Example #1
class CLAModel(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dim = 64**2
        self.tp = TP(numberOfCols=64**2, cellsPerColumn=32,
                    initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5,
                    minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=40,
                    permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.00001,
                    activationThreshold=int((64**2 * .02) / 2),
                    globalDecay=0, burnIn=1,

    def train(self, sdr, learning):
        values = self.toArray(sdr, self.dim)
        self.tp.compute(values, learning, computeInfOutput=True)
        predictedCells = self.tp.getPredictedState()
        predictedColumns = predictedCells.max(axis=1)
        predictedBitmap = predictedColumns.nonzero()[0]
        return list(predictedBitmap)
    def toArray(self, lst, length):
        res = np.zeros(length, dtype="uint32")
        for val in lst:
            res[val] = 1
        return res
Example #2
class TPTrainer():
    """Trainer for the temporal pooler.
	Takes word fingerprints from an input file and feeds them to the
	temporal pooler by first getting the SDR from the spatial pooler
	and then passing that to the temporal pooler.
    def __init__(self, sp_trainer):
		sp_trainer	:	The spatial pooler trainer
        self.sp_trainer = sp_trainer
        self.input_array = np.zeros(self.sp_trainer.fp_length, dtype="int32")
        self.active_array = np.zeros(self.sp_trainer.num_columns,
        self.is_learning = True
        self.compute_inference = False

        self.tp = TP(numberOfCols=self.sp_trainer.num_columns,

    def run(self, fp):
        """Run the spatial pooler and temporal pooler with the input fingerprint"""

        # clear the input_array to zero before creating a new input vector
        self.input_array[0:] = 0
        self.input_array[list(fp)] = 1

        # active_array[column] = 1 if column is active after spatial pooling
        self.sp_trainer.sp.compute(self.input_array, False, self.active_array)

        if self.compute_inference:
            self.predicted_sdr = set(
            lemma_sdrs = np.array(
                [l for l in self.sp_trainer.lemma_to_sdr.values()])
            # convert string key to list by stripping front and end:
            # Example: (array([   8,   12, ... , 1018]),)
            all_lemma_sdrs = [
                set(eval(l.last_sdr_key[7:-3])) for l in lemma_sdrs
            _, indexes = wordnet_fp.find_matching(self.predicted_sdr,
                                                  all_lemma_sdrs, 1, 10)
            self.predicted_lemmas = lemma_sdrs[indexes]
Example #3
class AudioStream:
    def __init__(self):
    Instantiate temporal pooler, encoder, audio sampler, filter, & freq plot
        self.vis = Visualizations()
    The number of columns in the input and therefore the TP
     2**9 = 512
     Trial and error pulled that out
     numCols should be tested during benchmarking
        self.numCols = 2**9
        sparsity = 0.10
        self.numInput = int(self.numCols * sparsity)
    Create a bit map encoder
    From the encoder's __init__ method:
     1st arg: the total bits in input
     2nd arg: the number of bits used to encode each input bit
        self.e = SparsePassThroughEncoder(self.numCols, 1)
    Sampling details
     rate: The sampling rate in Hz of my soundcard
     buffersize: The size of the array to which we will save audio segments (2^12 = 4096 is very good)
     secToRecord: The length of each sampling
     buffersToRecord: how many multiples of buffers are we recording?
        rate = 44100
        secToRecord = .1
        self.buffersize = 2**12
        self.buffersToRecord = int(rate * secToRecord / self.buffersize)
        if not self.buffersToRecord:
            self.buffersToRecord = 1
    Filters in Hertz
     highHertz: lower limit of the bandpass filter, in Hertz
     lowHertz: upper limit of the bandpass filter, in Hertz
       max lowHertz = (buffersize / 2 - 1) * rate / buffersize
        highHertz = 500
        lowHertz = 10000
    Convert filters from Hertz to bins
     highpass: convert the highHertz into a bin for the FFT
     lowpass: convert the lowHertz into a bin for the FFt
      highpass is at least the 1st bin since most mics only pick up >=20Hz
      lowpass is no higher than buffersize/2 - 1 (highest array index)
      passband needs to be wider than size of numInput - not checking for that
        self.highpass = max(int(highHertz * self.buffersize / rate), 1)
        self.lowpass = min(int(lowHertz * self.buffersize / rate),
                           self.buffersize / 2 - 1)
    The call to create the temporal pooler region
        self.tp = TP(numberOfCols=self.numCols,
    Creating the audio stream from our mic
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        #self.inStream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt32,channels=1,rate=rate,input=True,frames_per_buffer=self.buffersize)
        self.inStream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt32,

