def test_register_client(self): user = User(username='******') user.set_password('12345') scope1 = Scope(identifier='scope1') cl = register_client('client1_title', 'client1', '', user) self.assertEqual(cl.identifier, 'client1') self.assertEqual(cl.title, 'client1_title') self.assertEqual(cl.user, user) uris = cl.redirection_uris.all() self.assertEqual(len(uris), 1) self.assertEqual(uris[0].uri, '') self.assertRaises(OauthostException, register_client, 'client2_title', 'client2', '', user, scopes_list=[scope1, 'scope2'], register_unknown_scopes=False) cl = register_client('client2_title', 'client2', '', user, scopes_list=[scope1, 'scope2'], token_lifetime=300, public=False, client_params={'description': 'client2_decr'}) self.assertEqual(cl.identifier, 'client2') self.assertEqual(cl.title, 'client2_title') self.assertEqual(cl.token_lifetime, 300) self.assertEqual(cl.user, user) self.assertEqual(cl.description, 'client2_decr') self.assertNotEqual(cl.type, Client.TYPE_PUBLIC) self.assertEqual(len(cl.scopes.all()), 2) uris = cl.redirection_uris.all() self.assertEqual(len(uris), 1) self.assertEqual(uris[0].uri, '')
def handle(self, *args, **options): if not len(args): raise CommandError('This command accepts space delimited list of application names.') if not set(args).issubset(settings.INSTALLED_APPS): raise CommandError('One or more application names issued to the command are not in INSTALLED_APPS.') for app_name in args: decorated_views_count = 0 self.stdout.write('Working on "%s" application ...\n' % app_name) try: app_views = __import__('%s.views' % app_name) except ImportError: raise CommandError('No found in the application.') app_views_substr = path.join('oauthost', '') for func_name in dir(app_views.views): if '__' not in func_name: func = getattr(app_views.views, func_name) # That's how we find decorated views. if func_name != 'oauth_required' and app_views_substr in getfile(func): decorated_views_count += 1 # TODO That would be nice to have here a value of `scope` parameter of @oauth_required if it set. # That is, of course, if only we can trace it up at a low cost. scope_name = '%(app_name)s:%(view_name)s' % {'app_name': app_name, 'view_name': func_name} self.stdout.write(' Found "%s" view. Syncing "%s" scope ... ' % (func_name, scope_name)) # A try to give our scope a pretty name. scope_title = '%s %s' % (app_name.capitalize(), ' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in func_name.split('_')])) scope = Scope(identifier=scope_name, title=scope_title) try: except IntegrityError: self.stdout.write('WARNING: Scope skipped as already exists\n') else: self.stdout.write('Done\n') if not decorated_views_count: self.stdout.write('NOTE: No views decorated with "@oauth_required" are found in the application.\n') self.stdout.write('\n')
def test_register_client(self, user): scope1 = Scope(identifier='scope1') cl = register_client('client1_title', 'client1', '', user) assert cl.identifier == 'client1' assert cl.title == 'client1_title' assert cl.user == user uris = cl.redirection_uris.all() assert len(uris) == 1 assert uris[0].uri == '' with pytest.raises(OauthostException): register_client( 'client2_title', 'client2', '', user, scopes_list=[scope1, 'scope2'], register_unknown_scopes=False) cl = register_client( 'client2_title', 'client2', '', user, scopes_list=[scope1, 'scope2'], token_lifetime=300, public=False, client_params={'description': 'client2_decr'}) assert cl.identifier == 'client2' assert cl.title == 'client2_title' assert cl.token_lifetime == 300 assert cl.user == user assert cl.description == 'client2_decr' assert cl.type != Client.TYPE_PUBLIC assert len(cl.scopes.all()) == 2 uris = cl.redirection_uris.all() assert len(uris) == 1 assert uris[0].uri == ''
def test_scope(self, settings, client, user): settings.DEBUG = True username = user.username password = '******' client_1 = Client(user=user, title='OClient1', identifier='OClient', password='******') # Scope is missing. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') assert resp.status_code == 400 assert resp.content_json['error'] == 'invalid_scope' # No scope supported by server. