def monthly_ss_recorder(client): print 'Writing to "Metrics > ' + gsw['1'] + '" spreadsheet...' sheet_file = client.open_by_url(gspr['SPREADSHEETURL']) ws2 = sheet_file.worksheet(gsw['1']) start_row = ws2.find("Direct").row column = len(ws2.row_values(start_row)) + 1 ws2.update_cell(start_row, column, total_direct) ws2.update_cell(start_row + 1, column, total_referral) ws2.update_cell(start_row + 2, column, total_organic) ws2.update_cell(start_row + 3, column, total_social) ws2.update_cell(start_row + 4, column, total_other) ws2.update_cell(start_row + 5, column, total_monthly) print 'Moving to "Metrics > ' + gsw['2'] + '" ...' print 'Writing to "Metrics > ' + gsw['2'] + '" spreadsheet...' ws3 = sheet_file.worksheet(gsw['2']) date_row = ws3.find("Date").row date_column = len(ws3.row_values(date_row)) + 1 ws3.update_cell(date_row, date_column, tw_row = ws3.find("Twitter followers").row tw_column = len(ws3.row_values(tw_row)) + 1 ws3.update_cell(tw_row, tw_column, twitter_followers_count) gh_row = ws3.find("Github stargazers").row gh_column = len(ws3.row_values(gh_row)) + 1 ws3.update_cell(gh_row, gh_column, stargazers) ws3.update_cell(gh_row + 1, gh_column, forks) al_row = ws3.find("Alexa rank").row al_column = len(ws3.row_values(al_row)) + 1 ws3.update_cell(al_row, al_column, rank) kl_row = ws3.find("Klout Score (login with twitter)").row kl_column = len(ws3.row_values(kl_row)) + 1 ws3.update_cell(kl_row, kl_column, score) print 'Finished'
def weekly_ss_recorder(client): print 'Writing to "Metrics > ' + gsw['3'] + '" spreadsheet...' sheet_file = client.open_by_url(gspr['SPREADSHEETURL']) ws = sheet_file.worksheet(gsw['3']) row = ws.find("Date").row row_values = ws.row_values(row) column = len(row_values) + 1 today = ws.update_cell(row, column, today) ws.update_cell(row + 1, column, weekly_sessions) ws.update_cell(row + 2, column, mp_signups) ws.update_cell(row + 3, column, mp_members) ws.update_cell(row + 4, column, mp_features) print 'Finished'
def main(): """Shows basic usage of the Google Calendar API. Prints the start and name of the next 10 events on the user's calendar. """ # The file token.json stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first # time. scope = [''] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('sync/client_secret.json', scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) sheet = client.open_by_url( "").get_worksheet( 0) name = 'you' nominee = 'nominee_name' relation = 'relation' from oauth2client import file, client, tools store = file.Storage('sync/token.json') creds = store.get() if not creds or creds.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) """page_token = None while True: calendar_list = service.calendarList().list(pageToken=page_token).execute() for calendar_list_entry in calendar_list['items']: print(calendar_list_entry.items()) print() print() page_token = calendar_list.get('nextPageToken') if not page_token: break """ ##############################################Start from here############################################# calendarId_record = '*****@*****.**' calendarId_surgeries='*****@*****.**' calendarId_important = '*****@*****.**' service = build('calendar', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http())) page_token = None ids=sheet.col_values(21) row=sheet.row_values(6) row_to_update = len(ids)+1 for calendarId in [calendarId_record, calendarId_surgeries, calendarId_important ]: eventss =, pageToken=page_token).execute() for key, value in eventss.items(): try: for key, value in value.items(): print(key,value) print() events_u=events['description'],events['htmlLink'] except: pass for event in eventss['items']: if event['id'] not in ids: row_to_update = row_to_update +1 time.sleep(1) if calendarId==calendarId_surgeries: sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 16, 'no') sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 19, 'Democalender') if calendarId==calendarId_important: sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 16, 'no') sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 19, 'Important') if calendarId==calendarId_record: sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 16, 'yes') sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 19, 'Records') sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 21, event['id']) time.sleep(1) date_s = str(event['start']) ab=str(date_s[14:24]) bc= str(date_s[26:39]) try: loct = str(event['location']) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 10, loct) print(loct) except: pass sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 16, str(event['reminders']["overrides"][0]["method"])) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 11, ab) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 13, bc) date_e = str(event['end']) print (date_e) de=str(date_s[14:24]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 12, de) ef= str(date_s[26:39]) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 14, ef) des = str(event['description']).split("\n") print("Updating", event["id"]) a= str(des[1]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,1, a[10:]) b= str(des[2]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,2, b[8:]) time.sleep(1) c= str(des[3]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,3, c[9:]) d= str(des[4]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,4, d[5:]) e= str(des[5]) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,6, e[24:]) f= str(des[6]) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update,7, f[12:]) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(row_to_update, 20, event['htmlLink']) else: print("already Updating", event["id"])