        #参考 成功したpyaudio の設定
        #stream = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=CHANNELS,rate=RATE, input=True,input_device_index=4,frames_per_buffer=CHUNK)
    Setting up the array that will handle the timeseries of audio data from our input
        self.audio = numpy.empty((self.buffersToRecord * self.buffersize),
    Print out the inputs
        print "Number of columns:\t" + str(self.numCols)
        print "Max size of input:\t" + str(self.numInput)
        print "Sampling rate (Hz):\t" + str(rate)
        print "Passband filter (Hz):\t" + str(highHertz) + " - " + str(
        print "Passband filter (bin):\t" + str(self.highpass) + " - " + str(
        print "Bin difference:\t\t" + str(self.lowpass - self.highpass)
        print "Buffersize:\t\t" + str(self.buffersize)
    Setup the plot
     Use the bandpass filter frequency range as the x-axis
     Rescale the y-axis
        bin = range(self.highpass, self.lowpass)
        xs = numpy.arange(len(bin)) * rate / self.buffersize + highHertz
        self.freqPlot = plt.plot(xs, xs)[0]
        plt.ylim(0, 10**12)

        while True:

    def processAudio(self):
    Sample audio, encode, send it to the TP
    Pulls the audio from the mic
    Conditions that audio as an SDR
    Computes a prediction via the TP
    Update the visualizations
    Cycle through the multiples of the buffers we're sampling
    Sample audio to store for each frame in buffersize
     Mic voltage-level timeseries is saved as 32-bit binary
    Convert that 32-bit binary into integers, and save to array for the FFT
        for i in range(self.buffersToRecord):
                audioString = self.inStream.read(self.buffersize)
            except IOError:
                print "Overflow error from 'audiostring = inStream.read(buffersize)'. Try decreasing buffersize."
            self.audio[i * self.buffersize:(i + 1) *
                       self.buffersize] = numpy.fromstring(audioString,
    Get int array of strength for each bin of frequencies via fast fourier transform
    Get the indices of the strongest frequencies (the top 'numInput')
    Scale the indices so that the frequencies fit to within numCols
    Pick out the unique indices (we've reduced the mapping, so we likely have multiples)
    Encode those indices into an SDR via the SparsePassThroughEncoder
    Cast the SDR as a float for the TP
        ys = self.fft(self.audio, self.highpass, self.lowpass)  #fft の結果
        fs = numpy.sort(
            ys.argsort()[-self.numInput:])  #ysを昇順にソートして結果の上位から入力数だけのインデックス
        ufs = fs.astype(numpy.float32) / (
            self.lowpass -
            self.highpass) * self.numCols  #fsをフロートに変換して、バンド幅で割り、カラム数で割る。
        ufs = ufs.astype(numpy.int32)
        ufs = numpy.unique(ufs)  #重複をなくす

        actual = numpy.zeros(self.numCols, dtype=numpy.int32)

        for index in ufs:
            actual += self.e.encode(index)

        actualInt = actual
    Pass the SDR to the TP
    Collect the prediction SDR from the TP
    Pass the prediction & actual SDRS to the anomaly calculator & array comparer
    Update the frequency plot

        self.tp.compute(actual, enableLearn=True, computeInfOutput=True)
        predictedInt = self.tp.getPredictedState().max(axis=1)
        compare = self.vis.compareArray(actualInt, predictedInt)
        anomaly = self.vis.calcAnomaly(actualInt, predictedInt)

        print ".".join(compare)
        print self.vis.hashtagAnomaly(anomaly)


    def fft(self, audio, highpass, lowpass):
    Fast fourier transform conditioning

    'output' contains the strength of each frequency in the audio signal
    frequencies are marked by its position in 'output':
    frequency = index * rate / buffesize
    output.size = buffersize/2 
    Use numpy's FFT (numpy.fft.fft)
    Find the magnitude of the complex numbers returned (abs value)
    Split the FFT array in half, because we have mirror frequencies
     (they're the complex conjugates)
    Use just the first half to apply the bandpass filter

