Example #1
def asin(x, err=defaultError):
    asin(x [,err]) returns arc sine of x.
    if x > 1 or x < -1:
        raise ValueError("%s is not in the range [-1, 1]." % str(x))
    if x < 0:
        return -asin(-x)
    if err <= defaultError:
        u = sqrt(rational.Rational(1, 2))
        if x > u:
            return pi(err) / 2 - asin(sqrt(1 - x**2))
        if x == 0:
            return rational.Integer(0)
        y = rational.Rational(x)
        y2 = y**2
        i = 2
        retval = y
        term = rational.Rational(y)
        oldvalue = 0
        while not err.nearlyEqual(retval, oldvalue):
            oldvalue = +retval
            term *= y2 * (i - 1)**2 / (i * (i + 1))
            i += 2
            retval += term
        retval = rational.Rational(math.asin(x))
    return retval
Example #2
def exp(x, err=defaultError):
    Return exponential of x.
    if err <= defaultError:
        reduced = rational.Rational(x)
        if reduced < 0:
            reverse = -1
            reduced = -reduced
            reverse = 1
        i = 0
        while reduced >= 2:
            reduced /= 2
            i += 1
        if reduced == 0:
            retval = rational.Integer(1)
            series = ExponentialPowerSeries(
                itertools.cycle((rational.Integer(1), )))
            retval = series(reduced, err)
        if i > 0:
            retval **= 2**i
        if reverse < 0:
            retval = 1 / retval
        retval = rational.Rational(math.exp(x))
    return retval
Example #3
def atan(x, err=defaultError):
    atan(x [,err]) returns arc tangent of x.
    if not isinstance(err, defaultError.__class__) or err <= defaultError:
        # atan(x) = -atan(-x)
        if x < 0:
            return -atan(-x, err)
        # atan(x) = pi/2 - atan(1/x)
        elif x > 1:
            return pi(err) / 2 - atan(1 / x, err)
        elif x == 1:
            return pi(err) / 4
        elif x == 0:
            return rational.Integer(0)
        y = rational.Rational(x)
        y2 = y**2
        retval = y
        oldvalue = 0
        term = rational.Rational(x)
        i = 1
        while not err.nearlyEqual(retval, oldvalue):
            oldvalue = +retval
            i += 2
            term *= -y2 * (i - 2) / i
            retval += term
        retval = rational.Rational(math.atan(x))
    return retval
Example #4
def frexp(x):
    Return a tuple (m, e) where x = m * 2 ** e, 1/2 <= abs(m) < 1 and
    e is an integer.
    This function is provided as the counter-part of math.frexp, but it
    might not be useful.
    if x == 0:
        return (rational.Rational(0), 0)
    m = rational.Rational(x)
    e = 0
    if x > 0:
        while m >= 1:
            m /= 2
            e += 1
        while m < rational.Rational(1, 2):
            m *= 2
            e -= 1
        while m <= -1:
            m /= 2
            e += 1
        while m > rational.Rational(-1, 2):
            m *= 2
            e -= 1
    return (m, e)
Example #5
 def testSqrt(self):
     # sqrt(2) = [1; 2, 2, ...]
     sqrt2 = cf.RegularContinuedFraction(
         itertools.chain([1], itertools.cycle([2])))
     self.assertEqual(rational.Rational(17, 12), sqrt2.convergent(3))
     self.assertEqual(rational.Rational(41, 29), sqrt2.convergent(4))
     # convergent(smaller than previous call) == convergent(previous call)
     self.assertEqual(rational.Rational(41, 29), sqrt2.convergent(3))
Example #6
 def testWithFloat(self):
     a = imaginary.Complex(8, 1)
     b = rational.Rational(1, 8)
     a_add_b = imaginary.Complex(8 + rational.Rational(1, 8), 1)
     a_mul_b = imaginary.Complex(1, rational.Rational(1, 8))
     assert a_add_b == a + b
     assert a_add_b == b + a
     assert a_mul_b == a * b
     assert a_mul_b == b * a
Example #7
def tranc(x):
    tranc(x) returns the integer; if x is an integer then x itself,
    otherwise the nearest integer to x.  If x has the fraction part
    1/2, then bigger one will be chosen.