def main(): """Shows basic usage of the Google Calendar API. Prints the start and name of the next 10 events on the user's calendar. """ # The file token.json stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first # time. scope = [''] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'sync/client_secret.json', scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) sheet = client.open_by_url( "" ).get_worksheet(0) name = 'you' nominee = 'nominee_name' relation = 'relation' r = 0 from oauth2client import file, client, tools store = file.Storage('sync/token.json') creds = store.get() if not creds or creds.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) service = build('calendar', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http())) page_token = None while True: calendar_list = service.calendarList().list( pageToken=page_token).execute() for calendar_list_entry in calendar_list['items']: print(calendar_list_entry.items()) print() print() page_token = calendar_list.get('nextPageToken') if not page_token: break # Call the Calendar API now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat( ) + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time print('Getting the upcoming 10 events') for j in range(6, len(sheet.col_values(2)) + 1): colorid = 1 if str(sheet.row_values(j)[17]) == "Green": colorid = 3 if str(sheet.row_values(j)[17]) == "Blue": colorid = 1 if str(sheet.row_values(j)[17]) == "Red": colorid = 4 if str(sheet.row_values(j)[17]) == "Orange": colorid = 6 if str(sheet.row_values(j)[17]) == "Black": colorid = 8 print(j) print(str(sheet.row_values(j)[15])) print(str(sheet.row_values(j)[18])) event1 = { 'summary': 'summary', "colorId": colorid, 'location': sheet.row_values(j)[9], 'description': "Note:" + sheet.row_values(j)[8] + " \nProcedure:" + sheet.row_values(j)[0] + " \nSurgery:" + sheet.row_values(j)[1] + " \n Patient:" + sheet.row_values(j)[2] + " \n DOB:" + sheet.row_values(j)[3] + "\n medical record number : " + sheet.row_values(j)[4] + "\n consultant:" + sheet.row_values(j)[5] + "\n residents", 'start': { 'dateTime': str(sheet.row_values(j)[10]) + 'T' + str( str(sheet.row_values(2)[12]) + ":00-" + str(sheet.row_values(2)[13])), 'timeZone': 'Asia/Riyadh', }, 'end': { 'dateTime': str(sheet.row_values(j)[11]) + 'T' + str( str(sheet.row_values(2)[12]) + ":00-" + str(sheet.row_values(2)[13])), 'timeZone': 'Asia/Riyadh', }, 'recurrence': ['RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=2'], 'attendees': [ { 'email': "*****@*****.**" }, ], 'reminders': { 'useDefault': False, 'overrides': [ { 'method': 'popup', 'minutes': 24 * 60 }, { 'method': 'popup', 'minutes': 10 }, ], }, } calendarId_record = '*****@*****.**' calendarId_surgeries = '*****@*****.**' calendarId_important = '*****@*****.**' if str(sheet.row_values(j)[15]) == "yes" and str( sheet.row_values(j)[18]) != "Cancelledcallender": time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(j, 20, "-") sheet.update_cell(j, 21, "-") event_s = calendarId= '*****@*****.**', body=event1).execute() event_id = event_s.get('id') time.sleep(1), eventId=event_id).execute() event = calendarId= '*****@*****.**', body=event1).execute() print('Event created: %s' % (event.get('htmlLink'))) event_id = print(event.get('id')) sheet.update_cell(j, 19, "Cancelledcallender") sheet.update_cell(j, 20, event.get('htmlLink')) sheet.update_cell(j, 21, event.get('id')) time.sleep(1) if str(sheet.row_values(j)[18]) == "Important": updated_event = calendarId=calendarId_important, eventId='eventId', destination=calendarId_record.execute()) if str(sheet.row_values(j)[18]) == "Democalender": updated_event = calendarId=calendarId_surgeries, eventId='eventId', destination=calendarId_record.execute()) elif str(sheet.row_values(j)[15]) == "no" and str( sheet.row_values(j)[18]) == "Important": event =, body=event1).execute() print('Event created: %s' % (event.get('htmlLink'))) event_id = print(event.get('id')) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(j, 20, event.get('htmlLink')) sheet.update_cell(j, 21, event.get('id')) # Print the updated date. elif str(sheet.row_values(j)[15]) == "no" and str( sheet.row_values(j)[18]) == "Democalender": event =, body=event1).execute() print('Event created: %s' % (event.get('htmlLink'))) event_id = print(event.get('id')) time.sleep(1) sheet.update_cell(j, 20, event.get('htmlLink')) sheet.update_cell(j, 21, event.get('id')) # Print the updated date. else: print("What is wrongs")