    Great info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4364823/how-to-get-frequency-from-fft-result
        left, right = numpy.split(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(audio)), 2)
        output = left[highpass:lowpass]
        return output
Example #4
  tp.compute(x[j], enableLearn = False, computeInfOutput = True)
  # This method prints out the active state of each cell followed by the
  # predicted state of each cell. For convenience the cells are grouped
  # 10 at a time. When there are multiple cells per column the printout
  # is arranged so the cells in a column are stacked together
  # What you should notice is that the columns where active state is 1
  # represent the SDR for the current input pattern and the columns where
  # predicted state is 1 represent the SDR for the next expected pattern
  print "\nAll the active and predicted cells:"
  tp.printStates(printPrevious = False, printLearnState = False)
  # tp.getPredictedState() gets the predicted cells.
  # predictedCells[c][i] represents the state of the i'th cell in the c'th
  # column. To see if a column is predicted, we can simply take the OR
  # across all the cells in that column. In numpy we can do this by taking 
  # the max along axis 1.
  print "\n\nThe following columns are predicted by the temporal pooler. This"
  print "should correspond to columns in the *next* item in the sequence."
  predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState()
  print formatRow(predictedCells.max(axis=1).nonzero())

# This command prints the segments associated with every single cell. This is
# commented out because it prints a ton of stuff. 

Example #5
class AudioStream:

    def printWaveInfo(self, wf):
        print("チャンネル数:", wf.getnchannels()                        )
        print("サンプル幅:", wf.getsampwidth()                          )
        print("サンプリング周波数:", wf.getframerate()                  )
        print("フレーム数:", wf.getnframes()                            )
        print("パラメータ:", wf.getparams()                             )
        print("長さ(秒):", float(wf.getnframes()) / wf.getframerate() )

    def __init__(self, wf=None):
        wf = None : mic
        # Visualizations of result
        self.vis = Visualizations()

        # network parameter
        self.numCols = 2**9     # 2**9 = 512
        sparsity     = 0.10
        self.numInput = int(self.numCols * sparsity)

        # encoder of audiostream
        self.e = BitmapArrayEncoder(self.numCols, 1)

        # setting audio
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        if wf == None:
            self.wf = None
            channels = 1
            rate = 44100                # sampling周波数: 1秒間に44100回
            secToRecord = .1            #
            self.buffersize = 2**12
            if not self.buffersToRecord:
                self.buffersToRecord = 1
            audio_format = pyaudio.paInt32


            channels = wf.getnchannels()
            self.wf = wf
            rate =    wf.getframerate()
            secToRecord = wf.getsampwidth()
            self.buffersize = 1024
            if not self.buffersToRecord:
                self.buffersToRecord = 1
            audio_format = p.get_format_from_width(secToRecord)

        self.inStream = p.open(
        self.audio = numpy.empty((self.buffersToRecord*self.buffersize), dtype="uint32")

        # filters in Hertz
        # max lowHertz = (buffersize / 2-1) * rate / buffersize
        highHertz = 500
        lowHertz = 10000

        # Convert filters from Hertz to bins
        self.highpass = max(int(highHertz * self.buffersize /rate), 1)
        self.lowpass  = min(int(lowHertz * self.buffersize / rate), self.buffersize/2 -1)

        # Temporal Pooler
        self.tp = TP(
                numberOfCols            = self.numCols,
                cellsPerColumn          = 4,
                initialPerm             = 0.5,
                connectedPerm           = 0.5,
                minThreshold            = 10,
                newSynapseCount         = 10,
                permanenceInc           = 0.1,
                permanenceDec           = 0.07,
                activationThreshold     = 8,
                globalDecay             = 0.02,
                burnIn                  = 2,
                checkSynapseConsistency = False,
                pamLength               = 100

        print("Number of columns: ", str(self.numCols))
        print("Max size of input: ", str(self.numInput))
        print("Sampling rate(Hz): ", str(rate))
        print("Passband filter(Hz): ", str(highHertz), " - ", str(lowHertz))
        print("Passband filter(bin):", str(self.highpass), " - ", str(self.lowpass))
        print("Bin difference: ", str(self.lowpass - self.highpass))
        print("Buffersize: ", str(self.buffersize))

        # # setup plot
        # plt.ion()
        # bin = range(self.highpass, self.lowpass)
        # xs = numpy.arange(len(bin)*rate/self.buffersize + highHertz)
        # self.freqPlot = plt.plot(xs, xs)[0]
        # plt.ylim(0, 10**12)

    def plotPerformance(self, values, window=1000):
        # Without the next line, the pyplot plot won't actually show up.

