def play_id(play_id): client = MPDClient() client.connect(app.config['MPD']['host'], app.config['MPD']['port']) client.timeout = None client.idletimeout = None client.playid(play_id) return redirect(url_for('player'))
def main(): """Shows basic usage of the Google Calendar API. Creates a Google Calendar API service object and outputs a list of the next 10 events on the user's calendar. """ if len(sys.argv) < 1: raise(NameError('No user added to path')) credentials = get_credentials(2) http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) service ='calendar', 'v3', http=http) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time print('Getting the upcoming 10 events') eventsResult = calendarId='primary', timeMin=now, maxResults=10, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() events = eventsResult.get('items', []) if not events: print('No upcoming events found.') client = mqtt.Client() client.connect("", 1883, 60) for event in events: start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date')) loc = 'unknown' if 'location' in event: loc = event['location'] client.publish("carai/usr/cal",json.dumps(event)) client.loop(1) #timeout 1 sec print(start, event['summary'],loc)
def run_pi_socket(): # ssh into pi and run socket script host = "raspi2" user = "******" client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy( paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # booz allen messes everything up pt. 200012 client.connect(host, username=user) stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('python')
def mqtt_setup(): global client # Create MQTT client and connect to localhost, i.e. the Raspberry Pi running # this script and the MQTT server. client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect('localhost', 1883, 60) # Connect to the MQTT server and process messages in a background thread. client.loop_start() # Main loop to listen for button presses. printBetter('Script is running, press Ctrl-C to quit...') time.sleep(3)
def player_action(player_action): client = MPDClient() client.connect(app.config['MPD']['host'], app.config['MPD']['port']) client.timeout = None client.idletimeout = None if player_action == 'backward': client.previous() elif player_action == 'forward': elif player_action == 'play': elif player_action == 'pause': client.pause() return redirect(url_for('player'))
def player(): client = MPDClient() client.connect(app.config['MPD']['host'], app.config['MPD']['port']) client.timeout = None client.idletimeout = None splitTemp = client.status()['time'] split = splitTemp.split(':') templateData = { 'variable': (int(split[0]) * 100) / int(split[1]), 'status': client.status(), 'current': client.currentsong(), 'playlist': client.playlistinfo() } return render_template('player.html', **templateData)
# 클라이언트가 서버에게서 CONNACK 응답을 받을 때 호출되는 콜백 def on_connect(client, userdata, rc): print("Connected with result coe " + str(rc)) client.subscribe("Entity/SHM/Node/353041080754218/Device/Status") # 서버에게서 PUBLISH 메시지를 받을 때 호출되는 콜백 def on_message(client, userdata, msg): now_time = str( print("Time: ", now_time) print("Topic: ", msg.topic) mqtt_data = str(msg.payload) split_topic = str(msg.topic).split('/') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) client = mqtt.Client() # MQTT Client 오브젝트 생성 print("Test Step 01") client.enable_logger(logger) print("Test Step 02") client.on_connect = on_connect # on_connect callback 설정 print("Test Step 03") client.on_message = on_message # on_message callback 설정 print("Test Step 04") client.connect(broker.strip()) # MQTT 서버에 연결 print("Test Step 05") client.subscribe(mqtt_topic.strip()) client.loop_forever()
def __init__(self): self.POOL_TIME = 40 self.INACTIVE_LIMIT = 60 self.TIME_FORMAT = "%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S" self.INACTIVE = -1 self.INIT = 0 self.DEFAULT_TEMP = 25 cur_dir = os.path.abspath(__file__) cur_dir = os.path.dirname(cur_dir) with open(f'{cur_dir}/config.yml') as conf: config = yaml.safe_load(conf) # Load config from test_server username = config['IO_USERNAME'] key = config['IO_KEY'] pump = config['feed']['output'] sensor = config['feed']['input']['sensor'] tempHumid = config['feed']['input']['tempHumid'] # Load config from real servers bbc = config['realServer'] bbc_username = bbc['USERNAME'] bbc_key = bbc['KEY'] pump_bbc = bbc['relay'] sensor_bbc = bbc['soil'] tempHumid_bbc = bbc['dht'] self.logApp = LogApp() self.predictor = PredictionModel() # Test server self.client = {username: MQTTClient(username, key)} # Real servers self.client.update({ bbc_username[i]: MQTTClient(bbc_username[i], bbc_key[i]) for i in range(len(bbc_key)) }) sensors = self.logApp.getSensors() self.pump = {key: {'owner': username, 'value': None} for key in pump} self.pump.update({ pump_bbc['feedId']: { 'owner': pump_bbc['IO_OWNER'], 'value': None } }) self.sensor = { key: { 'owner': username, 'value': None, 'sysID': sensors['soilMoisture'][key]['sysID'], 