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': 'my scope'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') assert resp.status_code == 400 assert resp.content_json['error'] == 'invalid_scope' scope1 = Scope(identifier='scope1') scope2 = Scope(identifier='scope2') scope3 = Scope(identifier='scope3', status=Scope.STATUS_DISABLED) client_2 = Client(user=user, title='OClien2', identifier='OClient2', password='******') client_2.scopes.add(scope2) # Unsupported (or disabled) client scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': 'scope1 scope2'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDI6Y2wwMTIzNDU=') assert resp.status_code == 400 assert resp.content_json['error'] == 'invalid_scope' # Unsupported (or disabled) server scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': 'scope1 scope3'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') assert resp.status_code == 400 assert resp.content_json['error'] == 'invalid_scope' # Unsupported scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': username, 'password': password, 'scope': 'scope1'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') assert resp.status_code == 200 assert 'access_token' in resp.content_json assert 'refresh_token' in resp.content_json assert 'token_type' in resp.content_json assert resp.content_json['scope'] == 'scope1'
def handle(self, *args, **options): if not len(args): raise CommandError( 'This command accepts space delimited list of application names.' ) if not set(args).issubset(settings.INSTALLED_APPS): raise CommandError( 'One or more application names issued to the command are not in INSTALLED_APPS.' ) for app_name in args: decorated_views_count = 0 self.stdout.write('Working on "%s" application ...\n' % app_name) try: app_views = __import__('%s.views' % app_name) except ImportError: raise CommandError('No found in the application.') app_views_substr = path.join('oauthost', '') for func_name in dir(app_views.views): if '__' not in func_name: func = getattr(app_views.views, func_name) # That's how we find decorated views. if func_name != 'oauth_required' and app_views_substr in getfile( func): decorated_views_count += 1 # TODO That would be nice to have here a value of `scope` parameter of @oauth_required if it set. # That is, of course, if only we can trace it up at a low cost. scope_name = '%(app_name)s:%(view_name)s' % { 'app_name': app_name, 'view_name': func_name } self.stdout.write( ' Found "%s" view. Syncing "%s" scope ... ' % (func_name, scope_name)) # A try to give our scope a pretty name. scope_title = '%s %s' % ( app_name.capitalize(), ' '.join([ word.capitalize() for word in func_name.split('_') ])) scope = Scope(identifier=scope_name, title=scope_title) try: except IntegrityError: self.stdout.write( 'WARNING: Scope skipped as already exists\n') else: self.stdout.write('Done\n') if not decorated_views_count: self.stdout.write( 'NOTE: No views decorated with "@oauth_required" are found in the application.\n' ) self.stdout.write('\n')
def test_scope(self): settings.DEBUG = True user_1 = User(username='******') user_1.set_password('12345') client_1 = Client(user=user_1, title='OClient1', identifier='OClient', password='******') # Scope is missing. resp =, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '******', 'password': '******'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content_json['error'], 'invalid_scope') # No scope supported by server. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'scope': 'my scope'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content_json['error'], 'invalid_scope') scope1 = Scope(identifier='scope1') scope2 = Scope(identifier='scope2') scope3 = Scope(identifier='scope3', status=Scope.STATUS_DISABLED) client_2 = Client(user=user_1, title='OClien2', identifier='OClient2', password='******') client_2.scopes.add(scope2) # Unsupported (or disabled) client scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'scope': 'scope1 scope2'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDI6Y2wwMTIzNDU=') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content_json['error'], 'invalid_scope') # Unsupported (or disabled) server scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'scope': 'scope1 scope3'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 400) self.assertEqual(resp.content_json['error'], 'invalid_scope') # Unsupported scope request. resp = URL_TOKEN, {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'scope': 'scope1'}, Authorization='Basic T0NsaWVudDpjbDAxMjM0NQ==') # print('****' * 20) # print(resp.content_json['error_description']) # print('****' * 20) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue('access_token' in resp.content_json) self.assertTrue('refresh_token' in resp.content_json) self.assertTrue('token_type' in resp.content_json) self.assertEqual(resp.content_json['scope'], 'scope1')