    def playAudio(self):
        chunk = 22050     # 音源が0.5秒毎に切り替わっていたため.
        data = self.wf.readframes(chunk)
        #data_list = []
        predictedInt = None
        plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
        while data != '':
            dat = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype = "uint32")
            #print(dat.shape, dat)

            # plot
            data_list = dat.tolist()
            self.plotPerformance(data_list, window=500)

            # plt.plot(dat)
            # plt.show(block = False)
            # plt.draw()

            # 音ならす.

            # sampling値 -> SDR
            actualInt, actual = self.encoder(data_list)

            # actualInt, predictedInt 比較
            if not predictedInt == None:
                compare = self.vis.compareArray(actualInt, predictedInt)
                print("." . join(compare) )
                anomaly = self.vis.calcAnomaly(actualInt, predictedInt)
                print(self.vis.hashtagAnomaly(anomaly) )

            # TP predict
            predictedInt = self.tp_learn_and_predict(actual)

            # 次のデータ
            data = self.wf.readframes(chunk)


    def tp_learn_and_predict(self, data):
        self.tp.compute(data, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput = True)
        predictedInt = self.tp.getPredictedState().max(axis=1)
        return predictedInt

    def encoder(self, data):
        # sampling 値 -> 周波数成分
        ys = self.fft(data, self.highpass, self.lowpass)

        # 1. 強い周波数成分の上位numInputのindexを取得する.
        # 2. 数字のレンジをnumColsに合わせる.
        # 3. uniqにする. (いるの?)
        fs = numpy.sort(ys.argsort()[-self.numInput:])
        rfs = fs.astype(numpy.float32) / (self.lowpass - self.highpass) * self.numCols
        ufs = numpy.unique(rfs)

        # encode
        actualInt = self.e.encode(ufs)
        actual = actualInt.astype(numpy.float32)

        return actualInt, actual

    def fft(self, audio, highpass, lowpass):
        left, right = numpy.split(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(audio)), 2)
        output = left[highpass:lowpass]
        return output

    def formatRow(self, x):
        s = ''
        for c in range(len(x)):
            if c > 0 and c % 10 == 0:
                s += ' '
            s += str(x[c])
        s += ' '
        return s

    def getAudioString(self):
        if self.wf == None:
            for i in range(self.buffersToRecord):
                    audioString = self.inStream.read(self.buffersize)
                except IOError:
                    print("Overflow error from 'audiostring = inStream.read(buffersize)'. Try decreasing buffersize.")
                self.audio[i*self.buffersize:(i+1)*self.buffersize] = numpy.fromstring(audioString, dtype = "uint32")
            for i in range(self.buffersToRecord):
                audioString = self.wf.readframes(self.buffersize)
                self.audio[i*self.buffersize:(i+1)*self.buffersize] = numpy.fromstring(audioString, dtype = "uint32")

    def plotWave(self):
Example #6
class AudioStream:

  def __init__(self):
    Instantiate temporal pooler, encoder, audio sampler, filter, & freq plot
    self.vis = Visualizations()
    The number of columns in the input and therefore the TP
     2**9 = 512
     Trial and error pulled that out
     numCols should be tested during benchmarking
    self.numCols = 2**9
    sparsity = 0.10
    self.numInput = int(self.numCols * sparsity)

    Create a bit map encoder
    From the encoder's __init__ method:
     1st arg: the total bits in input
     2nd arg: the number of bits used to encode each input bit
    self.e = SparsePassThroughEncoder(self.numCols, 1)

    Sampling details
     rate: The sampling rate in Hz of my soundcard
     buffersize: The size of the array to which we will save audio segments (2^12 = 4096 is very good)
     secToRecord: The length of each sampling
     buffersToRecord: how many multiples of buffers are we recording?
    if not self.buffersToRecord: 

    Filters in Hertz
     highHertz: lower limit of the bandpass filter, in Hertz
     lowHertz: upper limit of the bandpass filter, in Hertz
       max lowHertz = (buffersize / 2 - 1) * rate / buffersize
    highHertz = 500
    lowHertz = 10000

    Convert filters from Hertz to bins
     highpass: convert the highHertz into a bin for the FFT
     lowpass: convert the lowHertz into a bin for the FFt
      highpass is at least the 1st bin since most mics only pick up >=20Hz
      lowpass is no higher than buffersize/2 - 1 (highest array index)
      passband needs to be wider than size of numInput - not checking for that
    self.highpass = max(int(highHertz * self.buffersize / rate),1)
    self.lowpass = min(int(lowHertz * self.buffersize / rate), self.buffersize/2 - 1)

