Example #1
    def test_Ex2_B_and_delta_in_frame_B_to_C_in_frame_E():
        # delta vector from B to C, decomposed in B is given:

        # A custom reference ellipsoid is given (replacing WGS-84):
        wgs72 = FrameE(name='WGS72')

        # Position and orientation of B is given 400m above E:
        n_EB_E = wgs72.Nvector(unit([[1], [2], [3]]), z=-400)

        frame_B = FrameB(n_EB_E, yaw=10, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        p_BC_B = frame_B.Pvector(np.r_[3000, 2000, 100].reshape((-1, 1)))

        p_BC_E = p_BC_B.to_ecef_vector()
        p_EB_E = n_EB_E.to_ecef_vector()
        p_EC_E = p_EB_E + p_BC_E

        pointC = p_EC_E.to_geo_point()

        lat_EC, lon_EC = pointC.latitude_deg, pointC.longitude_deg
        z_EC = pointC.z
        # Here we also assume that the user wants output height (= - depth):
        msg = 'Ex2, Pos C: lat, long = {},{} deg,  height = {} m'
        print(msg.format(lat_EC, lon_EC, -z_EC))

        assert_array_almost_equal(lat_EC, 53.32637826)
        assert_array_almost_equal(lon_EC, 63.46812344)
        assert_array_almost_equal(z_EC, -406.00719607)
Example #2
    def test_compare_B_frames(self):
        E = FrameE(name='WGS84')
        E2 = FrameE(name='WGS72')

        n_EB_E = E.Nvector(unit([[1], [2], [3]]), z=-400)
        B = FrameB(n_EB_E, yaw=10, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        self.assertEqual(B, B)
        self.assertNotEqual(B, E)

        B2 = FrameB(n_EB_E, yaw=1, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        self.assertNotEqual(B, B2)

        B3 = FrameB(n_EB_E, yaw=10, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        self.assertEqual(B, B3)

        n_EC_E = E.Nvector(unit([[1], [2], [2]]), z=-400)
        B4 = FrameB(n_EC_E, yaw=10, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        self.assertNotEqual(B, B4)

        n_ED_E = E2.Nvector(unit([[1], [2], [3]]), z=-400)
        B5 = FrameB(n_ED_E, yaw=10, pitch=20, roll=30, degrees=True)
        self.assertNotEqual(B, B5)