, Ck)
            if Ck_norm <= 1.e-8:
                # the component seems to be zero everywhere, so set it's activation to 0 also
                W[:,k] = 0
                continue # prevent divide by zero
            # block coordinate descent update
            Rflat += np.outer(W[:,k], Ck)
            opt = np.dot(Rflat, Ck) / Ck_norm
            W[:,k] = project_weight(opt)
            Rflat -= np.outer(W[:,k], Ck)
        # update spatially varying regularization strength
        for k in range(K):
            ck = C[k]
            # find vertex with biggest displacement in component and compute support map around it
            idx = (ck**2).sum(axis=1).argmax()
            support_map = compute_support_map(idx, compute_geodesic_distance, 
                                              smooth_min_dist, smooth_max_dist)
            # update L1 regularization strength according to this support map
            Lambda[k] = sparsity_lambda * support_map
        # update components
        Z = C.copy() # dual variable
        # prefactor linear solve in ADMM
        G = np.dot(W.T, W)
        c = np.dot(W.T, X.reshape(X.shape[0], -1))
        solve_prefactored = cho_factor(G + rho * np.eye(G.shape[0]))
        # ADMM iterations
        for admm_it in range(num_admm_iterations):
            C = cho_solve(solve_prefactored, c + rho * (Z - U).reshape(c.shape)).reshape(C.shape)
            Z = prox_l1l2(Lambda, C + U, 1. / rho)
            U = U + C - Z
        # set updated components to dual Z, 
        # this was also suggested in [Boyd et al.] for optimization of sparsity-inducing norms
        C = Z
        # evaluate objective function
        R = X - np.tensordot(W, C, (1, 0)) # residual
        sparsity = np.sum(Lambda * np.sqrt((C**2).sum(axis=2)))
        e = (R**2).sum() + sparsity
        # TODO convergence check
        print("iteration %03d, E=%f" % (it, e))

    # undo scaling
    C /= pre_scale_factor

    # save components
    with h5py.File(output_sploc_file, 'w') as f:
        f['default'] = Xmean
        f['tris'] = tris
        for i, c in enumerate(C):
            f['comp%03d' % i] = c + Xmean

    # save encoded animation including the weights
    if output_animation_file:
        with h5py.File(output_animation_file, 'w') as f:
            f['verts'] = np.tensordot(W, C, (1, 0)) + Xmean[np.newaxis]
            f['tris'] = tris
            f['weights'] = W