    The call to create the temporal pooler region
    self.tp = TP(numberOfCols=self.numCols, cellsPerColumn=4,
      initialPerm=0.5, connectedPerm=0.5,
      minThreshold=10, newSynapseCount=10,
      permanenceInc=0.1, permanenceDec=0.07,
      globalDecay=0.02, burnIn=2,
    Creating the audio stream from our mic
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    self.inStream = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt32,channels=1,rate=rate,input=True,frames_per_buffer=self.buffersize)

    Setting up the array that will handle the timeseries of audio data from our input
    self.audio = numpy.empty((self.buffersToRecord*self.buffersize),dtype="uint32")

    Print out the inputs
    print "Number of columns:\t" + str(self.numCols)
    print "Max size of input:\t" + str(self.numInput)
    print "Sampling rate (Hz):\t" + str(rate)
    print "Passband filter (Hz):\t" + str(highHertz) + " - " + str(lowHertz)
    print "Passband filter (bin):\t" + str(self.highpass) + " - " + str(self.lowpass)
    print "Bin difference:\t\t" + str(self.lowpass - self.highpass)
    print "Buffersize:\t\t" + str(self.buffersize)

    Setup the plot
     Use the bandpass filter frequency range as the x-axis
     Rescale the y-axis
    bin = range(self.highpass,self.lowpass)
    xs = numpy.arange(len(bin))*rate/self.buffersize + highHertz
    self.freqPlot = plt.plot(xs,xs)[0]
    plt.ylim(0, 10**12)
    while True:
  def processAudio (self): 
    Sample audio, encode, send it to the TP
    Pulls the audio from the mic
    Conditions that audio as an SDR
    Computes a prediction via the TP
    Update the visualizations
    Cycle through the multiples of the buffers we're sampling
    Sample audio to store for each frame in buffersize
     Mic voltage-level timeseries is saved as 32-bit binary
    Convert that 32-bit binary into integers, and save to array for the FFT
    for i in range(self.buffersToRecord):
        audioString = self.inStream.read(self.buffersize)
      except IOError:
        print "Overflow error from 'audiostring = inStream.read(buffersize)'. Try decreasing buffersize."
      self.audio[i*self.buffersize:(i + 1)*self.buffersize] = numpy.fromstring(audioString,dtype = "uint32")
    Get int array of strength for each bin of frequencies via fast fourier transform
    Get the indices of the strongest frequencies (the top 'numInput')
    Scale the indices so that the frequencies fit to within numCols
    Pick out the unique indices (we've reduced the mapping, so we likely have multiples)
    Encode those indices into an SDR via the SparsePassThroughEncoder
    Cast the SDR as a float for the TP
    ys = self.fft(self.audio, self.highpass, self.lowpass)
    fs = numpy.sort(ys.argsort()[-self.numInput:])
    rfs = fs.astype(numpy.float32) / (self.lowpass - self.highpass) * self.numCols
    ufs = numpy.unique(rfs)
    actualInt = self.e.encode(ufs)
    actual = actualInt.astype(numpy.float32)
    Pass the SDR to the TP
    Collect the prediction SDR from the TP
    Pass the prediction & actual SDRS to the anomaly calculator & array comparer
    Update the frequency plot
    self.tp.compute(actual, enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput = True)
    predictedInt = self.tp.getPredictedState().max(axis=1)
    compare = self.vis.compareArray(actualInt, predictedInt)
    anomaly = self.vis.calcAnomaly(actualInt, predictedInt)
    print "." . join(compare)
    print self.vis.hashtagAnomaly(anomaly)
    plt.show(block = False)
  def fft(self, audio, highpass, lowpass):
    Fast fourier transform conditioning

    'output' contains the strength of each frequency in the audio signal
    frequencies are marked by its position in 'output':
    frequency = index * rate / buffesize
    output.size = buffersize/2 
    Use numpy's FFT (numpy.fft.fft)
    Find the magnitude of the complex numbers returned (abs value)
    Split the FFT array in half, because we have mirror frequencies
     (they're the complex conjugates)
    Use just the first half to apply the bandpass filter

