Example #1
    def keep_batch(self, batch_x: np.array, batch_y: np.array,
                   preRight: np.array):
        count = 0
        keepRate = np.sum(preRight) / preRight.__len__()
        for index, value in enumerate(preRight):
            if value == 1.0:
            elif random.random() < keepRate:
                count += 1
            label, imageArray = self.TrainPath.nextCaptcha(rotate=self.rotate,

            offset = self.labelLen - len(label)
            if offset > 0:
                label += ' ' * offset
            elif offset < 0:

            imageArray = self.img2gray(imageArray)
            batch_x[index, :] = self.getBatchX(imageArray)
            batch_y[index, :] = self.getBatchY(label)
            f">>> 图片准确率: {keepRate: <.3F} - 保留率为: {count}/{preRight.__len__()}"
        if keepRate >= self.accToStop:
            self.__accRightCount += 1
            if self.__accRightCount >= self.stepToSaver:
                return None, None
        return batch_x, batch_y
Example #2
def ph_based_trim(
    utt_id: str,
    text_ids: np.array,
    raw_text: str,
    audio: np.array,
    hop_size: int,
) -> (bool, np.array, np.array):

        config: Parsed yaml config
        utt_id: file name
        text_ids: array with text ids
        raw_text: raw text of file
        audio: parsed wav file
        hop_size: Hop size

    Returns: (bool, np.array, np.array) => if trimmed return True, new text_ids, new audio_array


    os.makedirs(os.path.join(config["rootdir"], "trimmed-durations"),
    duration_path = config.get("duration_path",
                               os.path.join(config["rootdir"], "durations"))
    duration_fixed_path = config.get(
        os.path.join(config["rootdir"], "trimmed-durations"))
    sil_ph = ["SIL", "END"]  # TODO FIX hardcoded values
    text = raw_text.split(" ")

    trim_start, trim_end = False, False

    if text[0] in sil_ph:
        trim_start = True

    if text[-1] in sil_ph:
        trim_end = True

    if not trim_start and not trim_end:
        return False, text_ids, audio

    idx_start, idx_end = (
        0 if not trim_start else 1,
        text_ids.__len__() if not trim_end else -1,
    text_ids = text_ids[idx_start:idx_end]
    durations = np.load(os.path.join(duration_path, f"{utt_id}-durations.npy"))
    if trim_start:
        s_trim = int(durations[0] * hop_size)
        audio = audio[s_trim:]
    if trim_end:
        e_trim = int(durations[-1] * hop_size)
        audio = audio[:-e_trim]

    durations = durations[idx_start:idx_end]
    np.save(os.path.join(duration_fixed_path, f"{utt_id}-durations.npy"),
    return True, text_ids, audio
Example #3
def train_test_split(x: np.array,
                     y: np.array = [],
                     train_size: float = 0.75,
                     random_state: int = 42,
                     shuffle: bool = True) -> tuple:
    Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets
        - x: x array to split [numpy.array]
        - y: y array to split (like x) [numpy.array, default = []]
        - train_size: size of the train set [Float, default = 0.75]
        - random_state: random state for shuffling [Integer, default = 42]
        - shuffle: whether (=True, default) to shuffle or not (=False) [Boolean]
        - tuple containing [Tuple]
            - X_train: x train array [numpy.array]
            - X_test: x test array [numpy.array]
            - y_train: y train array [numpy.array, default = None]
            - y_test: y test array [numpy.array, default = None]
    ## set random seed
    ## get the index where dataset gets splitte
    idx = np.ceil(train_size * x.__len__()).astype(int)
    indices = [i for i in range(x.__len__())]
    if shuffle:
        indices = np.random.permutation(x.__len__())
    train = indices[:idx]
    test = indices[idx:]
    ## when y array given
    if y.__len__() > 0:
        ## check length of both arrays
        assert len(x) == len(y), "x and y data streams must have same length"
        X_train = x[train]
        X_test = x[test]
        y_train = y[train]
        y_test = y[test]
        return (X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
    X_train = x[train]
    X_test = x[test]
    return (X_train, X_test)
Example #4
 def get_dendrogram_data(self, data:np.array, clusters:np.array, method:str = "single-linkage") -> np.array:
     calculates the data that is needed by the scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram function to plot the desired dendrogram
         - data: data points for the dendrogram (usually the cluster centers) [numpy.array]
         - clusters: labels of the respective clusters [numpy.array]
         - method: desired linkage type. Possible values are [String]
             - "single-linkage" (default)
             - "full-linkage"
             - "average"
         - dd_data: data of dendrogram [numpy.array]
     ## make sure 'cluster names' are numeric and unique and a numpy.array
     clusters = np.array([i for i,_ in enumerate(np.unique(clusters))])
     ## init the matrix with all the distances (as zeros)
     matrix = np.zeros((len(data), len(data)))
     ## go through all data points
     for i, point in enumerate(data):
         for j, other in enumerate(data):
             ## except the diagonal elements - the are always 0
             if i!=j:
                 ## calc the distance between all the points and set to respective matrix element
                 matrix[i][j] = np.linalg.norm(point - other)
             ## replace diagonal elements with infitiy
                 matrix[i][j] = np.infty
             ## matrix is symmetric
             matrix[j][i] = matrix[i][j]
     ## get the biggest 'cluster name'
     max_label = np.max(clusters)
     ##init children and distances
     children = []
     distances = []
     ## as linkage matrix contains len(clusters)-1 rows and 4 columns (child1, child2, distance, count)
     for i in range(clusters.__len__() - 1):
         ## get the indize of the two clusters with the lowest distance in between
         matched_clusters = np.where( matrix == np.min(matrix) )
         matched_clusters = np.unique(matched_clusters,0)[-2:]
         ## recalculate the matrix
         matrix, new_distance = self.recalc_matrix(matrix, matched_clusters, method)
         ## check 'who' the new children are - sorted
         new_childs = sorted(clusters[matched_clusters])
         ## if children is still empty, start with initial fill of new children
         if children.__len__() == 0:
             children = [new_childs]
         ## else, append the new children
         ## replace the 'cluster names' of the already merged ones with new ones (just counting up)
         clusters[matched_clusters] = max_label + i + 1
         ## add the current distance to the distances
     ## make sure children and distances are numpy.arrays
     children = np.array(children)
     distances = np.array(distances)
     ## get the counts
     counts = self.get_counts(children, data)
     ## set together the whole dendrogram data (being the scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage)
     ddata = np.column_stack([children, distances, counts]).astype(float)
     return ddata