Example #1
def AR1(constrained=False):
    g = .95
    sn = .3
    y, c, s = [a[0] for a in gen_data([g], sn, N=1)]
    result = constrained_oasisAR1(y, g, sn) if constrained else oasisAR1(y, g, lam=2.4)
    result_foopsi = constrained_foopsi(y, [g], sn) if constrained else foopsi(y, [g], lam=2.4)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[0], result_foopsi[0])[0, 1], 1)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[1], result_foopsi[1])[0, 1], 1)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[0], c)[0, 1], 1, .03)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[1], s)[0, 1], 1, .2)
Example #2
def AR2(constrained=False):
    g = [1.7, -.712]
    sn = .3
    y, c, s = [a[0] for a in gen_data(g, sn, N=1, seed=3)]
    result = constrained_onnlsAR2(y, g, sn) if constrained else onnls(y, g, lam=25)
    result_foopsi = constrained_foopsi(y, g, sn) if constrained else foopsi(y, g, lam=25)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[0], result_foopsi[0])[0, 1], 1, 1e-3)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[1], result_foopsi[1])[0, 1], 1, 1e-2)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[0], c)[0, 1], 1, .03)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result[1], s)[0, 1], 1, .2)
    result2 = constrained_oasisAR2(y, g[0], g[1], sn) if constrained \
        else oasisAR2(y, g[0], g[1], lam=25)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result2[0], c)[0, 1], 1, .03)
    npt.assert_allclose(np.corrcoef(result2[1], s)[0, 1], 1, .2)
Example #3
    '#0072B2', '#009E73', '#D55E00', '#E69F00', '#56B4E9', '#CC79A7',
    '#F0E442', '#999999'
# real data from Chen et al 2013, available at following URL
# https://portal.nersc.gov/project/crcns/download/cai-1/GCaMP6s_9cells_Chen2013/processed_data.tar.gz
filename = "/Users/joe/Downloads/data_20120627_cell2_002.mat"

#### Traces ####

# AR(1)

g = .95
sn = .3
Y, trueC, trueSpikes = gen_data()
N, T = Y.shape
result_oasis = oasisAR1(Y[0], g=g, lam=2.4)
result_foopsi = foopsi(Y[0], g=[g], lam=2.4)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5.5))
fig.add_axes([.038, .57, .96, .42])
plt.plot(result_oasis[0], c=col[0], label='OASIS')
plt.plot(result_foopsi[0], '--', c=col[6], label='CVXPY')
plt.plot(trueC[0], c=col[2], label='Truth', zorder=-5)
plt.plot(Y[0], c=col[7], alpha=.7, zorder=-10, lw=1, label='Data')
plt.legend(frameon=False, ncol=4, loc=(.275, .82))
plt.ylim(Y[0].min(), Y[0].max())
plt.yticks([0, int(Y[0].max())], [0, int(Y[0].max())])
Example #4
"""Script illustrating the autoregressive calcium fluorescence model
for OASIS, an active set method for sparse nonnegative deconvolution
@author: Johannes Friedrich

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from oasis.functions import gen_data
from oasis.plotting import init_fig, simpleaxis

# colors for colorblind from  http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Colors_(ggplot2)/
col = ['#0072B2', '#009E73', '#D55E00']

Y, trueC, trueSpikes = gen_data([1.58, -.6],
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 2.5))
for i, t in enumerate(trueSpikes[0, 20:-1]):
    if t:
        plt.plot([i, i], [0, 1], c=col[2])
plt.plot([trueSpikes[0, -1], trueSpikes[0, -1]], [0, 1],
plt.plot(trueC[0, 20:] / 3., c=col[0], label=r'$c$', zorder=-11)
plt.scatter(range(435), Y[0, 20:] / 3., c=col[1], clip_on=False, label=r'$y$')
plt.legend(loc=(.38, .75), ncol=3)
plt.yticks([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2])
plt.xticks(*[[0, 150, 300]] * 2)
plt.xlim(0, 435)
Example #5
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

import numpy.testing as npt
import xarray.testing as xrt
from sklearn.base import clone

    from neuroglia import calcium
    from oasis.functions import gen_data

    # Test functions perform as expected
    true_b = 2
    y, true_c, true_s = map(np.squeeze, gen_data(N=3, b=true_b, seed=0))
    y = y.T
    TIME = np.arange(0, len(y)/30, 1/30.)
    LBL = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    sin_scale = 5

    # data = y
    DFF = pd.DataFrame(y, TIME, LBL)
    DFF_WITH_DRIFT = DFF.apply(lambda y: y + sin_scale*np.sin(.05*TIME),axis=0)

    calcium_import_failed = False
except ImportError:
    calcium_import_failed = True

Example #6
This is an example of how to infer spike events


# First, we'll generate some fake data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from oasis.functions import gen_data

neuron_ids = ['a', 'b', 'c']
sampling_rate = 30.0

traces, _, spikes = map(np.squeeze, gen_data(N=3, b=2, seed=0))

time = np.arange(0, traces.shape[1] / sampling_rate, 1 / sampling_rate)

traces = pd.DataFrame(traces.T, index=time, columns=neuron_ids)
spikes = pd.DataFrame(spikes.T, index=time, columns=neuron_ids)

# let's plot the data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Now, we'll deconvolve the data
Example #7
            active_set.pop(c + 1)
            len_active_set -= 1
            # update solution back to lag tau
            v, w, f, l = active_set[c]
            solution[max(f, f + l - tau - 1):f + l] = max(v, 0) / \
                w * g**np.arange(max(0, l - tau - 1), l)

    return solution

# correlation with ground truth spike train for OASIS with L1

tauls = [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, np.inf]
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
for j, sn in enumerate([.1, .2, .3]):
    Y, trueC, trueSpikes = gen_data(sn=sn)
    N = len(Y)
    C = np.asarray([
                y, .95, tau=tau,
                lam=(.2 + .25 * np.exp(-tau / 2.)
                     ))  # lam=(.12 / (1 - (.8 if sn == .3 else .7)**(tau + 1))
            for tau in tauls
        ] for y in Y
    S = np.zeros_like(C)
    S[:, :, 1:] = C[:, :, 1:] - .95 * C[:, :, :-1]
    S[S < 0] = 0

    corr = np.array([[np.corrcoef(ss, s[-1])[0, 1] for ss in s] for s in S])