    Great info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4364823/how-to-get-frequency-from-fft-result
    left,right = numpy.split(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(audio)),2)
    output = left[highpass:lowpass]
    return output 
Example #7
        entropy["entropy"]) + " me = " + str(entropy["metricEntropy"])
    unflattenedInput = exputils.unflattenArray(flatInput, inputWidth)
    if generateOutputMovie:
            unflattenedInput, outputImagePrefix + str(cycle).zfill(5) + ".png")

    spatialPoolerOutput = numpy.zeros(shape=flatInputLength, dtype="int32")
    #print "Spatial Pooler output from input: "
    #print exputils.vectorToString(spatialPoolerOutput)
    #print "\n"

    predictedCells = temporalPooler.getPredictedState()
    predictionVector = exputils.getPredictionVector(predictedCells)
    #print "-" * len(predictionVector)
    #print exputils.vectorToString(predictionVector)

    #print "Transformed flat input: "
    #print exputils.vectorToString(flatInput)
    applyTransform(flatInput, predictionVector)
    #print exputils.vectorToString(flatInput)

if generateOutputMovie:
    exputils.generateMovie(outputImageMask, outputImagePrefix + "movie.gif")
Example #8
    # Send each vector to the TP, with learning turned off
    tp.compute(x[j], enableLearn=False, computeInfOutput=True)

    # This method prints out the active state of each cell followed by the
    # predicted state of each cell. For convenience the cells are grouped
    # 10 at a time. When there are multiple cells per column the printout
    # is arranged so the cells in a column are stacked together
    # What you should notice is that the columns where active state is 1
    # represent the SDR for the current input pattern and the columns where
    # predicted state is 1 represent the SDR for the next expected pattern
    print "\nAll the active and predicted cells:"
    tp.printStates(printPrevious=False, printLearnState=False)

    # tp.getPredictedState() gets the predicted cells.
    # predictedCells[c][i] represents the state of the i'th cell in the c'th
    # column. To see if a column is predicted, we can simply take the OR
    # across all the cells in that column. In numpy we can do this by taking
    # the max along axis 1.
    print "\n\nThe following columns are predicted by the temporal pooler. This"
    print "should correspond to columns in the *next* item in the sequence."
    predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState()
    print formatRow(predictedCells.max(axis=1).nonzero())

# This command prints the segments associated with every single cell. This is
# commented out because it prints a ton of stuff.
Example #9
def main():

    # create Temporal Pooler instance
    tp = TP(numberOfCols=50,           # カラム数
            cellsPerColumn=2,          # 1カラム中のセル数
            initialPerm=0.5,           # initial permanence
            connectedPerm=0.5,         # permanence の閾値
            minThreshold=10,           # 末梢樹状セグメントの閾値の下限?
            newSynapseCount=10,        # ?
            permanenceInc=0.1,         # permanenceの増加
            permanenceDec=0.0,         # permanenceの減少
            activationThreshold=8,     # synapseの発火がこれ以上かを確認している.
            globalDecay=0,             # decrease permanence?
            burnIn=1,                  # Used for evaluating the prediction score
            pamLength=10               # Number of time steps

    # create input vectors to feed to the temporal pooler.
    # Each input vector must be numberOfCols wide.
    # Here we create a simple sequence of 5 vectors
    # representing the sequence A -> B -> C -> D -> E
    x = numpy.zeros((5,tp.numberOfCols), dtype="uint32")
    x[0, 0:10] = 1     # A
    x[1,10:20] = 1     # B
    x[2,20:30] = 1     # C
    x[3,30:40] = 1     # D
    x[4,40:50] = 1     # E

    print x

    # repeat the sequence 10 times
    for i in range(10):
        # Send each letter in the sequence in order
        # A -> B -> C -> D -> E
        print '#### :', i
        for j in range(5):
            tp.compute(x[j], enableLearn = True, computeInfOutput=True)
            tp.printStates(printPrevious = False, printLearnState = False)

        # sequenceの最後を教える. 絶対必要なわけではないが, あった方が学習速い.

    for j in range(5):
        print "\n\n--------","ABCDE"[j],"-----------"
        print "Raw input vector\n",formatRow(x[j])

        # Send each vector to the TP, with learning turned off
        tp.compute(x[j], enableLearn = False, computeInfOutput = True)

        # print predict state
        print "\nAll the active and predicted cells:"
        tp.printStates(printPrevious = False, printLearnState = False)

        # get predict state
        print "\n\nThe following columns are predicted by the temporal pooler. This"
        print "should correspond to columns in the *next* item in the sequence."
        predictedCells = tp.getPredictedState()
        print formatRow(predictedCells.max(axis=1).nonzero())