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    if rx.denominator == 1:
        return rational.Integer(rx.numerator)
    return floor(x + rational.Rational(1, 2))
Example #8
    def testInit(self):
        self.assertEqual(16, self.a.c4)
        self.assertEqual(-152, self.a.c6)
        self.assertEqual(-11, self.a.disc)
        self.assertEqual(rational.Rational(self.a.c4**3, self.a.disc), self.a.j)

        self.assertEqual(-48, self.b.c4)
        self.assertEqual(0, self.b.c6)
        self.assertEqual(-64, self.b.disc)
        self.assertEqual(rational.Rational(self.b.c4**3, self.b.disc), self.b.j)
Example #9
 def terms(self, x):
     Generator of terms of series with assigned x value.
     if x == 0:
         yield rational.Rational(next(self.iterator))
         i = 0
         r = rational.Rational(1, 1)
         for an in self.iterator:
             yield an * r
             i += 1
             r *= rational.Rational(x, i)
Example #10
 def __call__(self, x, maxerror):
     if self.dirtyflag:
         raise Exception(
             'ExponentialPowerSeries cannot be called more than once')
     self.dirtyflag = True
     value, oldvalue = rational.Rational(0), rational.Rational(0)
     maxDenom = minNumer = 0
     if isinstance(maxerror, RelativeError):
         for t in self.terms(x):
             if not t:
             if not maxDenom:
                 value += t
                 maxDenom = (maxerror.relativeerrorrange.denominator *
             elif value.denominator < maxDenom:
                 value += t
                 if maxerror.nearlyEqual(value, oldvalue):
                 if not minNumer:
                     minNumer = maxerror.relativeerrorrange.numerator * abs(
                     ) // maxerror.relativeerrorrange.denominator
                 approx = t.numerator * value.denominator // t.denominator
                 value.numerator += approx
                 if abs(approx) < minNumer:
             oldvalue = +value
         for t in self.terms(x):
             if not t:
             if not maxDenom:
                 value += t
                 maxDenom = (maxerror.absoluteerrorrange.denominator *
             elif value.denominator < maxDenom:
                 value += t
                 if not minNumer:
                     minNumer = maxerror.absoluteerrorrange.numerator * value.numerator // maxerror.absoluteerrorrange.denominator
                 approx = t.numerator * value.denominator // t.denominator
                 value.numerator += approx
                 if abs(approx) < minNumer:
             oldvalue = +value
     return value
Example #11
def cosh(x, err=defaultError):
    cosh(x [,err]) returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.
    if err <= defaultError:
        series = ExponentialPowerSeries(
        rx = rational.Rational(x)
        if rx == 0:
            return rational.Integer(1)
        return series(rx, err)
        return rational.Rational(math.cosh(x))
Example #12
def pow(x, y, err=defaultError):
    x ** y
    if isinstance(y, int):
        return rational.Rational(x)**y
    return exp(y * log(x, err=err), err)
Example #13
def exp(x, err=defaultError):
    exp(x [,err]) is the exponential function.
