Example #1
def remark_exam(exam, student):
    """Re-mark the exam using the latest marking. """
    qtemplates = Exams.get_qts(exam)
    examtotal = 0.0
    end = Exams.get_mark_time(exam, student)
    for qtemplate in qtemplates:
        question = DB.get_exam_q_by_qt_student(exam, qtemplate, student)
        answers = DB.get_q_guesses_before_time(question, end)
            marks = mark_q(question, answers)
        except OaMarkerError:
            L.warn("Marker Error, question %d while re-marking exam %s for student %s!" % (question, exam, student))
            marks = {}
        parts = [int(var[1:]) for var in marks.keys() if re.search("^A([0-9]+)$", var) > 0]
        total = 0.0
        for part in parts:
            if marks['C%d' % part] == 'Correct':
                marks['C%d' % part] = "<b><font color='darkgreen'>Correct</font></b>"
                mark = float(marks['M%d' % part])
            except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError):
                mark = 0
            total += mark
        DB.update_q_score(question, total)
        #        OaDB.setQuestionStatus(question, 3)    # 3 = marked
        examtotal += total
    Exams.save_score(exam, student, examtotal)
    return examtotal
Example #2
def remark_exam(exam, student):
    """Re-mark the exam using the latest marking. """
    qtemplates = Exams.get_qts(exam)
    examtotal = 0.0
    end = Exams.get_mark_time(exam, student)
    for qtemplate in qtemplates:
        question = DB.get_exam_q_by_qt_student(exam, qtemplate, student)
        answers = DB.get_q_guesses_before_time(question, end)
            marks = mark_q(question, answers)
        except OaMarkerError:
                "Marker Error, question %d while re-marking exam %s for student %s!"
                % (question, exam, student))
            marks = {}
        parts = [
            int(var[1:]) for var in marks.keys()
            if re.search("^A([0-9]+)$", var) > 0
        total = 0.0
        for part in parts:
            if marks['C%d' % part] == 'Correct':
                marks['C%d' %
                      part] = "<b><font color='darkgreen'>Correct</font></b>"
                mark = float(marks['M%d' % part])
            except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError):
                mark = 0
            total += mark
        DB.update_q_score(question, total)
        #        OaDB.setQuestionStatus(question, 3)    # 3 = marked
        examtotal += total
    Exams.save_score(exam, student, examtotal)
    return examtotal
Example #3
def render_own_marked_exam(student, exam):
    """ Return a students instance of the exam, with HTML
        version of the question,
        their answers, and a marking summary.

        returns list of questions/marks
        [  {'pos': position,
            'html': rendered (marked) question,
            'marking': [ 'part': part number,
                         'guess':   student guess,
                         'correct': correct answer,
                         'mark':    (float) mark,
                         'tolerance':  marking tolerance,
                         'comment':   marking comment
           }, ...
    questions = General.get_exam_qs(student, exam)
    firstview, examsubmit = student_exam_duration(student, exam)
    results = []

    if not examsubmit:
        return [{'pos': 1,
                 'html': "In Progress",
                 'marking': {}
                 }, ], False
    examtotal = 0.0
    for question in questions:
        qtemplate = DB.get_q_parent(question)

        answers = DB.get_q_guesses_before_time(question, examsubmit)
        pos = DB.get_qt_exam_pos(exam, qtemplate)
        marks = General.mark_q(question, answers)
        parts = [int(var[1:])
                 for var in marks.keys()
                 if re.search("^A([0-9]+$)", var) > 0]
        marking = []
        for part in parts:
            guess = marks['G%d' % (part,)]

            if guess == "None":
                guess = None
            answer = marks['A%d' % (part,)]
            score = marks['M%d' % (part,)]
            tolerance = marks['T%d' % (part,)]
            comment = marks['C%d' % (part,)]
            examtotal += score
                'part': part,
                'guess': guess,
                'correct': answer,
                'mark': score,
                'tolerance': tolerance,
                'comment': comment

        html = General.render_q_html(question)
            'pos': pos,
            'html': html,
            'marking': marking
    return results, examtotal
Example #4
def render_own_marked_exam(student, exam):
    """ Return a students instance of the exam, with HTML
        version of the question,
        their answers, and a marking summary.

        returns list of questions/marks
        [  {'pos': position,
            'html': rendered (marked) question,
            'marking': [ 'part': part number,
                         'guess':   student guess,
                         'correct': correct answer,
                         'mark':    (float) mark,
                         'tolerance':  marking tolerance,
                         'comment':   marking comment
           }, ...
    questions = General.get_exam_qs(student, exam)
    firstview, examsubmit = student_exam_duration(student, exam)
    results = []

    if not examsubmit:
        return [
                'pos': 1,
                'html': "In Progress",
                'marking': {}
        ], False
    examtotal = 0.0
    for question in questions:
        qtemplate = DB.get_q_parent(question)

        answers = DB.get_q_guesses_before_time(question, examsubmit)
        pos = DB.get_qt_exam_pos(exam, qtemplate)
        marks = General.mark_q(question, answers)
        parts = [
            int(var[1:]) for var in marks.keys()
            if re.search("^A([0-9]+$)", var) > 0
        marking = []
        for part in parts:
            guess = marks['G%d' % (part, )]

            if guess == "None":
                guess = None
            answer = marks['A%d' % (part, )]
            score = marks['M%d' % (part, )]
            tolerance = marks['T%d' % (part, )]
            comment = marks['C%d' % (part, )]
            examtotal += score
                'part': part,
                'guess': guess,
                'correct': answer,
                'mark': score,
                'tolerance': tolerance,
                'comment': comment

        html = General.render_q_html(question)
        results.append({'pos': pos, 'html': html, 'marking': marking})
    return results, examtotal