def ping(idx): config = npw.config.default() client = boto3.client('s3') rc = config["control_plane"] password = rc["password"] port = rc["port"] prefix = rc["control_plane_prefix"].strip("/") bucket = config["s3"]["bucket"] keys = list_all_keys(prefix=prefix, bucket=bucket) if (idx >= len(keys)): click.echo("idx must be less that number of total control planes") return key = keys[idx] info = json.loads( client.get_object(Key=key, Bucket=config["s3"]["bucket"])["Body"].read()) host = info["public_ip"] redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, password=password) while (True): try: click.echo("successful ping!") break except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: click.echo("ping failed.") pass
def get_control_plane_id(config=None): ''' If there are multiple active control planes connect return first one, if there are none return None''' if (config == None): config = npw.config.default() rc = config["control_plane"] prefix = rc["control_plane_prefix"].strip("/") + "/" keys = list_all_keys(prefix=prefix) if (len(keys) == 0): return None else: return keys[0]
def get_control_plane_id(config=None): ''' If there are multiple active control planes connect return first one, if there are none return None''' if (config == None): config = npw.config.default() rc = config["control_plane"] prefix = rc["control_plane_prefix"].strip("/") bucket = config["s3"]["bucket"] keys = list_all_keys(prefix=prefix, bucket=bucket) if (len(keys) == 0): return None else: return os.path.basename(keys[0])
def list(): config = npw.config.default() client = boto3.client('s3') rc = config["control_plane"] prefix = rc["control_plane_prefix"].strip("/") bucket = config["s3"]["bucket"] keys = list_all_keys(prefix=prefix, bucket=bucket) dicts = [] for i, key in enumerate(keys): dicts.append( json.loads( client.get_object( Key=key, Bucket=config["s3"]["bucket"])["Body"].read())) if (len(dicts) > 0): # maybe custom pretty printing here, but pandas does a god enough job click.echo(pd.DataFrame(dicts)) else: click.echo("No control planes found")
def terminate(idx): config = npw.config.default() client = boto3.client('s3') rc = config["control_plane"] prefix = rc["control_plane_prefix"].strip("/") bucket = config["s3"]["bucket"] keys = list_all_keys(prefix=prefix, bucket=bucket) if (idx >= len(keys)): click.echo("idx must be less that number of total control planes") return key = keys[idx] info = json.loads( client.get_object(Key=key, Bucket=config["s3"]["bucket"])["Body"].read()) instance_id = info['id'] ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2') click.echo("terminating control plane {0}".format(idx)) resp = ec2_client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) client.delete_object(Key=key, Bucket=bucket)