'rcvTime': self.INACTIVE } for key in sensor } self.sensor.update({ sensor_bbc['feedId']: { 'owner': sensor_bbc['IO_OWNER'], 'value': None, 'sysID': sensors['soilMoisture'][sensor_bbc['feedId']]['sysID'], 'rcvTime': self.INACTIVE } }) self.tempHumid = { key: { 'owner': username, 'temp': None, 'humid': None, 'sysID': sensors['dht'][key]['sysID'], 'rcvTime': self.INACTIVE } for key in tempHumid } self.tempHumid.update({ tempHumid_bbc['feedId']: { 'owner': tempHumid_bbc['IO_OWNER'], 'temp': None, 'humid': None, 'sysID': sensors['dht'][tempHumid_bbc['feedId']]['sysID'], 'rcvTime': self.INACTIVE } }) self.writeHistory_loop = Thread(target=self.writeSensorHistory) self.writeHistory_loop.daemon = True self.autoStop_loop = Thread(target=self.autoStop) self.autoStop_loop.daemon = True self.wateringHistory = {key: None for key in self.pump} self.sensorSendingCheck = True def writeWateringHistory(pump_id, waterLevel): # Get time timestamp = int( # time_only = timestamp.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # timestamp = timestamp.strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT) # Get sensor value status = self.logApp.getPumpStatus(pump_id) auto = status['auto'] moisture = self.sensor[status['soilMoistureID']]['value'] humid = self.tempHumid['dht0001']['humid'] temp = self.tempHumid['dht0001']['temp'] if waterLevel == '1' and self.wateringHistory[pump_id] is None: # Create new record for pump_id self.wateringHistory[pump_id] = { 'autoStart': auto, 'autoEnd': None, 'startTime': timestamp, 'endTime': None, 'moistureStart': moisture, 'moistureEnd': None, 'humidityStart': humid, 'humidityEnd': None, 'temperatureStart': temp, 'temperatureEnd': None } if waterLevel == '0' and self.wateringHistory[pump_id] is not None: # Update record for pump_id self.wateringHistory[pump_id]['autoEnd'] = auto self.wateringHistory[pump_id]['endTime'] = timestamp self.wateringHistory[pump_id]['moistureEnd'] = moisture self.wateringHistory[pump_id]['humidityEnd'] = humid self.wateringHistory[pump_id]['temperatureEnd'] = temp # Write this record to firebase self.logApp.writeWateringHistory(pump_id, self.wateringHistory[pump_id], timestamp) # Set record of this pump_id to None self.wateringHistory[pump_id] = None def connected(client): for feed_id in self.sensor: if client._username == self.sensor[feed_id]['owner']: client.subscribe(feed_id=feed_id, feed_user=self.sensor[feed_id]['owner']) client.receive(feed_id) for feed_id in self.tempHumid: if client._username == self.tempHumid[feed_id]['owner']: client.subscribe( feed_id=feed_id, feed_user=self.tempHumid[feed_id]['owner']) client.receive(feed_id) for feed_id in self.pump: if client._username == self.pump[feed_id]['owner']: client.subscribe(feed_id=feed_id) client.receive(feed_id) #self.pumpHistory = {key: {autoEnd:None, autoStart: None, ...} for key in pump} def message(client, feed_id, payload): payload = json.loads(payload) value = payload['data'] Printout.i( 'new value', 'Feed {0} received new value: {1}'.format(feed_id, value)) if (feed_id in self.pump): self.pump[feed_id]['value'] = value self.logApp.changePumpStatus(feed_id, value) writeWateringHistory(feed_id, value) elif (feed_id in self.sensor): self.sensor[feed_id]['value'] = value self.sensor[feed_id]['rcvTime'] = time.time() self.logApp.changeSoilMoisute(feed_id, value) self.changeWaterlevel(feed_id) # Predict if counter >= # 1 + (number of active dht that has the same sysID as this sensor) # n_dht = len(self.getActiveTempHumidSensor(feed_id)) # if self.sensor[feed_id]['counter'] >= 1 + n_dht: # self.changeWaterlevel(feed_id) # self.sensor[feed_id]['counter'] = 0 # self.sensorSendingCheck = True elif (feed_id in self.tempHumid): value = value.split('-') self.tempHumid[feed_id]['temp'] = value[0] self.tempHumid[feed_id]['humid'] = value[1] self.tempHumid[feed_id]['rcvTime'] = time.time() self.logApp.changeTempHumid(feed_id, value[0], value[1]) # Predict for sensor that has counter >= # 1 + (number of active dht that has the same sysID as this sensor) # n_dht = len(self.getActiveTempHumidSensor(feed_id, is_soil=False)) # for sensor_id in self.getActiveSoilSensor(feed_id): # self.sensor[sensor_id]['counter'] += 1 # if(self.sensor[sensor_id]['counter'] >= 1 + n_dht): # self.changeWaterlevel(sensor_id) # self.sensor[sensor_id]['counter'] = 0 # self.sensorSendingCheck = True def disconnected(client): Printout.i('client', 'Disconnected from Adafruit IO') sys.exit(1) def subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): # This method is called when the client subscribes to a new feed. Printout.i('client', 'Subscribe to pumps and sensors') for client in self.client.values(): client.on_connect = connected client.on_message = message client.on_disconnect = disconnected client.on_subscribe = subscribe client.connect() self.writeHistory_loop.start() self.autoStop_loop.start() for client in self.client.values(): client.loop_background()