Example #1
 def _covariate_setup(self, M):
     self._M = M
     SVD = economic_svd(M)
     self._svd_U = SVD[0]
     self._svd_S12 = sqrt(SVD[1])
     self._svd_V = SVD[2]
     self._tM = ddot(self._svd_U, self._svd_S12, left=False)
     if self.__tbeta is not None:
         self.__tbeta = resize(self.__tbeta, self._tM.shape[1])
Example #2
def _get_mvn_restricted(y, X, G):
    SVD = economic_svd(X)
    tX = ddot(SVD[0], SVD[1])

    def mvn_restricted(beta, v0, v1, y, X, K0):
        n = K0.shape[0]
        m = X @ beta
        K = v0 * K0 + v1 * eye(K0.shape[0])
        lml = st.multivariate_normal(m, K).logpdf(y)
        lml += slogdet(tX.T @ tX)[1] / 2 - slogdet(tX.T @ solve(K, tX))[1] / 2
        lml += n * log(2 * pi) / 2
        lml -= (n - tX.shape[1]) * log(2 * pi) / 2
        return lml

    return mvn_restricted
Example #3
    def __init__(self, A=None, USVt=None):
        from numpy_sugar.linalg import ddot, economic_svd

        if A is None and USVt is None:
            raise ValueError("Both `A` and `USVt` cannot be `None`.")

        if A is None:
            self._US = ddot(USVt[0], USVt[1])
            self._Vt = USVt[2]
            self._A = self._US @ self._Vt
            USVt = economic_svd(A)
            self._US = ddot(USVt[0], USVt[1])
            self._Vt = USVt[2]
            self._A = A

        self._rank = len(USVt[1])
Example #4
def test_economic_svd():
    random = RandomState(6)
    A = random.randn(3, 2)
    A = dot(A, A.T)

    S = [
        [-0.21740668, 0.56064537],
        [0.21405445, -0.77127452],
        [-0.95232086, -0.30135094],
    V = [7.65340901, 0.84916508]
    D = [[-0.21740668, 0.21405445, -0.95232086],
         [0.56064537, -0.77127452, -0.30135094]]
    SVD = economic_svd(A)

    assert_allclose(SVD[0], S)
    assert_allclose(SVD[1], V)
    assert_allclose(SVD[2], D)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, y, K, covariates=None, progress=True):
        super(NormalVarDec, self).__init__(
            K, covariates=covariates, progress=progress)
        self._y = y

        mean = LinearMean(self._covariates.shape[1])

        covs = []
        for Ki in iter(K.items()):
            c = LinearCov()
            if Ki[1][1]:
                G = economic_svd(Ki[1][0])
                G = Ki[1][0]

            c.set_data((G, G))

        cov = SumCov(covs)

        self._lmm = SlowLMM(y, mean, cov)
Example #6
def test_economic_svd_zero_rank():
    A = zeros((3, 2))
    SVD = economic_svd(A)
    assert_(SVD[0].shape == (3, 0))
    assert_(SVD[1].shape == (0, ))
    assert_(SVD[2].shape == (0, 2))
Example #7
 def _covariate_setup(self, M):
     SVD = economic_svd(M)
     self._svd_U = SVD[0]
     self._svd_S12 = sqrt(SVD[1])
     self._svd_V = SVD[2]
     self._tM = ddot(self._svd_U, self._svd_S12, left=False)
Example #8
    def __init__(self, y, X, QS=None, restricted=False):

        y : array_like
        X : array_like
            Covariates as a two-dimensional array.
        QS : tuple
            Economic eigendecompositon in form of ``((Q0, Q1), S0)`` of a
            covariance matrix ``K``.
        restricted : bool
            ``True`` for restricted maximum likelihood optimization; ``False``
            otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
        from numpy_sugar import is_all_finite
        from numpy_sugar.linalg import ddot, economic_svd

        logistic = Scalar(0.0)
        logistic.bounds = (-numbers.logmax, +numbers.logmax)
        Function.__init__(self, "LMM", logistic=logistic)
        self._logistic = logistic

        y = asarray(y, float).ravel()
        if not is_all_finite(y):
            raise ValueError("There are non-finite values in the outcome.")

        if len(y) == 0:
            raise ValueError("The outcome array is empty.")

        X = atleast_2d(asarray(X, float).T).T
        if not is_all_finite(X):
            raise ValueError(
                "There are non-finite values in the covariates matrix.")

        self._optimal = {"beta": False, "scale": False}
        if QS is None:
            QS = economic_qs_zeros(len(y))
            self.delta = 1.0
            self.delta = 0.5

        if QS[0][0].shape[0] != len(y):
            msg = "Sample size differs between outcome and covariance decomposition."
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if y.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
            msg = "Sample size differs between outcome and covariates."
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self._Darr = []
        n = y.shape[0]
        d = self.delta
        if QS[1].size > 0:
            self._Darr += [QS[1] * (1 - d) + d]
        if QS[1].size < n:
            self._Darr += [full(n - QS[1].size, d)]

        self._y = y
        self._QS = QS
        SVD = economic_svd(X)
        self._X = {"X": X, "tX": ddot(SVD[0], SVD[1]), "VT": SVD[2]}
        self._tbeta = zeros(len(SVD[1]))
        self._scale = 1.0
        self._fix = {"beta": False, "scale": False}
        self._restricted = restricted