        rx = rational.Rational(x)
        if isinstance(err, RelativeError):
            _err = real.RelativeError(0, err.relativeerrorrange)
        elif isinstance(err, AbsoluteError):
            _err = real.AbsoluteError(0, err.absoluteerrorrange)
        return real.exp(rx, _err)
    except TypeError:
    if (defaultError >= err) or isinstance(err, AbsoluteError):
        # divide real part and imaginary part
        if isinstance(err, RelativeError):
            _err = real.RelativeError(0, err.relativeerrorrange, 2)
        elif isinstance(err, AbsoluteError):
            _err = real.AbsoluteError(0, err.absoluteerrorrange, 2)
        radius = real.exp(x.real, _err)
        if isinstance(err, RelativeError):
            _err = RelativeError(err.relativeerrorrange / 2)
        elif isinstance(err, AbsoluteError):
            _err = AbsoluteError(err.absoluteerrorrange / 2)
        arg = expi(x.imag, _err)
        return radius * arg
        return Complex(cmath.exp(complex(x.real,x.imag)))
Example #14
 def testReduce(self):
     F = (multiutil.polynomial(
             (2, 0): rational.Integer(1),
             (1, 2): rational.Integer(2)
         }, rational.theRationalField, 2),
                  (1, 1): rational.Integer(1),
                  (0, 3): rational.Integer(2),
                  (0, 0): rational.Integer(-1)
              }, rational.theRationalField, 2))
     rgb_expected = [
         multiutil.polynomial({(1, 0): rational.Integer(1)},
                              rational.theRationalField, 2),
                 (0, 3): rational.Integer(1),
                 (0, 0): rational.Rational(-1, 2)
             }, rational.theRationalField, 2)
     G_from_F = groebner.normal_strategy(F, self.lex)
     rgb = groebner.reduce_groebner(G_from_F, self.lex)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rgb))
     self.assertEqual(rgb_expected, rgb)
def _algnumber_to_vector(omega, field):
    omega -> vector (w.r.t. theta)
    n = field.degree
    vect = [rational.Rational(omega.coeff[j], omega.denom) for j in range(n)]
    return vector.Vector(vect)
Example #16
def sinh(x, err=defaultError):
    sinh(x [,err]) returns the hyperbolic sine of x.
    if not isinstance(err, defaultError.__class__) or err <= defaultError:
        series = ExponentialPowerSeries(
        rx = rational.Rational(x)
        if rx == 0:
            return rational.Rational(0)
        return series(rx, err)
        return rational.Rational(math.sinh(x))
Example #17
def qpoly(coeffs):
    Return a rational coefficient polynomial constructed from given
    coeffs.  The coeffs is a list of coefficients in ascending order.
    terms = [(i, rational.Rational(c)) for (i, c) in enumerate(coeffs)]
    return uniutil.polynomial(terms, rational.theRationalField)
Example #18
def acos(x, err=defaultError):
    acos(x [,err]) returns arc cosine of x.
    if x > 1 or x < -1:
        raise ValueError("%s is not in the range [-1, 1]." % str(x))
    if x == 0:
        return pi(err) / 2
    if err <= defaultError:
        rx = rational.Rational(x)
        y = sqrt(1 - rx**2)
        if rx > 0:
            return asin(y, err)
            return pi(err) + asin(-y, err)
        return rational.Rational(math.acos(x))
Example #19
def _cosTaylor(x, err=defaultError):
    _cosTaylor(x [,err]) returns the cosine of x by Taylor series.
    It is recomended to use only for 0 <= x <= pi / 4.
    cosSeries = ExponentialPowerSeries(
        itertools.cycle((rational.Integer(1), 0, rational.Integer(-1), 0)))
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    return cosSeries(rx, err)
Example #20
def _sinTaylor(x, err=defaultError):
    _sinTaylor(x [,err]) returns the sine of x by Taylor expansion.
    It is recommended to use only for 0 <= x <= pi / 4.
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    sinSeries = ExponentialPowerSeries(
        itertools.cycle((0, rational.Integer(1), 0, rational.Integer(-1))))
    return sinSeries(rx, err)
Example #21
def floor(x):
    floor(x) returns the integer; if x is an integer then x itself,
    otherwise the biggest integer less than x.
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    if rx.denominator == 1:
        return rational.Integer(rx.numerator)
    return rx.numerator // rx.denominator
Example #22
def ceil(x):
    ceil(x) returns the integer; if x is an integer then x itself,
    otherwise the smallest integer greater than x.
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    if rx.denominator == 1:
        return rational.Integer(rx.numerator)
    return rx.numerator // rx.denominator + 1
Example #23
 def get_rationals(self):
     Return a list of rational list, which is basis divided by
     if self.rational_basis is None:
         self.rational_basis = []
         for base in self.basis:
             self.rational_basis.append([rational.Rational(c, self.denominator) for c in base])
     return self.rational_basis
Example #24
def _convertToRational(x):
    Convert to rational from:
        * int,
        * long, or
        * float.
    A complex object cannot be converted and raise TypeError.
    if isinstance(x, float):
        retval = +rational.Rational(long(math.frexp(x)[0] * 2**53), 2
                                    **(53 - math.frexp(x)[1]))
    elif isinstance(x, (int, long)):
        retval = rational.Integer(x)
    elif isinstance(x, complex):
        raise TypeError, "The real module cannot handle %s. Please use imaginary module." % x
        # fall back
        retval = rational.Rational(x)
    return retval
Example #25
def sqrt(x, err=defaultError):
    sqrt(x [,err]) returns the positive square root of real number x.
    rx = rational.Rational(x)
    if rx.numerator < 0:
        raise ValueError("negative number is passed to sqrt")
    if rx.numerator == 0:
        return rational.Integer(0)
    if err <= defaultError:
        n = rx.denominator * rx.numerator
        rt = rational.Rational(arith1.floorsqrt(n), rx.denominator)
        newrt = (rt + rx / rt) / 2
        while not err.nearlyEqual(rt, newrt):
            rt = newrt
            newrt = (rt + rx / rt) / 2
        newrt = rational.Rational(math.sqrt(x.toFloat()))
    return newrt
Example #26
def piGaussLegendre(err=defaultError):
    piGaussLegendre computes pi by Gauss-Legendre algorithm.
    if isinstance(err, RelativeError):
        _err = err.absoluteerror(3.1415926535897932)
        _err = err
    werr = AbsoluteError(0, _err.absoluteerrorrange**2)
    maxdenom = int(1 / werr.absoluteerrorrange) * 2
    a = rational.Integer(1)
    b = (1 / sqrt(rational.Rational(2), werr)).trim(maxdenom)
    t = rational.Rational(1, 4)
    x = 1
    while not _err.nearlyEqual(a, b):
        a, b, c = (a + b) / 2, sqrt(a * b, werr).trim(maxdenom), (b - a)**2 / 4
        t -= x * c
        x *= 2
    return (a + b)**2 / (t * 4)
Example #27
def sin(x, err=defaultError):
    sin(x [,err]) returns the sine of x.
    if not isinstance(err, defaultError.__class__) or err <= defaultError:
        rx = rational.Rational(x)
        sign = rational.Rational(1)
        # sin(-x) = -sin(x)
        if rx < 0:
            sign = -sign
            rx = -rx
        # sin(x + 2 * pi) = sin(x)
        if rx >= 2 * pi:
            rx -= floor(rx / (pi * 2)) * (pi * 2)
        # sin(x + pi) = -sin(x)
        if rx >= pi:
            rx -= pi
            sign = -sign
        # sin(x) = sin(pi - x)
        if rx > pi / 2:
            rx = pi - rx
        # sin(0) = 0 is a special case which must not be computed with series.
        if rx == 0:
            return rational.Rational(0)
        # sin(x) = cos(pi/2 - x) (pi/2 >= x > 4/pi)
        if rx > pi / 4:
            if rx == pi / 3:
                retval = sqrt(3) / 2
                retval = _cosTaylor(pi / 2 - rx, err)
        elif rx == pi / 4:
            retval = 1 / sqrt(2)
        elif rx == pi / 6:
            retval = rational.Rational(1, 2)
            retval = _sinTaylor(rx, err)
        if retval > 1:
            retval = rational.Integer(1)
        retval *= sign
        retval = rational.Rational(math.sin(x))
    return retval
Example #28
 def valuation(self):
     Return the canonical p-adic valuation.
     If n = ak*p**k + ..., the value is p**(-k).
     If n is zero, the value is also zero.
     if not self:
         return 0
     for i, e in enumerate(self.expansion):
         if e:
             return rational.Rational(1, p**i)
Example #29
def fmod(x, y):
    returns x - n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded
    towards zero to an integer.
    fquot = rational.Rational(x) / y
    if fquot < 0:
        n = -floor(-fquot)
        n = floor(fquot)
    return x - n * y
Example #30
    def get_polynomials(self):
        Return a list of rational polynomials, which is made from basis
        divided by denominator.
        if self.poly_basis is None:
            self.poly_basis = []
            for base in self.basis:
                self.poly_basis.append(_rational_polynomial([rational.Rational(c, self.denominator) for c in base]))

        return self.poly_basis